
Death of Godzilla

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. You are now away.
  2. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  3. You are no longer away.
  4. 1:22
  5. Lord Shiro16
  6. It isn't gud i knuw...
  7. ....
  8. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  9. 1:24
  10. Krazar77
  11. 1:24
  12. Lord Shiro16
  13. ?
  14. .......
  15. Anyone....
  16. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  17. 1:27
  18. GyaosKing485
  19. I'm gonna be starting a roleplay in a couple of minutes.
  20. 1:27
  21. Lord Shiro16
  22. 0kay'
  23. so i heard you liekz.....MUDKIPZ
  24. i know you do
  25. everyone knows....
  26. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  27. 1:29
  28. Lord Shiro16
  30. They rule the world
  31. lol
  32. i got to deep and dark with Mudkipz
  33. Lord Shiro16 has been slashed by Gigan!
  34. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  35. 1:42
  36. Krazar77
  37. balls deep
  38. 1:43
  39. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  40. ...
  41. uhhh
  42. ....
  43. I'm just gonna make a new page.
  44. 1:44
  45. Gojiran103
  46. I just came up with a new character
  47. 1:44
  48. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  49. cool
  50. I'm making a new Rider page
  51. 1:45
  52. Gojiran103
  53. Not sure what gender they will be, but if it's a girl, it will be my first female OC ever
  54. ....it should be a girl, shouldn't it?
  55. 1:46
  56. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  57. That depends on the function of the character
  58. 1:46
  59. GyaosKing485
  60. Any of you guys wanna roleplay?
  61. 1:47
  62. Gojiran103
  63. Could you elaborate on that
  64. 1:48
  65. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  66. I mean, what role do you want them to fill?
  67. 1:48
  68. Krazar77
  69. speaking of new characters
  70. 1:49
  71. Gojiran103
  72. Well
  73. For starters
  74. This character is human-sized, and is human
  75. 1:49
  76. Krazar77
  77. you guys want booker to be like an actual thing or just a one time thing
  78. 1:49
  79. Gojiran103
  80. Booker can be an actual thing
  81. He should stay for a while
  82. 1:49
  83. Krazar77
  84. sweet
  85. 1:49
  86. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  87. .......
  88. i'm gonna need more than that
  89. 1:49
  90. Krazar77
  91. now time to make some sort of profile thing
  92. 1:50
  93. Gojiran103
  94. For a role to fit in? Preferably they have a primary role. Primary roles are like FXM, WXM, Jay, Rilah, etc.
  95. 1:50
  96. GyaosKing485
  97. (Zanon)<(Just one last kaiju, then we will be able to win...)
  98. 1:50
  99. Krazar77
  100. trying to decide what his appearnce should be though is the hard part
  101. I had what he looked like in my fucking head for like two days and then I lost it
  102. 1:51
  103. Gojiran103
  104. I imagine Booker as somebody with a black goatee, a rough and bold voice, with black-gray hair
  105. 1:51
  106. GyaosKing485
  107. *Zanon's ship heads for Kyoto, with Zanon himself intending to lure in one last kaiju*
  108. 1:52
  109. Krazar77
  110. kind of imagined him as a combination of Marcus fenix, master chief, solid snake, my dad, and some other people who i thought about but then lost there names
  111. 1:52
  112. GyaosKing485
  113. *Two kaiju fall down from the ship Nidhoggr and Shadorah*
  114. 1:53
  115. Krazar77
  116. >when you hint at a major rp your planning and nobody knows what the hint is
  117. You are now away.
  118. 1:53
  119. GyaosKing485
  120. I'm doing this as a major RP as well.
  121. You are no longer away.
  122. 1:53
  123. Jay's Soviet Wing
  124. uh
  125. Is your dad gonna appear in RP?
  126. 1:54
  127. Krazar77
  128. nah
  129. 1:54
  130. Jay's Soviet Wing
  131. is that the hint? XD
  132. 1:54
  133. Gojiran103
  134. he CAN do that though
  135. 1:54
  136. Krazar77
  137. I dont bring my family into things
  138. feels weird
  139. 1:54
  140. Gojiran103
  141. Also, I just noticed Jay's page is a tiny bit longer than WXM's
  142. 1:54
  143. Krazar77
  144. anyway
  145. imma continue reading stuff
  146. 1:55
  147. Jay's Soviet Wing
  148. I got like 40,000 bytes of it from his History
  149. 1:55
  150. GyaosKing485
  151. *the two kaiju begin destroying the city to lure in a kaiju*
  152. 1:56
  153. Jay's Soviet Wing
  154. should I bring in one of my kaiju, or are you gonna bring in one of yours
  155. 1:56
  156. Gojiran103
  157. WXM's page is 176,198 bytes
  158. 1:57
  159. GyaosKing485
  160. Bring in one of yours.
  161. 1:57
  162. Jay's Soviet Wing
  163. where did you get that from???
  164. 1:57
  165. Krazar77
  166. * the ground starts to shake and crack in the streets of koyoto*
  167. 1:57
  168. Jay's Soviet Wing
  169. Did you add 120,000 bytes just now?
  170. 1:57
  171. Krazar77
  172. *kyoto*
  173. 1:57
  174. GyaosKing485
  175. *A golem, the size of a normal human, watches the carnage*
  176. 1:57
  177. Gojiran103
  178. Jay's is 180,872 bytes
  179. 1:57
  180. Jay's Soviet Wing
  181. Special:LongPages
  182. Says here that its 51k for WXM and 55k for Jay
  183. 1:58
  184. Krazar77
  185. *the ground continues the crack until something bursts forth from the ground, landing a few meters away from the two kaiju*
  186. 1:58
  187. Gojiran103
  188. I'm using a website that checks the page's bytes in total
  189. The SpecialPages doesn't do that I don't think
  190. 1:58
  191. Jay's Soviet Wing
  192. ah
  193. 1:59
  194. Krazar77
  195. (Gomora) *roars in defiance towards the two, slamming his fists together*
  196. 1:59
  197. GyaosKing485
  198. *The two kaiju rush at Gomora*
  199. 1:59
  200. Gojiran103
  201. Goku's page is 215,492 bytes
  202. 1:59
  203. GyaosKing485
  204. *Shadorah fires out acidic gas at Gomora*
  205. 2:00
  206. Krazar77
  207. brb
  208. back
  209. had to be sneaky fast
  210. (Gomora) *charges forward and jumps over the gas, lands a few meters away and charges once more, slamming shoulder first into shadorah*
  211. 2:01
  212. Gojiran103
  213. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzqasS2_L3U Can't get enough of this song, especially on headphones
  214. 2:01
  215. GyaosKing485
  216. *It takes the hit*
  217. 2:02
  218. Jay's Soviet Wing
  219. Any1 use Saramandora?
  220. 2:02
  221. Krazar77
  222. (Gomora) *slams a fist into its side, following with a downward tail slam into its face*
  223. I do
  224. well, im going to
  225. but you can use him if youd like
  226. 2:03
  227. Gojiran103
  228. who?
  229. 2:03
  230. Jay's Soviet Wing
  231. Ultra kaiju
  232. 2:03
  233. Krazar77
  234. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F0LKs4sYFo *plays around gomora*
  235. (Gomora) *turns towards nidhoggr, getting in a battle stance and circling the beast*
  236. 2:05
  237. Gojiran103
  238. so i've been looking at userpages with RP characters used listed
  239. 2:05
  240. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  241. I don't list mine.
  242. 2:05
  243. Gojiran103
  244. I think we should use "primary", "secondary", and "other" sets of RP characters used so that it can be simpler
  245. 2:05
  246. Jay's Soviet Wing
  247. I only list ones that have pages
  248. 2:05
  249. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  250. Because that list would be way too long.
  251. 2:05
  252. GyaosKing485
  253. *It then proceeds to fire out seething fire at Gomora*
  254. 2:05
  255. Jay's Soviet Wing
  256. *another kaiju appears in...Kyoto?*
  257. (Saramandora) *roars, firing fiery fire at Shadorah*
  258. 2:06
  259. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  260. Given that I have a good portion of the Kamen Riders, the Gurren Lagann universe, and the KLK universe, some super sentai, and a couple of kaiju.
  261. 2:07
  262. Jay's Soviet Wing
  263. I can probably change mine
  264. 2:07
  265. Krazar77
  266. (Gomora) *crosses his arms, snarls at the fires heat as it burns his skin. charges through the pain with determination in his eye, rams into nido*
  267. yes its kyoto
  268. 2:07
  269. Jay's Soviet Wing
  270. I used to list them based on importance
  271. 2:07
  272. GyaosKing485
  273. *It suddenly grabs Gomora with it's tail, shocking it*
  274. 2:07
  275. Krazar77
  276. i should do that too honestly
  277. 2:07
  278. Jay's Soviet Wing
  279. But whenever I made a page I'd put it near the top, no matter how important it actually was
  280. I'd be like "This guy is super important!"
  281. 2:07
  282. Gojiran103
  283. I'm just gonna list mine in primary, secondary, and other sections
  284. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  285. 2:08
  286. Jay's Soviet Wing
  287. and then I'd never use them again
  288. hi o/
  289. 2:08
  290. Gojiran103
  291. Primary means characters you mainly RP, secondaries means those that you RP occasionally, and other means you don't RP as much
  292. 2:08
  293. Jay's Soviet Wing
  294. (Saramandora) *slams his tail into Shadorah*
  295. 2:08
  296. Gallibon the Destroyer
  297. Hi
  298. 2:09
  299. Krazar77
  300. (Gomora) * growls in pain, lifts his arms up and stabs his elbow spike into it. *
  301. 2:09
  302. GyaosKing485
  303. *It takes the hit, then throws Saramandora into Gomora*
  304. 2:10
  305. Krazar77
  306. (Gomora) * is hit, stands back up. looks down at sarmandora and helps him (her?) up*
  307. 2:11
  308. Jay's Soviet Wing
  309. him?
  310. 2:11
  311. GyaosKing485
  312. *Nidhoggr bites into Gomora's left leg*
  313. 2:11
  314. Jay's Soviet Wing
  315. I think?
  316. 2:11
  317. Krazar77
  318. k
  319. 2:11
  320. GyaosKing485
  321. *The wound hurts immensely*
  322. 2:11
  323. Jay's Soviet Wing
  324. (Saramandora) *roars in thanks, then fires fiery flame fire breath at Nidhoggr*
  325. 2:11
  326. Krazar77
  327. (Gomora) *fights the pain, grabs nido by the the top of its jaw and slams it into the ground*
  328. 2:12
  329. GyaosKing485
  330. *It gets knocked into the ground and hit, burning*
  331. 2:12
  332. Krazar77
  333. (Gomora) *lifts his foot up and smashes it down onto its neck, making the bitch eat dirt*
  334. wait
  335. ....fuck i missed that up
  336. 2:12
  337. GyaosKing485
  338. *It goes through with a spew of flames at Gomora*
  339. *Shadorah fires it's gas at Gamora at the same time, igniting it*
  340. 2:13
  341. Krazar77
  342. (Gomora) * eyes widen*
  343. 2:13
  344. GyaosKing485
  345. *Gomora is set on fire*
  346. 2:13
  347. Jay's Soviet Wing
  348. (Saramandora) *roars in fury, firing fiery fire flame fireballs of fire at Shadorah*
  349. *also fire*
  350. 2:14
  351. Gojiran103
  352. was that intentional
  353. 2:14
  354. Krazar77
  355. (Gomora) * snorts in pain, has an idea and burrows underground*
  356. 2:14
  357. GyaosKing485
  358. *The flames only increase the gas' power*
  359. You guys can send in a human-sized character if you want.
  360. 2:15
  361. Krazar77
  362. (Gomora) * quickly digs around the two kaiju, making a large hole underneath the ground they stand on*
  363. 2:15
  364. GyaosKing485
  365. They can get in on the later part.
  366. *They fall into the hole, then get back up*
  367. 2:16
  368. Jay's Soviet Wing
  369. (Saramandora) *fires fiery fire flame breath of fire into the hole*
  370. 2:16
  371. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  372. Kamen Rider Ryuki (A.R. World)
  373. 2:16
  374. Jay's Soviet Wing
  375. FIRE!!!!!
  376. 2:16
  377. GyaosKing485
  378. *They are hurt, but Gomora is grabbed by NIdhoggr's tail again and thrown at Saramandora*
  379. 2:16
  380. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  381. .....
  382. 2:16
  383. Krazar77
  384. (Gomora) * grabs his tail and flings the beast into a building*
  385. 2:17
  386. GyaosKing485
  387. Looks good Tengen.
  388. 2:17
  389. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  390. *finished fire/dragon based kamen rider, notices chat is obsessed with fire when he gets back*
  391. 2:17
  392. GyaosKing485
  393. *It is knocked down*
  394. Tengen you can join in on this later part I have planned.
  395. 2:18
  396. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  397. Hmm?
  398. 2:18
  399. GyaosKing485
  400. An invasion of the Sun Crusher.
  401. 2:19
  402. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  403. ... the what?
  404. 2:19
  405. GyaosKing485
  406. Zanon's ship.
  407. 2:19
  408. Gojiran103
  409. sun crusher?
  410. sounds like black needs to be involved.
  411. 2:19
  412. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  413. ......
  414. but black is currently on another world....
  415. 2:20
  416. GyaosKing485
  417. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/aliens/images/3/32/Zanon's_ship..jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140919204417 This is it.
  418. 2:20
  419. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  420. .....
  421. 2:20
  422. Gojiran103
  423. AR Kabuto then.
  424. 2:20
  425. Jay's Soviet Wing
  426. (Saramandora) *uses fire to punch Nidhoggr with a fiery fire flame-infused fire punch of fire*
  427. 2:20
  428. Krazar77
  429. (Gomora) *horn flashes orange, energy sparking across his face until firing his oscillatory wave from the horn on his noise, firing it at shadorah*
  430. 2:20
  431. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  432. is that the rip-off ship from that one Gamera movie nobody talks about?
  433. 2:20
  434. Gallibon the Destroyer
  435. brb
  436. 2:20
  437. Jay's Soviet Wing
  438. ^^
  439. 2:20
  440. GyaosKing485
  441. Yeah.
  442. But made cooler.
  443. 2:20
  444. Jay's Soviet Wing
  445. What a rip-off
  446. 2:21
  447. GyaosKing485
  448. *Shadorah reflects the wave*
  449. 2:21
  450. Jay's Soviet Wing
  451. Why would you just steal a ship from that Gamera movie and then say its Zanon's
  452. 2:21
  453. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  454. ......
  455. frost
  456. the gamera movie ripped off star wars.
  457. 2:21
  458. GyaosKing485
  459. That is Zanon's ship in canon.
  460. 2:21
  461. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  462. zanon was the villain of that film.
  463. 2:21
  464. Krazar77
  465. (Gomora) * moves to the side, dodging his own attack*
  466. 2:22
  467. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  468. There was no plagiarism on Gyaos's part.
  469. There was on Kudokawa's though.
  470. 2:23
  471. GyaosKing485
  472. *Shadorah rushes at Gomora, same with Nidhoggr*
  473. 2:23
  474. Krazar77
  475. (Gomora) *charges forward as well, only to slide past them*
  476. (Gomora) *jumps back up and slams his tail into shadorahs back, following up with blasting nidhoggr in the back with his ocsillatory wave*
  477. 2:25
  478. GyaosKing485
  479. *It dodges the attack, then grabs Gomora's tail
  480. 2:25
  481. Jay's Soviet Wing
  482. oh
  483. 2:25
  484. Krazar77
  485. (Gomora) * growls*
  486. 2:25
  487. GyaosKing485
  488. *It throws Gomora into the ground, followed by dozens of slashes*
  489. 2:25
  490. Krazar77
  491. (Gomora) *blocks some of the slashes*
  492. 2:25
  493. Jay's Soviet Wing
  494. I thought you were doing some weird joke where you said it was a rip-off of the Gamera movie and not Star Wars
  495. 2:25
  496. GyaosKing485
  497. *Shadorah begins fading away due to the lack of an energy source*
  498. *It gets pulled back into the ship, and hundred of Gyaos enter the area*
  499. 2:26
  500. Krazar77
  501. (Gomora) * returns with a slash across shadorahs face*
  502. 2:26
  503. GyaosKing485
  504. *It's already left, the Gyaos have entered*
  505. 2:26
  506. Jay's Soviet Wing
  507. (Saramandora) *throws a building at Nidhoggr, and then sets the building on fire*
  508. 2:26
  509. GyaosKing485
  510. *they gang up on Saramandora, knocking it out of the fight*
  511. *For now at least*
  512. 2:26
  513. Krazar77
  514. ha....
  515. thats funny
  516. (Gomora) * blasts the gyaos with his ocsillatory wave*
  517. 2:27
  518. Jay's Soviet Wing
  519. (Saramandora) *is busy fighting the Gyaos by firing fiery fire flame fire of fire at them as the battle progresses*
  520. 2:27
  521. GyaosKing485
  522. *They rush at Gomora, slashing at it hundreds of times from every angle*
  523. 2:27
  524. Jay's Soviet Wing
  525. *fire*
  526. 2:27
  527. Krazar77
  528. brb
  529. 2:29
  530. Jay's Soviet Wing
  531. If I bothered actually RPing what Saramandora was doing for the rest of the fight it would be like this
  533. 2:29
  534. GyaosKing485
  535. *Saramandora is rushed by two manta ray-like Gyaos*
  536. *They fire at it with rays of energy*
  537. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  538. 2:30
  539. Krazar77
  540. bbl
  541. pause for now
  542. 2:30
  543. Jay's Soviet Wing
  544. (Saramandora) *counters the energy rays with fiery fire flame fireballs of fiery fire flame fire of fire before sending Organic Missile Cannon Blasts at them*
  545. Ghidorahnumber1 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  546. 2:30
  547. Jay's Soviet Wing
  548. oh ok
  549. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  550. 2:30
  551. Jay's Soviet Wing
  552. \o
  553. hi o/
  554. 2:31
  555. Ghidorahnumber1
  556. gerp
  557. 2:32
  558. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  559. o/
  560. You are now away.
  561. 2:36
  562. Gallibon the Destroyer
  563. o/
  564. You are no longer away.
  565. 2:38
  566. Jay's Soviet Wing
  567. My Primary characters include such favorites as:
  568. *Male Muto the dead guy
  569. * Jeff Jaguar The Killer
  570. *Baymax from Big Hero Six
  571. *Sanic if he was an Anguirus
  572. *And HOWL
  573. *Also SpookGoji and Disco Megalon
  574. I definitely selected the best of my chars to be primary
  575. 2:42
  576. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  577. k
  578. 2:43
  579. Jay's Soviet Wing
  580. Jeff Jaguar The Killer is a 10/10 pick
  581. right up there with FoxMask
  582. 2:43
  583. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  584. uh huh
  585. You are now away.
  586. 2:49
  587. Gallibon the Destroyer
  588. yy
  589. You are no longer away.
  590. 2:49
  591. Jay's Soviet Wing
  592. I've used him in 2 RPs
  593. He's totally a main character
  594. 2:50
  595. Gallibon the Destroyer
  596. yy
  597. 2:51
  598. Jay's Soviet Wing
  599. Bemular's been in one, so he's secondary
  600. The "others" category goes to those who have been in 0
  601. jk jk
  602. 2:53
  603. Gallibon the Destroyer
  604. lol
  605. StayPuftMarshmellowMan has been slashed by Gigan!
  606. You are now away.
  607. 2:57
  608. Gallibon the Destroyer
  609. My RP characters tend to consist of...
  610. * Gamoni, the dragon lady
  611. * Garbage Monster, the living garbage heap
  612. * A Monument to Your Sins
  613. * Redflag Horowitz, the MLG Jaeger
  614. You are no longer away.
  615. * Geno-Bat, just oh my god
  616. 3:00
  617. Jay's Soviet Wing
  618. how is that a primary character
  619. 3:00
  620. Gallibon the Destroyer
  621. * Drunkatron, yes that his name
  622. 3:00
  623. Jay's Soviet Wing
  624. he died in one RP lol
  625. 3:01
  626. Gallibon the Destroyer
  627. that means he's the best character
  628. jk
  629. jk
  630. i'm just making jokes
  631. Biker Jet Jaguar This is guy is clearly my favorite though
  632. lol
  633. 3:03
  634. Jay's Soviet Wing
  635. you think anyone uses Fawful?
  636. 3:04
  637. Gallibon the Destroyer
  638. Iunno
  639. 3:06
  640. Jay's Soviet Wing
  641. RP?
  642. 3:07
  643. Gallibon the Destroyer
  644. Sure.
  645. 3:07
  646. Jay's Soviet Wing
  647. can u start?
  648. ShodaiGoro has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  649. 3:08
  650. ShodaiGoro
  651. o/
  652. 3:08
  653. Jay's Soviet Wing
  654. hi o/
  655. 3:08
  656. Gallibon the Destroyer
  657. o/
  658. 3:08
  659. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  660. o/
  661. shodaigoro.
  662. I made another page
  663. 3:10
  664. ShodaiGoro
  665. Yeag
  666. *Yeah
  667. Ryuki
  668. 3:10
  669. Gallibon the Destroyer
  670. Is it a Kaiju RP? @Jay
  671. jw
  672. 3:10
  673. ShodaiGoro
  674. (AR)
  675. 3:10
  676. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  677. Nope FoxMask
  678. 3:10
  679. Ghidorahnumber1
  680. Ohey Goro
  681. I was out clear coating a shelf
  682. 3:10
  683. GyaosKing485
  684. I'm waiting for Krazar to get back to get back to our roleplay.
  685. 3:11
  686. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  687. hey goro.
  688. 3:11
  689. Jay's Soviet Wing
  690. yee
  691. 3:11
  692. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  693. want to see my battleaxe?
  694. https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71D1eeoDsZL._SL1001_.jpg If you decide you want to.
  695. 3:12
  696. Gallibon the Destroyer
  697. kk
  698. (Alien Ido) *continues walking away in the snowy hills*
  699. 3:13
  700. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  701. It weighs about 30 pounds, and is currently mounted on my wall.
  702. 3:13
  703. Gallibon the Destroyer
  704. (Alien Ido) *slides down*
  705. (Alien Ido) *lands down*
  706. 3:13
  707. Gojiran103
  708. ...i kinda want that axe
  709. 3:14
  710. Gallibon the Destroyer
  711. (Alien Ido) *looks around*
  712. 3:14
  713. Jay's Soviet Wing
  714. "So FoxMask's real name is DESUTOROIA"
  715. 3:14
  716. Gallibon the Destroyer
  717. (Alien Ido) oooo(I hope I didn't get much attention...)
  718. 3:14
  719. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  720. Do you want to know the name of this axe? As in, the canonical version of this weapon?
  721. 3:14
  722. Jay's Soviet Wing
  723. where's Alien Ido? @Gallyu
  724. 3:14
  725. Gojiran103
  726. Sure
  727. 3:15
  728. Jay's Soviet Wing
  729. FoxMask look in the comments
  730. 3:15
  731. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  732. Gorehowl. It's from Warcraft.
  733. 3:15
  734. Gallibon the Destroyer
  735. I don't know really, some place with lots of Snow.
  736. 3:15
  737. Jay's Soviet Wing
  738. lel
  739. 3:16
  740. Ghidorahnumber1
  741. Gojiran PM
  742. 3:16
  743. Gallibon the Destroyer
  744. *Out from a snow hill though, bursts out a roaring and angry kaiju*
  745. *That appears to look like a giant walrus*
  746. (Maguma) *roars*
  747. (Alien Ido) *staggers back*
  748. (Reggae Ebirah) *bursts out with Maguma*
  749. 3:17
  750. ShodaiGoro
  751. >Warcraft
  752. WoW, or the film based off of it?
  753. 3:18
  754. Gallibon the Destroyer
  755. (Reggae Ebirah) *shrieks*
  756. (Alien Ido) <(...Uh-oh.)
  757. (Alien Ido) *staggers back a little more*
  758. 3:18
  759. Jay's Soviet Wing
  760. *two MORE kaiju burst out of the snow on the opposite side*
  761. 3:19
  762. Gallibon the Destroyer
  763. (Reggae Ebirah) and (Maguma) *roar in anger*
  764. 3:19
  765. Jay's Soviet Wing
  766. Country! (Ang) *roars*
  767. 3:19
  768. Gallibon the Destroyer
  769. (Alien Ido) *sighs* <(I can't let them get in further into town. Better size up fro this one.)
  770. 3:19
  771. Jay's Soviet Wing
  772. (DESTROYAH!!!) *shrieks*
  773. 3:20
  774. Gallibon the Destroyer
  775. (Alien Ido) *grows into kaiju size*
  776. (Alien Ido) *advances towards Maguma and Reggae Ebirah*
  777. 3:21
  778. Jay's Soviet Wing
  779. Country! (ANG) *moves towards Alien Ido from behind*
  780. 3:21
  781. Ghidorahnumber1
  782. Goro
  783. 3:21
  784. Gallibon the Destroyer
  785. (Alien Ido) *looks at the spiky monster*
  786. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  787. 3:22
  788. Jay's Soviet Wing
  789. (DESTROYAH!!!) *screams out and blasts Country Anguirus with a Micro-Oxygen beam*
  790. 3:22
  791. Krazar77
  792. im here
  793. 3:22
  794. GyaosKing485
  795. Can wer continue our roleplay?
  796. 3:22
  797. Krazar77
  798. sure
  799. 3:22
  800. GyaosKing485
  801. *The Gyaos rush at Gomora, planning to weaken it*
  802. *They slash it's legs, as if trying to cripple it*
  803. 3:23
  804. Gallibon the Destroyer
  805. (Reggae Ebirah) *scuttles*
  806. 3:24
  807. Jay's Soviet Wing
  808. (DESTOROYAH!!!) *picks up Country Anguirus and throws him at Alien Ido*
  809. 3:24
  810. Gallibon the Destroyer
  811. (Alien Ido) *is hit* <(Aaaaah!)
  812. 3:24
  813. Krazar77
  814. (Gomora) * narrows his eyes,fire in his eyes. grabs two gyaos by their skulls and slams them together with a sicking crack*
  815. brb
  816. 3:25
  817. Gallibon the Destroyer
  818. (Reggae Ebirah) *shoots a water beam from his mouth at DESOTORYAH!!!!*
  819. 3:25
  820. Krazar77
  821. nvm
  822. 3:25
  823. Gallibon the Destroyer
  824. (Alien Ido) *gets back up*
  825. 3:26
  826. Krazar77
  827. (Gomora) * grabs another by its jaw and rips its off, smashes it down onto its throat*
  828. 3:26
  829. Ghidorahnumber1
  830. Gojiran PM
  831. 3:26
  832. Jay's Soviet Wing
  833. (DESOTORYAH!!!) *turns, roaring in pain from the water beam and charging Reggae Ebirah*
  834. 3:26
  835. Krazar77
  836. now brb
  837. 3:27
  838. Gallibon the Destroyer
  839. (Maguma) *fires an Ice Beam at DESOTORYAH!!!*
  840. 3:27
  841. GyaosKing485
  842. *Another gets knocked down, and appears to be killed*
  843. 3:27
  844. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  845. (walrus)
  846. 3:27
  847. Jay's Soviet Wing
  848. why is that Maguma
  849. 3:28
  850. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  851. because.....
  852. 3:28
  853. Gallibon the Destroyer
  854. Titan made it
  855. 3:28
  856. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  857. Titan
  858. 3:28
  859. Jay's Soviet Wing
  860. (DESOTORYAH!!!) *gets hit, stumbling back from the attack*
  861. Because Titan.
  862. 3:28
  863. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  864. Just because Titan
  865. 3:28
  866. Gallibon the Destroyer
  867. TITAN!!!!!
  868. 3:28
  869. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  870. (Eren) *looks up*
  871. 3:28
  872. Jay's Soviet Wing
  873. Attack on Titan
  874. :P
  875. 3:28
  876. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  878. 3:29
  879. Jay's Soviet Wing
  880. If you insult Titanollante, its an Attack on Titan
  881. 3:29
  882. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  883. .....
