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a guest
Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. @echo off
  3. CD C:\
  4. set timeleft=1
  5. set countdown=3
  6. set maindel=3
  7. set health=100
  8. set exp=0
  9. set forestrem=Forest1
  10. set attack=1
  11. set slice=%damageval%
  12. set swor=Trainer
  13. set shiel=Trainer
  14. set coin=5000
  15. set smhealth=50
  16. set rathealth=50
  17. set gshealth=20
  18. set aghealth=80
  19. set ghealth=55
  20. set delstat=Deleting
  21. set deltimer=3
  22. set locked=Locked
  23. set unlocked=Unlocked
  24. set castatus=%locked%
  25. set empty=0
  26. set fishingstatus=1
  27. set fishingdel=3
  28. set lvl=1
  29. set maxhp=100
  30. set bankval=0
  31. set fdirect=mriver
  32. set quickp=0
  33. set version=v3.5
  34. set combatpot=0
  35. set title=Dungeons and DOS
  36. set enemydam=0
  37. set damageval=1
  38. set shielprot=1
  39. set ferrydel=2
  40. set stkeyg=0
  41. set iceroomc=0
  42. set sthealth=60
  43. set chaosact=0
  44. set equalityval=0
  45. set scaredval=0
  46. set orderact=0
  47. set hocc=0
  48. set hooc=0
  49. set icepalacec=0
  50. set placestat=Unexplored
  51. set placestat2=Unexplored
  52. set placestat3=Unexplored
  53. set placestat4=Unexplored
  54. if not exist C:\RPG mkdir C:\RPG
  55. if not exist C:\RPG\Profiles mkdir C:\RPG\Profiles
  56. goto inb4startup1
  57. :inb4startup1
  58. cls
  59. title %title%
  60. set /a rantextgen=(%random%/2978)+1
  61. if %rantextgen%==1 set rantxt=Better in Vista and 7!
  62. if %rantextgen%==2 set rantxt=A Text Based RPG!
  63. if %rantextgen%==3 set rantxt=Made by Michael Jay!
  64. if %rantextgen%==4 set rantxt=Full of Swords and Monsters!
  65. if %rantextgen%==5 set rantxt=Try battling the Sewer Monster!
  66. if %rantextgen%==6 set rantxt=Made in MS-DOS!
  67. if %rantextgen%==7 set rantxt=Inspired by Runescape!
  68. if %rantextgen%==8 set rantxt=Remember to report bugs!
  69. if %rantextgen%==9 set rantxt=Random text!
  70. if %rantextgen%==10 set rantxt=Wake up in Hospital, fight Spiders!
  71. if %rantextgen%==11 set rantxt=Over 2,000 lines of code!
  72. goto inb4startup
  73. :inb4startup
  74. cls
  75. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  76. echo.
  77. echo --=%title% %version%=--
  78. echo.
  79. echo --=%rantxt%=--
  80. echo.
  81. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  82. pause >NUL
  83. goto startup
  84. :startup
  85. cls
  86. title %title%
  87. if %countdown% LEQ 0 goto login
  88. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  89. echo.
  90. echo --=Loading Config=--
  91. echo.
  92. echo --=%countdown% Seconds Remaining=--
  93. echo.
  94. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  95. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  96. set /a countdown=%countdown%-%timeleft%
  97. goto startup
  98. :login
  99. cls
  100. title %title% - Login
  101. COLOR 07
  102. echo --=%title% %version%=----=Lobby=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  103. echo.
  104. echo 1.) Log into existing account
  105. echo 2.) Create a new account
  106. echo 3.) Quick Play
  107. echo.
  108. echo 4.) Tools
  109. echo 5.) Credits
  110. echo.
  111. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  112. set /p input=">"
  113. if %input%==1 goto oldaccb4
  114. if %input%==2 goto newacc
  115. if %input%==3 goto quickplay
  116. if %input%==4 goto tools
  117. if %input%==5 goto credits
  118. goto login
  119. :credits
  120. cls
  121. title %title% - Credits
  122. echo --=%title% %version%=----=Credits=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  123. echo.
  124. echo --= Thanks to all Alpha testers =--
  125. echo --= Written in MS-DOS, copyright of Microsoft =--
  126. echo --= Programmed from scratch by Michael Jay [Oliver Orca] =--
  127. echo --= Compiled version uses Onestop.mid, copyright of Microsoft =--
  128. echo.
  129. echo 1.) Return to Main Menu
  130. echo.
  131. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  132. set /p input=">"
  133. if %input%==1 goto login
  134. goto credits
  135. :tools
  136. cls
  137. title %title% - Tools
  138. echo --=%title% %version%=----=Tools=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  139. echo.
  140. echo 1.) View all Created Accounts
  141. echo 2.) Import Account
  142. echo.
  143. echo 3.) Return to Main Menu
  144. echo.
  145. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  146. set /p input=">"
  147. if %input%==1 goto acclist
  148. if %input%==2 goto impacc
  149. if %input%==3 goto login
  150. goto tools
  151. :impacc
  152. cls
  153. title %title% - Import Account
  154. if not exist AccountImporter MKDIR AccountImporter
  155. start C:\AccountImporter
  156. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  157. echo.
  158. echo --=A folder has been made in the C:\ Directory=--
  159. echo.
  160. echo --=Place your Account Folder into the folder, and press Enter=--
  161. echo.
  162. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  163. pause >NUL
  164. goto impacc2
  165. :impacc2
  166. cls
  167. title %title% - Import Account
  168. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  169. echo.
  170. echo --=Enter your Account (Folder) Name=--
  171. echo.
  172. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  173. set /p name=">"
  174. if not exist "AccountImporter\%name%" goto accfolderu
  175. XCOPY /S /V /Q /E "AccountImporter\*.*" "C:\RPG\Profiles"
  176. goto impacc3
  177. :accfolderu
  178. cls
  179. title %title% - "%name%" not an existing Account Folder
  180. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  181. echo.
  182. echo --="%name%" was not an existing Account Folder=--
  183. echo.
  184. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  185. pause >NUL
  186. goto login
  187. :impacc3
  188. cls
  189. title %title% - Account Imported
  190. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  191. echo.
  192. echo --=Account "%name%" was successfully Imported=--
  193. echo.
  194. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  195. pause >NUL
  196. goto login
  197. :quickplay
  198. cls
  199. title %title% - Quick Play
  200. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  201. echo.
  202. echo --=In Quick Play Mode, you cannot Save your progress=--
  203. echo.
  204. echo --=Continue (Y/N)?=--
  205. echo.
  206. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  207. set /p input=">"
  208. if %input%==Y goto quickpmain
  209. if %input%==N goto login
  210. if %input%==y goto quickpmain
  211. if %input%==n goto login
  212. set quickp=1
  213. goto quickplay
  214. :oldaccb4
  215. cls
  216. title %title% - Login
  217. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  218. echo.
  219. echo --=Please enter your Username=--
  220. echo.
  221. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  222. set /p name=">"
  223. if exist "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat" goto slot1log
  224. goto incuser
  225. :incuser
  226. cls
  227. title %title% - Nonexistant Account
  228. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  229. echo.
  230. echo --="%name%" is not an existing Account=--
  231. echo.
  232. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  233. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  234. goto login
  235. :acclist
  236. cls
  237. title %title% - Account List
  238. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  239. echo.
  240. echo --=The Following is a list of all Accounts active=--
  241. echo.
  242. dir /b C:\RPG\Profiles\
  243. echo.
  244. echo --=Press R to Return to the Login Screen=--
  245. echo.
  246. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  247. set /p input=">"
  248. if %input%==R goto login
  249. if %input%==r goto login
  250. goto acclist
  251. :slot1log
  252. cls
  253. title %title% - %name%'s Account
  254. if not defined passr set /p passr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  255. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  256. echo.
  257. echo --=Please enter %name%'s Password=--
  258. echo.
  259. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  260. set /p passinput=">"
  261. if %passinput%==%passr% goto acchome
  262. goto incorrect
  263. :incorrect
  264. cls
  265. title %title% - Incorrect Password
  266. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  267. echo.
  268. echo --="%passinput%" was not the correct Password=--
  269. echo.
  270. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  271. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  272. goto login
  273. :acchome
  274. cls
  275. title %title% - %name%'s Profile
  276. if not exist "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences\Color.dat" echo 07 > "RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences\Color.dat"
  277. set /p prefcl=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences\Color.dat"
  278. COLOR %prefcl%
  279. echo --=%name%'s Profile=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  280. echo.
  281. echo 1.) Play %title% %version%
  282. echo 2.) Delete your Account
  283. echo 3.) Delete all Game Data
  284. echo.
  285. echo 4.) Return to the Login Screen
  286. echo.
  287. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  288. set /p input=">"
  289. if %input%==1 goto main
  290. if %input%==2 goto accdelconf
  291. if %input%==3 goto gamedatconf
  292. if %input%==4 goto login
  293. goto acchome
  294. :gamedatconf
  295. cls
  296. title %title% - Are you sure you wish to delete %name%'s Game Data?
  297. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  298. echo.
  299. echo --=Are you sure you wish to delete %name%'s Game Data (Y/N)?=--
  300. echo.
  301. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  302. set /p input=">"
  303. if %input%==Y goto gamedatdel
  304. if %input%==y goto gamedatdel
  305. if %input%==N goto acchome
  306. if %input%==n goto acchome
  307. goto gamedatconf
  308. :gamedatdel
  309. cls
  310. title %title% - Deleting %name%'s Game Data
  311. if %deltimer% LEQ 0 goto login
  312. set timeleft=3
  313. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  314. echo.
  315. echo --=Deleting %name%'s Game Data=--
  316. echo.
  317. echo --=Status: %delstat%=--
  318. echo.
  319. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  320. choice /c n /d n /t %deltimer% >NUL
  321. DEL /Q /S "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\*.*"
  322. set delstat=Deleted!
  323. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  324. goto login
  325. :accdelconf
  326. cls
  327. title %title% - Are you sure you wish to delete %name%'s Account?
  328. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  329. echo.
  330. echo --=Are you sure you wish to delete %name%'s account (Y/N)?=--
  331. echo.
  332. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  333. set /p input=">"
  334. if %input%==Y goto accdel
  335. if %input%==y goto accdel
  336. if %input%==N goto acchome
  337. if %input%==n goto acchome
  338. goto accdelconf
  339. :accdel
  340. cls
  341. title %title% - Deleting %name%'s Account
  342. if %deltimer% LEQ 0 goto login
  343. set timeleft=3
  344. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  345. echo.
  346. echo --=Deleting %name%'s Account and saved Data=--
  347. echo.
  348. echo --=Status: %delstat%=--
  349. echo.
  350. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  351. choice /c n /d n /t %deltimer% >NUL
  352. RD /Q /S "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%"
  353. set delstat=Deleted!
  354. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  355. goto login
  356. :newacc
  357. cls
  358. title %title% - Create a New Account
  359. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  360. echo.
  361. echo --=Enter a Username=--
  362. echo.
  363. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  364. set /p name=">"
  365. if exist "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%" goto alreadyexist
  366. goto namecheck
  367. :alreadyexist
  368. cls
  369. title %title% - %name% is an already active Account!
  370. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  371. echo.
  372. echo --="%name%" is an already active Account!=--
  373. echo.
  374. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  375. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  376. goto login
  377. :namecheck
  378. cls
  379. title %title% - Is your name: %name%?
  380. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  381. echo.
  382. echo --=Is your Username: "%name%" (Y/N)?=--
  383. echo.
  384. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  385. set /p input=">"
  386. if %input%==Y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%"
  387. if %input%==Y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data"
  388. if %input%==Y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences"
  389. if %input%==y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%"
  390. if %input%==y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data"
  391. if %input%==y mkdir "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences"
  392. if %input%==Y goto newpass
  393. if %input%==y goto newpass
  394. if %input%==N goto newacc
  395. if %input%==n goto newacc
  396. goto namecheck
  397. :newpass
  398. cls
  399. title %title% - Create a New Account
  400. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  401. echo.
