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Writing Sample

a guest
Sep 10th, 2023
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  1. Heavy objects hung in the sky. Water fell off their edges, crashing below onto concrete and desperate moss. Darting between obsidian shadows and scorching sunlight, a lone lizard searched for shelter.
  2. Two dilated pupils stared down at the creature. Sharp claws pounced and pierced the lizard’s skin. The lizard lost its tail and dashed for an alcove but was caught again only a second later. Pain arose in the creature but quickly faded. Sitting among broken glass and empty tables, a lone cat with ashen fur and a darting tail feasted on the lizard. Soon, the Cat ate and jumped away. Something large flew overhead.
  3. Waves fell against an endless shore. Thick steam arose from black stone. Fat snakes flashed and pulsed. Rising high into the white ocean above, the snakes hugged tight around their mother tree. The Cat jumped from one snake to another. His emerald eyes darted here and there, watchful for any predator from above or below. A snake pulsed with skyflash beneath the Cat’s paws. Blue light flared up the cold tree and vanished amidst the clouds. Something quick and wet scuttled between two snakes.
  4. Claws unfurled and pupils dilated, the Cat dived down and grasped a small mouse. The creature squeaked and writhed but to no avail. The Cat ate quickly, too hungry to play. Soon, the mouse was devoured and the Cat moved on.
  5. The Cat bathed in sunlight. A few other cats lay nearby. Green waves crashed against gray sand. Long snakes fell from heavy clouds above and splashed into the water below. One cat yawned and stood, stretched its legs, and strode over to the Cat. Mrwa, she licked the Cat, who awoke and licked back. Together the Cats sat, orange and black, watching the snakes flail and the clouds flash above an endless emerald sea.
  6. Now, the Cat twitched and awoke only to find himself alone. Looking out from within the barren pipe in which he lay, he saw the emerald ocean once more.
  7. A fragile vase rested upon a precipice. A remnant from long ago. Bored, the Cat smacked it with a paw and watched it shatter upon the rocks below. A yellow moth flew near the shattered vase then back to the Cat, pausing. Tail flicking here and there, the Cat swatted at the moth. The moth bumped the Cat’s face in retaliation. Pupils wide and black, the Cat pounced towards the moth, yet it moved simply out of reach once more. Now, the Cat was excited and annoyed. He prepared to pounce once again, but a screech interrupted their play.
  8. A Skybeast swung down, wings wide and flapping. Clouds of dirt swirled around the creature’s talons as it landed amidst torn moss. The Cat ran, but not before being spotted. Arching its neck, the Skybeast let out a series of dry, hungry clicks that pierced the humid air: Arrrrr, ich, ich, ich!
  9. The Cat’s vision became a rush of moss and gray stone. A wet whoosh emerged as the Skybeast lifted its wet wings and followed. Clink, clink, clink! A sharp talon pecked and pecked, biting nothing but stone and air. The moth swirled around in a panic before flying after the dashing Cat.
  10. Jumping up a broken wall, the black cat darted within a slanted window. Remnants from long ago lay scattered across the floor. Crash! The Skybeast broke through the wall, sending glass and feathers flying in dramatic fury. The Cat found there was nowhere to go, trapped within the room’s corner with nothing to save him… until the moth flew up to the Skybeast’s wild face and grew alight. A yellow glowing filled the room, casting light upon the Skybeast’s ravenous face, now full of fear. All rose to a great flash and the winged animal screeched. The Cat sat frozen stiff in a corner before Moth bumped him, waking him back into action.
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