Guest User


a guest
Jun 20th, 2017
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  1. confirm:
  2. failed_confirm: $2Nie masz akcji do potwierdzenia!
  3. requires_confirm: '$2Czy jestes pewny ze chcesz wykonac: $1%s$2?&-$2To nie moze
  4. byc cofniete! Jesli jestes pewny uzyj: $1/plot confirm'
  5. move:
  6. move_success: $4Pomyslnie przeniesiono dzalke.
  7. copy_success: $4Pomyslnie skopiowano dzialke.
  8. requires_unowned: $2Nowa dzialka musi byc wolna.
  9. set:
  10. set_attribute: $4Pomysylnie ustawiono %s0 na %s1
  11. web:
  12. generating_link: $1Przygotowywanie dzialki...
  13. generating_link_failed: $2Blad! Sprobuj ponownie
  14. save_failed: $2Blad podczas zapisu
  15. load_null: $2Uzyj $4/plot load $2aby zobaczyc liste schematow
  16. load_failed: $2Blad podczas ladowania schematu
  17. load_list: '$2Aby zaladowac schemat uzyj $1/plot load #'
  18. save_success: $1Pomyslnie zapisano!
  19. compass:
  20. compass_target: $4Wybrano dzialke kompasem.
  21. cluster:
  22. cluster_available_args: '$1Dostepne argumenty: $4list$2, $4create$2,
  23. $4delete$2, $4resize$2, $4invite$2, $4kick$2, $4leave$2, $4members$2, $4info$2,
  24. $4tp$2, $4sethome'
  25. cluster_list_heading: $2Jest dostepne $1%s$2 grup w tym swiecie
  26. cluster_list_element: $2 - $1%s&-
  27. cluster_intersection: '$2The proposed area overlaps with: %s0'
  28. cluster_outside: '$2The proposed area is outside the plot area: %s0'
  29. cluster_added: $4Successfully created the cluster.
  30. cluster_deleted: $4Successfully deleted the cluster.
  31. cluster_resized: $4Successfully resized the cluster.
  32. cluster_added_user: $4Successfully added user to the cluster.
  33. cannot_kick_player: $2You cannot kick that player
  34. cluster_invited: '$1You have been invited to the following cluster: $2%s'
  35. cluster_removed: '$1You have been removed from cluster: $2%s'
  36. cluster_kicked_user: $4Successfully kicked the user
  37. invalid_cluster: '$1Invalid cluster name: $2%s'
  38. cluster_not_added: $2That player was not added to the plot cluster
  39. cluster_cannot_leave: $1You must delete or transfer ownership before leaving
  40. cluster_added_helper: $4Successfully added a helper to the cluster
  41. cluster_removed_helper: $4Successfully removed a helper from the cluster
  42. cluster_regenerated: $4Successfully started cluster regeneration
  43. cluster_teleporting: $4Teleporting...
  44. cluster_info: '$1Current cluster: $2%id%&-$1Name: $2%name%&-$1Owner: $2%owner%&-$1Size:
  45. $2%size%&-$1Rights: $2%rights%'
  46. border:
  47. border: $2You are outside the current map border
  48. unclaim:
  49. unclaim_success: $4You successfully unclaimed the plot.
  50. unclaim_failed: $2Could not unclaim the plot
  51. worldedit masks:
  52. worldedit_delayed: $2Please wait while we process your WorldEdit action...
  53. worldedit_run: '$2Apologies for the delay. Now executing: %s'
  54. require_selection_in_mask: $2%s of your selection is not within your plot mask.
  55. You can only make edits within your plot.
  56. worldedit_volume: $2You cannot select a volume of %current%. The maximum volume
  57. you can modify is %max%.
  58. worldedit_iterations: $2You cannot iterate %current% times. The maximum number of
  59. iterations allowed is %max%.
  60. worldedit_unsafe: $2Access to that command has been blocked
  61. worldedit_bypass: $2&oTo bypass your restrictions use $4/plot wea
  62. worldedit_bypassed: $2Currently bypassing WorldEdit restriction.
