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a guest
Mar 13th, 2021
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  1. -- [Game-Configuration]
  2. -- Attention: This file is re-generated by the system! Editing is not recommended!
  4. cl_bob = 1
  5. cl_controllersensitivity = 45
  6. cl_invertController = 0
  7. cl_invertMouse = 0
  8. cl_sensitivity = 45
  9. cl_voice_volume = 1
  10. dt_enable = 0
  11. g_blood = 0
  12. g_buddyMessagesIngame = 1
  13. g_displayIgnoreList = 1
  14. g_enableAlternateIronSight = 0
  15. g_PSTutorial_Enabled = 1
  16. g_quickGame_map = "multiplayer/ia/armada"
  17. g_quickGame_min_players = 1
  18. g_quickGame_mode = "InstantAction"
  19. g_quickGame_prefer_favorites = 1
  20. g_quickGame_prefer_lan = 1
  21. g_quickGame_prefer_mycountry = 1
  22. g_startFirstTime = 0
  23. hud_crosshair = 6
  24. hud_showAllObjectives = 0
  25. hud_subtitles = 0
  26. i_forcefeedback = 1
  27. i_mouse_smooth = 0
  28. net_enable_voice_chat = 1
  29. r_Brightness = 0.58
  30. r_Contrast = 0.52
  31. r_Fullscreen = 1
  32. r_Gamma = 1.01
  33. r_Height = 480
  34. r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.015
  35. r_VSync = 1
  36. r_Width = 640
  37. s_DialogVolume = 1
  38. s_MusicVolume = 0.6
  39. s_SFXVolume = 1
  40. sys_spec_GameEffects = 1
  41. sys_spec_MotionBlur = 1
  42. sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 2
  43. sys_spec_Particles = 1
  44. sys_spec_Physics = 1
  45. sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1
  46. sys_spec_Shading = 1
  47. sys_spec_Shadows = 1
  48. sys_spec_Sound = 1
  49. sys_spec_Texture = 1
  50. sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1
  51. sys_spec_Water = 1
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