
Vel The Mutt

Jan 6th, 2021
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  1. [18:18] William Suu says, "Hm."
  2. [18:19] Zeno Laskaris says, "Hmm indeed."
  3. [18:19] William Suu says, "That'd be the one taking the ores, I suppose."
  4. [18:19] Zeno Laskaris says, "For the moment... that is true,"
  5. [18:20] William looks back towards his larger brethren. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to spare some iron, so that he may taste steel? He's curious." A brief shrug. "Or of course, if he is so inclined, he may attack. I am far from his master."
  6. (William Suu)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [18:20] Gorgrog follows the weird steel thing into the deep, dark cave, clunking his fist against the ground the entire way. He snorts as he notices a small person before squinting at them.
  11. "grog hungry. you food?" he then blinks at the thing of armor and nods "hungry. steel thing say steel no taste good but no try. got metal? want taste."
  12. (Gorgrog)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [18:27] He remained turned away from the two creatures for the moment. While listening to the two of them. Not feeling or hearing any shifts in the environment to tell they were moving to attack him. A interesting sign at least. Which after they finished speaking, he'd shift to look at the two of them. First the dullahan, then up to the towering beast. --He'd tap his chin a few times analyzing them both.
  17. "I'm gathering these for another purpose, other than my own use. So it matters not if I bring X amount. Plus it won't even be soon... Ultimately it doesn't matter if I lose a handful of the ore."
  19. The kid pulled out a bag neatly sorted with each of the ores melded together. Forming a rough plate of metal, the rocky exterior removed. Just not smelted down to a point where it was fully an ingot. More like it was forcibly bound with mana.
  21. "I could careless if either of you should attack me. Could be fun... --But how much ore do theboth of you require?"
  23. He said casually.
  24. (Zeno Laskaris)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [18:27] * You have been awarded 5 Roleplay Points! *
  28. [18:31] William extends his arm, opening his plated mitt, and thinking. "One..." He then lowers it, raising the other. "Two..." A brief thought. "Three ores ought to be enough to give them a suitable taste, to see if it's more to their liking."
  30. At the mention of an attack, William hums. "While most of my kin, myself included, have a distaste for the egregious sins committed by your kind in trampling upon our home, and attacking us, calling us 'monsters'... My personal rage is focused in on those of your school, wearing green cloaks. Unless you wish I draw my sword against you, I've no reason to do so. Far too troublesome when I'd then have to drag you all the way back home to drain you of your blood, and then send you back to the courtyard from whence you came, for a message of 'please stop' that will surely be ignored? Fruitless."
  32. (William Suu)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [18:31] Vel Kru asks, "Hmm?"
  36. [18:33] Gorgrog listens to the kid babble on with a blank look. He scratches his head and looks confused for a moment before his stomach grumbles at the mention of potential fighting.
  38. "uuhhh… grog hungry. need FOOOOD!" He roars, before his expression blanks a bit more as the steel thing babbles some stuff as well. "taste metal. hungry! fill up mouth when hungry."
  40. His large stomach grumbles, as if to make a point and he clunks his large fist against the ground in agitation as he seems to be getting upset at the lack of quick food. While waiting for any reply, he rips a small hung of dirt and rock out of the wall and munchs on it with a dumb expression.
  41. (Gorgrog)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [18:35] Had just walked up from behind the academy student. What was this about attacking? Did this child wish to become food. Vel stood at the only exit.
  46. "Are we having a snack withoutssssss me?"
  48. He hissed out from his rather large mouth. He was always hungry for human flesh.
  50. "What'sssss your name boy?"
  51. (Vel Kru)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [18:43] He hummed to himself as he pressed his hand against the metal plate. Having an adequate amount of ore run up his arm, coiling around. Making it way up and then rapidly down his side into the ground. Like a snake. Coming up right at the base of the Dullahan. --Afterwards he'd sling the bag back over his shoulder.
  56. "I have no interest in fighting you unless your like the one they call Grindle. Who attacked me without reason. Weak, creature in my opinion. --But no, I see you attacking my fellow students as a fun thing for me. As most of your people seem to follow a like mindset of myself. But making deals with you all don't sound smart right now."
  58. He said before his mismatched hues looked up to the Orge. With a sinister grin crossing his face. As he opens his arms barely. (Like the Freeza pose from DBZ.)
  60. "Attack me if you wish, I don't care to stop you if you want. I can use it to further my growth. --BUT I do wish to ally a few of you, at some point in the future. So I can start up my killing."
  62. Zeno said with a chuckle, before he felt movement behind him. Another one... Whom just started to speak out towards the lot of them. Another monster it seems. He didn't turn to look at the Mutant.
  64. "Zeno."
  65. (Zeno Laskaris)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [18:46] William digs the tip of his right boot into the soft ground, kicking the ore up, to be snatched out of the air, and subsequently tossed behind him. "Catch, O' big brother."
  70. With that handled, they step aside. "As I said, I've no interest in fighting you. Far too busy trying to improve myself, as it seems you are as well. If my kin here wish to strike, I believe it would be an interesting bout." He looks towards Vel, and then back. "Right, I am William. Knight of the Shadowmire. If you were interested in alliances, I do believe you missed your opportunity in the lesson that was being held on the occult not that long ago."
