
[f-list] ryan x adelaide

Jan 10th, 2018
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  1. [17:20] Ryan James watched as the elevator doors slid apart, stepping out first as he rolled his handbag out behind him, looking left and then right to see which way there room was. His mother and he were at a hotel for a bit of a vacation to spend some quality time together as he had been gone for soccer camp as he was a rising young-star. It came with some hassles as they had to go through a small crowd of people that recognized him, mostly girls which could be reasonable given his decent looks. It also came with benefits - their original room was double booked but the employee at the front desk recognized him and offered them a better room, albeit it having one bed which they didn't mind as Ryan thought he'd sleep on the couch or something. They turned to the right as he looked at the directional numbers on the wall, going over to the door and sliding the card in as he opened the door, his forever young and beautiful looking mom trailing behind him. As he entered, he marveled at the size, setting his handbag aside and walking around. "This room is amazing, don't you think Mom?" he asked, turning to her with a smile on his face. He noted the massive king sized bed, jumping into it and sprawling out as he lifted his head and noticed that the shower and the rest of the bathroom was completely visible from here.
  2. [17:39] Nurture trailed behind him at a safe distance, a wheeled suitcase in tow bulging with clothing. Besides exchanging words with the staff and working out the situation, her mouth had been uncharacteristically closed--most of her attention was focused instead on the environment around them. Her eyes were far more expressive, so wide looking at the scenery (even the rather averagely carpeted hallways) that they scarcely had time to relax until they had gotten to the room. Upon witnessing her son leap onto the bed seemed to snap her out of her trance, however, and her expression softened into a kind smile. "...Yeah. It is." Part of her wanted to drink in the decoration and the style, but the other--the dominant part-- led her to walk over to the bed herself and flop down herself, partially overlapping her son in the process despite the large size of the mattress. "It's been five years, but it's like you've barely changed," she teased, and propped herself up on her elbows to look at him. "Guess they taught you a whole lot of soccer and not so much manners. I might have to straighten you out."
  3. [17:45] Ryan James watched as his Mom slipped into the bed with him, feeling her up against him before she propped herself up to speak. He laughed, responding, "Sorry Mom, probably shouldn't have jumped into the bed like that!" he responded, "it's just nice not to have to worry about practice and training and all!" he said, lifting himself up to sit on the bed as he looked at her with his bright blue eyes. He then hopped out, walking over to grab both their suitcases and bags and bringing them towards the closet. "Do you need anything from any of your bags Mom?" he asked, opening up his own as he shuffled through it, pulling out a pair of shorts and a blank white t-shirt. The sun was setting and he thought he'd get a bit comfortable, willing to change after if they decided to get out of the room later if at all. He stood up and turned to look at her, grinning then realizing there may be a problem, at least in his eyes. "Hmmm, where should I get changed?" he questioned, looking at his Mom and then the open concept bathroom.
  4. [17:58] Nurture shook her head and stretched out her arms across the length of the mattress like a cat, pressing her fingers into the warm spot where he had sat moments prior. "I'll get it myself, my tops are pretty buried. You know me, always overpacking." With this announcement she slipped off the bed to her feet just in time to hear his second inquiry. "Anywhere's fine. Just 'cause you haven't been around doesn't mean we aren't related." Even so, the tank top she was wearing was straining to contain her chest, and the tight capris on the bottom were pretty damning as well. Anyone would be tempted. As she set about unzipping and digging through her own luggage for her own relaxation attire (a holey heather gray tee intended to be worn with nothing more than her panties), another thought came to her mind and bubbled forth from her glossy lips before she could stop it. "Unless you need me to dress you like I used to~." Her eyes, too, flicked toward the bathroom and its open-faced design. Such a thing could prove dangerous.
