

Jul 18th, 2017
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  2. alv - Today at 4:19 AM
  3. i'm livid about the MCH buffs
  4. but the AST nerf (and buff) are in the right direction
  5. the MCH buffs are SOOOOOOO bad
  6. alv - Today at 4:19 AM
  7. no bad as in fucking horrible
  8. what the fuck were they thinking
  9. it's clear that SE has no direction AT ALL when it comes to MCH/DRG/SMN
  10. alv - Today at 4:21 AM
  11. well we were told that they were going to increase potencies across the board
  12. they didn't
  13. they also didn't increase the base damage like they said they would
  14. so even though hot shot is better, we don't get to spam cooldown nearly as much which was a huge part of our burst
  15. because the heat gauge changes are stupid
  16. and quick reload no longer dumps 15 of our heat
  17. alv - Today at 4:22 AM
  18. meaning we no longer have a button to lower our heat without having to use a GCD
  19. and we will have to break combos just to fucking keep ourselves from overheating
  20. alv - Today at 4:22 AM
  21. we had no problem with alignment before because we could use QR to realign misaligned things since it was oGCD
  22. now we need to use a GCD ability to lower heat
  23. so if we fuck up our alignment
  24. we're fucked for a minute
  25. it's REALLY bad actually
  26. alv - Today at 4:23 AM
  27. harder to play with a slightly higher reward
  28. alv - Today at 4:24 AM
  29. they buffed MCH in all the wrong ways
  30. they also reduced the cooldown on barrel stabilizer but made heat easier to manage
  31. like ???
  32. alv - Today at 4:24 AM
  33. the idea of MCH before was we could overheat on the drop of a hat if we wanted to
  34. get some crazy burst out with WF
  35. and then barrel stabilizer after
  36. now we need to set ourselves up to overheat and if something goes wrong then "lol fuck you, you just spent all that time setting up and the boss jumped away"
  37. we now need 9 GCDs to set up our opener
  38. alv - Today at 4:26 AM
  39. 9 GCDS
  41. alv - Today at 4:27 AM
  42. i'm SO mad
  43. guess i'm on BRD for 4.05
  44. alv - Today at 4:28 AM
  45. The japanese forums machinist thread is on fire right now.
  46. everyone is livid
  47. alv - Today at 4:29 AM
  48. they have NO idea what they're doing with MCH
  49. this person is saying "isn't the heat management change a good thing?"
  50. NO
  51. MCH is proc based
  52. alv - Today at 4:31 AM
  53. cooldown is a major part of our burst damage, and while 1 + 2 + 3 combo (as long as 2 has ammo, 3 just does more potency across the board) does more damage, we're reliant on it procing while with cooldown we get a guaranteed bursst
  54. burst*
  55. 2 only did more dmg than cooldown with ammo
  56. otherwise cooldown was always better
  57. you ALWAYS got more out of cooldown than 2
  58. i used to fill a GCD with cooldown if reload/QR was close to being off cooldown so i could guarantee a 3 proc
  59. but i can't do that anymore
  60. i'm SO mad
  61. i mean i guess the best thing is that we can overheat every wildfire now besides opener
  62. which means we can still fit a bunch of CD burst in during WF because CD always takes max potency during overheat
  63. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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