
5.5b new spell list things

Nov 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Cantrips ------------------------------------------
  2. Beautiful Trans: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  3. Blades Of Grass: Druid
  4. Butcher: Artificer, Druid, Wizard (Maybe Add To Bard)
  5. Comet Shot: Sorcerer, Wizard
  6. Dolbo's Blood Javelin: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  7. Enhance Pain: Bard, Sorcerer
  8. Fast Forward: Sorcerer, Wizard (Add To Arti)
  9. Guilting Blade: Bard, Sorcerer
  10. Quaking Blade: Sorcerer, Wizard
  11. Shadow Claw: Warlock
  12. Umikk's Elemental Armory: Artificer
  13. 1st ---------------------------------------------------
  14. Conductive Shock: Artificer
  15. Conjure Earthen Soldier: Druid
  16. Eye For An Eye: Cleric, Wizard
  17. Flying Phoenix Shot: None Idiot Lol Give It To Ranger And Arti
  18. Grasping Hair: Bard, Warlock (Maybe Add To Sorc)
  19. Lucky Star: Artificer, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
  20. Necrotic Burn: Warlock
  21. Storm Cloud: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  22. Tentacle Lash: Sorcerer, Warlock
  23. Venom Arrow: Ranger
  24. Water Whip: Druid, Ranger, Wizard
  25. 2nd -----------------------------------------------------
  26. Animate Shadow Hound: Sorcerer
  27. Black Greatsword: Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  28. Bladed Boomerang: Artificer
  29. Blood Ink: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  30. Bouncing Bolt: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  31. Crashing Strike: Ranger
  32. Eldritch Slam: Warlock
  33. Geyser: Druid, Ranger
  34. Icicle Knives: Ranger
  35. Nervous Fire: Bard, Warlock, Wizard
  36. Shadowmeld: Sorcerer, Wizard
  37. Skolgul's Toxic Smog: Artificer
  38. Splattering Strike: Currently None Lol
  39. Venomous Bite: Druid, Sorcerer
  40. Zecuruum's Darkshock Spear: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  41. 3rd -------------------------------------------------------
  42. Air Scythe: Druid, Ranger
  43. Behemoth Arm: Druid
  44. Dragon Punch: Sorcerer
  45. Elder One's Arms: Sorcerer, Wizard
  46. Elemental Grenade: Artificer
  47. Glorioso's Arcane Orbs: Artificer, Wizard
  48. Grasping Bubble: Artificer, Wizard
  49. Icecube: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  50. Melting Seed: Druid
  51. Shadow Ambush: God Damnit Another One I Didn't Give To Anyone (I Know Sorcerer Was Intended To Get This; Might Give To Bard Too? Or Something?)
  52. Spiderbite Spiderweb: Artificer, Druid, Ranger
  53. Starlight Strike: Paladin, Ranger, Wizard
  54. Storm Bow: Artificer, Druid, Ranger
  55. Tomb Of Levistus: Warlock
  56. Toxic Spray: Sorcerer
  57. Warp Arm: Sorcerer
  58. 4th -------------------------------------------------------
  59. Avalanche: Druid, Wizard
  60. Blindsight: Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Wizard
  61. Concussive Shot: Ok Maybe I Just Made These Weapon Spells A While Ago And Intended On Adding Them To Lists Later, Because Wow Nothing For This One Either
  62. Crowstorm: Druid, Warlock
  63. Destructive Instrument: Bard
  64. Earth Spear: Druid, Ranger, Wizard
  65. Frigid Blade: Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  66. Laughing Corpse: Warlock
  67. Light Blasters: Artificer, Cleric, Ranger, Wizard
  68. Schuyler's Arcane Mine: Artificer
  69. Self-destruct: Sorcerer
  70. Stinger Burst: Druid, Wizard
  71. Tornado: Druid, Wizard
  72. 5th -------------------------------------------------------
  73. Conqueror's Blade: Yep I Think I Just Intended To Add These Spells Later But Didn't, Cause It's On No Lists!!! Definitely Going To Give Paladin/crusader It, Probably Bard Too
  74. Corroding Stream: Sorcerer, Wizard
  75. Divine Lightning: Cleric, Paladin
  76. Rattlesnake Whip: Druid, Ranger
  77. Scourge Shot: None Fucker
  78. Shooting Star: Cleric, Druid, Wizard
  79. Skolgul's Ball Lightning: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
  80. 6th -------------------------------------------------------
  81. Acidic Serpent: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
  82. Dark Delirium: Warlock
  83. Hurl Through Nightmares: Warlock
  84. Investiture Of Disease: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  85. Mind Blast: Sorcerer
  86. 7th -------------------------------------------------------
  87. Cremating Flare: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  88. Titan's Fury: Cleric, Warlock
  89. War God's Weapons: Cleric
  90. 8th -------------------------------------------------------
  91. Dolbo's Vessel-bursting Smash: Sorcerer
  92. Reality Sphere: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  93. 9th -------------------------------------------------------
  94. Castle Of Shadow: Warlock, Wizard
  95. Plague: Cleric, Druid
  96. Weapon Of Mass Destruction: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
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