Guest User

vagrant error: Fedora 25 host/Windows Guest

a guest
Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. mikecali@fedora-pc]$ export VAGRANT_LOG=debug
  2. [mikecali@fedora-pc]$ vagrant up 2>&1 | tee vagrant_up.log
  3. INFO global: Vagrant version: 1.8.1
  4. INFO global: Ruby version: 2.3.3
  5. INFO global: RubyGems version: 2.5.2
  6. INFO global: VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER="virtualbox"
  7. INFO global: VAGRANT_EXECUTABLE="/usr/share/vagrant/bin/vagrant"
  8. INFO global: VAGRANT_LOG="debug"
  9. INFO global: VAGRANT_INSTALLER_EMBEDDED_DIR="/var/lib/vagrant"
  12. INFO global: VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS="Linux"
  14. INFO global: Plugins:
  15. INFO global: - builder = 3.2.3
  16. INFO global: - bundler = 1.10.6
  17. INFO global: - erubis = 2.7.0
  18. INFO global: - ffi = 1.9.18
  19. INFO global: - gssapi = 1.2.0
  20. INFO global: - gyoku = 1.3.1
  21. INFO global: - rubyhacks = 0.1.5
  22. INFO global: - hostmanager = 1.2.2
  23. INFO global: - httpclient = 2.8.3
  24. INFO global: - i18n = 0.8.0
  25. INFO global: - little-plugger = 1.1.4
  26. INFO global: - log4r = 1.1.10
  27. INFO global: - multi_json = 1.12.1
  28. INFO global: - logging = 2.2.0
  29. INFO global: - micromachine = 2.0.0
  30. INFO global: - minitar = 0.6.1
  31. INFO global: - nori = 2.6.0
  32. INFO global: - rubyntlm = 0.6.1
  33. INFO global: - rubyzip = 1.2.1
  34. INFO global: - vagrant-cachier = 1.2.1
  35. INFO global: - vagrant-proxyconf = 1.5.2
  36. INFO global: - vagrant-rdp = 0.6.0
  37. INFO global: - vagrant-vbguest = 0.13.0
  38. INFO global: - vagrant-winrm = 0.7.0
  39. INFO global: - winrm = 2.1.3
  40. INFO global: - winrm-fs = 1.0.1
  41. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/null/plugin.rb
  42. INFO manager: Registered plugin: null host
  43. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/redhat/plugin.rb
  44. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux host
  45. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/linux/plugin.rb
  46. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux host
  47. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/suse/plugin.rb
  48. INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE host
  49. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/darwin/plugin.rb
  50. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mac OS X host
  51. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/windows/plugin.rb
  52. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows host
  53. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/slackware/plugin.rb
  54. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware host
  55. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/arch/plugin.rb
  56. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch host
  57. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/gentoo/plugin.rb
  58. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo host
  59. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/bsd/plugin.rb
  60. INFO manager: Registered plugin: BSD host
  61. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/hosts/freebsd/plugin.rb
  62. INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD host
  63. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/pushes/ftp/plugin.rb
  64. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ftp
  65. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/pushes/atlas/plugin.rb
  66. INFO manager: Registered plugin: atlas
  67. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/pushes/local-exec/plugin.rb
  68. INFO manager: Registered plugin: local-exec
  69. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/pushes/noop/plugin.rb
  70. INFO manager: Registered plugin: noop
  71. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/pushes/heroku/plugin.rb
  72. INFO manager: Registered plugin: heroku
  73. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/shell/plugin.rb
  74. INFO manager: Registered plugin: shell
  75. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/ansible/plugin.rb
  76. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ansible
  77. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/file/plugin.rb
  78. INFO manager: Registered plugin: file
  79. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/cfengine/plugin.rb
  80. INFO manager: Registered plugin: CFEngine Provisioner
  81. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/puppet/plugin.rb
  82. INFO manager: Registered plugin: puppet
  83. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/docker/plugin.rb
  84. INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker
  85. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/salt/plugin.rb
  86. INFO manager: Registered plugin: salt
  87. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/provisioners/chef/plugin.rb
  88. INFO manager: Registered plugin: chef
  89. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/ssh/plugin.rb
  90. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh communicator
  91. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/plugin.rb
  92. INFO manager: Registered plugin: winrm communicator
  93. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/ssh_config/plugin.rb
  94. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh-config command
  95. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/reload/plugin.rb
  96. INFO manager: Registered plugin: reload command
  97. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/powershell/plugin.rb
  98. INFO manager: Registered plugin: powershell command
  99. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/help/plugin.rb
  100. INFO manager: Registered plugin: help command
  101. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/suspend/plugin.rb
  102. INFO manager: Registered plugin: suspend command
  103. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/snapshot/plugin.rb
  104. INFO manager: Registered plugin: snapshot command
  105. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/ssh/plugin.rb
  106. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ssh command
  107. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/cap/plugin.rb
  108. INFO manager: Registered plugin: cap command
  109. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/up/plugin.rb
  110. INFO manager: Registered plugin: up command
  111. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/resume/plugin.rb
  112. INFO manager: Registered plugin: resume command
  113. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/global-status/plugin.rb
  114. INFO manager: Registered plugin: global-status command
  115. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/push/plugin.rb
  116. INFO manager: Registered plugin: push command
  117. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/destroy/plugin.rb
  118. INFO manager: Registered plugin: destroy command
  119. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/package/plugin.rb
  120. INFO manager: Registered plugin: package command
  121. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/halt/plugin.rb
  122. INFO manager: Registered plugin: halt command
  123. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/port/plugin.rb
  124. INFO manager: Registered plugin: port command
  125. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/init/plugin.rb
  126. INFO manager: Registered plugin: init command
  127. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/plugin/plugin.rb
  128. INFO manager: Registered plugin: plugin command
  129. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/login/plugin.rb
  130. INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-login
  131. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/version/plugin.rb
  132. INFO manager: Registered plugin: version command
  133. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/provision/plugin.rb
  134. INFO manager: Registered plugin: provision command
  135. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/rdp/plugin.rb
  136. INFO manager: Registered plugin: rdp command
  137. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/box/plugin.rb
  138. INFO manager: Registered plugin: box command
  139. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/status/plugin.rb
  140. INFO manager: Registered plugin: status command
  141. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/list-commands/plugin.rb
  142. INFO manager: Registered plugin: list-commands command
  143. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/commands/provider/plugin.rb
  144. INFO manager: Registered plugin: provider command
  145. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/kernel_v2/plugin.rb
  146. INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
  147. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/ubuntu/plugin.rb
  148. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Ubuntu guest
  149. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/redhat/plugin.rb
  150. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Red Hat Enterprise Linux guest
  151. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/omnios/plugin.rb
  152. INFO manager: Registered plugin: OmniOS guest.
  153. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/netbsd/plugin.rb
  154. INFO manager: Registered plugin: NetBSD guest
  155. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/linux/plugin.rb
  156. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Linux guest.
  157. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/pld/plugin.rb
  158. INFO manager: Registered plugin: PLD Linux guest
  159. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/esxi/plugin.rb
  160. INFO manager: Registered plugin: ESXi guest.
  161. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/suse/plugin.rb
  162. INFO manager: Registered plugin: SUSE guest
  163. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/photon/plugin.rb
  164. INFO manager: Registered plugin: VMware Photon guest
  165. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/atomic/plugin.rb
  166. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Atomic Host guest
  167. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/mint/plugin.rb
  168. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Mint guest
  169. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/debian/plugin.rb
  170. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Debian guest
  171. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/smartos/plugin.rb
  172. INFO manager: Registered plugin: SmartOS guest.
  173. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/coreos/plugin.rb
  174. INFO manager: Registered plugin: CoreOS guest
  175. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/openbsd/plugin.rb
  176. INFO manager: Registered plugin: OpenBSD guest
  177. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/fedora/plugin.rb
  178. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Fedora guest
  179. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/darwin/plugin.rb
  180. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Darwin guest
  181. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/windows/plugin.rb
  182. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Windows guest.
  183. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/nixos/plugin.rb
  184. INFO manager: Registered plugin: NixOS guest
  185. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/slackware/plugin.rb
  186. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Slackware guest
  187. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/arch/plugin.rb
  188. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Arch guest
  189. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/funtoo/plugin.rb
  190. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Funtoo guest
  191. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb
  192. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Gentoo guest
  193. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/solaris/plugin.rb
  194. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris guest.
  195. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/solaris11/plugin.rb
  196. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Solaris 11 guest.
  197. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/tinycore/plugin.rb
  198. INFO manager: Registered plugin: TinyCore Linux guest.
  199. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/guests/freebsd/plugin.rb
  200. INFO manager: Registered plugin: FreeBSD guest
  201. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/synced_folders/smb/plugin.rb
  202. INFO manager: Registered plugin: SMB synced folders
  203. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/synced_folders/rsync/plugin.rb
  204. INFO manager: Registered plugin: RSync synced folders
  205. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/synced_folders/nfs/plugin.rb
  206. INFO manager: Registered plugin: NFS synced folders
  207. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb
  208. INFO manager: Registered plugin: VirtualBox provider
  209. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb
  210. INFO manager: Registered plugin: docker-provider
  211. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb
  212. INFO manager: Registered plugin: Hyper-V provider
  213. DEBUG global: Loading core plugin: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/kernel_v1/plugin.rb
  214. INFO manager: Registered plugin: kernel
  215. INFO global: Loading plugins!
  216. INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-cachier
  217. INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-vbguest
  218. INFO proxyconf: Trying to load vagrant-aws
  219. INFO proxyconf: Failed to load vagrant-aws: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- vagrant-aws>
  220. INFO proxyconf: Ignoring the error
  221. INFO proxyconf: Trying to load vagrant-omnibus
  222. INFO proxyconf: Failed to load vagrant-omnibus: #<LoadError: cannot load such file -- vagrant-omnibus>
  223. INFO proxyconf: Ignoring the error
  224. INFO proxyconf: Trying to load vagrant-vbguest
  225. INFO manager: Registered plugin: vagrant-proxyconf
  226. INFO manager: Registered plugin: winrm
  227. INFO manager: Registered plugin: RDP
  228. INFO vagrant: `vagrant` invoked: ["up"]
  229. DEBUG vagrant: Creating Vagrant environment
  230. INFO environment: Environment initialized (#<Vagrant::Environment:0x005590adf12af0>)
  231. INFO environment: - cwd: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/
  232. INFO environment: Home path: /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d
  233. INFO environment: Local data path: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/
  234. DEBUG environment: Creating: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/
  235. INFO environment: Running hook: environment_plugins_loaded
  236. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  237. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  238. INFO runner: Running action: environment_plugins_loaded #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590ade71bf0>
  239. INFO environment: Running hook: environment_load
  240. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  241. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  242. INFO runner: Running action: environment_load #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590adcb9a38>
  243. INFO cli: CLI: [] "up" []
  244. DEBUG cli: Invoking command class: VagrantPlugins::CommandUp::Command []
  245. DEBUG command: 'Up' each target VM...
  246. INFO loader: Set :root = ["#<Pathname:/home/mikecali/Vagrant/>"]
  247. DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/home/mikecali/Vagrant/>
  248. DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/
  249. INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root]
  250. DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (evaluating)
  251. DEBUG provisioner: Provisioner defined:
  252. DEBUG provisioner: Provisioner defined:
  253. DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
  254. DEBUG push: finalizing
  255. INFO host: Autodetecting host type for [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/>]
  256. DEBUG host: Trying: redhat
  257. INFO host: Detected: redhat!
  258. DEBUG host: Searching for cap: provider_install_virtualbox
  259. DEBUG host: Checking in: redhat
  260. DEBUG host: Checking in: linux
  261. DEBUG command: Getting target VMs for command. Arguments:
  262. DEBUG command: -- names: ["default"]
  263. DEBUG command: -- options: {:provider=>nil}
  264. DEBUG command: Finding machine that match name: default
  265. INFO environment: Getting machine: default (virtualbox)
  266. INFO environment: Uncached load of machine.
  267. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  268. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "--version"]
  269. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  270. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  271. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: 5.1.14r112924
  272. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  273. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  274. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  275. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  276. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  277. INFO loader: Set "47039935191220_machine_default" = []
  278. INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:home, :root, "47039935191220_machine_default"]
  279. DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
  280. DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
  281. DEBUG push: finalizing
  282. INFO box_collection: Box found: ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm (virtualbox)
  283. INFO environment: Running hook: authenticate_box_url
  284. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  285. INFO runner: 6 hooks defined.
  286. INFO runner: Running action: authenticate_box_url #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590addbfef0>
  287. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x005590af1f0578>
  288. DEBUG client: No authentication token in environment or /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/data/vagrant_login_token
  289. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::LoginCommand::AddAuthentication:0x005590af1f0578>
  290. INFO loader: Set :"47039939801240_ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm_virtualbox" = ["#<Pathname:/home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile>"]
  291. DEBUG loader: Populating proc cache for #<Pathname:/home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile>
  292. DEBUG loader: Load procs for pathname: /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/Vagrantfile
  293. INFO loader: Loading configuration in order: [:"47039939801240_ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm_virtualbox", :home, :root, "47039935191220_machine_default"]
  294. DEBUG loader: Loading from: 47039939801240_ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm_virtualbox (evaluating)
  295. DEBUG loader: Upgrading config from version 1 to 2
  296. DEBUG loader: Upgrading config to version 2
  297. DEBUG loader: Upgraded to version 2 with 0 warnings and 0 errors
  298. DEBUG loader: Loading from: root (cache)
  299. DEBUG loader: Configuration loaded successfully, finalizing and returning
  300. DEBUG push: finalizing
  301. INFO machine: Initializing machine: default
  302. INFO machine: - Provider: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider
  303. INFO machine: - Box: #<Vagrant::Box:0x005590af27ef80>
  304. INFO machine: - Data dir: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/
  305. DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil
  306. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  307. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  308. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  309. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  310. DEBUG machine: Eager loading WinRM communicator to avoid GH-3390
  311. INFO winrm: Initializing WinRMCommunicator
  312. INFO machine: New machine ID: nil
  313. DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: nil
  314. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  315. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  316. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  317. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  318. INFO interface: Machine: metadata ["provider", :virtualbox, {:target=>:default}]
  319. INFO command: With machine: default (#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider:0x005590af6dbcb8 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590af6dbc68 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @machine=#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Meta:0x005590afa75720 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590afab78f0 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox::meta", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="meta", @path="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590af6dbc68 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil, @driver=#<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0:0x005590acb99870 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590afac3f60 @fullname="vagrant::provider::virtualbox_5_0", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="virtualbox_5_0", @path="vagrant::provider", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @interrupted=false, @vboxmanage_path="VBoxManage", @uuid=nil>, @version="5.1.14">, @cap_logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590af7fdad8 @fullname="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox::provider", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="provider", @path="vagrant::capability_host::vagrantplugins::providervirtualbox", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @cap_host_chain=[[:virtualbox, #<#<Class:0x005590af7fdf10>:0x005590af843f38>]], @cap_args=[#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>], @cap_caps={:virtualbox=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x005590af7fddd0 @items={:forwarded_ports=>#<Proc:0x005590aca95460@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:27>, :nic_mac_addresses=>#<Proc:0x005590aca95230@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:32>, :public_address=>#<Proc:0x005590aca951b8@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:37>, :snapshot_list=>#<Proc:0x005590aca95118@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/virtualbox/plugin.rb:42>}, @results_cache={}>, :docker=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x005590af7fdd30 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x005590acb714d8@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:54>, :proxy_machine=>#<Proc:0x005590acb5bf20@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/docker/plugin.rb:59>}, @results_cache={}>, :hyperv=>#<Vagrant::Registry:0x005590af7fdc90 @items={:public_address=>#<Proc:0x005590acd9ddd8@/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/providers/hyperv/plugin.rb:25>}, @results_cache={}>}>)
  320. INFO interface: info: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
  321. Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
  322. INFO batch_action: Enabling parallelization by default.
  323. INFO batch_action: Disabling parallelization because provider doesn't support it: virtualbox
  324. INFO batch_action: Batch action will parallelize: false
  325. INFO batch_action: Starting action: #<Vagrant::Machine:0x005590af645308> up {:destroy_on_error=>true, :install_provider=>true, :parallel=>true, :provision_ignore_sentinel=>false, :provision_types=>nil}
  326. INFO machine: Calling action: up on provider VirtualBox (new VM)
  327. DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: machine-action-58bb1bac757491f6efe36c82c73841e4
  328. DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
  329. INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
  330. INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
  331. INFO environment: Acquired process lock: machine-action-58bb1bac757491f6efe36c82c73841e4
  332. INFO interface: Machine: action ["up", "start", {:target=>:default}]
  333. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  334. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  335. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590afa2c340>
  336. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckVirtualbox:0x005590af993de8>
  337. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  338. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  339. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  340. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  341. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "hostonlyifs"]
  342. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  343. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  344. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: vboxnet2
  345. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4274-8000-0a0027000002
  346. DHCP: Disabled
  347. IPAddress:
  348. NetworkMask:
  349. IPV6Address:
  350. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  351. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:02
  352. MediumType: Ethernet
  353. Status: Down
  354. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet2
  356. Name: vboxnet1
  357. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001
  358. DHCP: Disabled
  359. IPAddress:
  360. NetworkMask:
  361. IPV6Address:
  362. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  363. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01
  364. MediumType: Ethernet
  365. Status: Down
  366. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1
  368. Name: vboxnet0
  369. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000
  370. DHCP: Disabled
  371. IPAddress:
  372. NetworkMask:
  373. IPV6Address:
  374. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  375. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00
  376. MediumType: Ethernet
  377. Status: Down
  378. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0
  380. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  381. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  382. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af993d98>
  383. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  384. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  385. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590af617ca0>
  386. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x005590af607c10>
  387. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x005590af607c10>
  388. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  389. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  390. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x005590af5c2458>
  391. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af5030d0@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  392. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleBox:0x005590af5c22c8>
  393. INFO handle_box: Machine already has box. HandleBox will not run.
  394. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af5677d8@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  395. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x005590af993d48>
  396. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af993d20>
  397. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  398. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  399. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590af3cf7b8>
  400. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x005590af3a78d0>
  401. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Created:0x005590af3a78d0>
  402. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  403. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  404. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x005590af2c8a90>
  405. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af1c1138@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  406. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckAccessible:0x005590af2c8a18>
  407. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x005590af2c89f0>
  408. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::PrepareClone:0x005590af2c89c8>
  409. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareCloneSnapshot:0x005590af277ed8>
  410. INFO prepare_clone: no clone master, not preparing clone snapshot
  411. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Import:0x005590af22b1a0>
  412. INFO interface: info: Importing base box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm'...
  413. INFO interface: info: ==> default: Importing base box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm'...
  414. ==> default: Importing base box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm'...
