

Sep 13th, 2016
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  1. Erelye: **A B Y S S A L ~~8~~ O D D I T Y**
  3. [**R4-██ approved guidelines: **]
  4. TwinBuilder: > play game
  5. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  6. Erelye: [**Loading...**]
  7. Erelye: [**Game loaded successfully. Would you like to recall the recent past?**]
  8. TwinBuilder: Yes.
  9. Erelye: [**Your name is AZURE LAPIS. You are currently a half-gem from Earth. You have been sent on a suicide mission to collect all of the VOID SHARDS of Facet Nine, a region of РУБИС territory not oft explored, so that they may be inputted into the INFINITY EYE device on ИММЕЦОН. You have traveled throughout the sectors of the facet, meeting a number of ALLIES and ENEMIES, including SOLA “CYAN” AMARANTHINE, TOPAZ, and CHAROITE, who are traveling around with you. You seem to be caught up in the arcane machinations of a number of individuals vying against each other for total supremacy of the galaxy, including ИММЕ-ДРАХИС, the current supreme ruler of gem territory in the abyss, MALPEIYC OF GETEN, an omnipresent demon to whom you owe a favor for buying a *Pen*, and AFT’MATHAI THE HORRIBLE, who you unsuccessfully attempted to murder on account of their brutality. Regardless, you’re on your way to uncovering the secrets of the abyss, and кнеелинг то тхе Сцорчед Сентинел оф ыоре!**]
  10. Erelye: [**You just went through the depths of an ancient library, obtaining both the heart of the scribe, and the heart of the demon. You met a serpentine librarian, and briefly lost the purple one, if only for a few minutes. You are on board the G.S.S. *Exsanguinator*, en route to the Upsilon Sector. ETA: thirty minutes. Please enter command.**]
  11. SplitSuns: > assess team morale
  12. Erelye: [**You think more than half of the team would have to be awake for that to be accurate.**]
  13. TwinBuilder: reflect on how charoite was found.
  14. SplitSuns: > dwell on malpeiyc's message
  15. SplitSuns: or whoever it was that did that
  16. Erelye: [**You reflect on how you all found Charoite. You pressed the solidus, after careful deliberation, and a little fire. The mural's throne came crumbling down into the earth, and revealed Charoite, unconscious and alone. You think.**]
  17. TwinBuilder: >alone
  18. TwinBuilder: >you think
  19. TwinBuilder: :whoa: one million keks.
  20. Erelye: [**She was alone.**]
  22. SplitSuns: what did that say
  23. SplitSuns: it was edited
  24. TwinBuilder: see if you can somehow divine what we could expect in the next sector.
  25. TwinBuilder: [**Haha, what?**]
  26. SplitSuns: NOPE
  27. Erelye: [**You aren't quite certain. Nothing much has come out about the Upsilon Sector in your journeys. It doesn't seem particularly important, in comparison with the giants of Delta, Lambda, Beta, and Iota.**]
  28. Erelye: [**Charoite stirs.**]
  29. TwinBuilder: Ask Charoite if they're okay
  30. Erelye: [**She awakens wholly with a sudden startle. Her eyes widen as she stares about. In response to your query, she replies only with, "In my dream, I was chained to a once-flaming god."**]
  31. SplitSuns: ~~"that's rough, buddy"~~
  32. Erelye: [**She then blinks twice, looking at all of you.**]
  33. Erelye: [**"What... happened?"**]
  34. TwinBuilder: We... found you.
  35. TwinBuilder: You were unconscious in the room with all the murals.
  36. Erelye: [**"Oh, fuck. Did I go into a trance, or something? Please tell me I didn't hurt any of you. The last thing I remember is you all fusing."**]
  37. TwinBuilder: ((A trance?))
  38. TwinBuilder: ((She can do that?))
  39. Erelye: [**Not that you know of.**]
  40. TwinBuilder: You... can do that?
  41. TwinBuilder: You didn't hurt any of us.
  42. Erelye: [**She breathes a sigh of relief. "No, I can't. But the corpse we burned said I would, eventually. It was horrible, listening to him."**]