  5. [18:09] Ryan James laughed sheepishly and ruffled his hair, "Oh, yeah, of course we're related! Just thought y'know, but whatever I got it!" he said, moving towards the bed as she shifted in to get her stuff. He couldn't help but notice how his Mom's top could barely hold her bust in and her capris showed off her amazing curves. He shook his head as he took his blue sweater off, revealing his slim but toned upper body before slipping the t-shirt on which hugged his body. He then unzipped and unbuckled his pants, responding to her before pulling them off, "I'm not thaaaat young Mom" he said with a chuckle, pulling them down and momentarily revealing his boxers which sported a generous bulge before stepping into his shorts and pulling them up to cover it. He then walked over to the balcony behind the bathroom (sort of like this [drkarchitects.com]), taking in the cool air before coming inside and closing the sliding glass door. He went towards the bed and took a seat, looking at an instruction manual of how to turn lights on and off and how to bring the shutters down for the large windows.
  6. [18:20] Nurture produced the object of her desire just in time to sit back on her haunches and watch him change, cursing herself for the sudden dryness in her mouth and the momentary rapture she had been caught in by the display. Shaking herself, she discarded the jacket around her shoulders and peeled away the tank top, thinking nothing of reaching behind her and unhooking her restrictive bra next. Though the cups were more than properly sized, the edges still indented the supple flesh just a bit, and to remove the lacy black article was akin to releasing the floodgates. Just as quickly as she exposed herself, however, she had pulled the overlarge shirt over her head and the only evidence left was the faint outline of her nipples against the cotton. Next, of course, were her capris; beneath were a pair of unremarkable bikini panties, which were also covered in short order by the top. "Much better," she remarked breathily before striding back to the bed. She hoisted herself up onto the mattress and sat herself cross-legged, leaning over to look over his shoulder at the manual. Her breasts, of course, brushed against his thinly covered back. "Might want to be careful going out on that balcony, especially dressed like that," she murmured after a moment of unintended silence. "Those groupies of yours might steal you away from me!"
  7. [18:30] Ryan James had barely noticed her slip out of her clothing and bra, only spotting her in shirt which had her nipples poking against it. He was so focused on the manual that he hadn’t noticed his Mom had gotten into the bed, only realizing after he felt her mounds brushing up against his backside, causing him to raise his eyebrows and gulp slightly. He then responded, “oh, uh, yeah I guess you’re right, it’s not like I’m in my boxers though right?” He said with a sheepish laugh, his mind wandering a bit due to her breasts being up against him. He then turned around to her after setting the manual down, hugging her as he felt them press against his chest, “don’t you worry, you’ll always be my favourite women Mom, nothing can change that okay, not even groupies” he said, letting her go and chuckling as he looked into her eyes and smiled. “So, what do you want to do? It is getting late I guess!” He said, laying out on the bed beside her.
  8. [19:00] Nurture pushed her hands into the gap between her legs, taking the hem of her shirt with it and causing it to mold even more tightly around her chest. The embrace was warm and she barely thought anything of it, but she found herself a bit cold after the fact. "Well... my go-to is usually drinking, but you're not quite old enough and I don't feel like going back to the lobby." Addie fell back herself as if mimicking him and ran her tongue over her lips as if lamenting her lack of drink. "We should just spend some quality time together, all that mother-son bonding I missed out on by sending you off." She rolled onto her side and supported her weight on her elbows. "Maybe a shower. I know we just got changed, but I can't help but feel grimy. That heat is relentless, and I can't help but wonder what it's like for you, training and all that." She extended her finger and ran it in circles over his chest in an idle fashion. "This suite doesn't give us much privacy, huh?"
  9. [19:07] Ryan James stared up at the ceiling and then looked over at her as she laid in the bed too now. “Ohh yeah, even if I was old enough my coach would probably make me run laps if I even thought about drinking, or smoking for that matter! But you taught me not to do either and I still keep that in mind!” He said, looking at her as he said it. “His eyes slightly lit up at her idea, hesitating at first, “Uhm, a shower? I mean, I do typically take showers before sleeping and you are right about feeling grimy right now cause of the heat in the room...” he said, feeling her finger trace around. “Well, it’s getting dark anyways, I doubt nobody would be looking in at this time!” He said, not really thinking straight. “So, I guess we’re going to take a shower...?” He asked, confirming it more so than not.
