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Aug 4th, 2016
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  1. Chat History
  2. 20:09:49 CoffeeAmin : The breaking of the cone is a trial that all cooks should undertake so they can be judged by the cone and found worthy
  3. 20:10:10 oldskool : until we get the rice moving
  4. 20:10:29 oldskool : at that point i say we just start selling cones to any shop dumb enough to offer a copper for them
  5. 20:12:26 synthetik : used to be raw meat mountain
  6. 20:13:02 synthetik : theres a shop buying 87k raw meat for 2cp each
  7. 20:13:06 oldskool : raw meat at 150k is kind of a mountain range at this point
  8. 20:13:14 synthetik : i say sell him out with that crazy 150k pile we have
  9. 20:13:32 oldskool : i doubt that shop has 160k copper in it but if it does, why not
  10. 20:13:36 synthetik : Manual > Player Shops > Stone Shop
  11. 20:13:53 oldskool : another couple murderspree mondays and we'll be right back up, and it isn't like we can't survive on our remaining 80k raw meat
  12. 20:14:05 synthetik : wait thats the wrong one
  13. 20:14:39 synthetik : Grob Shop - Aeon Bay
  14. 20:14:47 Grumpy Aspersa :
  15. 20:15:00 oldskool : Manual > Player Shops > Stone Shop
  16. 20:15:11 oldskool : ?
  17. 20:15:17 synthetik : weird it was stone shop there, but Grob Shop on the item page
  18. 20:15:19 Kamaki : azerban I only have 4 available right now but I can cast them on you if you like?
  19. 20:15:30 oldskool : i say we do it
  20. 20:15:44 Ozzy : Dump the meat
  21. 20:16:04 Sirus TGS : So how bout that Grumpy snail?
  22. 20:16:17 LuckyGuy : I'm going to use 3.2k raw meat soon, don't sell all of it
  23. 20:16:34 Sirus TGS : Got a spot at your company for anything related to information security, software development, or both?
  24. 20:16:43 Meowth : dump the meat
  25. 20:16:49 LuckyGuy : oh wait, deffo sell half of what we have
  26. 20:16:57 Meowth : we have 145k raw meat
  27. 20:17:34 Grob G2G4 : Buying iron ingots.
  28. 20:17:47 oldskool : quick empty his store before he can buy up all the ingots
  29. 20:18:02 Meowth : if we dump raw meat in
  30. 20:18:06 Meowth : we can fill up his storage too
  31. 20:18:22 Meowth : who's in AB right now? just do it before he realizes
  32. 20:18:28 Ozzy : Slap him with the meat mountain. Do eeeet
  33. 20:19:12 oldskool : i'm on the way
  34. 20:19:48 Meowth : 11,435 stones, 35 pebbles (48,000 stones) <-- so he has 37k worth of space in there
  35. 20:20:12 Meowth : oh, but it's 4 meat per stone so we're mostly gonna take all his copper in the store
  36. 20:20:24 oldskool : Capacity 24,181 Stones / 3,700 Stones
  37. 20:20:28 LuckyGuy : lol
  38. 20:20:37 oldskool : timer to walk back to DF is 147
  39. 20:20:41 Meowth : if he manages to flip it he'll make a 500% profit
  40. 20:20:45 Meowth : it's in AB
  41. 20:20:53 synthetik : lmao
  42. 20:21:15 Oesor : put up a sell order keeping him from profiting
  43. 20:21:29 Crell : hahah
  44. 20:21:31 synthetik : ahahhaah its prob someone that doesnt een play anymore
  45. 20:21:40 Meowth : yeah put up a sell order for 2c
  46. 20:21:49 Meowth : synthetik: no he was advertising his store just now too
  47. 20:21:53 synthetik : whheeeeeeee
  48. 20:21:55 Meowth : hahahahaha
  49. 20:21:59 Meowth : nice
  50. 20:22:00 synthetik : no shit lmao
  51. 20:22:02 Ozzy : Yay
  52. 20:22:06 LuckyGuy : awesome
  53. 20:22:16 gwrtheyrn : laffo
  54. 20:22:19 Meowth : what do people even do with 87k raw meat
  55. 20:22:39 synthetik : complain that they screwed up their buying settings
  56. 20:22:41 oldskool : 20:22:31 From Grob : You really had to sell that much?
