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Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. KingCol13: yea i had one with an auto shutoff but i disabled it to heat it up
  2. KingCol13: haha yea they're quite complicated
  3. KingCol13: i've actually got some software to simulate them
  4. KingCol13: yea got it from github
  5. KingCol13: can't remember tbh
  6. KingCol13: hows it going?
  7. KingCol13: no i think it turns on
  8. KingCol13: try what with mine sorry?
  9. KingCol13: est-ce que tu parles francais?
  10. KingCol13: lol me neither just learning
  11. KingCol13: nah i've put activated levers on all mine to turn them on
  12. KingCol13: ayyy lava's back
  13. KingCol13: so happy
  14. KingCol13: probably everyone that didn't have it before tbh
  15. KingCol13: &can i?
  16. KingCol13: nope
  17. KingCol13: &6 maybe?
  18. KingCol13: nope
  19. KingCol13: ok mr amerpsand 4
  20. KingCol13: go back to ampersand 6 :p
  21. KingCol13: try a creative reservoir in a black hole tank pumping into the lava endertank?
  22. KingCol13: well if you sold stuff you'd still be profiting off someone's griefing
  23. KingCol13: i'm able to get lava now
  24. KingCol13: it's just a servo and fluiducts lol
  25. KingCol13: maybe there's a backup in your pipes?
  26. KingCol13: i use thermal generators and they all filled with water
  27. KingCol13: this troll gave me loads of problems lol
  28. KingCol13: brb afk
  29. KingCol13: really fast pipe is super-laminar fluiduct
  30. KingCol13: I'm slurping water out as fast as possible
  31. KingCol13: yeaaaa boi
  32. KingCol13: someone is clearly doing this actively or it shouldn't be back
  33. KingCol13: can we just track them down?
  34. KingCol13: same here
  35. Brotbaer: .
  36. Brotbaer: yea`?
  37. Brotbaer: I don't have those lags
  38. Brotbaer: wb
  39. Brotbaer: die lava Tanks gehen wiedeer
  40. KingCol13: thanks
  41. KingCol13: who wants me to guess their co-ordinates? i'll /tell them to you
  42. Brotbaer: you can read the dialog via /msg and you can "guess" our coordinates? What can't you do?
  43. KingCol13: ;)
  44. KingCol13: I'm omnipotent
  45. KingCol13: maybe i was just guessing the /msg dialog too?
  46. Brotbaer: sure :)
  47. KingCol13: for example you're at 8925, -445
  48. KingCol13: yea you probably moved
  49. KingCol13: stay still?
  50. KingCol13: 8923 -441?
  51. KingCol13: how close?
  52. KingCol13: hmm weird maybe i can increase my resolutionww
  53. KingCol13: thanks for the info :)
  54. KingCol13: as i progressively destroy everyone's privacy
  55. KingCol13: yea tbf tping to ppl is a donator power anyway, so it's nothing they can't do
  56. KingCol13: can i try to guess someone's coords?
  57. KingCol13: tell me how close i am?
  58. KingCol13: -8703, -8801
  59. KingCol13: i don't have that
  60. KingCol13: it wasn't a guess either tho ;)
  61. KingCol13: was it spot on or out a bit?
  62. KingCol13: ok cool
  63. KingCol13: i can also read /msg s
  64. KingCol13: brb  gotta reinstall optifine
  65. KingCol13: did you get spatial storage working?
  66. KingCol13: yea me neither, tried and failed
  67. KingCol13: ok thanks :)
  68. Brotbaer: hi
  69. KingCol13: hiya
  70. KingCol13: hey hey
  71. KingCol13: afk
  72. Brotbaer: hi
  73. Brotbaer: afk?
  74. Brotbaer: jo hi. :D habe mittlerweile 14k scrap in der neuen base. der Matter Fabricator bekommt nicht so viel strom wie ich eigentlich gedacht hatte
  75. Brotbaer: kann ich welche abkaufen? :D
  76. Brotbaer: whut ich meinte solar panels :D
  77. Brotbaer: verdammt. Ich verliere andauernd meinen quantum solar helm. ich weiß nicht warum. Ich zieh den auch nie aus
  78. Brotbaer: garnicht. der verschwindet immer so. und finde den meistens auf dem boden aber ich find den gerade nicht
  79. Brotbaer: uh ja
  80. Brotbaer: wegen lags oder wie?
  81. Brotbaer: ihr crafted doch die solar panels automatisch oder?
  82. Brotbaer: ja mach uu-matter
  83. Brotbaer: die eigentliche frage ist: es gibt ja diese energy items von ic2. wie craftet ihr mit denen?
  84. Brotbaer: energy crystal
  85. KingCol13: i reckon spatial is disabled in configs
  86. Brotbaer: sry
  87. KingCol13: how do you generate so much RF?
  88. Brotbaer: das crafting rezept kommt dan in den assembler und das processing rezept ins interface?
  89. Brotbaer: okay danke.
  90. KingCol13: ah very smart
  91. Brotbaer: ja gut. und using substitutes ist aus?
  92. KingCol13: it says they're all charged 8M after placing
  93. KingCol13: oh ok
  94. Brotbaer: okay.. das ist zb.: wenn du oak und spruce wood hast. mit beiden kannst du ein crafting table machen. Ist es aus dann geht nur spruce wood, wenn das si im rezept drin ist. ist es ann gehen beide holzartebn