  10. [19:24] Nurture couldn't help the smirk that curled onto her lips, an involuntary and sly expression. "What are you, nervous?" she jabbed, though she couldn't detect any embarrassment in his voice. "It's only weird if you make it weird." With these words spoken and hanging in the air, Adelaide once again swung her legs over the side of the bed. In one combined, fluid motion, she moved toward the clear opening to the bathroom and twisted the shirt off her head, tossing it in a corner with a thought that she would pick it up later. It's not that she was having amorous thoughts about her son; the moment with him dressing was a fluke. Feeling his muscular body through that t-shirt was a fluke. What could prove that like taking a shower together naked after 5 years apart? What could possibly go wrong? These thoughts swam through her head as she stepped out of her underwear and underwent the same process as her top, leaving her pale, curvaceous body in full view from her very neatly trimmed, well-maintained blonde bush to the pale pink color of her areola. After taking a moment to consider how the temperature control worked, she brought the shower to life, undoing her sloppy bun while waiting for it to heat up.
  11. [19:29] Ryan James laughed, “I’m not nervous!” He exclaimed, more surprised at the fact that his Mom wanted to take a shower with him. But if this is how she thought they could bond after 5 long years, he wasn’t going to say no. “I won’t make it seem weird, promise!” He said as he watched her get out of the bed and stripping down, giving him a view of her amazing plump ass cheeks as she stood in the shower, turning it on. He jumped up instinctively, sliding his t-shirt of and setting it down on the floor, pulling his shorts and boxers down in one motion, exposing his thick, long limp. He walked over to the shower, stepping into it and standing behind her as he looked down at her amazing rear, looking up then, admiring her as the shower heated up.
  12. [19:44] Nurture stretched out her sore shoulder muscles beneath the comforting torrent of hot water, relishing the feeling of all those knots releasing (even if it was all in her head). "I was worried about you all that time, you know," she mused as her blonde locks darkened and became heavy with liquid. "I know you called, but it's just not the same as seeing you in the flesh. It's like the water is washing all those worries away..." It waxed poetic, and she laughed at how cheesy her own words were, but they flowed from her mouth just as easily as water flowed from the shower head. Content with how wet her body was, she moved to exchange places so that the stream could be better shared. It was impractical, but allowed her a glimpse at his body. It was completely innocuous. "How hard did they work you? You've grown so much it's like I sent my son and got a different boy back!" The steam rising from the hot water was intoxicating in a strange way; it made her a bit lightheaded, but she didn't think anything of it. Silly remarks and teasing, all par for the course.
  13. [19:58] Ryan James laughed as she did, responding as he watched her hair and body get wet, “Well, I guess I understand what you mean! It’s definitely nicer to be able to see you and talk to you in person rather than over a phone! & did you start taking up poetry or something Mom?” He teased, stepping into the water and letting it hit his body, tilting his head back for it to reach his neck down. He looked over at her as she backed up, getting a good look at her round luscious breasts before stepping in front of her, lowering his head and letting the water dampen his long blonde hair, he soon lifted his head, slicking his hair back slowly so not to splash water into her face. “Oh, they put me through the gauntlet” he said with a laugh, “but it was all for a reason, I got a lot fitter, stronger, and faster!” He said, laughing as he playfully flexed his muscles before lowering his arms. “I’m still your son Mom! Just bigger and a bit more toned I guess thanks to countless hours of training and playing soccer” he said.
