

Mar 12th, 2014
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  1. Name: Omicron Ythaar
  2. Age: 24
  3. Race: Human-Oni-Nymph Hybrid. Oni flesh and Elven DNA, electronics and magic
  4. Personality: Blahhh....
  5. Background and why you joined the Exploration Team:
  7. Omicron was born within a small multi-racial research station orbiting the elven Fehine IV planet before it "mysteriously" fell out of orbit into the ocean below. Omicron's records were scrubbed by most Elven records and never recorded into any Human records until recently. Omicron identifies himself by the number, Omicron, given to him at birth and tattooed onto his midsection.
  9. While living on the station he was trained in virtual reality chambers on espionage and tactical, albeit lone, assault missions and use of many different races of technology including Oni, Elven, Human, and small remnants of Nymph technology. When he reached adolescents he had Oni flesh grafted into major muscle regions to bolster strength and endurance. Over top of these new muscle groups were Elven neural pathways and spinal cord material along with elven electronics to help connect them properly to the flesh. The Elven parts help control the Oni-flesh. As well the Elven grafts allow for better reflexes and magic usage. All of which have to be checked regularly and given doses of many, potentially toxic, drugs to make sure none of the parts overpowers each others.
  11. Omicron would later after the destruction of the test sight be sold off as of sorts and be brought into the exploration team as a means of utilizing his more or less overqualified skills as well as working as field testing.
  13. Skills: (Name one or two things. IE: Martial arts, mechanic. Nothing stupid/OP like 'super strength'. (Testing))
  14. Enhanced Combat Skills (IE enhanced reflexes, strength, and endurance at the cost of actual physical experience in situations as well as with people.)
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