  402. echo --=Enter a Password=--
  403. echo.
  404. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  405. set /p password=">"
  406. goto passcheck
  407. :passcheck
  408. cls
  409. title %title% - Is your password: %password%?
  410. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  411. echo.
  412. echo --=Is your Password: "%password%" (Y/N)?=--
  413. echo.
  414. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  415. set /p input=">"
  416. set /p passr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  417. if %input%==Y echo %password% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  418. if %input%==y echo %password% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  419. if %input%==Y ATTRIB +H "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  420. if %input%==y ATTRIB +H "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\%name%.dat"
  421. if %input%==Y goto login
  422. if %input%==y goto login
  423. if %input%==N goto newpass
  424. if %input%==n goto newpass
  425. goto passcheck
  426. :quickpmain
  427. cls
  428. title %title% - Main Menu - Quick Play
  429. set name=Anonymous
  430. set mode=Quick
  431. echo --=%title%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  432. echo.
  433. echo 1.) Start a new game
  434. echo 2.) Options
  435. echo 3.) Instructions
  436. echo 4.) Exit
  437. echo.
  438. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  439. set /p input=">"
  440. if %input%==1 goto qpchooseclass
  441. if %input%==2 goto qpopt
  442. if %input%==3 goto qpinst
  443. if %input%==4 exit
  444. goto quickpmain
  445. :qpinst
  446. cls
  447. title %title% - Instructions
  448. echo --=Instructions=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  449. echo.
  450. echo Battle Monsters, complete tasks, and level
  451. echo up using the keys cooresponding to the
  452. echo number (Or letter) next to the action you
  453. echo wish to take.
  454. echo.
  455. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  456. pause >NUL
  457. goto quickpmain
  458. :qpopt
  459. cls
  460. title %title% - Options
  461. echo --=Options=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  462. echo.
  463. echo 1.) Appearance
  464. echo.
  465. echo 2.) Return to Main Menu
  466. echo.
  467. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  468. set /p input=">"
  469. if %input%==1 goto opta
  470. if %input%==2 goto quickpmain
  471. goto qpopt
  472. :qpchooseclass
  473. cls
  474. title %title% - Choose a Class
  475. echo --=Choose a Class=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  476. echo.
  477. echo 1.) Warrior - Heroic
  478. echo 2.) N/A
  479. echo.
  480. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  481. set /p input=">"
  482. if %input%==1 goto warc
  483. if %input%==2 goto necc
  484. goto qpchooseclass
  485. :main
  486. cls
  487. title %title% - Main Menu
  488. set mode=Normal
  489. echo --=%title%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  490. echo.
  491. echo 1.) Start a new game
  492. echo 2.) Load an existing game
  493. echo 3.) Options
  494. echo 4.) Instructions
  495. echo 5.) Exit
  496. echo.
  497. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  498. set /p input=">"
  499. if %input%==1 goto chooseclass
  500. if %input%==2 goto choosesave
  501. if %input%==3 goto opt
  502. if %input%==4 goto inst
  503. if %input%==5 exit
  504. goto main
  505. :inst
  506. cls
  507. title %title% - Instructions
  508. echo --=Instructions=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  509. echo.
  510. echo Battle Monsters, complete tasks, and level
  511. echo up using the keys cooresponding to the
  512. echo number (Or letter) next to the action you
  513. echo wish to take.
  514. echo.
  515. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  516. pause >NUL
  517. goto main
  518. :nodata
  519. cls
  520. title %title% - No game Data available
  521. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  522. echo.
  523. echo --=Game Data could not be loaded for this Account=--
  524. echo.
  525. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  526. pause >NUL
  527. goto main
  528. :choosesave
  529. cls
  530. title %title% - Load a Game
  531. if not exist "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Mainload.dat" goto nodata
  532. set /p coinlr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Coin.dat"
  533. set /p healthlr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Health.dat"
  534. set /p explr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Exp.dat"
  535. set /p sworlr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Sword.dat"
  536. set /p shiellr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Shield.dat"
  537. set /p lvllr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Level.dat"
  538. set /p bankvalr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Bankgold.dat"
  539. set /p slicevalr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Sliceval.dat"
  540. set /p maxhpvalr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Maxhp.dat"
  541. set /p frstatr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\FishingRod.dat"
  542. set /p swordamr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\SworDamage.dat"
  543. set /p shielprotr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\ShielProt.dat"
  544. set /p prevroor=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\PrevRoom.dat"
  545. set /p stkeycr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\KeyGuards.dat"
  546. set /p iceroomcr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\IceCaveColl.dat"
  547. set /p ipcr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\IcePalaceCheck.dat"
  548. set /p chaosr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Chaos.dat"
  549. set /p orderr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Order.dat"
  550. set /p chaosactr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\ChaosAct.dat"
  551. set /p orderactr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\OrderAct.dat"
  552. set /p equalvalr=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\EqualityVal.dat"
  553. set /p qslot1n=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestName.dat"
  554. set /p qslot1s=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestStatus.dat"
  555. set /p qslot1i=<"C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestInfo.dat"
  556. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  557. echo.
  558. echo --=Loading Game Data=--
  559. echo.
  560. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  561. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  562. set coin=%coinlr%
  563. set health=%healthlr%
  564. set exp=%explr%
  565. set swor=%sworlr%
  566. set shiel=%shiellr%
  567. set lvl=%lvllr%
  568. set bankval=%bankvalr%
  569. set slice=%slicevalr%
  570. set maxhp=%maxhpvalr%
  571. set fishingstatus=%frstatr%
  572. set damageval=%swordamr%
  573. set shielprot=%shielprotr%
  574. set loadroom=%prevroor%
  575. set stkeyg=%stkeycr%
  576. set iceroomc=%iceroomcr%
  577. set icepalacec=%ipcr%
  578. set hocc=%chaosr%
  579. set hooc=%orderr%
  580. set chaosact=%chaosactr%
  581. set orderact=%orderactr%
  582. set equalityval=%equalityvalr%
  583. set qslot1=%qslot1n%
  584. set qslot1stat=%qslot1s%
  585. set qslotinf=%qslot1i%
  586. goto %loadroom%
  587. :opt
  588. cls
  589. title %title% - Options
  590. echo --=Options=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  591. echo.
  592. echo 1.) Appearance
  593. echo.
  594. echo 2.) Return to Main Menu
  595. echo.
  596. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  597. set /p input=">"
  598. if %input%==1 goto opta
  599. if %input%==2 goto main
  600. goto opt
  601. :opta
  602. cls
  603. title %title% - Options \ Appearance
  604. if not defined bgcl set bgcl=0
  605. if not defined txcl set txcl=7
  606. echo --=Appearance=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  607. echo.
  608. echo --=Background Colors=--
  609. echo.
  610. echo 1.) Red
  611. echo 2.) Green
  612. echo 3.) Blue
  613. echo 4.) Black
  614. echo 5.) White
  615. echo.
  616. echo --=Text Colors=--
  617. echo.
  618. echo 6.) Red
  619. echo 7.) Green
  620. echo 8.) Blue
  621. echo 9.) Black
  622. echo 10.) White
  623. echo.
  624. echo 11.) Return to Options Screen
  625. echo.
  626. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  627. set /p input=">"
  628. if %input%==1 COLOR 4%txcl%
  629. if %input%==2 COLOR A%txcl%
  630. if %input%==3 COLOR 1%txcl%
  631. if %input%==4 COLOR 0%txcl%
  632. if %input%==5 COLOR 7%txcl%
  633. if %input%==6 COLOR %bgcl%4
  634. if %input%==7 COLOR %bgcl%A
  635. if %input%==8 COLOR %bgcl%1
  636. if %input%==9 COLOR %bgcl%0
  637. if %input%==10 COLOR %bgcl%7
  638. if %input%==11 echo %bgcl%%txcl% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Preferences\Color.dat"
  639. if %input%==1 set bgcl=4
  640. if %input%==2 set bgcl=A
  641. if %input%==3 set bgcl=1
  642. if %input%==4 set bgcl=0
  643. if %input%==5 set bgcl=7
  644. if %input%==6 set txcl=4
  645. if %input%==7 set txcl=A
  646. if %input%==8 set txcl=1
  647. if %input%==9 set txcl=0
  648. if %input%==10 set txcl=7
  649. if %input%==11 goto opt
  650. goto opta
  651. :chooseclass
  652. cls
  653. title %title% - Choose a Class
  654. echo --=Choose a Class=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  655. echo.
  656. echo 1.) Warrior - Heroic
  657. echo 2.) N/A
  658. echo.
  659. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  660. set /p input=">"
  661. if %input%==1 goto warc
  662. if %input%==2 goto necc
  663. goto chooseclass
  664. :warc
  665. cls
  666. title %title% - Warrior
  667. echo --=Warrior=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  668. echo.
  669. echo --=Description=--
  670. echo.
  671. echo A brave Knight of Alysiaum capable of powerful Melee
  672. echo Attacks.
  673. echo.
  674. echo --=Choose the Warrior (Y/N)?=--
  675. echo.
  676. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  677. set /p input=">"
  678. set classt=Warrior
  679. if %input%==Y goto begin
  680. if %input%==y goto begin
  681. if %input%==N goto chooseclass
  682. if %input%==n goto chooseclass
  683. goto warc
  684. :necc
  685. cls
  686. title %title% - Necromancer
  687. echo --=Necromancer=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  688. echo.
  689. echo --=Description=--
  690. echo.
  691. echo An old, yet powerful Wizard of the Perhaedian Kingdom,
  692. echo capable of Black Magicks and summoning minions from
  693. echo Hell.
  694. echo.
  695. echo --=Choose the Necromancer (Y/N)?=--
  696. echo.
  697. echo --=THE NECROMANCER IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  698. set /p input=">"
  699. set classt=Necromancer
  700. if %input%==Y goto begin
  701. if %input%==y goto begin
  702. if %input%==N goto chooseclass
  703. if %input%==n goto chooseclass
  704. goto necc
  705. :begin
  706. cls
  707. title %title% - Awakening
  708. set invroom=begin
  709. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  710. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  711. echo.
  712. echo --=You awaken in an Alysiaum Inn, ready for an Adventure=--
  713. echo.
  714. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  715. echo.
  716. echo 1.) North - Lobby
  717. echo.
  718. echo 2.) Inventory
  719. echo.
  720. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  721. set /p input=">"
  722. if %input%==1 goto Lobby
  723. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  724. goto begin
  725. :savegame
  726. cls
  727. title %title% - Saving Game Data
  728. if %mode% == Quick goto unabletosave
  729. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  730. echo.
  731. echo --=Saving your Game Data=--
  732. echo.
  733. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  734. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  735. echo %loadroom% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\PrevRoom.dat"
  736. echo %name% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Mainload.dat"
  737. echo %coin% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Coin.dat"
  738. echo %health% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Health.dat"
  739. echo %exp% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Exp.dat"
  740. echo %swor% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Sword.dat"
  741. echo %shiel% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Shield.dat"
  742. echo %lvl% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Level.dat"
  743. echo %slice% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Sliceval.dat"
  744. echo %maxhp% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Maxhp.dat"
  745. echo %fishingstatus% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\FishingRod.dat"
  746. echo %damageval% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\SworDamage.dat"
  747. echo %shielprot% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\ShielProt.dat"
  748. echo %stkeyg% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\KeyGuards.dat"
  749. echo %iceroomc% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\IceCaveColl.dat"
  750. echo %icepalacec% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\IcePalaceCheck.dat"
  751. echo %hocc% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Chaos.dat"
  752. echo %hooc% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Order.dat"
  753. echo %chaosact% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\ChaosAct.dat"
  754. echo %orderact% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\OrderAct.dat"
  755. echo %equalityval% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\EqualityVal.dat"
  756. echo %qslot1% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestName.dat"
  757. echo %qslot1stat% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestStatus.dat"
  758. echo %qslotinf% > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\QuestInfo.dat"
  759. goto inventory
  760. :unabletosave
  761. cls
  762. title %title% - Unable to Save
  763. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  764. echo.