  14. [20:09] Nurture blinked a couple times and got half a mind to pinch herself. She didn't, instead choosing to laugh it off. "Yeah, I see that! You always were pretty muscular, though. Maybe I should've put you to work on my aching ba...ck." Her voice trailed off because her brain was more occupied with the lightbulb popping out of it. Without warning, she reached around him to grab the chintzy little hotel body wash from the sill and squirted a liberal amount into her hands. Considering the meager height difference between them, she saw no difficulty in lathering the gel over his shoulders and back muscles, snickering to herself as she pressed that initial contact into his skin, still cold despite the environment. "How about we wash each other? I'm not just trying to get a massage out of you because my shoulders are strained. Promise."
  15. [20:26] Ryan James laughed and raised an eyebrow as he saw her hands reach around him, noticing that she was going for the bottle. He felt her hands run along his backside and shoulders. “He laughed, suuuure mom, I’ll wash you too!” He said, chuckling. “You know, I could give you a massage if you need, watching the masseurs at the facility may have given me some tips and tricks, and I’d love to give you a massage too!” He said, breathing out and then relaxing again. “My turn?” He asked, wondering if she was done or not.
  16. [20:36] Nurture continued to work the suds all over his body, her deft fingers even daring to brush over his ribs to scrub his front, keeping it distinctly above the belt despite the devil on her shoulder telling her otherwise. She was more than content this way anyways, dipping her fingertips into the contour of his muscles, paying special attention to his abdomen and being unable to avoid her chest pressing against his back in the process due to its sheer volume. "Sorry, sorry," she'd continuously mumble into his ear on such occasions. The only action that she should've apologized for--deviously slipping her hands under his arms with no warning--she didn't, instead accentuating it with a hearty laugh. "Now it's your turn," she responded at last, giving him a moment to rinse before once again switching places, grateful for the returned touch of the water on her goosebump-addled skin. "Make me proud!"
  17. [20:59] Ryan James: (5 mins, sorry)
  18. [21:13] Ryan James felt her hands cover his body in suds, tilting his head back to wash his face a bit and to enjoy his mother’s soft loving touch. He could feel her getting closer, and chuckled each time she’d apologize for pressing her breasts up against him. It was weird, she wanted to share the shower but was trying not to get into contact with him in certain ways but he brushed the thought off. He then slipped behind her as they switched spots, grabbing the bottle of soap after having moved her long blonde hair to the front of her body, squirting it out onto his hands. He started to lather her neck first, running his thumbs dow along the back as his fingers gently pressed into her skin to help loosen any knots, moving his hands along her shoulders and squeezing slowly, pushing up with his palms to massage them. After doing that for a few seconds, he slid his hands along each of her arms and then turned his attention to her back, lathering her soft skin as his hands traced down, stopping right before her plump ass cheeks.
  19. [21:23] Nurture couldn't help but shiver despite the high temperature, a shock going up her spine in response to the tough kinks in her muscles being coaxed away, the shower hissing away behind them. With no will to suppress them, a few gasps and near-moans escaped her lips and were mostly swallowed by the racket of the rest of the shower, and she moved her arms out for easier access when he got to them. When he stopped, however, her lips curled into that smirk and she exhaled a long breath through her nose. "Having second thoughts~?" she asked in a decidedly singsong tone, that pesky shoulder devil threatening her again. The jab was followed by a semi-joking, perhaps involuntary action: she stuck out her hips towards him, putting her thick rear dangerously close.
  20. [21:27] Ryan James laughed sheepishly, “oh, no just, admiring your amazing figure Mom!” He said, his hands instinctively sliding along each plump cheek, covering them in suds and getting underneath them, cupping them and beginning to wrap his fingers around them before stopping. He then knelt down, running his hands along her legs and down to her feet. He trailed his hands up along the inside of her legs until he almost reached the lips of her pink snatch, stopping just before as he stood up and got closer, his thick semi-erect length slipping between her legs as he ran his hands along her hips and her ribs, then over to along her stomach. “No second thoughts, see?” He said with a laugh, his thick length peeking out in front between her legs.