  63. worldedit_unmasked: $1Your WorldEdit is now unrestricted.
  64. worldedit_restricted: $1Your WorldEdit is now restricted.
  65. gamemode:
  66. gamemode_was_bypassed: $1You bypassed the GameMode ($2{gamemode}$1) $1set for $2{plot}
  67. height limit:
  68. height_limit: $1This plot area has a height limit of $2{limit}
  69. records:
  70. record_play: $2%player $2started playing record $1%name
  71. notify_enter: $2%player $2entered your plot ($1%plot$2)
  72. notify_leave: $2%player $2left your plot ($1%plot$2)
  73. swap:
  74. swap_overlap: $2The proposed areas are not allowed to overlap
  75. swap_dimensions: $2The proposed areas must have comparable dimensions
  76. swap_syntax: $2/plot swap <id>
  77. swap_success: $4Successfully swapped plots
  78. started_swap: $2Started plot swap task. You will be notified when it finishes
  79. comment:
  80. inbox_notification: '%s unread messages. Use /plot inbox'
  81. not_valid_inbox_index: $2No comment at index %s
  82. inbox_item: $2 - $4%s
  83. comment_syntax: $2Use /plot comment [X;Z] <%s> <comment>
  84. invalid_inbox: '$2That is not a valid inbox.&-$1Accepted values: %s'
  85. no_perm_inbox: $2You do not have permission for that inbox
  86. no_perm_inbox_modify: $2You do not have permission to modify that inbox
  87. no_plot_inbox: $2You must stand in or supply a plot argument
  88. comment_removed: $4Successfully deleted comment/s:n$2 - '$3%s$2'
  89. comment_added: $4A comment has been left
  90. comment_header: $2&m---------&r $1Comments $2&m---------&r
  91. inbox_empty: $2No comments
  92. console:
  93. not_console: $2For safety reasons, this command can only be executed by console.
  94. is_console: $2This command can only be executed by a player.
  95. inventory:
  96. inventory_usage: '&cUsage: &6{usage}'
  97. inventory_desc: '&cDescription: &6{desc}'
  98. inventory_category: '&cCategory: &6{category}'
  99. clipboard:
  100. clipboard_set: $2The current plot is now copied to your clipboard, use $1/plot paste$2
  101. to paste it
  102. pasted: $4The plot selection was successfully pasted. It has been cleared from your
  103. clipboard.
  104. paste_failed: '$2Failed to paste the selection. Reason: $2%s'
  105. no_clipboard: $2You don't have a selection in your clipboard
  106. clipboard_info: '$2Current Selection - Plot ID: $1%id$2, Width: $1%width$2, Total
  107. Blocks: $1%total$2'
  108. toggle:
  109. toggle_enabled: '$2Enabled setting: %s'
  110. toggle_disabled: '$2Disabled setting: %s'
  111. blocked command:
  112. command_blocked: $2That command is not allowed in this plot
  113. done:
  114. done_already_done: $2This plot is already marked as done
  115. done_not_done: $2This plot is not marked as done.
  116. done_insufficient_complexity: $2This plot is too simple. Please add more detail
  117. before using this command.
  118. done_success: $1Successfully marked this plot as done.
  119. done_removed: $1You may now continue building in this plot.
  120. ratings:
  121. ratings_purged: $2Purged ratings for this plot
  122. rating_not_valid: $2You need to specify a number between 1 and 10
  123. rating_already_exists: $2You have already rated plot $2%s
  124. rating_applied: $4You successfully rated plot $2%s
  125. rating_not_your_own: $2You cannot rate your own plot
  126. rating_not_done: $2You can only rate finished plots.
  127. rating_not_owned: $2You cannot rate a plot that is not claimed by anyone
  128. tutorial:
  129. rate_this: $2Rate this plot!