  95. KingCol13: you can make one of those lapotronic energy multiblocks
  96. KingCol13: less lag?
  97. KingCol13: LESU
  98. KingCol13: its very scaleable but can only put in a LV
  99. KingCol13: or something, maybe i'm wrong
  100. Brotbaer: ich glaube du hast es nicht so verstanden...
  101. Brotbaer: wenn es an ist dann benutzt dein me andere items wenn diese vorhanden sind.
  102. KingCol13: hmmmmm i wonder if this is a way to pull all the power out of a fusion reactor...
  103. KingCol13: how do you get ores?
  104. KingCol13: oh lol fairs, they're cheap at least
  105. KingCol13: haha overkill
  106. KingCol13: yea i think i did that or mfsu with lapotronic crystal inside
  107. KingCol13: I've switched over to laser drills now, it's a lot more power hungry tho
  108. KingCol13: LESU
  109. KingCol13: each extra block adds storage and 1EU/t output extrea
  110. KingCol13: oh i think the maximum is 512EU/t actually
  111. Brotbaer: wird mal zeit, dass ich mit der neuen base fertig werde. mal so eben 500 sand dauert so 10 min
  112. Brotbaer: back
  113. Brotbaer: where are you coming from?
  114. Brotbaer: how?
  115. Brotbaer: joa :D
  116. Brotbaer: you can have a look
  117. Brotbaer: I know somebody, he has definitly more machines than me
  118. Brotbaer: yea ty
  119. Brotbaer: :D
  120. Brotbaer: welcome both of you
  121. KingCol13: m8 pls we all know you have a lightning generator
  122. Brotbaer: me?
  123. Brotbaer: ah ;D
  124. Brotbaer: sooo. ore auto processing ist fertig :D
  125. KingCol13: woah took my helmet off and saw the world without nightvision again wtf
  126. Brotbaer: klaro :D
  127. Brotbaer: wie weit?
  128. Brotbaer: schlimm wenn der größer wird?
  129. Brotbaer: ja wenn ich dazu blöcke habe
  130. Brotbaer: wenn blöcke an der lava quelle sind, und ich den bock zerstöre dann geht auch die lava quelle weg. Wenn keine vorhanden dann kann die lava auch nicht weg
  131. Brotbaer: reicht das?
  132. Brotbaer: naja dann viel spaß damit
  133. Brotbaer: ;D im moment nicht
  134. Brotbaer: noch da?
  135. Brotbaer: hallo??
  136. Brotbaer: top.
  137. Brotbaer: wenn ich jetzt eine mfsu auto craften will, sagt er mir dass die mfe fehlt. aber die muss er doch einfach nur craften. das Rezept ist drin
