
Text Adventure Chapter 42 Log

Jul 1st, 2014
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  1. >Inspect Frost Nova
  2. [The Windigo’s spirit inhabits the blade, and its magic is manipulatable. The user can tap into the vast power and create a ring of ice around them that causes heavy frost damage and immobilizes everything in its vicinity. (+75 MA AoE solid, immobilizes for 3 turns)]
  4. >Inspect Bulletin (Animal Aggression)
  7. It has come to the attention of the P.E.T.A. (Ponies for the Equestrian Treatment of Animals) that there is currently an instability in the ecosystem of Celestia’s country. Due to some unforeseen events, many animals that have not achieved sapience have become unruly and unusually aggressive. Please be on the lookout for any odd behavior of the wildlife and please have citizens refrain from disturbing their dens. It may be necessarily to tranquilize the animals, but if any ponies are in danger, we ask you not to harm them. Thank you for your time!
  9. (PETA Signature)
  10. Tulip Scent]
  12. [You give Pinkie the Hunting Bow and Quiver.]
  13. >You give a little yawn and stretch as you watch Iron Will and Gable leave to bring the sled back inside to the cave.
  14. “So uh… I’m not sure but I think it’s almost midnight. You guys want to set up camp here?”
  15. >Anon nods as he checks over AJ and the two guards.
  16. >”It’d probably be best.”
  17. “Then you get to make the fire, with your wood and your flamey fingers and that stuff. WE should probably check out the rest of the caves for anything that might’ve been left behind by those bears, like more bears. Or maybe they had stuff in their nest, who knows, better to check than not right? We might even find some ore for Anon here to slap with that pickaxe he got.”
  18. >The party affirms your course of action and you split up, Redheart and Pinkie going with you while the boys go about their own ways.
  20. >...
  22. >You find 2 small gems, and 2 bundles of sticks.
  23. >Across the caverns, you notice a coal vein, a crystal vein, an iron vein, and a gem vein.
  24. >You found a locked chest!
  25. >...
  27. >Everyone slowly returns to the central cavern, where you find that Anon’s made a pretty decent fire, and even put some stones around it just to keep it safe.
  28. >Redheart and Pinkie immediately rush from your side to go warm themselves up, which Iron Will and Gable are already doing.
  29. >”Oh, that feels so good… Thanks, babe. Torches only make you so warm.”
  30. >Pinkie hadn’t been as fast as Redheart to the fire, still just as happy as she usually is.
  31. >You could tell her mane’s a bit flatter now, though. Has been since the yeti.
  32. >”I dunno, I was pretty warm!”
  33. >”You’re wearing leather!”
  34. >Iron Will takes this moment to lead you over to the fire, and you sit tight and snug with him, gladly accepting the warmth of his lap’s coat.
  35. >Then a few minutes of silence overwhelms your party, as everypony simply enjoys the heat and tantalizing light of the flames.
  36. >...
  37. >”Oh… Where are we now...?”
  38. >”Applejack!”
  39. >Pinkie’s shrill voice and sudden movements breaks the tranquility of the cave as she hugs over the wakening Applejack.
  40. >”Whoa, H-hi Pinkie. Ah’m fine, really!”
  41. >Redheart shifts over to AJ and gives her a happy smile, checking her over with Pinkie still attached like an organ.
  42. >”You were out for a few hours. Do you remember anything that happened?”
  43. >AJ thinks for a moment, and her expression steadily grows darker as her eyes wander over to Gable.
  44. >”I can think of a few things, here and there.”
  45. “Whoa whoa whoa. Let’s catch you up, first.
  46. >You and Anon act as the main storytellers as you catch her up on the battle with the Windigo and the aftermath, as well as you filling in Anon on what happened while he was out.
  47. >They are very disturbed to hear the news about Cadance and the shadow, and Anon makes it a point to hurry in the morning.
  48. >”That there’s some progress we made, huh? … Hey uh, Gable, sorry about what I said, too. If I’da known ya were a good feller, I wouldn’t have been so hard.”
  49. >Gable nods solemnly, eyes closed in front of the fire.
  50. >”It’s alright. My apologies, too.”
  51. >”Just one question. Did we find any leads on Rainbow Dash, anywhere?”
  52. >You all look around at each other, Anon speaking first.
  53. >”Nothing. She wasn’t out here at all.”