  415. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: Doing dry-run import to determine parallel-safe name...
  416. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "import", "-n", "/home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf"]
  417. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  418. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  419. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0%...
  420. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...
  421. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100%
  422. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: Interpreting /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf...
  423. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: OK.
  424. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Disks:
  425. vmdisk1 42949672960 -1 box-disk1.vmdk -1 -1
  427. Virtual system 0:
  428. 0: Suggested OS type: "Windows2008_64"
  429. (change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values)
  430. 1: Suggested VM name "win2008r2x64"
  431. (change with "--vsys 0 --vmname <name>")
  432. 2: Number of CPUs: 1
  433. (change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>")
  434. 3: Guest memory: 1024 MB
  435. (change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>")
  436. 4: USB controller
  437. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 4 --ignore")
  438. 5: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra slot=0;type=NAT
  439. 6: CD-ROM
  440. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 6 --ignore")
  441. 7: IDE controller, type PIIX4
  442. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore")
  443. 8: IDE controller, type PIIX4
  444. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 8 --ignore")
  445. 9: SATA controller, type AHCI
  446. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --ignore")
  447. 10: Hard disk image: source image=box-disk1.vmdk, target path=/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64/box-disk1.vmdk, controller=9;channel=0
  448. (change target path with "--vsys 0 --unit 10 --disk path";
  449. disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 10 --ignore")
  450. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  451. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  452. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: -- Parallel safe name: win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348
  453. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "import", "/home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf", "--vsys", "0", "--vmname", "win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348", "--vsys", "0", "--unit", "10", "--disk", "/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"]
  454. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  455. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  456. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0%...
  457. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...
  458. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100%
  459. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: Interpreting /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/boxes/ferventcoder-VAGRANTSLASH-win2008r2-x64-nocm/1.0.1/virtualbox/box.ovf...
  460. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: OK.
  461. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0
  462. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: %...
  463. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 10%...
  465. INFO interface: info: Progress: 10%
  466. Progress: 10%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...
  468. INFO interface: info: Progress: 90%
  469. Progress: 90%DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 100%
  470. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Disks:
  471. vmdisk1 42949672960 -1 box-disk1.vmdk -1 -1
  473. Virtual system 0:
  474. 0: Suggested OS type: "Windows2008_64"
  475. (change with "--vsys 0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values)
  476. 1: VM name specified with --vmname: "win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  477. 2: Number of CPUs: 1
  478. (change with "--vsys 0 --cpus <n>")
  479. 3: Guest memory: 1024 MB
  480. (change with "--vsys 0 --memory <MB>")
  481. 4: USB controller
  482. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 4 --ignore")
  483. 5: Network adapter: orig NAT, config 3, extra slot=0;type=NAT
  484. 6: CD-ROM
  485. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 6 --ignore")
  486. 7: IDE controller, type PIIX4
  487. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 7 --ignore")
  488. 8: IDE controller, type PIIX4
  489. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 8 --ignore")
  490. 9: SATA controller, type AHCI
  491. (disable with "--vsys 0 --unit 9 --ignore")
  492. 10: Hard disk image: source image=box-disk1.vmdk, target path=/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk, controller=9;channel=0
  493. Successfully imported the appliance.
  494. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31916
  495. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  496. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"]
  497. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  498. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  499. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "Office-PC" {7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877}
  500. "Openshift 3.3" {b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3}
  501. "Rhel6.7" {1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b}
  502. "Centos7.3" {95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59}
  503. "win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348" {868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7}
  504. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  505. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  506. INFO machine: New machine ID: "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  507. DEBUG virtualbox: Instantiating the driver for machine ID: "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  508. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  509. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  510. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  511. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  512. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"]
  513. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  514. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  515. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348
  516. Groups: /
  517. Guest OS: Windows 2008 (64-bit)
  518. UUID: 868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7
  519. Config file: /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox
  520. Snapshot folder: /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots
  521. Log folder: /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs
  522. Hardware UUID: 868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7
  523. Memory size: 1024MB
  524. Page Fusion: off
  525. VRAM size: 36MB
  526. CPU exec cap: 100%
  527. HPET: off
  528. Chipset: piix3
  529. Firmware: BIOS
  530. Number of CPUs: 1
  531. PAE: off
  532. Long Mode: on
  533. Triple Fault Reset: off
  534. APIC: on
  535. X2APIC: off
  536. CPUID Portability Level: 0
  537. CPUID overrides: None
  538. Boot menu mode: message and menu
  539. Boot Device (1): DVD
  540. Boot Device (2): HardDisk
  541. Boot Device (3): Not Assigned
  542. Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
  543. ACPI: on
  544. IOAPIC: on
  545. BIOS APIC mode: APIC
  546. Time offset: 0ms
  547. RTC: UTC
  548. Hardw. virt.ext: on
  549. Nested Paging: on
  550. Large Pages: on
  551. VT-x VPID: on
  552. VT-x unr. exec.: on
  553. Paravirt. Provider: Legacy
  554. Effective Paravirt. Provider: None
  555. State: powered off (since 2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000)
  556. Monitor count: 1
  557. 3D Acceleration: off
  558. 2D Video Acceleration: off
  559. Teleporter Enabled: off
  560. Teleporter Port: 0
  561. Teleporter Address:
  562. Teleporter Password:
  563. Tracing Enabled: off
  564. Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
  565. Tracing Configuration:
  566. Autostart Enabled: off
  567. Autostart Delay: 0
  568. Default Frontend:
  569. Storage Controller Name (0): IDE
  570. Storage Controller Type (0): PIIX4
  571. Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
  572. Storage Controller Max Port Count (0): 2
  573. Storage Controller Port Count (0): 2
  574. Storage Controller Bootable (0): on
  575. Storage Controller Name (1): SATA
  576. Storage Controller Type (1): IntelAhci
  577. Storage Controller Instance Number (1): 0
  578. Storage Controller Max Port Count (1): 30
  579. Storage Controller Port Count (1): 1
  580. Storage Controller Bootable (1): on
  581. IDE (1, 0): Empty
  582. SATA (0, 0): /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk (UUID: c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f)
  583. NIC 1: MAC: 08002725C187, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82540EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
  584. NIC 1 Settings: MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window (send:64, receive: 64)
  585. NIC 2: disabled
  586. NIC 3: disabled
  587. NIC 4: disabled
  588. NIC 5: disabled
  589. NIC 6: disabled
  590. NIC 7: disabled
  591. NIC 8: disabled
  592. Pointing Device: USB Tablet
  593. Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
  594. UART 1: disabled
  595. UART 2: disabled
  596. UART 3: disabled
  597. UART 4: disabled
  598. LPT 1: disabled
  599. LPT 2: disabled
  600. Audio: disabled
  601. Clipboard Mode: disabled
  602. Drag and drop Mode: disabled
  603. VRDE: disabled
  604. USB: enabled
  605. EHCI: disabled
  606. XHCI: disabled
  608. USB Device Filters:
  610. <none>
  612. Bandwidth groups: <none>
  614. Shared folders: <none>
  616. Video capturing: not active
  617. Capture screens: 0
  618. Capture file: /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm
  619. Capture dimensions: 1024x768
  620. Capture rate: 512 kbps
  621. Capture FPS: 25
  623. Guest:
  625. Configured memory balloon size: 0 MB
  628. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  629. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  631. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::DiscardState:0x005590af22b178>
  632. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  633. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  634. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  635. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  636. groups="/"
  637. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  638. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  639. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox"
  640. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots"
  641. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs"
  642. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  643. memory=1024
  644. pagefusion="off"
  645. vram=36
  646. cpuexecutioncap=100
  647. hpet="off"
  648. chipset="piix3"
  649. firmware="BIOS"
  650. cpus=1
  651. pae="off"
  652. longmode="on"
  653. triplefaultreset="off"
  654. apic="on"
  655. x2apic="off"
  656. cpuid-portability-level=0
  657. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  658. boot1="dvd"
  659. boot2="disk"
  660. boot3="none"
  661. boot4="none"
  662. acpi="on"
  663. ioapic="on"
  664. biosapic="apic"
  665. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  666. rtcuseutc="on"
  667. hwvirtex="on"
  668. nestedpaging="on"
  669. largepages="on"
  670. vtxvpid="on"
  671. vtxux="on"
  672. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  673. effparavirtprovider="none"
  674. VMState="poweroff"
  675. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  676. monitorcount=1
  677. accelerate3d="off"
  678. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  679. teleporterenabled="off"
  680. teleporterport=0
  681. teleporteraddress=""
  682. teleporterpassword=""
  683. tracing-enabled="off"
  684. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  685. tracing-config=""
  686. autostart-enabled="off"
  687. autostart-delay=0
  688. defaultfrontend=""
  689. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  690. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  691. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  692. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  693. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  694. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  695. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  696. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  697. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  698. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  699. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  700. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  701. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  702. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  703. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  704. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  705. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  706. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"
  707. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  708. natnet1="nat"
  709. macaddress1="08002725C187"
  710. cableconnected1="on"
  711. nic1="nat"
  712. nictype1="82540EM"
  713. nicspeed1="0"
  714. mtu="0"
  715. sockSnd="64"
  716. sockRcv="64"
  717. tcpWndSnd="64"
  718. tcpWndRcv="64"
  719. nic2="none"
  720. nic3="none"
  721. nic4="none"
  722. nic5="none"
  723. nic6="none"
  724. nic7="none"
  725. nic8="none"
  726. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  727. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  728. uart1="off"
  729. uart2="off"
  730. uart3="off"
  731. uart4="off"
  732. lpt1="off"
  733. lpt2="off"
  734. audio="none"
  735. clipboard="disabled"
  736. draganddrop="disabled"
  737. vrde="off"
  738. usb="on"
  739. ehci="off"
  740. xhci="off"
  741. vcpenabled="off"
  742. vcpscreens=0
  743. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm"
  744. vcpwidth=1024
  745. vcpheight=768
  746. vcprate=512
  747. vcpfps=25
  748. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  749. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  750. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  751. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::MatchMACAddress:0x005590af22b150>
  752. INFO interface: info: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
  753. INFO interface: info: ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
  754. ==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
  755. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--macaddress1", "08002753A97C"]
  756. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  757. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  758. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  759. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  760. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af22b100@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  761. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckVirtualbox:0x005590af993cd0>
  762. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  763. DEBUG meta: Finding driver for VirtualBox version: 5.1.14
  764. INFO meta: Using VirtualBox driver: VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Driver::Version_5_0
  765. INFO base: VBoxManage path: VBoxManage
  766. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "hostonlyifs"]
  767. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  768. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  769. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Name: vboxnet2
  770. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4274-8000-0a0027000002
  771. DHCP: Disabled
  772. IPAddress:
  773. NetworkMask:
  774. IPV6Address:
  775. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  776. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:02
  777. MediumType: Ethernet
  778. Status: Down
  779. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet2
  781. Name: vboxnet1
  782. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4174-8000-0a0027000001
  783. DHCP: Disabled
  784. IPAddress:
  785. NetworkMask:
  786. IPV6Address:
  787. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  788. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:01
  789. MediumType: Ethernet
  790. Status: Down
  791. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet1
  793. Name: vboxnet0
  794. GUID: 786f6276-656e-4074-8000-0a0027000000
  795. DHCP: Disabled
  796. IPAddress:
  797. NetworkMask:
  798. IPV6Address:
  799. IPV6NetworkMaskPrefixLength: 0
  800. HardwareAddress: 0a:00:27:00:00:00
  801. MediumType: Ethernet
  802. Status: Down
  803. VBoxNetworkName: HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0
  805. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  806. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  807. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::ConfigValidate:0x005590af993ca8>
  808. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::BoxCheckOutdated:0x005590af993c80>
  809. INFO interface: output: Checking if box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm' is up to date...
  810. INFO interface: output: ==> default: Checking if box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm' is up to date...
  811. ==> default: Checking if box 'ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm' is up to date...
  812. INFO downloader: Downloader starting download:
  813. INFO downloader: -- Source:
  814. INFO downloader: -- Destination: /tmp/vagrant20170406-3000-1lhbcl1
  815. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/curl", "-q", "--fail", "--location", "--max-redirs", "10", "--user-agent", "Vagrant/1.8.1 (+; ruby2.3.3)", "-H", "Accept: application/json", "--output", "/tmp/vagrant20170406-3000-1lhbcl1", ""]
  816. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  817. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  818. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
  819. Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
  821. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
  822. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
  823. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:-- 0
  824. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:-- 0
  825. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:03 --:--:-- 0
  826. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:04 --:--:-- 0
  827. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:05 --:--:-- 0
  828. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:06 --:--:-- 0
  829. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:07 --:--:-- 0
  830. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:08 --:--:-- 0
  831. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:09 --:--:-- 0
  832. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:10 --:--:-- 0
  833. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:11 --:--:-- 0
  834. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:12 --:--:-- 0
  835. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:13 --:--:-- 0
  836. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:14 --:--:-- 0
  837. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:15 --:--:-- 0
  838. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:16 --:--:-- 0
  839. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:17 --:--:-- 0
  840. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:18 --:--:-- 0
  841. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:19 --:--:-- 0
  842. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:20 --:--:-- 0
  843. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:21 --:--:-- 0
  844. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:22 --:--:-- 0
  845. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:23 --:--:-- 0
  846. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:24 --:--:-- 0
  847. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:25 --:--:-- 0
  848. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:26 --:--:-- 0
  849. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:27 --:--:-- 0
  850. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:28 --:--:-- 0
  851. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:29 --:--:-- 0
  852. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:30 --:--:-- 0
  853. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:31 --:--:-- 0
  854. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:32 --:--:-- 0
  855. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:33 --:--:-- 0
  856. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:34 --:--:--
  857. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: 0
  858. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:35 --:--:-- 0
  859. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:36 --:--:-- 0
  860. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:37 --:--:-- 0
  861. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:38 --:--:-- 0
  862. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:39 --:--:-- 0
  863. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:40 --:--:-- 0
  864. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:41 --:--:-- 0
  865. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:42 --:--:-- 0
  866. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:43 --:--:-- 0
  867. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:44 --:--:-- 0
  868. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:45 --:--:-- 0
  869. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:46 --:--:-- 0
  870. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:47 --:--:-- 0
  871. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:48 --:--:-- 0
  872. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:49 --:--:-- 0
  873. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:50 --:--:-- 0
  874. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:51 --:--:-- 0
  875. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:52 --:--:-- 0
  876. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:53 --:--:-- 0
  877. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:54 --:--:-- 0
  878. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:55 --:--:-- 0
  879. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:56 --:--:-- 0
  880. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:57 --:--:-- 0
  881. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:58 --:--:-- 0
  882. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:59 --:--:-- 0
  883. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:00 --:--:-- 0
  884. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:01 --:--:-- 0
  885. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:02 --:--:-- 0
  886. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:03 --:--:-- 0
  887. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:04 --:--:-- 0
  888. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:05 --:--:-- 0
  889. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:06 --:--:-- 0
  890. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:07 --:--:-- 0
  891. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:08 --:--:-- 0
  892. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:09 --:--:-- 0
  893. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:10 --:--:-- 0
  894. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:11 --:--:-- 0
  895. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:12 --:--:-- 0
  896. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:13 --:--:-- 0
  897. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:14 --:--:-- 0
  898. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:15 --:--:-- 0
  899. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:16 --:--:-- 0
  900. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:17 --:--:-- 0
  901. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:18 --:--:-- 0
  902. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:19 --:--:-- 0
  903. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:20 --:--:-- 0
  904. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:21 --:--:-- 0
  905. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:22 --:--:-- 0
  906. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:23 --:--:-- 0
  907. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:24 --:--:-- 0
  908. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:25 --:--:-- 0
  909. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:26 --:--:-- 0
  910. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:27 --:--:-- 0
  911. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:28 --:--:-- 0
  912. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:29 --:--:-- 0
  913. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:30 --:--:-- 0
  914. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:31 --:--:-- 0
  915. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:32 --:--:-- 0
  916. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:33 --:--:-- 0
  917. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:34 --:--:-- 0
  918. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:35 --:--:-- 0
  919. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:36 --:--:-- 0
  920. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:37 --:--:-- 0
  921. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:38 --:--:-- 0
  922. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:39 --:--:-- 0
  923. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:40 --:--:-- 0
  924. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:41 --:--:-- 0
  925. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:42 --:--:-- 0
  926. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:43 --:--:-- 0
  927. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:44 --:--:-- 0
  928. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:45 --:--:-- 0
  929. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:46 --:--:-- 0
  930. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:47 --:--:-- 0
  931. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:48 --:--:-- 0
  932. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:49 --:--:-- 0
  933. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:50 --:--:-- 0
  934. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:51 --:--:-- 0
  935. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:52 --:--:-- 0
  936. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:53 --:--:-- 0
  937. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:54 --:--:-- 0
  938. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:55 --:--:-- 0
  939. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:56 --:--:-- 0
  940. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:57 --:--:-- 0
  941. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:58 --:--:-- 0
  942. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:01:59 --:--:-- 0
  943. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:00 --:--:-- 0
  944. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:01 --:--:-- 0
  945. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:02 --:--:-- 0
  946. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:03 --:--:-- 0
  947. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:04 --:--:-- 0
  948. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:05 --:--:-- 0
  949. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:06 --:--:-- 0
  950. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:07 --:--:-- 0
  951. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:08 --:--:-- 0
  952. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:09 --:--:-- 0
  953. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:02:10 --:--:-- 0
  954. DEBUG subprocess: stderr: curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 3128: Connection timed out
  955. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31869
  956. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 7
  957. WARN downloader: Downloader exit code: 7
  958. ERROR downloader: Exit code: 7
  959. INFO interface: warn: There was a problem while downloading the metadata for your box
  960. to check for updates. This is not an error, since it is usually due
  961. to temporary network problems. This is just a warning. The problem
  962. encountered was:
  964. Failed to connect to port 3128: Connection timed out
  966. If you want to check for box updates, verify your network connection
  967. is valid and try again.