  21. [21:39] Nurture looked down at the member between her legs and shook her head, pushing her cheeks against his pelvis as to increase contact; the feeling of his shaft rubbing against her lips was almost ethereal. "I really wasn't kidding when I said you'd grown," she remarked with a wide grin. One of her hands snaked down to gently grasp it (albeit at an awkward angle), while the other came to rest on top of his hands on her stomach. "I just want to know how you knew I was a little wound up in areas other than my shoulders..." After a couple of jerky strokes, the woman paused and turned around, breaking free of her son's light grip to face him and push her shoulders flush against the cold tile wall. She hissed through her teeth at the temperature, contrast, but wasted no time taking his cock in her grip, lazily stroking it while she provoked him verbally. "You're not even fully hard, are you? You're already bigger than your father..."
  22. [21:49] Ryan James laughed, “Well yeah I have grown Mom, no doubt about that!” He said. He felt her hand grasp her hardening length. “Well you’re my Mon, I felt that you were tense and were uncomfortable, so I thought I’d get more comfortable for you!” He said. He watched her Mom turn and press herself against the wall in front of him, exposing her luscious, round breasts to him. He inches closer as she stroked his thick, hardening cock, replying to her, “nope, not hard yet, but at this rate I will be!” He said with a chuckle. “Really?” He asked when she told him about his father, inching closer to her. He placed his hands on her hips smiling at her as his eyes trailed down and stared at her breasts.
  23. [21:57] Nurture , flushed from a combination of the hot shower and his sudden forwardness, could hardly handle anything but a nod. Sure, she was planning at SOME point to at least imagine that going inside of her, but the fact that it was actually in front of her, about to happen, left her at a loss for words... bar a snarky (and entirely untrue) "Yeah! By half a centimeter." Her toothy smile showed that she was joking; her husband was a nice, average 5-ish inches. Though much of her focus was on the hardening, throbbing mass in the palm of her hand, she couldn't help but notice his line of sight. She dropped his member gently and instead opted to dig her fingers into her breasts, holding them up and showing off just how much give they had, encouraging him to touch for himself. "See? They don't bite. You're the one that wanted to be less tense, remember?"
  24. [22:05] Ryan James chuckled as she joked about the difference. He loved how she stroked his thick length and was surprised when she suddenly dropped it, then realizing why she did that. “Oh yeah, sorry, was too busy staring at them I guess...” he said, bringing his hands up and cupping her large white milky breasts, wrapping his fingers around them and filling his palms. He gave them a good squeeze, playing with them, moving them up and down slowly. His index and thumb fingers then trailed to her nipples, grabbing them between them and gently tugging them as he explored his mother’s breasts. “They are definitely amazing Mom!” He exclaimed, a grin on his face. Almost instinctively, he leaned in, placing his face in the middle and enjoying g the feeling of her breasts before pulling back, staring at her nipples. He stuck his tongue out and licked each of her nipples, circling them and then wrapping his lips around them, suckling them gently before stopping g himself, lifting his head and straightening up. “Oh uhmm, sorry Mom, I just, got carried away I guess!” He said with a sheepish laugh, running a hand through his slicked hair.
  25. [22:15] Nurture arched her back and gasped all the way through his ministrations, knotting her fingers in his wet, golden hair and adopting a pouting look when he pulled back, though his shy response afterward destroyed any negative feelings. "You didn't do anything wrong," she cooed, leaning forward to lock her fingers around his neck and press their wet bodies together, her breasts once again being crushed against his solid chest. His cock bobbed between her legs again. In an instant, her lips were at his ear, and her tongue was running over the lobe preceding a command combined with a question. "Go lay in the bed. Decide whether you want me to blow you first or not." She closed her sentence with a hard nip followed by a meaningful look, then spun around to set about turning off the shower water while she waited for him to do as he was told... or take initiative for himself.
