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a guest
Dec 24th, 2023
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  1. API_SECRET has 95 bits of entropy
  2. Executing startBoot
  3. Executing checkNodeVersion
  4. Node LTS version v16.20.2 is supported
  5. Executing checkEnv
  6. Executing augmentSettings
  7. Executing checkSettings
  8. Checking settings
  9. Executing setupStorage
  10. Setting up new connection to MongoDB
  11. Successfully established connection to MongoDB
  12. Mongo user role seems ok: [ { role: 'readWrite', db: 'Nightscout' } ]
  13. Mongo Storage system ready
  14. Executing setupAuthorization
  15. ensuring index for: name
  16. ensuring index for: name
  17. Executing setupInternals
  18. Pushover was NOT configured
  19. Configuring Alexa...
  20. Configuring Google Home...
  21. Executing ensureIndexes
  22. Ensuring indexes
  23. ensuring index for: date
  24. ensuring index for: type
  25. ensuring index for: sgv
  26. ensuring index for: mbg
  27. ensuring index for: sysTime
  28. ensuring index for: dateString
  29. ensuring index for: [object Object]
  30. ensuring index for: created_at
  31. ensuring index for: eventType
  32. ensuring index for: insulin
  33. ensuring index for: carbs
  34. ensuring index for: glucose
  35. ensuring index for: enteredBy
  36. ensuring index for: boluscalc.foods._id
  37. ensuring index for: notes
  38. ensuring index for: NSCLIENT_ID
  39. ensuring index for: percent
  40. ensuring index for: absolute
  41. ensuring index for: duration
  42. ensuring index for: [object Object]
  43. ensuring index for: created_at
  44. ensuring index for: NSCLIENT_ID
  45. ensuring index for: startDate
  46. ensuring index for: type
  47. ensuring index for: position
  48. ensuring index for: hidden
  49. ensuring index for: created_at
  50. Executing setupListeners
  51. Executing setupConnect
  52. Skipping disabled nightscout-connect
  53. Executing setupBridge
  54. Dexcom bridge not enabled
  55. Executing setupMMConnect
  56. MiniMed Connect not enabled
  57. Executing finishBoot
  58. tick 2023-12-24T23:12:25.580Z
  59. Boot event processing completed
  60. Security settings: INSECURE_USE_HTTP= true , SECURE_HSTS_HEADER= true
  61. Enabled CORS, allow-origin: *
  62. API KEY present, enabling API
  63. enabling feature: careportal
  64. enabling feature: loop
  65. enabling feature: iob
  66. enabling feature: cob
  67. enabling feature: openaps
  68. enabling feature: pump
  69. enabling feature: bwg
  70. enabling feature: rawbg
  71. enabling feature: basal
  72. enabling feature: cors
  73. enabling feature: direction
  74. enabling feature: timeago
  75. enabling feature: devicestatus
  76. enabling feature: ar2
  77. enabling feature: profile
  78. enabling feature: boluscalc
  79. enabling feature: food
  80. enabling feature: sage
  81. enabling feature: iage
  82. enabling feature: cage
  83. enabling feature: alexa
  84. enabling feature: basalprofile
  85. enabling feature: bgi
  86. enabling feature: directions
  87. enabling feature: bage
  88. enabling feature: upbat
  89. enabling feature: googlehome
  90. enabling feature: errorcodes
  91. enabling feature: reservoir
  92. enabling feature: battery
  93. enabling feature: openapsbasal
  94. enabling feature: treatmentnotify
  95. enabling feature: bgnow
  96. enabling feature: delta
  97. enabling feature: bolus
  98. enabling feature: dbsize
  99. enabling feature: runtimestate
  100. enabling feature: ar2
  101. Plugin "bgnow" supports Virtual Assistants
  102. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'delta'
  103. Plugin "rawbg" supports Virtual Assistants
  104. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'raw bg'
  105. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'raw blood glucose'
  106. Plugin "direction" does not support Virtual Assistants
  107. Plugin "upbat" supports Virtual Assistants
  108. Storing handler for intent 'UploaderBattery'
  109. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'uploader battery'
  110. Plugin "ar2" supports Virtual Assistants
  111. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'ar2 forecast'
  112. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  113. Plugin "errorcodes" does not support Virtual Assistants
  114. Plugin "iob" supports Virtual Assistants
  115. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'iob'
  116. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'insulin on board'
  117. Plugin "iob" supports rollups for Virtual Assistants
  118. Creating the rollup group: Status
  119. Plugin "cob" supports Virtual Assistants
  120. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'cob'
  121. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'carbs on board'
  122. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'carbohydrates on board'
  123. Plugin "pump" supports Virtual Assistants
  124. Storing handler for intent 'InsulinRemaining'
  125. Storing handler for intent 'PumpBattery'
  126. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'pump reservoir'
  127. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'pump battery'
  128. Plugin "openaps" supports Virtual Assistants
  129. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'openaps forecast'
  130. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  131. Storing handler for intent 'LastLoop'
  132. Plugin "loop" supports Virtual Assistants
  133. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'loop forecast'
  134. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  135. Storing handler for intent 'LastLoop'
  136. Plugin "cage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  137. Plugin "sage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  138. Plugin "iage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  139. Plugin "bage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  140. Plugin "treatmentnotify" does not support Virtual Assistants
  141. Plugin "timeago" does not support Virtual Assistants
  142. Plugin "basal" supports Virtual Assistants
  143. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'basal'
  144. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'current basal'
  145. Plugin "basal" supports rollups for Virtual Assistants
  146. Plugin "dbsize" supports Virtual Assistants
  147. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'db size'
  148. Plugin "runtimestate" does not support Virtual Assistants
  149. Storing handler for intent 'NSStatus'
  150. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'bg'