  43. TwinBuilder: ...
  44. TwinBuilder: What.
  45. Erelye: [**You lit the corpse of Malpeiyc aflame in the depths of Wveru Geten. Charoite did the burning, and you came up with the idea, so you would never need fear turning your back on the body.**]
  46. SplitSuns: ((ah, evil within logic))
  47. SplitSuns: ((she didn't hurt any of us, right?))
  48. Erelye: [**You don't *feel* hurt, and everyone else looks alright.**]
  49. TwinBuilder: ((does everyone know malpeiyc talked to her))
  50. Erelye: [**Given the massive group hug whilst she was in tears some time ago, I would postulate yes, in fact.**]
  51. TwinBuilder: Then accept her statement.
  52. TwinBuilder: "Malpeiyc said we owed him something. And... he showed up before we entered that dungeon ((for lack of a better word)). I wonder when we'll really have to confront him again."
  53. Erelye: [**Cyan speaks up at this. "Hopefully never."**]
  54. TwinBuilder: "Agreed."
  55. TwinBuilder: Wait for Topaz to awaken, then?
  56. SplitSuns: i thought gems didn't need to sleep
  57. SplitSuns: or are they unconsicous
  58. Erelye: [**You wait. And, they don't.**]
  59. Erelye: [**You wait and wait and wait and wait. She does not awaken.**]
  60. Erelye: [**ETA: five minutes.**]
  61. SplitSuns: oh damn
  62. SplitSuns: that's not good
  63. TwinBuilder: ...shit.
  64. TwinBuilder: Check to make sure she's not actually damaged.
  65. Erelye: [**She is unharmed.**]
  66. SplitSuns: UM
  67. SplitSuns: OK
  68. TwinBuilder: WAHT DID THAT SAY
  69. SplitSuns: **She is unharmed.**
  70. TwinBuilder: FUCK
  71. SplitSuns: i wonder if this is a mental thing
  72. SplitSuns: do we need to do mindscape adventures
  73. SplitSuns: is that even possible here
  74. Erelye: [**You got the *Pen* from Malpeiyc in some sort of dream, so possibly.**]
  75. crystalcat: Wait what did it say originally?
  76. crystalcat: I never saw.
  77. crystalcat: Or is this something you have to watch to know?
  78. TwinBuilder: it said What comes after fire? Ash.
  79. crystalcat: Uh oh.
  81. TwinBuilder: FUCK I JUST GOT THAT
  83. SplitSuns: i don't
  84. crystalcat: ...Topaz was the one that had the Ashen Plague.
  85. TwinBuilder: The Ashen Plague. A horrible disease.
  86. Erelye: [**Correct.**]
  87. SplitSuns: oh no bro
  88. TwinBuilder: how did we cure it last time
  89. Erelye: [**You called forth Cthk'aryvt from the cosmos into the peak of the Manufactory, and offered your services in an Elder Pact.**]
  90. crystalcat: Made a pact with an elder god.
  91. crystalcat: yeah.
  92. Erelye: [**Regardless, you are here.**]
  93. SplitSuns: i guess all we can do now is wait
  94. Erelye: ((And, /AFK. Have fun thinking about Aft'mathai, an ashen curse, and the plight of Topaz while I'm gone.))
  95. SplitSuns: ah
  96. Erelye: ((/UNAFK.))
  97. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  98. TwinBuilder: Hm.
  99. TwinBuilder: Wait five minutes.
  100. TwinBuilder: (I mean that ingame, not OOC.)
  101. Erelye: [**You wait five minutes. Nothing happens. Cyan and Charoite appear to be getting concerned.**]
  102. TwinBuilder: Shit. Fuck. Shitfuck.
  103. TwinBuilder: And all other permutations therein.
  104. TwinBuilder: Walk outside, fully expecting Malpeiyc to appear and saying that we owe him something in return for Topaz.