  884. 3:29
  885. Jay's Soviet Wing
  886. *cue AoT theme*
  887. 3:30
  888. Gallibon the Destroyer
  889. (Alien Ido) oooo(My first day on this planet again and already I'm fighting giant monsters.)
  890. 3:31
  891. Jay's Soviet Wing
  892. Country! (ANG) *roars, slamming his tail into DESOTORYAH!!! and punching Alien Ido*
  893. 3:31
  894. Gallibon the Destroyer
  895. (Alien Ido) *is punches, staggers back*
  896. *punched
  897. 3:31
  898. Jay's Soviet Wing
  899. ewwww
  900. remember STAND?
  901. 3:32
  902. Gallibon the Destroyer
  903. ....No?
  904. 3:32
  905. Jay's Soviet Wing
  906. was looking on Minya Larva's page and found a comment by him
  907. 3:32
  908. Krazar77
  909. back
  910. 3:32
  911. Gallibon the Destroyer
  912. I've heard of him though
  913. 3:32
  914. Krazar77
  915. (Gomora) * fires off his oscillatory wave all around him. blasting apart several gyaos*
  916. stand
  917. that faggot
  918. 3:33
  919. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  920. .....
  921. 3:33
  922. Krazar77
  923. Swear if goro didnt do it I would have personally bitch smacked him
  924. 3:33
  925. Gallibon the Destroyer
  926. Who is STAND?
  927. 3:33
  928. Krazar77
  929. thinking he can get away with insulting autism
  930. 3:33
  931. Gallibon the Destroyer
  932. ...Oh my
  933. 3:33
  934. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  935. that's an insult to cigarettes everywhere.
  936. 3:33
  937. Jay's Soviet Wing
  938. ^
  939. I've read Lord of the Rings a few months ago
  940. 3:34
  941. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  942. which book?
  943. 3:34
  944. Krazar77
  945. I will fucking torture you so slowly it will feel like eternity until you die
  946. 3:34
  947. Jay's Soviet Wing
  948. All 3
  949. 3:34
  950. Krazar77
  951. and ill make sure its a very slow and painful death
  952. 3:34
  953. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  954. .....
  955. 3:34
  956. Jay's Soviet Wing
  957. Back then faggot meant logs or something
  958. 3:34
  959. Krazar77
  960. insulting autism is one of the MANY lines you dont cross with me
  961. 3:34
  962. Jay's Soviet Wing
  963. So I saw it like 3 times every book
  964. GyaosKing485 has been slashed by Gigan!
  965. 3:35
  966. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  967. huh.
  968. 3:35
  969. Jay's Soviet Wing
  970. But its not the worst I've seen in popular books
  971. 3:35
  972. Krazar77
  973. People who do that are on my personal fucking black list
  974. 3:35
  975. Jay's Soviet Wing
  976. "'You mean we're not allowed to use magic!' Ron ejaculated loudly."
  977. -Harry Potter
  978. 3:35
  979. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  980. ......
  981. wat
  982. 3:36
  983. Jay's Soviet Wing
  984. "'Snape!' ejaculated Slughorn, who looked the most shaken, pale and sweating."
  985. 3:36
  986. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  987. wait.....
  988. 3:36
  989. Gallibon the Destroyer
  990. Umm...our RP?
  991. 3:36
  992. Jay's Soviet Wing
  993. oops
  994. 3:36
  995. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  996. you mean frost can actually read? I thought you said you couldn't read!
  997. 3:37
  998. Jay's Soviet Wing
  999. Fr0st can't
  1000. Jay's Soviet Wing can
  1001. 3:37
  1002. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1003. (Maguma) *leaps at (Alien Ido)*
  1004. 3:37
  1005. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1006. .....
  1007. 3:37
  1008. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1009. but then I can't hear
  1010. 3:37
  1011. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1012. (Alien Ido) *kicks Maguma in the face*
  1013. GyaosKing485 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1014. 3:37
  1015. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1016. (Maguma) *roars, falls over*
  1017. (Maguma) *fires a Heat Beam at Alien Ido*
  1018. 3:37
  1019. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1020. (DESOTORYAH!!!) *slashes at Reggae Ebirah with horn katana*
  1021. 3:37
  1022. Krazar77
  1023. I dont give a shit how much people like that change, I will personally tell them they to fuck off and stop breathing the oxygen existence needs to give to everyone and go burn in the pits of hell.
  1024. 3:37
  1025. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1026. hi o/
  1027. 3:38
  1028. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1029. (Alien Ido) *leaps away, barely dodging*
  1030. 3:38
  1031. GyaosKing485
  1032. *NIdhoggr gets up and slashes at Gomora's legs deeply*
  1033. 3:38
  1034. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1035. (Reggae Ebirah) *is slashed, leaps away*
  1036. (Reggae Ebirah) *falls against a hill*
  1037. 3:38
  1038. Krazar77
  1039. (Gomora) * roars in pain, takes his own claws and stabs them into his face, slashing downwards to make a deep slash wound*
  1040. 3:38
  1041. ShodaiGoro
  1042. Honestly
  1043. 3:38
  1044. GyaosKing485
  1045. *Shadorah fires it's gas at Gomora, which is then followed by Nidhoggr's flames*
  1046. 3:39
  1047. ShodaiGoro
  1048. I don't really find the word "autism" good as an insult
  1049. 3:39
  1050. GyaosKing485
  1051. *The wounds from the burns hurt immensely*
  1052. 3:39
  1053. ShodaiGoro
  1054. Given I've met and befriended a few people with autism
  1055. 3:39
  1056. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1057. *The heat beam instead the hill and makes an explosion*
  1058. *hits the hil
  1059. *hill
  1060. 3:40
  1061. GyaosKing485
  1062. *The golem watches the fight, making sure they aren't imagining this shit*
  1063. 3:40
  1064. Krazar77
  1065. (Gomora) * roars in pain. Goes onto one knee, breathing a bit heavly from the pain*
  1066. 3:40
  1067. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1068. brb
  1069. 3:40
  1070. Krazar77
  1071. (Gomora) * eyes flash red, having enough of these two*
  1072. 3:40
  1073. GyaosKing485
  1074. *They slam their face into the ground, then hit themselves in the eye with their own elbow*
  1075. 3:41
  1076. Krazar77
  1077. *his body is suddenly ingulfed in a fiery red*
  1078. * changing the color of his body, his eyes now being a fiery blue*
  1079. 3:41
  1080. GyaosKing485
  1081. *Nidhoggr gets some distance away from Gomora*
  1082. 3:41
  1083. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1084. back
  1085. 3:42
  1086. Krazar77
  1087. *gomora stands tall, red and blue lighting crackling around his form*
  1088. 3:42
  1089. GyaosKing485
  1090. *Shadorah is inside the ship, feeding on energy, but his deadly gas lingers*
  1091. 3:42
  1092. Krazar77
  1093. brb
  1094. 3:42
  1095. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1096. *two purple beams slam into DESOTORYAH!!! from behind*
  1097. Country! (ANG) *slams into Alien Ido*
  1098. 3:43
  1099. GyaosKing485
  1100. *Gomora is the last piece in Zanon's plan, and if he is defeated or passes out, nearly all hope is lost*
  1101. 3:43
  1102. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1103. (Alien Ido) *is hit, punches Country! (Anguirus) in the nose*
  1104. 3:44
  1105. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1106. Country! (ANG) *cries out and falls over*
  1107. 3:45
  1108. Gojiran103
  1109. country anguirus?
  1110. does he wear cowboy boots?
  1111. 3:45
  1112. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1113. oh god
  1114. xd
  1115. 3:45
  1116. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1117. maybe...
  1118. 3:45
  1119. Gojiran103
  1120. is he southern?
  1121. 3:45
  1122. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1123. I mean, Disco Megalon has a disco suit and rainbow tie
  1124. 3:45
  1125. Gojiran103
  1126. does he ride horses?
  1127. 3:46
  1128. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1129. D.) All of the above
  1130. 3:46
  1131. Gojiran103
  1132. does he drive a pick-up truck?
  1133. does he ever say y'all and NEVER say "you all"?
  1134. 3:47
  1135. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1136. (DESOTORYAH!!!) <(DESOTORYAH!!!) *sends a Micro-Oxygen beam at the new kaiju, a purple bug*
  1137. Still D.) All of the Above
  1138. 3:48
  1139. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1140. (Alien Ido) *leaps out of the way*
  1141. (Reggae Ebirah) *leaps up at Alien Ido's back*
  1142. (Reggae Ebirah) *snaps at Alien Ido with his claws*
  1143. 3:48
  1144. Gojiran103
  1145. so he's 100% southern and country then
  1146. 3:49
  1147. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1148. (Alien Ido) *yelps*
  1149. 3:49
  1150. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1151. why wouldn't he
  1152. 3:49
  1153. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1154. (Alien Ido) *grabs Reggae Ebirah by the claws and slams him down on the ground*
  1155. 3:50
  1156. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1157. (???) *lets out scales from wings that reflects the Micro-Oxygen beam back at DESOTORYAH!!!*
  1158. Country! (ANG) *rams into Alien Ido*
  1159. 3:51
  1160. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1161. (Alien Ido) *is rammed*
  1162. (Alien Ido) *punches at Country! (Anguirus) *
  1163. *The device on Alien Ido's chest then starts blinking*
  1164. *It makes a beeping noise, indicating something*
  1165. (Alien Ido) *looks at it* <(Heh?)
  1166. 3:53
  1167. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1168. Mosuran! (Butterfree) *blasts DESOTORYAH!!! with antennae beams*
  1169. Country! (Ang) *stumbles back, his nose bleeding*
  1170. (DESOTORYAH!!!) *slashes at Mosuran (Butterfree) with horn katana*
  1171. 3:54
  1172. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1173. *Blinker seems to flash red*
  1174. (Alien Ido) *sees that it's blinking red* <(Guess I'm almost out of time...)
  1175. (Reggae Ebirah) and (Maguma) *then charge at Alien Ido*
  1176. (Alien Ido) <(Just one last thing...)
  1177. (Alien Ido) *charges at Reggae Ebirah and Maguma)
  1178. 3:55
  1179. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1180. Mosuran! (Butterfree) <(u guiz. wi gota stahp desutorya.) *sends a purple beam of energy at DESOTORYAH!!!, knocking him back*
  1181. 3:56
  1182. Krazar77
  1183. back
  1184. 3:56
  1185. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1186. (Alien Ido) *smacks them both in the face before returning back to normal size*
  1187. 3:56
  1188. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1189. Country! (Ang) *charges at Alien Ido as well and also gets punched in the face?*
  1190. 3:56
  1191. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1192. (Reggae Ebirah) and (Maguma) *fall over, growling*
  1193. *Maguma and Reggae Ebirah fall over on Country! (Angurius)*
  1194. * Country! (Anguirus)
  1195. 3:57
  1196. GyaosKing485
  1197. *Gomora's tail gets slashed dozens of times by two Gyaos Men, which fire their eye beams at the legs of Gomora*
  1198. 3:57
  1199. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1200. (Alien Ido) <(Hehehe.)
  1201. 3:57
  1202. Krazar77
  1203. Reionyx Burst (Gomora) *roars in defiance at the gyaos and all of zanons army for that matter. Eyes are full of fiery determination, not allowing zanon to destroy the planet*
  1204. 3:57
  1205. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1206. (Alien Ido) <(Well that was fun while it lasted. Now I'm off.) *uns off*
  1207. *runs
  1208. 3:57
  1209. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1210. Country! (Ang) *yelps, trapped under Reggae Ebirah and Maguma*
  1211. 3:57
  1212. GyaosKing485
  1213. I never said he was going to do shit like that.
  1214. 3:57
  1215. Krazar77
  1216. im being fachischus
  1217. if thats how you spell that word anyway
  1218. *the gyaos men are burned by the heat gomora body is making*
  1219. *the eye beams are tanked*
  1220. 3:58
  1221. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1222. Mosuran! (Butterfree) <(ww. thks a lut, idu.) *blasts DESOTORYAH!!! with a dark green beam from her eyes*
  1223. 3:59
  1224. GyaosKing485
  1225. So this is essentially your character's "I'm winning" form?
  1226. 3:59
  1227. Krazar77
  1228. RB (Gomora) *turns towards the gyaos and the nido, having enough of both of there shit*
  1229. no
  1230. This is an actual form
  1231. 3:59
  1232. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1233. (DESOTORYAH!!!) <(AGHHH!!! DESOTORYAH!!!!!!!!!) *flies off*
  1234. 3:59
  1235. Krazar77
  1236. you pissed him off
  1237. 3:59
  1238. GyaosKing485
  1239. *Nido's too far away*
  1240. 3:59
  1241. Krazar77
  1242. and if I wanted to do im winning form
  1243. 4:00
  1244. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1245. Mosuran! (Butterfree) <(yy.) *leaves*
  1246. 4:00
  1247. Krazar77
  1248. I would have gone EX and beat every single gyaos to a bloody bolp
  1249. but currently, Gomora cant acess ex at the moment so im going with this
  1250. and Gomora is actually pretty tough, he aint no push over
  1251. 4:01
  1252. GyaosKing485
  1253. *The Gyaos rush at Gomora*
  1254. 4:01
  1255. Krazar77
  1256. even in his base form
  1257. 4:01
  1258. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1259. ....
  1260. 4:01
  1261. GyaosKing485
  1262. *Even though they know they will die, they show no fear due to how they were made*
  1263. 4:01
  1264. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1265. checked Ultra wiki, it is an actual form
  1266. 4:01
  1267. Krazar77
  1268. though yeah he can take some fucking beating
  1269. ^
  1270. Thank you jay
  1271. god damn.
  1272. cant even pull off a damn transformation anymore without it being an asspull
  1273. *called*
  1274. 4:02
  1275. GyaosKing485
  1276. That goes for all transformations these days.
  1277. Unless it's well foreshadowed.
  1278. 4:03
  1279. Krazar77
  1280. Gomoras had this form for a damn good while
  1281. 4:03
  1282. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1283. *cough*SethReuben*cough*
  1284. 4:03
  1285. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1286. Gomora has been using this form for months.
  1287. 4:03
  1288. ShodaiGoro
  1289. ^
  1290. 4:03
  1291. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1292. Seth Reuben had the worst transformations
  1293. 4:03
  1294. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1295. I can vouch for that.
  1296. 4:03
  1297. ShodaiGoro
  1298. Krazar, PM
  1299. 4:03
  1300. GyaosKing485
  1301. I had no idea for that.
  1302. 4:04
  1303. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1304. he has?
  1305. 4:04
  1306. Krazar77
  1307. Gomora hasent even appeared for months
  1308. 4:04
  1309. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1310. ....
  1311. 4:04
  1312. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1313. If anything I've only seen EX used
  1314. 4:04
  1315. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1316. Before he disappeared that is.
  1317. And frost, you're never around.
  1318. 4:04
  1319. GyaosKing485
  1320. *Nidhoggr decides to reveal something as well...
  1321. *It covers itself in plating, an enhancement given to it by Zanon*
  1322. 4:05
  1323. Gojiran103
  1324. ...I don't recall RB (Gomora) to be honest, but it is a thing I guess
  1325. 4:05
  1326. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1327. Correction: I'm never around when anything important is happening
  1328. 4:05
  1329. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1330. .....
  1331. He used it in MIW3 (first draft), I think.
  1332. Or one of those damn rps
  1333. 4:06
  1334. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1335. I have that on pastebin, I could check
  1336. 4:06
  1337. Krazar77
  1338. he used it before that
  1339. around in NE plot
  1340. 4:06
  1341. GyaosKing485
  1342. *It rushes at Zanon*
  1343. 4:06
  1344. Krazar77
  1345. where he was fighting trahir and lost
  1346. 4:06
  1347. GyaosKing485
  1348. *However, it does see a flock of birds, and purposefully avoids them*
  1349. 4:07
  1350. Krazar77
  1351. so Gomora has HAD this shit for a long time
  1352. 4:07
  1353. GyaosKing485
  1354. *It rushes at Gomora
  1355. 4:08
  1356. ShodaiGoro
  1357. *the thing rushing at Gomora is suddenly attacked by a rapidly-flying object
  1358. 4:08
  1359. Gojiran103
  1360. I do recall SOME form of Gomora appearing in MIW3
  1361. 4:08
  1362. ShodaiGoro
  1363. *the object flies around, before flying to a human
  1364. 4:08
  1365. Krazar77
  1366. RB (Gomora) * rams into the gyaos rushing into him, stabbing one with his horn*
  1367. 4:08
  1368. ShodaiGoro
  1369. (Kagami)<(...Henshin!) *slides the Gatack Zecter into his belt
  1370. 4:08
  1371. Krazar77
  1372. that was EX
  1373. 4:08
  1374. ShodaiGoro
  1375. [HENSHIN!]
  1376. 4:08
  1377. Gojiran103
  1378. *the object is pinned back, (Kamen rider kabuto) appears*
  1379. 4:08
  1380. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1381. I checked MIW3
  1382. 4:08
  1383. Gojiran103
  1384. ...I was close.
  1385. 4:08
  1386. ShodaiGoro
  1387. *a size-shifter is used as well
  1388. (KRGATM) *is formed
  1389. 4:08
  1390. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1391. Gomora barely appeared at all, at least in my pastebin
  1392. 4:08
  1393. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1394. wait....
  1395. 4:09
  1396. ShodaiGoro
  1397. Yes, Gojiran
  1398. 4:09
  1399. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1400. In Part 3 he was in a whopping 1 post
  1401. 4:09
  1402. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1404. ......
  1405. 4:09
  1406. ShodaiGoro
  1407. It's the man who washes his face in the mirror every morning.
  1408. 4:09
  1409. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1410. And that post was something like
  1411. 4:09
  1412. ShodaiGoro
  1413. Arata... Ka-
  1414. (KRSAS)<(KaGAmin~!)
  1415. * (KRSW)
  1416. 4:09
  1417. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1418. (Gomora) *finally makes a reappearance*
  1419. 4:09
  1420. Krazar77
  1421. and doesnt
  1422. 4:09
  1423. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1424. Yeah. But Gojiran had Kabuto appear.
  1425. 4:09
  1426. ShodaiGoro
  1427. It was a joke
  1428. 4:09
  1429. Krazar77
  1430. because part three was sucked into ass
  1431. 4:09
  1432. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1433. oooooh
  1434. 4:10
  1435. ShodaiGoro
  1436. (KRGAT) *faces Gomora, nodding, before facing the opponent
  1437. 4:10
  1438. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1439. In that case...
  1440. 4:10
  1441. ShodaiGoro
  1442. *(KRGATM)
  1443. ** (KRGATM)
  1444. 4:10
  1445. Gojiran103
  1446. Why would I use Kabuto for something like that?
  1447. 4:10
  1448. GyaosKing485
  1449. *Nidhoggr slashes at Gomora*
  1450. 4:10
  1451. Gojiran103
  1452. Like, ever? XD
  1453. 4:10
  1454. ShodaiGoro
  1455. (KRGATM) *gets in the way, doing a heavy punch to send Nidhoggr back
  1456. *cue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBqt-37ghpc
  1457. (KRGATM) *fires the Gatack Vulcan at the opponent, rapidly sending hard shots
  1458. 4:11
  1459. Krazar77
  1460. RB (Gomora) * nods towards the rider, charges back into the fry of the gyaos and stabs his claws into its face*
  1461. 4:11
  1462. GyaosKing485
  1463. *It gets knocked away, then fires out two laser beams at Gomora's legs*
  1464. 4:12
  1465. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1466. Chrome keeps saying chat is unresponsive 0_o
  1467. And then gives me the option to "Kill Pages"
  1468. 4:12
  1469. Krazar77
  1470. RB (gomora) * jumps over the beams. looks at nido and charges forward, ramming into the beast nasal horn first*
  1471. RB (Gomora) * takes his horn out and smacks the snake with his palm*
  1472. 4:13
  1473. GyaosKing485
  1474. It's a mutated komodo.
  1475. With cybernetic enhancements.
  1476. 4:13
  1477. Krazar77
  1478. RB (Gomora) * turns around and slams his tail into the komodos face*
  1479. 4:14
  1480. GyaosKing485
  1481. *It fires it's flame breath and eye beams at the same time at Gomora*
  1482. 4:14
  1483. ShodaiGoro
  1484. (KRGATM) *rushes into the flames punching twice, as he opens the horns on his Zecter
  1485. (KRGATM) *his heavy armor begins shifting around, opening
  1486. 4:15
  1487. Krazar77
  1488. RB (Gomora) * is hit by both attacks, brings his tail down and rushes through the flames. Gives this reptile a taste of its own medicine and fires off orange flames from his horn*
  1489. 4:15
  1490. ShodaiGoro
  1491. (KRGATM) *armor fully shifted, ready to proceed with whatever it's doing
  1492. 4:15
  1493. GyaosKing485
  1494. *Nidhoggr has been done with it's enemies and their attacks*
  1495. 4:15
  1496. Gojiran103
  1497. Goro
  1498. 4:15
  1499. GyaosKing485
  1500. *It roars at the wildlife around them, as if scaring them off*
  1501. 4:16
  1502. ShodaiGoro
  1503. ?
  1504. 4:16
  1505. Gojiran103
  1506. I demand to know something about Decade
  1507. 4:16
  1508. GyaosKing485
  1509. *Both of it's eyes between flashing between blue and red*
  1510. 4:16
  1511. ShodaiGoro
  1512. (KRGATM) <(Cast Off!) *pulls the horns fully
  1513. [CAST OFF!]
  1514. *the heavy armor explodes off Gatack, slamming into the giant komodo
  1515. 4:16
  1516. GyaosKing485
  1517. *It's going to destroy itself to weaken Gomora enough*
  1518. 4:16
  1519. ShodaiGoro
  1520. *two horns flip up on Gatack's sides
  1522. 4:16
  1523. GyaosKing485
  1524. *It's own mind has been ripped from it, the only thing remaining is Zanon's will*
  1525. 4:16
  1526. ShodaiGoro
  1527. (KRGAT)
  1528. (KRGAT) <(Clock Up!)
  1529. [CLOCK UP!]
  1530. 4:17
  1531. Gojiran103
  1532. https://youtu.be/FHKM4oqoFyo?t=1316 WHAT THE HELL IS PLAYING WHEN THIS HAPPENS?
  1534. 4:17
  1535. Krazar77
  1536. RB (Gomora) *is through playing with nido, zanon, and the gyaos. roars in defiance, preparing himself for the blast*
  1537. 4:17
  1538. ShodaiGoro
  1539. (KRGAT) *begins moving around at insane speeds, slashing with his swords
  1540. You are now away.
  1541. 4:17
  1542. GyaosKing485
  1543. (Zanon) *Watches from his headquarters* <(So he's letting himself be sacrificed...)
  1544. 4:17
  1545. ShodaiGoro
  1546. During that moment where Decade and Hibiki destroy Jashin 14?
  1547. 4:17
  1548. GyaosKing485
  1549. (Zanon)<(You were a great ally, old friend. Your death will be honored.)
  1550. 4:18
  1551. Gojiran103
  1552. Yes
  1553. What song is playing?
  1554. 4:18
  1555. GyaosKing485
  1556. *Zanon salutes to Nidhoggr*
  1557. *Nidhoggr's body begins glowing green*
  1558. 4:18
  1559. ShodaiGoro
  1560. (KRGAT) <(Rider Cutting!) *combines the swords into scissor-like blades
  1561. 4:18
  1562. GyaosKing485
  1563. *Nidhoggr gets down, squatting*
  1564. 4:18
  1565. ShodaiGoro
  1566. (KRGAT) *grabs Nidhoggr, holding him into the air with the swords
  1567. 4:18
  1568. GyaosKing485
  1569. *It takes one last breath, then closes it's eyes*
  1570. 4:18
  1571. ShodaiGoro
  1572. It's called Treasure Sniper
  1573. Theme of Kamen Rider DiEnd
  1574. [RIDER CUTTING!]
  1575. 4:19
  1576. GyaosKing485
  1577. *It explodes massively, leaving a large crater where the area once was*
  1578. 4:19
  1579. ShodaiGoro
  1580. ...
  1581. 4:19
  1582. Krazar77
  1583. RB (Gomora) * snorts, taking a few steps back away from nido and prepares himself*
  1584. 4:19
  1585. ShodaiGoro
  1586. Seriously?
  1587. 4:19
  1588. Gojiran103
  1589. Thank you so much
  1590. This is probably my favorite KR song
  1591. 4:19
  1592. ShodaiGoro
  1593. np btw
  1594. 4:19
  1595. GyaosKing485
  1596. *It is only about 50 meters in size though*
  1597. 4:20
  1598. ShodaiGoro
  1599. You're going to use a cheap suicide attack>
  1600. (KRGAT) *tanks it
  1601. 4:20
  1602. GyaosKing485
  1603. *Luckily, most wildlife around the area was unharmed, as if it warned them off*
  1604. 4:21
  1605. Krazar77
  1606. RB (Gomora) *stands up around the crater, fighting off the pain he received. Along with a few cracked bones. Breathes a bit heavy, swallowing the pain*
  1607. 4:21
  1608. GyaosKing485
  1609. *The remaining Gyaos simply watch, then go back to trying to attack*
  1610. You are no longer away.
  1611. 4:22
  1612. Krazar77
  1613. RB (Gomora) * turns towards the gyaos, stares at them with an emotionless face*
  1614. 4:22
  1615. ShodaiGoro
  1616. [CLOCK OVER!]
  1617. 4:22
  1618. GyaosKing485
  1619. *Some flee from the stare, the others keep on rushing*
  1620. 4:22
  1621. Gojiran103
  1622. ...wait, why is DiEnd's theme playing when Decade is doing the action??
  1623. 4:22
  1624. ShodaiGoro
  1625. (KRGAT) *returns to normal speeds
  1626. 4:22
  1627. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1628. LOL
  1629. 4:22
  1630. ShodaiGoro
  1631. I have no clue.
  1632. ...wait
  1633. 4:22
  1634. Gojiran103
  1635. That makes no sense.
  1636. 4:22
  1637. ShodaiGoro
  1638. There is context to that scene
  1639. It's from the World of DiEnd
  1640. 4:22
  1641. Gojiran103
  1642. That's like having Ryu's theme play when Ken is doing the action.
  1643. 4:22
  1644. Krazar77
  1645. RB (Gomora) * horn glows a bright orange, as blue and red energy mix together and into his horn*
  1646. 4:23
  1647. GyaosKing485
  1648. *They retreat back to the ship, trying to get out of harm's way*
  1649. 4:23
  1650. Krazar77
  1651. *the energy pulsates more and more and more, fire bursting from the kaijus side*
  1652. 4:23
  1653. Gojiran103
  1654. ...Still, Decade is doing the action, regardless of the environment
  1655. 4:23
  1656. ShodaiGoro
  1657. ^
  1658. This is the least odd example of this
  1659. 4:23
  1660. Krazar77
  1661. RB (Gomora) *roars in rage and slams his fist into his chest before going down, firing off his Super ocsillatory wave, which sends a gust of wind*
  1662. and yes
  1663. thats an actual move
  1664. and thats its actual name
  1665. 4:24
  1666. GyaosKing485
  1667. *The remaining Gyaos, except two that are hiding, get blown apart*
  1668. Flaredragon00 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  1669. 4:24
  1670. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1671. o/
  1672. 4:25
  1673. Krazar77
  1674. *the beam continues to fire however, flying upwards into space towards zanons spaceship*
  1675. 4:25
  1676. ShodaiGoro
  1677. o/
  1678. 4:25
  1679. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1680. hi o/
  1681. 4:25
  1682. GyaosKing485
  1683. So you're just going to end it anticlimactically?
  1684. 4:25
  1685. Krazar77
  1686. *which just decipats because of said energy is gone*
  1687. 4:25
  1688. ShodaiGoro
  1689. Well, given you literally just had the monster kill itself and deny any actual victory...
  1690. 4:26
  1691. Gallibon the Destroyer
  1692. o/
  1693. 4:26
  1694. Gojiran103
  1695. Goro has a point Gyaos
  1696. The suicide attack was a pretty cheap thing to do
  1697. 4:26
  1698. GyaosKing485
  1699. I was trying to do something more sympathetic towards the villains.
  1700. 4:26
  1701. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1702. ....