  968. INFO interface: warn: ==> default: There was a problem while downloading the metadata for your box
  969. ==> default: to check for updates. This is not an error, since it is usually due
  970. ==> default: to temporary network problems. This is just a warning. The problem
  971. ==> default: encountered was:
  972. ==> default:
  973. ==> default: Failed to connect to port 3128: Connection timed out
  974. ==> default:
  975. ==> default: If you want to check for box updates, verify your network connection
  976. ==> default: is valid and try again.
  977. ==> default: There was a problem while downloading the metadata for your box
  978. ==> default: to check for updates. This is not an error, since it is usually due
  979. ==> default: to temporary network problems. This is just a warning. The problem
  980. ==> default: encountered was:
  981. ==> default:
  982. ==> default: Failed to connect to port 3128: Connection timed out
  983. ==> default:
  984. ==> default: If you want to check for box updates, verify your network connection
  985. ==> default: is valid and try again.
  986. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af926630>
  987. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  988. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  989. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590af4386a0>
  990. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsRunning:0x005590af444810>
  991. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  992. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  993. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  994. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  995. groups="/"
  996. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  997. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  998. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox"
  999. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots"
  1000. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs"
  1001. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1002. memory=1024
  1003. pagefusion="off"
  1004. vram=36
  1005. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1006. hpet="off"
  1007. chipset="piix3"
  1008. firmware="BIOS"
  1009. cpus=1
  1010. pae="off"
  1011. longmode="on"
  1012. triplefaultreset="off"
  1013. apic="on"
  1014. x2apic="off"
  1015. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1016. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1017. boot1="dvd"
  1018. boot2="disk"
  1019. boot3="none"
  1020. boot4="none"
  1021. acpi="on"
  1022. ioapic="on"
  1023. biosapic="apic"
  1024. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1025. rtcuseutc="on"
  1026. hwvirtex="on"
  1027. nestedpaging="on"
  1028. largepages="on"
  1029. vtxvpid="on"
  1030. vtxux="on"
  1031. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  1032. effparavirtprovider="none"
  1033. VMState="poweroff"
  1034. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  1035. monitorcount=1
  1036. accelerate3d="off"
  1037. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1038. teleporterenabled="off"
  1039. teleporterport=0
  1040. teleporteraddress=""
  1041. teleporterpassword=""
  1042. tracing-enabled="off"
  1043. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1044. tracing-config=""
  1045. autostart-enabled="off"
  1046. autostart-delay=0
  1047. defaultfrontend=""
  1048. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1049. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1050. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1051. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1052. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1053. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1054. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1055. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1056. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1057. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1058. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1059. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1060. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1061. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1062. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1063. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1064. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1065. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"
  1066. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  1067. natnet1="nat"
  1068. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  1069. cableconnected1="on"
  1070. nic1="nat"
  1071. nictype1="82540EM"
  1072. nicspeed1="0"
  1073. mtu="0"
  1074. sockSnd="64"
  1075. sockRcv="64"
  1076. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1077. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1078. nic2="none"
  1079. nic3="none"
  1080. nic4="none"
  1081. nic5="none"
  1082. nic6="none"
  1083. nic7="none"
  1084. nic8="none"
  1085. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1086. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1087. uart1="off"
  1088. uart2="off"
  1089. uart3="off"
  1090. uart4="off"
  1091. lpt1="off"
  1092. lpt2="off"
  1093. audio="none"
  1094. clipboard="disabled"
  1095. draganddrop="disabled"
  1096. vrde="off"
  1097. usb="on"
  1098. ehci="off"
  1099. xhci="off"
  1100. vcpenabled="off"
  1101. vcpscreens=0
  1102. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm"
  1103. vcpwidth=1024
  1104. vcpheight=768
  1105. vcprate=512
  1106. vcpfps=25
  1107. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1108. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999
  1109. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1110. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsRunning:0x005590af444810>
  1111. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  1112. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  1113. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x005590af585da0>
  1114. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af6be910@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  1115. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af585d28>
  1116. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  1117. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  1118. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590af7bf8f0>
  1119. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsSaved:0x005590af7e3a48>
  1120. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  1121. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1122. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1123. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  1124. groups="/"
  1125. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  1126. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1127. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox"
  1128. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots"
  1129. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs"
  1130. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1131. memory=1024
  1132. pagefusion="off"
  1133. vram=36
  1134. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1135. hpet="off"
  1136. chipset="piix3"
  1137. firmware="BIOS"
  1138. cpus=1
  1139. pae="off"
  1140. longmode="on"
  1141. triplefaultreset="off"
  1142. apic="on"
  1143. x2apic="off"
  1144. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1145. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1146. boot1="dvd"
  1147. boot2="disk"
  1148. boot3="none"
  1149. boot4="none"
  1150. acpi="on"
  1151. ioapic="on"
  1152. biosapic="apic"
  1153. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1154. rtcuseutc="on"
  1155. hwvirtex="on"
  1156. nestedpaging="on"
  1157. largepages="on"
  1158. vtxvpid="on"
  1159. vtxux="on"
  1160. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  1161. effparavirtprovider="none"
  1162. VMState="poweroff"
  1163. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  1164. monitorcount=1
  1165. accelerate3d="off"
  1166. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1167. teleporterenabled="off"
  1168. teleporterport=0
  1169. teleporteraddress=""
  1170. teleporterpassword=""
  1171. tracing-enabled="off"
  1172. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1173. tracing-config=""
  1174. autostart-enabled="off"
  1175. autostart-delay=0
  1176. defaultfrontend=""
  1177. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1178. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1179. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1180. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1181. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1182. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1183. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1184. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1185. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1186. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1187. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1188. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1189. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1190. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1191. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1192. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1193. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1194. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"
  1195. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  1196. natnet1="nat"
  1197. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  1198. cableconnected1="on"
  1199. nic1="nat"
  1200. nictype1="82540EM"
  1201. nicspeed1="0"
  1202. mtu="0"
  1203. sockSnd="64"
  1204. sockRcv="64"
  1205. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1206. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1207. nic2="none"
  1208. nic3="none"
  1209. nic4="none"
  1210. nic5="none"
  1211. nic6="none"
  1212. nic7="none"
  1213. nic8="none"
  1214. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1215. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1216. uart1="off"
  1217. uart2="off"
  1218. uart3="off"
  1219. uart4="off"
  1220. lpt1="off"
  1221. lpt2="off"
  1222. audio="none"
  1223. clipboard="disabled"
  1224. draganddrop="disabled"
  1225. vrde="off"
  1226. usb="on"
  1227. ehci="off"
  1228. xhci="off"
  1229. vcpenabled="off"
  1230. vcpscreens=0
  1231. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm"
  1232. vcpwidth=1024
  1233. vcpheight=768
  1234. vcprate=512
  1235. vcpfps=25
  1236. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1237. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1238. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1239. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsSaved:0x005590af7e3a48>
  1240. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  1241. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  1242. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x005590af8bf250>
  1243. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af769c98@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  1244. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af8bf1d8>
  1245. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  1246. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  1247. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590af50b348>
  1248. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsPaused:0x005590af4e33c0>
  1249. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  1250. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1251. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1252. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  1253. groups="/"
  1254. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  1255. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1256. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox"
  1257. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots"
  1258. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs"
  1259. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1260. memory=1024
  1261. pagefusion="off"
  1262. vram=36
  1263. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1264. hpet="off"
  1265. chipset="piix3"
  1266. firmware="BIOS"
  1267. cpus=1
  1268. pae="off"
  1269. longmode="on"
  1270. triplefaultreset="off"
  1271. apic="on"
  1272. x2apic="off"
  1273. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1274. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1275. boot1="dvd"
  1276. boot2="disk"
  1277. boot3="none"
  1278. boot4="none"
  1279. acpi="on"
  1280. ioapic="on"
  1281. biosapic="apic"
  1282. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1283. rtcuseutc="on"
  1284. hwvirtex="on"
  1285. nestedpaging="on"
  1286. largepages="on"
  1287. vtxvpid="on"
  1288. vtxux="on"
  1289. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  1290. effparavirtprovider="none"
  1291. VMState="poweroff"
  1292. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  1293. monitorcount=1
  1294. accelerate3d="off"
  1295. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1296. teleporterenabled="off"
  1297. teleporterport=0
  1298. teleporteraddress=""
  1299. teleporterpassword=""
  1300. tracing-enabled="off"
  1301. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1302. tracing-config=""
  1303. autostart-enabled="off"
  1304. autostart-delay=0
  1305. defaultfrontend=""
  1306. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1307. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1308. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1309. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1310. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1311. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1312. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1313. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1314. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1315. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1316. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1317. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1318. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1319. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1320. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1321. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1322. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1323. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"
  1324. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  1325. natnet1="nat"
  1326. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  1327. cableconnected1="on"
  1328. nic1="nat"
  1329. nictype1="82540EM"
  1330. nicspeed1="0"
  1331. mtu="0"
  1332. sockSnd="64"
  1333. sockRcv="64"
  1334. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1335. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1336. nic2="none"
  1337. nic3="none"
  1338. nic4="none"
  1339. nic5="none"
  1340. nic6="none"
  1341. nic7="none"
  1342. nic8="none"
  1343. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1344. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1345. uart1="off"
  1346. uart2="off"
  1347. uart3="off"
  1348. uart4="off"
  1349. lpt1="off"
  1350. lpt2="off"
  1351. audio="none"
  1352. clipboard="disabled"
  1353. draganddrop="disabled"
  1354. vrde="off"
  1355. usb="on"
  1356. ehci="off"
  1357. xhci="off"
  1358. vcpenabled="off"
  1359. vcpscreens=0
  1360. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm"
  1361. vcpwidth=1024
  1362. vcpheight=768
  1363. vcprate=512
  1364. vcpfps=25
  1365. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1366. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1367. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1368. INFO warden: Calling OUT action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::IsPaused:0x005590af4e33c0>
  1369. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  1370. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  1371. INFO runner: Running action: machine_action_up #<Vagrant::Action::Warden:0x005590af873b20>
  1372. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Proc:0x005590af1a4f60@/usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/warden.rb:94 (lambda)>
  1373. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CheckAccessible:0x005590af873aa8>
  1374. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  1375. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1376. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1377. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348"
  1378. groups="/"
  1379. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  1380. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1381. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.vbox"
  1382. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Snapshots"
  1383. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/Logs"
  1384. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1385. memory=1024
  1386. pagefusion="off"
  1387. vram=36
  1388. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1389. hpet="off"
  1390. chipset="piix3"
  1391. firmware="BIOS"
  1392. cpus=1
  1393. pae="off"
  1394. longmode="on"
  1395. triplefaultreset="off"
  1396. apic="on"
  1397. x2apic="off"
  1398. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1399. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1400. boot1="dvd"
  1401. boot2="disk"
  1402. boot3="none"
  1403. boot4="none"
  1404. acpi="on"
  1405. ioapic="on"
  1406. biosapic="apic"
  1407. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1408. rtcuseutc="on"
  1409. hwvirtex="on"
  1410. nestedpaging="on"
  1411. largepages="on"
  1412. vtxvpid="on"
  1413. vtxux="on"
  1414. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  1415. effparavirtprovider="none"
  1416. VMState="poweroff"
  1417. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  1418. monitorcount=1
  1419. accelerate3d="off"
  1420. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1421. teleporterenabled="off"
  1422. teleporterport=0
  1423. teleporteraddress=""
  1424. teleporterpassword=""
  1425. tracing-enabled="off"
  1426. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1427. tracing-config=""
  1428. autostart-enabled="off"
  1429. autostart-delay=0
  1430. defaultfrontend=""
  1431. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1432. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1433. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1434. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1435. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1436. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1437. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1438. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1439. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1440. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1441. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1442. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1443. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1444. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1445. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1446. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1447. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1448. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/box-disk1.vmdk"
  1449. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  1450. natnet1="nat"
  1451. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  1452. cableconnected1="on"
  1453. nic1="nat"
  1454. nictype1="82540EM"
  1455. nicspeed1="0"
  1456. mtu="0"
  1457. sockSnd="64"
  1458. sockRcv="64"
  1459. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1460. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1461. nic2="none"
  1462. nic3="none"
  1463. nic4="none"
  1464. nic5="none"
  1465. nic6="none"
  1466. nic7="none"
  1467. nic8="none"
  1468. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1469. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1470. uart1="off"
  1471. uart2="off"
  1472. uart3="off"
  1473. uart4="off"
  1474. lpt1="off"
  1475. lpt2="off"
  1476. audio="none"
  1477. clipboard="disabled"
  1478. draganddrop="disabled"
  1479. vrde="off"
  1480. usb="on"
  1481. ehci="off"
  1482. xhci="off"
  1483. vcpenabled="off"
  1484. vcpscreens=0
  1485. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348/win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348.webm"
  1486. vcpwidth=1024
  1487. vcpheight=768
  1488. vcprate=512
  1489. vcpfps=25
  1490. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1491. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1492. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1493. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::CleanMachineFolder:0x005590af873a80>
  1494. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "systemproperties"]
  1495. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1496. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1497. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: API version: 5_1
  1498. Minimum guest RAM size: 4 Megabytes
  1499. Maximum guest RAM size: 2097152 Megabytes
  1500. Minimum video RAM size: 0 Megabytes
  1501. Maximum video RAM size: 256 Megabytes
  1502. Maximum guest monitor count: 64
  1503. Minimum guest CPU count: 1
  1504. Maximum guest CPU count: 32
  1505. Virtual disk limit (info): 2199022206976 Bytes
  1506. Maximum Serial Port count: 4
  1507. Maximum Parallel Port count: 2
  1508. Maximum Boot Position: 4
  1509. Maximum PIIX3 Network Adapter count: 8
  1510. Maximum ICH9 Network Adapter count: 36
  1511. Maximum PIIX3 IDE Controllers: 1
  1512. Maximum ICH9 IDE Controllers: 1
  1513. Maximum IDE Port count: 2
  1514. Maximum Devices per IDE Port: 2
  1515. Maximum PIIX3 SATA Controllers: 1
  1516. Maximum ICH9 SATA Controllers: 8
  1517. Maximum SATA Port count: 30
  1518. Maximum Devices per SATA Port: 1
  1519. Maximum PIIX3 SCSI Controllers: 1
  1520. Maximum ICH9 SCSI Controllers: 8
  1521. Maximum SCSI Port count: 16
  1522. Maximum Devices per SCSI Port: 1
  1523. Maximum SAS PIIX3 Controllers: 1
  1524. Maximum SAS ICH9 Controllers: 8
  1525. Maximum SAS Port count: 255
  1526. Maximum Devices per SAS Port: 1
  1527. Maximum NVMe PIIX3 Controllers: 1
  1528. Maximum NVMe ICH9 Controllers: 8
  1529. Maximum NVMe Port count: 255
  1530. Maximum Devices per NVMe Port: 1
  1531. Maximum PIIX3 Floppy Controllers:1
  1532. Maximum ICH9 Floppy Controllers: 1
  1533. Maximum Floppy Port count: 1
  1534. Maximum Devices per Floppy Port: 2
  1535. Default machine folder: /home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs
  1536. Raw-mode Supported: yes
  1537. Exclusive HW virtualization use: on
  1538. Default hard disk format: VDI
  1539. VRDE auth library: VBoxAuth
  1540. Webservice auth. library: VBoxAuth
  1541. Remote desktop ExtPack:
  1542. Log history count: 3
  1543. Default frontend:
  1544. Default audio driver: Pulse
  1545. Autostart database path:
  1546. Default Guest Additions ISO: /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
  1547. Logging Level: all
  1548. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1549. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1550. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::SetName:0x005590af873a58>
  1551. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"]
  1552. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1553. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1554. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "Office-PC" {7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877}
  1555. "Openshift 3.3" {b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3}
  1556. "Rhel6.7" {1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b}
  1557. "Centos7.3" {95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59}
  1558. "win2008r2x64_1491419075452_22348" {868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7}
  1559. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1560. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1561. INFO interface: info: Setting the name of the VM: session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103
  1562. INFO interface: info: ==> default: Setting the name of the VM: session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103
  1563. ==> default: Setting the name of the VM: session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103
  1564. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--name", "session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"]
  1565. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1566. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1567. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1568. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1569. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ClearForwardedPorts:0x005590af82fb00>
  1570. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  1571. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  1572. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1573. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1574. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  1575. groups="/"
  1576. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  1577. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1578. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  1579. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  1580. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  1581. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  1582. memory=1024
  1583. pagefusion="off"
  1584. vram=36
  1585. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1586. hpet="off"
  1587. chipset="piix3"
  1588. firmware="BIOS"
  1589. cpus=1
  1590. pae="off"
  1591. longmode="on"
  1592. triplefaultreset="off"
  1593. apic="on"
  1594. x2apic="off"
  1595. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1596. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1597. boot1="dvd"
  1598. boot2="disk"
  1599. boot3="none"
  1600. boot4="none"
  1601. acpi="on"
  1602. ioapic="on"
  1603. biosapic="apic"
  1604. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1605. rtcuseutc="on"
  1606. hwvirtex="on"
  1607. nestedpaging="on"
  1608. largepages="on"
  1609. vtxvpid="on"
  1610. vtxux="on"
  1611. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  1612. effparavirtprovider="none"
  1613. VMState="poweroff"
  1614. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  1615. monitorcount=1
  1616. accelerate3d="off"
  1617. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1618. teleporterenabled="off"
  1619. teleporterport=0
  1620. teleporteraddress=""
  1621. teleporterpassword=""
  1622. tracing-enabled="off"
  1623. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1624. tracing-config=""
  1625. autostart-enabled="off"
  1626. autostart-delay=0
  1627. defaultfrontend=""
  1628. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1629. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1630. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1631. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1632. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1633. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1634. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1635. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1636. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1637. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1638. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1639. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1640. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1641. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1642. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1643. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1644. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1645. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  1646. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  1647. natnet1="nat"
  1648. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  1649. cableconnected1="on"
  1650. nic1="nat"
  1651. nictype1="82540EM"
  1652. nicspeed1="0"
  1653. mtu="0"
  1654. sockSnd="64"
  1655. sockRcv="64"
  1656. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1657. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1658. nic2="none"
  1659. nic3="none"
  1660. nic4="none"
  1661. nic5="none"
  1662. nic6="none"
  1663. nic7="none"
  1664. nic8="none"
  1665. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1666. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1667. uart1="off"
  1668. uart2="off"
  1669. uart3="off"
  1670. uart4="off"
  1671. lpt1="off"
  1672. lpt2="off"
  1673. audio="none"
  1674. clipboard="disabled"
  1675. draganddrop="disabled"
  1676. vrde="off"
  1677. usb="on"
  1678. ehci="off"
  1679. xhci="off"
  1680. vcpenabled="off"
  1681. vcpscreens=0
  1682. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  1683. vcpwidth=1024
  1684. vcpheight=768
  1685. vcprate=512
  1686. vcpfps=25
  1687. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1688. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1689. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1690. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Cachier::Action::ConfigureBucketRoot:0x005590af82fad8>
  1691. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Provision:0x005590af78b1e0>