  765. echo --=You cannot save in Quick Play mode!=--
  766. echo.
  767. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  768. pause >NUL
  769. goto begin
  770. :Lobby
  771. cls
  772. title %title% - Lobby
  773. set invroom=Lobby
  774. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  775. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  776. echo.
  777. echo --=You enter the Lobby of the Alysiaum Inn=--
  778. echo.
  779. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  780. echo.
  781. echo 1.) North - Central Alysiaum [Square]
  782. echo 2.) South - Bedroom
  783. echo 3.) West - Southern Alysiaum [Slums]
  784. echo.
  785. echo 4.) Inventory
  786. echo.
  787. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  788. set /p input=">"
  789. if %input%==1 goto Square
  790. if %input%==2 goto begin
  791. if %input%==3 goto salysiaum
  792. if %input%==4 goto inventory
  793. goto lobby
  794. :Square
  795. cls
  796. title %title% - Central Alysiaum [Square]
  797. set invroom=Square
  798. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  799. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  800. echo.
  801. echo --=You enter a large Cobble square filled with people=--
  802. echo.
  803. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  804. echo.
  805. echo 1.) North - Northern Alysiaum [Market]
  806. echo 2.) East - Eastern Alysiaum [Castle]
  807. echo 3.) South - Alysiaum Inn
  808. echo 4.) West - Western Alysiaum [Commons]
  809. echo.
  810. echo 5.) Inventory
  811. echo.
  812. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  813. set /p input=">"
  814. if %input%==1 goto nalysiaum
  815. if %input%==2 goto ealysiaum
  816. if %input%==3 goto Lobby
  817. if %input%==4 goto walysiaum
  818. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  819. goto Square
  820. :nalysiaum
  821. cls
  822. title %title% - Northern Alysiaum [Market]
  823. set invroom=nalysiaum
  824. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  825. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  826. echo.
  827. echo --=A series of Market Stalls dot the Courtyard=--
  828. echo.
  829. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  830. echo.
  831. echo 1.) North - Smithery
  832. echo 2.) East - Potion Shop
  833. echo 3.) South - Central Alysiaum [Square]
  834. echo 4.) West - Northwest Alysiaum [Pier]
  835. echo.
  836. echo 5.) Inventory
  837. echo.
  838. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  839. set /p input=">"
  840. if %input%==1 goto smithery
  841. if %input%==2 goto potionshop
  842. if %input%==3 goto Square
  843. if %input%==4 goto pier
  844. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  845. goto nalysiaum
  846. :potionshop
  847. cls
  848. title %title% - Potion Shop
  849. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-
  850. echo.
  851. echo --=Healing Potions=--
  852. echo.
  853. echo 1.) Small Potion - 30 Coins [+20 Health]
  854. echo 2.) Medium Potion - 60 Coins [+50 Health]
  855. echo 3.) Large Potion - 90 Coins [+80 Health]
  856. echo.
  857. echo --=Combat Potions=--
  858. echo.
  859. echo 4.) Damage Boost Potion - 50 Coins [+3 Damage]
  860. echo.
  861. echo 5.) Return to Market
  862. echo.
  863. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  864. set /p choice=">"
  865. if %choice% == 1 set potcost=30
  866. if %choice% == 2 set potcost=60
  867. if %choice% == 3 set potcost=90
  868. if %choice% == 4 set potcost=50
  869. if %choice% == 1 set pottype=Small Healing
  870. if %choice% == 2 set pottype=Medium Healing
  871. if %choice% == 3 set pottype=Large Healing
  872. if %choice% == 4 set pottype=Damage Boost
  873. if %choice% == 1 set pothp=20
  874. if %choice% == 2 set pothp=50
  875. if %choice% == 3 set pothp=80
  876. if %choice% == 1 goto potcheck
  877. if %choice% == 2 goto potcheck
  878. if %choice% == 3 goto potcheck
  879. if %choice% == 4 goto potcheckc
  880. if %choice% == 5 goto nalysiaum
  881. goto potionshop
  882. :potcheck
  883. cls
  884. title %title% - Potion Shop
  885. set notenoughloc=potionshop
  886. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  887. echo.
  888. echo --=Would you like to buy the %pottype% Potion for %potcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  889. echo.
  890. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  891. set /p input=">"
  892. if %health% GEQ %maxhp% goto fullhp
  893. if %coin% LSS %potcost% goto notenough
  894. if %input%==Y set /a health=%health%+%pothp%
  895. if %input%==y set /a health=%health%+%pothp%
  896. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-%potcost%
  897. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-%potcost%
  898. if %input%==Y goto potionshop
  899. if %input%==y goto potionshop
  900. if %input%==N goto potionshop
  901. if %input%==n goto potionshop
  902. goto potcheck
  903. :fullhp
  904. cls
  905. title %title% - Potion Shop
  906. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  907. echo.
  908. echo --=Your Health is already at the maximum amount (%maxhp%)!=--
  909. echo.
  910. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  911. pause >NUL
  912. goto potionshop
  913. :potcheckc
  914. cls
  915. title %title% - Potion Shop
  916. set notenoughloc=potionshop
  917. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  918. echo.
  919. echo --=Would you like to buy the %pottype% Potion for %potcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  920. echo.
  921. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  922. set /p input=">"
  923. if %coin% LSS %potcost% goto notenough
  924. if %input%==Y set /a slice=%slice%+5
  925. if %input%==y set /a slice=%slice%+5
  926. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-%potcost%
  927. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-%potcost%
  928. if %input%==Y goto potionshop
  929. if %input%==y goto potionshop
  930. if %input%==N goto potionshop
  931. if %input%==n goto potionshop
  932. set combatpot=1
  933. goto potcheck
  934. :smithery
  935. cls
  936. title %title% - Smithery
  937. set notenoughloc=smithery
  938. set slice=%damageval%
  939. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-
  940. echo.
  941. echo --=Swords=--
  942. echo.
  943. echo 1.) Wooden Sword - 100 Coins [+1 Damage]
  944. echo 2.) Iron Sword - 250 Coins [+3 Damage]
  945. echo 3.) Steel Sword - 400 Coins [+6 Damage]
  946. echo 4.) Nightmare Broadsword - 1,000 Coins [+15 Damage]
  947. echo.
  948. echo --=Shields=--
  949. echo.
  950. echo 5.) Wooden Shield - 120 Coins [-1 Enemy Damage]
  951. echo 6.) Iron Shield - 270 Coins [-2 Ememy Damage]
  952. echo 7.) Steel Shield - 420 Coins [-3 Enemy Damage]
  953. echo 8.) Nightmare Kiteshield - 1,200 Coins [-5 Enemy Damage]
  954. echo.
  955. echo 9.) Sell
  956. echo.
  957. echo 10.) Return to Market
  958. echo.
  959. echo -=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  960. set /p choice=">"
  961. if %choice% == 1 set sworcost=100
  962. if %choice% == 1 set swortype=Wooden
  963. if %choice% == 2 set sworcost=250
  964. if %choice% == 2 set swortype=Iron
  965. if %choice% == 3 set sworcost=400
  966. if %choice% == 3 set swortype=Steel
  967. if %choice% == 4 set sworcost=1000
  968. if %choice% == 4 set swortype=Nightmare
  969. if %choice% == 5 set shielcost=120
  970. if %choice% == 5 set shieltype=Wooden
  971. if %choice% == 6 set shielcost=270
  972. if %choice% == 6 set shieltype=Iron
  973. if %choice% == 7 set shielcost=420
  974. if %choice% == 7 set shieltype=Steel
  975. if %choice% == 8 set shielcost=1200
  976. if %choice% == 8 set shieltype=Nightmare
  977. if %choice% == 1 set damagevals=1
  978. if %choice% == 2 set damagevals=3
  979. if %choice% == 3 set damagevals=6
  980. if %choice% == 4 set damagevals=15
  981. if %choice% == 5 set shielprots=1
  982. if %choice% == 6 set shielprots=2
  983. if %choice% == 7 set shielprots=3
  984. if %choice% == 8 set shielprots=5
  985. if %choice% == 1 goto sworcheck
  986. if %choice% == 2 goto sworcheck
  987. if %choice% == 3 goto sworcheck
  988. if %choice% == 4 goto sworcheck
  989. if %choice% == 5 goto shielcheck
  990. if %choice% == 6 goto shielcheck
  991. if %choice% == 7 goto shielcheck
  992. if %choice% == 8 goto shielcheck
  993. if %choice% == 9 goto smitherysell
  994. if %choice% == 10 goto nalysiaum
  995. goto smithery
  996. :smitherysell
  997. cls
  998. title %title% - Sell
  999. if %swor% == Wooden set sworcost=50
  1000. if %swor% == Iron set sworcost=100
  1001. if %swor% == Steel set sworcost=150
  1002. if %swor% == Nightmare set sworcost=400
  1003. if %swor% == Trainer set sworcost=N/A
  1004. if %swor% == Wooden set damagevals=1
  1005. if %swor% == Iron set damagevals=3
  1006. if %swor% == Steel set damagevals=6
  1007. if %swor% == Nightmare set damagevals=15
  1008. if %shiel% == Wooden set shielcost=60
  1009. if %shiel% == Iron set shielcost=110
  1010. if %shiel% == Steel set shielcost=200
  1011. if %shiel% == Nightmare set shielcost=500
  1012. if %shiel% == Trainer set shielcost=N/A
  1013. if %shiel% == Wooden set shielprots=1
  1014. if %shiel% == Iron set shielprots=2
  1015. if %shiel% == Steel set shielprots=3
  1016. if %shiel% == Nightmare set shielprots=5
  1017. if %shiel% == Trainer set shielprots=1
  1018. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-
  1019. echo.
  1020. echo 1.) Sell %swor% Sword [%sworcost% Coins]
  1021. echo 2.) Sell %shiel% Shield [%shielcost% Coins]
  1022. echo.
  1023. echo 3.) Return to Smithery
  1024. echo.
  1025. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1026. set /p choice=">"
  1027. if %choice% == 1 goto sworscheck
  1028. if %choice% == 2 goto shielscheck
  1029. if %choice% == 3 goto smithery
  1030. goto smitherysell
  1031. :shielscheck
  1032. cls
  1033. title %title% - Sell
  1034. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1035. echo.
  1036. echo --=Would you like to sell the %shiel% Shield for %shielcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1037. echo.
  1038. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1039. set /p input=">"
  1040. if %shiel% == Trainer goto unabletosell
  1041. if %input% == Y set shiel=Trainer
  1042. if %input% == y set shiel=Trainer
  1043. if %input% == Y set /a coin=%coin%+%shielcost%
  1044. if %input% == y set /a coin=%coin%+%shielcost%
  1045. if %input% == Y set /a shielprot=%shielprot%-%shielprots%
  1046. if %input% == y set /a shielprot=%shielprot%-%shielprots%
  1047. if %input% == Y goto smitherysell
  1048. if %input% == y goto smitherysell
  1049. if %input% == N goto smitherysell
  1050. if %input% == n goto smitherysell
  1051. goto shielscheck
  1052. :sworscheck
  1053. cls
  1054. title %title% - Sell
  1055. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1056. echo.
  1057. echo --=Would you like to sell the %swor% Sword for %sworcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1058. echo.