  1703. 4:26
  1704. Krazar77
  1705. RB (Gomora) * breathes a bit heavy, slowing his pulse down and goes back to his original form. the flames decapitating *
  1706. 4:26
  1707. GyaosKing485
  1708. Probably in a way you wouldn't really understand.
  1709. 4:26
  1710. Gojiran103
  1711. But it seems like it was just used to kill Gatack and Gomora
  1712. 4:26
  1713. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1714. *dissipating
  1715. 4:26
  1716. Krazar77
  1717. I could find (NSPG) more sympathetic then that shit
  1718. 4:26
  1719. ShodaiGoro
  1720. (KRGAT) <(Tendou... lend me... your power!) *holds his hand out...
  1721. 4:26
  1722. Gojiran103
  1723. ....It WAS used at them, too
  1724. 4:26
  1725. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1726. it wasn't i think?
  1727. 4:27
  1728. ShodaiGoro
  1729. *...and the Hyper Zecter is summoned!
  1730. 4:27
  1731. Gojiran103
  1732. *The Hyper Zecter is stolen by Tendou, despite giving Gatack his power.*
  1733. 4:27
  1734. ShodaiGoro
  1735. (KRGAT) *slots it onto his belt
  1736. 4:27
  1737. Krazar77
  1738. and Ive experienced sympathy from a villain
  1739. that
  1740. was just cheap
  1741. 4:27
  1742. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1743. *It's going to destroy itself to weaken Gomora enough* for whatever it needed Gomora weakened for?
  1744. 4:27
  1745. Krazar77
  1746. and I think we all understand sympathy
  1747. 4:27
  1748. ShodaiGoro
  1749. (KRGAT) <(Hyper Cast Off!) *presses the lever down
  1750. [HYPER CAST OFF!]
  1751. 4:27
  1752. GyaosKing485
  1753. It was literally something about them pretty much giving up all hope and allowing them to be killed to at least help the villain.
  1754. To pretty much make the ultimate weapon.
  1755. 4:27
  1756. ShodaiGoro
  1757. (KRGAT) *armor and horns become more pronounced
  1758. 4:27
  1759. Krazar77
  1760. Yeah if you noticed gyaos
  1761. 4:27
  1762. ShodaiGoro
  1764. 4:28
  1765. Krazar77
  1766. Gomora NOR a rider for that matter simply give up
  1767. 4:28
  1768. ShodaiGoro
  1769. (KRGATH) *gets ready
  1770. 4:28
  1771. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1772. not them
  1773. 4:28
  1774. ShodaiGoro
  1775. (KRGATH) <(Hyper Clock Up!)
  1776. 4:28
  1777. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1778. the guy who killed himself
  1779. 4:28
  1780. ShodaiGoro
  1781. [HYPER CLOCK UP!]
  1782. 4:28
  1783. GyaosKing485
  1784. The villain even tried to get innocents out of the area for the attack.
  1785. 4:28
  1786. Krazar77
  1787. oh
  1788. 4:28
  1789. ShodaiGoro
  1790. *the red on Gatack's chest turns yellow
  1791. [1]
  1792. 4:28
  1793. DrGodzilla120
  1794. Krazar, what are you even trying to do?
  1795. 4:28
  1796. ShodaiGoro
  1797. [2]
  1798. [3]
  1799. 4:28
  1800. DrGodzilla120
  1801. Destroy the ship?
  1802. 4:28
  1803. ShodaiGoro
  1804. (KRGATH) <(Hyper... Kick!)
  1805. [RIDER KICK!]
  1806. (KRGATH) *jets into the skies, foot glowing
  1807. 4:29
  1808. Krazar77
  1809. The beam already dissapeard
  1810. 4:29
  1811. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1812. It was said at the start of the RP that they were luring Gomora there with the kaiju attack
  1813. 4:29
  1814. Krazar77
  1815. due to the fact that gomora has literlly spent most of his energy battling gyaos
  1816. 4:29
  1817. ShodaiGoro
  1818. Dr, do you ever pay attention to RP anymore?
  1819. 4:29
  1820. Krazar77
  1821. I thought about at least damaging the shi
  1822. p
  1823. 4:29
  1824. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1825. So I'm assuming Nidhoggr's sacrifice was because he needed Gomora weakened
  1826. 4:29
  1827. ShodaiGoro
  1828. Gyaos has been godmodding
  1829. 4:29
  1830. GyaosKing485
  1831. How have I been godmodding?
  1832. 4:30
  1833. Krazar77
  1834. I dont really think hes been godmodding
  1835. 4:30
  1836. ShodaiGoro
  1837. Krazar would know better on this
  1838. 4:30
  1839. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1840. Not all suicide attacks are godmodding
  1841. 4:30
  1842. Krazar77
  1843. thats just a stretch
  1844. 4:30
  1845. ShodaiGoro
  1846. But I would say the self-destruct counts
  1847. 4:30
  1848. Krazar77
  1849. a tad bit of a stretch
  1850. 4:30
  1851. DrGodzilla120
  1852. Nope. I wasn't paying attention, because I was too busy playing TES: Online.
  1853. Even Krazar and Fr0st agree it wasn't godmodding.
  1854. 4:30
  1855. Gojiran103
  1856. Maybe not godmodding, but honestly, I feel that suicide attack was an obvious kill to end both Gatack and Gomora.
  1857. 4:30
  1858. ShodaiGoro
  1859. ^
  1860. 4:30
  1861. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1862. It's great, isn't it? @dr
  1863. 4:30
  1864. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1865. Gojiran no
  1866. 4:30
  1867. Krazar77
  1868. TES?
  1869. 4:30
  1870. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1871. He even said it wasn't
  1872. 4:30
  1873. DrGodzilla120
  1874. BRB
  1875. 4:30
  1876. GyaosKing485
  1877. It wasn't really meant to kill them.
  1878. 4:30
  1879. DrGodzilla120
  1880. Slave labor
  1881. 4:30
  1882. Gojiran103
  1883. The Elder Scrolls
  1884. 4:30
  1885. DrGodzilla120
  1886. One sec
  1887. 4:30
  1888. Krazar77
  1889. ah
  1890. 4:30
  1891. ShodaiGoro
  1892. If you weren't paying attention, then why are you here? You have nothing to do with this.
  1893. 4:31
  1894. Krazar77
  1895. goro
  1896. Calm
  1897. 4:31
  1898. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1899. the giant komodo
  1900. 4:16
  1901. GyaosKing485
  1902. *It's going to destroy itself to weaken Gomora enough*
  1903. 4:31
  1904. Krazar77
  1905. down
  1906. 4:31
  1907. ShodaiGoro
  1908. Yeah. Focus.
  1909. 4:31
  1910. Krazar77
  1911. I honestly dont want this shit to go blasting out of propertions
  1912. 4:31
  1913. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1914. ......
  1915. Everyone.
  1916. Enough.
  1917. 4:31
  1918. Krazar77
  1919. this is NOT becoming a flame war over you two
  1920. got it
  1921. 4:31
  1922. ShodaiGoro
  1923. (KRGATH) <(Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!) *unleashes a powerful Rider Kick on the ship at very high speeds
  1924. 4:31
  1925. Krazar77
  1926. thank you ttl for saying that
  1927. um...
  1928. goro
  1929. I think you can stop
  1930. 4:31
  1931. GyaosKing485
  1932. ...Honestly, I'm just retconning this.
  1933. 4:31
  1934. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1935. The ship is in space...
  1936. 4:31
  1937. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1938. *the kick is deflected*
  1939. 4:31
  1940. ShodaiGoro
  1941. Alright.
  1942. 4:32
  1943. Krazar77
  1944. If anything this rp is fine
  1945. 4:32
  1946. ShodaiGoro
  1947. >deflected
  1948. 4:32
  1949. Krazar77
  1950. gomora is weak right now
  1951. 4:32
  1952. Gojiran103
  1953. Why is the kick deflected???
  1954. 4:32
  1955. Krazar77
  1956. so they can still get his dna
  1957. 4:32
  1958. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1959. Because.
  1960. 4:32
  1961. Ghidorahnumber1
  1962. How can you deflect a kick anyway
  1963. 4:32
  1964. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1965. By backhanding it
  1966. 4:32
  1967. Krazar77
  1968. (Gomora) * goes onto one knee, breathing a bit heavy still*
  1969. 4:32
  1970. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1971. ^^
  1972. 4:32
  1973. Ghidorahnumber1
  1974. do you just break their leg and smack it back into them?
  1975. 4:32
  1976. ShodaiGoro
  1977. How do you deflect a kick using the speed of HYPER CLOCK UP?
  1978. 4:32
  1979. Krazar77
  1980. no need for the ship to be destroyed
  1981. 4:32
  1982. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1983. The ship backhanded him
  1984. 4:32
  1985. Gojiran103
  1986. ...Has a Rider ever backhanded a Rider Kick? Or an extremely powerful Rider Kick?
  1987. Because he's using Hyper Kick
  1988. ^ @Goro
  1989. 4:33
  1990. Krazar77
  1991. Gyaos has been hyping this rp up for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time
  1992. 4:33
  1993. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  1994. AR (KRKAH) <(Grandmother once said....)
  1995. 4:33
  1996. Jay's Soviet Wing
  1997. The ship is in space anyways IIRC
  1998. 4:33
  1999. ShodaiGoro
  2000. ...okay, that's a valid reason
  2001. 4:33
  2002. Krazar77
  2003. and I dont want him to lose it now
  2004. 4:33
  2005. GyaosKing485
  2006. *The ship lowers to the area, and a single robot picks up and carries Gomora away to a room to take his DNA*
  2007. 4:33
  2008. Gojiran103
  2010. 4:33
  2011. ShodaiGoro
  2012. (KRGATH) <(...Wha...)
  2013. 4:33
  2014. Ghidorahnumber1
  2016. jk
  2017. 4:33
  2018. GyaosKing485
  2019. *The two Gyaos fly up, and it appears there may be no way in...*
  2020. 4:33
  2021. Krazar77
  2022. you can just send a gyaos to bit off a peace of his flesh
  2023. but
  2024. 4:33
  2025. Gojiran103
  2026. burn
  2027. 4:33
  2028. Krazar77
  2029. that works too
  2030. 4:33
  2031. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2032. OUT
  2034. 4:33
  2035. GyaosKing485
  2036. *A corpse of a single Gyaos Man gets up, slime oozing out of it*
  2037. 4:34
  2038. DrGodzilla120
  2039. Back.
  2040. 4:34
  2041. Krazar77
  2042. (Gomora) * snorts, being honestly too weak to fight back*
  2043. 4:34
  2044. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2045. AR (KAH) *points to the sky, literally just floating there* <(Gatack.)
  2046. ....
  2047. 4:34
  2048. ShodaiGoro
  2049. (KRGATH) *calms down, staying midair, but cancelling the kick
  2050. 4:34
  2051. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2052. fuck
  2053. 4:34
  2054. GyaosKing485
  2055. *Gomora is pulled inside the ship, and into a room where his DNA will be taken painlessly*
  2056. 4:34
  2057. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2058. AR (KRKAH) *nods, before disappearing into a dimensional wall*
  2059. 4:34
  2060. GyaosKing485
  2061. (Zanon)<(Tell me, what do you fight for, reptile?)
  2062. 4:34
  2063. Gojiran103
  2064. ...What did Kabuto just do again
  2065. 4:34
  2066. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2067. I got an idea @Krazar
  2068. 4:35
  2069. ShodaiGoro
  2070. (KRGATH) *lands
  2071. 4:35
  2072. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2073. If humans are for the final part of this
  2074. 4:35
  2075. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2076. He showed up, deflected the kick, and left.
  2077. 4:35
  2078. GyaosKing485
  2079. (Zanon)<(Is it for the world you wish for protection of?)
  2080. 4:35
  2081. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2082. you could use Booker
  2083. 4:35
  2084. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2085. Because he has his reasons.
  2086. 4:35
  2087. GyaosKing485
  2088. (Zanon)<(Is it to save your most loved ones?)
  2089. 4:35
  2090. ShodaiGoro
  2091. (KRGATH) <(He's right... I need to calm down to defeat them... Now is not the time.)
  2092. 4:35
  2093. Gojiran103
  2094. ...
  2095. 4:35
  2096. GyaosKing485
  2097. (Zanon)<(All beings have their reasons, and I have mine.)
  2098. 4:35
  2099. Gojiran103
  2100. I... don't really know what to say about this
  2101. 4:36
  2102. Krazar77
  2103. (Gomora) * stares at Zanon, a cold, hate filled stare*
  2104. 4:36
  2105. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2106. It beats Kabuto's plan b.
  2107. 4:36
  2108. ShodaiGoro
  2109. I can see this happening
  2110. Mainly because Kabuto has done worse.
  2111. 4:36
  2112. GyaosKing485
  2113. (Zanon)<(You see, I am doing the best for my planet.)
  2114. 4:36
  2115. Gojiran103
  2116. *Meanwhile...*
  2117. AR Kabuto?
  2118. 4:36
  2119. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2120. ....
  2121. *GSL
  2122. I meant GSL Kabuto
  2123. 4:36
  2124. GyaosKing485
  2125. (Zanon)<(My race is currently dying out due to inner wars and pollution.)
  2126. 4:36
  2127. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2128. Not AR.
  2129. 4:37
  2130. Gojiran103
  2131. *A woman is locked up in an incredibly advanced chamber, before the chamber suddenly ceases its visor*
  2132. .....
  2133. 4:37
  2134. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2135. You did saythat Kabuto has the worst writing
  2136. 4:37
  2137. Gojiran103
  2138. So this was GSL Kabuto XD
  2139. 4:37
  2140. GyaosKing485
  2141. (Zanon)<(This planet, of course, is the only one sustainable for my race.)
  2142. 4:37
  2143. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2144. Yep.
  2145. 4:37
  2146. ShodaiGoro
  2147. I used to.
  2148. 4:37
  2149. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2150. This was GSL Kabuto
  2151. 4:37
  2152. ShodaiGoro
  2153. But in hindsight...
  2154. ...there are worse.
  2155. 4:37
  2156. Gojiran103
  2157. (???) *Drops out, gasping for air*
  2158. 4:37
  2159. ShodaiGoro
  2160. Tendou is the most aggrevating
  2161. 4:37
  2162. Gojiran103
  2163. (???) <(Ugghnn...) *slowly gets up*
  2164. 4:37
  2165. GyaosKing485
  2166. (Zanon)<(As this planet is too populated, it is my only sorry duty to tell you that I would have to erase all of your lifeforms, save some few species in case hunger comes.)
  2167. 4:37
  2168. Gojiran103
  2169. brb
  2170. 4:37
  2171. ShodaiGoro
  2172. But Decade and Wizard are worse, character-wise
  2173. 4:38
  2174. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2175. Decade gets better though
  2176. At least, he has his moments.
  2177. 4:38
  2178. ShodaiGoro
  2179. Yeah
  2180. 4:38
  2181. Krazar77
  2182. (Gomora) * snorts, in his own primal words saying hes an idiot for thinking just killing everything will solve the damn problem*
  2183. 4:38
  2184. GyaosKing485
  2185. (Zanon)<(Your DNA is going to a greater cause, and you're fighting without even realizing it.)
  2186. 4:38
  2187. Gojiran103
  2188. back
  2189. 4:38
  2190. ShodaiGoro
  2191. Thing is
  2192. You know how I say I find Tendou aggrevating?
  2193. *aggravating
  2194. 4:38
  2195. Gojiran103
  2196. (???) *Opens her eyes, looking at the technologically advanced environment* <(Where... where am I?)
  2197. 4:38
  2198. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2199. Yeah?
  2200. 4:38
  2201. GyaosKing485
  2202. *Multiple machines suck out DNA from Gomora*
  2203. 4:38
  2204. ShodaiGoro
  2205. That's not necessarily a bad thing.
  2206. 4:39
  2207. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2208. Ah.
  2209. 4:39
  2210. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2211. Mothra 1966?file=Family Guy TV Clip - Fart-Tacular why is this Mothra 1966's theme
  2212. 4:39
  2213. Krazar77
  2214. (Gomora) * growls, saying you could have just asked peacefully to live among kaiju and humans and it would have happened*
  2215. 4:39
  2216. Gojiran103
  2217. *Suddenly, a male voice shouts*
  2218. 4:39
  2219. ShodaiGoro
  2220. (KRGATH) *looks
  2221. 4:39
  2222. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2223. So he's like Kaixa to you?
  2224. 4:39
  2225. Gojiran103
  2226. (???) <(HEY! Get back in your chamber!)
  2227. 4:39
  2228. ShodaiGoro
  2229. In a sense
  2230. But do note
  2231. Kaixa is far worse.
  2232. 4:39
  2233. Gojiran103
  2234. (???) <(H-Huh? Why?)
  2235. 4:39
  2236. GyaosKing485
  2237. (Zanon)<(...)
  2238. 4:39
  2239. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2240. Seriously why
  2241. 4:39
  2242. Krazar77
  2243. (Gomora) *Snarls, telling him now, the only think he has done is provided hate for himself and his own race*
  2244. 4:39
  2245. GyaosKing485
  2246. (Zanon)<(I have zero idea of what you're trying to translate to me.)
  2247. 4:39
  2248. Gojiran103
  2249. (???) 2 <(You're not supposed to be awakened yet! Get back in your chamber, NOW!)
  2250. 4:40
  2251. GyaosKing485
  2252. (Zanon)<(Your dominant race, humans, is at 9 billion and rising.)
  2253. 4:40
  2254. Krazar77
  2255. (Gomora) * rolls his eyes and fires off a ocsillatory wave, basiclly writing what hes saying so far*
  2256. 4:40
  2257. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2258. did anyone see what I posted?
  2259. 4:40
  2260. Gojiran103
  2261. (???) <(But, why? What's the chamber for? It was uncomfortable in there anyways, now that I remember...)
  2262. 4:40
  2263. GyaosKing485
  2264. (Zanon)<(Do you expect us to just walk in and kiss their asses?)
  2265. 4:40
  2266. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2267. because titan
  2268. 4:40
  2269. GyaosKing485
  2270. bbl
  2271. 4:40
  2272. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2273. @jay
  2274. 4:40
  2275. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2276. No
  2277. Titan didn't even make this
  2278. 4:40
  2279. GyaosKing485
  2280. *Gomora is dropped from the ship*
  2281. 4:40
  2282. Gojiran103
  2283. IDK @Fr0stfur
  2284. GyaosKing485 has been slashed by Gigan!
  2285. 4:41
  2286. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2287. Godzilla, King of the Monsters did it
  2288. 4:41
  2289. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2290. ....
  2291. No.
  2292. 4:41
  2293. Gojiran103
  2294. (???) 2 *screams* <(GET BACK IN YOUR CHAMBER!)
  2295. Yes, he did
  2296. 4:41
  2297. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2298. User:Gojira, King of the Monsters
  2299. 4:41
  2300. Krazar77
  2301. (Gomora) *lands feet first, snorting in rage at how stupid this zanon guy is. Simply just tells himself that its basiclly what most villians think and turns towards the kamen rider.*
  2302. 4:41
  2303. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2304. Gojira and Godzilla are two different people, IIRC
  2305. 4:41
  2306. Ghidorahnumber1
  2307. Titan made what?
  2308. 4:41
  2309. Gojiran103
  2310. (???) <(Y'know what? No. I don't want to. You're being really mean about it, so I'm not going back in there.)
  2311. 4:41
  2312. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2314. 4:42
  2315. Gojiran103
  2316. (???) 2 <(Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?)
  2317. 4:42
  2318. Krazar77
  2319. (Gomora) * thanks him for his help and digs away*
  2320. 4:42
  2321. Gojiran103
  2322. (???) 2 <(I've got guns, you have nothing.)
  2323. 4:42
  2324. Krazar77
  2325. *heading back to mI*
  2326. and done
  2327. 4:42
  2328. Gojiran103
  2329. (???) *Looks at her hands* <(It... doesn't feel like I have nothing.) *looks back at him*
  2330. 4:42
  2331. Krazar77
  2332. now I have to go
  2333. (wave)
  2334. 4:42
  2335. Gojiran103
  2336. O/
  2337. 4:42
  2338. Ghidorahnumber1
  2339. \o
  2340. 4:43
  2341. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2342. o/
  2343. 4:43
  2344. ShodaiGoro
  2345. o/
  2346. 4:43
  2347. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2348. o/
  2349. 4:43
  2350. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2351. \o
  2352. 4:43
  2353. Gojiran103
  2354. *The woman's hands are slowly glowing in an intense golden-orange color, and then positions them to the gunman*
  2355. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  2356. 4:43
  2357. Gojiran103
  2358. *Two beams of energy are shot at him, blasting him through walls*
  2359. *The alarms blare off everywhere*
  2360. 4:43
  2361. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2362. GSL! (KRKA) <(Grandmother once said.... one must not always charge when the goal is in sight.)
  2363. 4:44
  2364. Gojiran103
  2365. (???) *takes notice of the alarms* <(...Well. That can't be good.)
  2366. 4:44
  2367. ShodaiGoro
  2368. (KRGATH) <(...) *holds his hand out, as if to thank his friend... or at least, friend from another world...
  2369. 4:45
  2370. Gojiran103
  2371. (???) <(That was surprisingly easy to do. Now I just need to get out of here...)
  2372. 4:45
  2373. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2374. GSL! (KRKA) *has a smug look on his face, walks off, into the deserts of his world*
  2375. 4:46
  2376. ShodaiGoro
  2377. (KRGATH) *looks on, as if to say goodbye
  2378. 4:47
  2379. Gojiran103
  2380. gonna pause that for a little while
  2381. i'll get back to that rp later
  2382. 4:47
  2383. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2384. I'm gonna bring this up then
  2385. 4:47
  2386. Ghidorahnumber1
  2387. *Meanwhile, in another universe...*
  2388. TM (ShinkenRed) <(Hyakka Ryoran!)f
  2389. 4:48
  2390. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2391. User blog:Jay's Soviet Wing/Monster Island War: Jay's Wing Edition If you can tell me when you'll be on (or not on) if you're gonna be in this, I'd like to get a date set up for my MIW
  2392. I know you did already @Tengen
  2393. 4:48
  2394. Ghidorahnumber1
  2395. Samurai (Uranus Ranger)<(Samurai Great Slash!)
  2396. Hyper (Captorman)<(Super Ninja Dash!)
  2397. *all three dash through and cut a very familiar enemy*
  2398. Dimension Samurai (NJJ) <(MY GRUDGE WILL BE ETERNAL! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!) *collapses, exploding into purple fire*
  2399. 4:50
  2400. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2401. BBL
  2402. work
  2403. o/
  2404. 4:50
  2405. Ghidorahnumber1
  2406. \o
  2407. 4:50
  2408. ShodaiGoro
  2409. o/
  2410. 4:51
  2411. Gojiran103
  2412. o/
  2413. Gallibon the Destroyer has been slashed by Gigan!
  2414. 4:51
  2415. ShodaiGoro
  2416. @G#1 Don't be surprised if in that same universe, Saban is making it into an episode of Power Rangers
  2417. 4:53
  2418. Ghidorahnumber1
  2419. *The three de-henshin*
  2420. You are now away.
  2421. (Unmei)<(The disgracers of the blade will always get what's coming for them.)
  2422. You are no longer away.
  2423. 4:56
  2424. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2425. hey goro
  2426. 4:56
  2427. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2428. did anyone comment on the blog?
  2429. 4:56
  2430. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2431. do you think GSL Kagami ever banged GSL Hiyori?
  2432. 4:56
  2433. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2434. how did Krazar get these set up?
  2435. 4:57
  2436. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2437. iunno
  2438. 4:57
  2439. ShodaiGoro
  2440. I don't know
  2441. 4:57
  2442. Gojiran103
  2443. it could mean people already saw it and aren't joining, iunno
  2444. 4:57
  2445. Ghidorahnumber1
  2446. (Hanohi)<(I'm just glad he's dead, and his minions with him. Maybe I can finally get some rest!)
  2447. 4:58
  2448. ShodaiGoro
  2449. I really do not know if I WANT to know
  2450. IIRC
  2451. Hiyori was a Worm imitating HIS SISTER
  2452. 4:59
  2453. Gojiran103
  2454. ...the fuck?
  2455. 4:59
  2456. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2457. I think Krazar just set up dates and waited to see if anyone told him to reschedule it
  2458. 4:59
  2459. Ghidorahnumber1
  2460. (Kageya)<(Wouldn't count on that. They almost never stay dead.)
  2461. 4:59
  2462. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2463. I guess I could do that too
  2464. 5:00
  2465. Ghidorahnumber1
  2466. (Hanohi)<(How are you sure?)
  2467. (Kageya)<(Well we haven't even gotten to the movie yet.)
  2468. (Hanohi)<(Movie? What the hell are you talking about?)
  2469. (Kageya)<(You'll figure it out eventually.)
  2470. (Unmei)<(Will you two idiots just shut up for a second? I hear something.)
  2471. *A purple crystal rises from the body of NJJ, giving off a ton of energy*
  2472. You are now away.
  2473. *Two other crystals materialize, one black and one green*
  2474. *The three heroes are pushed back*
  2475. You are no longer away.
  2476. (Kageya) *gets to his feet* <(The powers of Dimension, Time and Death all in one place...)
  2477. (Kageya)<(This wasn't a victory! This is was a plan!)
  2478. (Kageya)<(You bastard, you tricked me!)
  2479. Hehehehe
  2480. (Hanohi)<(What do we do now?)
  2481. *The body of NJJ begins to be reconstructed*
  2482. 5:09
  2483. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2484. No.
  2485. 5:09
  2486. Ghidorahnumber1
  2487. (Kageya)<(You two will do nothing. I know where he's going, so I'll stop him. And if that bastard Arcraizer shows up you tell him to find me first.)
  2488. 5:09
  2489. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2490. Hiyori was Tendou's sister.
  2491. Kagami married Hiyori in the movie.
  2492. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2493. User blog:Jay's Soviet Wing/MIW 2.5 Planning OK I made another blog post, its pretty self-explanatory this time
  2494. 5:10
  2495. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2496. I was asking if you thought Kagami ever banged Hiyori before she died, as they clearly didn't know she was a worm.
  2497. 5:10
  2498. Ghidorahnumber1
  2499. (Kageya)<(Toku Henshin!) {The FINAL! TRANSCEND TIME AND SPACE!}
  2500. 5:11
  2501. ShodaiGoro
  2502. ...I honestly don't know
  2503. 5:11
  2504. Gojiran103
  2505. that's disgusting
  2506. 5:11
  2507. ShodaiGoro
  2508. No matter what happened, it was retconned via Hyper Clock Up
  2509. 5:11
  2510. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2511. .....
  2512. fair enough.
  2513. Unless it didn't.
  2514. 5:12
  2515. Ghidorahnumber1
  2516. (Tokuman) *assumes a white form with gold wings, flying at the nearly reformed NJJ*
  2517. 5:12
  2518. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2519. Normal Tendou's timeline may be the primary one, but GSL's timeline still exists. I think.