  1692. INFO provision: Checking provisioner sentinel file...
  1693. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProxyConf::Action::OnlyOnce:0x005590af6fe560>
  1694. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::Cachier::Action::InstallBuckets:0x005590af6fe538>
  1695. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::EnvSet:0x005590af684b48>
  1696. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareForwardedPortCollisionParams:0x005590af684af8>
  1697. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"]
  1698. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1699. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1700. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "Office-PC" {7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877}
  1701. "Openshift 3.3" {b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3}
  1702. "Rhel6.7" {1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b}
  1703. "Centos7.3" {95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59}
  1704. "session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103" {868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7}
  1705. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1706. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1707. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877 active_only=true
  1708. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877", "--machinereadable"]
  1709. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1710. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1711. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="Office-PC"
  1712. groups="/"
  1713. ostype="Windows 7 (64-bit)"
  1714. UUID="7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877"
  1715. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Office-PC/Office-PC.vbox"
  1716. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Office-PC/Snapshots"
  1717. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Office-PC/Logs"
  1718. hardwareuuid="7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877"
  1719. memory=4000
  1720. pagefusion="off"
  1721. vram=18
  1722. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1723. hpet="off"
  1724. chipset="piix3"
  1725. firmware="BIOS"
  1726. cpus=1
  1727. pae="off"
  1728. longmode="on"
  1729. triplefaultreset="off"
  1730. apic="on"
  1731. x2apic="off"
  1732. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1733. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1734. boot1="floppy"
  1735. boot2="dvd"
  1736. boot3="disk"
  1737. boot4="none"
  1738. acpi="on"
  1739. ioapic="on"
  1740. biosapic="apic"
  1741. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1742. rtcuseutc="off"
  1743. hwvirtex="on"
  1744. nestedpaging="on"
  1745. largepages="off"
  1746. vtxvpid="on"
  1747. vtxux="on"
  1748. paravirtprovider="default"
  1749. effparavirtprovider="hyperv"
  1750. VMState="running"
  1751. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:02:59.778000000"
  1752. monitorcount=1
  1753. accelerate3d="off"
  1754. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1755. teleporterenabled="off"
  1756. teleporterport=0
  1757. teleporteraddress=""
  1758. teleporterpassword=""
  1759. tracing-enabled="off"
  1760. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1761. tracing-config=""
  1762. autostart-enabled="off"
  1763. autostart-delay=0
  1764. defaultfrontend=""
  1765. storagecontrollername0="SATA"
  1766. storagecontrollertype0="IntelAhci"
  1767. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1768. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="30"
  1769. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1770. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1771. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Office-PC/Snapshots/{d7b756fe-0a72-4852-baaf-9e17095cfd2c}.vmdk"
  1772. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="d7b756fe-0a72-4852-baaf-9e17095cfd2c"
  1773. "SATA-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1774. "SATA-IsEjected"="off"
  1775. natnet1="nat"
  1776. macaddress1="080027FE3366"
  1777. cableconnected1="on"
  1778. nic1="nat"
  1779. nictype1="82540EM"
  1780. nicspeed1="0"
  1781. mtu="0"
  1782. sockSnd="64"
  1783. sockRcv="64"
  1784. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1785. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1786. nic2="none"
  1787. nic3="none"
  1788. nic4="none"
  1789. nic5="none"
  1790. nic6="none"
  1791. nic7="none"
  1792. nic8="none"
  1793. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  1794. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1795. uart1="off"
  1796. uart2="off"
  1797. uart3="off"
  1798. uart4="off"
  1799. lpt1="off"
  1800. lpt2="off"
  1801. audio="pulse"
  1802. clipboard="bidirectional"
  1803. draganddrop="bidirectional"
  1804. SessionName="GUI/Qt"
  1805. VideoMode="1366,651,32"@0,0 1
  1806. vrde="off"
  1807. usb="on"
  1808. ehci="off"
  1809. xhci="off"
  1810. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="TOSHIBA_EXT"
  1811. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/run/media/mikecali/TOSHIBA EXT"
  1812. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  1813. VRDEClients=0
  1814. vcpenabled="off"
  1815. vcpscreens=
  1816. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Office-PC/Office-PC.webm"
  1817. vcpwidth=1024
  1818. vcpheight=768
  1819. vcprate=512
  1820. vcpfps=25
  1821. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1822. GuestOSType="Windows81_64"
  1823. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=2
  1824. GuestAdditionsVersion="5.0.24 r108355"
  1825. GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox Base Driver=50,1491418984466
  1826. GuestAdditionsFacility_VirtualBox System Service=50,1491418990303
  1827. GuestAdditionsFacility_Seamless Mode=0,1491418984466
  1828. GuestAdditionsFacility_Graphics Mode=0,1491418984466
  1829. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  1830. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1831. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3 active_only=true
  1832. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3", "--machinereadable"]
  1833. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1834. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1835. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="Openshift 3.3"
  1836. groups="/"
  1837. ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)"
  1838. UUID="b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3"
  1839. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Openshift 3.3/Openshift 3.3.vbox"
  1840. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Openshift 3.3/Snapshots"
  1841. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Openshift 3.3/Logs"
  1842. hardwareuuid="b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3"
  1843. memory=1024
  1844. pagefusion="off"
  1845. vram=16
  1846. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1847. hpet="off"
  1848. chipset="piix3"
  1849. firmware="BIOS"
  1850. cpus=1
  1851. pae="on"
  1852. longmode="on"
  1853. triplefaultreset="off"
  1854. apic="on"
  1855. x2apic="on"
  1856. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1857. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1858. boot1="floppy"
  1859. boot2="dvd"
  1860. boot3="disk"
  1861. boot4="none"
  1862. acpi="on"
  1863. ioapic="on"
  1864. biosapic="apic"
  1865. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1866. rtcuseutc="on"
  1867. hwvirtex="on"
  1868. nestedpaging="on"
  1869. largepages="off"
  1870. vtxvpid="on"
  1871. vtxux="on"
  1872. paravirtprovider="default"
  1873. effparavirtprovider="kvm"
  1874. VMState="poweroff"
  1875. VMStateChangeTime="2017-01-29T22:31:12.000000000"
  1876. monitorcount=1
  1877. accelerate3d="off"
  1878. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1879. teleporterenabled="off"
  1880. teleporterport=0
  1881. teleporteraddress=""
  1882. teleporterpassword=""
  1883. tracing-enabled="off"
  1884. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  1885. tracing-config=""
  1886. autostart-enabled="off"
  1887. autostart-delay=0
  1888. defaultfrontend=""
  1889. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  1890. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  1891. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  1892. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  1893. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  1894. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  1895. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  1896. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  1897. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  1898. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  1899. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  1900. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  1901. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  1902. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  1903. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  1904. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  1905. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  1906. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Openshift 3.3/Openshift 3.3.vdi"
  1907. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="bf1c73e6-54cf-4276-bf40-0caa84ddc895"
  1908. natnet1="nat"
  1909. macaddress1="0800275DEBC4"
  1910. cableconnected1="on"
  1911. nic1="nat"
  1912. nictype1="82540EM"
  1913. nicspeed1="0"
  1914. mtu="0"
  1915. sockSnd="64"
  1916. sockRcv="64"
  1917. tcpWndSnd="64"
  1918. tcpWndRcv="64"
  1919. nic2="none"
  1920. nic3="none"
  1921. nic4="none"
  1922. nic5="none"
  1923. nic6="none"
  1924. nic7="none"
  1925. nic8="none"
  1926. hidpointing="ps2mouse"
  1927. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  1928. uart1="off"
  1929. uart2="off"
  1930. uart3="off"
  1931. uart4="off"
  1932. lpt1="off"
  1933. lpt2="off"
  1934. audio="pulse"
  1935. clipboard="disabled"
  1936. draganddrop="disabled"
  1937. vrde="off"
  1938. usb="on"
  1939. ehci="off"
  1940. xhci="off"
  1941. vcpenabled="off"
  1942. vcpscreens=0
  1943. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Openshift 3.3/Openshift 3.3.webm"
  1944. vcpwidth=1024
  1945. vcpheight=768
  1946. vcprate=512
  1947. vcpfps=25
  1948. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  1949. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999
  1950. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  1951. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b active_only=true
  1952. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b", "--machinereadable"]
  1953. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  1954. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  1955. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="Rhel6.7"
  1956. groups="/"
  1957. ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)"
  1958. UUID="1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b"
  1959. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Rhel6.7/Rhel6.7.vbox"
  1960. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Rhel6.7/Snapshots"
  1961. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Rhel6.7/Logs"
  1962. hardwareuuid="1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b"
  1963. memory=1024
  1964. pagefusion="off"
  1965. vram=16
  1966. cpuexecutioncap=100
  1967. hpet="off"
  1968. chipset="piix3"
  1969. firmware="BIOS"
  1970. cpus=1
  1971. pae="on"
  1972. longmode="on"
  1973. triplefaultreset="off"
  1974. apic="on"
  1975. x2apic="on"
  1976. cpuid-portability-level=0
  1977. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  1978. boot1="floppy"
  1979. boot2="dvd"
  1980. boot3="disk"
  1981. boot4="none"
  1982. acpi="on"
  1983. ioapic="on"
  1984. biosapic="apic"
  1985. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  1986. rtcuseutc="on"
  1987. hwvirtex="on"
  1988. nestedpaging="on"
  1989. largepages="off"
  1990. vtxvpid="on"
  1991. vtxux="on"
  1992. paravirtprovider="default"
  1993. effparavirtprovider="kvm"
  1994. VMState="poweroff"
  1995. VMStateChangeTime="2017-03-23T04:07:41.000000000"
  1996. monitorcount=1
  1997. accelerate3d="off"
  1998. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  1999. teleporterenabled="off"
  2000. teleporterport=0
  2001. teleporteraddress=""
  2002. teleporterpassword=""
  2003. tracing-enabled="off"
  2004. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2005. tracing-config=""
  2006. autostart-enabled="off"
  2007. autostart-delay=0
  2008. defaultfrontend=""
  2009. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2010. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2011. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2012. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2013. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2014. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2015. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2016. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2017. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2018. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2019. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2020. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2021. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2022. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2023. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2024. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2025. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2026. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Rhel6.7/Rhel6.7.vdi"
  2027. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="476f4d8b-253b-4f51-bbf5-1007d912ffd6"
  2028. bridgeadapter1="enp0s31f6"
  2029. macaddress1="0800273EF7F3"
  2030. cableconnected1="on"
  2031. nic1="bridged"
  2032. nictype1="82540EM"
  2033. nicspeed1="0"
  2034. nic2="none"
  2035. nic3="none"
  2036. nic4="none"
  2037. nic5="none"
  2038. nic6="none"
  2039. nic7="none"
  2040. nic8="none"
  2041. hidpointing="ps2mouse"
  2042. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2043. uart1="off"
  2044. uart2="off"
  2045. uart3="off"
  2046. uart4="off"
  2047. lpt1="off"
  2048. lpt2="off"
  2049. audio="pulse"
  2050. clipboard="disabled"
  2051. draganddrop="disabled"
  2052. vrde="off"
  2053. usb="on"
  2054. ehci="off"
  2055. xhci="off"
  2056. vcpenabled="off"
  2057. vcpscreens=0
  2058. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Rhel6.7/Rhel6.7.webm"
  2059. vcpwidth=1024
  2060. vcpheight=768
  2061. vcprate=512
  2062. vcpfps=25
  2063. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2064. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2065. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2066. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59 active_only=true
  2067. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59", "--machinereadable"]
  2068. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2069. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2070. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="Centos7.3"
  2071. groups="/"
  2072. ostype="Red Hat (64-bit)"
  2073. UUID="95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59"
  2074. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Centos7.3/Centos7.3.vbox"
  2075. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Centos7.3/Snapshots"
  2076. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Centos7.3/Logs"
  2077. hardwareuuid="95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59"
  2078. memory=1024
  2079. pagefusion="off"
  2080. vram=16
  2081. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2082. hpet="off"
  2083. chipset="piix3"
  2084. firmware="BIOS"
  2085. cpus=1
  2086. pae="on"
  2087. longmode="on"
  2088. triplefaultreset="off"
  2089. apic="on"
  2090. x2apic="on"
  2091. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2092. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2093. boot1="floppy"
  2094. boot2="dvd"
  2095. boot3="disk"
  2096. boot4="none"
  2097. acpi="on"
  2098. ioapic="on"
  2099. biosapic="apic"
  2100. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2101. rtcuseutc="on"
  2102. hwvirtex="on"
  2103. nestedpaging="on"
  2104. largepages="off"
  2105. vtxvpid="on"
  2106. vtxux="on"
  2107. paravirtprovider="default"
  2108. effparavirtprovider="kvm"
  2109. VMState="poweroff"
  2110. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-02T22:20:26.000000000"
  2111. monitorcount=1
  2112. accelerate3d="off"
  2113. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2114. teleporterenabled="off"
  2115. teleporterport=0
  2116. teleporteraddress=""
  2117. teleporterpassword=""
  2118. tracing-enabled="off"
  2119. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2120. tracing-config=""
  2121. autostart-enabled="off"
  2122. autostart-delay=0
  2123. defaultfrontend=""
  2124. storagecontrollername0="SATA"
  2125. storagecontrollertype0="IntelAhci"
  2126. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2127. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="30"
  2128. storagecontrollerportcount0="1"
  2129. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2130. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Centos7.3/Centos 7.3.vdi"
  2131. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="5f377081-7c65-4ffa-95d1-e029b6f42a05"
  2132. natnet1="nat"
  2133. macaddress1="0800273C0729"
  2134. cableconnected1="on"
  2135. nic1="nat"
  2136. nictype1="82540EM"
  2137. nicspeed1="0"
  2138. mtu="0"
  2139. sockSnd="64"
  2140. sockRcv="64"
  2141. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2142. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2143. nic2="none"
  2144. nic3="none"
  2145. nic4="none"
  2146. nic5="none"
  2147. nic6="none"
  2148. nic7="none"
  2149. nic8="none"
  2150. hidpointing="ps2mouse"
  2151. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2152. uart1="off"
  2153. uart2="off"
  2154. uart3="off"
  2155. uart4="off"
  2156. lpt1="off"
  2157. lpt2="off"
  2158. audio="pulse"
  2159. clipboard="disabled"
  2160. draganddrop="disabled"
  2161. vrde="off"
  2162. usb="on"
  2163. ehci="off"
  2164. xhci="off"
  2165. vcpenabled="off"
  2166. vcpscreens=0
  2167. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/Centos7.3/Centos7.3.webm"
  2168. vcpwidth=1024
  2169. vcpheight=768
  2170. vcprate=512
  2171. vcpfps=25
  2172. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2173. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2174. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2175. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  2176. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2177. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2178. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2179. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2180. groups="/"
  2181. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2182. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2183. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2184. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2185. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2186. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2187. memory=1024
  2188. pagefusion="off"
  2189. vram=36
  2190. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2191. hpet="off"
  2192. chipset="piix3"
  2193. firmware="BIOS"
  2194. cpus=1
  2195. pae="off"
  2196. longmode="on"
  2197. triplefaultreset="off"
  2198. apic="on"
  2199. x2apic="off"
  2200. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2201. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2202. boot1="dvd"
  2203. boot2="disk"
  2204. boot3="none"
  2205. boot4="none"
  2206. acpi="on"
  2207. ioapic="on"
  2208. biosapic="apic"
  2209. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2210. rtcuseutc="on"
  2211. hwvirtex="on"
  2212. nestedpaging="on"
  2213. largepages="on"
  2214. vtxvpid="on"
  2215. vtxux="on"
  2216. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2217. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2218. VMState="poweroff"
  2219. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  2220. monitorcount=1
  2221. accelerate3d="off"
  2222. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2223. teleporterenabled="off"
  2224. teleporterport=0
  2225. teleporteraddress=""
  2226. teleporterpassword=""
  2227. tracing-enabled="off"
  2228. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2229. tracing-config=""
  2230. autostart-enabled="off"
  2231. autostart-delay=0
  2232. defaultfrontend=""
  2233. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2234. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2235. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2236. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2237. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2238. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2239. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2240. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2241. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2242. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2243. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2244. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2245. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2246. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2247. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2248. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2249. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2250. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  2251. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  2252. natnet1="nat"
  2253. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  2254. cableconnected1="on"
  2255. nic1="nat"
  2256. nictype1="82540EM"
  2257. nicspeed1="0"
  2258. mtu="0"
  2259. sockSnd="64"
  2260. sockRcv="64"
  2261. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2262. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2263. nic2="none"
  2264. nic3="none"
  2265. nic4="none"
  2266. nic5="none"
  2267. nic6="none"
  2268. nic7="none"
  2269. nic8="none"
  2270. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  2271. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2272. uart1="off"
  2273. uart2="off"
  2274. uart3="off"
  2275. uart4="off"
  2276. lpt1="off"
  2277. lpt2="off"
  2278. audio="none"
  2279. clipboard="disabled"
  2280. draganddrop="disabled"
  2281. vrde="off"
  2282. usb="on"
  2283. ehci="off"
  2284. xhci="off"
  2285. vcpenabled="off"
  2286. vcpscreens=0
  2287. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  2288. vcpwidth=1024
  2289. vcpheight=768
  2290. vcprate=512
  2291. vcpfps=25
  2292. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2293. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2294. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2295. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions:0x005590af684ad0>