  26. [22:22] Ryan James smiled as she said he did nothing wrong, his eyes widening as she got closer to him, hugging his body, her luscious breasts pressing against him. He felt his growing length press up between her soft lips, looking into her eyes as she inches closer and then went towards his ear. Once she spoke and told him what she wanted, feeling her play with his ear, he stared at her as she pulled away. He stared at her amazing rear before nodding to himself awkwardly, turning and walking over to the bed and laying it in, grabbing his thick length from the base and stroking it. He always found his Mom attractive, more than attractive, she was the most beautiful and sexiest woman he knew, he certainly wasn’t going to turn down a blowjob from her. “I want you to blow me off...Mommy” he said, unsure where that came from but his heart and mind were racing.
  27. [22:32] Nurture followed closely behind, grateful to be out of the sauna-like shower but cursing the cold that came with the evaporating water. His decision--no, the word he used in his decision was almost enough to short circuit her as she came around the bed, gradually drying hair sticking to her skin. It was like a switch was flipped in her, one that drove her to clamber onto the bed and lay down partially on her side, legs tucked in close, all but face to face with her son's huge cock. She gingerly removed his stroking hand from his dick and took it in her own two hands, poising her head just above the swollen glans, already leaking delectable precum. "Don't worry. Mommy will swallow every last drop." Her tongue lolled out, her gag reflex relaxed, and she swallowed two-thirds of his length, taking it into her throat with a mild glutting noise, making solid eye contact through her lashes. Those blue irises were clouded with lust, a side effect of her son's natural musk and distinct taste. In the meantime, one of her palms dared to cup one of his massive balls, massaging it with the utmost care.
  28. [22:43] Ryan James watched his Mom walk over and into the bed, laying out in front of his massive length, watching her stroke it and producing some precum. He noticed how she used the word Mommy too, thinking she may enjoy it, perhaps not having heard it from him since before he left for soccer camp. He nodded, “I won’t worry at all Mommmy” he responded, laying his head flat against the pillow as she swallowed most of his thick almost completely hard length, moaning out, “Mhmmmnn-fuuuuck”. He couldn’t believe how she took his thick cock so effortlessly. “Mommy, your mouth feels so amazing, and you almost took it all!” He exclaimed. His hands moved up and grabbed her hair, pulling it back behind her head for her, returning her lustful gaze, smiling at her as he felt his balls being caressed, tilting his head back momentarily before looking back at her.
  29. [22:59] Nurture didn't respond in fear of losing her focus, but instead rewarded the nickname with a gentle hum, the vibrations of her throat reverberating around his shaft. With her tongue sticking out just beyond her lower lip, pressing forward juuust an inch before the rest of her mouth, and a little bit of focus, she was able to take his entire cock, if only for a second. It was a heavenly second, with most of his manhood lodged deep in her throat, but in spite of her best breathing the mother had to pull back up, offering increased suction and a nice, thorough tonguing of a protruding vein as apology. Except to blink, not once did she break his gaze, bobbing her head up and down and focusing on those big blue eyes, a mirror image of hers. With each twitch and throb, she increased her suction for a split second as a reward, or lashed at the entire length with her tongue, not speaking a word but merely focusing on coating every square inch the full erection with saliva.
  30. [23:07] Ryan James felt the vibrations from her throat, making his thick cock bulge and twitch inside. He then felt her take every last inch of his length into her mouth and feeling himself deep inside her throat, he moaned out again, “Yessss Mommy!” He then looked down at her as she began to bob her head up and down, feeling his thick cock bulge and twitch,. The way she sucked his cock, converting every inch with her saliva, it was making the teens balls churn, never feeling this sensation before. “I-I’m going to cum Mommy!” Admittedly it was a lot faster than one would expect from a teen like himself, but his training made sure he never masturbated or anything, abstaining from it all. As she sucked his cock more and more, his heavy balls tended up, causing him to push his Mom down to the base of his cock, “I’m cumming!” He exclaimed, blowing his first (presumably as he was a young buck) deep into his mother’s throat, shooting into her stomach practically as he lets go of her, laying back and ph
  31. [23:07] Ryan James pumping his thick hot load into her mouth.