  2520. 5:14
  2521. Ghidorahnumber1
  2522. *The two both disappear*
  2523. 5:14
  2524. ShodaiGoro
  2525. Wonder how Caucasus, Hercus, and Keitaros fit into the main timeline
  2526. If at all.
  2527. 5:14
  2528. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2529. They don't.
  2530. Because ZECT didn't have access to Kabuto's Zecter in the main timeline.
  2531. You are now away.
  2532. 5:16
  2533. ShodaiGoro
  2534. Ah
  2535. 5:16
  2536. Ghidorahnumber1
  2537. Why was decade only 30 episodes?
  2538. 5:16
  2539. ShodaiGoro
  2540. I have no clue.
  2541. 5:16
  2542. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2543. because that was all Toei ever planned for him.
  2544. 5:16
  2545. ShodaiGoro
  2546. Was it worth more?
  2547. 5:16
  2548. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2549. Absolutely.
  2550. 5:16
  2551. ShodaiGoro
  2552. If it was
  2553. Then it deserves a better concept to match.
  2554. Wait, no
  2555. Not better concept
  2556. Better EXECUTION.
  2557. 5:17
  2558. Ghidorahnumber1
  2559. Maybe, I dunno, bring back original actors? Don't be cheap?
  2560. 5:17
  2561. ShodaiGoro
  2562. Do note the former would be somewhat impossible
  2563. 5:17
  2564. Ghidorahnumber1
  2565. Follow the stories more accurately?
  2566. 5:18
  2567. ShodaiGoro
  2568. Try getting Joe Odagiri back. Go ahead.
  2569. 5:18
  2570. Ghidorahnumber1
  2571. Who was he
  2572. 5:18
  2573. ShodaiGoro
  2574. The guy who played (Kamen Rider Kuuga)
  2575. 5:18
  2576. Ghidorahnumber1
  2577. Why what happened
  2578. 5:18
  2579. Gojiran103
  2580. Yeah Ghidorah
  2581. Toei is never bringing the actor of Kuuga back
  2582. 5:18
  2583. ShodaiGoro
  2584. He has essentially burned bridges with the franchise after the bullcrap that happened with the Hibiki Staff Change
  2585. 5:18
  2586. Gojiran103
  2587. The last time he ever appeared unmasked or not transformed was in his own series
  2588. 5:19
  2589. Ghidorahnumber1
  2590. what did he dp
  2591. *do
  2592. 5:19
  2593. Gojiran103
  2594. They're not doing it with Kabuto either, and many others
  2595. 5:19
  2596. ShodaiGoro
  2597. He swore it off, and basically said he won't come back unless a certain producer came back as well
  2598. And said producer was screwed over by the Hibiki Staff Change
  2599. 5:20
  2600. Ghidorahnumber1
  2601. Why the hell does Kamen Rider have so many problems with this type of stuff
  2602. You are no longer away.
  2603. Super Sentai can bring them back, but they barely use them
  2604. Ultraman brings them back ALL THE TIME
  2605. 5:20
  2606. ShodaiGoro
  2607. Idiotic executives
  2608. 5:21
  2609. Gojiran103
  2610. And Super Sentai doesn't lol, they have all the power to do so but they don't do it anyway
  2611. They only do stuff like that when it's anniversary or special stuff
  2612. 5:21
  2613. ShodaiGoro
  2614. The focus on merch sales over show quality pretty much has lead to some problems
  2615. 5:22
  2616. Ghidorahnumber1
  2617. I bet the fact that Hibiki lacked forms was a major part in the staff change and sales?
  2618. 5:22
  2619. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2620. No.
  2621. 5:22
  2622. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2623. So, has Garuda returned?
  2624. 5:22
  2625. ShodaiGoro
  2626. Not really
  2627. 5:22
  2628. Gojiran103
  2629. No @Fr0stfur
  2630. 5:22
  2631. ShodaiGoro
  2632. Hibiki was a good show, IIRC
  2633. 5:22
  2634. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2635. It was the constant overuse of CGI.
  2636. 5:23
  2637. ShodaiGoro
  2638. But many problems arose
  2639. 5:23
  2640. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2641. Because Toei is cheap
  2642. 5:23
  2643. ShodaiGoro
  2644. Aside from the fact that the toys weren't selling well
  2645. 5:23
  2646. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2647. So they changed it, and less of the CGI monsters appeared
  2648. 5:23
  2649. ShodaiGoro
  2650. The CGI and shooting locations, as TTL said, were expensive
  2651. 5:23
  2652. Ghidorahnumber1
  2653. I personally think Kamen Rider needs another break to regain its themes
  2654. Because it is basically one man super sentai at this point
  2655. 5:24
  2656. ShodaiGoro
  2657. Moral Guardians also complained about scary moments, such as the oni's mouths opening for certain things (breathing fire, blowing a trumpet, etc.)
  2658. 5:24
  2659. Gojiran103
  2660. Isn't that what Kamen Rider is? They're essentially the same show, aimed at slightly different audiences, and with different form.
  2661. 5:24
  2662. ShodaiGoro
  2663. Not really, in spirit.
  2664. I've always said I've considered KR darker than SS
  2665. 5:25
  2666. Ghidorahnumber1
  2667. ^
  2668. And focused more on the story of the main rider than the toys
  2669. Super Sentai has always been about toys
  2670. But now
  2671. 5:25
  2672. ShodaiGoro
  2673. Not really
  2674. 5:25
  2675. Gojiran103
  2676. It is. The latter is usually lighthearted, but that's because of what I've said, both are aimed at different audiences, and the age gap between the shows is very short
  2677. 5:26
  2678. ShodaiGoro
  2679. SS was about the team once too.
  2680. And still kinda is.
  2681. 5:26
  2682. Gojiran103
  2683. SS has NOT always been about toys
  2684. At least not in recent years
  2685. 5:27
  2686. ShodaiGoro
  2687. This is honestly one thing I don't like about collectables
  2688. I do like the idea, but when done wrong
  2689. They are bad
  2690. 5:27
  2691. Ghidorahnumber1
  2692. You cannot look at all the ridiculous mecha forms and say that none of it was meant just for toys
  2693. You are now away.
  2694. 5:27
  2695. ShodaiGoro
  2696. I honestly found Ghost to be the worst show second only to Hibiki with this merch problem
  2697. 5:28
  2698. Gojiran103
  2699. Still, the recent years might have been heavily focused on merchandise but it was never like that before, and that includes the early and late 2000's
  2700. I don't think Ghost is THAT bad
  2701. 5:28
  2702. Ghidorahnumber1
  2703. Toys were the only thing that kept Ohranger alive
  2704. That's why it was the first to have a ton of mecha
  2705. 5:29
  2706. ShodaiGoro
  2707. Honestly
  2708. I find it bad because the gimmick doesn't do much
  2709. They clearly made it so they could swap forms and such
  2710. But barely use that idea
  2711. 5:29
  2712. Ghidorahnumber1
  2713. Except with the figuarts
  2714. 5:29
  2715. ShodaiGoro
  2716. But what takes the cake is the Eyecon Driver G
  2717. 5:29
  2718. Ghidorahnumber1
  2719. you have to buy them all seperate
  2720. 5:30
  2721. Gojiran103
  2722. I honestly feel we overthink KR gimmicks that might look bad
  2723. 5:30
  2724. ShodaiGoro
  2725. Why sell one full price Driver... when you could sell TWO?!
  2726. And make it the hero's super mode as well!
  2727. 5:30
  2728. Ghidorahnumber1
  2729. And those Drivers aren't cheap
  2730. they're like 70 dollars
  2731. You are no longer away.
  2732. and then you have to buy all the eyecons
  2733. 5:31
  2734. ShodaiGoro
  2735. Well...
  2736. Do note that import prices affect stuff like that for us
  2737. 5:31
  2738. Ghidorahnumber1
  2739. And all the weapons
  2740. 5:31
  2741. ShodaiGoro
  2742. So it's likely cheaper in Japan
  2743. 5:31
  2744. Gojiran103
  2745. BTW the Amazons Driver is also pretty expensive but it's very small compared to the real thing
  2746. 5:31
  2747. Ghidorahnumber1
  2748. And remember Captain Ghost? Who showed up in like 5 episodes?
  2749. He gets a toy too
  2750. 5:33
  2751. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2752. ......
  2753. 5:37
  2754. Ghidorahnumber1
  2755. *A massive explosion appears in the RPverse*
  2756. 5:37
  2757. Gojiran103
  2758. ...That's a pretty big explosion.
  2759. 5:38
  2760. Ghidorahnumber1
  2761. *a city in the RPverse
  2762. Oni (NJJ) *stands, black flames erupting out from the cracks in his armor*
  2763. Oni (NJJ) <(I AM ETERNAL.)
  2764. Oni (NJJ) *raises a sword, destroying a row of buildings with a single slash*
  2765. Oni (NJJ) <(I have returned to reap the world that killed me...)
  2766. Oni (NJJ) <(I will kill the ones who killed me...)
  2767. 5:42
  2768. ShodaiGoro
  2769. Honestly
  2770. 5:43
  2771. Ghidorahnumber1
  2772. Oni (NJJ) <(And I welcome the challenge of anyone who wants to stop me!)
  2773. 5:43
  2774. ShodaiGoro
  2775. I miss the bikes.
  2776. Like, how they were originally used.
  2777. 5:43
  2778. Ghidorahnumber1
  2779. I completely forgot Ghost even had one
  2780. He just kind of teleports
  2781. 5:43
  2782. ShodaiGoro
  2783. Same.
  2784. It's a boring bike that clearly is trying to be like Battle Hopper
  2785. 5:44
  2786. Ghidorahnumber1
  2787. Except the Battle Hopper was relevant enough to get its own theme song
  2788. 5:44
  2789. ShodaiGoro
  2790. ^
  2791. And actually did stuff
  2792. 5:45
  2793. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2794. agreed
  2795. Also....
  2796. 5:45
  2797. ShodaiGoro
  2798. And Ghost got a second bike too
  2799. Which was actually cool as well
  2800. 5:46
  2801. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2802. Is Oni (NJJ) 's intro a solo RP?
  2803. 5:49
  2804. Ghidorahnumber1
  2805. NO
  2806. *No
  2807. caps lock
  2808. 5:50
  2809. ShodaiGoro
  2810. Honestly, I'm not sure what the worst Rider Machine is
  2811. Ironically, I consider the Sakura Hurricane or whatever it was called from Gaim to be among them
  2812. But it's not too high on my list because it had a purpose
  2813. Gallibon the Destroyer has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2814. 5:52
  2815. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2816. Hi hi hi
  2817. 5:52
  2818. ShodaiGoro
  2819. o/
  2820. 5:52
  2821. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2822. hi o/
  2823. DrG, DrG, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
  2824. 5:54
  2825. DrGodzilla120
  2826. Here.
  2827. 5:54
  2828. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2829. oh.
  2830. ok then...
  2831. 5:54
  2832. Ghidorahnumber1
  2833. Did you wanna join Tengen
  2834. 5:55
  2835. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2836. DrG i think you might need to refresh
  2837. Ghidorahnumber1
  2838. Oni (NJJ) <(All Kamen Riders will die. And then I shall come for you, Foxmask!)
  2839. 5:56
  2840. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2841. Good luck
  2842. inb4 Neo JJ acutally pulls it off
  2843. 5:57
  2844. ShodaiGoro
  2845. (FXM) <(Son, I've survived months of bullcrap that hunted for me. You can't find me.)
  2846. 5:57
  2847. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2848. I mean, I didn't believe Coyote Tango when he said he would kill all Gojirans, and he got pretty far
  2849. 5:58
  2850. ShodaiGoro
  2851. jkjk
  2852. 5:58
  2853. Flaredragon00
  2854. That's because Coyote Tango was an unfair piece of garbage
  2855. 5:58
  2856. ShodaiGoro
  2857. ^
  2858. 5:58
  2859. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2860. True
  2861. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2862. 5:58
  2863. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2864. hi o/
  2865. 5:59
  2866. ShodaiGoro
  2867. (FXM) <(Even if you do rely on unfair garbage, you're still seeking me, and not the other way around. You have no chance, even if it went on for five months.)
  2868. o/
  2869. 5:59
  2870. Lord Ghetsis
  2871. o/
  2872. 6:00
  2873. ShodaiGoro
  2874. jkjk again
  2875. 6:01
  2876. Ghidorahnumber1
  2877. Oni (NJJ) <(And even then I shall keep on seeking you until literally everyone in this chat hates my user)
  2878. jkjkjk
  2879. 6:01
  2880. ShodaiGoro
  2881. (FXM) <(Get in line, you're up next, after the Gary Stu.)
  2882. 6:01
  2883. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2884. .....
  2885. again?
  2886. 6:02
  2887. ShodaiGoro
  2888. it's called a joke
  2889. 6:02
  2890. Gojiran103
  2891. (WXM) <(FoxMask, Jet Jaguar, are you two even here?)
  2892. 6:02
  2893. DrGodzilla120
  2894. I mean, honestly, at this point, what else would you expect?
  2895. 6:02
  2896. Lord Ghetsis
  2897. brb
  2898. 6:02
  2899. ShodaiGoro
  2900. (FXM) <(You don't seem to understand.)
  2901. (FXM) <(We're not here.)
  2902. (FXM) <(This is a dumb joke RP.)
  2903. 6:02
  2904. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2905. ....
  2906. *someone else appears*
  2907. 6:02
  2908. ShodaiGoro
  2909. (FXM) <(This part, at least.)
  2910. 6:02
  2911. Ghidorahnumber1
  2912. Oni (NJJ) <(so by extension you aren't here either.)
  2913. 6:03
  2914. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2916. 6:03
  2917. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2918. If this is a dumb joke RP, does that mean...
  2920. 6:03
  2921. Gojiran103
  2922. (wxm) <(...I don't exist?)
  2923. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  2924. 6:03
  2925. ShodaiGoro
  2926. (FXM) <(You do. Just not here.)
  2927. (KRSP) <(...)
  2928. 6:03
  2929. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2930. (NIGEL) *rolls in*
  2931. 6:03
  2932. Gojiran103
  2933. (WXM) <(Are you telling me everything I accomplished was worth nothing at all?)
  2934. 6:03
  2935. ShodaiGoro
  2936. (KRSP) <(No.) *to BORD
  2937. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  2938. 6:03
  2939. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2941. 6:03
  2942. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2943. (EXPLOSIONS) *explode*
  2944. 6:03
  2945. ShodaiGoro
  2946. [DIVE TOO DEEP!]
  2947. 6:03
  2948. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2949. (KRB) <(....)
  2950. 6:04
  2951. ShodaiGoro
  2952. [EYEEEEEEE!!!]
  2953. 6:04
  2954. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2956. 6:04
  2957. Lord Ghetsis
  2958. Back
  2959. 6:04
  2960. ShodaiGoro
  2961. [GEN KAIGAN!]
  2962. [DEEP SPECTER!]
  2963. 6:04
  2964. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2965. (MR KRABS) *does whatever MR KRABS did*
  2966. 6:04
  2967. ShodaiGoro
  2969. (KRDSP) <(I'll show you the path I have chosen!)
  2971. 6:04
  2972. Gallibon the Destroyer
  2973. (NIGEL) <(....Hail Golgom!)
  2974. 6:04
  2975. Ghidorahnumber1
  2976. *insert vehk raping someone here*
  2977. 6:04
  2978. ShodaiGoro
  2979. [DEEP SPECTER!]
  2980. [GIGA!]
  2981. [OMEGA DRIVE!]
  2982. 6:05
  2983. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2984. .....
  2985. 6:05
  2986. ShodaiGoro
  2987. (KRDSP) *Rider Kicks the godawful spampost characters
  2988. 6:05
  2989. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2990. well that escalated quickly.
  2991. 6:05
  2992. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2993. (Golden Larva)
  2994. 6:05
  2995. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  2996. (KRB) *tanks it*
  2997. 6:05
  2998. Jay's Soviet Wing
  2999. (GLAR)
  3000. 6:05
  3001. ShodaiGoro
  3002. (LAR) <(stfu.)
  3003. 6:05
  3004. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3005. (LAR12)
  3006. 6:05
  3007. Ghidorahnumber1
  3008. was tengen around for the Vehk PRGoji and Yuki days?
  3009. 6:05
  3010. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3011. (NIGEL) <(.......)
  3012. 6:05
  3013. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3014. (KRB) *Is Kohtaro Minami, bitch*
  3015. 6:05
  3016. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3017. whatever
  3018. (MOT12)
  3019. 6:05
  3020. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3021. I don't think so.
  3022. 6:05
  3023. ShodaiGoro
  3024. Removed those emotes.
  3025. 6:06
  3026. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3027. (NIGEL) <(I said "Hail Golgom!" to get a reaction and I was expecting guys to kick my ass, come on.)
  3028. 6:06
  3029. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3030. awwwwww
  3031. 6:06
  3032. Ghidorahnumber1
  3033. Good
  3034. Because your character probably would have been raped
  3035. 6:06
  3036. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3037. (KRB) <(RIDER KICK!) *rider kicks Nigel*
  3038. 6:06
  3039. Ghidorahnumber1
  3040. Maybe twice
  3041. 6:06
  3042. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3043. I doubt it.
  3044. 6:06
  3045. ShodaiGoro
  3046. Mothra12 emotes were a waste of space
  3047. 6:06
  3048. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3049. Because my only female character is Nui. That would've ended badly for everyone involved.
  3050. 6:06
  3051. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3052. but
  3053. 6:06
  3054. ShodaiGoro
  3055. ...
  3056. Somewhere
  3057. 6:06
  3058. Gojiran103
  3059. http://prntscr.com/d9s48c .... Wow.
  3060. 6:06
  3061. Ghidorahnumber1
  3062. Mine weren't female
  3063. 6:06
  3064. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3065. (MOT12) <(I have to feed GOLDEN PEANUT BUTTER to my child! Is that not right, Larva?)
  3066. 6:07
  3067. ShodaiGoro
  3068. Ryuko Matoi is pissed.
  3069. 6:07
  3070. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3071. (GLAR) <(Yeah mommy!)
  3072. 6:07
  3073. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3074. (NIGEL) *is sent flying*
  3076. 6:07
  3077. ShodaiGoro
  3078. (MOT92) <(...)
  3079. 6:07
  3080. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3081. (NIGEL) *explodes in the air*
  3082. 6:07
  3083. ShodaiGoro
  3084. MOT92)<(aftur al deez yeerz... geez... trahur... prgji... yooki... nd nao...)
  3085. * (MOT92)
  3086. (MOT92) <(U.)
  3087. (MOT92) *stares down his old adversary
  3088. (MOT92) <(du u rmembr mi?)
  3089. (MOT92) <(DU U?!/1/1)
  3090. 6:08
  3091. Ghidorahnumber1
  3092. (Minilla larva)
  3093. 6:08
  3094. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3095. (MOT12) <(...)
  3096. 6:08
  3097. Ghidorahnumber1
  3098. I forgot that still existed
  3099. 6:08
  3100. ShodaiGoro
  3101. (MOT92) <(wel i rmembr u. nd i rmembr dat u...)
  3102. 6:08
  3103. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3104. (MOT12) <(Do YOU want GOLDEN PEANUT BUTTER?)
  3105. 6:09
  3106. ShodaiGoro
  3107. (MOT92) <(sund liek a mari su 2 mi.)
  3108. 6:09
  3109. Gojiran103
  3110. (krgh) *is just standing*
  3111. (KRGH) <(...Where am I?)
  3112. 6:09
  3113. Ghidorahnumber1
  3114. *Cue happy cheers from every original RPer in 2013*
  3115. 6:09
  3116. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3117. No he's not you preppy
  3118. 6:10
  3119. ShodaiGoro
  3120. >prep
  3121. (Enoby)<(STFU PREPZ!1111)
  3122. 6:10
  3123. Lord Ghetsis
  3124. Goro PM
  3125. 6:10
  3126. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3127. dhut da fok up biches!1 ur jus jelos koz I gut 10000 reviowz!1
  3128. 6:11
  3129. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3130. TTL, minor PM
  3131. 6:11
  3132. Ghidorahnumber1
  3133. We need to have an anniversary RP
  3134. 6:12
  3135. Gojiran103
  3136. RP is so much different than it was in 2013
  3137. 6:12
  3138. Ghidorahnumber1
  3139. Where we have all the original RP characters meeting up in a high school gym to celebrate
  3140. 6:12
  3141. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3142. Awwwww yes
  3143. That could be Thanksgiving
  3144. 6:12
  3145. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3146. yy
  3147. 6:12
  3148. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3149. Gally you're banned from it
  3150. 6:12
  3151. Ghidorahnumber1
  3152. so is tengen
  3153. 6:12
  3154. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3155. Ghetsis you're banned too
  3156. 6:12
  3157. Ghidorahnumber1
  3158. and me too
  3159. *goes into corner
  3160. 6:13
  3161. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3162. .....
  3163. 6:13
  3164. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3165. WZRP Genwunners, UNITE!
  3166. 6:13
  3167. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3168. okay
  3169. 6:13
  3170. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3171. Next time Shiro comes in
  3172. I'm just gonna shout "YOU'RE BANNED!"
  3173. 6:14
  3174. Ghidorahnumber1
  3175. we insta ban him
  3176. 6:14
  3177. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3178. ^
  3179. Back in 2013 and 2014, it was okay for (Leafeon) to tie with (Dracoruss) in a fight
  3180. It was okay for a canyon to fight back if it was attacked
  3181. 6:15
  3182. Ghidorahnumber1
  3183. Back in 2013 King Ghidorah was a threat
  3184. 6:15
  3185. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3186. It was also okay for Gardevoir to fight Dracoruss for 4 hours
  3187. 6:15
  3188. Ghidorahnumber1
  3189. It was okay for a dumb new guy named Ghidorah to derail RPs
  3190. and create shitty OCs
  3191. 6:16
  3192. ShodaiGoro
  3193. And it was okay for (FXM) to not suck due to a vocal minority complaining?
  3194. 6:16
  3195. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3196. ... wat
  3197. 6:16
  3198. ShodaiGoro
  3199. *.
  3200. 6:16
  3201. Ghidorahnumber1
  3202. Did FXM even appear back in 2013
  3203. 6:16
  3204. Gojiran103
  3205. Yes
  3206. He did
  3207. I remember him very clearly in 2013
  3208. 6:16
  3209. ShodaiGoro
  3210. His debut had him battle GizGoji
  3211. 6:16
  3212. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3213. And for WZRP tournaments to have fights consisting of Twilight Sparkle almost defeating Kirby
  3214. Also *lolno* didn't exist so basically everyone godmodded
  3215. 6:17
  3216. Ghidorahnumber1
  3217. but when everyone's godmodding
  3218. is anyone really godmodding?
  3219. 6:17
  3220. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3221. Like when Cybersaur screamed to make a black hole
  3222. 6:17
  3223. Lord Ghetsis
  3224. Hmmm
  3225. DrG PM
  3226. 6:18
  3227. ShodaiGoro
  3228. Anyone excited for the FXM revival plot?
  3229. 6:18
  3230. Ghidorahnumber1
  3231. me
  3232. 6:18
  3233. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3234. Me!
  3235. 6:18
  3236. Ghidorahnumber1
  3237. remember my very first RP
  3238. I tried to destroy the world with Orochi
  3239. 6:19
  3240. ShodaiGoro
  3241. Should be ready by the end of the year.
  3242. 6:19
  3243. Ghidorahnumber1
  3244. and then got really pissed off
  3245. when he got killed by a battra wearing a pyro mask
  3246. 6:19
  3247. Gojiran103
  3248. I was probably the worst RPer when I was introduced to RPing
  3249. 6:19
  3250. Ghidorahnumber1
  3251. like really really pissed off
  3252. said pyro battra being Flare
  3253. 6:19
  3254. Gojiran103
  3255. I used FinalGoji and I made him extremely OP, and often pissed Flare off with him
  3256. 6:19
  3257. ShodaiGoro
  3258. The plot should undo the damage done
  3259. 6:19
  3260. Ghidorahnumber1
  3261. Back when we could still use images in place of emotes
  3262. 6:20
  3263. ShodaiGoro
  3264. ...at least.
  3265. It could possibly undo the damage and then some
  3266. 6:20
  3267. Gojiran103
  3268. Why can't we do that anymore?
  3269. 6:20
  3270. Ghidorahnumber1
  3271. because wikia fucked it up because viruses and whatnot
  3272. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  3273. 6:20
  3274. Ghidorahnumber1
  3276. 6:20
  3277. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3278. oh my
  3279. 6:21
  3280. Ghidorahnumber1
  3281. but that means....\
  3282. Gojiran103 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  3283. 6:21
  3284. ShodaiGoro
  3285. Anyone want to see the damage undone?
  3286. 6:21
  3287. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3288. wb
  3289. 6:21
  3290. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3291. who got killed?
  3292. Ghidorahnumber1 has been slashed by Gigan!
  3293. 6:22
  3294. Gojiran103
  3295. bbl
  3296. 6:22
  3297. ShodaiGoro
  3298. o/
  3299. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  3300. 6:22
  3301. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3302. o/
  3303. Ghidorahnumber1 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  3304. 6:24
  3305. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3306. Wb
  3307. 6:24
  3308. Ghidorahnumber1
  3309. I have returned to continue to combat wikia
  3310. 6:24
  3311. ShodaiGoro
  3312. Combat Wikia? What?
  3313. 6:25
  3314. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3315. G#1 Vs The World (AKA Wikia)
  3316. 6:25
  3317. Ghidorahnumber1
  3318. I insulted wikia and was slashed by Gigan
  3319. 6:25
  3320. ShodaiGoro
  3321. Ah
  3322. 6:25
  3323. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3324. WHERE IS MY SAKE!?
  3325. 6:25
  3326. Ghidorahnumber1
  3327. Why don't I have the ability to edit the "you were banned message?
  3328. 6:25
  3329. ShodaiGoro
  3330. (yuugi) has it.
  3331. and you're not getting any
  3332. I don't know.
  3333. 6:26
  3334. Ghidorahnumber1
  3335. Because I actually want to change it to something serious other than what it is now that I set in 2014
  3336. MediaWiki:Chat-you-were-banned
  3337. 6:27
  3338. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3339. To the Sanzu River with you all!
  3340. 6:27
  3341. ShodaiGoro
  3342. I can't either.
  3343. 6:27
  3344. Ghidorahnumber1
  3345. So for the last 2 years Ceoxal has seen that like 8 times
  3346. 6:27
  3347. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3348. Really???
  3349. I don't believe you
  3350. 6:28
  3351. Ghidorahnumber1
  3352. Also tell me if the leave message changed
  3353. 6:28
  3354. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3355. Still "Slashed by Gigan" when you left last
  3356. 6:30
  3357. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3358. Lemme test it out.
  3359. 6:30
  3360. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3361. ...
  3362. 6:30
  3363. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3364. I still see Mothra.
  3365. 6:32
  3366. ShodaiGoro
  3367. So
  3368. Anyone got suggestions for the FXM revival plot?
  3369. 6:34
  3370. Lord Ghetsis
  3371. Do you mean he gets resurrected?
  3372. 6:34
  3373. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3374. Add cowbell.
  3375. 6:34
  3376. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3377. I'd say have him murder a Stu, but there's nobody who 9/10 users think is one
  3378. 6:34
  3379. ShodaiGoro
  3380. No
  3381. 6:34
  3382. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3383. At least, none from users who aren't banned
  3384. 6:34
  3385. ShodaiGoro
  3386. He's alive.
  3387. ...