  2296. DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: fpcollision
  2297. DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
  2298. INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
  2299. INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
  2300. INFO environment: Acquired process lock: fpcollision
  2301. INFO handle_port_collisions: Detecting any forwarded port collisions...
  2302. DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Extra in use: []
  2303. DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Remap: {}
  2304. DEBUG handle_port_collisions: Repair: true
  2305. INFO environment: Released process lock: fpcollision
  2306. DEBUG environment: Attempting to acquire process-lock: dotlock
  2307. INFO environment: Acquired process lock: dotlock
  2308. INFO environment: Released process lock: dotlock
  2309. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareNFSValidIds:0x005590af61e960>
  2310. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "list", "vms"]
  2311. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2312. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2313. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: "Office-PC" {7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877}
  2314. "Openshift 3.3" {b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3}
  2315. "Rhel6.7" {1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b}
  2316. "Centos7.3" {95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59}
  2317. "session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103" {868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7}
  2318. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2319. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2320. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::SyncedFolderNFS::ActionCleanup:0x005590af5e0110>
  2321. DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune
  2322. DEBUG host: Checking in: redhat
  2323. DEBUG host: Checking in: linux
  2324. DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux
  2325. INFO nfs: NFS pruning. Valid IDs: ["7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877", "b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3", "1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b", "95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"]
  2326. DEBUG host: Searching for cap: nfs_prune
  2327. DEBUG host: Checking in: redhat
  2328. DEBUG host: Checking in: linux
  2329. DEBUG host: Found cap: nfs_prune in linux
  2330. INFO host: Execute capability: nfs_prune [#<Vagrant::Environment: /home/mikecali/Vagrant/>, #<Vagrant::UI::Prefixed:0x005590af692298 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590af692248 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={}, @stdin=#<IO:<STDIN>>, @stdout=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, @stderr=#<IO:<STDERR>>, @prefix=:default, @ui=#<Vagrant::UI::Basic:0x005590adf0fc60 @logger=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590adf0fb98 @fullname="vagrant::ui::interface", @outputters=[], @additive=true, @name="interface", @path="vagrant::ui", @parent=#<Log4r::Logger:0x005590ad28cf88 @fullname="vagrant", @outputters=[#<Log4r::StderrOutputter:0x005590ad260c30 @mon_owner=nil, @mon_count=0, @mon_mutex=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590ad260bb8>, @name="stderr", @level=0, @formatter=#<Log4r::DefaultFormatter:0x005590ad256c30 @depth=7>, @out=#<IO:<STDERR>>>], @additive=true, @name="vagrant", @path="", @parent=#<Log4r::RootLogger:0x005590ad28cda8 @level=0, @outputters=[]>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @level=1, @trace=false>, @opts={:color=>:default}, @stdin=#<IO:<STDIN>>, @stdout=#<IO:<STDOUT>>, @stderr=#<IO:<STDERR>>, @lock=#<Thread::Mutex:0x005590adeedae8>>>, ["7f738658-0578-4917-ab38-1d8109130877", "b971ed96-8882-410c-a864-911bcc0939c3", "1ae80b45-031f-4ea0-8966-c99c5a1e4f4b", "95f8b055-a79f-4d14-923f-d14258be4d59", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"]] (redhat)
  2331. INFO linux: Pruning invalid NFS entries...
  2332. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolderCleanup:0x005590af5a3328>
  2333. INFO synced_folder_cleanup: Invoking synced folder cleanup for: virtualbox
  2334. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2335. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2336. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2337. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2338. groups="/"
  2339. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2340. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2341. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2342. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2343. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2344. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2345. memory=1024
  2346. pagefusion="off"
  2347. vram=36
  2348. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2349. hpet="off"
  2350. chipset="piix3"
  2351. firmware="BIOS"
  2352. cpus=1
  2353. pae="off"
  2354. longmode="on"
  2355. triplefaultreset="off"
  2356. apic="on"
  2357. x2apic="off"
  2358. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2359. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2360. boot1="dvd"
  2361. boot2="disk"
  2362. boot3="none"
  2363. boot4="none"
  2364. acpi="on"
  2365. ioapic="on"
  2366. biosapic="apic"
  2367. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2368. rtcuseutc="on"
  2369. hwvirtex="on"
  2370. nestedpaging="on"
  2371. largepages="on"
  2372. vtxvpid="on"
  2373. vtxux="on"
  2374. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2375. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2376. VMState="poweroff"
  2377. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  2378. monitorcount=1
  2379. accelerate3d="off"
  2380. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2381. teleporterenabled="off"
  2382. teleporterport=0
  2383. teleporteraddress=""
  2384. teleporterpassword=""
  2385. tracing-enabled="off"
  2386. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2387. tracing-config=""
  2388. autostart-enabled="off"
  2389. autostart-delay=0
  2390. defaultfrontend=""
  2391. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2392. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2393. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2394. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2395. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2396. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2397. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2398. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2399. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2400. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2401. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2402. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2403. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2404. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2405. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2406. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2407. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2408. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  2409. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  2410. natnet1="nat"
  2411. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  2412. cableconnected1="on"
  2413. nic1="nat"
  2414. nictype1="82540EM"
  2415. nicspeed1="0"
  2416. mtu="0"
  2417. sockSnd="64"
  2418. sockRcv="64"
  2419. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2420. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2421. nic2="none"
  2422. nic3="none"
  2423. nic4="none"
  2424. nic5="none"
  2425. nic6="none"
  2426. nic7="none"
  2427. nic8="none"
  2428. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  2429. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2430. uart1="off"
  2431. uart2="off"
  2432. uart3="off"
  2433. uart4="off"
  2434. lpt1="off"
  2435. lpt2="off"
  2436. audio="none"
  2437. clipboard="disabled"
  2438. draganddrop="disabled"
  2439. vrde="off"
  2440. usb="on"
  2441. ehci="off"
  2442. xhci="off"
  2443. vcpenabled="off"
  2444. vcpscreens=0
  2445. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  2446. vcpwidth=1024
  2447. vcpheight=768
  2448. vcprate=512
  2449. vcpfps=25
  2450. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2451. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2452. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2453. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SyncedFolders:0x005590af531688>
  2454. INFO synced_folders: SyncedFolders loading from cache: false
  2455. INFO synced_folders: Synced Folder Implementation: virtualbox
  2456. INFO synced_folders: - /vagrant: . => /vagrant
  2457. INFO synced_folders: Invoking synced folder prepare for: virtualbox
  2458. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "setextradata", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/vagrant", "1"]
  2459. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2460. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2461. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2462. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2463. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "sharedfolder", "add", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--name", "vagrant", "--hostpath", "/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"]
  2464. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2465. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2466. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2467. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2468. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProxyConf::Action::OnlyOnce:0x005590af49eab8>
  2469. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::PrepareNFSSettings:0x005590af49ea90>
  2470. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ClearNetworkInterfaces:0x005590af3fc808>
  2471. INFO interface: info: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
  2472. INFO interface: info: ==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
  2473. ==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
  2474. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--nic2", "none", "--nic3", "none", "--nic4", "none", "--nic5", "none", "--nic6", "none", "--nic7", "none", "--nic8", "none"]
  2475. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2476. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2477. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2478. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2479. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Network:0x005590af3fc7e0>
  2480. DEBUG network: Available slots for high-level adapters: #<Set: {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36}>
  2481. INFO network: Determining network adapters required for high-level configuration...
  2482. INFO network: Determining adapters and compiling network configuration...
  2483. INFO network: Network slot 1. Type: nat.
  2484. DEBUG network: Normalized configuration: {:auto_config=>false, :adapter=>1}
  2485. DEBUG network: Adapter configuration: {:adapter=>1, :type=>:nat}
  2486. INFO network: Enabling adapters...
  2487. INFO interface: output: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
  2488. INFO interface: output: ==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
  2489. ==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
  2490. INFO interface: detail: Adapter 1: nat
  2491. INFO interface: detail: default: Adapter 1: nat
  2492. default: Adapter 1: nat
  2493. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--nic1", "nat"]
  2494. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2495. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2496. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2497. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2498. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::NetworkFixIPv6:0x005590af3057b0>
  2499. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::ForwardPorts:0x005590af2c01d8>
  2500. INFO interface: output: Forwarding ports...
  2501. INFO interface: output: ==> default: Forwarding ports...
  2502. ==> default: Forwarding ports...
  2503. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2504. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2505. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2506. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2507. groups="/"
  2508. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2509. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2510. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2511. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2512. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2513. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2514. memory=1024
  2515. pagefusion="off"
  2516. vram=36
  2517. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2518. hpet="off"
  2519. chipset="piix3"
  2520. firmware="BIOS"
  2521. cpus=1
  2522. pae="off"
  2523. longmode="on"
  2524. triplefaultreset="off"
  2525. apic="on"
  2526. x2apic="off"
  2527. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2528. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2529. boot1="dvd"
  2530. boot2="disk"
  2531. boot3="none"
  2532. boot4="none"
  2533. acpi="on"
  2534. ioapic="on"
  2535. biosapic="apic"
  2536. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2537. rtcuseutc="on"
  2538. hwvirtex="on"
  2539. nestedpaging="on"
  2540. largepages="on"
  2541. vtxvpid="on"
  2542. vtxux="on"
  2543. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2544. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2545. VMState="poweroff"
  2546. VMStateChangeTime="2013-11-25T20:23:17.000000000"
  2547. monitorcount=1
  2548. accelerate3d="off"
  2549. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2550. teleporterenabled="off"
  2551. teleporterport=0
  2552. teleporteraddress=""
  2553. teleporterpassword=""
  2554. tracing-enabled="off"
  2555. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2556. tracing-config=""
  2557. autostart-enabled="off"
  2558. autostart-delay=0
  2559. defaultfrontend=""
  2560. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2561. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2562. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2563. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2564. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2565. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2566. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2567. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2568. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2569. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2570. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2571. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2572. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2573. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2574. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2575. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2576. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2577. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  2578. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  2579. natnet1="nat"
  2580. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  2581. cableconnected1="on"
  2582. nic1="nat"
  2583. nictype1="82540EM"
  2584. nicspeed1="0"
  2585. mtu="0"
  2586. sockSnd="64"
  2587. sockRcv="64"
  2588. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2589. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2590. nic2="none"
  2591. nic3="none"
  2592. nic4="none"
  2593. nic5="none"
  2594. nic6="none"
  2595. nic7="none"
  2596. nic8="none"
  2597. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  2598. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2599. uart1="off"
  2600. uart2="off"
  2601. uart3="off"
  2602. uart4="off"
  2603. lpt1="off"
  2604. lpt2="off"
  2605. audio="none"
  2606. clipboard="disabled"
  2607. draganddrop="disabled"
  2608. vrde="off"
  2609. usb="on"
  2610. ehci="off"
  2611. xhci="off"
  2612. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  2613. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  2614. vcpenabled="off"
  2615. vcpscreens=0
  2616. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  2617. vcpwidth=1024
  2618. vcpheight=768
  2619. vcprate=512
  2620. vcpfps=25
  2621. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2622. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2623. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2624. INFO interface: detail: 3389 (guest) => 3389 (host) (adapter 1)
  2625. INFO interface: detail: default: 3389 (guest) => 3389 (host) (adapter 1)
  2626. default: 3389 (guest) => 3389 (host) (adapter 1)
  2627. INFO interface: detail: 5985 (guest) => 5985 (host) (adapter 1)
  2628. INFO interface: detail: default: 5985 (guest) => 5985 (host) (adapter 1)
  2629. default: 5985 (guest) => 5985 (host) (adapter 1)
  2630. INFO interface: detail: 5986 (guest) => 55986 (host) (adapter 1)
  2631. INFO interface: detail: default: 5986 (guest) => 55986 (host) (adapter 1)
  2632. default: 5986 (guest) => 55986 (host) (adapter 1)
  2633. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--natpf1", "rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389", "--natpf1", "winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985", "--natpf1", "winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"]
  2634. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2635. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2636. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2637. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2638. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::SetHostname:0x005590af2c01b0>
  2639. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::SaneDefaults:0x005590af2c0188>
  2640. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--rtcuseutc", "on"]
  2641. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2642. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2643. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2644. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2645. INFO sanedefaults: Automatically figuring out whether to enable/disable NAT DNS proxy...
  2646. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
  2647. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2648. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2649. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2650. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2651. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x005590af268bb8>
  2652. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Boot:0x005590af268b90>
  2653. INFO interface: info: Booting VM...
  2654. INFO interface: info: ==> default: Booting VM...
  2655. ==> default: Booting VM...
  2656. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "startvm", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--type", "headless"]
  2657. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2658. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2659. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: Waiting for VM "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7" to power on...
