
argument.txt (Exports AC Clan #announcements 2017-10-02)

Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. [4:32 AM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Meanwhile, I strongly believe in God and not at all in gaming prophecies.
  2. [6:39 AM] Aspect_01: ^
  3. [6:40 AM] Aspect_01: @everyone Pray for Las Vegas, there was a mass shooting killing atleast 50 and hundreds were injured.
  4. [7:47 AM] [AN] Gabe: ^^^^^
  5. [12:26 PM] RED Battle Tank: I strongly believe in God **cringes**
  6. [12:31 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. [12:31 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: I do
  8. [12:31 PM] RED Battle Tank: i mean, have you ever thought about it instead of just blindly believing?
  9. [12:31 PM] RED Battle Tank: no offense
  10. [12:33 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: I have actually, but Ive found a few diffrent things that have kept me beliving
  11. [12:34 PM] RED Battle Tank: like what
  12. [12:34 PM] RED Battle Tank: cuz i found nothing
  13. [12:34 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Well, proofs are diffrent for diffrent people, but one of mine is that there is only one typw of human
  14. [12:34 PM] RED Battle Tank: not really
  15. [12:35 PM] RED Battle Tank: there are neanderthals too
  16. [12:35 PM] RED Battle Tank: (although extinct now)
  17. [12:36 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Well, what I mean is that there has always realy been 1 type of human at anytime, unlike other animals where there are sreveral types of seahorse, or monkey, or snail, ect. Humns dont realy diffrenttiante enough, there has always realy been just human
  18. [12:37 PM] RED Battle Tank: <-- no see there were many types of humans but now they are all extinct though(edited)
  19. [12:37 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Sure, but they didnt realy exist at the ame time, they just evolved
  20. [12:38 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: same*
  21. [12:38 PM] RED Battle Tank: true, but how does that prove anything
  22. [12:39 PM] RED Battle Tank: oh also they did -- neanderthals and regular humans -- exist at the same time
  23. [12:40 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Well, if you compare it to my previous point about how this is unique to humans and combine it with the fact that we are very likely the only realy thinking creatures, I end up feeling like there has to be something special preventing those things from happening to us.
  24. [12:40 PM] RED Battle Tank: but no, all animals can think and do think. other animals can use tools too. other animals can learn languages too
  25. [12:41 PM] RED Battle Tank: it's just that humans do it much better
  26. [12:41 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Well, sure, but why are we better at it?
  27. [12:42 PM] RED Battle Tank: it's just a coincidence. if it were another animal species who got better, they might think that there was a god who made them better than the rest
  28. [12:43 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛᄂFЯӨƧƬ: Do you mind if I gather my thoughts for a few minutes?
  29. [12:43 PM] RED Battle Tank: sure no problem
  30. [12:43 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: k thx
  31. [12:46 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Ok, well how about the creation of the universe? God must have created the universe for there to be a beginning of the universe, and we have scientific proof there was a beginning.
  32. [12:47 PM] RED Battle Tank: but how do you know the universe didn't just appear from a black hole like scientists say?
  33. [12:47 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, a black hole is something, correct?
  34. [12:48 PM] RED Battle Tank: yeah
  35. [12:49 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: So how could the universe have a beginning from something that already exists? All things have a beginning, so some sort of beginning must have created that black hole.
  36. [12:49 PM] RED Battle Tank: ok, good point, but are you really sure that the god that made the universe is the same god as described by your religion?
  37. [12:50 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, not exactly, but its hard to prove any religion with a god is real if we cant prove god(s) are real in the first place
  38. [12:51 PM] RED Battle Tank: so then if it is hard to prove that your religion is real, how do you know it is? maybe the god that created the universe doesn't want to be worshipped
  39. [12:52 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: True, but if they dont want to be worshiped, why dont they just destroy the religions that worship them? they ave the power to create a universe, they can destroy a religion
  40. [12:53 PM] RED Battle Tank: maybe because they want to study the humans and their behaviors. that could also be the reason they created the universe in the first place
  41. [12:53 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Hmm, good point
  42. [12:53 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: But humans didnt exist before the universe was created
  43. [12:54 PM] RED Battle Tank: yeah i know maybe the god just wanted to study what would happen if he made a universe and so he created one(edited)
  44. [12:54 PM] RED Battle Tank: and that humans aren't really anything significant
  45. [12:55 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: If humans are not significant, why didnt the god create more gods, or something more important?