  71. (William Suu)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [18:47] {Item} You drop Iron x11.
  75. [18:50] Grog snorted out a big breath of air and some slight snot from his nose as the grins at him. He glares at the young man before moving his focus to the metal. His stomach rumbles and grabs the ore in his large hand before staring at it for a second.
  77. "looks good. tastier than dirt?" His focus seems to be totally focused on eating and he sits down before crushing a few of the pieces of rock and iron ore and crunching it into his mouth. One of his yellow teeth breaks off and falls down before he takes a big swallow. He seems to be considering something for a second before nodding.
  79. "taste weird and crunchy. not as good as pig." He stops for a second and glances at the new arrival with hungry curiosity "or snake! hello snake. you food?"
  80. (Gorgrog)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [18:55] Shakes his head at the stupid ogre. If he tried to eat him Vel would eat him instead.
  85. "No I am not food!"
  87. The mutant spoke to the not so smart monster.
  89. "You really ssssshouldn't eat ores. Bad for the ssssstomach."
  91. His eyes glanced over towards William.
  93. "Sssso is the kid food or not and whatsssss with the oressss? Sssssome sssort of payment? Maybe take itsssss coin too? If it hassss any."
  94. (Vel Kru)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [19:02] His gaze shifted back to William. Nodding to it, before a soft frown passed over his visage.
  99. "A pleasure to meet you sir William. --I have no interest in a pact for the occult. I just wish to make a mutual deal with your people. Nevertheless, if I missed that opportunity... a shame. I'll just have to do my tasks alone."
  101. Which didn't bother him, though having monsters on his side would be useful. It was highly unlikely, for now. Until then he will just have to continue on with his original plans he had laid out. Just he will have to wait a tad longer before he pushed that into motion. The ramp still needed to be set up after all.
  103. Seeing how the ogre shifted its attention to another, he turned around too. Looking at the mutant. A pleasant surprise, another smaller humanoid one. Interesting bunch gathered here today.
  105. "Payment? No, the knight here asked for some ore. So I gave it to him. An act of kindness purely. Demanding things from me don't go by so well. --I'll have you know. I'm not afraid of any of you here. Just making enemies of you, sound ignorant. I'd much rather remain neutral at best."
  107. He said with a inquisitive tone. Followed by him tapping his chin more. Leaning in a bit. Looking the monster up and down.
  109. "Do you wish to attack me?"
  110. (Zeno Laskaris)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [19:04] William looks over Vel. "If you wish to attack, do as you will. I sought to help our big brother here taste steel. I'll see about collecting more ore for my own interests. Else? They're yours to attempt to do with as you please." A shrug, and a look towards Gorgrog. "Told you I wouldn't taste good!" An echoing laughter, amplified by the narrow corridor the quartet found themselves in.
  114. (William Suu)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [19:04] William Suu says, "And if you wish to seek company, look for Mister Tinyhands. Or keep an ear to the ground, he'll have another point in time when you may find his company."
  118. [19:05] William Suu says, "Just be sure you have what he asks as payment."
  119. [19:05] Zeno Laskaris asks, "What does he ask as payment?"
  120. [19:06] Grog puts a big finger in the new hole in his teeth. He wiggles it around for a few moments and takes another small bite of ore before considering for some more time.
  122. "Yes. steel no taste good. just crunchy. better than dirt but not much." He stands up and turns towards the snake and kid before continuing to talk.
  124. "Snake no food? pity. scale taste good on teeth." He thinks for a second before starting to speak again "ate big swamp snake. tough meat taste good! and scale on teeth."
  127. (Gorgrog)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [19:06] William Suu says, "Usually just coin, but much of it."
  131. [19:06] William Suu says, "Five thousand was the asking price for this most recent lesson."
  132. [19:07] William Suu says, "Of course, bargains can be made, if you've something else of value..."
  133. [19:07] Gorgrog asks, "Maybe big food work?"
  134. [19:07] Gorgrog says, "big food always work."
  135. [19:07] William Suu says, "I don't think Mister Tinyhands is quite so interested in food... In fact, I don't know I've ever seen him eat, despite his rotund form."
  136. [19:08] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Hmmmm... would he enjoy souls as well?"
  137. [19:08] Raises up clawed hand, four purple serpents slithering out from under some student cloak he found on the ground. Maybe he attacked a basklist student or maybe he really did find it. Vel was still wearing an academy cloth.
  139. "Depends. Hand over all of the coin you have on yousssss."
  140. (Vel Kru)
  141. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  143. [19:09] Gorgrog says, "maybe he eat snack out of sight."
  144. [19:10] William Suu says, "Well, he's a servant of Helheim, I expect he'd have a way to make use of souls. But I'm not the beast themselves. You'd need to ask them outright."
  145. [19:10] William Suu says, "I'm but a knight."
  146. [19:10] Vel Kru exclaims, "I've already told you I'm not foodssss!"