  54. >A deep, profound morbid mood takes over the atmosphere, and you think of something to break it before it starts lowering morale.
  55. “Oh, found this instant dinner thing back at the outpost, guys, so we can have some actual food! Pinkie’s got some dessert afterwards, too!”
  56. >Ponk nods happily as you take out the dinner from your pack.
  57. >Well-reserved carrots, broccoli, peaches and hay is on the menu tonight.
  58. >You start heating it over the fire as your party start to converse, having a jolly old time for supper in the middle of a dank and dark cave out in a blizzard, miles from civilization.
  59. >You never thought you’d be a part of something like this.
  60. >When you first met Anon, you were just glad that he saved you from the destruction of Ponyville that night.
  61. >You’re still working off your life debt, but even if you weren’t, you’d follow him to the end.
  62. >There’s just something about him that makes him somepony to follow.
  63. >You’ve seen him screw up plenty of times, and yet, you want to see this journey out to the end, because you owe it to him.
  64. >You owe it to everyone here.
  65. >...
  66. “Alright, we need to get some sleep up in this cave. By the way Anon, don’t know if you wanna do it tonight, but there’s a bunch of veins out in the right side of the cave.”
  67. >It must’ve taken an hour for the party to get tired enough to sleep.
  68. >Anon nods as he takes off his chainmail cap, getting himself up.
  69. >”We’ll see with the veins. I need to make some potions anyways.”
  70. “Yeah, making some more healing potions to replace the ones we used sounds good. Oh, and make more darts, since you keep wasting them by missing!”
  71. >”Hey, wh-”
  72. “Now, so we don’t get any more trouble, let’s keep watch through the night. You for like, two hours, then Red, then Iron, then Gable. By that time, it should be warm out enough to leave, right?”
  73. >Everyone gives you a condescending look.
  74. “...What? I just spent the last how many hours ordering you guys around! I need my sleep if I'm going to be able to do anything other than drink and… er… drink.”
  75. >When they still stare at you, you quickly turn around and fall asleep with your head on Iron Will’s lap, snoring loudly.
  76. >But soon, you find yourself drifting off for real.
  77. >...
  79. >CHANGE
  80. >Who would you like to switch to?
  81. -Anonymous
  82. -Redheart
  83. -Pinkie Pie
  84. -Berry Punch (X)
  85. -Applejack
  86. -Gable
  87. -Iron Will
  89. >Anonymous selected
  90. [REDIRECTING MIND . . .]
  91. [Switches left: 2]
  93. >...
  94. >You are Anonymous.
  95. >Berry just fucked you over, but whatever, you had to do some brewing anyways.
  96. >”Well, goodnight, Anon. Don’t stay up too late now… Or do, it gives me more.”
  97. >Red giggles and gives you a kiss on your cheek when you bend down, and she takes one of the blankets from Berry’s pack and lays out a bed.
  98. >Iron, Gable and AJ do it likewise.
  99. >”G’night, gentlecolts.”
  100. >Gable is silent.
  101. >”Protein shakes for breakfast, brothers! Oh, Berry…”
  102. >Something starts to rustle their blanket.
  103. >Oh.
  104. >Oooh.
  105. “Hey Gable! Come over here for a minute.”
  106. >Anything to get your eyes away from that.
  107. >”What?”
  108. “Well, first, I want to thank you for scaring off the bears. That was really impressive, and I was just about to tell everyone not to kill the mother, too. Guess it worked out, didn’t it?”
  109. >He paws his way over as you open your pack and get out the sword that Berry gave to you.
  110. "So, I've been thinking about it, the whole thing with the Windigo... the thing was as strong as it was because of the anger and distrust in all of us. Your anger probably fed it more than anyone else, though. However, it was you letting go of that anger, and finally accepting our friendship that stopped it. So, I think it's only right that you have this."
  111. [You give Gable the Sword of the Windigo Spirit.]
  112. >Gable looks at the sword you’ve given him with interesting eyes.
  113. >You’re not quite sure what he’s thinking, but his talons grip the hilt of the sword very tight, like it’s his very own.
  114. >”...I… uh…”
  115. "Consider it a reminder of our friendship, and what we’ve learned. Whenever you feel like taking my head off over whatever ignorant stunt I've pulled, practice with that instead. Hell, you’ll be an expert in no time.”
