
Chat Capture

May 3rd, 2024 (edited)
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text 2.79 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  2. <cmud>
  3. <class name="ChatCapture" copy="yes">
  4. <trigger priority="3440" case="true" prompt="true" copy="yes">
  5. <pattern>{You pray '|tells the group|You auction| auctions '|You reply|You tell|on ClanTalk|OOCs|You OOC|grats|Newbietalk| ICs in |^ * prays '|OOCly '</pattern>
  6. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  7. #CAP Chats
  8. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  9. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\ui_tab_transition.wav"
  10. }</value>
  11. </trigger>
  12. <trigger priority="3970" copy="yes">
  13. <pattern>An Immortal tells you</pattern>
  14. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  15. #CAPTURE "Chats"
  16. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  17. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\desktop_toast_default.wav"
  18. }</value>
  19. </trigger>
  20. <trigger priority="5890" newline="false" copy="yes">
  21. <pattern>&lt;*&gt; * ~[*~]:</pattern>
  22. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  23. #CAP Chats
  24. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  25. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\ui_tab_transition.wav"
  26. }</value>
  27. </trigger>
  28. <trigger priority="3960" copy="yes">
  29. <pattern>Announcement: *</pattern>
  30. <value>#GAG
  31. :Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  32. #CAP Chats
  33. #GAG -1
  34. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  35. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\ui_tab_transition.wav"
  36. }</value>
  37. </trigger>
  38. <trigger priority="3970" copy="yes">
  39. <pattern>%w replies</pattern>
  40. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  41. #CAP Chats
  42. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  43. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\desktop_toast_default.wav"
  44. }</value>
  45. </trigger>
  46. <trigger priority="8710" ansi="true" prompt="true" copy="yes">
  47. <pattern>%e[36m%w: %e[37*%e[0m$</pattern>
  48. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  49. #CAP Chats
  50. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  51. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\ui_tab_transition.wav"
  52. }</value>
  53. </trigger>
  54. <trigger priority="3970" copy="yes">
  55. <pattern>^%w tells you</pattern>
  56. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  57. #CAPTURE "Chats"
  58. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  59. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\desktop_toast_default.wav"
  60. }</value>
  61. </trigger>
  62. <var name="togglesound" copy="yes">1</var>
  63. <button type="Gauge" autosize="false" width="100" height="40" autopos="false" left="-310" top="2" toolbar="0" toolstyle="true" color="#3366FF" textcolor="white" gaugebackcol="#333333" priority="737655" copy="yes">
  64. <caption>Sound</caption>
  65. <value>#IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  66. #VAR togglesound 0
  67. }
  68. {
  69. #VAR togglesound 1
  70. }</value>
  71. <expr>@togglesound</expr>
  72. <gaugemax>1</gaugemax>
  73. <gaugelow>0</gaugelow>
  74. </button>
  75. <trigger priority="3440" regex="true" prompt="true" copy="yes">
  76. <pattern>\[[a-zA-Z ]{10}\][A-Z a-z]*:</pattern>
  77. <value>:Chats:#SAYP ~[%time( h:m a/p)m~]
  78. #CAP Chats
  79. #IF (@togglesound == 1) {
  80. #PLAY "ansalon\Sounds\ui_tab_transition.wav"
  81. }</value>
  82. </trigger>
  83. </class>
  84. </cmud>
Tags: mud cmud ANSALON
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