  147. [19:10] Gorgrog asks, "huh?"
  148. [19:11] Gorgrog asks, "when say that?"
  149. [19:11] Vel Kru says, "Nevermindsssss about that."
  150. [19:16] The kid was holding a wonderful conversation with the other two. Ironically sensible monsters. Dullahan's are naturally exempt in most cases. Given they act human and are more knowledgeable than most.
  152. Which this mutant seemed to break the atmosphere. He smiled warmly to the monster demanding coin of him. Followed by a laugh.
  154. "Clearly you don't understand... Maybe your ears have rotted with time. However long you've been in that shape. --I don't take kindly to those attempting to demand things from me."
  156. His voice stern and demanding, as his staff molded around from his arm. Meeting at his palm creating what he needed to fight, should it persist. --The look in his hues darker, like he wasn't much different from those of the shadowmire. A monster in his own right.
  158. "I give you five seconds to change your mind..."
  160. The fact of having a Basilisk cloak didn't bother him at all. Since he almost killed two of them, at once. He was from house Fenrir after all.
  161. (Zeno Laskaris)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [19:19] William looks over the two, scoffing, before turning to Gorgrog. "Meat is usually what most would opt for eating. Now that you know metal isn't to your taste, you can choose only to eat what you know you'll like."
  166. A glance towards Zeno, and a mitt pointed. "Like humans. Though I think brother Vel wishes to have his opportunity to shine."
  167. (William Suu)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [19:21] Gorgrog says, "Yes. meat is good tasting. metal not as good."
  171. [19:21] Gorgrog says, "humans taste good? maybe eat some sometime."
  172. [19:22] William Suu says, "I don't quite have the capacity to eat anything- well, I gain nothing from trying to, at least."
  173. [19:22] William Suu says, "Others seem to imply humans taste quite nice though, yes."
  174. [19:31] Hisses under his breath. How dare he try to demand him. The teen glaring at him. If he ever caught this guy he's going to rip that tongue out and were it as an earring. Like hell he was gonna die.
  176. "Me five sssseconds? How about I make you dinner insssstead!?"
  178. He quickly dashes at him with his clawed hand.
  179. (Vel Kru)
  180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. [19:41] The kid started to laugh maniacally. After the creature spoke and the five seconds passed. It greatly amused him, to the point he wanted to rip out his eyes. Use them... Which he may just do.
  184. Mana started to shoot up his body. Burning bright and caused his body to get stronger. His powers grew to higher heights. Just unlike before, he didn't get as strong. Since this was more even than before... at least it was for the moment. Only time would tell if that would be true. If it was a falsity he would only gain more power and fight harder than before!
  186. "Make me your dinner? What a joke... I'll make you mine. You ignorant fool. Maybe lobotomizing you would do the world some good. Have those Neth, control you better..."
  188. He said with a sinister grin. As his chains dug into the dirt. Ready for the ensuing fight.
  189. (Zeno Laskaris)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [19:47] {Won Aggressive RPB against Vel Kru}
  193. [19:47] ** Zeno Laskaris has inflicted an injury upon Vel Kru. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  194. [19:52] Vel Kru says, "he's not standing"
  195. [20:04] One the Fenrir was pushed into a fight. The mutant was pressed back. With the might this child bore. Which may have surprised him. --The chains he dug into the earth came up right as the monster assaulted him. Binding his feet in place. Where Zeno build up his mana, while more chain coiled off his form. Wrapping around the monster, keeping his limbs bound. Making Vel a puppet of Zeno.
  197. "See this is much more fitting for you. Pawn tied to his master. Tis a shame your use is negligible. Not even a human, such as myself wants you."
  199. He said with a chuckle., as he released a beam of energy into his body. Tearing into his stomach, pushing him back tearing at his limbs. Causing even more pain. --It only stopped once the chain fully ran across onto Vel's body. Allowing him to be thrown back into a wall. Causing the place to shake and rocks to fall around them.
  201. Once the mutant regained his strength the two danced around the new battlefield for a bit. Before he stopped it all. Locking the mutant in place. The metal digging into his body. Up and around his lips, where they cut, and his mouth shut together like a muzzle.
  203. "Go on mutt... run and find some new playmates."
  205. Zeno said releasing him and letting him run off with his tail tucked between his legs. --A mercy coming from Zeno.
  206. (Zeno Laskaris)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [20:16] Wasn't expecting to be trapped in chains like some wild animal. The mutant trying to bombard him with claw slashes but that was a mistake. It drained his mana quite a bit with each slash and a rather heavy chunk of it as well. The failed experiment subdued by chains. The teen rather pissed off while he was reminded of his painful past of pain and being trapped. Vel thrashed about, enraged. That heavy tail flailing about while his snakes hissed at the other kid, falling to the ground bleeding from deep cuts. Only to get back up and lash out at him with a fury of his claws.
  211. Foolishly he fought with little fighting experience only to be freaking locked in place again.. with a makeshift muzzle. He will remember this, unable to say anything to the kid, bolting off as fast as he could, probably back to his home.
  212. (Vel Kru)
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