  138. Brotbaer: ich habe ja das doppel rezept. werde das mit der energie prüfen
  139. Brotbaer: hmm energie ist 0. und die mfsu und mfe sollten mit 0 eu produziert werden. aber er will halt nicht
  140. Brotbaer: die mfe kann das me craften
  141. Brotbaer: ja keine ahnung. Habe die mfe auto craften lassen und die als rezept bei beiden angegeben
  142. Brotbaer: der macht auf jeden fall gerade mehr :d
  143. Brotbaer: ok. hat geklappt
  144. Brotbaer: scheinbar ist das was in der Jei drin steht nicht das was man craftet
  145. Brotbaer: ich habe die mfe im Rezept angegeben, welche automatisch gecraftet wird. Das funktioniert.
  146. Brotbaer: jup
  147. Brotbaer: wie viele mfsu habt ihr so? :D
  148. Brotbaer: WHUT?
  149. Brotbaer: also ich habe gerade 2 im me system :D
  150. Brotbaer: danke :D
  151. Brotbaer: so jetzt sind die uh solar panels dran
  152. Brotbaer: wenn die lava tanks wieder mit wasser gefüllt sind :D
  153. Brotbaer: welches problem?
  154. Brotbaer: habt ihr ein reserve tank?
  155. Brotbaer: aha :D und was ist mit den 2000000 geothermals?
  156. Brotbaer: für die UH Solar fehlt mir nur das autocraften mit dem Implosion Chamber
  157. KingCol13: infinity drill mines multiple blocks
  158. Brotbaer: sooo. mal schauen: UHSP gerade am craften...
  159. Brotbaer: juhu meine erste uhsp :D
  160. Brotbaer: danke :D
  161. Brotbaer: soo was sollte man denn jetzt machen? QSP geht noch nicht wegen nether stars...
  162. Brotbaer: naja bin erstmal afk
  163. KingCol13: lol
  164. KingCol13: autobooted?
  165. Brotbaer: storage buses zeigen das aber automatisch an. brauchen 2 sek für den start
  166. Brotbaer: so jetz afk. mein me hat genug zu tun für die nächste stunde
  167. KingCol13: is there something that can auto right click?
  168. KingCol13: flux condenser lattice with an essentia filter
  169. KingCol13: thanks for the offer :)
  170. Brotbaer: habe ich was verpasst?
  171. Brotbaer: gut:D wie sieht es denn mit nem Fusion reactor aus?
  172. Brotbaer: ich kenne das ding nicht :D
  173. Brotbaer: jup
  174. Brotbaer: schaue mal ein video dazu :D
  175. Brotbaer: okay,.... hört sich viel an
  176. KingCol13: how do you get zinc?
  177. KingCol13: ah thanks, was really bamboozeled
  178. Brotbaer: gerade bei dir @home?
  179. Brotbaer: wieso ? :D
  180. Brotbaer: ernsthaft? dafür gibt es maschinen?
  181. Brotbaer: dann kann ich mir mal nachher einen slime abholen :D
  182. Brotbaer: ufff was denn ? :D
  183. Brotbaer: uhhh danke :D
  184. Brotbaer: das ist gut :D
  185. Brotbaer: okay...
  186. Brotbaer: eigentlich bin ich hier um euer eu strom anzuschauen
  187. Brotbaer: ja sowei weiß ich auch, erzähl bitte weiter
  188. Brotbaer: also wenn ich einen mv transformer vorschalte dann macht es nicht bumm?
  189. Brotbaer: okay gut zu wissen
  190. KingCol13: does the twilight reset?
  191. KingCol13: ok gonna leaf blow it for saps then lol
  192. KingCol13: wither
  193. Brotbaer: ah jetzt hüpft bei mir auch ein fetter slime rum in der base
  194. Brotbaer: ja R.I.P
  195. Brotbaer: GO PIKACHU
  196. Brotbaer: uff
  197. Brotbaer: uff schon 21 uhr
  198. Brotbaer: ja leider
  199. Brotbaer: was machst du so in rl eigentlich?
  200. Brotbaer: irgendwie dachte ich mir, dass sowas kommt .D
  201. Brotbaer: studieren :D
  202. Brotbaer: leider kein minecraft :D
  203. Brotbaer: wirtschaftsinformatik
  204. Brotbaer: brauchst du einen zombie villager?
  205. Brotbaer: joa blizz wäre nice
  206. Brotbaer: weißt du wie ein fluid interface funktioniert?
  207. Brotbaer: ja 2 :D bin noch am auto craften setup mit den ganzen patterns. Dann kann ich auch die base oben abreißen
  208. Brotbaer: ja 2 mit 0000 dran?
  209. Brotbaer: boah bei euch geht es ab _D
  210. Brotbaer: hätte da was für dich
  211. Brotbaer: ne witch gerade gefangen. Nur wenn ich die auch wieder zurück bekomme :D
  212. Brotbaer: top
  213. Brotbaer: achso :D
  214. Brotbaer: top. KD
  215. Brotbaer: soo. wo sind eure mfsu?
  216. Brotbaer: oha :D
  217. Brotbaer: die sind nicht alle voll oO :D
  218. Brotbaer: nur die eine hier
  219. Brotbaer: wo sind die solar panels?
  220. KingCol13: lol the warp gave me mind spiders
  221. KingCol13: just some cosmetic
  222. KingCol13: hi
  223. KingCol13: yea good thx
  224. KingCol13: nah i think it's disabled in configs, works fine in singleplayer
  225. KingCol13: I'm not sure thaumcraft warp is quite finished yet bcos it seems a little too hard to get rid of
  226. KingCol13: hi
  227. KingCol13: not bad, just managing my thaumcraft warp
  228. KingCol13: I'm very much insane
  229. KingCol13: i did, takes a lot of scrubbing to get rid of though
  230. KingCol13: i heard you can even scrub off the perma warp but i'm not sure about that
  231. KingCol13: how much soap will it take me?
  232. KingCol13: changed how so?
  233. KingCol13: oh cool
  234. KingCol13: yea i know the frequency of events slowly decreases and so does the warp after each event
  235. KingCol13: pyro concentrator
  236. KingCol13: or the macerator one too
  237. KingCol13: crimson cult showed up at my base lol
  238. KingCol13: my situation is dire
  239. KingCol13: lucky i have a railgun
  240. KingCol13: so tectonic initiator/pyroconcentrator are the best options usually if you can supply the blazing pyrotheum and tectonic petrotheum
  241. KingCol13: pyroconcentrator is actually better if u can provide rich slag
  242. KingCol13: best way to make rich slag is using nether quartz
  243. KingCol13: its used in the pyro concentrator
  244. KingCol13: gets u an extra bar over just using sand
  245. KingCol13: yep&
  246. KingCol13: thats maybe better idk, redstone in the tectonic
  247. KingCol13: depends what resources you need really as to how you set it all up
  248. KingCol13: what you're prepared to sacrifice, what you'd rather just use sand on etc
  249. KingCol13: well it's still a lot cheaper energy wise to process the ores right rather than mine new ones and you still can't get all the power out of a fusion reactor
  250. KingCol13: i've never considered using IC2 ones over ultimate hybrids tbh, might be a better idea
  251. KingCol13: i can't see how quantums are better than hybrids, they produce as much as 8 hybrids and it's hard to get all that power out