  1059. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1060. set /p input=">"
  1061. if %swor% == Trainer goto unabletosell
  1062. if %input% == Y set swor=Trainer
  1063. if %input% == y set swor=Trainer
  1064. if %input% == Y set /a coin=%coin%+%sworcost%
  1065. if %input% == y set /a coin=%coin%+%sworcost%
  1066. if %input% == Y set /a damageval=%damageval%-%damagevals%
  1067. if %input% == y set /a damageval=%damageval%-%damagevals%
  1068. if %input% == Y goto smitherysell
  1069. if %input% == y goto smitherysell
  1070. if %input% == N goto smitherysell
  1071. if %input% == n goto smitherysell
  1072. goto sworscheck
  1073. :unabletosell
  1074. cls
  1075. title %title% - Unable to Sell
  1076. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1077. echo.
  1078. echo --=You cannot fight monsters without a Sword or Shield!=--
  1079. echo.
  1080. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1081. pause >NUL
  1082. goto smitherysell
  1083. :sworcheck
  1084. cls
  1085. title %title% - Smithery
  1086. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1087. echo.
  1088. echo --=Would you like to buy the %swortype% Sword for %sworcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1089. echo.
  1090. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1091. set /p input=">"
  1092. if %coin% LSS %sworcost% goto notenough
  1093. if %input%==Y set swor=%swortype%
  1094. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-%sworcost%
  1095. if %input%==y set swor=%swortype%
  1096. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-%sworcost%
  1097. if %input%==Y set /a damageval=%damageval%+%damagevals%
  1098. if %input%==y set /a damageval=%damageval%+%damagevals%
  1099. if %input%==N goto smithery
  1100. if %input%==n goto smithery
  1101. if %input%==Y goto smithery
  1102. if %input%==y goto smithery
  1103. goto sworcheck
  1104. :shielcheck
  1105. cls
  1106. title %title% - Smithery
  1107. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1108. echo.
  1109. echo --=Would you like to buy the %shieltype% Sword for %shielcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1110. echo.
  1111. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1112. set /p input=">"
  1113. if %coin% LSS %shielcost% goto notenough
  1114. if %input%==Y set shiel=%shieltype%
  1115. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-%shielcost%
  1116. if %input%==y set shiel=%shieltype%
  1117. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-%shielcost%
  1118. if %input%==Y set shielprot=%shielprots%
  1119. if %input%==y set shielprot=%shielprots%
  1120. if %input%==N goto smithery
  1121. if %input%==n goto smithery
  1122. if %input%==Y goto smithery
  1123. if %input%==y goto smithery
  1124. goto shielcheck
  1125. :notenough
  1126. cls
  1127. title %title% - Not enough Coins!
  1128. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-
  1129. echo.
  1130. echo --=You have insufficient Coins!=--
  1131. echo.
  1132. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1133. choice /c n /d n /t %timeleft% >NUL
  1134. goto %notenoughloc%
  1135. :ealysiaum
  1136. cls
  1137. title %title% - Eastern Alysiaum [Castle]
  1138. set invroom=ealysiaum
  1139. set lvlupr=ealysiaum
  1140. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1141. if %exp% GEQ 100 goto lvlup
  1142. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1143. echo.
  1144. echo --=A large and Royal castle stands before you=--
  1145. echo.
  1146. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1147. echo.
  1148. echo 1.) North - Fight Guards [Lvl. 20]
  1149. echo 2.) East - Alysiaum Castle
  1150. echo 3.) South - N/A
  1151. echo 4.) West - Central Alysiaum [Square]
  1152. echo.
  1153. echo 5.) Inventory
  1154. echo.
  1155. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1156. set /p input=">"
  1157. if %input%==1 goto guardf
  1158. if %input%==2 goto acastle
  1159. if %input%==4 goto Square
  1160. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1161. goto ealysiaum
  1162. :acastle
  1163. cls
  1164. title %title% - Alysiaum Castle
  1165. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1166. echo.
  1167. echo --=You enter a large hall of Marble floors and royal crests=--
  1168. echo.
  1169. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1170. echo.
  1171. echo 1.) North - N/A
  1172. echo 2.) East - Throne Room
  1173. echo 3.) South - N/A
  1174. echo 4.) West - East Alysiaum [Castle]
  1175. echo.
  1176. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1177. set /p input=">"
  1178. if %input%==2 goto throneroom
  1179. if %input%==4 goto ealysiaum
  1180. goto acastle
  1181. :throneroom
  1182. cls
  1183. title %title% - Alysiaum Castle
  1184. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1185. echo.
  1186. echo --=Guards block your path. You require higher privileges=--
  1187. echo.
  1188. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1189. pause >NUL
  1190. goto acastle
  1191. :guardf
  1192. cls
  1193. title %title% - Guard [Lvl. 20]
  1194. set invroom=guardf
  1195. if %health% GEQ %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1196. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1197. if %aghealth% LEQ 0 goto agdefeated
  1198. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %aghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1199. echo.
  1200. echo --=A Guard [Lvl. 20] has appeared!=--
  1201. echo.
  1202. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  1203. echo.
  1204. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage - Attack]
  1205. echo.
  1206. echo 2.) Inventory
  1207. echo 3.) Run
  1208. echo.
  1209. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1210. set /p input=">"
  1211. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  1212. if %input%==1 set adtype=%slice%
  1213. if %input%==1 goto guardfa
  1214. if %input%==2 goto guardfa
  1215. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  1216. if %input%==3 goto ealysiaum
  1217. goto guardf
  1218. :guardfa
  1219. cls
  1220. title %title% - Guard [Lvl. 20]
  1221. set /a aghealth=%aghealth%-%adtype%
  1222. set /a agra=(%random%/8191)+1
  1223. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %aghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1224. echo.
  1225. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  1226. echo.
  1227. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1228. pause >NUL
  1229. if %agra% == 1 set agat=Slash
  1230. if %agra% == 1 set enemydam=27
  1231. if %agra% == 2 set agat=Crush
  1232. if %agra% == 2 set enemydam=32
  1233. if %agra% == 3 set agat=Stab
  1234. if %agra% == 3 set enemydam=22
  1235. if %agra% == 4 set agat=Hack
  1236. if %agra% == 4 set enemydam==29
  1237. goto guardfaas
  1238. :guardfaas
  1239. cls
  1240. title %title% - Guard [Lvl. 20]
  1241. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  1242. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  1243. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %aghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1244. echo.
  1245. echo --=Guard [Lvl. 20] used %agat% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  1246. echo.
  1247. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  1248. echo.
  1249. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1250. pause >NUL
  1251. goto guardf
  1252. :agdefeated
  1253. cls
  1254. title %title% - Guard [Lvl. 20] Defeated!
  1255. set /a agcoin=(%random%/468)+28
  1256. set /a agexp=(%random%/655)+32
  1257. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1258. echo.
  1259. echo --=You've defeated the Guard [Lvl. 20]!=--
  1260. echo.
  1261. echo --=Rewards=--
  1262. echo.
  1263. echo --=%agcoin% Coins=--
  1264. echo --=%agexp% Exp=--
  1265. echo.
  1266. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1267. pause >NUL
  1268. goto ealysiaum
  1269. :salysiaum
  1270. cls
  1271. title %title% - Southern Alysiaum [Slums]
  1272. set invroom=salysiaum
  1273. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1274. if %lvl% GTR 10 set castatus=%unlocked%
  1275. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1276. echo.
  1277. echo --=The place is worn down and dirty, filled with rats=--
  1278. echo.
  1279. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1280. echo.
  1281. echo 1.) North - Alysiaum Inn
  1282. echo 2.) East - Alysiaum Sewers
  1283. echo 3.) South - N/A
  1284. echo 4.) West - Combat Arena [Lvl. 10 or Higher]
  1285. echo.
  1286. echo 5.) Inventory
  1287. echo.
  1288. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1289. set /p input=">"
  1290. if %input%==1 goto Lobby
  1291. if %input%==2 goto asewers
  1292. if %input%==4 goto carena
  1293. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1294. goto salysiaum
  1295. :carena
  1296. cls
  1297. title %title% - Unavailable
  1298. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1299. echo.
  1300. echo --=The Combat Arena is currently Unavailable=--
  1301. echo.
  1302. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1303. pause >NUL
  1304. goto salysiaum
  1305. :walysiaum
  1306. cls
  1307. title %title% - Western Alysiaum [Commons]
  1308. set invroom=walysiaum
  1309. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1310. if not defined txcl set txcl=0
  1311. if not defined bgcl set bgcl=F
  1312. COLOR %txcl%%bgcl%
  1313. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1314. echo.
  1315. echo --=You enter a clean area of Cobble roads and quaint Homes=--
  1316. echo.
  1317. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1318. echo.
  1319. echo 1.) North - Northwest Alysiaum [Pier]
  1320. echo 2.) East - Central Alysiaum [Square]
  1321. echo 3.) South - Alysiaum Bank
  1322. echo 4.) West - Tamaran Forest
  1323. echo.
  1324. echo 5.) Inventory
  1325. echo.
  1326. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1327. set /p input=">"
  1328. if %input%==1 goto pier
  1329. if %input%==2 goto Square
  1330. if %input%==3 goto abank
  1331. if %input%==4 goto tforest
  1332. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1333. goto walysiaum
  1334. :abank
  1335. cls
  1336. title %title% - Alysiaum Bank
  1337. set notenoughloc=abank
  1338. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-
  1339. echo.
  1340. echo 1.) Withdraw Money
  1341. echo 2.) Deposit Money
  1342. echo.
  1343. echo 3.) Return to Western Alysiaum [Commons]
  1344. echo.
  1345. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1346. set /p input=">"
  1347. if %input%==1 goto withdraw
  1348. if %input%==2 goto deposit
  1349. if %input%==3 goto walysiaum
  1350. goto abank
  1351. :deposit
  1352. cls
  1353. title %title% - Alysiaum Bank [Deposit]
  1354. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-
  1355. echo.
  1356. echo --=How much would you like to Deposit?=--
  1357. echo.
  1358. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1359. set /p coindep=">"
  1360. goto dipositecheck
  1361. :dipositecheck
  1362. cls
  1363. title %title% - Alysiaum Bank [Deposit]
  1364. if %coin% LSS %coindep% goto notenough
  1365. set /a coin=%coin%-%coindep%
  1366. set /a bankval=%bankval%+%coindep%
  1367. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-
  1368. echo.
  1369. echo --=You have deposited %coindep% Coins=--
  1370. echo.
  1371. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1372. pause >NUL
  1373. echo %coindep% > "RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\Bankgold.dat"
  1374. goto abank
  1375. :withdraw
  1376. cls
  1377. title %title% - Alysiaum Bank [Withdraw]
  1378. if not defined bankval set bankval=0
  1379. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1380. echo.
  1381. echo --=Your Bank account currently has: %bankval% Coins=--
  1382. echo.
  1383. echo --=Please enter an amount to Withdraw=--
  1384. echo.
  1385. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1386. set /p coinwd=">"
  1387. goto withdrawcheck
  1388. :withdrawcheck
  1389. cls
  1390. title %title% - Alysiaum Bank [Withdraw]
  1391. if %bankval% LSS %coinwd% goto notenough
  1392. set /a coin=%coin%+%coinwd%
  1393. set /a bankval=%bankval%-%coinwd%
  1394. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1395. echo.
  1396. echo --=You have withdrawn %coinwd% Coins=--
  1397. echo.
  1398. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1399. pause >NUL
  1400. goto abank
  1401. :tforest
  1402. cls
  1403. title %title% - Tamaran Forest
  1404. COLOR 2F
  1405. set invroom=tforest
  1406. set lvlupr=tforest
  1407. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1408. if %exp% GEQ 100 goto lvlup
  1409. set gshealth=20
  1410. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1411. echo.
  1412. echo --=An evil precense fills the vibrant Forest=--
  1413. echo.
  1414. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1415. echo.
