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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. <&marcovfefe> hmm 1/3 of the people I need are here
  2. <%Dadarian> I know you need me
  3. <%keldonia> so etranger?
  4. <&marcovfefe> yes
  5. <gorgan> babs and cloud i'm guessing are the other two
  6. <&marcovfefe> there mini up
  7. Quit: marcovfefe [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  8. Join: marcovfefe [3BA9B68D.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  9. Mode: [+oa marcovfefe marcovfefe] by ChanServ
  10. <gorgan> oh wow
  11. <Rolman> rip germany
  12. <&marcovfefe> Cloud really should have asked about the state of his country before attacking
  13. <&marcovfefe> Good job China
  14. <&marcovfefe> You killed Germany
  15. Join: Cloud_Strife []
  16. <gorgan> hello cloud
  17. <Rolman> it was an honor mark
  18. <%Dadarian> fucking vive
  19. <Fingon888> Vive la France
  20. <Fingon888> Vive l'Empereur
  21. <Cloud_Strife> Having discharged out obligations to Germany, Austria must see to its own defense.
  22. <%keldonia> that was an update
  23. <&marcovfefe> I should also mention
  24. <&marcovfefe> The central European economy crashed
  25. <%keldonia> would be expected
  26. <&marcovfefe> I have Germany at -4% growth right now
  27. <&marcovfefe> Pop growth is negative too
  28. <%Dadarian> ahahahahaha
  29. <gorgan> well who wants soda
  30. <%keldonia> man war is bad
  31. <%Dadarian> marcovfefe, giv us your Germans!
  32. <&marcovfefe> Austria is at -3%
  33. <&marcovfefe> But that's just because of the Empire wide railway strike, really
  34. Join: Shebedaone [682C64C9.475A2158.512B37DF.IP]
  35. <%keldonia> heh
  36. <%keldonia> So german republic
  37. <%keldonia> and whatever deal austria cuts?
  38. <Arrow> wow
  39. <Arrow> fucking frogs
  40. <Shebedaone> guten morgen
  41. <Arrow> why couldn't we have a half-decent German/Prussian player at some point in the game
  42. <Cloud_Strife> Time for concessions to end the strikes, murderize rebel Poles, and dig in for the inevitable French invasion.
  43. <&marcovfefe> The Hungarians are paying the railway workers 300% normal salary
  44. <%keldonia> at least CS is mostly mountains facing poland
  45. <%keldonia> and france
  46. <%Dadarian> oh my lanta
  47. <&marcovfefe> 7 hour workday, too
  48. <gorgan> austerlitz II when
  49. <@etranger01> As it turns out I did fine
  50. Join: Korona [EE2BF0AB.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  51. Topic changed by marcovfefe to: Rule #1: The GM is always right. Rule #2: See Rule #1. | WiR Year: 1870-75 (due check the thread), 1793 (due 24 AUG) | £1 = $6.48 USD [1875] | £1 1875 =  75.6 statbucks | Netherlands open | Frankfurt Parliament (German Republic) own
  52. Topic changed by marcovfefe to: Rule #1: The GM is always right. Rule #2: See Rule #1. | WiR Year: 1870-75 (due check the thread), 1793 (due 24 AUG) | £1 = $6.48 USD [1875] | £1 1875 =  75.6 statbucks | Netherlands open | Frankfurt Parliament (German Republic) open
  53. Quit: Naxhi24 [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  54. <Arrow> seems kind of out of character for Wilhelm to be so stubborn against surrender
  55. Quit: Shebedaone [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  56. <Arrow> "Contrary to the domineering Bismarck, William was described as polite, gentlemanly and, while a staunch conservative, more open to certain classical liberal ideas than his grandson Wilhelm II."
  57. Join: Naxhi24 []
  58. <&marcovfefe> It Is!
  59. Join: Shebedaone [682C64C9.475A2158.512B37DF.IP]
  60. <gorgan> hmm german republic is tempting
  61. <&marcovfefe> No
  62. <gorgan> but I think i'll stick with Belgium
  63. <&marcovfefe> Smart move
  64. <gorgan> QQ
  65. <Arrow> so is it just the German parts of Austria that are getting uppity?
  66. <Arrow> well, and the Poles
  67. <Naxhi24> I want to ask for the German Republic, but I dont think I would get it...