  252. KingCol13: nope they have a limit
  253. KingCol13: have you managed to get thaumic tinkerer working?
  254. KingCol13: whats the fastest way to travel?
  255. KingCol13: ./rtp til you find a good base spot, set up a base, /vote and buy stuff from the shop and get going
  256. KingCol13: so pattern terminal, process mode, put an interface next to the furnace and the pattern in the interface
  257. KingCol13: scroll up and read my message^
  258. KingCol13: anyone know best way for industrial foregoing biofuel?
  259. KingCol13: lol take the newbie to your shop smart
  260. KingCol13: make him set home
  261. KingCol13: lol the cheapest here
  262. KingCol13: well the minimum price is always /worth and most shops will sell for the /worth price
  263. KingCol13: but at least the money would be going to an active player rather than the shops closest to the teleport
  264. KingCol13: yea love that feeling
  265. KingCol13: rip
  266. KingCol13: whats the best way to store enchantments?
  267. KingCol13: ffs just fried every single one of my wires again
  268. KingCol13: its fine, i just connected the wrong thing up
  269. KingCol13: i know what i did wrong, just a dumb mistake
  270. KingCol13: fixed the cables and added a safety net
  271. KingCol13: just found out my AE takes more than 512EU/t to run, so long for my backup MFSU
  272. Brotbaer: hi Brampels
  273. KingCol13: oh its 5.3kEU/t
  274. KingCol13: how much does everyone else's ME system drain?
  275. KingCol13: but what's your RF/t usage dire?
  276. KingCol13: I've got a fusion reactor making 54kEU/t
  277. KingCol13: or 200kRF/t
  278. KingCol13: just can't pull all that power out of it fast enough so it may as well be doing 8kEU/t lol
  279. KingCol13: energy bridge and consumers/producers
  280. KingCol13: yes but limit is quite high
  281. KingCol13: thermal generators are good too, about 100EU/t i think
  282. Brotbaer: sure
  283. KingCol13: thermal generators not geothermals
  284. KingCol13: lots of different things, check JEI
  285. KingCol13: noteably lava
  286. KingCol13: ah ok, i suppose a different fuel might produce the 128EU/t idk
  287. KingCol13: any good ways to store enchants?
  288. KingCol13: &6You have been awarded &a$2,000
  289. KingCol13: anyone lagging?
  290. KingCol13: wew lag
  291. KingCol13: probably my bad internet
  292. KingCol13: bye bye
  293. KingCol13: is there any auto right click with item block?
  294. KingCol13: i have a pipe that becomes clogged and i need to right click it with a filter to unclog it
  295. KingCol13: i'm wondering if theres a way to automate that
  296. KingCol13: its a thaumcraft pipe that becomes clogged with flux
  297. KingCol13: it isn't currently clogged unfortunately haha
  298. KingCol13: it's these flux condenser lattices
  299. KingCol13: I'll make some spares and mine any clogged versions for testing
  300. KingCol13: I'd like to automate it so i can stop the alchemy machines fluxing the area and causing havoc
  301. KingCol13: ah there look one clogged
  302. KingCol13: nah you have to right click with an essentia filter
  303. KingCol13: here you try
  304. KingCol13: forgot how to add allies
  305. KingCol13: ok allied u
  306. KingCol13: did it consume the filter you were holding?
  307. KingCol13: ok so normally i just right click the purple clogged one with this filter and it unclogs
  308. KingCol13: ok :)
  309. KingCol13: tyvm, tbh its not a super big deal but would be useful
  310. KingCol13: so other packs have the mechanical user which is capable of this, idk if theres something equivalent
  311. KingCol13: maybe modular routers has something for me
  312. KingCol13: activator module sounds promising
  313. KingCol13: i got it working m8
  314. KingCol13: pretty good now i've got my thing automated thx
  315. KingCol13: nw i understand
  316. KingCol13: he's good when he's literate ;)
  317. KingCol13: very helpful
  318. KingCol13: yea idm teaching you a few things
  319. KingCol13: the most important thing is to watch out for flux and warp
  320. KingCol13: flux is generated by wasting essentia in a cruicible/melting too much stuff down
  321. KingCol13: and warp you get from bad knowledge like learning eldritch stuff
  322. KingCol13: wait i think i might need to scan a flux worm
  323. KingCol13: can i tpa/get co-ords?
  324. KingCol13: likewise i have some rifts for you to scan
  325. KingCol13: i have my thaumcraft island in case flux gets bad and i also have a tiny island on the world border i fluxed for research