  2660. VM "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7" has been successfully started.
  2661. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 31999
  2662. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2663. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Customize:0x005590af268b68>
  2664. INFO warden: Calling IN action: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::WaitForCommunicator:0x005590af268b40>
  2665. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: winrm_info
  2666. INFO interface: output: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
  2667. INFO interface: output: ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
  2668. ==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  2670. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2671. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2672. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2673. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2674. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2675. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2676. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2677. groups="/"
  2678. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2679. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2680. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2681. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2682. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2683. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2684. memory=1024
  2685. pagefusion="off"
  2686. vram=36
  2687. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2688. hpet="off"
  2689. chipset="piix3"
  2690. firmware="BIOS"
  2691. cpus=1
  2692. pae="off"
  2693. longmode="on"
  2694. triplefaultreset="off"
  2695. apic="on"
  2696. x2apic="off"
  2697. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2698. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2699. boot1="dvd"
  2700. boot2="disk"
  2701. boot3="none"
  2702. boot4="none"
  2703. acpi="on"
  2704. ioapic="on"
  2705. biosapic="apic"
  2706. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2707. rtcuseutc="on"
  2708. hwvirtex="on"
  2709. nestedpaging="on"
  2710. largepages="on"
  2711. vtxvpid="on"
  2712. vtxux="on"
  2713. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2714. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2715. VMState="running"
  2716. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  2717. monitorcount=1
  2718. accelerate3d="off"
  2719. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2720. teleporterenabled="off"
  2721. teleporterport=0
  2722. teleporteraddress=""
  2723. teleporterpassword=""
  2724. tracing-enabled="off"
  2725. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2726. tracing-config=""
  2727. autostart-enabled="off"
  2728. autostart-delay=0
  2729. defaultfrontend=""
  2730. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2731. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2732. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2733. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2734. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2735. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2736. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2737. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2738. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2739. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2740. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2741. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2742. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2743. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2744. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2745. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2746. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2747. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  2748. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  2749. natnet1="nat"
  2750. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  2751. cableconnected1="on"
  2752. nic1="nat"
  2753. nictype1="82540EM"
  2754. nicspeed1="0"
  2755. mtu="0"
  2756. sockSnd="64"
  2757. sockRcv="64"
  2758. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2759. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2760. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  2761. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  2762. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  2763. nic2="none"
  2764. nic3="none"
  2765. nic4="none"
  2766. nic5="none"
  2767. nic6="none"
  2768. nic7="none"
  2769. nic8="none"
  2770. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  2771. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2772. uart1="off"
  2773. uart2="off"
  2774. uart3="off"
  2775. uart4="off"
  2776. lpt1="off"
  2777. lpt2="off"
  2778. audio="none"
  2779. clipboard="disabled"
  2780. draganddrop="disabled"
  2781. SessionName="headless"
  2782. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  2783. vrde="off"
  2784. usb="on"
  2785. ehci="off"
  2786. xhci="off"
  2787. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  2788. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  2789. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  2790. VRDEClients=0
  2791. vcpenabled="off"
  2792. vcpscreens=0
  2793. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  2794. vcpwidth=1024
  2795. vcpheight=768
  2796. vcprate=512
  2797. vcpfps=25
  2798. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2799. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  2800. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  2801. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2802. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2803. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: Searching for SSH port: 22
  2804. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  2805. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  2806. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2807. groups="/"
  2808. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2809. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2810. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2811. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2812. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2813. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2814. memory=1024
  2815. pagefusion="off"
  2816. vram=36
  2817. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2818. hpet="off"
  2819. chipset="piix3"
  2820. firmware="BIOS"
  2821. cpus=1
  2822. pae="off"
  2823. longmode="on"
  2824. triplefaultreset="off"
  2825. apic="on"
  2826. x2apic="off"
  2827. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2828. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2829. boot1="dvd"
  2830. boot2="disk"
  2831. boot3="none"
  2832. boot4="none"
  2833. acpi="on"
  2834. ioapic="on"
  2835. biosapic="apic"
  2836. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2837. rtcuseutc="on"
  2838. hwvirtex="on"
  2839. nestedpaging="on"
  2840. largepages="on"
  2841. vtxvpid="on"
  2842. vtxux="on"
  2843. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2844. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2845. VMState="running"
  2846. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  2847. monitorcount=1
  2848. accelerate3d="off"
  2849. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2850. teleporterenabled="off"
  2851. teleporterport=0
  2852. teleporteraddress=""
  2853. teleporterpassword=""
  2854. tracing-enabled="off"
  2855. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2856. tracing-config=""
  2857. autostart-enabled="off"
  2858. autostart-delay=0
  2859. defaultfrontend=""
  2860. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2861. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2862. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2863. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2864. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2865. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2866. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2867. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2868. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2869. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2870. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  2871. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  2872. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  2873. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  2874. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  2875. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  2876. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  2877. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  2878. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  2879. natnet1="nat"
  2880. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  2881. cableconnected1="on"
  2882. nic1="nat"
  2883. nictype1="82540EM"
  2884. nicspeed1="0"
  2885. mtu="0"
  2886. sockSnd="64"
  2887. sockRcv="64"
  2888. tcpWndSnd="64"
  2889. tcpWndRcv="64"
  2890. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  2891. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  2892. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  2893. nic2="none"
  2894. nic3="none"
  2895. nic4="none"
  2896. nic5="none"
  2897. nic6="none"
  2898. nic7="none"
  2899. nic8="none"
  2900. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  2901. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  2902. uart1="off"
  2903. uart2="off"
  2904. uart3="off"
  2905. uart4="off"
  2906. lpt1="off"
  2907. lpt2="off"
  2908. audio="none"
  2909. clipboard="disabled"
  2910. draganddrop="disabled"
  2911. SessionName="headless"
  2912. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  2913. vrde="off"
  2914. usb="on"
  2915. ehci="off"
  2916. xhci="off"
  2917. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  2918. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  2919. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  2920. VRDEClients=0
  2921. vcpenabled="off"
  2922. vcpscreens=0
  2923. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  2924. vcpwidth=1024
  2925. vcpheight=768
  2926. vcprate=512
  2927. vcpfps=25
  2928. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  2929. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  2930. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  2931. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  2932. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  2933. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  2934. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  2935. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  2936. groups="/"
  2937. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  2938. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2939. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  2940. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  2941. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  2942. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  2943. memory=1024
  2944. pagefusion="off"
  2945. vram=36
  2946. cpuexecutioncap=100
  2947. hpet="off"
  2948. chipset="piix3"
  2949. firmware="BIOS"
  2950. cpus=1
  2951. pae="off"
  2952. longmode="on"
  2953. triplefaultreset="off"
  2954. apic="on"
  2955. x2apic="off"
  2956. cpuid-portability-level=0
  2957. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  2958. boot1="dvd"
  2959. boot2="disk"
  2960. boot3="none"
  2961. boot4="none"
  2962. acpi="on"
  2963. ioapic="on"
  2964. biosapic="apic"
  2965. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  2966. rtcuseutc="on"
  2967. hwvirtex="on"
  2968. nestedpaging="on"
  2969. largepages="on"
  2970. vtxvpid="on"
  2971. vtxux="on"
  2972. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  2973. effparavirtprovider="none"
  2974. VMState="running"
  2975. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  2976. monitorcount=1
  2977. accelerate3d="off"
  2978. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  2979. teleporterenabled="off"
  2980. teleporterport=0
  2981. teleporteraddress=""
  2982. teleporterpassword=""
  2983. tracing-enabled="off"
  2984. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  2985. tracing-config=""
  2986. autostart-enabled="off"
  2987. autostart-delay=0
  2988. defaultfrontend=""
  2989. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  2990. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  2991. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  2992. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  2993. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  2994. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  2995. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  2996. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  2997. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  2998. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  2999. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3000. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3001. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3002. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3003. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3004. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3005. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3006. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3007. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3008. natnet1="nat"
  3009. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3010. cableconnected1="on"
  3011. nic1="nat"
  3012. nictype1="82540EM"
  3013. nicspeed1="0"
  3014. mtu="0"
  3015. sockSnd="64"
  3016. sockRcv="64"
  3017. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3018. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3019. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3020. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3021. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3022. nic2="none"
  3023. nic3="none"
  3024. nic4="none"
  3025. nic5="none"
  3026. nic6="none"
  3027. nic7="none"
  3028. nic8="none"
  3029. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3030. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3031. uart1="off"
  3032. uart2="off"
  3033. uart3="off"
  3034. uart4="off"
  3035. lpt1="off"
  3036. lpt2="off"
  3037. audio="none"
  3038. clipboard="disabled"
  3039. draganddrop="disabled"
  3040. SessionName="headless"
  3041. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3042. vrde="off"
  3043. usb="on"
  3044. ehci="off"
  3045. xhci="off"
  3046. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3047. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3048. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3049. VRDEClients=0
  3050. vcpenabled="off"
  3051. vcpscreens=0
  3052. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3053. vcpwidth=1024
  3054. vcpheight=768
  3055. vcprate=512
  3056. vcpfps=25
  3057. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3058. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3059. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3060. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3061. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3062. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  3063. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  3064. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  3065. DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
  3066. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  3067. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3068. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  3069. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  3070. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3071. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  3072. INFO provider: Execute capability: forwarded_ports [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>] (virtualbox)
  3073. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3074. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3075. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3076. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3077. groups="/"
  3078. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3079. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3080. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3081. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3082. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3083. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3084. memory=1024
  3085. pagefusion="off"
  3086. vram=36
  3087. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3088. hpet="off"
  3089. chipset="piix3"
  3090. firmware="BIOS"
  3091. cpus=1
  3092. pae="off"
  3093. longmode="on"
  3094. triplefaultreset="off"
  3095. apic="on"
  3096. x2apic="off"
  3097. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3098. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3099. boot1="dvd"
  3100. boot2="disk"
  3101. boot3="none"
  3102. boot4="none"
  3103. acpi="on"
  3104. ioapic="on"
  3105. biosapic="apic"
  3106. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3107. rtcuseutc="on"
  3108. hwvirtex="on"
  3109. nestedpaging="on"
  3110. largepages="on"
  3111. vtxvpid="on"
  3112. vtxux="on"
  3113. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3114. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3115. VMState="running"
  3116. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3117. monitorcount=1
  3118. accelerate3d="off"
  3119. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3120. teleporterenabled="off"
  3121. teleporterport=0
  3122. teleporteraddress=""
  3123. teleporterpassword=""
  3124. tracing-enabled="off"
  3125. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3126. tracing-config=""
  3127. autostart-enabled="off"
  3128. autostart-delay=0
  3129. defaultfrontend=""
  3130. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3131. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3132. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3133. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3134. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3135. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3136. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3137. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3138. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3139. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3140. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3141. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3142. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3143. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3144. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3145. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3146. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3147. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3148. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3149. natnet1="nat"
  3150. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3151. cableconnected1="on"
  3152. nic1="nat"
  3153. nictype1="82540EM"
  3154. nicspeed1="0"
  3155. mtu="0"
  3156. sockSnd="64"
  3157. sockRcv="64"
  3158. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3159. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3160. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3161. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3162. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3163. nic2="none"
  3164. nic3="none"
  3165. nic4="none"
  3166. nic5="none"
  3167. nic6="none"
  3168. nic7="none"
  3169. nic8="none"
  3170. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3171. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3172. uart1="off"
  3173. uart2="off"
  3174. uart3="off"
  3175. uart4="off"
  3176. lpt1="off"
  3177. lpt2="off"
  3178. audio="none"
  3179. clipboard="disabled"
  3180. draganddrop="disabled"
  3181. SessionName="headless"
  3182. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3183. vrde="off"
  3184. usb="on"
  3185. ehci="off"
  3186. xhci="off"
  3187. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3188. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3189. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3190. VRDEClients=0
  3191. vcpenabled="off"
  3192. vcpscreens=0
  3193. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3194. vcpwidth=1024
  3195. vcpheight=768
  3196. vcprate=512
  3197. vcpfps=25
  3198. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3199. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3200. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3201. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3202. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3203. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  3204. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3205. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3206. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3207. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3208. groups="/"
  3209. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3210. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3211. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3212. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3213. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3214. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3215. memory=1024
  3216. pagefusion="off"
  3217. vram=36
  3218. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3219. hpet="off"
  3220. chipset="piix3"
  3221. firmware="BIOS"
  3222. cpus=1
  3223. pae="off"
  3224. longmode="on"
  3225. triplefaultreset="off"
  3226. apic="on"
  3227. x2apic="off"
  3228. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3229. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3230. boot1="dvd"
  3231. boot2="disk"
  3232. boot3="none"
  3233. boot4="none"
  3234. acpi="on"
  3235. ioapic="on"
  3236. biosapic="apic"
  3237. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3238. rtcuseutc="on"
  3239. hwvirtex="on"
  3240. nestedpaging="on"
  3241. largepages="on"
  3242. vtxvpid="on"
  3243. vtxux="on"
  3244. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3245. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3246. VMState="running"
  3247. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3248. monitorcount=1
  3249. accelerate3d="off"
  3250. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3251. teleporterenabled="off"
  3252. teleporterport=0
  3253. teleporteraddress=""
  3254. teleporterpassword=""
  3255. tracing-enabled="off"
  3256. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3257. tracing-config=""
  3258. autostart-enabled="off"
  3259. autostart-delay=0
  3260. defaultfrontend=""
  3261. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3262. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3263. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3264. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3265. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3266. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3267. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3268. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3269. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3270. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3271. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3272. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3273. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3274. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3275. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3276. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3277. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3278. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3279. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3280. natnet1="nat"
  3281. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3282. cableconnected1="on"
  3283. nic1="nat"
  3284. nictype1="82540EM"
  3285. nicspeed1="0"
  3286. mtu="0"
  3287. sockSnd="64"
  3288. sockRcv="64"
  3289. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3290. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3291. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3292. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3293. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3294. nic2="none"
  3295. nic3="none"
  3296. nic4="none"
  3297. nic5="none"
  3298. nic6="none"
  3299. nic7="none"
  3300. nic8="none"
  3301. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3302. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3303. uart1="off"
  3304. uart2="off"
  3305. uart3="off"
  3306. uart4="off"
  3307. lpt1="off"
  3308. lpt2="off"
  3309. audio="none"
  3310. clipboard="disabled"
  3311. draganddrop="disabled"
  3312. SessionName="headless"
  3313. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3314. vrde="off"
  3315. usb="on"
  3316. ehci="off"
  3317. xhci="off"
  3318. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3319. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3320. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3321. VRDEClients=0
  3322. vcpenabled="off"
  3323. vcpscreens=0
  3324. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3325. vcpwidth=1024
  3326. vcpheight=768
  3327. vcprate=512
  3328. vcpfps=25
  3329. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3330. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3331. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3332. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3333. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3334. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  3335. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  3336. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  3337. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: winrm_info
  3338. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3339. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3340. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3341. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3342. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3343. groups="/"
  3344. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3345. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3346. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3347. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3348. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3349. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3350. memory=1024
  3351. pagefusion="off"
  3352. vram=36
  3353. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3354. hpet="off"
  3355. chipset="piix3"
  3356. firmware="BIOS"
  3357. cpus=1
  3358. pae="off"
  3359. longmode="on"
  3360. triplefaultreset="off"
  3361. apic="on"
  3362. x2apic="off"
  3363. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3364. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3365. boot1="dvd"
  3366. boot2="disk"
  3367. boot3="none"
  3368. boot4="none"
  3369. acpi="on"
  3370. ioapic="on"
  3371. biosapic="apic"
  3372. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3373. rtcuseutc="on"
  3374. hwvirtex="on"
  3375. nestedpaging="on"
  3376. largepages="on"
  3377. vtxvpid="on"
  3378. vtxux="on"
  3379. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3380. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3381. VMState="running"
  3382. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3383. monitorcount=1
  3384. accelerate3d="off"
  3385. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3386. teleporterenabled="off"
  3387. teleporterport=0
  3388. teleporteraddress=""
  3389. teleporterpassword=""
  3390. tracing-enabled="off"
  3391. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3392. tracing-config=""
  3393. autostart-enabled="off"
  3394. autostart-delay=0
  3395. defaultfrontend=""
  3396. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3397. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3398. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3399. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3400. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3401. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3402. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3403. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3404. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3405. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3406. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3407. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3408. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3409. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3410. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3411. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3412. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3413. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3414. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3415. natnet1="nat"
  3416. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3417. cableconnected1="on"
  3418. nic1="nat"
  3419. nictype1="82540EM"
  3420. nicspeed1="0"
  3421. mtu="0"
  3422. sockSnd="64"
  3423. sockRcv="64"
  3424. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3425. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3426. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3427. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3428. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3429. nic2="none"
  3430. nic3="none"
  3431. nic4="none"
  3432. nic5="none"
  3433. nic6="none"
  3434. nic7="none"
  3435. nic8="none"
  3436. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3437. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3438. uart1="off"
  3439. uart2="off"
  3440. uart3="off"
  3441. uart4="off"
  3442. lpt1="off"
  3443. lpt2="off"
  3444. audio="none"
  3445. clipboard="disabled"
  3446. draganddrop="disabled"
  3447. SessionName="headless"
  3448. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3449. vrde="off"
  3450. usb="on"
  3451. ehci="off"
  3452. xhci="off"
  3453. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3454. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3455. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3456. VRDEClients=0
  3457. vcpenabled="off"
  3458. vcpscreens=0
  3459. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3460. vcpwidth=1024
  3461. vcpheight=768
  3462. vcprate=512
  3463. vcpfps=25
  3464. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3465. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3466. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3467. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3468. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3469. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: Searching for SSH port: 22
  3470. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  3471. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3472. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3473. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3474. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3475. groups="/"
  3476. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3477. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3478. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3479. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3480. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3481. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3482. memory=1024
  3483. pagefusion="off"
  3484. vram=36
  3485. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3486. hpet="off"
  3487. chipset="piix3"
  3488. firmware="BIOS"
  3489. cpus=1
  3490. pae="off"
  3491. longmode="on"
  3492. triplefaultreset="off"
  3493. apic="on"
  3494. x2apic="off"
  3495. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3496. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3497. boot1="dvd"
  3498. boot2="disk"
  3499. boot3="none"
  3500. boot4="none"
  3501. acpi="on"
  3502. ioapic="on"
  3503. biosapic="apic"
  3504. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3505. rtcuseutc="on"
  3506. hwvirtex="on"
  3507. nestedpaging="on"
  3508. largepages="on"
  3509. vtxvpid="on"
  3510. vtxux="on"
  3511. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3512. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3513. VMState="running"
  3514. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3515. monitorcount=1
  3516. accelerate3d="off"
  3517. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3518. teleporterenabled="off"
  3519. teleporterport=0
  3520. teleporteraddress=""
  3521. teleporterpassword=""
  3522. tracing-enabled="off"
  3523. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3524. tracing-config=""
  3525. autostart-enabled="off"
  3526. autostart-delay=0
  3527. defaultfrontend=""
  3528. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3529. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3530. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3531. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3532. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3533. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3534. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3535. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3536. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3537. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3538. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3539. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3540. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3541. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3542. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3543. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3544. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3545. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3546. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3547. natnet1="nat"
