
Revenge of the Serval

Dec 8th, 2020
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  3. >It's been almost a year since the disappearance of your teacher
  4. >It happened all so suddenly. One day she was there, and then the next, she was gone.
  5. >All of the adults were acting really strange for a long time
  6. >Some of them seemed like they were angry at her
  7. >Others pretended like she never existed
  8. >All you knew is that something bad happened and then she had to leave, but nobody would tell you or your friends why
  10. -----------------------
  12. >It made you very upset to lose your favorite teacher
  13. >She was really cool and nice
  14. >Out of all the teachers, her hugs were the best
  15. >Even better than Ms. Ursa's hugs
  16. >You must have cried for days when you heard that she was never coming back
  17. >Your parents got really upset and made you talk to a police officer when you told them she was your best friend at school and that you would miss playing games with her during recess
  18. >You can't remember what he asked you exactly, but the questions were really weird and made you uncomfortable
  19. >They said she hurt another kid in your class very seriously
  20. >They had to have been lying. You know your teacher really well, and you know she'd never hurt anybody
  21. >Multiple adults came in and asked you the same thing over and over, but in different ways
  22. >It made you mad how they all wanted to make her seem like a bad person
  23. >After the people at the police department were done asking you questions, they talked to your parents
  24. >They seemed to be less worried now, but dad said you were all going on vacation to Mexico to try and forget about everything
  26. -----------------------
  28. >It was really cool to see the beach for the first time
  29. >Your parents said you could go anywhere as long as you stayed inside the resort fence
  30. >You were building a sandcastle at the far end of the long strip of beach when something caught your eye
  31. >Could it be?
  32. >No way.
  33. >She's too far away to be certain, but... You swear you can see her
  34. >Ms. Serval?
  36. -----------------------
  40. >You jumped to your feet and dashed to the fence
  41. >Your heart was racing. Through a small crowd of people, beach chairs and umbrellas, you could see an anthro relaxing comfortably with a drink in her hand
  42. >A lump formed in your throat. That had to be her
  43. >Before you knew it, you ran the short distance into the water to go around the fence
  44. >Big mistake
  45. >The fence was anchored to a rocky outcropping
  46. >Not only were the rocks sharp, the waves threatened to take you off your feet
  47. >You had to see if it was really her though. No matter what, you had to make it to the other side to go see
  48. >Just as you cleared the rocks, a wave crashed over your back and sent you tumbling head over heels towards the sandy beach
  49. >You barely had enough time to see the serval anthro standing from her chair to leave towards the hotel before another wave pummeled you face-first into the sand
  50. >Crap crap crap! She's getting away!
  51. >By the time you reached solid ground, the anthro was halfway to the hotel
  52. >You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, shoving through beach-goers to keep up with the anthro
  53. >Oh no, she's about to take a corner
  54. >You can't lose her! Not now!
  55. >You wanted to call out, but you were too embarrassed. What if it's just a stranger?
  56. >You skidded to a stop as you rounded the corner. "Wait!"
  57. >But there was nobody there
  58. >Only a long awning, and about a dozen hotel room doors
  59. >Your lungs burned from the mad dash to catch up to the anthro
  60. >Something else was burning too
  61. >Your feet... OH MY GOD, YOUR FEET
  62. >Blood pooled below you from the several deep, burning gashes in your feet
  63. >Panic quickly set in and you began to feel like you were going to faint
  64. >This was bad... It would take at least 5 minutes to walk back to the hotel room from here
  65. >You didn't even know where your parents were
  66. >You shuffled forward a few steps before falling to your knees
  67. >You felt sleepy, and the world was going dark
  68. >Using the last bit of strength left in your body, you called out for your teacher
  70. -----------------------
  74. >This always happened to you when you started bleeding
  75. >Even a small amount made you want to faint
  76. >it took every last ounce of effort to call for help again
  77. >Your voice came out as a pathetic whimper as you again struggled to remain awake
  78. >You were starting to get scared. You knew you were in danger, and you knew your parents were going to kill you when they found out you went outside the fence
  79. >A few feet away, you heard a door slowly open
  80. >You heard a female gasp in panic, then whisper, "What the fuck!?"
  81. >Sand sprayed everywhere as the serval dashed from the door to your side
  82. >It was her
  83. >You could hardly believe it
  84. >But the excitement wasn't enough to keep you from drifting off. You felt so cold and light headed
  85. >The last thing you remember before falling asleep was Ms. Serval's terrified voice
  86. >She sounded hushed and afraid
  87. >"Anon, what.. what's going on? Who brought you here?"
  89. -----------------------
  91. >it was like drifting in and out of a dream for a little while
  92. >You remember her yelling at somebody on the phone in a hushed voice
  93. >She really sounded afraid.