  68. <&marcovfefe> The German parts of Austria are very upset that the Kaiser went to war over this
  69. <Rolman> im very happy qing'ing and marvelling at what i've done to world history thank you very much
  70. <&marcovfefe> Hungarians are running around as Buda's government offices rapidly try to find money to pay railway workers
  71. <Arrow> what are the Czechs doing?
  72. <&marcovfefe> Waiting
  73. Quit: Shebedaone [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  74. <gorgan> ominous
  75. <Arrow> very
  76. <Aedan> Don't take too much credit Rolman, if Baboush had a lick of patience and a compromising bone in his body, things wouldn't be nearly as bad
  77. <Arrow> ^
  78. <%keldonia> yeah
  79. <Fingon888> Oh mark
  80. <@etranger01> Moral of the story: Don't try to hold your finances for ransom, kids
  81. <Fingon888> Looks like my Emperor historically died in 1866
  82. <Arrow> so is the New World gonna get tons of German immigrants?
  83. <Fingon888> I'll have him die over the skip if that's alright
  84. <&marcovfefe> Works fine for me
  85. <Rolman> im well aware aedan
  86. <&marcovfefe> British healthcare is great
  87. <Fingon888> Indeed, looks like liver disease took him out
  88. Quit: gorgan [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  89. <Fingon888> Fuck my new Emperor will be 7 in 1870
  90. <&marcovfefe> A wonderful regency
  91. <Rolman> My Emperor will be dying of smallpox in 1875 at age 18
  92. <&marcovfefe> $10 The regent will be a cival servant from London
  93. <Rolman> if things go like otl a progressive will come in
  94. <Rolman> ole Guangxu
  95. <Naxhi24> fek
  96. <Naxhi24> #GoT
  97. <@etranger01> I was discussing how the new Emperor will be a child on a throne with a British man behind the throne puppeting the Emperor's little baby arms and talking in a fake Mexican accent
  98. Join: gorgan [EE2BF0AB.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  99. <Arrow> is the Hannover Republic aligned with the Frankfurt Parliament?
  100. <&marcovfefe> Yes
  101. <&marcovfefe> The SPD, all republics, and all revolutionaries (Except the Ruhr communists and the polish who own Posen) are for the Frankfurt Parliament
  102. <Fingon888> Mark, will you be looking for players for the Frankfurt Parliament?
  103. <&marcovfefe> Player, singular
  104. <Fingon888> Well yes of course
  105. Quit: gorgan [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  106. <Fingon888> I'm certainly interested in it, by the way. I'll kick up that IC pace too
  107. <&marcovfefe> Noted
  108. <Fingon888> Cool
  109. Quit: marcovfefe [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  110. Join: gorgan [EE2BF0AB.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  111. Join: marcovfefe [3BA9B68D.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  112. <Naxhi24> Mark: I am also interested in the Frankfurt Parliament
  113. <Cloud_Strife> One request, whoever is the new German Republic, can you not have an itchy trigger finger?
  114. <marcovfefe> Noted
  115. Mode: [+oa marcovfefe marcovfefe] by ChanServ
  116. <Rolman> can anybody off the top of their head tell me when jacob took care of the Kokandi in Central Asia
  117. <Rolman> is relevant to an ic I'm writing
  118. <@etranger01> It was pretty recent
  119. <gorgan> i think it was two turns ago
  120. <Aedan> Two turns ago I think, 1868
  121. <Rolman> ok good
  122. <Rolman> doesn't fuck with the narrative then
  123. <&marcovfefe> Until the Mongols come
  124. Topic changed by marcovfefe to: Rule #1: The GM is always right. Rule #2: See Rule #1. | WiR Year: 1870-75 (due check the thread), 1793 (due 24 AUG) | £1 = $6.48 USD [1875] | £1 1875 =  75.6 statbucks | Netherlands open | Frankfurt Parliament (German Republic) open | no new mini, get orders in
  125. Quit: marcovfefe [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  126. <Rolman> betcha guys didn't know that most of W and SW China is locked in a mad max-esque race war fought with swords and spears rn did you
  127. <gorgan> IC up
  128. <@etranger01> I know I'm going to have to send troops to murder the shit out of the Guangxu Army in a few years
  129. <@etranger01> Because southwest China tries to invade Vietnam by itself
  130. <Rolman> Literal bandit armies tend to do that, sry
  131. <gorgan> what are we officially calling the current war between germany and france?
  132. <@etranger01> It's the Franco-German War
  133. <Rolman> Franco-German War
  134. <@etranger01> pt. II, Electric Boogaloo
  135. <gorgan> so first is franco-prussian and this is Franco-german?
