

Jan 12th, 2019
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  1. The Common Law Court and the Court of Equity.
  3. Since there is no more Court of law only court of Equity. A CORPORATION can file an injunction in a court of Equity not in Common Law. Courts of Equity can neither see nor hear truth. They are the court of fiction.
  5. Common Law is for the living and Roman Civil Law is for the dead.
  6. Artificial Persons cannot contract they cannot speak nor hear or have life.
  7. The court can only concern itself with the dead not the living since there is only the court of Equity available.
  9. Now there was a raid that happened in British Columbia and the RCMP were enforcing a court order a CORPORATION file an injunction in the court of Equity. A CORPORATION cannot voice an opinion in the lands of Custom and Usage same way the chief and Council cannot voice an opinion who enters in those lands. The courts are corporations the law firms are corporations the RCMP are corporations how did they prevail over Indians that claim that they had Tribal Sovereignty. This I know the Indians cannot use the white man's common law and you have to have civil liberties to use the courts and civil liberties are not given to Indians. Civil Liberties are rights guaranteed in the Constitution but since the Statute of Westminister the people have not ratify a Constitution so that means not even the Canadian citizen have civil liberties.
  11. There are two systems the Common Law and the Roman Civil Law and both systems the Indians have no rights but in the Roman Civil Law if they choose to be Enfranchised the government gives them Privileges and Benefits just like every member of the General Public. Enfranchisement meaning corporations. Those hereditary chiefs were they corporations did they have a name and surname in their title and were these names written in the upper case system if so then it had nothing to do with Tribal Sovereignty but fall under the jurisdiction of the government. I'm asking that question because it's important if the Indians want to defeat the government the wrongs must be corrected. Another question I like to ask did the Indians on British Columbia have any legal representation?
  13. Is how you identify yourself that's the key I identify myself as a Savage and a Signatory Indian a citizen of my own nation not a person or Inhabitant I was NEVER invited by Immigration and Naturalization Department of Canada to abandon my treaties to become a Citizen of Canada.. this is International Law.
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