  116. >”Maybe before…”
  117. “Aside from sentimental value... it probably cuts shit up pretty good, too."
  118. >He takes a single practice swing, and you can already tell he’s in love with it.
  119. >Gable stares at the blade as he holds it in front of him, examining the quality.
  120. ”I bet it does. It looks like it’s worth quite a bit, too. Just one of many treasures we’ll get, no doubt… Listen, I'm sorry about the outpost, what happened there and… getting so close to what I was going to do-”
  121. >”Don’t worry about it. I know it was just the stuff you absorbed like a dumbass.”
  122. “Right. You’re right, though. I never should’ve let it happen. When the shadow gets a hold of you, it makes you feel complete, as if you had lost a part of yourself a long time ago and it’s the piece that’s missing. Like you need it… It puts unnatural thoughts and feelings in your head. It gives you hatred and anger that isn’t your own, not unlike what that guard experienced in his journal. So, if you ever see anything getting taken over with any sort of shadow-like substance, do what you can to take it off, alright?”
  123. >Gable nods slowly, using his bag as a scabbard for the sword.
  124. >You’ll need to make sure you get a real one for him soon.
  125. >”Thanks for the sword, here. …”
  126. >Like clockwork, the two of you shake talon and hand, giving a respectful nod to each other.
  127. >You’re definitely real friends, now, however fire-forged.
  128. >”Goodnight, Anonymous.”
  129. “Night.”
  130. >He goes back to his blanket to get some shuteye, and he’ll definitely need it.
  131. >You’re now not sure whether to start brewing or start mining.
  132. >What would you like to do?
  134. Party members [7/7]: (* means not currently with Anon/party, (cc) means current character)
  136. >ANONYMOUS (cc) / SIR DUCKSALOT [HP: 25/25]
  137. [HP: 83/130][MP: 20/20][Stats: 20 PD, 25 MD / +10 PA, +15 MA wep / +75 PA ranged]
  139. Inventory: Med. Pamphlet (First Aid 101/Procreation), Med. Book (Diseases), Wallet, Bit pouch (1 bit), Roll of duct tape, Rope, Book of Dark Magic (W/ potential info about Shadow), Potion-making Kit, Blowdart, Blue herbs (5), Red herbs (4), Medkit (1), Supply Medkit (3), Small mana potion (2), Alchemy/Engineering Books (Transmogrification/Practical), Lifeleaf (6), Rizzleberry bunch (4), 9 oz. of Kablooie powder, 4 ounces of combustible powder, Wisp weed (5), 2 handfuls of bolts, Haze Flower (9), Yeti Hair (4), Gypsum (2), iPhone, Medical Expertise Books (Bleeding, clots, nasty gashes; stitches and poison treating), Fishing Rod and kit (Grants ability Fish), Pickaxe (+10 PA, grants ability Mine), (Book) Introduction to Architecture, Screwdriver kit (reduces bolt and screw cost by 3), Socket wrench kit (reduces wheel & axle and nut cost by 1), Foal’s Guide to Magic (Gives basic knowledge of magical theory, allows learning of basic level spells, levitation and luminate), 1 Oz. of Thermite, Four-Barrel Lead Ammo (23, +25 PA to fight), Black Marker, Hoofcuffs (3), Cock Ring, Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Expertise: Volume XXVII, Medium Healing potion (66% restore, 1), Map to the Tundra Outpost, 1 Bundle of sticks, Firewood (2), Window of Reality (Allows you to see into the future of different possibilities of your choices with limitations)
  141. >Current questlog (7/10 total):
  142. [Investigate Shadow] - Find it (0/1); Exterminate it (0/1); Report to Celestia (0/1)
  143. [Become a Legendary Doctor] - Master medical knowledge (0/1); Master medical experience (0/1); Doctor’s Kit (0/1); Master alchemical knowledge (0/1); Master healing spells (0/1); Get famous (Be known in Canterlot, Crystal Empire and Ponyville) (1/3); Learn Basic Psychology Knowledge (0/1)
