

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. [21:51] <CDatWork> Last time: The party had undertaken a request from Miesta to check through a cavernous system of tunnels and openings under the surface of Aundair, believed to have been used by the Jade Talon as a hideout of sorts as well as a means of entering the city during the surprise attack a few days prior.
  2. [21:52] <CDatWork> As the party proceeds down the tunnel system, you quickly run out of arrow-markings on the walls, the signs that the Royal Eyes of Aundair had previously been down to map the area out and mark "correct" passages to return to the surface.
  3. [21:54] <CDatWork> While the tunnel walls down here are smooth and sheer, they seem to have been rendered that way naturally, instead of worked by human hand--or even goblin, if the stories of the Dhakaani Empire's breadth across Khorvaire in ancient times are to be believed.
  4. [21:54] <CDatWork> The air is dank and cold, winter's chill loath to leave the underground, and your footsteps echo distractingly down the rocky halls.
  5. [21:58] * Blaize frowns. "Why is everywhere we go cold?"
  6. [22:01] <Ethlem> Eth'lem's clothes shift and change back into its actual appearance of her layered robes and chainmail armour, which left her warmer in the chilly underground than the dress she'd been wearing a moment ago. "It is that time of year. It will get warmer once summer comes." she replies with a gentle smile
  7. [22:03] <Karkanna> "Because it's winter."
  8. [22:04] <Feldi> Lucu looks very comfortable and warm in her greatcoat. "Do you want to come fly next to me, Blaize~?"
  9. [22:05] <Blaize> "I hate winter. Should go somewhere there is no winter."
  10. [22:14] * Blaize flutters up ahead.
  11. [22:15] <CDatWork> The tunnel bends around on itself after several paces.
  12. [22:17] <Feldi> Lucu follows after.
  13. [22:17] * Karkanna tries to stay near the front.
  14. [22:19] <CDatWork> As the party rounds the next corner, a chamber with a handful of weakly-burning torches opens up. Aside from demon-heads carved into the archway leading in, it seems otherwise unremarkable...except for the half-dozen or so dwarf-sized beings that mull around, two of which happen to be facing your way.
  15. [22:19] <CDatWork> "Hey!" one shouts, and the others startle, beginning to move for weapons!
  16. [22:20] <Blaize> "...who are you guys? Do we need to beat you up?"
  17. [22:20] <CDatWork> The insignia of the Jade Talon is clear on their cloth-covered scale armor.
  18. [22:21] <Karkanna> "First round of these fuckers then!"
  19. [22:26] <Feldi> Lucu unsheathes her blades, grinning.
  20. [22:27] <Ethlem> Eth'lem sighs as she gains her usual silvery glow "Let's just get this over with."
  21. [22:29] <CDatWork> About half the group moves forward, assembling into something resembling a shield wall; these already are showing better tactics than most of the rabble the group has yet faced. "You're gonna be sorry for snooping around down here!"
  22. [22:40] * Blaize blitzes in before anyone else can land a blow, tapping one of the dwarves in the torso to leave a blazing sigil...and following it up with a kick that causes the sigil to explode in flames about her as she laughs.
  23. [22:43] <CDatWork> The primary target of Blaize's antics howls in fiery agony, bringing almost all the rest of them near her; two lash out with their axes!
  24. [22:49] * Feldi_ (Feldi@C8C1723.9DBF2498.9AFF55CC.IP) has joined channel #cdndic
  25. [22:51] * Blaize evades both of them, laughing. "Gunna have to do better than that!"
  26. [22:51] * Feldi (Feldi@C8C1723.9DBF2498.9AFF55CC.IP) Quit (Ping timeout)
  27. [23:06] * Karkanna charges in, smashing one man backwards with her shield. "Alright needle-dicks, whoever wants some, get some!"
  28. [23:08] <Ethlem> Eth'lem moves up behind Blaize and swipes her arms forward "Kneel before the glory of Bahamut!" she exclaims, a ward shining around the monk while five of the dwarves get pushed back and knocked onto their asses.
  29. [23:15] <Victoria> "...and be devoured by the teeth of the dragon!" Victoria brings her staff down, sending ice along the ground from where the staff impacts like a shark along water, reaching the knocked-down enemies and expanding into a maw that closes upon them before shattering, leaving them torn and chilled to the bone. Her spell cast, she moves to get close to the others for safety.
  30. [23:17] <Feldi_> Lucu darts forward, still grinning, and takes an acrobatic leap through the air coming behind a shielded dwarf, and giving him a nick across the back of the neck. "Shouldn't leave your back turned~" She purrs at the enemy.
  31. [23:18] <CDatWork> The cultist dwarves begin picking themselves up off the ground, forming up again...this time, not charging forward, but waiting, weapons raised...
  32. [23:29] * Blaize grins, dashing right through the guards of the dwarves and turning into a spinning kick that sends a wave of flame spiraling out around her...
  33. [23:45] * Ethlem raises both her hands as she frowns at their opponents "Henchmen of evil, you throw yourself helpless at your enemy, now watch how all your damage is undone!" the light around her remains as Blaize glows once more, all of her injuries healing before their very eyes.
  34. [23:47] * Blaize sticks her tongue out at the dwarves.
  35. [23:48] <CDatWork> One of them tries to get around Karkanna near his allies--and his axe bites deep just below her shield.
  36. [23:51] <Feldi_> Lucu dances around a charging dwarf with a quickstep. "You'll have to be quicker than that if you want to lay a hand on us~"
  37. [23:51] * Karkanna shifts closer to Blaize. "A little blood ain't a damn thing, you want to get rid of me? You're gonna have to bring all your boys!"
  38. [23:55] * Karkanna bashes anyone who accepts her challenge with her hammer.
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