
Whois Mods

May 7th, 2011
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  1. ## Whois mods by Sebastien - last uupdate: 29/12/2019
  2. ## $comchan alias from someone in a help chan somewhere.
  3. ## If you touch at something below this line, you WILL fuckup something.
  4. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. alias ww { .enable #whois | whois $1 $1 }
  7. #whois off
  8. raw 311:*: {
  9.   echo $color(notice) -a2 14[4###14] $iif($me == $2,Looking at yourself?,/whois7 $2)
  10.   echo -a2 7Nick:14 $2
  11.   echo -a2 7Address:14 $3 $+ @ $+ $4
  12.   echo -a2 7FullName:14 $6-  
  13.   halt
  14. }
  15. raw 379:*:{ echo -a2 7$usermodes:14 $6- | halt }
  16. raw 378:*:{ echo -a2 7Hostname:14 $6- | halt }
  17. raw 307:*:{ echo -a2 7Services: 3This nickname is identified and logged-in | halt }
  18. raw 319:*: {
  19.   echo -a2 7Channels:4 $sorttok($3-,32,c)
  20.   $iif($2 == $me,halt,echo -a2 7Common:11 $AdoComChan($2))
  21.   halt
  22. }
  23. raw 312:*: {
  24.   echo -a2 7Server:14 $3
  25.   echo -a2 7Description:14 $4-
  26.   halt
  27. }
  28. raw 330:*:{ echo -a2 7Username: 4 $+ $3 $+  | halt }
  29. raw 338:*:{ echo -a2 7Host:14 $3 | halt }
  30. raw 307:*:{ echo -a2 7 $+ $2 $3- | halt }
  31. raw 301:*:{ echo -a2 7 $+ $2 is away:7 $3- | halt }
  32. raw 313:*:{ echo -a2 7Status:14 $5- | halt }
  33. raw 310:*:{ echo -a2 7 $+ $2 14 $+ $3- | halt }
  34. raw 335:*:{ echo -a2 7Bot: 14Is a Bot on $network (4BOT14) | halt }
  35. raw 671:*:{ echo -a2 7SSL: 14Is using a Secure Connection (4SSL14) | halt }
  36. raw 320:*:{ echo -a2 7Title: 14 $+ $1- | halt }
  37. raw 317:*:{
  38.   echo -a7 7Idle:4 $duration($3)
  39.   if ($4 isnum) echo -a2 7Online:14 $asctime($4)
  40.   halt
  41. }
  42. raw 318:*:{
  43.   echo $color(notice) -a2 14[4###14] End of Whois for7 $2  
  44.   linesep -a
  45.   .disable #whois
  46.   halt
  47. }
  48. alias AdoComChan {
  49.   var %AdoComCh = 1
  50.   while (%AdoComCh <= $comchan($1,0)) {
  51.     var %AdoComLi = %AdoComLi $comchan($1,%AdoComCh)
  52.     inc %AdoComCh
  53.   }
  54.   if (%AdoComLi == $null) { return None }
  55.   else { return %AdoComLi }
  56. }
  57. #whois end
  59. #EOF
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