  46. [12:56 PM] RED Battle Tank: maybe he just wanted to study what would happen if the universe was created -- if any intelligent life would appear. and then we are the intelligent life so he would want to study us
  47. [12:58 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Hmmm, but that would say that the universe is a big coincidence that it all this organized. Why wouldnt a god just created the intelligent life instead of hopeing some would appear?
  48. [12:59 PM] RED Battle Tank: because if he created it himself, he would already know what it would be like -- but if he made a universe and then let intelligent life appear itself, then it would be something new and more interesting
  49. [1:00 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: But why is the god studying life in the first place? There must be some purpose or we wouldnt exist, which would prove we are important
  50. [1:00 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: (Just relized this is #announcements oops)
  51. [1:00 PM] RED Battle Tank: but perhaps there is more intelligent life -- the universe is huge after all
  52. [1:00 PM] RED Battle Tank: lol
  53. [1:01 PM] RED Battle Tank: and also maybe this universe is just one in billions that the god created
  54. [1:02 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, if the god can create billions or countless universes, wouldnt that prove that the god is all powerful and therefor allknowing? Which would mean it would already know all about life, and would have no reason to study it
  55. [1:03 PM] RED Battle Tank: but then again, maybe it isn't
  56. [1:03 PM] RED Battle Tank: and anyway, even if that is so, that's only evidence that a god exists. it doesn't mean that your religion is correct
  57. [1:04 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: True, but as we have proved there is a god, its only a matter of finding the religion that fits best with the nature of the god as we can understand
  58. [1:05 PM] RED Battle Tank: but in fact, you haven't. it's only a thought that this is how the universe was created. there's absolutely no evidence for it.
  59. [1:06 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Hmmmmm true, but I dont see any-other explanation that doesnt violate the something from nothing rule
  60. [1:07 PM] RED Battle Tank: but you know, where did god come from then? something can't come from nothing, as you say
  61. [1:08 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: I was trying to say that for the universe to have a beginning, it had to come from nothing, I wasnt trying to say that something can come from nothing because that disproves all my points about the universe's creation.
  62. [1:09 PM] RED Battle Tank: so maybe it just came from the other side of a black hole from another universe (i.e.: black hole in one universe sucks in stuff and that stuff makes up another universe inside the black hole)
  63. [1:10 PM] RED Battle Tank: and that other universe existed forever
  64. [1:10 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: well, if thats the case, you might as well belive in simulation theroy
  65. [1:10 PM] RED Battle Tank: exactly
  66. [1:10 PM] RED Battle Tank: seems much more believable than any religion
  67. [1:12 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, I dont see much difference between simulation theroy and religion, besides the fact the simulation theroy doesnt have anything magical or spirtual, ect.
  68. [1:12 PM] BOTMee6: @ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ upgraded to lvl 9 successfully
  69. [1:14 PM] RED Battle Tank: the difference is that in simulation, there is nothing magical and it wasn't an intelligent being that created the universe. also, the maker of the universe doesn't want you to worship him (because it wasn't actually a person that made the universe). this is much more believable
  70. [1:14 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, ok, to each their own I guess
  71. [1:16 PM] RED Battle Tank: wait so are you christian or another religion?
  72. [1:17 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Roman Catholic (I think thats right, I get the name wrong some times)
  73. [1:17 PM] RED Battle Tank: okay. but honestly, even if you would believe that it was a god that created the universe,as opposed to not a god, then that doesn't explain any of the magical stuff in the bible. it doesn't prove that you must worship someone
  74. [1:18 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, The Bible says that the power comes from God, and there are a few instances of God telling us to worship him (mostly in the old testament)
  75. [1:20 PM] RED Battle Tank: but then why does he only say it in the old testament? wouldn't he get his message through better in modern times when the whole world is connected? additionally, it doesn't make sense that the miracles from people who strongly believed in God only happened circa 2000 years ago. there are many people who believe strongly in God in modern times, yet there are zero miracles happening
  76. [1:21 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: Well, thats mostly because its a long a tedious proces to find out if something realy is a miracle
  77. [1:23 PM] RED Battle Tank: true, but in jesus' time, everyone just believed and no one could really try proving that it isn't a miracle. maybe all of the miracles would be easily explainable now but back then people couldn't explain them so they thought it was from the faith in god
  78. [1:23 PM] ΣƬΣЯПΛLFЯӨƧƬ: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  79. [1:25 PM] RED Battle Tank: so yeah, be careful about blindly believing
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