  32. [23:20] Nurture felt something deep inside of her from the slight contraction of those supple balls beneath her palm, and something deep within her stomach as those ropes of thick, hot, virgin cum flowed directly into her throat, catching her by surprise and causing her eyes to bulge out. It was unexpected, but she continued to suck even as he orgasmed, taking great pride in those loud, unbridled moans and slowly returning her eyes to the half-lidded state, content with a stomach full of her son's semen. He shot his first load into his loving mother, who proudly pulled off with a web of thick, healthy cum still sticking to her tongue and connecting it to his head. She allowed him a second to savor the sight before pressing her lips back onto the shaft one more time, pulling off with a satisfied pop and leaving nothing but a flaccid, clean cock behind. "Good... boy," she gasped, the bitter, salty taste of cum still lingering in her mouth and burning her throat. It was a delectable taste, and seemed all the sweeter for coming from her son. However, as she was eager to remind him, they weren't done yet. "Your turn~," she murmured seductively, crawling over him so that their noses were practically touching and their pelvises nearly aligned. "I know that's not all the cum you have. Mommy wants you to flip her over and empty the rest of those tight, pent up balls into her womb." One hand reached behind her and spread her exceedingly moist, lubricated pussy lips with her middle and index fingers. "What do you say? Want to mating press mommy until she can't walk? Fuck her into the mattress?"
  33. [23:36] Ryan James watched as his Mom gave him the lustful view of sliding his cock out of his mouth with cum sticking between the two. He listened to her as she spoke, inviting him to be one with her by going inside the place he once came out with his thick hard cock, her lustful questions enough to get him hard again as he simply nodded, lifting his head and kissing his Mom on the lips deeply, tugging on her bottom lip as he pulled away, his hands moving to her plump ass cheeks, lifting himself from under her and making her lay down on her backside, taking his thick cock head and lining it up with her dripping wet slit, “I’m going to fuck you into the mattress Mommy, I’m going to pound you into it till my cock blows my thick hot load straight into your womb!” he exclaimed, pushing the head of his cock inside and then placing his hands to the side as her tight pussy began to swallow it, thrusting forward to fill her with half of his length, her stomach forming a bit of an outline of his thick cock as he pushed it inside, “fuuuuuck you’re so tight Mommy!” He exclaimed.
  34. [23:44] Nurture had severely underestimated that cock. Even a fraction of those huge, pulsating eight inches being crammed into her pitifully neglected cunt was enough to make her mind go blank. All she could think about was her son's ridiculously large penis and how it was stretching her to her limits and bulging out her stomach, a feat that made her arms shake when she threw them around his neck, intending to pull him in for a kiss but digging her nails into his muscular back instead. "M-mommy... can't... handle... it won't fit," she gasped a weak retort, but her body betrayed her - her legs were weakly trying to wrap around his lower back, desperate for more contact, more of that delicious, veiny shaft pressing down on every orifice and pushing right down on her g-spot. She felt uncomfortable full and bloated and it wasn't even all the way in... but she needed more. "Just be g-gentle... nngh!"
  35. [23:55] Ryan James leaned in to kiss his mother deeply as he let her dig her nails into her backside, pulling away from her as he straightens his back out, making her arms slide off as he placed his hands on her thighs, spreading her legs apart as he slowly pushed his thick length further inside, inch by inch. He watched as he made her stomach bulge out the further he went inside her, placing one hand along it and sliding it along it before reaffirming his grip on her thigh. “I’m almost completely inside Mommy!” He exclaimed, sliding his length inside to the point that his warm, thick cock head pressed up against cervix, feeling the resistance and not pushing forward. “You’ve got an inch of my cock to go Mommy, but I can push it in slowly anymore...” he said, placing his hands on her sides.