  130. comment_this: '$2Leave some feedback on this plot: %s'
  131. economy:
  132. econ_disabled: $2Economy is not enabled
  133. cannot_afford_plot: $2You cannot afford to buy this plot. It costs $1%s
  134. not_for_sale: $2This plot is not for sale
  135. cannot_buy_own: $2You cannot buy your own plot
  136. plot_sold: $4Your plot; $1%s0$4, has been sold to $1%s1$4 for $1$%s2
  137. cannot_afford_merge: $2You cannot afford to merge the plots. It costs $1%s
  138. added_balance: $1%s $2has been added to your balance
  139. removed_balance: $1%s $2has been taken from your balance
  140. removed_granted_plot: $2You used %s plot grant(s), you've got $1%s $2left
  141. setup:
  142. setup_init: '$1Usage: $2/plot setup <value>'
  143. setup_step: '$3[$1Step %s0$3] $1%s1 $2- $1Expecting: $2%s2 $1Default: $2%s3'
  144. setup_invalid_arg: '$2%s0 is not a valid argument for step %s1. To cancel setup
  145. use: $1/plot setup cancel'
  146. setup_valid_arg: $2Value $1%s0 $2set to %s1
  147. setup_finished: $4You should have been teleported to the created world. Otherwise
  148. you will need to set the generator manually using the bukkit.yml or your chosen
  149. world management plugin.
  150. setup_world_taken: $2%s is already a world
  151. setup_missing_world: $2You need to specify a world name ($1/plot setup &l<world>$1
  152. <generator>$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
  153. setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
  154. setup_missing_generator: $2You need to specify a generator ($1/plot setup <world>
  155. &l<generator>&r$2)&-$1Additional commands:&-$2 - $1/plot setup <value>&-$2 - $1/plot
  156. setup back&-$2 - $1/plot setup cancel
  157. setup_invalid_generator: '$2Invalid generator. Possible options: %s'
  158. schematics:
  159. schematic_too_large: $2The plot is too large for this action!
  160. schematic_missing_arg: '$2You need to specify an argument. Possible values: $1test
  161. <name>$2 , $1save$2 , $1paste $2, $1exportall'
  162. schematic_invalid: '$2That is not a valid schematic. Reason: $2%s'
  163. schematic_valid: $2That is a valid schematic
  164. schematic_paste_failed: $2Failed to paste the schematic
  165. schematic_paste_success: $4The schematic pasted successfully
  166. titles:
  167. title_entered_plot: '$1Plot: %world%;%x%;%z%'
  168. title_entered_plot_sub: $4Owned by %s
  169. prefix_greeting: '$1%id%$2> '
  170. prefix_farewell: '$1%id%$2> '
  171. core:
  172. task_start: Starting task...
  173. prefix: $3[$1P2$3] $2
  174. enabled: $1%s0 is now enabled
  175. reload:
  176. reloaded_configs: $1Translations and world settings have been reloaded
  177. reload_failed: $2Failed to reload file configurations
  178. desc:
  179. desc_set: $2Plot description set
  180. desc_unset: $2Plot description unset
  181. missing_desc: $2You need to specify a description
  182. alias:
  183. alias_set_to: $2Plot alias set to $1%alias%
  184. missing_alias: $2You need to specify an alias
  185. alias_too_long: $2The alias must be < 50 characters in length
  186. alias_is_taken: $2That alias is already taken
  187. position:
  188. missing_position: '$2You need to specify a position. Possible values: $1none'
  189. position_set: $1Home position set to your current location
  190. position_unset: $1Home position reset to the default location
  191. home_argument: $2Use /plot set home [none]
  192. invalid_position: $2That is not a valid position value
  193. cap:
  194. entity_cap: $2You are not allowed to spawn more mobs
  195. time:
  196. time_format: $1%hours%, %min%, %sec%
  197. permission:
  198. no_schematic_permission: $2You don't have the permission required to use schematic
  199. $1%s
  200. no_permission: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s'
  201. no_permission_event: '$2You are lacking the permission node: $1%s'
  202. no_plot_perms: $2You must be the plot owner to perform this action
  203. cant_claim_more_plots: $2You can't claim more plots.
  204. cant_claim_more_clusters: $2You can't claim more clusters.