  3388. Okay, I've got two things to say about that.
  3389. Gojiran103 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  3390. 6:35
  3391. ShodaiGoro
  3392. 1) He's not a Sue Hunter anymore
  3393. 6:35
  3394. Gojiran103
  3395. back
  3396. 6:35
  3397. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3398. he isn't?
  3399. forget that then
  3400. 6:35
  3401. ShodaiGoro
  3402. 2) He won't murder most of them, as their crime is beyond their control; he "cures" them
  3403. 6:35
  3404. Lord Ghetsis
  3405. "cures" <
  3406. 6:35
  3407. ShodaiGoro
  3408. I'm sick of that angle.
  3409. 6:35
  3410. Ghidorahnumber1
  3411. Have him fight a character that forces him to take his morals into question?
  3412. 6:35
  3413. Gojiran103
  3414. Gonna do a little human-sized character RP
  3415. 6:36
  3416. Lord Ghetsis
  3417. "cures"<
  3418. 6:36
  3419. ShodaiGoro
  3420. Me and Gojiran already got the idea ready
  3421. 6:36
  3422. DrGodzilla120
  3423. lol
  3424. 6:36
  3425. Gojiran103
  3426. Anyone can join if they want
  3427. (Iori) *walks into the night streets of Japan, his hands in his pockets as he observes a large crowd from below*
  3428. 6:36
  3429. ShodaiGoro
  3430. I'm asking for what you'd want to see.
  3431. ...yes. Cures, for lack of a better word.
  3432. 6:36
  3433. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3434. Thread:9018 what is this
  3435. 6:37
  3436. Ghidorahnumber1
  3437. That
  3438. 6:37
  3439. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3440. what even
  3441. 6:37
  3442. Ghidorahnumber1
  3443. is Flare
  3444. 6:37
  3445. ShodaiGoro
  3446. He removes their Sue powers.
  3447. 6:37
  3448. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3449. why is that a thing
  3450. 6:37
  3451. ShodaiGoro
  3452. Or did.
  3453. 6:37
  3454. Ghidorahnumber1
  3455. Because Flare
  3456. 6:37
  3457. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3458. I guess so
  3459. 6:37
  3460. Lord Ghetsis
  3461. Goro PM
  3462. 6:37
  3463. ShodaiGoro
  3464. What? You going to make some stupid eugenics comparison?
  3465. 6:38
  3466. Gojiran103
  3467. (Iori) *calmly looks down from the lights, looking for someone* <(Hmph. I guess he's not out here.)
  3468. (???) <(Your whereabouts are always so unknown...)
  3469. 6:38
  3470. DrGodzilla120
  3471. ...What?
  3472. 6:38
  3473. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3474. Remember (Spiderman) ?
  3475. 6:38
  3476. Flaredragon00
  3477. what do i have to do with this
  3478. 6:38
  3479. Lord Ghetsis
  3480. (Spoderman)
  3481. 6:38
  3482. Flaredragon00
  3483. what's even happening i am completely lost
  3484. 6:38
  3485. Lord Ghetsis
  3486. (Spiderppman)
  3487. 6:38
  3488. Gojiran103
  3489. (Iori) *eyes position back* <(...)
  3490. 6:39
  3491. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3492. Thread:9018 You have this to do with this
  3493. 6:39
  3494. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3495. *Not to far...*
  3496. 6:39
  3497. Gojiran103
  3498. (???) *Smiles, his voice becoming unnaturally familiar to the figure*
  3499. 6:39
  3500. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3501. (FlamingoMask) *awakes from slumber*
  3502. 6:39
  3503. Gojiran103
  3504. (Iori) <(...You're just an illusion... I know you're not there.)
  3505. 6:39
  3506. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3507. (FlamingoMask) *opens eyes*
  3508. (FlamingoMask) *has been recovering after his fight with Gevaudan*
  3509. 6:40
  3510. Gojiran103
  3511. (???) <(Or, maybe I am. Ever since the Verse was destroyed, all of those souls of deceased fighters have been revived. I'm one of them...)
  3512. (Iori) <(And with a voice like that I definitely know who you are.)
  3513. 6:40
  3514. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3515. (FlamingoMask) *wakes self up*
  3516. 6:41
  3517. Gojiran103
  3518. (Iori) <(If you're so confidentially obsessive over stealing my flames, then why don't you just show yourself and take them from me?)
  3519. 6:41
  3520. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3521. (FlamingoMask) *sighs*
  3522. 6:41
  3523. Gojiran103
  3524. (Iori) *turns around*
  3525. *Iori sees nothing*
  3526. (Iori) *lightly groans, very displeased upon the fake encounteR*
  3527. 6:42
  3528. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3529. (FlamingoMask) oooo(I think I need to go out for a walk. Something to take my mind off things.)
  3530. 6:42
  3531. Lord Ghetsis
  3532. Goro PM
  3533. 6:42
  3534. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3535. (FlamingoMask) oooo(On the other hand, it seems that every where I go, trouble brews.)
  3536. 6:42
  3537. Ghidorahnumber1
  3538. hey hey hey LETS FLASH
  3539. 6:42
  3540. Gojiran103
  3541. (Iori) <(Disappointing...)
  3542. 6:42
  3543. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3544. (FlamingoMask) oooo(Or maybe it's just a coincidence.)
  3545. (FlamingoMask) oooo(I don't know anymore.)
  3546. 6:43
  3547. Ghidorahnumber1
  3548. wow wow wow woooooah FLASHUMAAAAAAAN
  3549. 6:43
  3550. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3551. (FlamingoMask) *leaps up*
  3552. (FlamingoMask) *opens door and walks out*
  3553. 6:43
  3554. Gojiran103
  3555. (Iori) <(Hmph.) *continues looking down*
  3556. You are now away.
  3557. 6:44
  3558. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3559. (FlamingoMask) *continues to walk down the street*
  3560. 6:44
  3561. Ghidorahnumber1
  3562. kira kira kagayaku
  3563. 6:45
  3564. Gojiran103
  3565. (Iori) *walks away from atop, and is soon to be seen walking quietly in the streets*
  3566. 6:47
  3567. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3568. (FlamingoMask) *still walking, thinking about how the rest of today could play out*
  3569. 6:47
  3570. Gojiran103
  3571. Wait
  3572. You are no longer away.
  3573. If FLM is in the streets, wouldn't people be screaming and running away from him due to how he looks
  3574. 6:47
  3575. Lord Ghetsis
  3576. *A Shadowblood walks past FM, on the same street though its one he's never encountered before. Nevertheless, she did not pay attention to him and went on her way*
  3577. 6:48
  3578. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3579. LOL
  3580. 6:48
  3581. Ghidorahnumber1
  3582. gojiran pm
  3583. 6:48
  3584. Gojiran103
  3585. That Shadowblood too
  3586. k
  3587. 6:48
  3588. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3589. I thought humans were ok with shadowbloods
  3590. 6:49
  3591. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3592. (FlamingoMask) *saw somebody walk past him*
  3593. 6:50
  3594. ShodaiGoro
  3595. Yeah, they are @Fr0st
  3596. 6:50
  3597. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3598. (FlamingoMask) ooo(Why is it, it seems that I get stuck in the place with the rude ones...)
  3599. 6:50
  3600. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3601. Apparently not.... they attacked SQM in Wal-Mart
  3602. 6:50
  3603. Gojiran103
  3604. ...But I'm sure people wouldn't just walk past something like that.
  3605. 6:50
  3606. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3607. In Wal-Mart?
  3608. Was it Black Friday?
  3609. 6:50
  3610. Gojiran103
  3611. And SQM was attacked by them in Wal-Mart
  3612. 6:50
  3613. Lord Ghetsis
  3614. XD @Jay
  3615. Most likely
  3616. Anyone gets attacked on Black Friday
  3617. 6:51
  3618. Gojiran103
  3619. He didn't even attack them, the people were just scared at what he was
  3620. 6:51
  3621. ShodaiGoro
  3622. Well, SQM can be happy that he isn't the SB who got the worst treatment. *BADUM TSSS*
  3623. 6:51
  3624. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3625. I didn't know people would scared of Shadowbloods though..
  3626. 6:51
  3627. Lord Ghetsis
  3628. *The female Shadowblood was already a bit far away from FLM*
  3629. 6:51
  3630. Gojiran103
  3631. Okay
  3632. Let's just have FLM attract attention
  3633. 6:52
  3634. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3635. brb
  3636. food
  3637. urgh..
  3638. 6:52
  3639. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3640. That joke reminded me of the onion comparison from Shrek
  3641. Here's an ability of Mothra 1966:
  3642. Can knock out enemies with incredible B.O.
  3643. 6:54
  3644. ShodaiGoro
  3645. (FXM) is like an onion; try to cut him open, and you'll cry.
  3646. *and he'll make you cry
  3647. 6:55
  3648. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3649. Only 12 chars are married
  3650. 6:55
  3651. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3652. *13
  3653. 6:55
  3654. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3655. one of them is FXM. Not sure if that was retconned
  3656. 6:55
  3657. ShodaiGoro
  3658. Wasn't.
  3659. He's married still.
  3660. 6:56
  3661. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3662. is it to CM?
  3663. because if not...
  3664. 6:56
  3665. Lord Ghetsis
  3666. ^
  3667. And here we go
  3668. 6:56
  3669. ShodaiGoro
  3670. It isn't.
  3671. 6:56
  3672. Gojiran103
  3673. Didn't WXM marry like 3 people
  3674. 6:56
  3675. ShodaiGoro
  3676. It's (Ran) .
  3677. 6:56
  3678. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3679. ....
  3680. then why was he screwing around with cm's ass?
  3681. 6:56
  3682. Gojiran103
  3683. Wait, no, his shadow married CM
  3684. Then he married Utsuho, had kids, and left
  3685. Now he's with Ran
  3686. 6:56
  3687. ShodaiGoro
  3688. Kyuzeth's idea.
  3689. Also
  3690. @Tengen
  3691. 6:57
  3692. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3693. What even is his Shadow
  3694. 6:57
  3695. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3696. His shadow is (SQM)
  3697. :p
  3698. 6:57
  3699. ShodaiGoro
  3700. If we're referring to this year, it was accidental and for humor
  3701. 6:57
  3702. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3703. ....
  3704. k
  3705. 6:57
  3706. ShodaiGoro
  3707. And the living shadow thing was stupid.
  3708. Just retcon it.
  3709. 6:58
  3710. Ghidorahnumber1
  3711. what every happened to Kyuzeth
  3712. *ever
  3713. 6:58
  3714. Gojiran103
  3715. College
  3716. He still contacts Goro
  3717. 6:58
  3718. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3719. back
  3720. 6:58
  3721. Lord Ghetsis
  3722. WB
  3723. 6:58
  3724. Gojiran103
  3725. *Not long in distance*
  3726. (K') *Quitely walking abroad a dead end, talking to himself, before seeing blaring white lights above his head*
  3727. (K') *Shields his eyes*
  3728. *A helicopter appears, the lights calming, before several men fall down*
  3729. 7:00
  3730. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3731. (FlamingoMask) oooo(....Their all staring, I cal tell.)
  3732. *can
  3733. 7:00
  3734. Lord Ghetsis
  3735. *The female Shadowblood ignored the strange looks any passing humans gave her, due to her strange appearance. Other than her mask face, she wore regular civilian attire*
  3736. 7:00
  3737. Gojiran103
  3738. (Soldier) <(Surrender! We're taking you into our database!)
  3739. ...
  3740. 7:01
  3741. Lord Ghetsis
  3742. XD
  3743. 7:01
  3744. Gojiran103
  3745. (Soldier)
  3746. 7:01
  3747. Lord Ghetsis
  3748. (Soldier) "For 'Murica!"
  3749. 7:01
  3750. DrGodzilla120
  3754. 7:01
  3755. Lord Ghetsis
  3756. For 'Murica x 1000000000!!!!!!!!!
  3757. * Lord Ghetsis gets his trigger metre
  3758. 7:01
  3759. Gojiran103
  3760. (Ford brody)
  3761. I'll just use that for now
  3762. (Iori) *sees FlamingoMask from a small distance* <(...Oh? What do I see here?)
  3763. You are now away.
  3764. 7:02
  3765. ShodaiGoro
  3766. >implying making fun of ptsd is funny
  3767. 7:02
  3768. Gojiran103
  3769. (Iori) *eventually walks to the scene, observing FlamingoMask first*
  3770. 7:02
  3771. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3772. (FlamingoMask) *gets a weird gitchy feeling* oooo(I feel like something bad is going to happen today.
  3773. 7:02
  3774. DrGodzilla120
  3775. ...
  3776. ?????
  3777. 7:02
  3778. ShodaiGoro
  3779. Do note that the joke originates from some woman claiming she got PTSD from being bullied on Twitter.
  3780. 7:02
  3781. Lord Ghetsis
  3782. ????????
  3783. 7:02
  3784. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3785. (FlamingoMask) oooo(On the other hand, I normally feel like that, so....)
  3786. 7:02
  3787. ShodaiGoro
  3788. Is it stupid?
  3789. Yes, pretty much, it was.
  3790. But soon, it just changed context...
  3791. 7:03
  3792. Gojiran103
  3793. ...just gonna pretend that didn't happen...
  3794. (Iori) <(Hey!)
  3795. (Iori) <(What do you think you're doing causing tension?)
  3796. 7:03
  3797. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3798. (FlamingoMask) *gets alert*
  3799. 7:04
  3800. Gojiran103
  3801. (Iori) <(Yes, I'm talking to you. Answer me.)
  3802. 7:04
  3803. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3804. (FlamingoMask) *turns and sees (Iori) *
  3805. (FlamingoMask) <(I was just walking, to get my mind off of things.)
  3806. You are no longer away.
  3807. (FlamingoMask) <(I just had to fight some robot thugs the other day and well, that can be really tiring.)
  3808. 7:05
  3809. Lord Ghetsis
  3810. (OcelotMask) *Her ears could detect the voices of (Iori) but ignores it as (FlamingoMask) could deal with him for all she cared*
  3811. 7:05
  3812. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3813. (FlamingoMask) *is kind of awkward and shy when it comes to speaking with others*
  3814. 7:05
  3815. Gojiran103
  3816. (Iori) <(And you're telling me after all that tiring, you wouldn't think of how the public responds to you?)
  3817. 7:06
  3818. Lord Ghetsis
  3819. (OcelotMask) *Decided to scale a building and stick to the rooftops to avoid any unwanted attention*
  3820. 7:06
  3821. Gojiran103
  3822. ...I should word that better
  3823. *And you're telling me that after all that tiring, you walk into the public without thinking how they respond to you?*
  3824. 7:06
  3825. Lord Ghetsis
  3826. DrG PM
  3827. 7:07
  3828. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3829. (FlamingoMask) <(I get some weird looks every now and then, but I don't hear too much. Then again, I like to fly a lot too and I am admittedly not the best speaker out there.)
  3830. 7:07
  3831. Gojiran103
  3832. (Iori) *simply looks at FLM, unsure whether to fight him or not*
  3833. 7:08
  3834. Lord Ghetsis
  3835. (OcelotMask) *Leaps across rooftops, her movements akin to that of a cat as she moved*
  3836. 7:08
  3837. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3838. (FlamingoMask) <(....)
  3839. 7:08
  3840. Gojiran103
  3841. *The public around them is looking at the two*
  3842. (Iori) <(Don't walk into the public next time. I've already got enough trouble on my shoulders...)
  3843. 7:09
  3844. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3845. (FlamingoMask) *standing there, thinking he just made things more awkward*
  3846. (FlamingoMask) *to (Iori) * <(Alright then.)
  3847. 7:09
  3848. Lord Ghetsis
  3849. (OcelotMask) *Sits on a rooftop boredly*
  3850. 7:10
  3851. Gojiran103
  3852. ...Actually
  3853. Iori wouldn't let him go like that
  3854. His stubborn self would probably fight him
  3855. (IORI) *Suddenly turns his whole body to him* <(...I'll rid you.)
  3856. 7:10
  3857. Lord Ghetsis
  3858. Hoo boy
  3859. 7:10
  3860. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3861. (FlamingoMask) *glares*
  3862. 7:10
  3863. Lord Ghetsis
  3864. FLM<(U WOT)
  3865. 7:10
  3866. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3867. Shadowblood Vs Whatever Iori is
  3868. 7:10
  3869. Lord Ghetsis
  3870. JKJK
  3871. But that would be my reaction
  3872. 7:10
  3873. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3874. u wot m8
  3875. 7:10
  3876. Gojiran103
  3877. Iori's human
  3878. 7:11
  3879. Lord Ghetsis
  3880. Iori: I'll let you go
  3881. *Next second*
  3882. 7:11
  3883. Gojiran103
  3884. (Iori) *slowly goes to battle stance*
  3885. 7:11
  3886. Lord Ghetsis
  3887. Iori: Fite me!
  3888. XD
  3889. 7:11
  3890. Gojiran103
  3891. lol
  3892. 7:11
  3893. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3894. The person who invented that phrase must've been Mosuran
  3895. 7:11
  3896. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3897. (FlamingoMask) *gets into a battle stance*
  3898. 7:11
  3899. ShodaiGoro
  3900. (MOT) <(nu.)
  3901. (MOT) <(eef wi deed.)
  3902. (MOT) <(eet wud bi:)
  3903. 7:12
  3904. Lord Ghetsis
  3905. Speaking of which
  3906. 7:12
  3907. ShodaiGoro
  3908. (MOT) <(FAIT MI!1111)
  3909. 7:12
  3910. Lord Ghetsis
  3911. What happened to Meesmoth?
  3912. 7:12
  3913. Gojiran103
  3914. *The public around them runs away slowly*
  3915. 7:12
  3916. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3917. He's on break.
  3918. 7:12
  3919. Lord Ghetsis
  3920. Oh
  3921. 7:12
  3922. ShodaiGoro
  3923. ^
  3924. 7:12
  3925. Gojiran103
  3926. (Iori) *glares at him, remaining quiet*
  3927. 7:12
  3928. DrGodzilla120
  3929. He was arrested for stalking Janine Guti-*shot*
  3930. *corpse is thrown onto the Golden Gate Bridge, which is then destroyed*
  3931. 7:12
  3932. Lord Ghetsis
  3933. (OcelotMask) *Can hear the sounds of the commotion but ignores it*
  3934. XD @DrG
  3935. XD XD XD
  3936. 7:13
  3937. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3938. (FlamingoMask) *glares back at (Iori) * ooo(I think I should have gotten a clue that this guy would have been trouble a little bit earlier.)
  3939. 7:13
  3940. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3941. xd
  3942. 7:13
  3943. Lord Ghetsis
  3944. DrG
  3945. Get out...
  3946. Or I'll FUCK YOU!!
  3947. 7:13
  3948. DrGodzilla120
  3949. XD
  3950. 7:13
  3951. ShodaiGoro
  3952. ...IN PRIMAL FURY
  3953. 7:13
  3954. Gojiran103
  3955. (Iori) <(Hua!) *suddenly bursts at a rapid speed, and rams his shoulder into FLM*
  3956. 7:14
  3957. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3958. (FlamingoMask) *is hit, swings his left leg at (Iori) , kicks him*
  3959. 7:14
  3960. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3961. "STOP FUCKING ME!!!"
  3962. 7:14
  3963. ShodaiGoro
  3964. Hey, Tengen
  3965. You on?
  3966. 7:14
  3967. Jay's Soviet Wing
  3968. -Little Godzilla's last words before he was still missing
  3969. 7:14
  3970. Gojiran103
  3971. (Iori) *dashes back, and jabs at his face*
  3972. 7:15
  3973. DrGodzilla120
  3974. Jay
  3975. 7:15
  3976. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3977. (FlamingoMask) *staggers back*
  3978. 7:15
  3979. DrGodzilla120
  3980. That's horrible
  3981. 7:15
  3982. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  3983. Yeah
  3984. 7:15
  3985. Gallibon the Destroyer
  3986. (FlamingoMask) *swings his right fist at (Iori) * <(Hiyaaa!)
  3987. 7:15
  3988. Lord Ghetsis
  3989. (OcelotMask) *Leaps her way over, towards the sounds of the fight and remains perched on a nearby rooftop, watching them*
  3990. 7:15
  3991. Gojiran103
  3992. User blog:Gojiran103/He's Still Missing - A True Story
  3993. 7:15
  3994. Lord Ghetsis
  3995. (OcelotMask) ooo(Idiot...Drawing attention to himself like that)
  3996. 7:15
  3997. ShodaiGoro
  3998. When most CoD players get a 25 killstreak in MW2, it summons a nuke
  3999. When I get a 25 killstreak, this happens:
  4000. 7:16
  4001. Gojiran103
  4002. (Iori) *swiftly evades his fist, ducking, before slamming his fist into his chest form underneath*
  4003. *from
  4004. 7:16
  4005. ShodaiGoro
  4006. (Kamen Rider Keitaros)<(MY SOUL... IS WITH... ZEEEEECT!!!)
  4007. * (KRKT)
  4008. * (KRKEI)
  4009. 7:16
  4010. Gojiran103
  4011. LOL
  4012. 7:16
  4013. Lord Ghetsis
  4014. Goro PM
  4015. 7:16
  4016. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4017. (FlamingoMask) *is hit, ducks back*
  4018. 7:16
  4019. ShodaiGoro
  4020. ...I know I gave him one
  4021. (Kamen Rider Ketaros)
  4022. ^
  4023. (Kamen Rider Ketaros) *slams into Terminal, killing everyone on the map and ending the game
  4024. 7:17
  4025. Gojiran103
  4026. (Iori) *rams himself into FLM again*
  4027. 7:17
  4028. Lord Ghetsis
  4029. ^
  4030. That sounds so dirty out of context
  4031. 7:17
  4032. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4033. (FlamingoMask) <*kicks at (Iori) *
  4034. 7:17
  4035. DrGodzilla120
  4036. 7:17
  4037. Gojiran103
  4038. (Iori) *rams himself into FLM again*
  4039. 7:17
  4040. Gojiran103
  4041. (Iori) *rams himself into FLM again*
  4042. Iori X FLM OTP
  4043. 7:18
  4044. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4045. Ewwwww
  4046. 7:18
  4047. Gojiran103
  4048. (Iori) *is hit, and dashes, before using a kick slam on the street to release a wave of wind*
  4049. 7:18
  4050. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  4051. ...
  4052. 7:19
  4053. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4054. (FlamingoMask) <(....Hoo boy.)
  4055. 7:19
  4056. Gojiran103
  4057. *It's a small wave of wind*
  4058. 7:19
  4059. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4060. *Oh, my bad8
  4061. **
  4062. 7:19
  4063. ShodaiGoro
  4064. (KRDI) <(...)
  4065. 7:19
  4066. Gojiran103
  4067. don't
  4068. 7:19
  4069. ShodaiGoro
  4070. [KAMEN RAIDO]
  4071. 7:19
  4072. Lord Ghetsis
  4073. brb
  4074. 7:19
  4075. DrGodzilla120
  4076. release a wave of wind*
  4077. 7:19
  4078. ShodaiGoro
  4079. [KETAROS!]
  4080. 7:19
  4081. Gojiran103
  4082. DON'T
  4083. You are now away.
  4084. 7:19
  4085. DrGodzilla120
  4086. >release a wave of wind*
  4087. 7:19
  4088. Lord Ghetsis
  4089. First Gojiran PM
  4090. 7:19
  4091. DrGodzilla120
  4092. Kinky
  4093. 7:19
  4094. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4095. (FlamingoMask) <(Alright, two can play at that game!)
  4096. (FlamingoMask) <(I summon the light!)
  4097. 7:20
  4098. ShodaiGoro
  4099. (Kamen Rider Ketaros) <(MY SOUL IS WITH ZECT!!!) *slams into Dr and his OTPs, destroying them all in an explosion
  4100. 7:20
  4101. Gojiran103
  4102. (Iori) <(...Light?)
  4103. Ghidorahnumber1 has been slashed by Gigan!
  4104. 7:20
  4105. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4106. (FlamingoMask) *shakes hands, release a minor light beam at (Iori)
  4107. 7:20
  4108. Gojiran103
  4109. (Iori) <(!)
  4110. 7:20
  4111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4112. *releases
  4113. 7:20
  4114. ShodaiGoro
  4115. *as in, he falls from the sky, high up
  4116. *and crashes down into Dr and his OTPs and explodes
  4117. 7:20
  4118. Gojiran103
  4119. (Iori) *uses his arms to block, but is hit by the light beam, and crashes into the back of a store*
  4120. Ghidorahnumber1 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  4121. 7:20
  4122. DrGodzilla120
  4123. * DrGodzilla120 Too bad. My OTPs are in...
  4124. 7:20
  4125. Gojiran103
  4126. *The people within the store run away*
  4127. 7:20
  4128. DrGodzilla120
  4129. * DrGodzilla120 THE SHADOW REALM.
  4130. 7:20
  4131. Ghidorahnumber1
  4132. wasshoi wasshoi wasshoi wasshoi
  4133. 7:20
  4134. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4135. Oh hi GN1
  4136. 7:21
  4137. Gojiran103
  4138. (Iori) <(Grnnngh...) *slowly gets up*
  4139. 7:21
  4140. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4141. (FlamingoMask) *swerves*
  4142. 7:21
  4143. ShodaiGoro
  4144. Uh-huh...
  4145. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  4146. 7:21
  4147. ShodaiGoro
  4148. *changes the dubbing from 4kids to original
  4149. 7:21
  4150. DrGodzilla120
  4151. noo
  4152. 7:21
  4153. ShodaiGoro
  4154. *the Shadow Realm changes to just being dead
  4155. 7:21
  4156. DrGodzilla120
  4157. now that guy's getting his legs cut off
  4158. 7:21
  4159. Gojiran103
  4160. (Iori) <(You can control the light, hm...? Orochi controlled the light, and so did Vice...) *chuckles*
  4161. (Iori) <(I didn't want to use my powers yet.) *gets back up, hands in pockets*
  4162. 7:23
  4163. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4164. (FlamingoMask) <(Neither did I, but you left me no choice.)
  4165. 7:23
  4166. Ghidorahnumber1
  4167. Isn't being sent to a realm that is basically hell worse than being dead
  4168. 7:23
  4169. DrGodzilla120
  4170. IDK
  4171. 4Kids is weird
  4172. 7:23
  4173. Gojiran103
  4174. (Iori) *Smiles, before frowning, disappointed* <(Hmph. Your gentle nature disgusts me!) *suddenly moves his hands out of his pockets*
  4175. 7:23
  4176. ShodaiGoro
  4177. *stupid
  4178. 7:24
  4179. Gojiran103
  4180. *His right hand releases a stream of purple fire of rapid speeds at FLM*
  4181. 7:24
  4182. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4183. (FlamingoMask) <(Gentle nature? I can be aggressive when I need to!)
  4184. Lord Ghetsis has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  4185. 7:24
  4186. Lord Ghetsis
  4187. Back
  4188. 7:24
  4189. ShodaiGoro
  4190. o/
  4191. 7:24
  4192. Lord Ghetsis
  4193. You mean...
  4194. You will fill his dark soul with liiiiiiiight!
  4195. *Voice cracks*
  4196. 7:24
  4197. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4198. (FlamingoMask) *creates a light shield to block some of the stream of dark fire off*
  4199. 7:25
  4200. Ghidorahnumber1
  4201. ending themes are the best
  4202. 7:25
  4203. DrGodzilla120
  4204. 7:23
  4205. Gojiran103
  4206. (Iori) *Smiles, before frowning, disappointed* <(Hmph. Your gentle nature disgusts me!) *suddenly moves his hands out of his pockets*
  4207. 7:24
  4208. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4209. (FlamingoMask) <(Gentle nature? I can be aggressive when I need to!)