  3548. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3549. cableconnected1="on"
  3550. nic1="nat"
  3551. nictype1="82540EM"
  3552. nicspeed1="0"
  3553. mtu="0"
  3554. sockSnd="64"
  3555. sockRcv="64"
  3556. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3557. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3558. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3559. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3560. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3561. nic2="none"
  3562. nic3="none"
  3563. nic4="none"
  3564. nic5="none"
  3565. nic6="none"
  3566. nic7="none"
  3567. nic8="none"
  3568. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3569. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3570. uart1="off"
  3571. uart2="off"
  3572. uart3="off"
  3573. uart4="off"
  3574. lpt1="off"
  3575. lpt2="off"
  3576. audio="none"
  3577. clipboard="disabled"
  3578. draganddrop="disabled"
  3579. SessionName="headless"
  3580. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3581. vrde="off"
  3582. usb="on"
  3583. ehci="off"
  3584. xhci="off"
  3585. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3586. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3587. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3588. VRDEClients=0
  3589. vcpenabled="off"
  3590. vcpscreens=0
  3591. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3592. vcpwidth=1024
  3593. vcpheight=768
  3594. vcprate=512
  3595. vcpfps=25
  3596. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3597. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3598. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3599. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3600. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3601. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  3602. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  3603. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  3604. DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
  3605. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  3606. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3607. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  3608. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  3609. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3610. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  3611. INFO provider: Execute capability: forwarded_ports [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>] (virtualbox)
  3612. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3613. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3614. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3615. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3616. groups="/"
  3617. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3618. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3619. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3620. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3621. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3622. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3623. memory=1024
  3624. pagefusion="off"
  3625. vram=36
  3626. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3627. hpet="off"
  3628. chipset="piix3"
  3629. firmware="BIOS"
  3630. cpus=1
  3631. pae="off"
  3632. longmode="on"
  3633. triplefaultreset="off"
  3634. apic="on"
  3635. x2apic="off"
  3636. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3637. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3638. boot1="dvd"
  3639. boot2="disk"
  3640. boot3="none"
  3641. boot4="none"
  3642. acpi="on"
  3643. ioapic="on"
  3644. biosapic="apic"
  3645. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3646. rtcuseutc="on"
  3647. hwvirtex="on"
  3648. nestedpaging="on"
  3649. largepages="on"
  3650. vtxvpid="on"
  3651. vtxux="on"
  3652. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3653. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3654. VMState="running"
  3655. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3656. monitorcount=1
  3657. accelerate3d="off"
  3658. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3659. teleporterenabled="off"
  3660. teleporterport=0
  3661. teleporteraddress=""
  3662. teleporterpassword=""
  3663. tracing-enabled="off"
  3664. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3665. tracing-config=""
  3666. autostart-enabled="off"
  3667. autostart-delay=0
  3668. defaultfrontend=""
  3669. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3670. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3671. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3672. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3673. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3674. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3675. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3676. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3677. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3678. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3679. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3680. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3681. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3682. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3683. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3684. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3685. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3686. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3687. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3688. natnet1="nat"
  3689. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3690. cableconnected1="on"
  3691. nic1="nat"
  3692. nictype1="82540EM"
  3693. nicspeed1="0"
  3694. mtu="0"
  3695. sockSnd="64"
  3696. sockRcv="64"
  3697. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3698. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3699. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3700. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3701. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3702. nic2="none"
  3703. nic3="none"
  3704. nic4="none"
  3705. nic5="none"
  3706. nic6="none"
  3707. nic7="none"
  3708. nic8="none"
  3709. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3710. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3711. uart1="off"
  3712. uart2="off"
  3713. uart3="off"
  3714. uart4="off"
  3715. lpt1="off"
  3716. lpt2="off"
  3717. audio="none"
  3718. clipboard="disabled"
  3719. draganddrop="disabled"
  3720. SessionName="headless"
  3721. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3722. vrde="off"
  3723. usb="on"
  3724. ehci="off"
  3725. xhci="off"
  3726. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3727. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3728. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3729. VRDEClients=0
  3730. vcpenabled="off"
  3731. vcpscreens=0
  3732. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3733. vcpwidth=1024
  3734. vcpheight=768
  3735. vcprate=512
  3736. vcpfps=25
  3737. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3738. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3739. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3740. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3741. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3742. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  3743. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3744. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3745. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3746. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3747. groups="/"
  3748. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3749. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3750. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3751. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3752. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3753. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3754. memory=1024
  3755. pagefusion="off"
  3756. vram=36
  3757. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3758. hpet="off"
  3759. chipset="piix3"
  3760. firmware="BIOS"
  3761. cpus=1
  3762. pae="off"
  3763. longmode="on"
  3764. triplefaultreset="off"
  3765. apic="on"
  3766. x2apic="off"
  3767. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3768. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3769. boot1="dvd"
  3770. boot2="disk"
  3771. boot3="none"
  3772. boot4="none"
  3773. acpi="on"
  3774. ioapic="on"
  3775. biosapic="apic"
  3776. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3777. rtcuseutc="on"
  3778. hwvirtex="on"
  3779. nestedpaging="on"
  3780. largepages="on"
  3781. vtxvpid="on"
  3782. vtxux="on"
  3783. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3784. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3785. VMState="running"
  3786. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3787. monitorcount=1
  3788. accelerate3d="off"
  3789. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3790. teleporterenabled="off"
  3791. teleporterport=0
  3792. teleporteraddress=""
  3793. teleporterpassword=""
  3794. tracing-enabled="off"
  3795. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3796. tracing-config=""
  3797. autostart-enabled="off"
  3798. autostart-delay=0
  3799. defaultfrontend=""
  3800. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3801. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3802. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3803. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3804. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3805. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3806. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3807. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3808. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3809. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3810. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3811. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3812. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3813. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3814. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3815. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3816. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3817. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3818. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3819. natnet1="nat"
  3820. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3821. cableconnected1="on"
  3822. nic1="nat"
  3823. nictype1="82540EM"
  3824. nicspeed1="0"
  3825. mtu="0"
  3826. sockSnd="64"
  3827. sockRcv="64"
  3828. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3829. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3830. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3831. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3832. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3833. nic2="none"
  3834. nic3="none"
  3835. nic4="none"
  3836. nic5="none"
  3837. nic6="none"
  3838. nic7="none"
  3839. nic8="none"
  3840. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3841. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3842. uart1="off"
  3843. uart2="off"
  3844. uart3="off"
  3845. uart4="off"
  3846. lpt1="off"
  3847. lpt2="off"
  3848. audio="none"
  3849. clipboard="disabled"
  3850. draganddrop="disabled"
  3851. SessionName="headless"
  3852. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  3853. vrde="off"
  3854. usb="on"
  3855. ehci="off"
  3856. xhci="off"
  3857. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  3858. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  3859. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  3860. VRDEClients=0
  3861. vcpenabled="off"
  3862. vcpscreens=0
  3863. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  3864. vcpwidth=1024
  3865. vcpheight=768
  3866. vcprate=512
  3867. vcpfps=25
  3868. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  3869. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  3870. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  3871. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  3872. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  3873. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  3874. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  3875. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  3876. DEBUG winrmshell: initializing WinRMShell
  3877. INFO interface: detail: WinRM address:
  3878. INFO interface: detail: default: WinRM address:
  3879. default: WinRM address:
  3880. INFO interface: detail: WinRM username: vagrant
  3881. INFO interface: detail: default: WinRM username: vagrant
  3882. default: WinRM username: vagrant
  3883. INFO interface: detail: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
  3884. INFO interface: detail: default: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
  3885. default: WinRM execution_time_limit: PT2H
  3886. INFO interface: detail: WinRM transport: plaintext
  3887. INFO interface: detail: default: WinRM transport: plaintext
  3888. default: WinRM transport: plaintext
  3889. INFO winrm: Checking whether WinRM is ready...
  3890. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: winrm_info
  3891. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  3892. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  3893. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  3894. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  3895. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  3896. groups="/"
  3897. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  3898. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3899. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  3900. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  3901. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  3902. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  3903. memory=1024
  3904. pagefusion="off"
  3905. vram=36
  3906. cpuexecutioncap=100
  3907. hpet="off"
  3908. chipset="piix3"
  3909. firmware="BIOS"
  3910. cpus=1
  3911. pae="off"
  3912. longmode="on"
  3913. triplefaultreset="off"
  3914. apic="on"
  3915. x2apic="off"
  3916. cpuid-portability-level=0
  3917. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  3918. boot1="dvd"
  3919. boot2="disk"
  3920. boot3="none"
  3921. boot4="none"
  3922. acpi="on"
  3923. ioapic="on"
  3924. biosapic="apic"
  3925. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  3926. rtcuseutc="on"
  3927. hwvirtex="on"
  3928. nestedpaging="on"
  3929. largepages="on"
  3930. vtxvpid="on"
  3931. vtxux="on"
  3932. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  3933. effparavirtprovider="none"
  3934. VMState="running"
  3935. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  3936. monitorcount=1
  3937. accelerate3d="off"
  3938. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  3939. teleporterenabled="off"
  3940. teleporterport=0
  3941. teleporteraddress=""
  3942. teleporterpassword=""
  3943. tracing-enabled="off"
  3944. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  3945. tracing-config=""
  3946. autostart-enabled="off"
  3947. autostart-delay=0
  3948. defaultfrontend=""
  3949. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  3950. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  3951. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  3952. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  3953. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  3954. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  3955. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  3956. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  3957. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  3958. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  3959. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  3960. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  3961. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  3962. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  3963. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  3964. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  3965. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  3966. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  3967. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  3968. natnet1="nat"
  3969. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  3970. cableconnected1="on"
  3971. nic1="nat"
  3972. nictype1="82540EM"
  3973. nicspeed1="0"
  3974. mtu="0"
  3975. sockSnd="64"
  3976. sockRcv="64"
  3977. tcpWndSnd="64"
  3978. tcpWndRcv="64"
  3979. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  3980. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  3981. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  3982. nic2="none"
  3983. nic3="none"
  3984. nic4="none"
  3985. nic5="none"
  3986. nic6="none"
  3987. nic7="none"
  3988. nic8="none"
  3989. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  3990. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  3991. uart1="off"
  3992. uart2="off"
  3993. uart3="off"
  3994. uart4="off"
  3995. lpt1="off"
  3996. lpt2="off"
  3997. audio="none"
  3998. clipboard="disabled"
  3999. draganddrop="disabled"
  4000. SessionName="headless"
  4001. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  4002. vrde="off"
  4003. usb="on"
  4004. ehci="off"
  4005. xhci="off"
  4006. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  4007. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  4008. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  4009. VRDEClients=0
  4010. vcpenabled="off"
  4011. vcpscreens=0
  4012. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  4013. vcpwidth=1024
  4014. vcpheight=768
  4015. vcprate=512
  4016. vcpfps=25
  4017. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  4018. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  4019. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  4020. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  4021. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  4022. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: Searching for SSH port: 22
  4023. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  4024. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  4025. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  4026. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  4027. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  4028. groups="/"
  4029. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  4030. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4031. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  4032. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  4033. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  4034. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4035. memory=1024
  4036. pagefusion="off"
  4037. vram=36
  4038. cpuexecutioncap=100
  4039. hpet="off"
  4040. chipset="piix3"
  4041. firmware="BIOS"
  4042. cpus=1
  4043. pae="off"
  4044. longmode="on"
  4045. triplefaultreset="off"
  4046. apic="on"
  4047. x2apic="off"
  4048. cpuid-portability-level=0
  4049. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  4050. boot1="dvd"
  4051. boot2="disk"
  4052. boot3="none"
  4053. boot4="none"
  4054. acpi="on"
  4055. ioapic="on"
  4056. biosapic="apic"
  4057. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  4058. rtcuseutc="on"
  4059. hwvirtex="on"
  4060. nestedpaging="on"
  4061. largepages="on"
  4062. vtxvpid="on"
  4063. vtxux="on"
  4064. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  4065. effparavirtprovider="none"
  4066. VMState="running"
  4067. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  4068. monitorcount=1
  4069. accelerate3d="off"
  4070. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  4071. teleporterenabled="off"
  4072. teleporterport=0
  4073. teleporteraddress=""
  4074. teleporterpassword=""
  4075. tracing-enabled="off"
  4076. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  4077. tracing-config=""
  4078. autostart-enabled="off"
  4079. autostart-delay=0
  4080. defaultfrontend=""
  4081. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  4082. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  4083. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  4084. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  4085. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  4086. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  4087. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  4088. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  4089. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  4090. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  4091. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  4092. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  4093. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  4094. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  4095. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  4096. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  4097. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  4098. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  4099. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  4100. natnet1="nat"
  4101. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  4102. cableconnected1="on"
  4103. nic1="nat"
  4104. nictype1="82540EM"
  4105. nicspeed1="0"
  4106. mtu="0"
  4107. sockSnd="64"
  4108. sockRcv="64"
  4109. tcpWndSnd="64"
  4110. tcpWndRcv="64"
  4111. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  4112. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  4113. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  4114. nic2="none"
  4115. nic3="none"
  4116. nic4="none"
  4117. nic5="none"
  4118. nic6="none"
  4119. nic7="none"
  4120. nic8="none"
  4121. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  4122. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  4123. uart1="off"
  4124. uart2="off"
  4125. uart3="off"
  4126. uart4="off"
  4127. lpt1="off"
  4128. lpt2="off"
  4129. audio="none"
  4130. clipboard="disabled"
  4131. draganddrop="disabled"
  4132. SessionName="headless"
  4133. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  4134. vrde="off"
  4135. usb="on"
  4136. ehci="off"
  4137. xhci="off"
  4138. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  4139. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  4140. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  4141. VRDEClients=0
  4142. vcpenabled="off"
  4143. vcpscreens=0
  4144. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  4145. vcpwidth=1024
  4146. vcpheight=768
  4147. vcprate=512
  4148. vcpfps=25
  4149. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  4150. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  4151. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  4152. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  4153. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  4154. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  4155. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  4156. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  4157. DEBUG ssh: Checking key permissions: /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
  4158. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  4159. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  4160. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  4161. DEBUG provider: Searching for cap: forwarded_ports
  4162. DEBUG provider: Checking in: virtualbox
  4163. DEBUG provider: Found cap: forwarded_ports in virtualbox
  4164. INFO provider: Execute capability: forwarded_ports [#<Vagrant::Machine: default (VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Provider)>] (virtualbox)
  4165. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  4166. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  4167. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  4168. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  4169. groups="/"
  4170. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  4171. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4172. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  4173. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  4174. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  4175. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4176. memory=1024
  4177. pagefusion="off"
  4178. vram=36
  4179. cpuexecutioncap=100
  4180. hpet="off"
  4181. chipset="piix3"
  4182. firmware="BIOS"
  4183. cpus=1
  4184. pae="off"
  4185. longmode="on"
  4186. triplefaultreset="off"
  4187. apic="on"
  4188. x2apic="off"
  4189. cpuid-portability-level=0
  4190. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  4191. boot1="dvd"
  4192. boot2="disk"
  4193. boot3="none"
  4194. boot4="none"
  4195. acpi="on"
  4196. ioapic="on"
  4197. biosapic="apic"
  4198. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  4199. rtcuseutc="on"
  4200. hwvirtex="on"
  4201. nestedpaging="on"
  4202. largepages="on"
  4203. vtxvpid="on"
  4204. vtxux="on"
  4205. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  4206. effparavirtprovider="none"
  4207. VMState="running"
  4208. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  4209. monitorcount=1
  4210. accelerate3d="off"
  4211. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  4212. teleporterenabled="off"
  4213. teleporterport=0
  4214. teleporteraddress=""
  4215. teleporterpassword=""
  4216. tracing-enabled="off"
  4217. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  4218. tracing-config=""
  4219. autostart-enabled="off"
  4220. autostart-delay=0
  4221. defaultfrontend=""
  4222. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  4223. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  4224. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  4225. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  4226. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  4227. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  4228. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  4229. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  4230. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  4231. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  4232. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  4233. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  4234. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  4235. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  4236. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  4237. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  4238. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  4239. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  4240. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  4241. natnet1="nat"
  4242. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  4243. cableconnected1="on"
  4244. nic1="nat"
  4245. nictype1="82540EM"
  4246. nicspeed1="0"
  4247. mtu="0"
  4248. sockSnd="64"
  4249. sockRcv="64"
  4250. tcpWndSnd="64"
  4251. tcpWndRcv="64"
  4252. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  4253. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  4254. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  4255. nic2="none"
  4256. nic3="none"
  4257. nic4="none"
  4258. nic5="none"
  4259. nic6="none"
  4260. nic7="none"
  4261. nic8="none"
  4262. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  4263. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  4264. uart1="off"
  4265. uart2="off"
  4266. uart3="off"
  4267. uart4="off"
  4268. lpt1="off"
  4269. lpt2="off"
  4270. audio="none"
  4271. clipboard="disabled"
  4272. draganddrop="disabled"
  4273. SessionName="headless"
  4274. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  4275. vrde="off"
  4276. usb="on"
  4277. ehci="off"
  4278. xhci="off"
  4279. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  4280. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  4281. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  4282. VRDEClients=0
  4283. vcpenabled="off"
  4284. vcpscreens=0
  4285. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  4286. vcpwidth=1024
  4287. vcpheight=768
  4288. vcprate=512
  4289. vcpfps=25
  4290. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  4291. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  4292. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  4293. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  4294. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  4295. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: read_forward_ports: uuid=868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7 active_only=false
  4296. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  4297. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  4298. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  4299. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  4300. groups="/"
  4301. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  4302. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4303. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  4304. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  4305. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  4306. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4307. memory=1024
  4308. pagefusion="off"
  4309. vram=36
  4310. cpuexecutioncap=100
  4311. hpet="off"
  4312. chipset="piix3"
  4313. firmware="BIOS"
  4314. cpus=1
  4315. pae="off"
  4316. longmode="on"
  4317. triplefaultreset="off"
  4318. apic="on"
  4319. x2apic="off"
  4320. cpuid-portability-level=0
  4321. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  4322. boot1="dvd"
  4323. boot2="disk"
  4324. boot3="none"
  4325. boot4="none"
  4326. acpi="on"
  4327. ioapic="on"
  4328. biosapic="apic"
  4329. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  4330. rtcuseutc="on"
  4331. hwvirtex="on"
  4332. nestedpaging="on"
  4333. largepages="on"
  4334. vtxvpid="on"
  4335. vtxux="on"
  4336. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  4337. effparavirtprovider="none"
  4338. VMState="running"
  4339. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  4340. monitorcount=1
  4341. accelerate3d="off"
  4342. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  4343. teleporterenabled="off"
  4344. teleporterport=0
  4345. teleporteraddress=""
  4346. teleporterpassword=""
  4347. tracing-enabled="off"
  4348. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  4349. tracing-config=""
  4350. autostart-enabled="off"
  4351. autostart-delay=0
  4352. defaultfrontend=""
  4353. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  4354. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  4355. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  4356. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  4357. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  4358. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  4359. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  4360. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  4361. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  4362. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  4363. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  4364. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  4365. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  4366. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  4367. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  4368. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  4369. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  4370. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  4371. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  4372. natnet1="nat"
  4373. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  4374. cableconnected1="on"
  4375. nic1="nat"
  4376. nictype1="82540EM"
  4377. nicspeed1="0"
  4378. mtu="0"
  4379. sockSnd="64"
  4380. sockRcv="64"
  4381. tcpWndSnd="64"
  4382. tcpWndRcv="64"
  4383. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  4384. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  4385. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  4386. nic2="none"
  4387. nic3="none"
  4388. nic4="none"
  4389. nic5="none"
  4390. nic6="none"
  4391. nic7="none"
  4392. nic8="none"
  4393. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  4394. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  4395. uart1="off"
  4396. uart2="off"
  4397. uart3="off"
  4398. uart4="off"
  4399. lpt1="off"
  4400. lpt2="off"
  4401. audio="none"
  4402. clipboard="disabled"
  4403. draganddrop="disabled"
  4404. SessionName="headless"
  4405. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  4406. vrde="off"
  4407. usb="on"
  4408. ehci="off"
  4409. xhci="off"
  4410. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  4411. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  4412. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  4413. VRDEClients=0
  4414. vcpenabled="off"
  4415. vcpscreens=0
  4416. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  4417. vcpwidth=1024
  4418. vcpheight=768
  4419. vcprate=512
  4420. vcpfps=25
  4421. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  4422. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  4423. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  4424. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  4425. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  4426. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "rdp", 3389, 3389]
  4427. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm", 5985, 5985]
  4428. DEBUG virtualbox_5_0: - [1, "winrm-ssl", 55986, 5986]
  4429. DEBUG winrmshell: initializing WinRMShell
  4430. DEBUG winrmshell: powershell executing:
  4431. $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4432. hostname
  4433. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4434. INFO winrmshell: Attempting to connect to WinRM...