  144. [Spear Mastery] - Learn Spear Juggling (0/1)
  145. [Spicing up the Bedroom] - Find Redheart’s fetish (1/Pegging); Improve foreplay (0/1)
  146. [Vigilante Justice] - Track down and take in the thieves that attacked Pinkie Pie (0/3); Take in the engineer responsible for ripping your schematic (0/1)
  147. [Mare in the Family] - Ask a high-level Unicorn about uncurable diseases (1/1); Find a way to help Charm Rose’s brother (0/1)
  148. [Just like Clockwork] - Travel to Appleoosa and speak to Frizzy Gear (0/1)
  150. Abilities: Basic hand to hand combat, Basic alchemy skills (Allows brewing of low-level potions and enchantments), Moderate medical use (+50% medkit efficiency, ½ chance to remove bleed/poison), Basic Veterinary knowledge (Allows kit usage on animals), Basic Engineering skills (Allows creation of simple mechanical devices), Ogre Dance (0-4 Fail, 5-9 Succeed, confuses enemy), Expert spear combat (+15 dmg, ½ crit chance), Call Shot (Call specific location to attack, focus dmg and -66% hit chance), Very High Magical Defense (+20 magical armor), basic knowledge of Everfree weeds, {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate damage. 5tcd}, Shoot dart (50% hit), Brew potion (non-com), Giga Buster (R, -4 MP, Good attack, +25 MA, 3 turn CD), Redheart Cummer (-2 MP, +25 magic dmg, 2 turn CD), Flamescythe (-2 MP, Good attack, +10 MA, 4 turn CD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Heart’s Calling (5tcd, Gives 50% attack boost to entire party for next turn), Fish, Mine, Shoot (Shoots F.U.C.K.E.R.), Moderate knowledge of magical properties (Allows learning of basic/intermediate tomes, spellbooks and decent control of magic), Weak Levitation (noncom), Luminate (Light source, 1 MP per five minutes), Wallwalking (Lets your hands and feet stick to surfaces for 20 seconds, -5 MP), Ignite (-2 MP, Fire source, +25 MA, 50% chance to burn for 3 turns, 3tcd), Shockwave (-5 MP, AoE +36 MA each, 25% chance to stun for 3 turns each, 7tcd)
  152. Equipped: Redheart-inscribed ‘Legendary’ Doctor’s Trenchcoat (+15 HP to medkit usage), Shadow-endowed markings, Double-bladed spear (+10 P dmg., +15 M dmg, can attack spectrals), Amulet of Heart’s Calling (+5 HP), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Cap (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail (+7 P.D./+2 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Talons (+5 P.D./+1 M.D.), Medic-Issued Avian Chainmail Sabatons (+3 P.D./+1 M.D.), Avian Leather Boots (Lowers exhaustion), F.U.C.K.E.R. (R, +75 PA, 7 turn reload, 1 oz. of Kablooie powder per 24 shots {1 shot is one full reloaded round, fires all 4 for each shell}), Thick Winter Coat
  154. >REDHEART: [HP: 110/130][Stats: 30 PD, 25 MD / +40 PA wep]
  156. Abilities: Basic Spear Combat, Expert Med. Skill (+75% medkit efficiency), {S.S.S. +15 dmg with Anon’s/Red’s separate dmg.. 5 turn CD}, Block (+5 PD and 25% chance to negate all dmg.), Tesseract-bound (+20 MD), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Downforce (Good attack, +12 PA, split between all enemies, 3tcd)
  158. Inventory: Medkit (1), Ultimate Knowledge of Medical Mastery: Volume I, Defibrillator, Recipe for Defibrillator, Recipe for Healing potions, Lube, Ribbed Strap-on, Supply Medkit (1)
  160. Equipped: Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Coronet (+4 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Breadth (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Sabatons (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Chainmail Flankguards (+6 PD, +1 MD), Medic-Issued Crystal Buckler (+10 PD, +1 MD), Highguard Glaive (1 hoofed, +40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Downforce), Medic-Issued Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  162. >PINKIE PIE: [HP: 75/105][Stats: 12 PD, 6 MD, -25%B / +100 PA wep]
