

Oct 4th, 2011
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  1. #exec conky
  3. bind F1 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "next" -c "echo Fullscreen!"
  4. bind F2 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "vsplit" -c "next" -c "echo Layout 1"
  5. bind F3 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "echo Layout 2"
  6. bind F4 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "focusright" -c "next" -c "vsplit" -c "next" -c "focusleft" -c "resize 200 -40" -c "next" -c "echo Layout 3"
  7. bind F5 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "vsplit" -c "next" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "focusdown" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "echo Layout 4"
  8. bind F6 exec ratpoison -c "select -" -c "only" -c "vsplit" -c "next" -c "focusdown" -c "hsplit" -c "next" -c "echo Layout 5"
  10. #Workspaces stuff
  12. exec rpws init 10 -k
  14. # Set the prefix key to that of somthing I have almost never used..
  15. escape notsign
  17. #Set the contrl-t key to something easier
  18. # this will change the behavior of ratpoison to use a single control key instead of the combination of the ctrl-t.
  19. # The control key set by this string is the "right control" key on the right side of keyboards, it will also mean you can use the notsign key as an alternate.
  20. definekey top Control_R readkey root
  21. definekey root Control_R link notsign
  22. unbind C-t
  24. #Stop startup mesg
  25. startup_message off
  27. #use the app name rather than title in the window list
  28. defwinname name
  30. #app groups? let me know if you figure out groups
  31. #gnewbg one
  32. #gnewbg two
  33. #gnewbg three
  35. #copypasteselectedhighlightedlinks into browser
  36. bind g exec xxxterm -n `$RATPOISON -c getsel`
  38. #search for highlighted by using copy the escapekey + \ to paste that directly into a search engine
  39. bind backslash exec xxxterm -e "tabnew`$RATPOISON -c getsel`"
  42. #I prefer smaller fonts for information stuff
  43. set font fixed-8
  44. set winname name
  45. set winfmt %n %s %t
  46. set winliststyle column
  47. set wingravity center
  48. set transgravity center
  49. set maxsizegravity c
  50. #this next one gives enough room for my conky script to fit in
  51. set padding 0 12 0 0
  52. set border 1
  53. set barborder 0
  54. set barpadding 4 4
  55. set bargravity ne
  56. set inputwidth 350
  57. set fgcolor grey
  58. set bgcolor #090909
  59. set fwcolor grey
  60. set bwcolor #343434
  61. set waitcursor 3
  62. set historysize 50
  63. set maxundos 50
  64. #still not got the grip of this next one
  65. rudeness 12
  67. bind a exec ratpoison -c "echo `date '+%A %d %B, %Y %R'`"
  68. bind B exec ratpoison -c "echo `acpi -V | sed 's/ //g'`"
  69. bind c exec sakura
  70. bind C-c exec vte --reverse
  72. #pointerstuff
  73. exec xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
  75. #alias keys within ratpoison
  76. bind semicolon colon
  77. bind colon exec
  78. #bind greater gnext
  79. #bind less gprev
  81. #following to automate the use of tmpwm
  82. bind C-M-space exec ratpoison -c "tmpwm icewm-light" -c "echo returning you to ratpoison"
  84. # I found that post return to ratpoison that my terminals ie sakura and vte were messed up a little
  85. #so as a work around I suggest uding teh following line whch will open up a new Xserver on ctrl+alt+F9
  86. bind C-M-Insert exec startx /home/$USER/.xserver2instruct -- :1
  88. #the following do not need the escapekey to action C=Control s=mod4 S=Shift M=Alt
  89. #the following sets up the winkey (mod4) as a launch modifier (as an alternate to the defaults not using the winkey.
  91. #definekey top s-Print exec scrot ~/Pictures/screenshots/'%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S--$wx$h.png'
  92. #definekey top s-x exec xlock
  93. #definekey top s-F1 exec /usr/bin/xxxterm
  94. #definekey top s-F2 exec sakura -e alpine
  95. #definekey top s-F3 exec sakura -e weechat-curses
  96. #definekey top s-F4 exec xnview
  97. #definekey top s-F5 exec pcmanfm
  98. #definekey top s-F6 exec leafpad
  99. #definekey top s-F7 exec pcc
  100. #definekey top s-F8 exec gksu dbus-launch /usr/sbin/synaptic
  101. #definekey top s-F9 exec Ted
  102. #definekey top S-s-Return exec sakura
  103. #definekey top s-r exec dmenu_run
  104. #definekey top s-Escape delete
  105. #definekey top s-XF86Back prev
  106. #definekey top s-XF86Forward next
  109. #
  110. #if you do not have a winkey then dont worry as the following to use a mix of the ctrl and the alt keys
  111. #
  112. #control &Fkeys used to prevent issues with workspaces
  114. definekey top C-F1 exec /usr/bin/xxxterm
  115. definekey top C-F2 exec sakura -t alpine -e alpine
  116. definekey top C-F3 exec sakura -t weechat -e weechat-curses
  117. definekey top C-F4 exec xnview
  118. definekey top C-F5 exec pcmanfm
  119. definekey top C-F6 exec leafpad
  120. definekey top C-F7 exec pcc
  121. definekey top C-F8 exec gksu dbus-launch /usr/sbin/synaptic
  122. definekey top C-F9 exec Ted
  124. definekey top M-Print exec scrot ~/Pictures/screenshots/'%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S--$wx$h.png'
  125. definekey top M-x exec xlock
  126. definekey top M-Return exec sakura -t Terminal
  127. definekey top M-r exec dmenu_run
  128. definekey top M-Escape delete
  129. definekey top M-XF86Back prev
  130. definekey top M-XF86Forward next
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