  4210. 7:25
  4211. Ghidorahnumber1
  4212. only second to openings
  4213. 7:25
  4214. Gojiran103
  4215. (Iori) *Suddenly bursts at him, breaking his shield by throwing a fist engulfed of purple fire*
  4216. 7:25
  4217. Lord Ghetsis
  4218. XD @DrG
  4219. 7:25
  4220. DrGodzilla120
  4221. 7:17
  4222. Gojiran103
  4223. (Iori) *rams himself into FLM again*
  4224. Iori X FLM OTP
  4225. 7:26
  4226. Ghidorahnumber1
  4227. oh my god
  4228. 7:26
  4229. DrGodzilla120
  4230. This entire battle
  4231. 7:26
  4232. Lord Ghetsis
  4233. Innuendo maximus
  4234. 7:26
  4235. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4236. (FlamingoMask) <(Aaaaaw!) *is hit, sent flying back*
  4237. 7:26
  4238. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  4239. *is summoned* Yes?
  4240. 7:26
  4241. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4242. (FlamingoMask) *coughs, getting back up* ooo(What did I do to deserve this? Ugh...)
  4243. (FlamingoMask) *gets back up*
  4244. 7:26
  4245. ShodaiGoro
  4246. TTL
  4247. 7:26
  4248. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4249. (FlamingoMask) <(That was a dick move.)
  4250. 7:27
  4251. Gojiran103
  4252. (Iori) *jumps upwards, over the moon, and crashes down, his feet creating a crater of purple flames*
  4253. 7:27
  4254. Lord Ghetsis
  4255. >dick move
  4256. 7:27
  4257. ShodaiGoro
  4258. Can I summon a million Ketaroses to nuke Dr's jokes into oblivion?
  4259. 7:27
  4260. Lord Ghetsis
  4261. When you link it to the other lines
  4262. 7:27
  4263. Gojiran103
  4265. You are no longer away.
  4266. 7:27
  4267. Lord Ghetsis
  4268. Gojiran PM
  4269. 7:27
  4270. DrGodzilla120
  4271. You don't want to nuke them.
  4272. 7:27
  4273. Ghidorahnumber1
  4274. zigu zagu seishun roooooooadoooo
  4275. 7:27
  4276. DrGodzilla120
  4277. You want to Panzer them.
  4278. 7:27
  4279. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4280. (FlamingoMask) *staggers backwards a little*
  4281. 7:27
  4282. ShodaiGoro
  4283. ...Panzer?
  4284. Why?
  4285. 7:27
  4286. Ghidorahnumber1
  4287. taborenjaaaaa
  4288. taborenjaaaa
  4289. 7:28
  4290. DrGodzilla120
  4291. IDK to be honest
  4292. 7:28
  4293. Lord Ghetsis
  4294. Inb4 its another innuendo
  4295. 7:28
  4296. Gojiran103
  4297. (Iori) *speeds forwards, rushing to FLM*
  4298. 7:28
  4299. Lord Ghetsis
  4300. DrG PM
  4301. 7:28
  4302. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4303. (FlamingoMask) *flies up*
  4304. 7:28
  4305. ShodaiGoro
  4306. Are you referring to Panzers in the sense of tanks?
  4307. 7:28
  4308. DrGodzilla120
  4309. Ye
  4310. 7:28
  4311. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4312. (FlamingoMask) <(Not this time.) *fires a light beam down at (Iori) *
  4313. 7:28
  4314. ShodaiGoro
  4315. ...is this another stupid comparison?
  4316. 7:28
  4317. DrGodzilla120
  4318. No
  4319. 7:28
  4320. Gojiran103
  4321. (iORI) *Leaps backwards, avoiding the beam of light*
  4322. 7:29
  4323. ShodaiGoro
  4324. ...okay.
  4325. 7:29
  4326. Gojiran103
  4327. (Iori) *jumps, and fires a projectile of purple flames at him in midair*
  4328. 7:29
  4329. ShodaiGoro
  4330. Just being sure we're not making another Nazi comparison that makes no sense.
  4331. 7:29
  4332. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4333. (FlamingoMask) <(NOT AGAIN!) *falls down*
  4334. 7:29
  4335. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  4336. ......
  4337. 7:29
  4338. DrGodzilla120
  4339. Indeed.
  4340. We.
  4341. 7:29
  4342. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4343. (FlamingoMask) *gets back up after falling*
  4344. 7:30
  4345. ShodaiGoro
  4346. >We.
  4347. 7:30
  4348. Gojiran103
  4349. (Iori) <(Ruraaaah!) *speeds downwards, creating impact, causing FLM to fly back*
  4350. 7:30
  4351. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4352. (FlamingoMask) *is hit, sent flying back*
  4353. 7:30
  4354. Lord Ghetsis
  4355. (OcelotMask) *Decides to help FLM out of self-interest and boredom and pulls out her signature revolver*
  4356. 7:30
  4357. ShodaiGoro
  4358. Enough of the passive-aggressive crap.
  4359. 7:30
  4360. Lord Ghetsis
  4361. (OcelotMask) *Takes aim and points at (Iori) before firing an explosive round*
  4362. 7:31
  4363. Gojiran103
  4364. (Iori) *hears an object roaring down, before leaping back*
  4365. *The round creates an explosion*
  4366. 7:31
  4367. Lord Ghetsis
  4368. *The explosion sends bits of concrete flying*
  4369. 7:31
  4370. Gojiran103
  4371. (Iori) *puts hands in pockets, annoyed by the new opponent* <(...)
  4372. 7:31
  4373. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4374. (FlamingoMask) <(.....)
  4375. 7:31
  4376. Lord Ghetsis
  4377. (OcelotMask) *She tilts her head before spinning the revolver chamber*
  4378. 7:32
  4379. Gojiran103
  4380. *Someone else watches from a short distance at the fight*
  4381. 7:32
  4382. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4383. (FlamingoMask) <(....Figures.)
  4384. 7:32
  4385. Lord Ghetsis
  4386. (OcelotMask) "No, go on right ahead with your fight. Don't mind me"
  4387. 7:32
  4388. Gojiran103
  4389. (???) <(Hmph... look at that redhead. He can't even finish the guy off.)
  4390. 7:32
  4391. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4392. (FlamingoMask) *gets back up, dusting self off*
  4393. 7:32
  4394. Gojiran103
  4395. (Iori) *stares at the figure* <(I'm not sure I want to continue with you interrupting our fight, you annoyance.)
  4396. 7:33
  4397. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4398. (FlamingoMask) *cracks neck*
  4399. 7:33
  4400. Lord Ghetsis
  4401. (OcelotMask) "Then by all means, try and stop me"
  4402. 7:33
  4403. Gojiran103
  4404. (KRAA) *Stares at him again, not sure whether to fight him*
  4405. ...
  4406. * (Iori)
  4407. 7:34
  4408. ShodaiGoro
  4410. WI-WI-WI-WILD!
  4411. 7:34
  4412. Gojiran103
  4413. (Iori) *looks at two of his potential opponents*
  4414. 7:34
  4415. Ghidorahnumber1
  4416. How
  4417. 7:34
  4418. Lord Ghetsis
  4419. To him, do you mean FLM?
  4420. 7:34
  4421. Ghidorahnumber1
  4422. How did yo type amazon
  4423. 7:34
  4424. ShodaiGoro
  4425. (KRA)
  4426. (KRAA)
  4427. (KRAO)
  4428. 7:34
  4429. Gojiran103
  4430. (Iori) <(Depends. Do you still want to fight me, bird?) *to FLM*
  4431. 7:34
  4432. ShodaiGoro
  4433. (KRAS)
  4434. 7:35
  4435. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4436. (FlamingoMask) *glares* <(I'm not sure. If I am to flee, I would be marked as a coward. If I am to stay, I'm not sure if I might succeed.)
  4437. 7:35
  4438. Ghidorahnumber1
  4439. Goro
  4440. 7:35
  4441. ShodaiGoro
  4442. ?
  4443. 7:36
  4444. Ghidorahnumber1
  4445. I've repeated the Garo theme over 50 times since last night
  4446. 7:36
  4447. Gojiran103
  4448. (Iori) <(...)
  4449. 7:36
  4450. Lord Ghetsis
  4451. (OcelotMask) "Tch...stupid, thickheaded way of thinking. If you run, you would be making a smart choice"
  4452. 7:36
  4453. Ghidorahnumber1
  4454. I have a problem
  4455. 7:36
  4456. ShodaiGoro
  4457. no you don't.
  4458. JAM Project is awesome
  4459. 7:36
  4460. Gojiran103
  4461. (Iori) *turns to OcelotMask* <(And who are you to talk?)
  4462. 7:37
  4463. Lord Ghetsis
  4464. (OcelotMask) "The one who doesn't start fights over trivial matters. Causing more distress to the public than there ever had should been"
  4465. *Is referring to him scaring the public even more by starting a fight with FLM*
  4466. DrG PM
  4467. 7:38
  4468. Gojiran103
  4469. (Iori) <(I'm against violence. I fight the cause to the violence when I need to.)
  4470. 7:38
  4471. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4472. (FlamingoMask) *sighs*
  4473. 7:38
  4474. Gojiran103
  4475. (???) <(Gimme a break, Yagami!)
  4476. (???) <(Just throw a punch at the guy!)
  4477. (Iori) <(...?)
  4478. (Iori) *sighs in displeasure* <(Oh, no. It's you...)
  4479. (Kyo) *walks out, cracking his knuckles* <(Or, you could always fight me instead, you redhead scene.)
  4480. 7:40
  4481. Lord Ghetsis
  4482. (OcelotMask) *Remains perched on the roof, watching*
  4483. 7:40
  4484. ShodaiGoro
  4485. You know...
  4486. ...I remember a scene that is similar to what I few is about to happen between Kyo and Iori
  4487. It goes something like...
  4488. (LB) <(KAZURABAAAAA!!!)
  4489. 7:40
  4490. Gojiran103
  4491. (Iori) <(I knew you were here. I have no time to combat you, Kusanagi. I will end your life if you insist!)
  4492. 7:41
  4493. ShodaiGoro
  4494. (KRGAKI) <(KAITOOO!!!)
  4495. 7:41
  4496. Ghidorahnumber1
  4497. .
  4498. 7:41
  4499. Gojiran103
  4500. (Kyo) <(Really? Then why haven't you killed me yet after all these years?)
  4501. 7:41
  4502. Ghidorahnumber1
  4503. (bringing it back)
  4504. remember when chat used to be nothing but .
  4505. over and over
  4506. because no one was saying anything
  4507. just reseting their aways
  4508. 7:42
  4509. Gojiran103
  4510. I used to do that a lot
  4511. 7:42
  4512. ShodaiGoro
  4513. Yeah. That was beyond annoying.
  4514. 7:42
  4515. Gojiran103
  4516. Was it really annoying? I didn't mind it
  4517. 7:42
  4518. Ghidorahnumber1
  4519. yeah I don't miss those days
  4520. 7:42
  4521. Lord Ghetsis
  4522. So what happened to FLM @Gallibon
  4523. 7:42
  4524. Jay's Soviet Wing
  4525. really?
  4526. 7:42
  4527. Gojiran103
  4528. (Iori) <(Back off, you pest...)
  4529. 7:42
  4530. Jay's Soviet Wing
  4531. You can jujst press the AFK button to remove it
  4532. You are now away.
  4533. You are no longer away.
  4534. You are now away.
  4535. You are no longer away.
  4536. You are now away.
  4537. 7:42
  4538. Gojiran103
  4539. (Kyo) *smirks, eyes positioning to FLM* <(So. Are you the guy who caused everything?)
  4540. You are no longer away.
  4541. 7:43
  4542. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4543. (FlamingoMask) <(All I did was go on a walk.)
  4544. 7:43
  4545. Ghidorahnumber1
  4546. but that requires moving the mouse
  4547. 7:43
  4548. Gojiran103
  4549. (Iori) <(Into the public, that is, you idiot!)
  4550. 7:43
  4551. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4552. (FlamingoMask) <(THIS maniac decided it'd be a good idea to attack me and make it a scene.)
  4553. 7:43
  4554. Jay's Soviet Wing
  4555. Back in like 2014 I made a 10-page long fight between (Leo) and (Des)
  4556. 7:43
  4557. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4558. (FlamingoMask) *pants*
  4559. 7:43
  4560. ShodaiGoro
  4561. Say, G#1
  4562. Any suggestions for the revival plot?
  4563. 7:43
  4564. Ghidorahnumber1
  4565. Uhhh
  4566. 7:43
  4567. Gojiran103
  4568. (Kyo) <(Hmph. That's just Iori... he's always stubborn like a fool. No wonder you can't kill me.)
  4569. 7:44
  4570. Ghidorahnumber1
  4571. What do you need in terms of suggestions?
  4572. 7:44
  4573. Gojiran103
  4574. (Iori) *is this close to fighting Kyo, trying his best to focus on FLM*
  4575. 7:44
  4576. ShodaiGoro
  4577. Nothing too specific
  4578. I mean
  4579. What do you want to see?
  4580. 7:44
  4581. Ghidorahnumber1
  4582. Is lori maskphobic
  4583. I want to see emotions
  4584. 7:44
  4585. Gojiran103
  4586. He kinda is
  4587. 7:44
  4588. Ghidorahnumber1
  4589. and I want to see awesomeness
  4590. 7:44
  4591. ShodaiGoro
  4592. Will happen
  4593. Also, Iori is racist to SBs?
  4594. 7:45
  4595. Gojiran103
  4596. ...Why would Iori be racist to something he doesn't even know about? XD
  4597. 7:45
  4598. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4599. (FlamingoMask) <(Ugh, I am regretting deciding to regret my sayings from earlier....just ugh....)
  4600. 7:45
  4601. Lord Ghetsis
  4602. *Gasp Maskophobic?!
  4603. 7:45
  4604. Gojiran103
  4605. (Kyo) *pushes Iori aside, deciding to fight FLM himself* <(Don't worry. I'll cushion you.)
  4606. 7:45
  4607. Lord Ghetsis
  4608. *Cue imcoming SJWs*
  4609. 7:45
  4610. ShodaiGoro
  4611. That's kinda how a lot of racism happens
  4612. 7:46
  4613. Ghidorahnumber1
  4614. and stereotypes
  4615. such as the ridiculous stereotypes that japan has for americans
  4616. 7:46
  4617. ShodaiGoro
  4618. They know nothing about them, think they're ugly or whatever, and hate them
  4619. 7:46
  4620. Gojiran103
  4621. But it literally says in his personality that he hates violence and disturbance, so he'll go after the cause
  4622. He's done this many times before
  4623. 7:47
  4624. Ghidorahnumber1
  4625. Is Flamingo causing violence? I haven't been paying attention
  4626. 7:47
  4627. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4628. No
  4629. 7:47
  4630. ShodaiGoro
  4631. @G#1 Yeah, but not as many Japanese are racist as you'd think
  4632. 7:47
  4633. Gojiran103
  4634. He caused people to run away in terror, and Iori was there when he unintentionally did that
  4635. 7:47
  4636. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4637. Iori just came out and attacked him. Unless you want to count the fact he was taking a walk.
  4638. I didn't know he was scaring people though.
  4639. 7:48
  4640. Ghidorahnumber1
  4641. Gojiran PM
  4642. 7:48
  4643. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4644. I though SB's were kind of accepted
  4645. You are now away.
  4646. 7:48
  4647. ShodaiGoro
  4648. Kind of?
  4649. They ARE, mostly.
  4650. 7:48
  4651. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4652. Errr
  4653. Ignore "kind of"
  4654. 7:48
  4655. Gojiran103
  4656. Really?
  4657. ...Then this whole fight was pointless
  4658. 7:49
  4659. ShodaiGoro
  4660. I mean
  4661. 7:49
  4662. Gojiran103
  4663. I just wanted Iori to fight somebody dammit
  4664. 7:49
  4665. ShodaiGoro
  4666. FXM has been saving the world for years now.
  4667. 7:49
  4668. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4669. I honestly feel I wasn't do this right...
  4670. *doing
  4671. 7:49
  4672. ShodaiGoro
  4673. If there ever was prejudice, it wouldn't make sense for it to continue with FXM's fame for his heroics.
  4674. 7:50
  4675. Gojiran103
  4676. Can we just retcon Iori fighting him and have Iori and FLM encounter a different way
  4677. WXM too...
  4678. http://snk.wikia.com/wiki/Heavy_D!
  4679. 7:51
  4680. ShodaiGoro
  4681. Has Iori ever even heard of a SB?
  4682. 7:51
  4683. Gojiran103
  4684. Not really
  4685. 7:51
  4686. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4687. brb, dishes
  4688. 7:51
  4689. Gojiran103
  4690. He's been in KOF the majority of the RPverse
  4691. 7:52
  4692. ShodaiGoro
  4693. Then he could simply be unaware and think FLM is a monster
  4694. You are no longer away.
  4695. 7:52
  4696. Gojiran103
  4697. I mean, and technically, just because humanity knows FXM, WXM, CXM, SQM, etc. exist doesn't mean they know their species
  4698. 7:52
  4699. ShodaiGoro
  4700. I guess.
  4701. 7:52
  4702. Gojiran103
  4703. Well, they wouldn't, it wouldn't make sense
  4704. 7:53
  4705. ShodaiGoro
  4706. Although the similarities...
  4707. ...but FLM is rather different, IIRC
  4708. The neck is uncommon, if not rare.
  4709. 7:53
  4710. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4711. nvm, back
  4712. 7:53
  4713. Gojiran103
  4714. Well
  4715. Let's just retcon and do it differently
  4716. 7:53
  4717. ShodaiGoro
  4718. If that's what you feel is best...
  4719. 7:54
  4720. Lord Ghetsis
  4721. Wow
  4722. 7:54
  4723. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4724. I feel like I screwed it up
  4725. 7:54
  4726. Lord Ghetsis
  4727. I have to retcon my part too
  4728. 7:54
  4729. Ghidorahnumber1
  4730. besides if 1 scary looking thing is friendly doesn't mean they all are
  4731. 7:54
  4732. Gojiran103
  4733. It has to be, because the fight would have been pointless if everyone else except Iori knew that Shadowbloods are okayt
  4734. 7:54
  4735. Ghidorahnumber1
  4736. which is what could be assumed in this situation by the humans
  4737. Plus the humans in this world have gone through some real shit and shouldn't trust anything at all
  4738. 7:55
  4739. Gojiran103
  4740. screw it, i'm changing iori to kyo
  4741. Iori might come later
  4742. 7:56
  4743. Ghidorahnumber1
  4744. Is it I as in I or L?
  4745. 7:56
  4746. Gojiran103
  4747. I
  4748. 7:56
  4749. Ghidorahnumber1
  4750. So we restarting then?
  4751. 7:57
  4752. Gojiran103
  4753. yep
  4754. 7:57
  4755. ShodaiGoro
  4756. Ghetsis, PM
  4757. 7:57
  4758. Gojiran103
  4759. (Kyo) *casually walking in the busy streets of Tokyo, coming back from the KOF XIV Tournament*
  4760. 8:00
  4761. Lord Ghetsis
  4762. (OcelotMask) *Is standing on a rooftop*
  4763. 8:00
  4764. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4765. (FlamingoMask) *flying in the air sky high*
  4766. (FlamingoMask) *soaring*
  4767. (FlamingoMask) *looks down*
  4768. 8:01
  4769. Gojiran103
  4770. (Kyo) *Focusing heavily on the fact that deceased KOF fighters are brought back after Verse was defeated*
  4771. 8:01
  4772. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4773. (FlamingoMask) oooo(I think I should land soon. Iv'e been in the air for about....2 hours now.)
  4774. 8:02
  4775. Gojiran103
  4776. (Kyo) *sits down on a bench* <(Stuff like this just never goes away, does it?)
  4777. 8:02
  4778. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4779. (FlamingoMask) oooo(Eh. I'll land.)
  4780. (FlamingoMask) *looks down, inspecting on where*
  4781. Thegoldnguy has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  4782. 8:02
  4783. Ghidorahnumber1
  4784. o/
  4785. 8:02
  4786. Thegoldnguy
  4787. I apologize for being gone. Was playin' the new Pokermanz
  4788. 8:02
  4789. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4790. (FlamingoMask) oooo(Must be careful on what to pick. Don't wanna start something.)
  4791. o/
  4792. 8:03
  4793. Gojiran103
  4794. wow, you already got it?
  4795. 8:03
  4796. Thegoldnguy
  4797. Yeah.
  4798. 8:03
  4799. Gojiran103
  4800. (Kyo) *looks up to the skies, thinking about what will happen in the next year*
  4801. 8:03
  4802. Thegoldnguy
  4803. Came out on the 18th
  4804. 8:03
  4805. Ghidorahnumber1
  4806. I've listened to the Garo theme over 60 times in the past 12 hours
  4807. 8:03
  4808. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4809. (FlamingoMask) *sees a big open space* <(Oh this will do.)
  4810. 8:03
  4811. Thegoldnguy
  4812. Got Moon
  4813. 8:03
  4814. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4815. (FlamingoMask) *glides down*
  4816. 8:04
  4817. Lord Ghetsis
  4818. (OcelotMask) *Spots FLM gliding down but does not say anything*
  4819. 8:04
  4820. Ghidorahnumber1
  4821. So Flamingo Mask is like....not a flamingo?
  4822. 8:04
  4823. ShodaiGoro
  4825. 8:04
  4826. Gojiran103
  4827. *little did FLM know, an individual dressed in deep black leather appears in an dead end from the spot, being the only perosn there*
  4828. 8:05
  4829. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4830. (FlamingoMask) *glides down slowly, then lands in position*
  4831. (FlamingoMask) *clicks feet*
  4832. (FlamingoMask) *looks around*
  4833. 8:05
  4834. Gojiran103
  4835. (K') *Grabs orange sunglasses, and puts them on*
  4836. (K') *Gets back off the brick wall, and starts walking quietly*
  4837. 8:06
  4838. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4839. (FlamingoMask) <(Looks like a nice place here.)
  4840. 8:07
  4841. Gojiran103
  4842. (K') *Walks past FLM, looking at him from the corner of his eye, before stopping*
  4843. (K') <(What... what in the hell are you?!)
  4844. 8:08
  4845. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4846. (FlamingoMask) *turns around to K'* <(Oh hello there.)
  4847. (FlamingoMask) <(My name is FlamingoMask.)
  4848. 8:08
  4849. Gojiran103
  4850. (K') *Stands back, left fist, which is his red mechanical glove, glows with bright orange fire*
  4851. 8:08
  4852. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4853. (FlamingoMask) <(I come from afar.)
  4854. 8:09
  4855. Ghidorahnumber1
  4856. .
  4857. 8:09
  4858. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4859. (FlamingoMask) *looks at fist* <(.....Is this how you greet people here or am I missing something?)
  4860. 8:09
  4861. Gojiran103
  4862. (K') <(Are you a project of NESTS?!)
  4863. 8:10
  4864. ShodaiGoro
  4865. Hey, TTL
  4866. If FXM called for the Hyper Zecter, would it come to him?
  4867. 8:10
  4868. Ghidorahnumber1
  4869. Hey Goldn
  4870. 8:10
  4871. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4872. (FlamingoMask) <(NESTS?)
  4873. 8:10
  4874. Thegoldnguy
  4875. yeh?
  4876. 8:10
  4877. Ghidorahnumber1
  4878. I got a new computer
  4879. 8:10
  4880. Thegoldnguy
  4881. Good!
  4882. 8:10
  4883. Ghidorahnumber1
  4884. The benefits of having a job
  4885. 8:11
  4886. Thegoldnguy
  4887. ikr?
  4888. 8:11
  4889. ShodaiGoro
  4890. The two are three once again.
  4891. 8:11
  4892. Gojiran103
  4893. (K') <(Don't play dumb with me... people have been going after me for years ever since NESTS was destroyed all those years ago. You must be one of them.)
  4894. 8:11
  4895. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4896. (FlamingoMask) <(I have no idea who are NESTS.)
  4897. 8:12
  4898. Gojiran103
  4899. (K') *Dashes back, releasing a stream of glowing fire at FLM*
  4900. 8:12
  4901. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4902. (FlamingoMask) <(Whoa!) *leaps out of the way*
  4903. 8:12
  4904. Gojiran103
  4905. (K') <(I'll take you down, even if you're still going on strong.) *goes to battle stance*
  4906. 8:13
  4907. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4908. (FlamingoMask) *gets into battle stance* <(I see where this is going...)
  4909. 8:13
  4910. Ghidorahnumber1
  4911. *A stranger in a black cloak watches from the rooftops*
  4912. 8:13
  4913. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4914. (FlamingoMask) *eyes flash briefly*
  4915. 8:13
  4916. ShodaiGoro
  4917. Hey, Goldn
  4918. 8:13
  4919. Gojiran103
  4920. (K') *waits for him to attack first, being a defender initially*
  4921. 8:13
  4922. ShodaiGoro
  4923. Do you know the name of Zyuohger's Sixth Ranger?
  4924. 8:13
  4925. Lord Ghetsis
  4926. (OcelotMask) *Her ears pick up the sounds of the commotion and she turns in the direction of the sounds*
  4927. 8:14
  4928. Ghidorahnumber1
  4929. *raises hand, puts other one over mouth*
  4930. 8:14
  4931. ShodaiGoro
  4932. I'm not even kidding, it's:
  4933. 8:14
  4934. Gojiran103
  4935. I keep confusing Ghidorah and Ghetsis with the same character
  4936. 8:14
  4937. ShodaiGoro
  4938. Zyuoh TheWorld
  4939. 8:14
  4940. Ghidorahnumber1
  4941. ZA WARULD
  4942. 8:14
  4943. ShodaiGoro
  4946. 8:14
  4947. Ghidorahnumber1
  4948. *WARUDO
  4949. 8:14
  4950. Gojiran103
  4951. BTW Faiz became Zyuoh Bird last week
  4952. 8:14
  4953. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4954. (FlamingoMask) <(You accuse of being part of something that I don't know about and throw your fist at me? Talk abotu rudeness.)
  4955. 8:14
  4956. Gojiran103
  4957. *Kaixa
  4958. 8:14
  4959. Ghidorahnumber1
  4960. wait what
  4961. 8:15
  4962. Gojiran103
  4963. http://powerrangers.wikia.com/wiki/Zyuoh_Bird
  4964. 8:15
  4965. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4966. (FlamingoMask) <(I summon the light!) *fires a ball of light at (K'0*
  4967. ....
  4968. *(K')
  4969. 8:15
  4970. Gojiran103
  4971. (K') <(NESTS must have erased your memory. They did that with me too, but I found that out eventually... I'll smite you. They probably enhanced their memory systems so you can't recover your memories.)
  4972. 8:16
  4973. ShodaiGoro
  4974. Yeah
  4975. 8:16
  4976. Gojiran103
  4977. (K') *Jumps over the ball of light, and fires a stream of violent fire from his red glove*
  4978. 8:16
  4979. ShodaiGoro
  4980. I am tempted to say Zyuoh Bird is a death-deserving asshole
  4981. 8:16
  4982. Gojiran103
  4983. Zyuohger is almost oooveeeerrr!
  4984. 8:16
  4985. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4986. (FlamingoMask) <(I'm not sure what you mean by that, but let me tell you, I'm NOT part of NESTS!) *fires a light beam at K'*
  4987. 8:16
  4988. ShodaiGoro
  4989. But I hold back because simply resembling Masato Kusaka isn't enough.
  4990. 8:16
  4991. Gallibon the Destroyer
  4992. Geez, I remember back when Zyuohger just came out.
  4993. 8:16
  4994. Gojiran103
  4995. HOLY GOD
  4997. 8:17
  4998. ShodaiGoro
  4999. Drive?
  5000. As in
  5001. (KRDR) ???