  205. cant_transfer_more_plots: $2You can't send more plots to that user
  206. cant_claim_more_plots_num: $2You can't claim more than $1%s $2plots at once
  207. you_be_denied: $2You are not allowed to enter this plot
  208. merge_request_confirm: Merge request from %s
  209. merge:
  210. merge_not_valid: $2This merge request is no longer valid.
  211. merge_accepted: $2The merge request has been accepted
  212. success_merge: $2Plots have been merged!
  213. merge_requested: $2Successfully sent a merge request
  214. no_perm_merge: '$2You are not the owner of the plot: $1%plot%'
  215. no_available_automerge: $2You do not own any adjacent plots in the specified direction
  216. or are not allowed to merge to the required size.
  217. unlink_required: $2An unlink is required to do this.
  218. unlink_impossible: $2You can only unlink a mega-plot
  219. unlink_success: $2Successfully unlinked plots.
  220. commandconfig:
  221. not_valid_subcommand: $2That is not a valid subcommand
  222. did_you_mean: '$2Did you mean: $1%s'
  223. name_little: $2%s0 name is too short, $1%s1$2<$1%s3
  224. no_commands: $2I'm sorry, but you're not permitted to use any subcommands.
  225. subcommand_set_options_header: '$2Possible Values: '
  226. command_syntax: '$1Usage: $2%s'
  227. flag_tutorial_usage: '$1Have an admin set the flag: $2%s'
  228. errors:
  229. invalid_player_wait: '$2Player not found: $1%s$2, fetching it. Try again soon.'
  230. invalid_player: '$2Player not found: $1%s$2.'
  231. invalid_player_offline: '$2The player must be online: $1%s.'
  232. invalid_command_flag: '$2Invalid command flag: %s0'
  233. error: '$2An error occurred: %s'
  234. command_went_wrong: $2Something went wrong when executing that command...
  235. no_free_plots: $2There are no free plots available
  236. not_in_plot: $2You're not in a plot
  237. not_loaded: $2The plot could not be loaded
  238. not_in_cluster: $2You must be within a plot cluster to perform that action
  239. not_in_plot_world: $2You're not in a plot area
  240. plotworld_incompatible: $2The two worlds must be compatible
  241. not_valid_world: $2That is not a valid world (case sensitive)
  242. not_valid_plot_world: $2That is not a valid plot area (case sensitive)
  243. no_plots: $2You don't have any plots
  244. wait_for_timer: $2A setblock timer is bound to either the current plot or you. Please
  245. wait for it to finish
  246. paste:
  247. debug_report_created: '$1Uploaded a full debug to: $1%url%'
  248. purge:
  249. purge_success: $4Successfully purged %s plots
  250. trim:
  251. trim_in_progress: A world trim task is already in progress!
  252. not_valid_hybrid_plot_world: The hybrid plot manager is required to perform this
  253. action
  254. block list:
  255. block_list_separater: '$1,$2 '
  256. biome:
  257. need_biome: $2You need to specify a valid biome.
  258. biome_set_to: $2Plot biome set to $2
  259. teleport:
  260. teleported_to_plot: $1You have been teleported
  261. teleported_to_road: $2You got teleported to the road
  262. teleport_in_seconds: $1Teleporting in %s seconds. Do not move...
  263. teleport_failed: $2Teleportation cancelled due to movement or damage
  264. set block:
  265. set_block_action_finished: $1The last setblock action is now finished.
  266. unsafe:
  267. debugallowunsafe_on: $2Unsafe actions allowed
  268. debugallowunsafe_off: $2Unsafe actions disabled
  269. debug:
  270. debug_header: $1Debug Information&-
  271. debug_section: $2>> $1&l%val%
  272. debug_line: $2>> $1%var%$2:$1 %val%&-
  273. invalid:
  274. not_valid_data: $2That's not a valid data id.
  275. not_valid_block: '$2That''s not a valid block: %s'
  276. not_allowed_block: '$2That block is not allowed: %s'
  277. not_valid_number: '$2That''s not a valid number within the range: %s'
  278. not_valid_plot_id: $2That's not a valid plot id.
  279. plot_id_form: '$2The plot id must be in the form: $1X;Y $2e.g. $1-5;7'
  280. not_your_plot: $2That is not your plot.