  136. <@etranger01> No, they were all Franco-German
  137. <@etranger01> The French name is Franco-German
  138. <Naxhi24> hehe
  139. <Naxhi24> XVG-[huawei]:
  140. <Rolman> xvg is gonna have a goddamn aneurysm
  141. * Cloud_Strife re-reads the update.
  142. <Cloud_Strife> How can the German Army suck this much?
  143. <%Dadarian> baboush
  144. <gorgan> they don't want to fight
  145. <@etranger01> They actually did pretty well
  146. <@etranger01> The castle strategy wasn't bad
  147. <@etranger01> They just have no industrial base or rail network
  148. <Aedan> It was also badly outnumbered and probably had low morale considering how much of their population was in rebellion
  149. <@etranger01> And yeah, morale problems
  150. <Cloud_Strife> 3-to-1 was the big issue.
  151. <@etranger01> I was only outnumbered 3-to-1 on paper
  152. <@etranger01> I had the larger, more capable force in the field
  153. <gorgan> + the initative
  154. <Cloud_Strife> General Maroicic hasn't done too bad but his German counterparts are rapidly disappearing around him.
  155. <%keldonia> heh
  156. Quit: gorgan [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  157. <Korona> bab got gat
  158. <Cloud_Strife> I'm sure Wilhelm I will be comfortable in East Prussia while Austria figures out how this goes forward.
  159. <%keldonia> heh
  160. Join: gorgan [EE2BF0AB.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  161. * Cloud_Strife is tempted to release Congress Poland and salvage the German monarchies.
  162. <@etranger01> Those perfidious French, with their public support for an independent Poland that goes back to the beginning of the century and their willingness to negotiate with a German government that isn't completely insane
  163. <Cloud_Strife> In fact if the Poles are prepared to accept a Saxon King, I guess they can have that and Posen. I'm sure Germany won't mind.
  164. <@etranger01> I, uh, probably not?
  165. <Cloud_Strife> If the war continues i'm thinking simply of ways to move forward.
  166. <Cloud_Strife> I'd rather not have a Bavarian Republic on the border.
  167. <Aedan> I can't help but feel that this war continuing into the main skip update will be bad for Germany and Austria, particularly since the peace treaty that comes will be emplaced by Mark without negotiations
  168. <gorgan> ^
  169. <@etranger01> Also, it's 1871
  170. <@etranger01> I've officially beaten the Second Empire's historical track record
  171. <Cloud_Strife> Also, the cavorting with democratic governments is more towards France planting sister republics throughout Germany.
  172. <@etranger01> The Frankfurt Parliament is advocating for a united German Republic
  173. <Cloud_Strife> We're playing Empires, you, I, and Bab; we're not supposed to like democracy.
  174. <@etranger01> I'm playing the Liberal Empire.
  175. <Naxhi24> gotta remember CS that Nappy III got in power through democracy
  176. <Naxhi24> technically
  177. <@etranger01> That's true. I'm the only emperor in all the world with an electoral mandate
  178. <Aedan> Also, Imperial Germany's not exactly had a great history with France, so there's reason to support an non-imperial Germany
  179. <Cloud_Strife> As President of the Second Republic but the self-coup was hardly democratic.
  180. <@etranger01> There was a follow-up plebiscite to legitimize it
  181. <@etranger01> Which was totally a free and fair vote
  182. * etranger01 coughs
  183. Join: Scrapknight [3BA9B68D.7277917E.71116828.IP]
  184. Quit: Dadarian [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  185. <Fingon888>
  186. <Fingon888> Even more apt now
  187. <Cloud_Strife> Aedan, if Bab doesn't surrender the war continues regardless of what Austria does.
  188. Quit: gorgan [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  189. <Cloud_Strife> If he really is intent on continuing till the French are at the Brandenburg Gate then I can't do much about that.
  190. Quit: Korona [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  191. <Arrow> bahahaha fingon888
  192. <Arrow> just watched that now
  193. <Arrow> "It's ok Luft, you'll get out of reparations now"
  194. <Arrow> lost it at that
  195. <Naxhi24> the best part of the video was ^^
  196. <Cloud_Strife> I hope Bab gets to my letter.
  197. <Arrow> its actually pretty sad though
  198. Quit: Naxhi24 [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  199. <Arrow> the German/Prussian players haven't let Germany/Prussia like it needs to be led
  200. <%keldonia> I was almost Germany
  201. <%keldonia> I just wanted a competent OE player to take over
  202. <Cloud_Strife> Hm and he's not answering private PMs either...
