

Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. Crate:
  2. #Type of crate (CSGO/QuadCrate/QuickCrate/Roulette/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker/Wonder/Wheel/War/Cosmic(This requires a additional info to work.)).
  3. CrateType: CSGO
  4. #Name of the Inventory if a GUI crate.
  5. CrateName: '&8Basic Crate'
  6. #The name of the inventory that will be in the preview GUI.
  7. Preview-Name: '&8Basic Crate Preview'
  8. #Starting amount of keys when the player 1st joins.
  9. StartingKeys: 0
  10. #If the crate shows in the /cc GUI. (If the crate type is QuickCrate/CrateOnTheGo/FireCracker then the Crate will not work. Quick Crate requires a Physical Crate.)
  11. InGUI: true
  12. #Slot the item is in the GUI.
  13. Slot: 21
  14. #Enables/Disables the Broadcasts message when they open a crate.
  15. OpeningBroadCast: true
  16. #Message that is broadcast when opening the crate.
  17. BroadCast: '%Prefix%&6&l%Player% &7is opening a &7&lBasic Chest&7.'
  18. #Item the crate is in the GUI
  19. Item: 'CHEST'
  20. #If the crate in the main /cc GUI is glowing or not.
  21. Glowing: false
  22. #Name of the item in the GUI.
  23. Name: '&7&lBasic Chest'
  24. #The lore of the item in the GUI.
  25. Lore:
  26. - '&7This crate contains strange objects.'
  27. - '&7You have &6%Keys% keys &7to open this crate with.'
  28. - '&7&l(&e&l!&7&l) Right click to view rewards.'
  29. Preview:
  30. #Turn on and off the preview for this crate.
  31. Toggle: true
  32. #How many lines the previewChest should have. Including Header and Bottom (Between 3 and 6)
  33. ChestLines: 6
  34. Glass:
  35. #Turn the glass boarder in the preview on and off.
  36. Toggle: true
  37. #The item that shows in the boarder. Can be glass or any other item.
  39. PhysicalKey:
  40. #Name of the Key.
  41. Name: '&7&lBasic Crate &b&lKey'
  42. #Lore of the Key.
  43. Lore:
  44. - '&7A special Key'
  45. - '&7For a special Crate.'
  46. #The item the key is.
  47. Item: 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK'
  48. #Makes the key look enchanted.
  49. Glowing: true
  50. #All the prizes that can be gotten in the Crate.
  51. Prizes:
  52. 1:
  53. DisplayName: '&a&lGlass (x32)'
  54. DisplayItem: 'GLASS'
  55. DisplayAmount: 1
  56. Lore:
  57. - '&6&lChance: &c&l30%'
  58. MaxRange: 100
  59. Chance: 30
  60. Items:
  61. - 'Item:GLASS, Amount:32'
  62. 2:
  63. DisplayName: '&a&lSteak (x32)'
  64. DisplayItem: 'COOKED_BEEF'
  65. DisplayAmount: 1
  66. Lore:
  67. - '&6&lChance: &c&l30%'
  68. MaxRange: 100
  69. Chance: 30
  70. Items:
  71. - 'Item:COOKED_BEEF, Amount:32'
  72. 3:
  73. DisplayName: '&a&lApples (x32)'
  74. DisplayItem: 'APPLE'
  75. DisplayAmount: 1
  76. Lore:
  77. - '&6&lChance: &c&l30%'
  78. MaxRange: 100
  79. Chance: 30
  80. Items:
  81. - 'Item:APPLE, Amount:32'
  82. 4:
  83. DisplayName: '&a&lOak Logs (x32)'
  84. DisplayItem: 'OAK_LOG'
  85. DisplayAmount: 1
  86. Lore:
  87. - '&6&lChance: &c&l30%'
  88. MaxRange: 100
  89. Chance: 30
  90. Items:
  91. - 'Item:OAK_LOG, Amount:32'
  92. 5:
  93. DisplayName: '&a&lAcacia Logs (x32)'
  94. DisplayItem: 'ACACIA_LOG'
  95. DisplayAmount: 1
  96. Lore:
  97. - '&6&lChance: &c&l30%'
  98. MaxRange: 100
  99. Chance: 30
  100. Items:
  101. - 'Item:ACACIA_LOG, Amount:32'
  102. 6:
  103. DisplayName: '&e&l£5000'
  104. DisplayItem: 'SUNFLOWER'
  105. DisplayAmount: 1
  106. Lore:
  107. - '&7Make it rain a bit of Money.'
  108. - '&6&lChance: &c&l10%'
  109. MaxRange: 100
  110. Chance: 10
  112. Commands:
  113. - 'eco give %Player% 5000'
  114. Messages:
  115. - '&7You just won &a£5000&7.'
  116. 7:
  117. DisplayName: '&a&lGolden Apples (x8)'
  118. DisplayItem: 'GOLDEN_APPLE'
  119. DisplayAmount: 1
  120. Lore:
  121. - '&6&lChance: &c&l20%'
  122. MaxRange: 100
  123. Chance: 20
  124. Items:
  125. - 'Item:GOLDEN_APPLE, Amount:8'
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