  1416. echo 1.) North - Goblin Village
  1417. echo 2.) East - Western Alysiaum [Commons]
  1418. echo 3.) South - Fight Giant Spiders [Lvl. 3]
  1419. echo 4.) West - Moraine River
  1420. echo.
  1421. echo 5.) Inventory
  1422. echo.
  1423. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1424. set /p input=">"
  1425. if %input%==1 goto gvillage
  1426. if %input%==2 goto walysiaum
  1427. if %input%==3 goto gspider
  1428. if %input%==4 goto mriver
  1429. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1430. goto tforest
  1431. :gvillage
  1432. cls
  1433. title %title% - Goblin Village
  1434. set invroom=gvillage
  1435. set lvlupr=gvillage
  1436. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1437. if %exp% GEQ 100 goto lvlup
  1438. set ghealth=55
  1439. COLOR 0F
  1440. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1441. echo.
  1442. echo --=Masses of Goblins hourde around a Couldron emmitting a terrible smell=--
  1443. echo.
  1444. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1445. echo.
  1446. echo 1.) North - Fight Goblins [Lvl. 10]
  1447. echo 2.) East - N/A
  1448. echo 3.) South - Tamaran Forest
  1449. echo 4.) West - N/A
  1450. echo.
  1451. echo 5.) Inventory
  1452. echo.
  1453. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1454. set /p input=">"
  1455. if %input%==1 goto gfight
  1456. if %input%==3 goto tforest
  1457. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1458. goto gvillage
  1459. :gfight
  1460. cls
  1461. title %title% - Goblin [Lvl. 10]
  1462. set invroom=gfight
  1463. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1464. if %ghealth% LEQ 0 goto gdefeated
  1465. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %ghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1466. echo.
  1467. echo --=A Goblin [Lvl. 10] has appeared!
  1468. echo.
  1469. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  1470. echo.
  1471. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage - Attack]
  1472. echo.
  1473. echo 2.) Inventory
  1474. echo 3.) Run
  1475. echo.
  1476. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1477. set /p input=">"
  1478. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  1479. if %input%==1 set adtype=%slice%
  1480. if %input%==1 goto gfighta
  1481. if %input%==1 goto gfighta
  1482. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  1483. if %input%==3 goto gvillage
  1484. goto gfight
  1485. :gfighta
  1486. cls
  1487. title %title% - Goblin [Lvl. 10]
  1488. set /a ghealth=%ghealth%-%adtype%
  1489. set /a grat=(%random%/10922)+1
  1490. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %ghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1491. echo.
  1492. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  1493. echo.
  1494. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1495. pause >NUL
  1496. if %grat% == 1 set gat=Crush
  1497. if %grat% == 1 set enemydam=14
  1498. if %grat% == 2 set gat=Charge
  1499. if %grat% == 2 set enemydam=11
  1500. if %grat% == 3 set gat=Spear
  1501. if %grat% == 3 set enemydam=21
  1502. goto gfightaa
  1503. :gfightaa
  1504. cls
  1505. title %title% - Goblin [Lvl. 10]
  1506. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  1507. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  1508. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %ghealth%=--=-=-=-
  1509. echo.
  1510. echo --=Goblin [Lvl. 10] used %gat% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  1511. echo.
  1512. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  1513. echo.
  1514. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1515. pause >NUL
  1516. goto gfight
  1517. :gdefeated
  1518. cls
  1519. title %title% - Goblin [Lvl. 10] Defeated!
  1520. set /a gcoin=(%random%/1424)+14
  1521. set /a gexp=(%random%/1560)+17
  1522. set /a coin=%coin%+%gcoin%
  1523. set /a exp=%exp%+%gexp%
  1524. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1525. echo.
  1526. echo --=You've defeated the Goblin [Lvl. 10]!=--
  1527. echo.
  1528. echo --=Rewards=--
  1529. echo.
  1530. echo --=%gcoin% Coins=--
  1531. echo --=%gexp% Exp=--
  1532. echo.
  1533. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1534. pause >NUL
  1535. goto gvillage
  1536. :mriver
  1537. cls
  1538. title %title% - Moraine River
  1539. set invroom=mriver
  1540. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1541. COLOR 1F
  1542. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1543. echo.
  1544. echo --=A churning River bound to be filled with Fish stands before you=--
  1545. echo.
  1546. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1547. echo.
  1548. echo 1.) North - N/A
  1549. echo 2.) East - Tamaran Forest
  1550. echo 3.) South - Fishing Shop
  1551. echo 4.) West - Fishing [Requires Fishing Rod]
  1552. echo.
  1553. echo 5.) Inventory
  1554. echo.
  1555. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1556. set /p input=">"
  1557. if %input%==2 goto tforest
  1558. if %input%==3 goto fshop
  1559. if %input%==4 goto mfishing
  1560. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1561. goto mriver
  1562. :mfishing
  1563. if %fishingstatus%==0 goto fishingmr
  1564. goto needfr
  1565. :needfr
  1566. cls
  1567. title %title% - You require a Fishing Rod to Fish!
  1568. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1569. echo.
  1570. echo --=You require a Fishing Rod! Buy one from the Fishing Shop=--
  1571. echo.
  1572. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1573. pause >NUL
  1574. goto mriver
  1575. :fishingmr
  1576. cls
  1577. title %title% - Fishing
  1578. set /a ranfish=(%random%/6553)+1
  1579. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1580. echo.
  1581. echo --=You cast out your line, and attempt to catch a Fish=--
  1582. echo.
  1583. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1584. choice /c n /d n /t %fishingdel% >NUL
  1585. if %ranfish%==1 set fishtype=Trout
  1586. if %ranfish%==1 set fishval=8
  1587. if %ranfish%==2 set fishtype=Bass
  1588. if %ranfish%==2 set fishval=12
  1589. if %ranfish%==3 set fishtype=Lobster
  1590. if %ranfish%==3 set fishval=15
  1591. if %ranfish%==1 goto fishcatch
  1592. if %ranfish%==2 goto fishcatch
  1593. if %ranfish%==3 goto fishcatch
  1594. if %ranfish%==4 goto nofish
  1595. if %ranfish%==5 goto nofish
  1596. :fishcatch
  1597. cls
  1598. title %title% - You've caught a %fishtype%!
  1599. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1600. echo.
  1601. echo --=You've caught a %fishtype%! Do you wish to eat it now (Y/N)?=--
  1602. echo.
  1603. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1604. set /p input=">"
  1605. if %input%==Y set /a health=%health%+%fishval%
  1606. if %input%==y set /a health=%health%+%fishval%
  1607. if %input%==Y goto mriver
  1608. if %input%==y goto mriver
  1609. if %input%==N goto mriver
  1610. if %input%==n goto mriver
  1611. goto fishcatch
  1612. :nofish
  1613. cls
  1614. title %title% - You've caught nothing!
  1615. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-
  1616. echo.
  1617. echo --=You've caught nothing=--
  1618. echo.
  1619. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1620. pause >NUL
  1621. goto mriver
  1622. :fshop
  1623. cls
  1624. title %title% - Fishing Shop
  1625. set notenoughloc=fshop
  1626. COLOR 0F
  1627. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1628. echo.
  1629. echo --=Fish=--
  1630. echo.
  1631. echo 1.) Trout [25 Coins - 8 HP]
  1632. echo 2.) Bass [40 Coins - 12 HP]
  1633. echo 3.) Lobster [50 Coins - 15 HP]
  1634. echo 4.) Shark [100 Coins - 25 HP]
  1635. echo.
  1636. echo --=Fishing Equipment=--
  1637. echo.
  1638. echo 5.) Fishing Rod [30 Coins - Allows Fishing]
  1639. echo.
  1640. echo 6.) Return to Moraine River
  1641. echo.
  1642. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1643. set /p input=">"
  1644. if %input%==1 set fishtype=Trout
  1645. if %input%==1 set fishcost=25
  1646. if %input%==1 set fishval=8
  1647. if %input%==2 set fishtype=Bass
  1648. if %input%==2 set fishcost=40
  1649. if %input%==2 set fishval=12
  1650. if %input%==3 set fishtype=Lobster
  1651. if %input%==3 set fishcost=50
  1652. if %input%==3 set fishval=15
  1653. if %input%==4 set fishtype=Shark
  1654. if %input%==4 set fishcost=100
  1655. if %input%==4 set fishval=25
  1656. if %input%==1 goto fishcheck
  1657. if %input%==2 goto fishcheck
  1658. if %input%==3 goto fishcheck
  1659. if %input%==4 goto fishcheck
  1660. if %input%==5 goto equipmentcheck
  1661. if %input%==6 goto mriver
  1662. goto fshop
  1663. :equipmentcheck
  1664. cls
  1665. title %title% - Fishing Shop
  1666. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1667. echo.
  1668. echo --=Are you sure you wish to buy the Fishing Rod for 30 Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1669. echo.
  1670. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1671. set /p input=">"
  1672. if %coin% LSS 30 goto notenough
  1673. if %input%==Y set fishingstatus=0
  1674. if %input%==Y set miscslot=Fishing Rod
  1675. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-30
  1676. if %input%==Y echo 0 > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\FishingRod.dat"
  1677. if %input%==y set fishingstatus=0
  1678. if %input%==y set miscslot=Fishing Rod
  1679. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-30
  1680. if %input%==y echo 0 > "C:\RPG\Profiles\%name%\Data\FishingRod.dat"
  1681. if %input%==Y goto fshop
  1682. if %input%==y goto fshop
  1683. if %input%==N goto fshop
  1684. if %input%==n goto fshop
  1685. goto equipmentcheck
  1686. :fishcheck
  1687. cls
  1688. title %title% - Fishing Shop
  1689. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1690. echo.
  1691. echo --=Would you like to buy a %fishtype% for %fishcost% Coins (Y/N)?=--
  1692. echo.
  1693. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1694. set /p input=">"
  1695. if %coin% LSS %fishcost% goto notenough
  1696. if %input%==Y set food1=%fishtype%
  1697. if %input%==Y set food1amt=1
  1698. if %input%==Y set food1val=%fishval%
  1699. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-%fishcost%
  1700. if %input%==y set food1=%fishtype%
  1701. if %input%==y set food1amt=1
  1702. if %input%==y set food1val=%fishval%
  1703. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-%fishcost%
  1704. if %input%==Y goto fshop
  1705. if %input%==y goto fshop
  1706. if %input%==N goto fshop
  1707. if %input%==n goto fshop
  1708. goto fishcheck
  1709. :gspider
  1710. cls
  1711. title %title% - Giant Spider [Lvl. 3]
  1712. set invroom=gspider
  1713. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1714. if %gshealth% LEQ 0 goto gsdefeat
  1715. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %gshealth%=--=-=-=-
  1716. echo.
  1717. echo --=A Giant Spider [Lvl. 3] has appeared!=--
  1718. echo.
  1719. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  1720. echo.
  1721. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage - Attack]
  1722. echo.
  1723. echo 2.) Inventory
  1724. echo 3.) Run
  1725. echo.
  1726. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1727. set /p input=">"
  1728. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  1729. if %input%==1 set adtype=%slice%
  1730. if %input%==1 goto gspidera
  1731. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  1732. if %input%==3 goto tforest
  1733. goto gspider
  1734. :gspidera
  1735. cls
  1736. title %title% - Giant Spider [Lvl. 3]
  1737. set /a gshealth=%gshealth%-%adtype%
  1738. set /a gsat=(%random%/16383)+1
  1739. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %gshealth%=--=-=-
  1740. echo.
  1741. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  1742. echo.
  1743. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1744. pause >NUL
  1745. if %gsat% == 1 set gsra=Impale
  1746. if %gsat% == 1 set enemydam=8
  1747. if %gsat% == 2 set gsra=Web Coffin
  1748. if %gsat% == 2 set enemydam=6
  1749. goto gspideraa
  1750. :gspideraa
  1751. cls
  1752. title %title% - Giant Spider [Lvl. 3]
  1753. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  1754. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  1755. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %shealth%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1756. echo.