  5002. 8:17
  5003. Gojiran103
  5004. Ys
  5005. 8:17
  5006. Ghidorahnumber1
  5007. I accidentally turned on airplane mode
  5008. 8:17
  5009. Gojiran103
  5010. ...nevermind
  5011. it's just some actor who strongly looked like drive
  5012. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/d/db/Zyuoh_39.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161119231233
  5013. (K') *Evades it, and jumps sends a kick propelling at his head*
  5014. 8:18
  5015. Ghidorahnumber1
  5016. Doesn't Zyuohger have two months left?
  5017. 8:18
  5018. Gojiran103
  5019. Yes
  5020. 8:18
  5021. ShodaiGoro
  5022. If it was Drive, the resident villains would be done by now
  5023. We've already got Zyuoh Whale
  5024. Do we really need (KRDRTR) ?
  5025. 8:18
  5026. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5027. yes
  5028. 8:18
  5029. Ghidorahnumber1
  5030. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/wikizilla-role-play/images/e/e6/Emoticon_-_Kamen_Rider_Drive_Type_Tridoron.png
  5031. whoops
  5032. 8:19
  5033. ShodaiGoro
  5034. The villains were Deboth, right?
  5035. *-are
  5036. 8:19
  5037. Ghidorahnumber1
  5038. apparently double clicking an emote posts its link in a chat box
  5039. 8:19
  5040. ShodaiGoro
  5041. **are
  5042. 8:19
  5043. Gojiran103
  5044. ...no
  5045. The villains are Deathgalien
  5046. 8:19
  5047. ShodaiGoro
  5048. Right
  5049. 8:19
  5050. Gojiran103
  5051. That's Kyoryugers villains XD
  5052. 8:19
  5053. ShodaiGoro
  5054. I get these Sentai villains mixed up.
  5055. 8:20
  5056. Ghidorahnumber1
  5057. Sentai Villains are easily mixed up
  5058. There are at least 3 called "Machine Empire"\
  5059. 8:20
  5060. ShodaiGoro
  5061. I actually felt that I was wrong, but through Deboth was actually GOKAIGER'S villains for a minute
  5062. Then I remembered
  5063. It was Bandora
  5064. JKJK
  5065. It was Zangyack
  5066. *thought
  5067. 8:20
  5068. Ghidorahnumber1
  5069. Black Magma, Baranoia, and the Go-Onger one
  5070. 8:20
  5071. Gojiran103
  5072. You there Gallibon
  5073. 8:21
  5074. Ghidorahnumber1
  5075. You ever notice that the 70s Toku villains were basically just supernatural cults
  5076. 8:21
  5077. ShodaiGoro
  5078. Well, I could already see Drive utterly obliterating Deathgalien with the Zyuohgers
  5079. 8:21
  5080. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5081. Yes?
  5082. 8:22
  5083. Ghidorahnumber1
  5084. Why would Drive appear with the Zyuohgers?
  5085. 8:22
  5086. Gojiran103
  5087. (K') *Evades it, and jumps sends a kick propelling at his head*
  5088. 8:22
  5089. Ghidorahnumber1
  5090. He already met the Ninningers
  5091. 8:22
  5092. Gojiran103
  5093. Iunno, you never know with Toei
  5094. 8:22
  5095. ShodaiGoro
  5096. Especially if he brings Mach. And Chaser, if he isn't too busy being dead due to being killed off for the sake of drama.
  5097. 8:22
  5098. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5099. (FlamingoMask) *is hit, kicks his left foot at K'*
  5100. 8:22
  5101. Gojiran103
  5102. You gotta admit
  5103. That guy in the picture looks like an older Shinnosuke
  5104. (K') *Is kicked, leaps back, and fires projectiles of fire from both his hands*
  5105. 8:23
  5106. Ghidorahnumber1
  5107. *A black blur flies in, blocking the fire*
  5108. 8:23
  5109. ShodaiGoro
  5110. Also, for the record
  5111. I don't know how RP will handle Drive's later story
  5112. 8:23
  5113. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5114. (FlamingoMask) *leaps back* <(Huh?)
  5115. 8:23
  5116. ShodaiGoro
  5117. But I really do not want to use Chaser Mach
  5118. That was a... godawful kitbash.
  5119. 8:24
  5120. Lord Ghetsis
  5121. DrG PM
  5122. 8:25
  5123. Ghidorahnumber1
  5124. (??) *To K'* <(Attacking without reason is unbelievably stupid.)
  5125. 8:25
  5126. Gojiran103
  5127. (K') <(...Huh?)
  5128. Let me grab a picture of Drive and the guy
  5129. 8:25
  5130. Ghidorahnumber1
  5131. shit
  5132. brb
  5133. 8:25
  5134. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5135. awwwwww
  5136. 8:28
  5137. Gojiran103
  5138. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/d/db/Zyuoh_39.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161119231233 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/3/3f/Shinnosuke_in_Mach_Saga.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160812204611
  5139. @Tengen, Goro, Ghidorah, Flare
  5140. 8:29
  5141. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5142. It's not him.
  5143. 8:29
  5144. Gojiran103
  5145. I know
  5146. I'm making a comparison on how similar they look
  5147. 8:29
  5148. Ghidorahnumber1
  5149. back
  5150. 8:30
  5151. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5152. I guess....
  5153. but they're too busy with Drive.
  5154. Because he still need to be in Mach and Heart's specials
  5155. 8:30
  5156. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5157. wb
  5158. 8:30
  5159. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5160. which are somehow canon to the Mach novel
  5161. 8:32
  5162. Ghidorahnumber1
  5163. (??) <(You attacked him without provocation. In this world that is a crime. In mine it is a symbol of shame.)
  5164. 8:32
  5165. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5166. And also for the Pac-Man crossover movie with Ex-Aid
  5167. 8:32
  5168. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5169. (FlamingoMask) *staggers back*
  5170. 8:33
  5171. Gojiran103
  5172. (K') <(And you know nothing about NESTS. How could you know he's not apart of them?)
  5173. 8:34
  5174. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5175. (FlamingoMask) <(I have no idea what NESTS is.)
  5176. (FlamingoMask) <(Do I need to repeat myself?)
  5177. 8:34
  5178. Gojiran103
  5179. (K') <(You don't. They probably erased your memory, just like they did with me.)
  5180. 8:34
  5181. Ghidorahnumber1
  5182. (??) <(I have searched his consciousness, and found no connection. You are wrong.)
  5183. 8:35
  5184. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5185. .....
  5186. *notices Gojiran, Goldn, Flare, and Goro are all here*
  5187. 8:35
  5188. Gojiran103
  5189. *is leaving in 20 minutes*
  5190. 8:35
  5191. ShodaiGoro
  5192. ?
  5193. 8:35
  5194. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5195. *isn't sure whether to continue KRvSS plot, or ShinGoji plot*
  5196. ....
  5197. goldn.
  5198. 8:36
  5199. Gojiran103
  5200. (K') *Gets up, still denying, but decides not to say anything*
  5201. 8:36
  5202. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5203. I guess that leaves just you and I.
  5204. 8:36
  5205. Ghidorahnumber1
  5206. (??) <(And even if they erased his memory, how would he know to attack you?)
  5207. 8:36
  5208. Thegoldnguy
  5209. *Menacing text overlays the chat window*
  5210. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has been slashed by Gigan!
  5211. 8:36
  5212. Thegoldnguy
  5213. it's tim- FUUUUCK
  5214. Tengen Toppa Lazengann has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  5215. 8:37
  5216. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5217. XD
  5218. Sprry.
  5219. 8:37
  5220. Thegoldnguy
  5221. okay good
  5222. 8:37
  5223. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5224. *sorry
  5225. internet crapped out on me
  5226. 8:37
  5227. Gojiran103
  5228. (K') *realizes he didn't attack him at first, which is usually what NESTS soldiers would do8
  5229. (K') <(...)
  5230. 8:37
  5231. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5232. (FlamingoMask) *stands there, not saying a word*
  5233. Lord Ghetsis has been slashed by Gigan!
  5234. 8:38
  5235. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5236. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LBi3kLa5t0 begins playing*
  5237. 8:38
  5238. Ghidorahnumber1
  5239. (??) <(In you ignorance and bloodthirstyness you made a mistake. A mistake which would have been fatal. Don't follow my footsteps. Don't make mistakes like that again.)
  5240. 8:39
  5241. Thegoldnguy
  5242. (G91) *Emerges from the fire, staring down ShinGoji*
  5243. 8:39
  5244. Gojiran103
  5245. (K') *Still says nothing, hands in pockets, but knows he's wrong at this point*
  5246. 8:39
  5247. Ghidorahnumber1
  5248. doughboy zilla vs god of anorexia
  5249. 8:39
  5250. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5251. (ShinGoji) *walks toward the 'King' slowly, but menacingly*
  5252. (ShinGoji) *waits for the King to make a move, eager to beat nature's protector again*
  5253. 8:40
  5254. Thegoldnguy
  5255. (G91) *Stomps towards Shin, fists clenched.*
  5256. 8:40
  5257. Ghidorahnumber1
  5258. (??) *turns to FlamingoMask*
  5259. 8:41
  5260. Thegoldnguy
  5261. (G91) *Fires a short burst of atomic energy from his mouth.*
  5262. 8:41
  5263. ShodaiGoro
  5264. Goldn
  5265. Did you see what I said earlier about Zyuohger?
  5266. 8:41
  5267. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5268. (FlamingoMask) *to (???) * <(!?)
  5269. 8:41
  5270. Thegoldnguy
  5271. the world, i know
  5272. 8:41
  5273. ShodaiGoro
  5274. ye
  5275. 8:41
  5276. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5277. (ShinGoji) *takes the blast head-on, before swinging his tail into the distracted Gojiran*
  5278. 8:42
  5279. Thegoldnguy
  5280. (G91) *Turns and takes the tail head on, clamping onto it with his jaws*
  5281. 8:43
  5282. Ghidorahnumber1
  5283. (??) <(Would you have killed him?)
  5284. 8:43
  5285. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5286. (FlamingoMask) <(No.)
  5287. 8:43
  5288. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5289. (ShinGoji) *growls angrily at the stubborn beast, baring his jagged teeth, before raising his tail, lifting Godzilla up with it*
  5290. 8:44
  5291. Ghidorahnumber1
  5292. (??) <(I guess that's good then. One more question.)
  5293. 8:44
  5294. Thegoldnguy
  5295. (G91) *Let's go, landing on his feet.*
  5296. 8:44
  5297. Ghidorahnumber1
  5298. (??) <(Where can I find the other shadowbloods?)
  5299. 8:44
  5300. Thegoldnguy
  5301. (G91) *His glare intensifies.*
  5302. 8:44
  5303. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5304. (FlamingoMask) <(That and I don't really know. They all seem to move everywhere. They can be wherever.)
  5305. 8:45
  5306. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5307. (ShinGoji) *spins around with horrifying speed, smacking his tail into Godzilla again*
  5308. 8:45
  5309. Thegoldnguy
  5310. (G91) *Roars as he's slammed into the ground, but he gets back up quite quickly this time.*
  5311. (G91) *He fires another short burst from his mouth.*
  5312. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9KdWD_MwgU starts playing*
  5313. 8:46
  5314. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5315. (ShinGoji) *stumbles back from the blast this time, before roaring in response, his roar having turned into an almost guttural howl from their last fight*
  5316. 8:46
  5317. Thegoldnguy
  5318. (G91) *He takes notice of Unit-01's decaptated body a couple kilometers away.*
  5319. 8:46
  5320. Ghidorahnumber1
  5321. Goro PM
  5322. 8:47
  5323. Thegoldnguy
  5324. (G91) *Returns his attention to Shin, letting loose a short grunt.*
  5325. 8:47
  5326. Gojiran103
  5327. (K') *Waits for CrocMask to depart, thinking about apologizing to FlamingoMask*
  5328. 8:49
  5329. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5330. (ShinGoji) *once again begins moving towards Godzilla, seemingly moving faster this time*
  5331. 8:49
  5332. Ghidorahnumber1
  5333. (CrocMask)<(Then I guess I'll just have to keep looking.) *turns and runs up a building*
  5334. 8:49
  5335. Thegoldnguy
  5336. (G91) *Stomps forward as well, claws readied.*
  5337. 8:49
  5338. ShodaiGoro
  5339. I've been thinking, regarding the revival plot
  5340. 8:49
  5341. Thegoldnguy
  5342. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arus_8spQyk kicks in*
  5343. 8:49
  5344. ShodaiGoro
  5345. FXM is planned to get an upgraded appearance
  5346. 8:49
  5347. Gojiran103
  5348. (K') <(I apologize I had recklessly attacked you. My memories of NESTS has always brought me into quick conclusions about unfamiliar things.)
  5349. 8:50
  5350. Thegoldnguy
  5351. "Defeat is no option."
  5352. 8:50
  5353. Gojiran103
  5354. (K') <(You see, I'm not supposed to be the man I am today. I was taken away from my family when I was a child.)
  5355. 8:50
  5356. ShodaiGoro
  5357. Given his current belt is based off of Black's Kingstone... what if this next one was based off of Black RX's Sunriser?
  5358. 8:50
  5359. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5360. (FlamingoMask) <(I see. I accept you apology.)
  5361. *your
  5362. 8:51
  5363. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5364. I like that idea
  5365. 8:51
  5366. Gojiran103
  5367. (K') <(They put me in a camp full of other subjects... then I was forced to have powers that I used against you. It was painful in all forms.)
  5368. 8:51
  5369. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5370. (ShinGoji) *swings the full weight of his body into Godzilla's chest*
  5371. 8:51
  5372. Gojiran103
  5373. (K') <(They erased my memories. Everything, about my family, about the people I met, you name it. I've since regained them slowly over time, but... I still don't know everything.)
  5374. 8:52
  5375. ShodaiGoro
  5376. *CrocMask is being watched... but he doesn'
  5377. t feel it.
  5378. 8:52
  5379. Thegoldnguy
  5380. (G91) *Grabs ShinGoji, planting his feet into the ground as he's pushed along the ground, debris flying everywhere.*
  5381. 8:52
  5382. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5383. (FlamingoMask) <(I see. I'm sorry to hear.)
  5384. 8:53
  5385. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5386. (ShinGoji) *pushes against the King, using his superior weight to push Godzilla back*
  5387. Thegoldnguy
  5388. (G91) *Grits his teeth, his scutes flashing blue.*
  5389. 8:53
  5390. Gojiran103
  5391. (K') <(I don't feel that I'm bloodthirsty, however. I might be ignorant, but I know how to limit myself.)
  5392. (K') <(Perhaps we'll meet again sometime.)
  5393. 8:53
  5394. Thegoldnguy
  5395. (G91) *He fires a point-blank atomic beam at the towering Shin.*
  5396. 8:55
  5397. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5398. (FlamingoMask) <(Perhaps.)
  5399. 8:55
  5400. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5401. (ShinGoji) *takes the blast head-on, with one of his arms taking the most damage*
  5402. 8:55
  5403. Gojiran103
  5404. (K') *Puts his orange sunglasses on, and walks away*
  5405. 8:55
  5406. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5407. ......
  5408. gojiran pm
  5409. 8:56
  5410. Thegoldnguy
  5411. (G91) *Grunts as he's pushed even further back, his knees shaking.*
  5412. 8:56
  5413. Ghidorahnumber1
  5414. (CrocMask) *jumps around from tree to tree, climbing up a mountain*
  5415. 8:56
  5416. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5417. (FlamingoMask) *nods, then walks away*
  5418. 8:57
  5419. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5420. (ShinGoji) *spins around, surprisingly, and terrifyingly gracefully, swatting Godzilla with his tail again*
  5421. 8:58
  5422. Ghidorahnumber1
  5423. (CrocMask) *arrives at a small outcrop, dropping to the ground*
  5424. 8:58
  5425. Thegoldnguy
  5426. (G91) *Sent flying to the side, hitting the ground with a slam.*
  5427. 8:58
  5428. Ghidorahnumber1
  5429. (CrocMask) *kneels down in front of a sword stuck in the ground, covered in dried blood*
  5430. 8:59
  5431. Thegoldnguy
  5432. (G91) *Gets up, snarling. He shakes off dirt.*
  5433. 8:59
  5434. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5435. (ShinGoji) *scutes slowly begin to glow purple again, his mouth opening, before his bottom jaw separates, with flesh dangling between the two sides*
  5436. 8:59
  5437. Thegoldnguy
  5438. (G91) *His scutes start glowing blue, then red.*
  5439. (G91) *He obviously remembers what happened last time...*
  5440. 9:00
  5441. Ghidorahnumber1
  5442. (CrocMask) *After staying in a prayer position for quite some time, he jumps off the mountain, landing in the trees below*
  5443. 9:00
  5444. Thegoldnguy
  5445. (G91) *As he charges up, he tries to take note of his surroundings.*
  5446. 9:01
  5447. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5448. (ShinGoji) *slowly moves forward*
  5449. *as if savoring the King's fear*
  5450. 9:02
  5451. Thegoldnguy
  5452. (G91) *He takes note of the mountainous terrain, and what that could mean.*
  5453. 9:02
  5454. Gojiran103
  5455. (WXM) *Pushes the door of his large cabin, drinking a wood mug of water*
  5456. 9:02
  5457. Thegoldnguy
  5458. (G91) *His fear turns into confidence as he realizes what he can do now...*
  5459. 9:02
  5460. Gojiran103
  5461. (WXM) *Swallows, before setting the wood mug down, and walks in a short distance*
  5462. 9:02
  5463. Thegoldnguy
  5464. (G91) *...he smirks.*
  5465. 9:02
  5466. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5467. (ShinGoji) *roars, before closing his mouth, turning his back to the King*
  5468. 9:03
  5469. Gojiran103
  5470. (WXM) <(That fusion may have seemed superior... but I have a feeling they will be able to pull off something against the fusion. I have to find a way to counterattack with that.)
  5471. 9:03
  5472. Thegoldnguy
  5473. (G91) *He stares at ShinGoji, wary.*
  5474. 9:04
  5475. Gojiran103
  5476. (WXM) <(Another fusion? Possibly, but... whatever it is, it needs to save our lives if they do end up gaining the upper hand.)
  5477. (WXM) *Uses his multiversal device thing, and warps away*
  5478. 9:04
  5479. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5480. (ShinGoji) *merely stands there, as if enticing the King to attack while his back is turned*
  5481. 9:05
  5482. Gojiran103
  5483. *WXM travels across the universe for a couple of hours, observing many worlds, until he eventually finds one*
  5484. 9:05
  5485. Thegoldnguy
  5486. (G91) *He continues to stare at Shin, unmoving; his scutes still glowing red.*
  5487. 9:05
  5488. Gojiran103
  5489. (WXM) *Goes inside it, being warped to a place with yellow clouds and pink skies*
  5490. 9:05
  5491. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5492. (ShinGoji) *smirks confidently, now that Godzilla has fallen for his trap*
  5493. (ShinGoji) *tail suddenly appears neat to Godzilla, firing a laser into his side*
  5494. 9:06
  5495. Thegoldnguy
  5496. (G91) *His eyes widen.*
  5497. 9:06
  5498. Gojiran103
  5499. (WXM) <(This looks... interesting.) *lands down on a road*
  5500. (WXM) <(...How long is this road?) *tries to figure it out, but can't, and decides to just walk*
  5501. (WXM) <(I suppose I'll walk.)
  5502. 9:07
  5503. Ghidorahnumber1
  5504. that neat tale
  5505. 9:07
  5506. Thegoldnguy
  5507. (G91) *He tries to sidestep in time, but barely makes it. The tail beam whizzes past his side.*
  5508. 9:07
  5509. Gojiran103
  5510. *WXM walks...*
  5511. 9:07
  5512. Ghidorahnumber1
  5513. *tail
  5514. very infatuating
  5515. 9:07
  5516. Gojiran103
  5517. *...Many hours later, WolfMask is still walking, barely at the end of the trail*
  5518. 9:07
  5519. Thegoldnguy
  5520. (G91) *A nasty burn-mark covers the entire right side of his torso.*
  5521. 9:07
  5522. Gojiran103
  5523. (WXM) <(This... this is tiring. There has to be some other way...)
  5524. 9:07
  5525. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5526. *suddenly Shin's scutes glow bright as lasers fire from each of them, hitting Godzilla while he is distracted with his tail*
  5527. 9:08
  5528. Thegoldnguy
  5529. (G91) *Roars in pain as he's blasted by the scutes.*
  5530. 9:08
  5531. Gojiran103
  5532. *WXM continues walking*
  5533. *S'more hours later, which it has actually been a whole day, WXM falls to his knees*
  5534. (WXM) <(How... how long is this entire road?!?)
  5535. 9:09
  5536. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5537. *the lasers weave in and out of his body, cutting into the mountainside behind him, before a good portion of the mountain's top begins rolling toward Godzilla*
  5538. 9:09
  5539. Thegoldnguy
  5540. (G91) *He fires his atomic hyper spiral beam (what a name) at ShinGoji, having built it up.*
  5541. *it up until now
  5542. 9:09
  5543. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5544. (ShinGoji
  5545. 9:09
  5546. Gojiran103
  5547. *WXM continues to walk, again*
  5548. 9:10
  5549. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5550. ...
  5551. 9:10
  5552. Gojiran103
  5553. (WXM) *Finally reaches the end of the road, his entire body falling on a solid surface, completely exhausted*
  5554. 9:10
  5555. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5556. (ShinGoji) *stumbles forward, but does not cease his attack, as his back is burned and charred, but the energy from the attack itself is absorbed and sent back at Godzilla through the lasers*
  5557. 9:10
  5558. Gojiran103
  5559. *A large, red being on a desk looks over at WXM from below*
  5560. (King Yemma) <(Um... who are you? Why are you here?)
  5561. 9:11
  5562. Thegoldnguy
  5563. (G91) *As he's firing the beam, he's covered in rubble, and the beam ceases.*
  5564. 9:11
  5565. Gojiran103
  5566. (WXM) *Is too exhausted to speak*
  5567. (King Yemma) *Yells* <(HEY!!! ANSWER ME!)
  5568. 9:11
  5569. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5570. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Ru-wduZ70 begins playing as ShinGoji continues to fire his beam into the rubble*
  5571. 9:11
  5572. Gojiran103
  5573. (WXM) <(I...I-I came...) *huff, puff*
  5574. (WXM) <(Fusion... counterattack...)
  5575. (King Yemma) <(What?? Something about a fusion??)
  5576. 9:12
  5577. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5578. (ShinGoji) *stops firing the beam, huffing heavily, before turning to Godzilla's (temporary) tomb, roaring victoriously*
  5579. (ShinGoji) *starts to walk away, before noticing EVA 01's 'corpse'*
  5580. 9:13
  5581. Gojiran103
  5582. (WXM) <(F-F...F-Fu...)
  5583. (King Yemma) <(Can you speak up?!? I can't hear you AT ALL!)
  5584. 9:13
  5585. Thegoldnguy
  5586. *The "Tomb" explodes open, and a blue energy beam blasts Shin's side.*
  5587. 9:13
  5588. Gojiran103
  5589. (King Yemma) *notices something about WolfMask*
  5590. (King Yemma) <(Wait... why isn't there a halo on your head? You're not dead.)
  5591. 9:13
  5592. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5593. (ShinGoji) *walks closer to the corpse, before being hit by the beam, stumbling over*
  5594. 9:13
  5595. Gojiran103
  5596. (King Yemma) <(How did you get here?)
  5597. (WXM) <(I-I...)
  5598. 9:14
  5599. Thegoldnguy
  5600. (G91) *Emerges from the heap of dirt and rock, his torso adorning a long gash wound.*
  5601. 9:14
  5602. Gojiran103
  5603. (King Yemma) <(Here, have a Senzu bean.) *throws him a Senzu bean at his head*
  5604. (WXM) *Looks at the bean* <(W...What's this?)
  5605. (King Yemma) <(Eat it. It'll make you less exhausted.)
  5606. (WXM) *Does so, grabbing it and eating it slowly*
  5607. (WXM) *Suddenly gets up, no longer tired, up to full energy*
  5608. 9:15
  5609. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5610. (ShinGoji) *lying on the ground for a moment, before rising back to his feet, anger and hatred for the King burning in his eyes*
  5611. 9:16
  5612. Gojiran103
  5613. (WXM) <(O-oh... thank you.)
  5614. (King Yemma) <(No problem... now, explain to me... WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?)
  5615. (WXM) *Feels his mouth roar in his face, unfazed, acting natural* <(Well, um... for starters, who are you?)
  5617. 9:17
  5618. Thegoldnguy
  5619. (G91) *Lets loose a powerful roar, his eyes fixated on the burn-victim 'Gojiran'.*
  5620. 9:17
  5621. Gojiran103
  5622. (King Yemma) <(And now you're not even dead! Just who ARE you?!)
  5623. (WXM) <(I just need an alternative method for some form of fusion, or something that's more powerful or is able to counterattack fusion with ease...)
  5624. 9:18
  5625. ShodaiGoro
  5626. (FXM) <(...) *elsewhere
  5627. 9:18
  5628. Gojiran103
  5629. (King Yemma) *acts calm* <(Huh?)
  5630. (King Yemma) <(You're looking for a fusion technique?)
  5631. (WXM) <(Yes.)
  5632. (King Yemma) <(Well, first of all, I'm not even the guy to ask.)
  5633. 9:18
  5634. ShodaiGoro
  5635. (FXM) <(...why do I feel my brother is talking to the judge of the dead himself?)
  5636. 9:18
  5637. Gojiran103
  5638. (WXM) <(...Really?)
  5639. (wXM) <(Who is, then?)
  5640. (King Yemma) <(One of the Supreme Kai.)
  5641. 9:19
  5642. ShodaiGoro
  5643. (FXM) <(...I'm too used to crazy stuff. I need to think rationally.)
  5644. 9:19
  5645. Gojiran103
  5646. (WXM) <(Oh, okay. Can you let me get to them, please?)
  5647. *he really is though*
  5648. 9:19
  5649. ShodaiGoro
  5650. that's the joke
  5651. 9:19
  5652. Gojiran103
  5653. (King Yemma) <(Well, first of all, tell me who the hell you are first.)
  5654. (WXM) <(I'm WolfMask. I'm a hero of two Earth's, one that is alternative and one that is the primary Earth.)
  5655. 9:20
  5656. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5657. (ShinGoji) *walks toward Godzilla, his skin appearing to be.... crawling slightly*
  5658. 9:20
  5659. Gojiran103
  5660. (King Yemma) <(Two Earths? Do you come from Trunk's world?)
  5661. (WXM) <(U-Uh... Trunks? Who's that?)
  5662. (King Yemma) <(...Are you sure you come from Earth?)
  5663. (WXM) <(Yes, I do.)
  5664. 9:21
  5665. Thegoldnguy
  5666. (G91) *Readies himself, standing confidently.*
  5667. 9:21
  5668. Gojiran103
  5669. (King Yemma) <(...Alright, look. I'll send you to this other guy first, then I'll send you to the Supreme Kai. Just don't do anything weird.)
  5670. (WXM) <(Oh. Okay, then. Thank yo-)
  5671. *WXM is teleported away*
  5672. *WXM teleports to King Kai's planet*
  5673. 9:22
  5674. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5675. (ShinGoji) *slams into Godzilla again, attempting to overpower him with his weight*
  5676. 9:22
  5677. Gojiran103
  5678. (WXM) <(...Hm? Where am I?)
  5679. *Someone suddenly screams in his face*
  5680. (King Kai) <(WHO THE HECK ARE YOOOOU??!)
  5681. (wXM) <(Oh, hello.)
  5682. (WXM) <(I came for an alternative to the Fusion Dance. Ever heard of that?)
  5683. 9:23
  5684. Thegoldnguy
  5685. (G91) *Ready this time, he slashes Shin with his claws before he can do so.*
  5686. 9:23
  5687. Gojiran103
  5688. (Gregory) *flies towards him* <(Ya mean the Potara Earrings?)