  94. >"Yes, I know you fucking told me to lay low! I'm telling you, this is NOT-- NO. Fuck you. Just do it, have it ready by tomorrow morning!"
  95. >You started to become more coherent as you felt cloth being tightly wrapped around your feet
  96. >For some reason you were on the bathroom floor
  97. >Ms. Serval was sitting on the edge of the bath tub, still wearing her bikini.
  98. >Your ankle was held securely between her thighs while she frantically treated your cuts
  99. >"Miss Ser-"
  100. >She cut you off in that panicked, hushed voice again.
  101. >"Anon, we have to be quiet, and you have to tell me why you're here, right now. Please, you *have to* tell me."
  102. >She sounded so afraid that you began to worry
  103. >"Um... I'm just here on vacation with my parents. I missed you a lot and when I saw you I wanted to come see if it was really you."
  104. >Somehow your answer seemed to make her even more upset
  106. -----------------------
  109. >She shook her head in disbelief. Tears began to well in her eyes as her tone turned to anger.
  110. >"Anon, I'm serious! What the fuck are you doing here? Who's trying to find me? The cops? Your dad? Is your dad trying to find me or something? I don't-"
  111. >Her chest heaved with quick, panicked breaths. You'd never seen your teacher like this before, and it scared you.
  112. >Without warning, she reached down to pull you up off of the bathroom floor. Her muzzle was inches from your nose, and her paws squeezed your shoulders painfully.
  113. >She whispered, "You're the bait, aren't you? They're using you to prove it's me. Why else would you be here?"
  114. >The serval jumped to her feet and dashed out of the bathroom, leaving you confused and afraid. In the next room, you could hear her rifling through drawers.
  115. >You stepped forward to see your teacher frantically stuffing her belongings into a suitcase.
  116. >You began to cry. You didn't even know what to say.
  117. >"Why are you doing this...? Why did you leave school? You were my favorite teacher, how come you didn't tell us you had to go?"
  118. >Ms. Serval thrust the last wad of clothes into her bag and struggled with the zipper. It must have caught on something.
  119. >"FUCK!"
  120. >You cried even harder, now genuinely afraid.
  121. >The feline's tail twitched angrily behind her as she collected herself.
  122. >"Anon, you have to stop crying. Right now."
  123. >She turned to face you and asked you again, very slowly.
  124. >"Before I brought you in here, were you with anybody? Parents? Brothers, sisters, police- anybody?"
  125. >Your face scrunched up as you fought back tears.
  126. >"No... I snuck across the fence to see-"
  127. >Ms. Serval rushed to the bathroom and knelt down in front of you.
  128. >Her voice was hushed and stern.
  129. >"Listen, anon. This is very important. I don't have time to explain anything, but I need you to come with me to my truck. We're going to go somewhere, ok?
  130. >Your spirits seemed to lift. You were going to get to drive with Ms. Serval?
  132. -----------------------
  134. >You had always wondered what your teachers were like ouside of school. The leading theory was that they lived in their classrooms.
  135. >"Really? Where are we going?"
  136. >"Just get in and I'll tell you, alright?"
  137. >You nodded your head, and before you knew it, you were being pulled out of the bathroom. Your foot ached, but you could manage.
  138. >Ms. Serval grabbed her suitcase, cleared her throat and took a deep, cleansing breath.
  139. >She reached for your hand and held on to it tightly before opening the door to the hot afternoon weather.
  140. >As you walked out the door, you noticed a patch of freshly disturbed sand where you had been bleeding
  141. >You hardly had time to look with how quickly she was pulling you towards her vehicle.
  142. >It was an old, ratty looking land cruiser with faded blue paint
  143. >"Can you give me a hint?"
  144. >She squeezed your hand in response and hissed, "Shh. I'll tell you once we get going. Just hurry up, come on."
  146. -----------------------
  148. [Anon's Parents]
  149. >The Mexican authorities were incompetent at best, and completely apathetic at worst.
  150. >They insisted they could not take a missing persons report until 24 hours after Anon was last seen
  151. >To make things worse, the language barrier made communications nearly impossible
  152. >Hotel staff didn't want to seem to get involved
  153. >Locals brushed you and your wife off
  154. >Even the Embassy didn't offer much in the way of help
  155. >Nearly 30 hours had passed before you were able to speak with a detective who spoke fluent English
  156. >When he met with you and your wife to take the report, he spoke quite bluntly.
  157. >"Sr. Anon, I understand your concern. I regret to tell you this, but this is not the first time we have seen a kidnapping in this area. Quite frankly, there is nothing we can do until you receive a ransom. This is how these circles operate. I suggest you gather your savings and have cash on hand. Typically they will call you 2-3 days after your child has gone missing. I'm very sorry. I wish we were equipped to handle these kinds of cases, but all I can do is to tell you what to expect."
  158. >Hours passed
  159. >Days
  160. >That phone call never did come.
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