  1757. echo --=Giant Spider [Lvl. 3] used %gsra% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  1758. echo.
  1759. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  1760. echo.
  1761. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1762. pause >NUL
  1763. goto gspider
  1764. :gsdefeat
  1765. cls
  1766. title %title% - Giant Spider [Lvl. 3] Defeated!
  1767. set /a gscoin=(%random%/2520)+6
  1768. set /a gsexp=(%random%/2340)+7
  1769. set /a coin=%coin%+%gscoin%
  1770. set /a exp=%exp%+%gsexp%
  1771. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1772. echo.
  1773. echo --=You've defeated the Giant Spider [Lvl. 3]!=--
  1774. echo.
  1775. echo --=Rewards=--
  1776. echo.
  1777. echo --=%gscoin% Coins=--
  1778. echo --=%gsexp% Exp=--
  1779. echo.
  1780. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1781. pause >NUL
  1782. goto tforest
  1783. :asewers
  1784. cls
  1785. title %title% - Alysiaum Sewers
  1786. set invroom=asewers
  1787. set lvlupr=asewers
  1788. if %exp% GEQ 100 goto lvlup
  1789. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1790. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1791. echo.
  1792. echo --=You enter Sewers, engulfed in a terrible smell=--
  1793. echo.
  1794. echo --=Where do you wish to go?=--
  1795. echo.
  1796. echo 1.) North - Fight Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15]
  1797. echo 2.) East - Talk to Old Man
  1798. echo 3.) South - Fight Giant Rats [Lvl. 8]
  1799. echo 4.) West - Southern Alysiaum [Slums]
  1800. echo.
  1801. echo 5.) Inventory
  1802. echo.
  1803. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1804. set /p input=">"
  1805. if %input%==1 goto fsewerm
  1806. if %input%==2 goto toldman
  1807. if %input%==3 goto fgiantr
  1808. if %input%==4 goto salysiaum
  1809. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  1810. goto asewers
  1811. :fgiantr
  1812. cls
  1813. title %title% - Giant Rat [Lvl. 8]
  1814. if %rathealth% LEQ 0 goto grdefeated
  1815. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1816. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1817. set invroom=fgiantrat
  1818. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %rathealth%=--=-
  1819. echo.
  1820. echo --=A wild Giant Rat [Lvl. 8] has appeared!=--
  1821. echo.
  1822. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  1823. echo.
  1824. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage - Attack]
  1825. echo.
  1826. echo 2.) Inventory
  1827. echo 3.) Run
  1828. echo.
  1829. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1830. set /p input=">"
  1831. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  1832. if %input%==1 set adtype=%slice%
  1833. if %input%==1 goto fgiantrata
  1834. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  1835. if %input%==3 goto asewers
  1836. goto fgiantr
  1837. :fgiantrata
  1838. cls
  1839. title %title% - Giant Rat [Lvl. 8]
  1840. set /a grrat=(%random%/16383)+1
  1841. set /a rathealth=%rathealth%-%adtype%
  1842. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %rathealth%=--=-
  1843. echo.
  1844. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  1845. echo.
  1846. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1847. pause >NUL
  1848. if %grrat% == 1 set grra=Gnaw
  1849. if %grrat% == 1 set enemydam=9
  1850. if %grrat% == 2 set grra=Pounce
  1851. if %grrat% == 2 set enemydam=4
  1852. goto fgiantrataa
  1853. :fgiantrataa
  1854. cls
  1855. title %title% - Giant Rat [Lvl. 8]
  1856. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  1857. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  1858. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %rathealth%=--=-
  1859. echo.
  1860. echo --=Giant Rat [Lvl. 8] used %grra% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  1861. echo.
  1862. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  1863. echo.
  1864. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1865. pause >NUL
  1866. goto fgiantr
  1867. :grdefeated
  1868. cls
  1869. title %title% - Giant Rat [Lvl. 8] Defeated!
  1870. set /a grcoin=(%random%/1310)+2
  1871. set /a grexp=(%random%/2520)+1
  1872. set /a coin=%coin%+%grcoin%
  1873. set /a exp=%exp%+%grexp%
  1874. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1875. echo.
  1876. echo --=You've defeated the Giant Rat [Lvl. 8]!=--
  1877. echo.
  1878. echo --=Rewards=--
  1879. echo.
  1880. echo --=%grcoin% Coins=--
  1881. echo --=%grexp% Exp=--
  1882. echo.
  1883. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1884. pause >NUL
  1885. goto asewers
  1886. :fsewerm
  1887. cls
  1888. title %title% - Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15]
  1889. if %smhealth% LEQ 0 goto smdefeated
  1890. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  1891. if %health% GTR %maxhp% set health=%maxhp%
  1892. set invroom=fsewerm
  1893. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %smhealth%=--=-=-
  1894. echo.
  1895. echo --=A Wild Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15] Has Appeared!=--
  1896. echo.
  1897. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  1898. echo.
  1899. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage - Attack]
  1900. echo.
  1901. echo 2.) Inventory
  1902. echo 3.) Run
  1903. echo.
  1904. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1905. set /p input=">"
  1906. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  1907. if %input%==1 set adtype=%slice%
  1908. if %input%==1 goto fsewerma
  1909. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  1910. if %input%==3 goto asewers
  1911. goto fsewerm
  1912. :fsewerma
  1913. cls
  1914. title %title% - Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15]
  1915. set /a smhealth=%smhealth%-%damageval%
  1916. set /a smat=(%random%/8191)+1
  1917. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %smhealth%=--=-=-
  1918. echo.
  1919. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %damageval% Damage!=--
  1920. echo.
  1921. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1922. pause >NUL
  1923. if %smat% == 1 set smra=Slash
  1924. if %smat% == 1 set enemydam=11
  1925. if %smat% == 2 set smra=Projectile Slude
  1926. if %smat% == 2 set enemydam=15
  1927. if %smat% == 3 set smra=Bite
  1928. if %smat% == 3 set enemydam=21
  1929. if %smat% == 4 set smra=Shriek
  1930. if %smat% == 4 set enemydam=7
  1931. goto fsewermaa
  1932. :fsewermaa
  1933. cls
  1934. title %title% - Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15]
  1935. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  1936. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  1937. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %smhealth%=--=-=-
  1938. echo.
  1939. echo --=Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15] used %smra% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  1940. echo.
  1941. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  1942. echo.
  1943. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1944. pause >NUL
  1945. goto fsewerm
  1946. :smdefeated
  1947. cls
  1948. title %title% - Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15] Defeated!
  1949. set /a smcoin=(%random%/655)+23
  1950. set /a smexp=(%random%/963)+3
  1951. set /a coin=%coin%+%smcoin%
  1952. set /a exp=%exp%+%smexp%
  1953. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1954. echo.
  1955. echo --=You've defeated the Sewer Monster [Lvl. 15]!=--
  1956. echo.
  1957. echo --=Rewards=--
  1958. echo.
  1959. echo --=%smcoin% Coins=--
  1960. echo --=%smexp% Exp=--
  1961. echo.
  1962. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1963. pause >NUL
  1964. goto asewers
  1965. :inventory
  1966. cls
  1967. title %title% - %name%'s Inventory - Lvl. %lvl% %classt%
  1968. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1969. echo.
  1970. echo --=%name%'s Inventory [Lvl. %lvl% %classt%]=--
  1971. echo.
  1972. echo --=Equipment=--
  1973. echo.
  1974. echo Sword: %swor% [+%damageval% Damage]
  1975. echo Shield: %shiel% [-%shielprot% Damage]
  1976. echo Misc: %miscslot%
  1977. echo.
  1978. echo --=Utilities=--
  1979. echo.
  1980. echo 1.) View Quest Log
  1981. echo.
  1982. echo 2.) Save your Game Progress
  1983. echo 3.) Return to previous Room
  1984. echo.
  1985. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1986. set /p input=">"
  1987. if %input%==1 goto questlog
  1988. if %input%==2 set loadroom=%invroom%
  1989. if %input%==2 goto savegame
  1990. if %input%==3 goto %invroom%
  1991. goto inventory
  1992. :questlog
  1993. cls
  1994. title %title% - Quest Log
  1995. if not defined qslotinf set qslotinf=questlog
  1996. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  1997. echo.
  1998. echo 1.) %qslot1% [%qslot1stat%]
  1999. echo.
  2000. echo 2.) Return to Inventory
  2001. echo.
  2002. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2003. set /p input=">"
  2004. if %input%==1 goto %qslotinf%
  2005. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  2006. goto questlog
  2007. :death
  2008. cls
  2009. title %title% - Death
  2010. set coin=0
  2011. set health=%maxhp%
  2012. echo --=You have Died=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2013. echo.
  2014. echo --=Do you wish to Continue (Y/N)?=--
  2015. echo.
  2016. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2017. set /p input=">"
  2018. if %input%==Y goto begin
  2019. if %input%==y goto begin
  2020. if %input%==N exit
  2021. if %input%==n exit
  2022. :lvlup
  2023. cls
  2024. title %title% - Level Up!
  2025. set /a damageval=%damageval%+1
  2026. set /a maxhp=%maxhp%+5
  2027. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2028. echo.
  2029. echo --=Congratulations, you're now Lvl. %lvl%!=--
  2030. echo.
  2031. echo --=Rewards=--
  2032. echo.
  2033. echo --=Slice Damage +1=----=Slice: %slice%=--
  2034. echo --=Max Health +5=----=Max Health: %maxhp%=--
  2035. echo.
  2036. echo --=Press any key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2037. pause >NUL
  2038. goto tforest
  2039. :toldman
  2040. cls
  2041. title %title% - Old Man
  2042. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2043. echo.
  2044. echo --=The Old Man seems nervous=--
  2045. echo.
  2046. echo 1.) Question Him
  2047. echo 2.) Return to Alysiaum Sewers
  2048. echo.
  2049. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2050. set /p input=">"
  2051. if %input%==1 goto questionoldman
  2052. if %input%==2 goto asewers
  2053. goto toldman
  2054. :questionoldman
  2055. cls
  2056. title %title% - Old Man
  2057. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2058. echo.
  2059. echo --=You ask him if you can be of any help=--
  2060. echo.
  2061. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2062. pause >NUL
  2063. goto oldmanresponse
  2064. :oldmanresponse
  2065. cls
  2066. title %title% - Old Man
  2067. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2068. echo.
  2069. echo --=You... You are a Warrior, are you not? Perhaps you can stop them...=--
  2070. echo.
  2071. echo 1.) Stop who?
  2072. echo 2.) I haven't got time for your stories.
  2073. echo.
  2074. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2075. set /p input=">"
  2076. if %input%==1 goto oldmanresponse2
  2077. if %input%==2 goto asewers
  2078. goto oldmanresponse
  2079. :oldmanresponse2
  2080. cls
  2081. title %title% - Old Man
  2082. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2083. echo.
  2084. echo --= There are three powerful Demons in these lands, each a =--
  2085. echo --= master of it's own element. There is Aagrithore, Demon =--
  2086. echo --= of Fire and Chaos, Bacharia, Demon of Nature and Order =--
  2087. echo --= and lastly, V'eile, the Demon of Balance. Each one is =--
  2088. echo --= of extreme evil, and are very dangerous. =--
  2089. echo.
  2090. echo 1.) What can I do to help?
  2091. echo 2.) Sorry, but I have other things to do.
  2092. echo.
  2093. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2094. set /p input=">"
  2095. if %input%==1 goto oldmanresponse3
  2096. if %input%==2 goto asewers
  2097. goto oldmanresponse2
  2098. :oldmanresponse3
  2099. cls
  2100. title %title% - Old Man
  2101. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2102. echo.
