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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. documentclass[border=1pt]{standalone}
  2. usepackage{tikz}
  3. usetikzlibrary{automata,positioning}
  4. begin{document}
  5. begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=1.0cm,on grid,auto]
  6. node[state,rectangle, align=center] (q_r) [] {This is a \ square};
  7. node[coordinate] (q_0) [right=of q_r, xshift=3cm] {};
  8. node[coordinate] (q_1) [left=of q_r, xshift=-3cm, yshift=1mm] {};
  9. node[coordinate] (q_2) [left=of q_r, xshift=-3cm, yshift=-1mm] {};
  10. path[->]
  11. (q_r) edge [] node {This is an arrow} (q_0);
  12. draw[->] ([yshift=-2mm]q_r.west) -- ([yshift=-3mm]q_1) node[midway] {This is an arrow};
  13. draw[->] ([yshift=2mm]q_r.west) -- ([yshift=3mm]q_2) node[midway,swap] {This is an arrow};
  14. end{tikzpicture}
  15. end{document}
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