  57. 20:22:43 gwrtheyrn : make 43.5k stuffed peppers?
  58. 20:22:46 Meowth : hahahaha
  59. 20:22:48 gwrtheyrn : hahahaha
  60. 20:22:48 LuckyGuy : hahaha
  61. 20:22:48 Kamaki : hahaha
  62. 20:22:50 Ozzy : Hahaha
  63. 20:22:53 Meowth : say yes
  64. 20:22:54 Oesor : hahahah
  65. 20:22:56 Meowth : and ask if he wants any more
  66. 20:22:58 synthetik : i am laughing irl right now
  67. 20:23:07 oldskool : 20:23:02 To Grob : there's another 58,000 if you want it
  68. 20:23:18 LuckyGuy : this is beautiful
  69. 20:23:28 Meowth : hahahah
  70. 20:23:35 Oesor : put up a sell order for 2 or 3; he's the only meat on the market
  71. 20:23:36 Meowth : screenshot and post to thread
  72. 20:23:39 Meowth : yeah
  73. 20:23:43 oldskool : 20:23:36 From Grob : No, I don't. I didn't want that much at all. I should have put a cap on things, but I didn't realize someone would actually try selling 80k meat.
  74. 20:23:49 Meowth : put up 1k sell order or something
  75. 20:23:54 Oesor : laffo
  76. 20:23:54 Meowth : for 2c/per
  77. 20:23:57 Spyde : hahah
  78. 20:23:57 Meowth : to drive down the price
  79. 20:23:59 Meowth : l o l
  80. 20:24:00 Oesor : nah, 5k
  81. 20:24:02 Meowth : his fault
  82. 20:24:03 Spyde : so good
  83. 20:24:06 Ozzy : Most excellent
  84. 20:24:14 synthetik : dying
  85. 20:24:24 Meowth : Yeah, 5k works too assuming our store's big enough to hold it, yeah
  86. 20:24:32 Meowth : this is great
  87. 20:24:40 gwrtheyrn : this made my day
  88. 20:24:41 Oesor : meat mountain
  89. 20:24:53 Crell : :meat:
  90. 20:24:56 synthetik : its now a meat hill
  91. 20:25:00 Meowth : this is like that time we dropped 5k basic spellbooks on someone
  92. 20:25:02 gwrtheyrn : slapped with our huge meat rod
  93. 20:25:03 Ozzy : The sick part is we only sold half
  94. 20:25:25 Oesor : we transferred the title to meat mountain to him
  95. 20:25:52 Ozzy : The burgers are on him
  96. 20:26:13 Meowth : the sick part is that 2 months from now we're gonna end up with a meat mountain again
  97. 20:26:16 Grumpy Aspersa : they're always hiring
  98. 20:26:25 Grumpy Aspersa : do you want to live in or around Boston?
  99. 20:26:29 oldskool : months? if we keep up Murderspree Monday we'll be back before September
  100. 20:26:32 LuckyGuy : we'll be piling that mountain high again in no time
  102. Manual > Chat History
  103. Whisper History
  104. 20:22:31 From Grob : You really had to sell that much?
  105. 20:23:02 To Grob : there's another 58,000 if you want it
  106. 20:23:36 From Grob : No, I don't. I didn't want that much at all. I should have put a cap on things, but I didn't realize someone would actually try selling 80k meat.
  107. 20:26:11 To Grob : well, you'll never go hungry again
  108. 20:26:36 From Grob : Fuck you.
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