
(COMPLETE) Would You Like Some Cheese?

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. "I don't care about your damned tortures Nightmare! I'm not going to sell out my family!"
  2. >Your voice is fearful yet firm.
  3. >You imagine your father, a Dawn Bringer Colonel, would be proud of you right now.
  4. >Standing up against the darkness all by yourself.
  5. >And yet to your surprise, the false princess doesn't scream, or shout, or stomp her hooves.
  6. >She chuckles.
  7. >"Hmhmhm. You think We'd torture you? - a little filly like you?"
  8. >Again, she giggles.
  9. >"We'd never lay a hoof on a pretty young mare like yourself..."
  10. >Seeing through her lies, you narrow your stare.
  11. >With obvious sarcasm, the Nightmare recoils.
  12. >"You truly don't believe us do you?"
  13. >There is silence.
  14. >"Very well then, Twilight, why don't you come speak to our new guest?"
  15. >You turn as you hear the doors behind you open.
  16. >From the doorway, a small, fragile purple mare slowly wobbles her way into the room.
  17. >As she nears, you notice her legs are bound together by thin, delicate fabric.
  18. >Her trunk is draped in a even thinner vail, which covers her...
  19. >Oh.
  20. >Oh no.
  21. >Only once she enters the light do you notice what’s wrong.
  22. >She's thin.
  23. >Sicklingly thin.
  24. >Deathly thin.
  25. >You can all but count her ribs; see her hip bones protrude from her flank.
  26. >How can see even stand- let alone walk?
  27. >In an instant, and your eyes are drawn to her horn, and the ring that surrounds it.
  28. >It's anchored to her ears...
  29. >Her gaze is distant, and locked onto the floor below her.
  30. >She looks so lifeless...
  31. >Almost like a zombie...
  32. >It takes her some time to hobble to the base of the throne, but eventually, she arrives, and falls into a deep bow.
  33. >"Y-yes your Highness?"
  34. >With a small grin, the Nightmare nods.
  35. >"You may rise Twilight."
  36. >As the mare tries to stand, she briefly loses her balance, and falls to the floor with a heavy thud.
  37. >As she hits the ground, you realize the silence which as overtaken the room.
  38. >As if the very walls are watching her struggle.
  39. >The pony moans, before quickly steadying herself for another attempt.
  40. ---------------
  41. >This time she is much more successful, and within a few moments, she is on her hooves again.
  42. >As you stare at the mare before you, you struggle to register just how malnourished she is.
  43. >Her legs tremble softly in place, as she struggles to support what little weight she has left.
  44. >"Twilight. This mare here believes the silly idea that we torture ponies."
  45. >The mare; "Twilight" slowly turns to face you.
  46. >"Speak the truth Twilight Sparkle; have we laid so much as a hoof on you?"
  47. >She mare shakes her head weakly.
  48. >"N-no my your highness."
  49. >You look toward the Nightmare, who now bears a toothy smile.
  50. >"Have we disturbed you in your chamber?"
  51. >Again, the mare's dry, weak voice fills the air.
  52. >"No. No you haven't Empress..."
  53. Satisfied, the Nightmare speaks.
  54. >"You see? We do not torture our ponies..."
  55. >Horified, you state the obvious.
  56. "You- You're STARVING her! She's going to die like that!"
  57. >Again, she laughs.
  58. "We have done no such thing. Tis her body that has failed her, not us."
  59. >Suddenly, her tone darkens, her gaze narrowing on you.
  60. >In an unexpected moment of panic, you take a small step backward.
  61. >If you didn't know better, you say the very light itself fled from her presence.
  62. >"Tell us- should we provide for those who conspire against us?"
  63. >"Should we provide for those who wish to harm us?"
  64. >The words are practically spit from her mouth, dripping with clear anger and venom.
  65. >"Neigh- It is our duty to provide food and drink for every pony who is loyal to their Empress."
  66. >"But if they do not respect our hoof, than we shall offer them no comfort.
  67. "But this mare? What has she done? What did /she/ do to deserve this?"
  68. >The brittle mare speaks.
  69. ---------------
  70. >"I- I was the student of Princess Celestia..."