  164. Abilities: Sugar Rush [Highly energetic attacks] (+3/+3 PA, hits twice), Party cannon (x3 damage, 5 turn CD), Darkstrike (Epic attack (rnd) single, or Good attack AoE split, 90% chance to bleed enemies hit, 7tcd), Parry (50% hit, deflects enemy atk/counters 50% dmg), Shoot Bow
  166. Inventory: Party Cannon, Various sweets, ??? (“Hammerspace, Nonny!”), Knife, Anal Beads, Bit pouch (1 bit)
  168. Equipped: Sir Prize and Miss Direction (+60/+40 PA, Grants Parry, Grants ability Darkstrike), Manticore Leather Armor (+12 PD, +6 MD, -25% chance to bleed), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Hypno-Necklace (0-4 fail, 5-9 win, confuses enemy), Thick Winter Coat, Hunting Bow (R, +15 PA), Quiver (3 yew arrows [+3 PA])
  170. >BERRY PUNCH: [HP: 213/220][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +44 PA wep]
  172. Abilities: Throw beer bottle, Drunk Dragon (2.4x multiplier AoE, 4x against wood, 3tcd), Fisticuffs (Basic attack), Do No Evil (Good Attack, +25 PA, 5tcd), Trample (+25 PA, 50% chance to crit for x2.5, 2tcd)
  174. Inventory: Flask (old), Bit pouch (2 small gems), Box of matches (14), Bottle of hard liquor (DD up), White Rum Flask (Increases alcohol-related abilities’ damage by x2), Vibrator, Sword of the Windigo Spirit (2H, +35 PA/+25 MA, 10% Frostbite PA, grants ability Frost Nova), Window of Reality (Allows you to see into the future of different possibilities of your choices with limitations), Torches (2), Rags (5), Bulletin (Animal Aggression), Iron Aegis’ Journal, Tobacco Pipe, Magic-preserved Instant Dinner, Badge I.D.’s (Iron Aegis, Bastion Aurora, Tidal Wave), Missive from Shining Armor, Royal Pass, Bowl of Shadowy Substance, Firewood (2), 2 bundles of sticks, Locked chest
  176. Equipped: Clawed Thick Iron Horseshoes (Modified, +20 PA/+24 Claw PA), Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  178. >APPLEJACK: [HP: 240/240][Stats: 40 PD, 20 MD, +15 HP / +50 PA wep]
  180. Abilities: Treekicker (x2 damage, 2 turn CD), Lasso (Immobilizes enemy for 3 turns), Bash (Basic attack), Cyli-Spin (Good attack, +25 PA AoE split between enemies, 90% chance to stun affected enemies for 5 turns, 4tcd)
  182. Inventory: Flask (Apple cider), Tri-braid rope, Apples (12), Bit pouch (1 bit), Dildo
  184. Equipped: Stetson hat, Crystal Plate Helmet (+8 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Platemail (+15 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Flankguards (+10 PD, +5 MD), Crystal Plate Hoofguards (+7 PD, +5 MD), Empire Express (2 hoofed, +50 PA, Grants ability Cyli-Spin), Crystal Leather Cloak (Reduces exhaustion), Thick Winter Coat
  186. >GABLE: [HP: 193/200][Stats: 20 PD, 12 MD]
  188. Abilities: Tough Hide (+10 PD), Expert Hand to Hand Combat (+15 basic attack, 10% chance to crit for x2), Winged Fury (x5, 3 turn CD), Screech (+15 PA, 20% chance to fear for 5 turns, 3 turn CD), Flight (Allows 3-dimensional travel / +20 PA, 40% bleed chance for 5 turns, 4 turn CD), Basic medical use (Able to use medkits), Rip and Tear (Good attack, 25% bleed chance for 5 turns, 5 turn CD)
  190. Inventory: Red Headband, Bit pouch (2 bits), Karate Instruction Manual (Raises HtH combat ability)
  192. Equipped: Avian Leather Salet (+2 PD), Avian Leather Harness (+3 PD), Avian Leather Gloves (Modified: Fingerless, +1 PD), Avian Leather Greaves (+2 PD), Enchanted Talonguard Bracers (+12 MD), Thick Winter Coat. Sword of the Windigo Spirit (2H, +20 PA/+25 MA, Grants ability Frost Nova)
  194. >IRON WILL: [HP: 268/275][Stats: +10 PD / +10 PA wep]
  196. Abilities: Minotaur hide (+10 PD), Pummel (Basic attack), Charge (+25 PA, 2 turn CD), Enrage (+75% PA, -25% PD for 5 turns, 8 turn CD), Assertive Annihilation (Good attack, 50% chance to stun for 3 turns, 5 turn CD), OOOH YEEAAAH (Increases Party defense by 25% for 3 turns, 6 turn CD), Frost Nova (+75 MA AoE solid, immobilizes for 3 turns, 5tcd)