  326. KingCol13: yea got 5/6 rifts over there now, gotta get closing them
  327. KingCol13: twilight forest castle?
  328. KingCol13: just dump stacks of cobble into a cruicible lol
  329. KingCol13: oh redstone flux?
  330. KingCol13: i use hybrid solars, fission reactors and a fusion
  331. KingCol13: cheers brampels :)
  332. KingCol13: i'm breaking down a lot of stuff with an essentia smeltery so it makes some flux
  333. KingCol13: i'm also running a flux condenser tho and that removes it all
  334. KingCol13: managed to automate the flux condenser so i don't have to check on it too :D
  335. KingCol13: boilerplate mods like thermal expansion to get ores^
  336. KingCol13: yea kinda plain, industrial types
  337. KingCol13: applied energistics is obvs always useful
  338. KingCol13: something i didnt know is that you can remove the storage components from the disk things
  339. KingCol13: yea certus quartz mod
  340. KingCol13: you can use the grinder to get some cheeky early game ore doubling
  341. KingCol13: but it's just sort of a utility mod, it doesn't produce stuff
  342. KingCol13: Quartz Grindstone
  343. KingCol13: yep
  344. KingCol13: you gotta hand crank it unfortunately
  345. KingCol13: hi
  346. KingCol13: i could
  347. KingCol13: whats the fight again?
  348. KingCol13: some cow man?
  349. KingCol13: kk lemme grab some
  350. KingCol13: i got some regens
  351. KingCol13: they don't have worth
  352. KingCol13: where he at?
  353. KingCol13: yea
  354. KingCol13: oh the litch
  355. KingCol13: so theres 3 stages to this one, gotta hit his ender pearls back at him
  356. KingCol13: wanna slap him up?
  357. KingCol13: hes invincible, hit the pearls at him
  358. KingCol13: like a ghast
  359. KingCol13: ye boi
  360. KingCol13: rekt
  361. KingCol13: i killed him already dw
  362. KingCol13: idk if everything registered properly for progression tho
  363. KingCol13: well a map would be useful
  364. KingCol13: brb
  365. KingCol13: can't work out what i'm missing cos i still cant see in the dark forest
  366. KingCol13: nope
  367. KingCol13: bauxite
  368. KingCol13: you get it from electrolyzing bauxite
  369. KingCol13: how do i make myself hungry?
  370. KingCol13: any luck with the castle doors?
  371. KingCol13: I'm gonna head back there to do some bossing
  372. KingCol13: which ones you wanna catch and why?
  373. KingCol13: its quite progression heavy, might wanna check out advancements cos some areas are progression locked
  374. KingCol13: what do they drop?
  375. KingCol13: just bring up the menu and close it again
  376. KingCol13: it resets when you log off until you do
  377. KingCol13: need help?
  378. KingCol13: is it urgent?
  379. KingCol13: ok gimme 30 secs, just finishing draining my hunger
  380. KingCol13: for a hydra chop achievement lol
  381. KingCol13: lol
  382. KingCol13: oh the moo man
  383. KingCol13: i just brought a vajra and chopped thru this place lol
  384. KingCol13: u want the kobold?
  385. KingCol13: i gotta go kill the yeti
  386. KingCol13: lol wth
  387. KingCol13: u riding a yeti?
  388. KingCol13: dude bauxite
  389. KingCol13: it doesn't always work, teleports u over mid air, etc
  390. KingCol13: ye but doesn't always work still
  391. KingCol13: so hard to find way around this goblin stronghold
  392. KingCol13: hi all
  393. KingCol13: lel that took me ages trying to find yesterday
  394. KingCol13: my ur-ghast just spawns then disappears?
  395. KingCol13: just a big ghast
  396. KingCol13: did you get him in the end raczes?
  397. KingCol13: can i still unlock the highlands or nope then?
  398. KingCol13: its a twilight forest thing
  399. KingCol13: can't with mob imprisonment tool?
  400. KingCol13: ok
  401. KingCol13: ok think it's a problem with a plugin called sponge removing big entities
  402. KingCol13: never got spatial working
  403. KingCol13: i tried and failed
  404. KingCol13: put in a ticket about ur-ghast
  405. KingCol13: brampels try industrial foregoing fluid pump its really good for filling in water
  406. KingCol13: yea its just 8x just checked mine
  407. KingCol13: interdiction torches >> vote keys
  408. KingCol13: anyone ever won a quantum solar from votes?
  409. KingCol13: oh damn lol, ever since?
  410. KingCol13: funny how it makes it look even probability then it just isn't
  411. KingCol13: 68 and dry
  412. KingCol13: although lately I've been converting my vote keys to interdiction torches
  413. KingCol13: thaumcraft has some neat nic-nacs
  414. KingCol13: personal favourites are spells and verdant heart charms
  415. KingCol13: what we using to farm now plant gather's banned?
  416. KingCol13: watch them be even more laggy
  417. KingCol13: yea mine's still going
  418. KingCol13: just wanted more
  419. KingCol13: why over hybrids again?
  420. KingCol13: what's generating limit?
  421. KingCol13: ok, so reserve and saving space is the pros
  422. KingCol13: i might consider swapping at some point, just dont want the hassle of adding so many transformers rn
  423. KingCol13: hmmm yea could have a separate wire for laser drills
  424. KingCol13: that sounds like a plan
  425. KingCol13: thanks :D
  426. Brotbaer: holâ
  427. KingCol13: hu
  428. KingCol13: hi
  429. KingCol13: withers
  430. Brotbaer: multi block struckture from foresty
  431. Brotbaer: multi block structure is in this version