  105. TwinBuilder: I say walk outside because we *are* in the sector now, right?
  106. Erelye: [**Do you exit alone?**]
  107. Erelye: [**You have landed on a continent of land floating in the void, yes.**]
  108. TwinBuilder: Yes. Take a brief look outside to survey your surroundings, then pop back in.
  109. TwinBuilder: If possible.
  110. Erelye: [**You step outside. There are fields upon fields of dead oxygen-deprived grass. A tower of combined stone, metal, and wood stands around half a mile away, the only evidence of life you can see.**]
  111. SplitSuns: weeeeird
  112. Erelye: [**Heading back inside, you note the situation has not yet changed.**]
  113. TwinBuilder: hm.
  114. TwinBuilder: someone should probably stay alone with topaz.
  115. Erelye: [**Why not go alone?**]
  116. TwinBuilder: **IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE.**
  117. Erelye: [**You were fine until you found Cyan, weren't you?**]
  118. TwinBuilder: Fine.
  119. Erelye: [**You decide to leave alone. You mention doing so to Cyan and Charoite. They seem too focused on Topaz to do anything other than offhandedly nod.**]
  120. Erelye: [**Where do you go first?**]
  121. TwinBuilder: *XVI.*
  122. Erelye: [**You head toward the tower.**]
  123. TwinBuilder: Hah.
  124. Erelye: [**You walk the half-mile yourself, on foot, reaching the base of the tower. The massive thing seems to be upon a hill, surrounded by piles of crates, metal, plastic, and wood-crafted.**]
  125. TwinBuilder: see if any of the crates can be opened.
  126. Erelye: [**One of the plastic ones near the door has a loose lid.**]
  127. TwinBuilder: open it.
  128. Erelye: [**It's full of sea glass spun into clear circular gemstones. They are all surrounded by bubble wrap, and marked with tape reading "К АФТьМАТХАИ."**]
  129. TwinBuilder: K AFT’MATHAI.
  130. TwinBuilder: Oh, *fuck.*
  131. TwinBuilder: Take one.
  132. Erelye: [**You pick one up. It seems to be entirely inert.**]
  133. TwinBuilder: keep it, move on.
  134. Erelye: [**You do so, and move onwards. There's one place to go, and that's the door.**]
  135. TwinBuilder: open it.
  136. TwinBuilder: and enter, of course.
  137. Erelye: [**You walk up to the door, and attempt to push it open. It will not budge. There is a rune inscribed into the split where the doors meet.**]
  138. TwinBuilder: examine rune.
  139. Erelye: [**ГЕТЕН: A binary system is incapable of forgetting to account for anything factored in. Nothing can be left behind.**]
  140. TwinBuilder: try to destroy rune
  141. Erelye: [**How?**]
  142. TwinBuilder: scratch it off of the door?
  143. Erelye: [**As you observe the rune, the door emits a click, as well.**]
  144. TwinBuilder: is it inscribed--ah.
  145. Erelye: [**Please enter command.**]
  146. TwinBuilder: see if hte door will open now
  147. Erelye: [**The door slides open.**]
  148. TwinBuilder: enter.
  149. Erelye: [**You enter the room. Upon doing so, you note several things. One, the tower is only half-present. The back half of the place has been sheared off entirely, as have most of the floors above. Two, there is a zip-line set up on the edge of the room, sailing above the edge of the continent right behind it to another far-away floating island with a citadel upon it.**]
  150. TwinBuilder: examine for interesting objects.
  151. Erelye: [**There are statues of diamond gems in the corners of the room. That's about it.**]
  152. TwinBuilder: Zipline like the wind.
  153. TwinBuilder: DO IT.
  154. Erelye: !coin
  156. Erelye: [**You manage to board the zipline without falling off into the void.**]
  157. TwinBuilder: HAHA
  158. TwinBuilder: Y.
  159. E.
  160. S.
  161. Erelye: [**You proceed to zipline to the citadel over on the island, far away. You can see the ship from here.**]
  162. TwinBuilder: ((I need to go now))
  163. TwinBuilder: examine surroundings
  164. TwinBuilder: ((I'll be back at some point))
  165. TwinBuilder: ((Hopefully not too long))
  166. Erelye: [**Eh, I don't have the heart to continue this now. Would you like to save the game?**]
  167. TwinBuilder: Y
  168. Erelye: [**Game saved. Autoquit initiated. Apologies, and have a nice day.**]
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