  198. Inventory: Protein Shakes (3, increases HP by 20 temporarily), Bit pouch (37 bits), Coupon to Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (20% discount for one checkout)
  200. Equipped: Pure rock hard knuckles (+10 PA base), Microphone (Increases voice volume at will), Necktie, Thick Winter Coat
  204. >Known recipes:
  205. >Alchemy:
  206. Sleeping Darts [3 red herbs, 2 blue herbs, makes 3] (Mats for 1)
  207. Healing Potion [1 wisp weed, 2 lifeleaf, 1 rizzleberry bunch, makes 2 large potions/4 medium/6 small] (Mats for 3)
  208. Smokescreen Bomb [1 Haze flower, 1 Ounce of Combustible powder, 1 Fuse, makes 1] (Mats for 1)
  209. Iron Hide Brew [1 small gem, 1 Yeti hair, 1 cup of Gypsum, makes 5] (Mats for 2)
  210. Flask of Lucky Tithings [Requires Moderate Alchemy skill, 2 Haze flowers, 2 rizzleberry bunches, 4 Four-leaf clovers, makes 1]
  211. Amare Potion [3 red herbs, 1 small healing potion, 1 aphrodisiac, 1 hair of the intended target, makes 1]
  212. >Engineering:
  213. Scooter [1 Wheel & Axle, 1 2x4 plank of wood, 1 Wooden handle, 1 Handful of bolts]
  214. Defibrillator [2 Tin pads, 2 insulated handles, 1 Electric manifold, 1 Dial mechanism, 2 strong magnets]
  215. Caravan [Requires Moderate Engineering skill, 10 2x4 planks of wood, 8 handfuls of bolts, 2 Wheel & Axles, 1 Leather reign, 1 tarp, 2 wooden handles]
  216. Clockwork Robot [Requires Expert Engineering skill, 1 Robotic Catalyst, 1 Circuit board, 3 Electric manifolds, 1 Suncore, 12 handfuls of bolts, Speak with Frizzy Gear]
  217. Kablooie-mite [Requires Moderate Engineering skill, 4 ounces of Combustible powder, 4 ounces of Kablooie powder, 1 fuse, 1 Insulated handle]
  218. Multi-Tool [1 Screwdriver, 1 Pair of pliers, 1 metal pipe, 1 metal file, 1 Pair of scissors, 1 socket wrench, 1 Nail hammer, 1 Corkscrew]
  219. >Medical:
  220. Medkit [1 Roll of Gauze, 1 Bottle of isopropyl alcohol, 1 set of bandages, 1 Needle & String]
  222. >Used Brew potion
  223. >Large Healing potion, 3 batches selected [3 hours]
  224. >Sleeping darts, 1 batch selected [30 minutes]
  225. >Iron-Hide Brew, 2 batches selected [1 hour]
  227. >Total time: 4 hours, 30 minutes
  228. >It is currently 12:30 A.M.
  229. >Would you like to brew these items? Y/N
  233. >Removed Healing potions
  235. >Sleeping Darts and Iron-Hide Brew selected
  236. >Total time: 1 hour, 30 minutes
  237. [BREWING . . .]
  239. >...
  241. [-3 red herbs, -2 blue herbs, -2 Yeti Hairs, -2 small gems, -2 cups of Gypsum]
  243. >You finish up your brew and slowly turn off the burner flame, looking out at the increasingly dimmer campfire.
  244. >The air is still, and all of your party members are sleeping peacefully.
  245. >You decide to go mining while the night is still young, and text out that pickaxe.
  246. >Go Bruce Campbell on those veiny asses.
  247. >You pick up your torch and start down the right side of the cave, but it branches off into six different paths, all with no discernable difference.
  248. >Berry didn’t tell you or mark anything, damn.
  249. >First through sixth path.
  250. >Which path do you take?
  254. >You decide to go for the fourth path, being sure to move a few rocks along the bottom so you know that you entered this one already.
  255. >It takes you a few minutes to find it, but there is a vein in this tunnel near the end.
  256. >It’s rough and black, but smells like sulfur.
  257. >Sounds like coal.
  258. >Raising your pickaxe, you get to work.
  259. >Used Mine
  261. [MINING . . .]
  262. >You don’t really know what you’re doing, and you chip off a lot of the usable coal.
