
Rescuing Fluffy from a Bitch

Jun 4th, 2012
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  1. >live by yourself
  2. >be only 5-6 months removed from a rather nasty breakup
  3. >still break down and cry sometimes
  4. >the only major possession you wanted from the divorce, your pet fluffy unicorn
  5. >she had a red mane and green fluff, so as a joke you named her "Melon"
  6. >Your ex-wife took Melon away from you, just because she knew you wanted her so bad
  7. >4 months later, you hear a knock on the door
  8. >you open in, in front of you stands your bitch of an ex-wife with Melon in a cat carrier
  9. >Melon's shaking and crying
  10. >Apparently her new boyfriend's apartment complex won't allow pets
  11. >She decided to be generous and give her back to you
  12. >You let Melon out of the carrier, she immediately runs into your arms with an emphatic "DADDY!"
  13. >Your wife rolls her eyes as she leaves, slamming the door
  14. >You notice something severely wrong with Melon
  17. >One of her front legs is missing, along with some long scars on her side
  18. >A couple patches on her back seem to be completely bare; the fluff doesn't look like it'll regrow
  19. >She shakes with fear as you hold her, still crying about the "scawy munstah"
  20. >Be ecstatic to have her back, regardless of all of all of the new psychological and physical damage
  21. >Show her that her safe room and her toys are still where they've always been
  22. >you make some spaghetti as a welcome home present
  23. >she calms down exponentially when you set down her bowl, even letting out a few gleeful squeals
  24. >seeing her act the way she used to reminds you of happier times
  25. >this brings a tear to your eye
  28. >After dinner, you and her watch episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic via Netflix Instant
  29. >Melon squeals with glee every time she sees Pinkie Pie
  30. >After about an episode and a half, she falls fast asleep; you bring her back to her safe room and tuck her in
  31. >she smiles at you, letting out the most adorable "G'night daddy! Mewon wuv yoo!" you've ever heard before passing right out
  32. >Pretty soon you go to bed yourself
  33. >You're woken up at about 3 in the morning to the sounds of Melon screaming bloody murder
  34. >You run to her safe room to find her underneath her bed, her hooves covering her eyes
  36. >there's piss and shit everywhere
  37. >You turn on the light, she wakes up almost immediately; apparently she was having a nightmare
  38. >She runs over to you: "DADDY! FWUFFY SCAWED!"
  39. >"I can see that!" You say, concerned. "What's wrong?
  40. >"Mumma's fwiend huwt fwuffy! Make boo-boo juice an take fwuffy weggie! Fwuffy no mean make bad poopies! Woud noise scawe fuffy!"
  41. >Your ex-wife's new boyfriend abused your fluffy pony
  42. >She didn't do anything to deserve any of this
  43. >You're absolutely furious
  44. >Next morning, you decide to make a phone call
  47. >Next morning, you call your ex-wife's cell phone
  48. >It takes at least 4 attempts before she picks up her phone
  49. >"Hello?" She says, sounding extremely hungover
  51. >"Jesus! A little quieter please?" She exclaims, confirming the hangover theory
  52. >"What the hell did you do to her? She's an absolute mess! There's scars all over her body and she woke me up last night with night terrors! What have you two been doing to her, making her sleep in a fucking stove!?"
  53. >"Jesus, Daniel! I don't ever remember you caring this much about her before! What's this call about?"
  54. "The alarming new behavior exhibited by my pet fluffy pony that I don't remember her, or any other fluffy pony for that matter, not even the ones in that shelter we went to having! Now, since you were the last person I know of that looked after her, I would like to know, what did you do to my pet?"
  55. >There's silence on the other end, she's probably taken back a bit by your sincerity
  56. >"Jesus, alright! I accidentally put a cigarette out on her back once, but if there was anything else done to her, then that'd probably be Anon."
  57. >Anon's the name of her new boyfriend
  58. >You're too pissed to think rationally
  59. >"Well, I guess I'm going to have to stop by and thank him in person for doing such a stand up job."
  60. >You hang up the phone before she has a chance to protest and grab your car keys
  62. >You arrive at their apartment
  63. >It's on the third floor in a complex in the shitty part of town
  64. >You bang on the door; understandably there's a bit of a hesitation on their part
  65. >Eventually your Ex-Wife makes the mistake of opening the door a crack to tell you to fuck off
  66. >You manage to pull the door open and push her out of the way
  67. >"WHERE'S ANON!?" You scream
  68. >Anon comes out of the back room, confused
  69. >"Who're you?" He asks, raising an eyebrow
  70. >"What the hell did you do to my fluffy pony?"
  71. >It takes him a second to register everything
  72. >"Oh, that little green turd that'd never shut up and piss everywhere?"
  73. >"Yes, that one.", Ex-wife chimes in, slightly annoyed expression in tact
  74. >"Oh, yeah! Used to test product on her. Only thing she was useful for, really; most of the time she just never shut up; you'd think after a couple of broomsticks to the back she'd get the memo."
  75. >"Product? What do you mean by that?"
  76. >Ex looks at Anon, horrified, as if he just said something he shouldn't have
  77. >"Oh, nothin' man! It was just an expression!"
  78. >You noticed the shitty clothes and the shitty skin, but it didn't register until now
  79. >You start heading toward the room in the back; Anon tries to stop you
  80. >You get the door open, and all of your fears come true: they've been running a fucking meth lab
  84. >You can't believe what you're seeing
  85. >Anon tries to tackle you
  86. >Dude's about 130 pounds soaking wet, you overtake him easily
  87. >Demand your ex hand over her cell phone; she's in tears as she complies
  88. >You call the police, they arrive as you make it back to your car; you point them in the right direction
  89. >You drive back home, Melon's waiting for you when you get there
  90. >She hobbles as fast as she can over to you with a huge smile on her face
  91. >"HI DADDY! Wew yu go!?"
  92. >"You pat the scruff on her head
  93. >"Just had to go take care of a few things. Give some munstahs some much-deserved big ouchies."
  94. >Her eyes get big
  95. >"Ooooooh! Daddy giv munstah owchies? Wuz daddy scawed?" She asks, clearly impressed
  96. >"A little bit, but not too bad."
  97. >Melon lets out a joyus squeak
  98. >"YAY! DADDY BWAVE! Mewon twy to be bwave like daddy!"
  99. >You smile. "Something tells me you already have been."
  100. Prologue
  101. >4 more months have passed, Melon's night terrors have pretty much disappeared, save for the occasional tear-enduced wakeup call
  102. >She's gotten used to walking without he missing leg; it takes her a while to get places, but she can manage it
  103. >She loves you unconditionally
  104. >Never leaves your side
  105. >You give her huggies and sketties whenever possible
  106. >You seriously pamper the fuck out of her
  107. >Melon lives to the ripe old age of 5, believing and knowing she's the most loved fluffy pony ever
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