  2103. echo --= Each Demon is guarded by servants of their dominant element. =--
  2104. echo --= Aagrithore resides in the Volcanic Wilderness to the North- =--
  2105. echo --= West, Bacharia lives on the Island of Glasius off of the =--
  2106. echo --= West coast of Alysiaum, and V'eile lies on his throne of ice =--
  2107. echo --= in Lothaire, the Polar island in the North. You must find =--
  2108. echo --= and slay each one, or else we may all be in danger. =--
  2109. echo.
  2110. echo 1.) Okay, I'll try my best [Accept Quest]
  2111. echo 2.) I cannot accept now [Decline Quest]
  2112. echo.
  2113. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2114. set /p input=">"
  2115. if %input%==1 set qslot1=A Hellish Pest
  2116. if %input%==1 set qslot1stat=Unfinished
  2117. if %input%==1 set qslotinf=ahp
  2118. if %input%==1 goto ahpacc
  2119. if %input%==2 goto asewers
  2120. goto oldmanresponse3
  2121. :ahpacc
  2122. cls
  2123. title %title% - A Hellish Pest [Advanced]
  2124. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2125. echo.
  2126. echo --= You have started a new Quest! Read the Quest Log to reflect on the Old =--
  2127. echo --= Man's words. =--
  2128. echo.
  2129. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2130. pause >NUL
  2131. goto asewers
  2132. :ahp
  2133. cls
  2134. title %title% - A Hellish Pest [Information]
  2135. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2136. echo.
  2137. echo --= The Old Man told me of three Demons plaguing this world, in the =--
  2138. echo --= Volcanic Wilderness, the island of Glasius, and the island of =--
  2139. echo --= Lothaire. I should start with finding Aagrithore in the =--
  2140. echo --= Volcanic Wilderness. =--
  2141. echo.
  2142. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2143. pause >NUL
  2144. goto questlog
  2145. :pier
  2146. cls
  2147. title %title% - Alysiaum Pier
  2148. set notenoughloc=pier
  2149. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Coins: %coin%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2150. echo.
  2151. echo 1.) North - Lothaire Island [Polar - 200 Coins]
  2152. echo 2.) East - Northern Alysiaum [Market]
  2153. echo 3.) South - Western Alysiaum [Commons]
  2154. echo 4.) West - Glasius Island [Tropical - 150 Coins]
  2155. echo.
  2156. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2157. set /p input=">"
  2158. if %input%==1 goto lothcheck
  2159. if %input%==2 goto nalysiaum
  2160. if %input%==3 goto walysiaum
  2161. if %input%==4 goto glascheck
  2162. goto pier
  2163. :glascheck
  2164. cls
  2165. title %title% - Ferry to Glasis Island
  2166. set notenoughloc=glascheck
  2167. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2168. echo.
  2169. echo --=Are you sure you wish to ferry to Glasius Island [150 Coins] (Y/N)?=--
  2170. echo.
  2171. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2172. set /p input=">"
  2173. if %coin% LSS 150 goto notenough
  2174. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-150
  2175. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-150
  2176. if %input%==Y set ferryloc=Glasius Island
  2177. if %input%==Y set ferrydir=glasius
  2178. if %input%==y set ferryloc=Glasius Island
  2179. if %input%==y set ferrydir=glasius
  2180. if %input%==Y goto lothferry
  2181. if %input%==y goto lothferry
  2182. if %input%==N goto pier
  2183. if %input%==n goto pier
  2184. :lothcheck
  2185. cls
  2186. title %title% - Ferry to Lothaire Island
  2187. set notenoughloc=lothcheck
  2188. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2189. echo.
  2190. echo --=Are you sure you wish to ferry to Lothaire Island [200 Coins] (Y/N)?=--
  2191. echo.
  2192. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2193. set /p input=">"
  2194. if %coin% LSS 200 goto notenough
  2195. if %input%==Y set /a coin=%coin%-200
  2196. if %input%==y set /a coin=%coin%-200
  2197. if %input%==Y set ferryloc=Lothaire Island
  2198. if %input%==Y set ferrydir=lothaire
  2199. if %input%==y set ferryloc=Lothaire Island
  2200. if %input%==y set ferrydir=lothaire
  2201. if %input%==Y goto lothferry
  2202. if %input%==y goto lothferry
  2203. if %input%==N goto pier
  2204. if %input%==n goto pier
  2205. goto lothcheck
  2206. :lothferry
  2207. cls
  2208. title %title% - Lothaire Ferry
  2209. set ferrydel=2
  2210. COLOR 1F
  2211. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2212. echo.
  2213. echo --=You board the ferry and begin traveling to %ferryloc%=--
  2214. echo.
  2215. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2216. pause >NUL
  2217. cls
  2218. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2219. echo.
  2220. echo ......
  2221. echo.
  2222. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2223. choice /c n /d n /t %ferrydel% >NUL
  2224. cls
  2225. set ferrydel=2
  2226. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2227. echo.
  2228. echo ............
  2229. echo.
  2230. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2231. choice /c n /d n /t %ferrydel% >NUL
  2232. cls
  2233. set ferrydel=2
  2234. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2235. echo.
  2236. echo ..................
  2237. echo.
  2238. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2239. choice /c n /d n /t %ferrydel% >NUL
  2240. cls
  2241. set ferrydel=2
  2242. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2243. echo.
  2244. echo --=The Captain gives a sign. You are almost there=--
  2245. echo.
  2246. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2247. choice /c n /d n /t %ferrydel% >NUL
  2248. cls
  2249. set ferrydel=2
  2250. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2251. echo.
  2252. echo ........................
  2253. echo.
  2254. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2255. choice /c n /d n /t %ferrydel% >NUL
  2256. cls
  2257. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2258. echo.
  2259. echo --=After much traveling, you arrive at %ferryloc%=--
  2260. echo.
  2261. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2262. pause >NUL
  2263. goto %ferrydir%
  2264. :glasius
  2265. cls
  2266. title %title% - Glasius Island
  2267. set invroom=glasius
  2268. COLOR 2F
  2269. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2270. echo.
  2271. echo --=You arrive on a wooden Dock leading to Glasius Island=--
  2272. echo.
  2273. echo 1.) North - Ocean
  2274. echo 2.) East - Ocean
  2275. echo 3.) South - Alysiaum Pier
  2276. echo 4.) West - Glasius Dock
  2277. echo.
  2278. echo 5.) Inventory
  2279. echo.
  2280. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2281. set /p input=">"
  2282. if %input%==3 set ferrydir=pier
  2283. if %input%==3 set ferryloc=Alysiaum Pier
  2284. if %input%==3 goto lothferry
  2285. if %input%==4 goto gdock
  2286. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2287. goto glasius
  2288. :gdock
  2289. cls
  2290. title --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2291. echo.
  2292. echo --=You stand upon a wooden dock overlooking Glasius and the Ocean=--
  2293. echo.
  2294. echo 1.) North - Ocean
  2295. echo 2.) East - Glasius Dock
  2296. echo 3.) South - Ocean
  2297. echo 4.) West - Glasius Village
  2298. echo.
  2299. echo 5.) Inventory
  2300. echo.
  2301. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2302. set /p input=">"
  2303. if %input%==2 goto glasius
  2304. if %input%==4 goto glasvill
  2305. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2306. goto gdock
  2307. :lothaire
  2308. cls
  2309. title %title% - Lothaire Island
  2310. set invroom=lothaire
  2311. COLOR F0
  2312. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2313. echo.
  2314. echo --=Cold Winds toss loose snow around the base of the Polar Island=--
  2315. echo.
  2316. echo 1.) North - N/A
  2317. echo 2.) East - N/A
  2318. echo 3.) South - Alysiaum Pier
  2319. echo 4.) West - %placestat%
  2320. echo.
  2321. echo 5.) Inventory
  2322. echo.
  2323. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2324. set /p input=">"
  2325. if %input%==3 set ferrydir=pier
  2326. if %input%==3 set ferryloc=Alysiaum Pier
  2327. if %input%==3 goto lothferry
  2328. if %input%==4 set placestat=Ice Wasteland
  2329. if %input%==4 goto icewaste
  2330. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2331. goto lothaire
  2332. :icewaste
  2333. cls
  2334. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Wasteland
  2335. set invroom=icewaste
  2336. COLOR F0
  2337. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2338. echo.
  2339. echo --=The area is barren except for gradual Hills. Nothing seems to be moving=--
  2340. echo.
  2341. echo 1.) North - %placestat2%
  2342. echo 2.) East - Lothaire Village
  2343. echo 3.) South - N/A
  2344. echo 4.) West - %placestat3%
  2345. echo.
  2346. echo 5.) Inventory
  2347. echo.
  2348. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2349. set /p input=">"
  2350. if %input%==1 set placestat2=Snow Mound
  2351. if %input%==1 goto snowmound
  2352. if %input%==2 goto lothaire
  2353. if %input%==4 set placestat3=Ice Warrior Outpost
  2354. if %input%==4 goto icewarout
  2355. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2356. goto icewaste
  2357. :snowmound
  2358. cls
  2359. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Snow Mound
  2360. set invroom=snowmound
  2361. COLOR F0
  2362. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2363. echo.
  2364. echo --=After inspection, you find an entrance to a Cave within a mound of Snow=--
  2365. echo.
  2366. echo 1.) North - Snow Cave
  2367. echo 2.) East - N/A
  2368. echo 3.) South - Ice Wasteland
  2369. echo 4.) West - N/A
  2370. echo.
  2371. echo 5.) Inventory
  2372. echo.
  2373. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2374. set /p input=">"
  2375. if %input%==1 goto snowcavecheck
  2376. if %input%==3 goto icewaste
  2377. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2378. goto snowmound
  2379. :snowcavecheck
  2380. cls
  2381. if %iceroomc% == 1 goto snowcaveunavail
  2382. if %iceroomc% == 0 goto snowcave
  2383. :snowcaveunavail
  2384. cls
  2385. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Snow Mound
  2386. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2387. echo.
  2388. echo --=The Snow Cave has caved in. You are unable to enter it=--
  2389. echo.
  2390. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2391. pause >NUL
  2392. goto snowmound
  2393. :snowcave
  2394. cls
  2395. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Snow Cave
  2396. COLOR 70
  2397. set invroom=snowcave
  2398. if %iceroomc% == 1 goto iceroomcoll
  2399. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2400. echo.
  2401. echo --=Surprisingly, the Cave is dimly lit by Torches. You begin to hear movement=--
  2402. echo.
  2403. echo 1.) North - %placestat4%
  2404. echo 2.) East - N/A
  2405. echo 3.) South - Snow Mound [Outside]
  2406. echo 4.) West - N/A
  2407. echo.
  2408. echo 5.) Inventory
  2409. echo.
  2410. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2411. set /p input=">"
  2412. if %input%==1 set placestat4=Ice Room
  2413. if %input%==1 goto iceroom
  2414. if %input%==3 goto snowmound
  2415. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2416. goto snowcave
  2417. :iceroomcoll
  2418. cls
  2419. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Snow Cave
  2420. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2421. echo.
  2422. echo --=After exiting the Ice Room, it caves in behind you=--
  2423. echo.
  2424. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2425. pause >NUL
  2426. goto snowmound
  2427. :iceroom
  2428. cls
  2429. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Room
  2430. set invroom=iceroom
  2431. set lvlupr=iceroom
  2432. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2433. echo.
  2434. echo --=You come across a room of Ice accompanied by Snow Trolls=--
  2435. echo.
  2436. echo 1.) North - Fight Snow Trolls [Lvl. 25]
  2437. echo 2.) East - Take Ice Key
  2438. echo 3.) South - Snow Cave entrance
  2439. echo 4.) West - N/A
  2440. echo.
  2441. echo 5.) Inventory
  2442. echo.