  4435. INFO winrmshell: - Host:
  4436. INFO winrmshell: - Port: 5985
  4437. INFO winrmshell: - Username: vagrant
  4438. INFO winrmshell: - Transport: plaintext
  4439. INFO winrm: WinRM not ready: #<VagrantPlugins::CommunicatorWinRM::Errors::ExecutionError: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4441. Shell: powershell
  4442. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4443. hostname
  4444. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4445. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4446. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError>
  4447. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4449. Shell: powershell
  4450. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4451. hostname
  4452. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4453. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4454. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4455. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4456. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<VagrantPlugins::ProxyConf::Action::OnlyOnce:0x005590af49eab8>
  4457. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::HandleForwardedPortCollisions:0x005590af684ad0>
  4458. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<VagrantPlugins::ProxyConf::Action::OnlyOnce:0x005590af6fe560>
  4459. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4460. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4461. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4462. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4463. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4464. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4465. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4466. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4467. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4468. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4469. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4470. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4471. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4472. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4473. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4474. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4475. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4476. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4477. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4478. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4479. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4480. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4481. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4482. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4483. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4484. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4485. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4486. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4487. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4488. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4489. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4490. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4491. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4492. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4493. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4494. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4495. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4496. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4497. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4498. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4499. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4500. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4501. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4502. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4503. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4504. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4505. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4506. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4507. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4508. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4509. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4510. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4511. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4512. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4514. Shell: powershell
  4515. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4516. hostname
  4517. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4518. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4519. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4520. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4521. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4522. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4524. Shell: powershell
  4525. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4526. hostname
  4527. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4528. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4529. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4530. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4531. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af8bf1d8>
  4532. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4533. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4534. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4535. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4537. Shell: powershell
  4538. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4539. hostname
  4540. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4541. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4542. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4543. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4544. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4545. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4547. Shell: powershell
  4548. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4549. hostname
  4550. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4551. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4552. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4553. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4554. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af585d28>
  4555. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4556. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4557. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4558. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4560. Shell: powershell
  4561. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4562. hostname
  4563. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4564. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4565. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4566. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4567. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4568. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4570. Shell: powershell
  4571. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4572. hostname
  4573. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4574. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4575. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4576. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4577. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af926630>
  4578. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4579. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4580. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af993d20>
  4581. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4582. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Import:0x005590af22b1a0>
  4583. INFO subprocess: Starting process: ["/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "showvminfo", "868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7", "--machinereadable"]
  4584. INFO subprocess: Command not in installer, restoring original environment...
  4585. DEBUG subprocess: Selecting on IO
  4586. DEBUG subprocess: stdout: name="session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103"
  4587. groups="/"
  4588. ostype="Windows 2008 (64-bit)"
  4589. UUID="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4590. CfgFile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.vbox"
  4591. SnapFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Snapshots"
  4592. LogFldr="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/Logs"
  4593. hardwareuuid="868aeb3a-3d44-423e-a54b-f2545fcdded7"
  4594. memory=1024
  4595. pagefusion="off"
  4596. vram=36
  4597. cpuexecutioncap=100
  4598. hpet="off"
  4599. chipset="piix3"
  4600. firmware="BIOS"
  4601. cpus=1
  4602. pae="off"
  4603. longmode="on"
  4604. triplefaultreset="off"
  4605. apic="on"
  4606. x2apic="off"
  4607. cpuid-portability-level=0
  4608. bootmenu="messageandmenu"
  4609. boot1="dvd"
  4610. boot2="disk"
  4611. boot3="none"
  4612. boot4="none"
  4613. acpi="on"
  4614. ioapic="on"
  4615. biosapic="apic"
  4616. biossystemtimeoffset=0
  4617. rtcuseutc="on"
  4618. hwvirtex="on"
  4619. nestedpaging="on"
  4620. largepages="on"
  4621. vtxvpid="on"
  4622. vtxux="on"
  4623. paravirtprovider="legacy"
  4624. effparavirtprovider="none"
  4625. VMState="running"
  4626. VMStateChangeTime="2017-04-05T19:08:13.011000000"
  4627. monitorcount=1
  4628. accelerate3d="off"
  4629. accelerate2dvideo="off"
  4630. teleporterenabled="off"
  4631. teleporterport=0
  4632. teleporteraddress=""
  4633. teleporterpassword=""
  4634. tracing-enabled="off"
  4635. tracing-allow-vm-access="off"
  4636. tracing-config=""
  4637. autostart-enabled="off"
  4638. autostart-delay=0
  4639. defaultfrontend=""
  4640. storagecontrollername0="IDE"
  4641. storagecontrollertype0="PIIX4"
  4642. storagecontrollerinstance0="0"
  4643. storagecontrollermaxportcount0="2"
  4644. storagecontrollerportcount0="2"
  4645. storagecontrollerbootable0="on"
  4646. storagecontrollername1="SATA"
  4647. storagecontrollertype1="IntelAhci"
  4648. storagecontrollerinstance1="0"
  4649. storagecontrollermaxportcount1="30"
  4650. storagecontrollerportcount1="1"
  4651. storagecontrollerbootable1="on"
  4652. "IDE-0-0"="none"
  4653. "IDE-0-1"="none"
  4654. "IDE-1-0"="emptydrive"
  4655. "IDE-IsEjected"="off"
  4656. "IDE-1-1"="none"
  4657. "SATA-0-0"="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/box-disk1.vmdk"
  4658. "SATA-ImageUUID-0-0"="c061f269-30f4-40ff-94fb-9d915d4a170f"
  4659. natnet1="nat"
  4660. macaddress1="08002753A97C"
  4661. cableconnected1="on"
  4662. nic1="nat"
  4663. nictype1="82540EM"
  4664. nicspeed1="0"
  4665. mtu="0"
  4666. sockSnd="64"
  4667. sockRcv="64"
  4668. tcpWndSnd="64"
  4669. tcpWndRcv="64"
  4670. Forwarding(0)="rdp,tcp,,3389,,3389"
  4671. Forwarding(1)="winrm,tcp,,5985,,5985"
  4672. Forwarding(2)="winrm-ssl,tcp,,55986,,5986"
  4673. nic2="none"
  4674. nic3="none"
  4675. nic4="none"
  4676. nic5="none"
  4677. nic6="none"
  4678. nic7="none"
  4679. nic8="none"
  4680. hidpointing="usbtablet"
  4681. hidkeyboard="ps2kbd"
  4682. uart1="off"
  4683. uart2="off"
  4684. uart3="off"
  4685. uart4="off"
  4686. lpt1="off"
  4687. lpt2="off"
  4688. audio="none"
  4689. clipboard="disabled"
  4690. draganddrop="disabled"
  4691. SessionName="headless"
  4692. VideoMode="640,480,32"@0,0 1
  4693. vrde="off"
  4694. usb="on"
  4695. ehci="off"
  4696. xhci="off"
  4697. SharedFolderNameMachineMapping1="vagrant"
  4698. SharedFolderPathMachineMapping1="/home/mikecali/Vagrant/"
  4699. VRDEActiveConnection="off"
  4700. VRDEClients=0
  4701. vcpenabled="off"
  4702. vcpscreens=0
  4703. vcpfile="/home/mikecali/VirtualBox VMs/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103/session-1windows_default_1491419291433_70103.webm"
  4704. vcpwidth=1024
  4705. vcpheight=768
  4706. vcprate=512
  4707. vcpfps=25
  4708. GuestMemoryBalloon=0
  4709. GuestOSType="Windows2008_64"
  4710. GuestAdditionsRunLevel=0
  4711. DEBUG subprocess: Waiting for process to exit. Remaining to timeout: 32000
  4712. DEBUG subprocess: Exit status: 0
  4713. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4714. INFO warden: Calling recover: #<Vagrant::Action::Builtin::Call:0x005590af993d98>
  4715. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4716. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4717. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4718. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4719. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4720. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4721. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4722. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4723. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4724. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4726. Shell: powershell
  4727. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4728. hostname
  4729. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4730. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4731. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4732. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4733. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4734. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4735. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4736. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4737. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4738. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4739. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4740. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4741. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4742. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4743. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4744. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4745. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4746. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4747. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4748. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4750. Shell: powershell
  4751. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4752. hostname
  4753. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4754. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4755. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4756. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4757. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4758. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4759. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4760. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4761. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4762. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4764. Shell: powershell
  4765. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4766. hostname
  4767. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4768. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4769. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4770. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4771. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4772. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4773. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4774. ERROR warden: Error occurred: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4776. Shell: powershell
  4777. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4778. hostname
  4779. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4780. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4781. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4782. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4783. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4784. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4785. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4786. INFO warden: Beginning recovery process...
  4787. INFO warden: Recovery complete.
  4788. INFO environment: Released process lock: machine-action-58bb1bac757491f6efe36c82c73841e4
  4789. INFO environment: Running hook: environment_unload
  4790. INFO runner: Preparing hooks for middleware sequence...
  4791. INFO runner: 5 hooks defined.
  4792. INFO runner: Running action: environment_unload #<Vagrant::Action::Builder:0x005590aefb12a8>
  4793. ERROR vagrant: Vagrant experienced an error! Details:
  4794. ERROR vagrant: #<VagrantPlugins::CommunicatorWinRM::Errors::ExecutionError: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4796. Shell: powershell
  4797. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4798. hostname
  4799. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4800. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4801. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError>
  4802. ERROR vagrant: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4804. Shell: powershell
  4805. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4806. hostname
  4807. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4808. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4809. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4810. ERROR vagrant: /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/shell.rb:157:in `raise_winrm_exception'
  4811. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/shell.rb:91:in `rescue in execute_shell'
  4812. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/shell.rb:88:in `execute_shell'
  4813. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/shell.rb:62:in `powershell'
  4814. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/communicator.rb:105:in `block in ready?'
  4815. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:91:in `block in timeout'
  4816. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `block in catch'
  4817. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `catch'
  4818. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `catch'
  4819. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:106:in `timeout'
  4820. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/communicator.rb:104:in `ready?'
  4821. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/communicator.rb:55:in `block in wait_for_ready'
  4822. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:91:in `block in timeout'
  4823. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `block in catch'
  4824. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `catch'
  4825. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:33:in `catch'
  4826. /usr/share/ruby/timeout.rb:106:in `timeout'
  4827. /usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/communicator.rb:29:in `wait_for_ready'
  4828. /usr/share/vagrant/lib/vagrant/action/builtin/wait_for_communicator.rb:16:in `block in call'
  4829. /home/mikecali/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/logging-2.2.0/lib/logging/diagnostic_context.rb:474:in `block in create_with_logging_context'
  4830. INFO interface: error: An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4832. Shell: powershell
  4833. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4834. hostname
  4835. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4836. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4837. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4838. An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.
  4840. Shell: powershell
  4841. Command: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';
  4842. hostname
  4843. if ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }
  4844. Message: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService
  4845. Did you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError
  4846. INFO interface: Machine: error-exit ["VagrantPlugins::CommunicatorWinRM::Errors::ExecutionError", "An error occurred executing a remote WinRM command.\n\nShell: powershell\nCommand: $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';\r\nhostname\r\nif ($?) { exit 0 } else { if($LASTEXITCODE) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } else { exit 1 } }\nMessage: uninitialized constant WinRM::WinRMWebService\nDid you mean? WinRM::WinRMWMIError"]
  4847. [mikecali@fedora-pc]$ ls
  4848. scripts Vagrantfile Vagrantfile-multi vagrant_up.log
  4849. [mikecali@fedora-pc]$ cat Vagrantfile
  4851. Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  4852. = "ferventcoder/win2008r2-x64-nocm"
  4853. config.winrm.username = "vagrant"
  4854. config.winrm.password = "vagrant"
  4855. config.vm.communicator = "winrm"
  4856. config.vm.guest = :windows
  4857. :forwarded_port, guest: 3389, host: 3389, id: "rdp", auto_correct: true
  4858. :forwarded_port, guest: 5985, host: 5985, id: "winrm", auto_correct: true
  4859. config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "Write-Host Hello World"
  4860. config.vm.provision "shell", inline: "(Get-UICulture).Calendar | ConvertTo-Json"
  4861. end
  4862. [mikecali@fedora-pc]$
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