
Changie App

Sep 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Byond Key: King Destroyer
  2. Discord: Lil Dicky Pose#9990
  4. Character Name: Chomp (Now)
  5. Character Race: Beastmen (Now)
  6. Character Age: 20 (Now)
  8. Applying for: Changeling
  10. Goals using applied for Race/Rank/Skill:
  11. Either go for the ranked spot if I get the chance if I have to remake even though it is locked. Become a good conflict and help humans/humanoids while turning into the next monster that will either unite the forces for a moment or further split them under power and conflict.
  13. Example of RP:
  14. Rime would slowly move his hand to the cold snow holding it in his hands. It had been months since he was sent away from his home planet to go and scout other planets to see the different life forms that held the planet. Luckily for Rime, he landed in a space where it was cold and chilly which reminded him of his home just to a lesser scale. The planet had a mixture of different biomes which did not upset Rime, just he hated truly leaving the cold area. Soon, he would have to leave as inside sources were giving him words of a movement between Monkey people and beast people. It seemed interesting, but he would not yet sully his clean body to go into the dirty animal caves. Rime did not know much about the planet's inner workings, but he understood enough to know the skin sacs sat above and the animals sat below. It could never happen to his family, but this was not his family.
  16. Rime's cape started to swirl as the wind pressed the air harder with the nippy breeze dancing across his cheek. He did not say anything with his eyes slowly scanning the white abyss. A silence that was only interrupted by the rapid swirling of the snow and wind as the world started to form a storm. A smile came to his face as the natural armor that covered him from head to toe kept him warm in the snow. Rime stood on top of a hill which left the sky swirling wildly, his ship being left behind broken up behind him while he crashed it. Rime only moved back to the ship when he needed to grab resources. Rime did not know enough about the planet, but he quickly found representation with lizard-like animals. They seemed to praise a Sobek, and they followed some green creature that provided Rime evidence on where he needed to show up.
  18. He stood over the caves where all of the weaker beings were, he sat there with his power lessened as to not gain attention. Rime was not wanting to be spotted by what he considered beings who were lesser life forms than him. Rime took in a small breath looking for any more power levels in the area but did not find anything. The humans were not interesting in the male as he would slowly move his hands from under his cloak. The caves were where he needed to head, he slowly slides down from the snow walking and trekking form the cold area. He walked through the frozen blizzard as he had already explored this and brought back no information to the anger of his family. So he had to go find the caves in the deep side of the area going through the water making it to the next lands over.
  20. Rime escaped the depths of the water, shaking off the liquid using all of his toes to grip deep into the earth. Rime turned the wet sand into a firm grip for his three toes. His body moving forward with his legs still wet from the water, he would continue to move forward-thinking of the coordinates that were told to him. The male slowly moved to the scouter still worked while he looked at the coordinates. Rime was smiling as he had finally made it there sneaking through the back of the caves finally meeting the reptile once more.
  22. Rime would go see what the croc would think would be a friend as they would meet outside of a waterfall. The Croc would explain to the lizard man about his loss to the Saiyans and what they were going to do which made the male laugh. The Saiyans were not stronger than his family but they needed a little taming. The croc took a power that was not intimidating to the lizard as he sat there prepared to fight. The Croc would spill all it knew about the Saiyans and their power and not even that made Rime flinch at the words. It only pissed the male off at how useless the Croc made itself just that quickly.
  24. Rime would chuckle before holding up a finger and shooting a beam through the chest of the crocodile. The body went silent as it slowly dropped down before the male would continue to shoot beams through the body until it was vaporized. Rime would then dust himself off before shrinking in size. Rime reverted to a smaller form which would look less intimidating and big to the others. It would make him look like he was a smaller kid which he was compared to everyone else in his family. Rime stared into the cave and took in a breath having to change himself from the monster to something unassuming and wanting to help the people before his true change was. Rime was a monster deep down, but he had to act like he was not plotting against them. Rime was going to get inside of the group and then when he got in change them for the rule of his family or slowly take them down. If they were weak then he would become the leader.
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