  2443. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2444. set /p input=">"
  2445. if %input%==1 goto snowtrollb
  2446. if %input%==2 goto icekeyc
  2447. if %input%==3 goto snowcave
  2448. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2449. goto iceroom
  2450. :icekeyc
  2451. cls
  2452. if %stkeyg% == 0 goto icekeyst
  2453. if %stkeyg% == 1 goto icekey
  2454. :icekeyst
  2455. cls
  2456. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Room
  2457. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2458. echo.
  2459. echo --=Upon taking the Key, a Snow Troll begins you charge at you=--
  2460. echo.
  2461. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2462. pause >NUL
  2463. goto snowtrollb
  2464. :icekey
  2465. cls
  2466. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Room
  2467. set iceroomc=1
  2468. set icepalacec=1
  2469. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2470. echo.
  2471. echo --=You grab the Ice Key. You may need it in the future=--
  2472. echo.
  2473. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2474. pause >NUL
  2475. goto iceroom
  2476. :snowtrollb
  2477. cls
  2478. title %title% Snow Troll [Lvl. 25]
  2479. set invroom=snowtrollb
  2480. if %health% LEQ 0 goto death
  2481. if %sthealth% LEQ 0 goto stdefeat
  2482. set cantrunbat=snowtrollb
  2483. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %sthealth%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2484. echo.
  2485. echo --=A Snow Troll [Lvl. 25] has appeared!=--
  2486. echo.
  2487. echo --=What do you wish to do?=--
  2488. echo.
  2489. echo 1.) Slice [%slice% Damage]
  2490. echo.
  2491. echo 2.) Inventory
  2492. echo 3.) Run
  2493. echo.
  2494. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2495. set /p input=">"
  2496. if %input%==1 set atype=Slice
  2497. if %input%==1 set adtype=%damageval%
  2498. if %input%==1 goto strolla
  2499. if %input%==2 goto inventory
  2500. if %input%==3 goto cantrun
  2501. goto snowtrollb
  2502. :strolla
  2503. cls
  2504. title %title% - Snow Troll [Lvl. 25]
  2505. set /a sthealth=%sthealth%-%adtype%
  2506. set /a strat=(%random%/16383)+1
  2507. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %sthealth%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2508. echo.
  2509. echo --=%name% [Lvl. %lvl%] used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  2510. echo.
  2511. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2512. pause >NUL
  2513. if %strat% == 1 set stra=Ice Spear
  2514. if %strat% == 1 set enemydam=20
  2515. if %strat% == 2 set stra=Rock Throw
  2516. if %strat% == 2 set enemydam=25
  2517. goto strollaa
  2518. :strollaa
  2519. cls
  2520. title %title% - Snow Troll [Lvl. 25]
  2521. set /a health=%health%-%enemydam%
  2522. set /a health=%health%+%shielprot%
  2523. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=----=Enemy Health: %sthealth%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2524. echo.
  2525. echo --=Snow Troll [Lvl. 25] used %stra% for %enemydam% Damage!=--
  2526. echo.
  2527. echo --=%name%'s %shiel% Shield blocked for %shielprot% Damage!=--
  2528. echo.
  2529. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2530. pause >NUL
  2531. goto snowtrollb
  2532. :stdefeat
  2533. cls
  2534. title %title% - Snow Troll [Lvl. 25] Defeated!
  2535. set /a stcoin=(%random%/385)+50
  2536. set /a stexp=(%random%/595)+30
  2537. set /a coin=%coin%+%stcoin%
  2538. set /a exp=%exp%+%stexp%
  2539. set stkeyg=1
  2540. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2541. echo.
  2542. echo --=You've defeated the Snow Troll [Lvl. 25]!=--
  2543. echo.
  2544. echo --=Rewards=--
  2545. echo.
  2546. echo --=%stcoin% Coins=--
  2547. echo --=%stexp% Exp=--
  2548. echo.
  2549. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2550. pause >NUL
  2551. goto iceroom
  2552. :cantrun
  2553. cls
  2554. title %title% - Snow Troll [Lvl. 25]
  2555. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2556. echo.
  2557. echo --=Sorry, but you cannot run from this battle!=--
  2558. echo.
  2559. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2560. pause >NUL
  2561. goto %cantrunbat%
  2562. :icewarout
  2563. cls
  2564. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Warrior Outpost
  2565. set invroom=icewarout
  2566. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2567. echo.
  2568. echo --=You find a small outpost of dangerous looking Ice Warriors=--
  2569. echo.
  2570. echo 1.) North - %placestat5%
  2571. echo 2.) East - Ice Wasteland
  2572. echo 3.) South - N/A
  2573. echo 4.) West - N/A
  2574. echo.
  2575. echo 5.) Inventory
  2576. echo.
  2577. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2578. set /p input=">"
  2579. if %input%==1 set placestat5=Ice Palace
  2580. if %input%==1 goto icepalacec
  2581. if %input%==2 goto icewaste
  2582. goto iwout
  2583. :icepalacec
  2584. cls
  2585. if %icepalacec% == 0 goto needkeyipl
  2586. if %icepalacec% == 1 goto icepalace
  2587. :needkeyipl
  2588. cls
  2589. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Palace
  2590. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2591. echo.
  2592. echo --=The towering palace of Ice is blocked off by a large gate. You need a Key.=--
  2593. echo.
  2594. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2595. pause >NUL
  2596. goto icewarout
  2597. :icepalace
  2598. cls
  2599. title %title% - Lothaire Island - Ice Palace
  2600. set invroom=icepalace
  2601. set /a equalityval=%chaosact%+%orderact%
  2602. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2603. echo.
  2604. echo --=You enter an expansive hall of Intricately carved Ice=--
  2605. echo.
  2606. echo 1.) North - Throne of Equality
  2607. echo 2.) East - Hall of Chaos
  2608. echo 3.) South - Ice Warriot Outpost
  2609. echo 4.) West - Hall of Order
  2610. echo.
  2611. echo 5.) Inventory
  2612. echo 6.) Old Man
  2613. echo.
  2614. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2615. set /p input=">"
  2616. if %input%==1 goto thofeqc
  2617. if %input%==2 goto hallofchaosc
  2618. if %input%==3 goto icewarout
  2619. if %input%==4 goto halloforderc
  2620. if %input%==5 goto inventory
  2621. if %input%==6 goto lothaireoldman
  2622. goto icepalace
  2623. :hallofchaosc
  2624. if %hocc% == 0 set chaosdir=yournotevil
  2625. if %hocc% == 1 goto hallofchaoscc
  2626. goto %chaosdir%
  2627. :halloforderc
  2628. if %hooc% == 0 set orderdir=yournotgood
  2629. if %hooc% == 1 goto hallofordercc
  2630. goto %orderdir%
  2631. :thofeqc
  2632. if %equalityval% == 0 goto yourenotequal
  2633. :yourenotequal
  2634. cls
  2635. title ???
  2636. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2637. echo.
  2638. echo --=You're not ...e...q...u...a...l...=--
  2639. echo.
  2640. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2641. pause >NUL
  2642. goto icepalace
  2643. :lothaireoldman
  2644. cls
  2645. title %title - Lothaire Island - Fate
  2646. echo --=Health: %health%=----=Exp: %exp%=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2647. echo.
  2648. echo --=A man sits on the floor. You can tell he is in great pain=--
  2649. echo.
  2650. echo 1.) Leave him
  2651. echo 2.) Help him
  2652. echo.
  2653. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2654. set /p input=">"
  2655. if %input%==1 set hocc=1
  2656. if %input%==1 goto leavehim
  2657. if %input%==2 set hooc=1
  2658. if %input%==2 goto helphim
  2659. goto lothaireoldman
  2660. :leavehim
  2661. cls
  2662. title %title% - Lothaire Island
  2663. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2664. echo.
  2665. echo --=You leave the Old Man to care for himself=--
  2666. echo.
  2667. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2668. pause >NUL
  2669. goto icepalace
  2670. :helphim
  2671. cls
  2672. title %title% - Lothaire Island
  2673. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2674. echo.
  2675. echo --=You help the Old Man back to Health=--
  2676. echo.
  2677. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2678. pause >NUL
  2679. goto icepalace
  2680. :yournotevil
  2681. cls
  2682. title ???
  2683. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2684. echo.
  2685. echo --=You're not ...e...v...i...l...=--
  2686. echo.
  2687. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2688. pause >NUL
  2689. goto icepalace
  2690. :yournotgood
  2691. cls
  2692. title ???
  2693. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2694. echo.
  2695. echo --=You're not a ...h...e...r...o...=--
  2696. echo.
  2697. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2698. pause >NUL
  2699. goto icepalace
  2700. :hallofchaoscc
  2701. cls
  2702. if %chaosact%==1 goto chaosunavailable
  2703. if %chaosact%==0 goto hallofchaos
  2704. :hallofordercc
  2705. cls
  2706. if %orderact%==1 goto orderunavailable
  2707. if %orderact%==0 goto halloforder
  2708. :chaosunavailable
  2709. cls
  2710. title .......................................................
  2711. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2712. echo.
  2713. echo --=...................................................=--
  2714. echo.
  2715. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2716. pause >NUL
  2717. goto icepalace
  2718. :orderunavailable
  2719. cls
  2720. title .......................................................
  2721. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2722. echo.
  2723. echo --=...................................................=--
  2724. echo.
  2725. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2726. pause >NUL
  2727. goto icepalace
  2728. :hallofchaos
  2729. cls
  2730. title ???
  2731. echo --=Health: ???=----=Exp: ???=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2732. echo.
  2733. echo 1.) Fight Old Man [Lvl. ???]
  2734. echo.
  2735. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2736. set /p input=">"
  2737. if %input%==1 goto fightoldman
  2738. goto hallofchaos
  2739. :fightoldman
  2740. cls
  2741. title ..............................................................................
  2742. if %scaredval% GEQ 3 goto chaoshasdied
  2743. echo --=Health: ???=----=Exp: ???=----=Enemy Health: ???=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2744. echo.
  2745. echo --=Old Man [Lvl. ???] has appeared!=--
  2746. echo.
  2747. echo --=What do you wish to do=--
  2748. echo.
  2749. echo 1.) Pray (??? Damage)
  2750. echo.
  2751. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2752. set /p input=">"
  2753. if %input%==1 set atype=Pray
  2754. if %input%==1 set adtype=???
  2755. if %input%==1 goto fightoldmana
  2756. goto fightoldman
  2757. :fightoldmana
  2758. cls
  2759. title ..............................................................................
  2760. echo --=Health: ???=----=Exp: ???=----=Enemy Health: ???=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2761. echo.
  2762. echo --=%name% used %atype% for %adtype% Damage!=--
  2763. echo.
  2764. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2765. pause >NUL
  2766. goto fightoldmanaa
  2767. :fightoldmanaa
  2768. cls
  2769. title ..............................................................................
  2770. echo --=Health: ???=----=Exp: ???=----=Enemy Health: ???=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2771. echo.
  2772. echo --=Old Man [Lvl. ???] used ??? for ??? Damage!=--
  2773. echo.
  2774. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2775. pause >NUL
  2776. goto fightoldmanaaa
  2777. :fightoldmanaaa
  2778. cls
  2779. title ..............................................................................
  2780. set /a scaredval=%scaredval%+1
  2781. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2782. echo.
  2783. echo --=%name% is scared=--
  2784. echo.
  2785. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2786. pause >NUL
  2787. goto fightoldman
  2788. :chaoshasdied
  2789. cls
  2790. title %title% - Lothaire Island
  2791. echo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2792. echo.
  2793. echo --=You have defeated Chaos [Lvl. ???]=--
  2794. echo.
  2795. echo --=Rewards=--
  2796. echo.
  2797. echo --=Courage=--
  2798. echo.
  2799. echo --=Press any Key to Continue=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2800. pause >NUL
  2801. set chaosact=1
  2802. goto icepalace
  2803. :halloforder
  2804. cls
  2805. title ???
  2806. echo --=Health: ???=----=Exp: ???=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  2807. echo.
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