  5689. (WXM) <(Oh, hello-)
  5690. 9:24
  5691. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5692. (ShinGoji) *his other arm is slashed, bleeding into the streets below, before swinging around and smashing into Godzilla again*
  5693. 9:24
  5694. Gojiran103
  5695. (Bubbles) *looks at WolfMask from a short distance, eating a banana*
  5696. Krazar77 has entered chat through the RPverse portal!
  5697. 9:24
  5698. Gojiran103
  5699. (WXM) <(I like your pet.)
  5700. 9:24
  5701. Krazar77
  5702. just coming buy to sa-
  5703. 9:25
  5704. Gojiran103
  5705. (WXM) <(But, what are the Potara Earrings?)
  5706. 9:25
  5707. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5708. o/
  5709. 9:25
  5710. Thegoldnguy
  5711. (G91) *Slashes at him again.*
  5712. 9:25
  5713. Krazar77
  5714. ttl
  5715. please
  5716. record this shit
  5717. so i can read it later
  5718. 9:25
  5719. Gojiran103
  5720. (Gregory) <(They're an alternative method to the Fusion Dance, just like you asked. Whoever you are, King Kai can get you to them-)
  5721. 9:25
  5722. Krazar77
  5723. thank you
  5724. 9:25
  5725. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5726. can't
  5727. 9:25
  5728. Krazar77
  5729. good- FUCK
  5730. 9:25
  5731. Gojiran103
  5732. (King Kai) <(I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THIS GUY IS!!!)
  5733. 9:25
  5734. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5735. I think Goldn can though
  5736. 9:25
  5737. Gojiran103
  5738. I can
  5739. 9:25
  5740. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5741. or Gojiran can
  5742. 9:25
  5743. Krazar77
  5744. both of you do it then
  5745. 9:25
  5746. Gojiran103
  5747. too much work to do it tho, so i might not do it
  5748. sorry
  5749. 9:25
  5750. Krazar77
  5751. I dont car ewhich
  5752. JUST DO IT
  5753. anyway
  5754. good night everyone
  5755. (wave)
  5756. 9:26
  5757. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5758. (ShinGoji) *rears back, being slashed again, roaring in surprising pain*
  5759. 9:26
  5760. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5761. o/
  5762. 9:26
  5763. Gojiran103
  5764. (WOLFMASK) <(I am WolfMask, a hero of two Earth's.)
  5765. 9:26
  5766. Krazar77
  5767. go shin
  5768. Krazar77 has been slashed by Gigan!
  5769. 9:26
  5770. Gojiran103
  5771. (king kai) <(Hero of two Earth's...? Well, that is interesting.)
  5772. (WXM) <(I strongly desire the Potara Earrings. Do you have them?)
  5773. 9:27
  5774. Thegoldnguy
  5775. (G91) *Roars, headbutting Shin back.*
  5776. 9:27
  5777. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5778. (ShinGoji) *stumbles back as his two arms flail uselessly, hanging on by threads of flesh*
  5779. 9:27
  5780. Gojiran103
  5781. (King Kai) <(Well, no, but the Supreme Kai do. There's millions of them. I guess I can take you there, since you say you're a hero and all...)P'
  5782. (Gregory) <(Just take him, King Kai. It won't be that bad.)
  5783. (King Kai) <(Alright, fine...)
  5784. 9:27
  5785. Thegoldnguy
  5786. (G91) *Grabs the arms, RIPPING them off.*
  5787. 9:28
  5788. Gojiran103
  5789. (King Kai) <(Good luck convincing them, though. It might take a while.)
  5790. (WXM) <(Okay.)
  5791. (WXM) <(Wait, h-)
  5792. *WolfMask is teleported away*
  5793. 9:28
  5794. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5795. (ShinGoji) *screeches, falling to the ground, struggling to get up*
  5796. 9:29
  5797. Gojiran103
  5798. *He appears in the Sacred World of the Kai*
  5799. (WXM) *Looks at the large area* <(...Where... am I?)
  5800. 9:29
  5801. Thegoldnguy
  5802. (G91) *Stomps down on Shin, taking the lifeless sticks and forcing them into Shin's mouth, then beating the creature repeatedly in the head.*
  5803. 9:29
  5804. Gojiran103
  5805. (Supreme Kai) <(...Who are you?)
  5806. (Old Kai) <(Ooooh~? Do we have a new visitor?)
  5807. 9:29
  5808. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5809. (ShinGoji) *flails his useless nubs around, roaring angrily as he is beaten*
  5810. *the skin appears to crawl faster, but Godzilla does not notice it*
  5811. 9:30
  5812. Thegoldnguy
  5813. (G91) *Continues to beat the giant, roaring in anger.*
  5814. 9:30
  5815. Gojiran103
  5816. (WXM) <(Hi. I am the Shadowblood WolfMask, a hero of two Earth's, an alternative and the primary Earth. I desire a Fusion Dance alternative which is known as the Potara Earrings. Do you have them?)
  5817. (Old Kai) <(Potara Earrings...?)
  5818. (Supreme Kai) <(Well... uhm, we, do...)
  5819. 9:31
  5820. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5821. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Ru-wduZ70 begins playing as the abomination takes the beating, before blood erupts faster from the wounds*
  5822. 9:32
  5823. Gojiran103
  5824. (WXM) <(Ah, that is good news. May I have them?)
  5825. (Old Kai) <(W-Well... go get them, Supreme Kai.)
  5826. 9:32
  5827. Thegoldnguy
  5828. (G91) *His beating ceases, and he steps back. He grimaces at the sight of the creature as his scutes glow blue.*
  5829. 9:32
  5830. Gojiran103
  5831. (Supreme Kai) <(Um, okay...) *walks away, coming back eventually with a blue and red medieval-themed case*
  5832. 9:33
  5833. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5834. (ShinGoji) *roars in pain, before the area where his arms were begins to expand, his scutes glowing*
  5835. Flaredragon00 has been slashed by Gigan!
  5836. 9:33
  5837. Gojiran103
  5838. *He opens them, revealing two, bright orange Potara Earrings.*
  5839. (WXM) <(Are these the Potara Earrings?)
  5840. 9:33
  5841. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5842. No.
  5843. They're sweet potatoes.
  5844. 9:34
  5845. Gojiran103
  5846. (Old Kai) <(Yes, they are, indeed. They are methods to combine, and amplify one's power many times over. And if two people are rivals, it even gives a rival boost, which makes them CRAZY powerful!)
  5847. 9:34
  5848. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5849. *suddenly Godzilla is blindsided from behind by ShinGoji's tail laser*
  5850. 9:34
  5851. Thegoldnguy
  5852. (G91) *Screeches as he's sent to the ground.*
  5853. 9:34
  5854. Gojiran103
  5855. (Old Kai) <(Two individuals once used this method, who were Saiyans, Goku and Vegeta. They are most likely the strongest Potara Fusion ever. Supreme Kai also use this method, but it's for permanent use.)
  5856. 9:35
  5857. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5858. (ShinGoji) *stands up, as the blood ceases running from his arm sockets, the area now covered in a fleshy mound, before the mound changes shape to match ShinGoji's old arms, before expanding to larger size*
  5859. 9:35
  5860. Gojiran103
  5861. (Old Kai) <(So, they are powerful, but if you're not a Kai - in which, you aren't, the fusion only lasts an hour. And if you generate too much power, it will end much quickly that what you would like.)
  5862. *than
  5863. (WXM) <(I see... these will still serve as an alternative, then, for my fusion partner.)
  5864. 9:36
  5865. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5866. (ShinGoji) *walks over to Godzilla, beginning to punch him again and again, his arm strength having vastly increased past his opponents*
  5867. 9:36
  5868. Gojiran103
  5869. (Supreme Kai) <(Go ahead. You can take them.)
  5870. (WXM) *slowly grabs both of them in their hands*
  5871. *his
  5872. (WXM) *Looks at them* <(It feels like I can already sense their power.... wow...)
  5873. (Old Kai) <(Well. Have fun. Whoever you're facin', you'll definitely have an advantage over them!) *laughs*
  5874. (WXM) <(Y-Yeah... thank you. Well, I'm off.) *uses his multiversal device, and teleports back to Earth*
  5875. *The Kai are left wondering what just happened*
  5876. 9:37
  5877. Thegoldnguy
  5878. (G91) *Pushed back, and back, trying to guard against the strikes, but to no avail.*
  5879. 9:38
  5880. Gojiran103
  5881. *WXM teleports back to Earth, going to his cabin, before riding to FXM's house*
  5882. 9:38
  5883. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5884. (ShinGoji) *continues to beat his opponent as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74fxNHPBnv8 begins playing*
  5885. 9:38
  5886. Gojiran103
  5887. (WXM) *Knocks on his door*
  5888. 9:38
  5889. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5890. ....
  5891. 9:38
  5892. Ghidorahnumber1
  5893. iken (iken) rakujaku (rakujaku)
  5894. 9:38
  5895. ShodaiGoro
  5896. (???) <(Ugh, what do you want?) *sounds annoyed
  5897. (Chen) *opens the door
  5898. 9:39
  5899. Gojiran103
  5900. (WXM) <(It's your brother.)
  5901. 9:39
  5902. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5903. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LBi3kLa5t0
  5904. 9:39
  5905. Gojiran103
  5906. *nvm
  5907. 9:39
  5908. Thegoldnguy
  5909. (G91) *Tries to counter a swing by grabbing it.*
  5910. 9:39
  5911. Gojiran103
  5912. (WXM) <(Oh, hello, Chen.)
  5913. 9:39
  5914. ShodaiGoro
  5915. (Chen) <(Oh, hello!)
  5916. 9:39
  5917. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5918. (ShinGoji) *allows him to grab it, before his scutes glow again, grabbing Godzilla's throat with his other hand*
  5919. 9:39
  5920. Thegoldnguy
  5921. (G91) *Unleashes a short nuclear pulse.*
  5922. 9:40
  5923. Gojiran103
  5924. (WXM) <(Here,) *grabs one Potara Earring from his pocket, and lends it to Chen* <(I want you to give this earring to FoxMask. It is very important, and urgent. Please give him it.)
  5925. 9:40
  5926. ShodaiGoro
  5927. *before he says this, Chen says
  5928. (Chen) <(But I already have enough earrings! ...oh.)
  5929. 9:41
  5930. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5931. (ShinGoji) *appears unaffected by the pulse, as his grip strengthens around Godzilla's neck*
  5932. 9:41
  5933. Thegoldnguy
  5934. (G91) *Screeches, trying to escape Shin's grasp by squirming around.*
  5935. (G91) *His tail lashes around, trying to hit Shin*
  5936. 9:41
  5937. Gojiran103
  5938. (WXM) <(Thank you. We'll meet again soon.)
  5939. 9:42
  5940. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5941. (ShinGoji) *only tightens his grip, glaring into Godzilla's eyes as they fill with fear*
  5942. 9:43
  5943. Gojiran103
  5944. (wxm) *turns his back, and leaves
  5945. 9:43
  5946. ShodaiGoro
  5947. (Chen) <(How is he supposed to wear thi- oh, fine...)
  5948. 9:43
  5949. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5950. (ShinGoji) *scutes continues to glow, as he opens his mouth, purple energy gathering in it*
  5951. 9:43
  5952. Thegoldnguy
  5953. (G91) *His stare does not imply fear, despite the insurmountable odds.*
  5954. 9:43
  5955. ShodaiGoro
  5956. (Chen) *goes back inside, waving goodbye, still somewhat annoyed
  5957. 9:43
  5958. Gojiran103
  5959. (WXM) *Waves, getting on his NM4, riding away*
  5960. 9:43
  5961. Thegoldnguy
  5962. (G91) *He grimaces a little, willing to take on whatever happens to him.*
  5963. 9:43
  5964. Gojiran103
  5965. *the scene instantly changes to a black background*
  5966. *In the background, a Potara Earring appears motionless in the cold air*
  5967. *A reflection is seen, a newly fused entity of two Shadowbloods, smirking, before it is shadowed and ends there*
  5968. 9:44
  5969. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5970. (ShinGoji) *is surprised, but does not waver, resuming his beating of the king with his other hand, ripping it from his grip*
  5971. 9:45
  5972. Thegoldnguy
  5973. (G91) *Takes it, smirking as his eyes and scutes flash red.*
  5974. 9:45
  5975. Gojiran103
  5976. gtgbai
  5977. o/
  5978. see y'all next weekend
  5979. 9:45
  5980. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5981. o/
  5982. 9:46
  5983. Thegoldnguy
  5984. o/
  5985. 9:46
  5986. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5987. o/
  5988. Gojiran103 has been slashed by Gigan!
  5989. 9:46
  5990. Ghidorahnumber1
  5991. So he only comes on during weekends?
  5992. 9:47
  5993. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  5994. Yeah
  5995. he has school or work or something
  5996. (ShinGoji) *squeezes his throat harder, before ceasing his punches, looking down at Godzilla's chest instead*
  5997. 9:48
  5998. Thegoldnguy
  5999. (G91) *Fires a very short, but powerful, atomic spiral ray at the distracted kaiju.*
  6000. 9:49
  6001. Ghidorahnumber1
  6002. Was Dairanger not adapted because it was too dark?
  6003. 9:50
  6004. ShodaiGoro
  6005. No
  6006. It was because Saban wanted to use the Zyuranger suits more
  6007. 9:50
  6008. Gallibon the Destroyer
  6009. Well, the sixth ranger suit, the zords and monsters were adapted.
  6010. 9:50
  6011. ShodaiGoro
  6012. But they did use the mecha from Dairanger
  6013. As well as KibaRanger for Tommy Oliver's new upgrade
  6014. And... yeah, what Gallibon said
  6015. 9:51
  6016. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6017. (ShinGoji) *is blasted point blank, but shrugs most of the burns off, roaring in pain*
  6018. 9:52
  6019. ShodaiGoro
  6020. I could see why that didn't hurt.
  6021. 9:52
  6022. Ghidorahnumber1
  6023. Even though Kibaranger looks absolutely nothing like the Zyurangers
  6024. 9:52
  6025. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6026. (ShinGoji) *scutes continue to glow as his mouth spreads wider, the scutes starting to turn a darker purple*
  6027. 9:52
  6028. ShodaiGoro
  6029. Shin is already a burning, bleeding, rotting corpse that walks
  6030. 9:52
  6031. Ghidorahnumber1
  6032. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlIvQh6u1_M
  6033. 9:53
  6034. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6035. It did hurt him, but he shrugged it off through sheer force of will, and through hatred
  6036. 9:53
  6037. ShodaiGoro
  6038. I know
  6039. But when you're already in constant agony
  6040. 9:53
  6041. Thegoldnguy
  6042. (G91) *Prepares himself, scutes still glowing red.*
  6043. 9:53
  6044. ShodaiGoro
  6045. Does it really hurt that much?
  6046. 9:53
  6047. Ghidorahnumber1
  6048. This'll be the third time I've said something like this today
  6049. but
  6050. 9:53
  6051. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6052. (ShinGoji) *raises his head up, plunging his burned, bleeding, fresh arm into Godzilla's chest, going after his heart*
  6053. 9:54
  6054. Ghidorahnumber1
  6055. If you are always in pain, can pain really effect you?
  6056. Such as
  6057. nvm
  6058. i don't make sense
  6059. 9:54
  6060. Thegoldnguy
  6061. (G91) *Screeches in pain as Shin tears straight through his chest.*
  6062. *Blood splatters across Shin's face.*
  6063. 9:55
  6064. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6065. (ShinGoji) *roars angrily, grabbing Godzilla's heart, squeezing it slowly to draw out Godzilla's agony*
  6066. 9:56
  6067. Ghidorahnumber1
  6068. I think I'm gonna watch Dairanger after I finish Shinkenger
  6069. Because I started it, I'm gonna commit to it damnit
  6070. 9:56
  6071. Thegoldnguy
  6072. (G91) *He desperately fires another short spiral ray at point-blank.*
  6073. 9:57
  6074. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6075. (ShinGoji) *is in enough pain to block out the blast, squeezing his heart harder*
  6076. 9:58
  6077. Thegoldnguy
  6078. (G91) *He starts gagging.*
  6079. 9:58
  6080. ShodaiGoro
  6081. G#1
  6082. 9:58
  6083. Ghidorahnumber1
  6084. ?
  6085. 9:59
  6086. ShodaiGoro
  6087. Did you know you can buy Dairanger, subbed, officially?
  6088. 9:59
  6089. Thegoldnguy
  6090. (G91) *He starts gasping for air.*
  6091. 9:59
  6092. Ghidorahnumber1
  6093. yes
  6094. 9:59
  6095. ShodaiGoro
  6096. I hope that starts happening to KR soon
  6097. 10:00
  6098. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6099. (ShinGoji) *grins, purple energy gathered in his mouth again, slowly dragging his atomic laser across Godzilla's neck, squeezing his heart until it practically bursts*
  6100. Hey G#1. Did you know Ohranger was available now?
  6101. 10:02
  6102. Ghidorahnumber1
  6103. yes
  6104. 10:02
  6105. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6106. Everything from Zyuranger to Ohranger is available legally in America.
  6107. .... as is Kamen Rider V3
  6108. 10:02
  6109. Thegoldnguy
  6110. (G91) *Weakly reaches for Shin's arm, trying not to make any sudden movements out of fear of his heart bursting.*
  6111. 10:02
  6112. ShodaiGoro
  6113. Yeah... in HAWAII.
  6114. 10:03
  6115. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6116. (ShinGoji) *decides to draw out Godzilla's torture further, slowly pulling his heart out of his chest cavity, showing it to him*
  6117. 10:04
  6118. Thegoldnguy
  6119. (G91) *Refuses to look at it.*
  6120. (G91) *Continues to glare at Shin*
  6121. 10:05
  6122. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6123. (ShinGoji) *seems to smirk, holding the heart directly above Godzilla's face, crushing it, before sweeping his head to the side, cutting through Godzilla's neck*
  6124. (ShinGoji) *a cruel satisfaction can be seen in his eyes as the heart is crushed in front of Godzilla's eyes*
  6125. 10:06
  6126. Thegoldnguy
  6127. *Any other music cue playing at the moment is silenced.*
  6128. (G91) *His eyes go white.*
  6129. (G91) *His whole body goes limp.*
  6130. 10:07
  6131. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6132. *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yjOZmlbshU slowly begins to set in, as ShinGoji stands up, dropping the crushed heart on the ground*
  6133. 10:08
  6134. Thegoldnguy
  6135. (G91) *As Godzilla's lifeless body hits the ground, his claw lunges forward, hitting Shin's left thigh.*
  6136. 10:08
  6137. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6138. (ShinGoji) *turns, smashing his tail against Godzilla's body*
  6139. 10:09
  6140. Thegoldnguy
  6141. *Whether intentional or not, Godzilla has left a final mark.*
  6142. (G91) *His white, lifeless eyes seemingly stare at Shin, even in death.*
  6143. 10:11
  6144. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6145. (ShinGoji) *rage once again fills his eyes, as he walks over to Godzilla's severed head, crushing it beneath his foot as a sign to anyone who dares challenge him*
  6146. 10:11
  6147. Jay's Soviet Wing
  6148. wait what???
  6149. 10:11
  6150. Thegoldnguy
  6151. *Meanwhile, at the Japanese GDF Headquarters, reactions are what you'd expect.*
  6152. *Gendo receives a call.*
  6153. 10:12
  6154. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6155. (ShinGoji) *walks away from Godzilla's corpse, roaring loudly at all of creation itself, showing that it triumphed over the Earth's greatest protector*
  6156. (Gendo) *appears to have a stern look on his face* <(Yes?)
  6157. 10:13
  6158. Thegoldnguy
  6159. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(...happy?)
  6160. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(He's gone.)
  6161. 10:13
  6162. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6163. (Gendo) <(No.)
  6164. 10:13
  6165. ShodaiGoro
  6166. Hey, TTL
  6167. RX has to tell you something
  6168. 10:13
  6169. Thegoldnguy
  6170. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(And your previous Eva Unit is gone too.)
  6171. 10:13
  6172. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6173. (Gendo) <(This isn't what we- what I wanted.)
  6174. 10:14
  6175. ShodaiGoro
  6176. >we
  6177. 10:14
  6178. Ghidorahnumber1
  6179. I'm thinking about drawing a comic
  6180. 10:14
  6181. ShodaiGoro
  6182. >inb4 SEELE
  6183. About?
  6184. 10:14
  6185. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6186. (Gendo) <(But since he is gone, we will have to adjust.)
  6187. 10:14
  6188. Ghidorahnumber1
  6189. The scene in Mecharanger where they form Dai Sentai-Oh and kill the secondary Big Bad
  6190. *form for the first time
  6191. 10:15
  6192. Thegoldnguy
  6193. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(...r-right.) *She sounds a little shaken, which is unnatural for her.*
  6194. 10:15
  6195. ShodaiGoro
  6196. Who is the secondary Big Bad?
  6197. 10:16
  6198. Thegoldnguy
  6199. *Meanwhile, on Monster Island, a very worried Minilla is searching for his foster father...*
  6200. 10:16
  6201. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6202. (Gendo) <(....Is there a problem?)
  6203. 10:16
  6204. Jay's Soviet Wing
  6205. I just came back from watching Pokemon to see Godzilla getting his severed head crushed xd
  6206. 10:16
  6207. Ghidorahnumber1
  6208. The robot general Epsilon
  6209. 10:16
  6210. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6211. (IguanaGoji) *watches the sunset, having sensed his successor's death, eyes silent with rage*
  6212. 10:16
  6213. Thegoldnguy
  6214. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(It's just...) *There's a long pause.*
  6215. 10:17
  6216. Ghidorahnumber1
  6217. The real big bad is Garflas, a demon pretending to be a robot
  6218. 10:17
  6219. ShodaiGoro
  6220. Are the villains original?
  6221. 10:17
  6222. Ghidorahnumber1
  6223. Yes
  6224. 10:17
  6225. ShodaiGoro
  6226. Any returning ones?
  6227. 10:17
  6228. Ghidorahnumber1
  6229. A few
  6230. 10:17
  6231. ShodaiGoro
  6232. If there are any KR villains, especially if it's Kamen Rider Duke, I can help
  6233. 10:18
  6234. Ghidorahnumber1
  6235. Who's that
  6236. 10:18
  6237. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6238. (ShinGoji) *silently returns to the sea, leaving humanity alone for the time being, due to his lack of energy*
  6239. 10:18
  6240. ShodaiGoro
  6241. Villain from Gaim
  6242. (KRDU)
  6243. 10:18
  6244. Ghidorahnumber1
  6245. Hmm, maybe
  6246. 10:18
  6247. ShodaiGoro
  6248. The guy who made the Sengoku Driver
  6249. His real name is Ryoma Sengoku
  6250. 10:18
  6251. Thegoldnguy
  6252. *GDF units scramble surrounding Godzilla's corpse.*
  6253. *scramble,
  6254. 10:18
  6255. ShodaiGoro
  6256. He's a mad scientist, and kind of a man child
  6257. I say kind of because of...
  6258. Ghidorahnumber1
  6259. Because I plan on Gaim appearing and mentoring Neptune Ranger in the art of sword fighting, along with Shinken Red
  6260. 10:19
  6261. ShodaiGoro
  6262. ...you know how all the regular Lockseeds say stuff when being used?
  6263. Like
  6265. 10:19
  6266. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6267. (Gendo) <(You didn't anticipate that he could be beaten.)
  6268. 10:19
  6269. ShodaiGoro
  6270. "KNIGHT OF SU~PEAR!"
  6271. And the like?
  6272. That was his idea.
  6273. 10:19
  6274. Ghidorahnumber1
  6275. yes
  6276. 10:19
  6277. Thegoldnguy
  6278. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(No...)
  6279. 10:20
  6280. ShodaiGoro
  6281. He thought it was cool
  6282. 10:20
  6283. Thegoldnguy
  6284. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(B-but we do have a failsafe.)
  6285. 10:20
  6286. Ghidorahnumber1
  6287. Oh Goldn, BTW
  6288. Gyaos made a complete rip off of the AstroGodzilla plot last night
  6289. 10:20
  6290. ShodaiGoro
  6291. To the point that when he dons a Genesis Driver and becomes Duke, his Energy Lockseed is the only one to say anything.
  6292. Most just play music
  6293. 10:20
  6294. Thegoldnguy
  6295. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(...are you still doing the whole mech creation thing?)
  6296. 10:20
  6297. ShodaiGoro
  6298. Lemon Energy Arms gets
  6300. You are now away.
  6301. 10:21
  6302. Ghidorahnumber1
  6303. And this rip off of Astro pissed Astro off so bad it forced him to wake up
  6304. You are no longer away.
  6305. So prepare
  6306. 10:21
  6307. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6308. (Gendo) <(You want me to bring back your 'pet' then?)
  6309. 10:21
  6310. ShodaiGoro
  6311. Yeah
  6312. 10:22
  6313. Thegoldnguy
  6314. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(Precisely. Look at your screen.)
  6315. 10:22
  6316. Ghidorahnumber1
  6317. And when we called him out he tried playing innocent
  6318. 10:22
  6319. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6320. (Gendo) *looks at his screen*
  6321. 10:23
  6322. Ghidorahnumber1
  6323. Tengen PM
  6324. 10:23
  6325. ShodaiGoro
  6326. In Movie War Full Throttle, Duke actually gets a final form
  6327. Dragon Energy Arms
  6328. 10:23
  6329. Thegoldnguy
  6330. *GDF units are scrambling to attack helicopter cables to Godzilla's torso. His crushed head is being cut up, in the hopes the brain is still intact*
  6331. 10:24
  6332. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6333. (Gendo) <(You want me to bring back the dead?)
  6334. 10:24
  6335. ShodaiGoro
  6336. Duke is a minor villain, but responsible for a lot of crap that goes down in Gaim
  6337. 10:24
  6338. Thegoldnguy
  6339. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(...yes.)
  6340. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(Hopefully he will be under our control.)
  6341. 10:25
  6342. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6343. (Gendo) <(Does this mean you're fully on board with NERV's funding?)
  6344. 10:26
  6345. Thegoldnguy
  6346. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(As long as this doesn't turn into another Unit-01, I'll continue to fund your plans.)
  6347. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(...or another Kiryu, as it were.)
  6348. 10:27
  6349. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6350. (Gendo) <(.... Very well. I will keep you informed, but this will take a while, if we manage to do so at all.)
  6351. 10:27
  6352. Thegoldnguy
  6353. (GDF Commander of Japan) <(Right...)
  6354. 10:27
  6355. Ghidorahnumber1
  6356. ...Does anyone have the slightest idea on how to pitch a comic idea to a company?
  6357. 10:28
  6358. Thegoldnguy
  6359. and now i gtg
  6360. 10:28
  6361. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6362. ..... has anyone been recording this?
  6363. because before you go, goldn
  6364. 10:28
  6365. Gallibon the Destroyer
  6366. o/
  6367. 10:28
  6368. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6369. I have refreshed a couple times, and lost most of it.
  6370. 10:28
  6371. Gallibon the Destroyer
  6372. Jay might.
  6373. I might.
  6374. 10:29
  6375. Jay's Soviet Wing
  6376. I have
  6377. 10:29
  6378. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6379. okay
  6380. 10:29
  6381. Ghidorahnumber1
  6382. I have the whole thing
  6383. 10:29
  6384. Tengen Toppa Lazengann
  6385. save it in a pastebin, or something
  6386. please
  6387. because krazar wants to read it, as well as we need it for the page
  6388. 10:30
  6389. Gallibon the Destroyer
  6390. Welp
  6391. He did it
  6392. ShinGoji crossed the MEH
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