  432. Brotbaer: farm block
  433. Brotbaer: farm block controller and so on
  434. Brotbaer: nope
  435. Brotbaer: lots of them
  436. Brotbaer: but you can google for the manual rubber plantation
  437. Brotbaer: yea
  438. Brotbaer: where can I find a Blizz?
  439. Brotbaer: Im in the wild, where exactly? And how much does one cost?
  440. KingCol13: he at 1622 7094
  441. KingCol13: lol walk it ;)
  442. KingCol13: how do you find the ult reloaded discord chat in dirtcraft list?
  443. KingCol13: grtas
  444. KingCol13: grats*
  445. KingCol13: orange became citizen
  446. KingCol13: need something programming?
  447. KingCol13: what u need?
  448. KingCol13: i can do it over there too
  449. KingCol13: got a spare floppy back at my base
  450. KingCol13: what message?
  451. KingCol13: sure
  452. KingCol13: can change background colour too?
  453. KingCol13: yep there is a way
  454. KingCol13: wanna draw your image?
  455. KingCol13: in monitor atm
  456. KingCol13: what shop supplies?
  457. KingCol13: lol
  458. KingCol13: want a picture or just the scrolling?
  459. KingCol13: scrolling is a bit more complicated but it can be done
  460. KingCol13: scrolling vertically is pretty easy tho
  461. KingCol13: could cycle through different images very easily actually
  462. KingCol13: if theres a few different ones you want
  463. KingCol13: i don't think so
  464. KingCol13: idk man maybe he knows better than i do
  465. KingCol13: hulag is a big team
  466. KingCol13: they're your thaumcrafters?
  467. KingCol13: how many ppl in the team then?
  468. KingCol13: ./rtp for random teleport
  469. KingCol13: how do i get to ult chat in the discord?
  470. KingCol13: which page?
  471. KingCol13: i just see voice chat at the bottom
  472. KingCol13: spooky which mod is the autocrafter?
  473. KingCol13: above that for me is tickets then extras
  474. KingCol13: spooky best bet is watch a youtube tutorials
  475. KingCol13: you need molecular assemblers and to set up the crafting computer right
  476. KingCol13: i can't see the gamechat channels list
  477. KingCol13: lol can't see that either
  478. KingCol13: KingCol13
  479. KingCol13: i have a ticket in to help fix Ur-Ghast spawn
  480. KingCol13: b idk if i just don't know how to use discord
  481. KingCol13: what arcane thing u need
  482. KingCol13: can you mention me seamus?
  483. KingCol13: discord tag
  484. KingCol13: its the same anyway haha
  485. KingCol13: its just KingCol13
  486. KingCol13: nope still can't see it
  487. KingCol13: i don't think so?
  488. KingCol13: I verified
  489. KingCol13: oh lol never done that rip
  490. KingCol13: tyvm
  491. KingCol13: found it now ty
  492. KingCol13: alright thats enough achievement for one day, cya guys
  493. KingCol13: hi all
  494. KingCol13: ic2 wrench
  495. KingCol13: is the ME interface meant to pull items out again?
  496. KingCol13: ^if its an IC one then
  497. KingCol13: cant find that key m8
  498. KingCol13: long boi
  499. KingCol13: so yea ME interfaces anyone use em?
  500. KingCol13: d
  501. KingCol13: Home+End+alt-f4
  502. KingCol13: you have to flip the switch that has red on the bottom on your wall
  503. Brotbaer: hi
  504. Brotbaer: I can help you with your quarry
  505. Brotbaer: it needs power
  506. Brotbaer: you need a rf producer
  507. Brotbaer: rf
  508. Brotbaer: no the produce first
  509. Brotbaer: hmm
  510. Brotbaer: thats strange
  511. Brotbaer: wait a sec
  512. Brotbaer: alright you need kinesis pipes and a mj producer
  513. KingCol13: maxed out soul cage is best
  514. KingCol13: but maxing it out is the problem
  515. KingCol13: fun fact, nether quartz is blacklisted for laser drills in the nether
  516. KingCol13: and that's enough fun for one day
  517. KingCol13: hiya
  518. Brotbaer: yea just more power
  519. Brotbaer: sure
  520. Brotbaer: is there a better storage possability than resonant energy cells?
  521. KingCol13: ye
  522. KingCol13: how much u need boss?
  523. KingCol13: lol im still living in the hole i dug in a mountain
  524. KingCol13: uncraft disabled
  525. KingCol13: you can do ./bcl list liam
  526. KingCol13: byee
  527. KingCol13: you can select which or sort of with it
  528. KingCol13: i think it might be bs
  529. KingCol13: u can see in JEI how the ores are produced, their weights and depths and with which lens
  530. KingCol13: as far as i can tell it's deactivated for this modpack
  531. KingCol13: so any depth
  532. KingCol13: idk i've got 11k
  533. Brotbaer: test
  534. Brotbaer: mein erstes cryo fluxduct ;D
  535. KingCol13: weew lad u went from helper to mod quick
  536. KingCol13: anyone else lagging?
  537. KingCol13: I'm lagging so hard, pretty sure it's server side
  538. KingCol13: could just be my wifi i suppose
  539. KingCol13: b it's just a part of my base now
  540. KingCol13: its bs they got banned anyway, it's just gonna push people to move to the laggier forestry farms
  541. KingCol13: yup, that's what i mean
  542. KingCol13: JEI
  543. KingCol13: check the other ingot
  544. KingCol13: sometimes there's 2
  545. KingCol13: recon do you know the owner irl?
  546. KingCol13: you're just friends with admins on here?
  547. KingCol13: u maxed on osrs?
  548. KingCol13: its not over until you're literally swampman himself
  549. KingCol13: nope ^
  550. KingCol13: this pack has TC6