  36. [00:04] Nurture had, at this point, become a mess. The massive amount of stimuli had caused her to squirm and toss and turn in her son's clutches, tears forming in her eyes from his sheer girth, back arching away from the mattress (soaked with sweat and excess shower water) on the regular. "Ry-ahh! Ry-ahn..." she called weakly, tangling her hands in the sheets (as they had nowhere else to go), staring with huge, passion-filled eyes at that bulging outline, her heart rattling her rib cage like a prisoner on death row. The feeling of his hands on her sides made her jump, eliciting a startled gasp that quickly melted into a moan that was three-fourths pleasure, one-fourth agony. That swollen, bright red cockhead about to be aimed directly at her womb, and there was nothing she could do about it; her son was about to seed her deeper than her husband ever could have, shooting directly into her used womb. The prospect cleared her mind entirely, made her crazy. "C-cram it in, honey! Mommy w-wants... needs... all of you..." In preparation for the tough penetration, she seized him by the back of the neck and crashed his mouth into her parted lips, forcing her tongue into his mouth and refusing to let him go; his white hot semen would coat every inch of her cervix, and he would swallow her moans.
  37. [00:13] Ryan James listened to his mother’s moans and returned her kiss, pulling his hips back and pumping his thick cock into her, hitting her cervix and pushing through, entering her womb with the cockhead, stretching the space out with his thickness, pressing his body into hers as he moved his hips slightly as he reached a climax, his length bulging and twitching as his balls seized up, pumping a bucket of cum into her womb directly, quickly filling it and making her stomach inflate from it. His cum began to fill the rest of her tight wet hole, leaking out from the crevices of her hole plugged by his thick base. He moaned into her mouth his hands sliding down to her ass as he squeezed each cheek, lifting her legs and wrapping them around her waist as he pushed himself down onto her. His cock continued to pour out the last few ropes of his thick heavy load, down to the last drop of the sticky white substance.
  38. [00:27] Nurture screamed as he forced his way in, constricting her legs around his waist like a snake suffocating its prey, both of her hands eventually coming to rest at her sides where they resumed clawing at the bedsheets, keeping the lip-lock going until the final drop (at which point her tongue limply fell from her mouth and she returned his earlier favor of holding onto her bottom lip). The onslaught of semen bloating her stomach led to a whole new set of cries and moans as she felt herself fill to the brim with forbidden semen, the massive quantity well-matching those nice, large balls that she had so coveted only moments earlier. Those last few twitches and that final press, guaranteeing the flow of all that semen into her womb, were seared into her memory, a snapshot imbibed in sweat and semen. After the fact she went relatively limp, her ample chest rising and falling steadily as she fought to catch her breath, but she made no move to remove the huge insertion... or her legs to allow him an exit. "Let mommy... savor... this moment..." she mumbled half-cohesively, her parted lips swollen and glossy with mixed saliva and cum. That extra inch hurt, but she couldn't bear to ask him to separate. After a moment or two, she smiled. "I guess a honeymoon suite was fitting after all, huh..?"
  39. [00:36] Ryan James felt his thick hot sticky cum around each inch of his length, his mother keeping him pressed against her body as she broke the kiss finally, biting his lip as he had done before. He never thought that his first time would be with his own mother. & he couldn’t believe that he came inside her womb, her forbidden place, pumping it full of his thick white cream to the brim till there was no more room but to stretch her out with it. He looked down at her inflated stomach, and then back at her as he lets her savour it. He did so too, etching this day into his brain and making sure to never forget it. He smiled and chuckled slightly as she spoke, “Yeah, it definitely was fitting, Mommy...” he said, leaning in and kissing her softly and raising his head, waiting for her to release him so that he could let her cum filled womb and snatch empty the overflow of fun out. “Whenever you want, I’ll pull out Mommy, and if you want, we can just go to sleep like this and you can lay on top of me...” he said with a smirk, passionately kissing her again.
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