  263. [You found 1 small gem and 1 piece of coal.]
  264. >...
  266. >You head back through the tunnels and make your way to the campsite, where everyone is still fast asleep.
  267. >With nothing else to do for the night, you put the last of your accumulated firewood on the fire, and you take what sticks and rags you have to make a few more torches.
  268. [-5 rags from Berry’s inventory, -1 bundle of sticks]
  270. >You see that the majority of your party’s torches have been extinguished, so you replace the lowest ones and add them to the fire.
  271. >You sit for a while until the last of your time was up, then you crawl over to Redheart’s blanket, slowly beginning to shake her awake.
  272. “Red… Babe, hey. Your turn.”
  273. >She slowly yawns and rubs her eyes awake, and gives you a groggy smile.
  274. >”Alright… Who was next..?”
  275. “Iron.”
  276. >”Got it… Night, Anon.”
  277. “Night.”
  278. >You slowly switch spots with her as she gets up and stretches out her legs, eventually taking to sitting down as you drift off to sleep….
  279. >...
  280. [Party rested. 80% HP regained and all status effects removed!]
  281. >...
  282. >You wake up with a start, getting shaken with a heavy… hand.
  283. >”Time to go, brother! You’re pullin’ the sled with Gable, for the record, so you might wanna limber up. Ol’ Iron’s gonna take a little break with his sweetheart.”
  284. >As if he didn’t get enough last night.
  285. >You get yourself up and see that the campfire has dwindled to virtually nothing.
  286. >Then it becomes nothing as an iron-clad paw stamps on it.
  287. >Your eyes drift upward to Gable’s raised eyebrow.
  288. >”Well? We need to get going.”
  289. >You look around and see that the party’s all ready, with the mares all having a little conversation with themselves.
  290. >It is currently 8:05 A.M.
  291. >What would you like to do?
  295. >You get up and get your gear adjusted, seeing the two comatose guards on the sled at least getting the last bit of fire from your torch.
  296. >There’s something you want to do in here before leaving, but you need to make it quick.
  297. “Hey Berry!”
  298. >She looks back over at you mid-drink.
  299. “I'm going to take a crack at those veins for a couple minutes, just so we're not dirt-poor when we get back to the Empire. Promise it'll be quick and painless! I need your help finding them though, Berry.”
  300. >She rolls her eyes and finishes downing a nice morning dose of rum to wash out the protein shake that Iron was talking about before, and she joins your side as you start walking back into the tunnels.
  301. >”I’ll be back soon, so don’t tell me what happened with the dragon dude until I get back!”
  302. >Applejack nods, chuckling a little.
  303. >”Will do, Ber.”
  304. >You and Berry walk through the still dim tunnels until you reach the path divergence.
  305. “Okay, so which tunnels have what?”
  306. >”Ugh, you’re hopeless. You couldn’t do this last night?”
  307. >She leads you into the first path, taking you to each of the veins for your mining pleasure, to her dismay.
  308. >So you pick up your axe, and get some real hard workin’ work worked.
  310. [MINING . . .]
  311. >Gem Vein
  312. >You’re trying to be careful not to scratch any of the gems to keep their quality, but it’s very difficult and leaves you with little profit.
  313. >You receive 10 small gems.
  315. [MINING . . .]
  316. >Iron Vein
  317. >You have no idea what is rock and what is iron until you smack into it, and you end up ruining much of the profit, but you still get some.
  318. >You receive 4 iron ingots and 1 platinum ingot.
  320. [Mining . . .]
  321. >Crystal Vein
  322. >There’s no way you’re going to be able to salvage such delicate material, so you simply try your best to take out each piece strike by strike.
  323. >You find 6 small mana crystals and an Uncut Ruby!
  325. >...
  326. >With your lucky find at the crystal vein, you’re much happier.
  327. >As you walk back with her, you have a thought.
  328. “Hey Berry, I see you have a chest. Any chance I could try unlocking it?”
  329. >”Uh, sure. 50% finder’s fee for whatever’s inside, though!”
  330. >You nod with a playful grin as you take the chest off her back, looking at the lock.
  331. >There are no tumblers on this lock.
  332. >It’s some blue-tinted chain wrapped around the lid that doesn’t move no matter which way you move it.
  333. >Do you want to try and open the lock a different way on the way back?
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