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Nov 23rd, 2017
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  1. It was a bright winter evening, the sun glimmering against white snow making it look sunny outside.
  2. It was that time of year when the bitter cold nearly hurt your skin to walk outside. Light snow was floating down and settling on the thin, fluffly layer of a
  3. child's favorite toy; snow. Imagine yourself, as a kid in 1st grade. Inside nice and warm, when you burn both of your hands flat on the hot stove! How would you
  4. react being so little and having no caring parents around to help right away? Would you just sit in pain while your hands throbbed and it felt like
  5. they were about to explode? When I was about 5 I burned both of my hands really badly and had to go to the hospital.
  7. I started to climb onto the counter top in my kitchen. I reached for the sugar but lost balance and put both my hands down for support. I didn't realize the
  8. stove was still burning hot until it brought FLAMING pain in my hands. I jumped off the counter without falling and couldn't help but cry, being so young at the
  9. time. I stared at my shaking, scorched hands that I couldn't keep still. They were bright red and I thought I could feel the blood pumping through every
  10. blood vessel in my hands. My parents weren't around, and I didn't know what to do! I sat and I waited and waited while i tried waving my hands for a breeze,
  11. just making them sting even more. I don't remember how long I had to wait before my parents saw I burned both my hands.
  13. Finally my dad came downstairs when he saw me on the floor crying. Asking me what happened, I showed him my hands, still trembling. I don't exaclty
  14. remember what happened afterwards but I remember being driven to the hospital. I was in the car and it felt like my hands were cut everywhere and someone
  15. had poured salt and lemonjuice on them. They were so stiff feeling, anything that brushed against the skin, felt terrifying. I took a look at them and there
  16. were red welts all over my palms and grey crusty stuff on them. I couldn't even imagine trying to get it off. I hate to say I suffered, but it was a pretty
  17. painful drive to the hospital I had to embrace.
  19. By the time we got to the hospital my hands were extremely sore and I could hardly feel them anymore except for the occasional twinging shock of pain. My
  20. hands looked worse than before and the lady at the hospital brought me to a room. Next thing I remember is looking down at my hand and it was bandaged and it
  21. there was some sort of medication on it that made me feel more coolness in my hands and less of the stinging pain. The bandage around it made it feel alot better,
  22. I couldn't touch anything so it couldnt make me flinch when something touched it. After talking to some doctors and people at the desk, we were on our way home.
  23. I looked down and played with the bandage the whole way home.
  25. Getting out of the car and feeling the 30 degree weather felt alot better than I thought. Even though my hands were covered by bandages, the small openings let
  26. chilly air inside and literally estinguished the flaming pain away. Feeling alot better, I walked inside to find out my mom didn't even know about my hands.
  27. She took a look at my wrapped hands and gave me some ice. I couldn't sleep in my bed because it hurt too bad to have my hands under any blankets or
  28. pillows. When I took the wrap off, I slept on the hallway floor with both my hands in a bowl of water. For 2 weeks I slept on the floor and couldn't
  29. go out and have any fun in the snow. I sat and watched the snow fall instead, with my hands STILL feeling smoldered.
  31. The welts, redness and blisters slowly went away and were gone after _______. I don't think I ever climbed on top of the counter again and defenitly didn't go
  32. near the stove. Picture yourself as a small child and when one thing goes wrong, you can't go out and play in the snow with your friends, go make snowmen or
  33. have snowball fights or at least enjoy the snow. Its almost christmas and you can hardly eat a bowl of cereal with your crippled hands!
  34. Your whole winter break was spent icing your hands and watching your front yard being snowed on. I spent 2 painful weeks healing up, as a 5 year old it was
  35. pretty devastating.
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