  551. KingCol13: no wands
  552. KingCol13: also true ^^
  553. KingCol13: I think you can see on JEI before you get the knowledge, just not know how to craft
  554. KingCol13: there's a good TC6 guide online dw
  555. KingCol13: I can give you my observations too if you want them
  556. KingCol13: donators can spawn stuff in as well daroq\
  557. KingCol13: *darquos
  558. KingCol13: some of them ye
  559. KingCol13: yea the big ones lel
  560. KingCol13: never seen dis darquosLeblack man b4,
  561. KingCol13: ah right
  562. KingCol13: ah both at 7250 -8500
  563. KingCol13: wow there's a lot of people on today
  564. KingCol13: least creative location award goes to TheStoutn at -2500, -2500
  565. KingCol13: maybe someone's messing with you stout?
  566. KingCol13: what jokes about your position recon?
  567. KingCol13: willing yet unable
  568. KingCol13: kray i think overall this server is good, i wouldn't rush to a decision on one very quickly promoted mod
  569. KingCol13: I've been here a few weeks
  570. KingCol13: I think it's just bcos it's extremely difficult to work out what recon is trying to say sometimes
  571. KingCol13: Idk just hectic typing
  572. KingCol13: well the majority of my experience has been with adariel as a helper, and she's really good, nathan's nice too
  573. KingCol13: end portal at spawn is closed and has been for weeks
  574. KingCol13: after mining vis crystals
  575. KingCol13: try fluid transposer
  576. KingCol13: i think he wants to autofill
  577. KingCol13: ^^^ fluid transposer
  578. KingCol13: what do you want to do with the lava cells/
  579. KingCol13: fine, keep your secrets
  580. KingCol13: combining thaumcraft and modular powersuits is op
  581. KingCol13: I've now got forcefields, runic shielding and verdant charm to take away withers and poisons
  582. KingCol13: lava centrifuging
  583. KingCol13: I did the same back when
  584. KingCol13: lol i've still got 23 centrifuges dedicated to lava centrifuging
  585. KingCol13: It's a simple setup, just TE pipes in and out
  586. KingCol13: big long lines of machines basically on multiple floors
  587. KingCol13: my mouse isn't working so ima get off, cya guys
  588. KingCol13: RF
  589. KingCol13: any mods or admins on??
  590. KingCol13: recon would you mind trying to run /sponge reload -g for me?
  591. KingCol13: ./sponge reload -g
  592. KingCol13: did it work?
  593. KingCol13: @Reconsolidate?
  594. KingCol13: can you try to run "/sponge reload -g" ?
  595. KingCol13: wait
  596. KingCol13: hold on
  597. KingCol13: one command pls
  598. KingCol13: please try to run "sponge reload -g"
  599. KingCol13: to reload the sponge config files, lmk if you have perms
  600. KingCol13: XDDDDDDDD
  601. KingCol13: you can power rf cables with dynamos, try the magmatic dynamo since we have free lava
  602. KingCol13: any admins on?
  603. Brotbaer: yea me :D
  604. KingCol13: keep getting kicked off
  605. KingCol13: why are laser drills limited?
  606. KingCol13: i bet they lag negligibly compared to a quarry or farm
  607. KingCol13: well if i built 1000 then I'd still have more items
  608. KingCol13: Idk what else do you do at endgame?
  609. KingCol13: my ME network autocrafts quantum solars
  610. KingCol13: entirely from scratch
  611. KingCol13: including the generators
  612. KingCol13: how'd you get the generators crafting?
  613. KingCol13: One assembler with one recipe?
  614. KingCol13: change how?
  615. KingCol13: I do just a different method
  616. KingCol13: May as well implement both and see what work's better
  617. KingCol13: a processing pattern for an assembler? okie dokies tyvm
  618. KingCol13: yea for a generator, attached to an assembler right?
  619. KingCol13: have you tried the fusion reactors and getting power out of them?
  620. KingCol13: I couldn't get all the power out
  621. KingCol13: that was gonna be my endgame
  622. KingCol13: I did some fun things too, like I can tell anyone their location
  623. KingCol13: like -4839, 8092
  624. KingCol13: I don't think they're craftable
  625. KingCol13: thaumcraft was fun to play with, now i'm immune to poison and wither, have some perma absorbtion etc
  626. KingCol13: hiya
  627. KingCol13: Donge, can you try to run "/sponge reload -g" the owner changed some sponge configs but they need reloading
  628. KingCol13: wew lag
  629. KingCol13: I didn't realise that was even a thing
  630. KingCol13: If it's the same as ME interfaces then yes
  631. KingCol13: ok yup nw
  632. KingCol13: wb
  633. KingCol13: yea it's cos of the metadata mroiarty
  634. Brotbaer: welcome adaeriel
  635. Brotbaer: really bad
  636. Brotbaer: I don't know how to manage my power
  637. Brotbaer: both
  638. KingCol13: i couldn't get the autocrafting working, it's a process template and a crafting template right?
  639. Brotbaer: I generate  eu via solar panels AND the fusion reactor, but I don't know how to manage it perfectly
  640. Brotbaer: yea thats the problem
  641. Brotbaer: the wire thing
  642. Brotbaer: nope
  643. Brotbaer: I think sometimes my machine doesn't get enough power to work properly
  644. KingCol13: brotbaer there is no way to pull all the power produced from the fusion reactor
  645. KingCol13: check your reactor, it'll be full of power and if u use an eu reader you'll see it's not going out at the rate it can be produced