  203. <%keldonia> cynide
  204. * Cloud_Strife ponders.
  205. <Scrapknight> i've been reading along
  206. <Scrapknight> sounds like der kaiser is in deep merde
  207. <Cloud_Strife> It would be a helluva a lot easier if I could do orders for Germany from here on out.
  208. <Scrapknight> does he have a shot?
  209. <Cloud_Strife> If he his form of blocking was other than taking a blow to the head, probably.
  210. <Cloud_Strife> * -he
  211. <Scrapknight> that seems somewhat counterproductive
  212. <Scrapknight> if he goes red can i play him
  213. <Scrapknight> lol jk
  214. <Aedan> Germany doesn't really have a shot, barring some sudden intervention, or a miracle.
  215. <Cloud_Strife> A lot depends on if i'm comfortable keeping the Austrian Army in Germany.
  216. <Cloud_Strife> I do have a general idea of how he could win but Bab won't like it.
  217. <Cloud_Strife> I gurantee it.
  218. <%keldonia> kissing russia's ass?
  219. <Scrapknight> I dunno, if I'm russia in this situation i'm thinking "lolno have fun out there"
  220. <Scrapknight> I don't see the upside for them anyway
  221. <Cloud_Strife> No, he'd have to chug along on his own steam.
  222. <Cloud_Strife> But i'm not going to say how publicly.
  223. <Cloud_Strife> For obvious reasons.
  224. <Scrapknight> fair nuff
  225. <Scrapknight> out of curiosity are any cool countries open
  226. <Aedan> Frankfurter Parliament Germany
  227. <Scrapknight> for real?
  228. <Cloud_Strife> See the topic.
  229. <Aedan> Yeah, check the topic
  230. Join: Shebedaone [682C64C9.475A2158.512B37DF.IP]
  231. <Shebedaone> Guten Abend
  232. <Scrapknight> > german republic
  233. <Scrapknight> yeppppppp
  234. <%keldonia> I am most sad for Ludwig II
  235. <Scrapknight> Should I PM Fry or just wait for him here?
  236. <Arrow> PM, I think he's off for the night
  237. <Aedan> Probably PM
  238. <Arrow> finally some competent leadership for Germany
  239. <Arrow> make Germany great again
  240. <Scrapknight> i shall do what I can
  241. Quit: Arrow [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  242. <Scrapknight> Lemme read the new update, I guess I missed it
  243. <Scrapknight> ah
  244. <Scrapknight> well that would certainly do it
  245. <Cloud_Strife> The short story is loudly yelling orders a national policy does not make.
  246. <Scrapknight> I admit I'm not entirely sure how this happened but I'm rather glad it did
  247. <@etranger01> Don't hold your finances for ransom, kids
  248. <Aedan> Also, fighting a war to get out of reparations from a prior war you lost just two years is a bad idea
  249. <%keldonia> and not improving your army in the meantime?
  250. <Cloud_Strife> I'm totally prepared to fight the defense of Austria in Germany at this point.
  251. <%keldonia> I mean...
  252. <Cloud_Strife> I think it's only fair Bab has to listen to my strategy this time around.
  253. <Scrapknight> I really don't see why he restarted the war in eighteen months
  254. <Scrapknight> He's literally trying the same thing again but from a worse position
  255. <Cloud_Strife> Putting down Poles will be excellent basic training for new Romanian conscripts.
  256. <Scrapknight> Anyway do I need an expansive application thingy or should I just ask for it?
  257. <@etranger01> At least you won't get that stab-in-the-back myth in Germany, Cloud
  258. <Cloud_Strife> And Hungarians too, seems like they're losing their warrior's spirit.
  259. <@etranger01> Having missed with the dagger and fallen on it
  260. <Cloud_Strife> When my armies actually start losing we I can start sighing.
  261. <@etranger01> Okay
  262. <Scrapknight> sent off
  263. <Scrapknight> we shall see what comes to pass
  264. <Scrapknight> Etranger, you're la France, yes?
  265. <@etranger01> I have that honor
  266. <Scrapknight> Very good
  267. <Scrapknight> I applied for Frankfurt so
  268. <Scrapknight> hopefully we shall have the honor of ending prussian tyranny
  269. <Scrapknight> and creating a better germany
  270. <@etranger01> Nice
  271. <Scrapknight> tbh i'm still pretty surprised germany screwed up so colossaly, but i suppose i'll take it
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