  71. >Your ears fold back.
  72. >The student of Princess Celestia?
  73. >You quickly look at the Nightmare, before looking at the mare once again.
  74. >This- this was Celestia’s student?
  75. >Did she even stand a chance?
  76. >The mare's eyes have yet to leave the floor below her.
  77. "The Empress is right- I deserve this."
  78. "You can't be seri-"
  79. "I was indoctrinated by Celestia, and fought the Empress."
  80. >She takes a long pause.
  81. >You look up at the Nightmare, who is staring intently at the mare.
  82. >The air is cold.
  83. >>The mare looks up, her eyes dull and distant.
  84. >"My mind is full of lies and decent."
  85. >"And this... this is my penence."
  86. ---------------
  87. >There is a long pause in the air, before you realize a long, blue mist reach down, and brush through the mare’s mane.
  88. >”Very good Twilight; We see you have begun to understand the gravity of your deeds.”
  89. >The mare flinches at the touch, but than, nods.
  90. >”I’m sorry Empress- I truly am…”
  91. >”Shhh-shhh little one, you have spoken enough today…”
  92. >A small block of cheese appears before the mare’s snout.
  93. >Her once distant eyes quickly come to life, and she looks at that the cheese with suppressed excitement.
  94. >”We believe that you have earned a small reward: An acknowledgement of your sincerity.”
  95. >”Empress- I- I-“
  96. >”Speak not Twilight, eat- taste our mercy.”
  97. >Not a moment later, the mare opens her mouth, and consumes the small block of cheese.
  98. >She chews quickly, as if she thinks someone might steal the food from her very mouth.
  99. >A moment later, she swallows the food, and again, the room falls silent.
  100. >”You have done enough for today Twilight- your guards may take you to your cell now.”
  101. >The mare mods, and bows once again, before leaving the room.
  102. >You turn, and watch the door close behind her, before turning toward the Nightmare again.
  103. >As the images of the mare begin to sink into your mind, you feel a deluge of emotions overtake you.
  104. >But most of all...
  105. >Anger.
  106. “How- how could you that to some pony!”
  107. >The Nightmare once again recoils sarcastically, as if offended by your aggression
  108. ”She’s going to DIE! Didn’t you see her? She’s nothing but bones!
  109. >She giggles.
  110. >”Mhmhmhm… Such a vocal little thing; it’s truly a tragedy that I'll be forced to place you into a cell just like Twilight.”
  111. >Almost instantly, your anger disappears.
  112. ”Wh-what?”
  113. ---------------
  114. >”Don’t be foalish my little pony; you know I can’t simply let you leave to rejoin your treasonous friends.”
  115. >Whatever courage you had before has evaporated entirely, as you realize that you are no longer a free pony.
  116. “Nightmare Mo- I- I mean /Empress/ Nightmare Moon- please, I don’t mean any harm…”
  117. “I promise I won’t tell anyone about what I saw… please…”
  118. >She giggles, and gestures toward the sitting pillow before you.
  119. >”Come, let us converse about your friends and family…”
  120. >You’re eyes begin to water as you realize exactly what she wants you to tell her.
  121. “I-I can’t do that… please don’t make me do that…”
  122. >She pushes.
  123. >”Surely you would like to share news of your recent affairs with your Empress?"
  124. >You shake your head.
  125. ”I can’t- I’m sorry, I just- I can’t.”
  126. >”Perhaps you would like to send them postage? Surely They would wish to hear that their foal is alive and well.”
  127. >You close your eyes tightly, and furiously shake your head.
  128. ”No. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
  129. >There are a few moments of silence, before you slowly, cautiously, open your eyes.
  130. >Surprisingly, she looks calm.
  131. >”Very well. We understand you might be too fearful to speak with us now.”
  132. >”We shall have a guard escort you to your chamber until you are ready…”
  133. >You breathe a small, hesitant sigh of relief.
  134. >While being taken prisoner is bad, at least your family will be safe.
  135. ”Thank you Empr-
  136. >"But before you go, we’re afraid we must ask.”
  137. >Your heart stops as she lifts a small, white block into the air.
  138. >”Would you like some cheese?"
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