  646. KingCol13: I've been thinking of ways to get it out for a while, best i came up with is an energy bridge
  647. KingCol13: smallest size one produces 57kEU/t but yea they scale up quickly
  648. Brotbaer: bbiab??
  649. KingCol13: I'm getting 12kEU/t out of mine atm
  650. KingCol13: oh no nvm 2kEU/t
  651. Brotbaer: 118k EU/t here
  652. KingCol13: but you aren't because you can't pull that amount out
  653. KingCol13: lemme see
  654. KingCol13: heya
  655. KingCol13: yea im looking at your fusion reactor brotbaer and theres no way this thing is getting 100kEU out of it
  656. Brotbaer: WTF
  657. Brotbaer: why are you here?
  658. Brotbaer: and how?
  659. KingCol13: come to tell you why it's broken
  660. KingCol13: that AESU can't pull enough power from the reactor
  661. Brotbaer: RUN!
  662. KingCol13: yea it's cos the knife has metadata
  663. KingCol13: I made a system where items are pumped into project red autocrafters
  664. KingCol13: hiya
  665. Brotbaer: why
  666. KingCol13: idk boredom
  667. KingCol13: hmm ok
  668. Brotbaer: 5k for one blizz
  669. KingCol13: rip off
  670. KingCol13: ada sells them ~2k i think
  671. Brotbaer: well then you know what to do
  672. KingCol13: dude you know you can have 4 blast furnace blocks per multiblock?
  673. Brotbaer: yea every side one
  674. KingCol13: ok cool
  675. KingCol13: wb
  676. Brotbaer: serious?
  677. Brotbaer: just let me alone
  678. KingCol13: ok
  679. KingCol13: just trying to make some friends :)
  680. Brotbaer: not this way
  681. Brotbaer: GO!
  682. KingCol13: help you out, I've been trying to make this work for a whil
  683. Brotbaer: KingCol13 JUST GO AWAY
  684. KingCol13: i went to see his fusion reactor that he was complaining about
  685. Brotbaer: without permission you should add
  686. KingCol13: im gone
  687. KingCol13: if he doesn't want my help he shouldn't fill up my chatlog tho
  688. KingCol13: I've already told him the problem recon
  689. KingCol13: did you try running /sponge reload -g
  690. KingCol13: it's not like i'm griefing, i'm trying to help and i have a record of helping people
  691. KingCol13: I'm sorry brot, i didn't mean to make you feel bad, i realise i overstepped with the help
  692. KingCol13: gonna mute me for saying that too?
  693. Brotbaer: The problem with you is that you copied a private conversation between daiwuai and me
  694. Brotbaer: thats the real reason i don't want your help. because I don't trust you
  695. KingCol13: i've got nothing against you, i'm sorry for all the 2nd hand upset i've caused, can we move on from this?
  696. Brotbaer: you know that KingCol13 can read this too?
  697. Brotbaer: but he did
  698. Brotbaer: fr+g
  699. Brotbaer: f3+g
  700. Brotbaer: yea I use discord
  701. KingCol13: I'm not here to harass, I'm was blind to the fact I was being an annoyance, you've seen all the times I've helped people on here
  702. KingCol13: oh rip me i guess
  703. KingCol13: it's been nice knowing you guys but it looks like im getting banned
  704. KingCol13: I've enjoyed my time here
  705. KingCol13: thanks for providing such a great sense of community on this little server and all the help i've received
  706. KingCol13: plea deal? i'll help you fix the problem and you don't ban me?
  707. KingCol13: if I can get a promise of no reprecussions for explaining, then i can explain
  708. KingCol13: no reprecussions?
  709. KingCol13: everything in pms yea dw
  710. KingCol13: ok the peripherals plus one chat box allows you to read all messages to the chat
  711. KingCol13: including pms
  712. KingCol13: so when ada was talking about muting me and how shes gonna screenshot, i can read that
  713. KingCol13: tpa to me
  714. KingCol13: ok follow
  715. KingCol13: watch my monitor
  716. KingCol13: and pm anything to anyone (make sure it's ok for my eyes)
  717. KingCol13: see there's a small problem here ;)
  718. KingCol13: it was fun lol but i gotta tell u guys eventually
  719. KingCol13: it just prints everything, including pms
  720. KingCol13: look, it's been printing all our pms
  721. KingCol13: i have my own chatlog
  722. KingCol13: i've never used it maliciously
  723. KingCol13: I didn't know it since the start
  724. KingCol13: and i'm telling you now
  725. KingCol13: i found it and told you about it, i could have hidden it forever
  726. KingCol13: just me
  727. KingCol13: i didn't tell anyone else, except you two
  728. KingCol13: he was reading my board, got confused
  729. KingCol13: i can't remember which one it was
  730. KingCol13: i don't record times in my chatlog
  731. KingCol13: easier to search the serverside chatlogs
  732. KingCol13: anything in pm's and also when people vote n stuff
  733. KingCol13: just know what?
  734. KingCol13: what do you mean by confidentiality?
  735. KingCol13: I didn't knowingly reveal any personal/private information so I don't think I've breached confidentiality
  736. KingCol13: at the end of the day, the server keeps a chatlog so anything anyone says isn't confidential
  737. KingCol13: what do you want me to tell you?
  738. KingCol13: i told you how i've been doing this
  739. KingCol13: I'm not in any team and I dont speak german
  740. KingCol13: if there's any way i can co-operate with you guys to help my case, lmk
  741. KingCol13: yep it's a big problem, which is why I'm telling you now
  742. KingCol13: you're not convincing me to assist you with security breaches in the future if you punish me when i show you
  743. KingCol13: i think he knows that i can read PMs, he doesn't know why
  744. KingCol13: *how sorry
  745. KingCol13: screenshot what?
  746. KingCol13: oh he knows about chat blocks?
  747. KingCol13: you can check the 1st of August chat logs, I don't recall telling anyone tho
  748. KingCol13: if I dated my chatlog i would bring it up in an instant mate, but i haven't
  749. KingCol13: what did i say about his pm?
  750. KingCol13: if you want to look through my chatlog to try and find it you're welcome
  751. KingCol13: I'll copy the chatlog to a drive and give you a copy
  752. KingCol13: ok couldn't copy it bcos it's too big
  753. KingCol13: i added you as a member, if you check the computer that's recording you can read the chatlog
  754. KingCol13: this one over here
  755. KingCol13: can you read it alright?
  756. KingCol13: it's everything
  757. KingCol13: i can write a script to filter so it's just me and brot but it might take me 30 minutes
  758. KingCol13: i'll do it if it helps my case, do you want me to?
  759. KingCol13: i got rid of it, was too much paper
  760. KingCol13: i filled an obsidian chest with chatlog pages
  761. KingCol13: i'm writing a program to filter out just mine and brotbaer's chat history
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