  151. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'blood glucose'
  152. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'number'
  153. Plugin "bgnow" supports Virtual Assistants
  154. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'delta'
  155. Plugin "rawbg" supports Virtual Assistants
  156. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'raw bg'
  157. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'raw blood glucose'
  158. Plugin "direction" does not support Virtual Assistants
  159. Plugin "upbat" supports Virtual Assistants
  160. Storing handler for intent 'UploaderBattery'
  161. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'uploader battery'
  162. Plugin "ar2" supports Virtual Assistants
  163. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'ar2 forecast'
  164. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  165. Plugin "errorcodes" does not support Virtual Assistants
  166. Plugin "iob" supports Virtual Assistants
  167. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'iob'
  168. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'insulin on board'
  169. Plugin "iob" supports rollups for Virtual Assistants
  170. Creating the rollup group: Status
  171. Plugin "cob" supports Virtual Assistants
  172. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'cob'
  173. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'carbs on board'
  174. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'carbohydrates on board'
  175. Plugin "pump" supports Virtual Assistants
  176. Storing handler for intent 'InsulinRemaining'
  177. Storing handler for intent 'PumpBattery'
  178. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'pump reservoir'
  179. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'pump battery'
  180. Plugin "openaps" supports Virtual Assistants
  181. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'openaps forecast'
  182. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  183. Storing handler for intent 'LastLoop'
  184. Plugin "loop" supports Virtual Assistants
  185. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'loop forecast'
  186. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'forecast'
  187. Storing handler for intent 'LastLoop'
  188. Plugin "cage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  189. Plugin "sage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  190. Plugin "iage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  191. Plugin "bage" does not support Virtual Assistants
  192. Plugin "treatmentnotify" does not support Virtual Assistants
  193. Plugin "timeago" does not support Virtual Assistants
  194. Plugin "basal" supports Virtual Assistants
  195. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'basal'
  196. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'current basal'
  197. Plugin "basal" supports rollups for Virtual Assistants
  198. Plugin "dbsize" supports Virtual Assistants
  199. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'db size'
  200. Plugin "runtimestate" does not support Virtual Assistants
  201. Storing handler for intent 'NSStatus'
  202. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'bg'
  203. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'blood glucose'
  204. Storing handler for intent 'MetricNow' for metric 'number'
  205. ensuring index for: identifier
  206. ensuring index for: srvModified
  207. ensuring index for: isValid
  208. ensuring index for: identifier
  209. ensuring index for: srvModified
  210. ensuring index for: isValid
  211. ensuring index for: identifier
  212. ensuring index for: srvModified
  213. ensuring index for: isValid
  214. ensuring index for: identifier
  215. ensuring index for: srvModified
  216. ensuring index for: isValid
  217. ensuring index for: identifier
  218. ensuring index for: srvModified
  219. ensuring index for: isValid
  220. ensuring index for: identifier
  221. ensuring index for: srvModified
  222. ensuring index for: isValid
  223. Production environment detected, enabling Minify
  224. Lauscht auf Port 1337 null
  225. WS: Connection from client ID: ******************** IP: ::ffff:
  226. ALARM SOCKET: Connection from client ID: ******************** IP: ::ffff:
  227. Load Complete:
  228. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  229. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  230. Prefs: { warn: 30, urgent: 60, enableAlerts: false }
  231. (node:630) DeprecationWarning: collection.update is deprecated. Use updateOne, updateMany, or bulkWrite instead.
  232. (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
  233. got data-received event, requesting reload
  234. ALARM SOCKET: emitted clear_alarm to all clients
  235. Load Complete:
  236. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  237. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  238. tick 2023-12-24T23:13:22.633Z
  239. Load Complete:
  240. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  241. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  242. got data-received event, requesting reload
  243. sent retroUpdate { loadedMills: 1703459431094 }
  244. Load Complete:
  245. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  246. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  247. tick 2023-12-24T23:14:22.633Z
  248. Load Complete:
  249. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  250. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  251. got data-received event, requesting reload
  252. Load Complete:
  253. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  254. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  255. tick 2023-12-24T23:15:22.633Z
  256. Load Complete:
  257. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  258. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  259. got data-received event, requesting reload
  260. Load Complete:
  261. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  262. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  263. tick 2023-12-24T23:16:22.633Z
  264. Load Complete:
  265. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  266. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  267. got data-received event, requesting reload
  268. Load Complete:
  269. sgvs:2905, treatments:25, profiles:1, devicestatus:63, profileTreatments:2, tempbasalTreatments:1
  270. data loaded: reloading sandbox data and updating plugins
  271. sent retroUpdate { loadedMills: 1703459626077 }
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