  281. no_such_plot: $2There is no such plot
  282. player_has_not_been_on: $2That player hasn't been in the plotworld
  283. found_no_plots: $2Found no plots with your search query
  284. camera:
  285. camera_started: $2You have entered camera mode for plot $1%s
  286. camera_stopped: $2You are no longer in camera mode
  287. need:
  288. need_plot_number: $2You've got to specify a plot number or alias
  289. need_block: $2You've got to specify a block
  290. need_plot_id: $2You've got to specify a plot id.
  291. need_plot_world: $2You've got to specify a plot area.
  292. need_user: $2You need to specify a username
  293. near:
  294. plot_near: '$1Players: %s0'
  295. info:
  296. none: None
  297. now: Now
  298. never: Never
  299. unknown: Unknown
  300. everyone: Everyone
  301. plot_unowned: $2The current plot must have an owner to perform this action
  302. plot_info_unclaimed: $2Plot $1%s$2 is not yet claimed
  303. plot_info_header: $3&m---------&r $1INFO $3&m---------
  304. plot_info: '$1ID: $2%id%$1&-$1Alias: $2%alias%$1&-$1Owner: $2%owner%$1&-$1Biome:
  305. $2%biome%$1&-$1Can Build: $2%build%$1&-$1Rating: $2%rating%&-$1Seen: $2%seen%&-$1Trusted:
  306. $2%trusted%$1&-$1Members: $2%members%$1&-$1Denied: $2%denied%$1&-$1Flags: $2%flags%'
  307. plot_info_footer: $3&m---------&r $1INFO $3&m---------
  308. plot_info_trusted: $1Trusted:$2 %trusted%
  309. plot_info_members: $1Members:$2 %members%
  310. plot_info_denied: $1Denied:$2 %denied%
  311. plot_info_flags: $1Flags:$2 %flags%
  312. plot_info_biome: $1Biome:$2 %biome%
  313. plot_info_rating: $1Rating:$2 %rating%
  314. plot_info_owner: $1Owner:$2 %owner%
  315. plot_info_id: $1ID:$2 %id%
  316. plot_info_alias: $1Alias:$2 %alias%
  317. plot_info_size: $1Size:$2 %size%
  318. plot_info_seen: $1Seen:$2 %seen%
  319. plot_user_list: ' $1%user%$2,'
  320. plot_flag_list: $1%s0:%s1$2
  321. info_syntax_console: $2/plot info X;Y
  322. working:
  323. generating_component: $1Started generating component from your settings
  324. clearing_plot: $2Clearing plot async.
  325. clearing_done: $4Clear completed! Took %sms.
  326. deleting_done: $4Delete completed! Took %sms.
  327. plot_not_claimed: $2Plot not claimed
  328. plot_is_claimed: $2This plot is already claimed
  329. claimed: $4You successfully claimed the plot
  330. list:
  331. comment_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% comments
  332. clickable: ' (interactive)'
  333. area_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% areas
  334. plot_list_header_paged: $2(Page $1%cur$2/$1%max$2) $1List of %amount% plots
  335. plot_list_header: $1List of %word% plots
  336. plot_list_item: $2>> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
  337. plot_list_item_ordered: $2[$1%in$2] >> $1%id$2:$1%world $2- $1%owner
  338. plot_list_footer: $2>> $1%word% a total of $2%num% $1claimed %plot%.
  339. left:
  340. left_plot: $2You left a plot
  341. chat:
  342. plot_chat_spy_format: '$2[$1Plot Spy$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
  343. plot_chat_format: '$2[$1Plot Chat$2][$1%plot_id%$2] $1%sender%$2: $1%msg%'
  344. plot_chat_forced: $2This world forces everyone to use plot chat.
  345. plot_chat_on: $4Plot chat enabled.
  346. plot_chat_off: $4Plot chat disabled.
  347. deny:
  348. denied_removed: $4You successfully undenied the player from this plot
  349. denied_added: $4You successfully denied the player from this plot
  350. denied_need_argument: $2Arguments are missing. $1/plot denied add <name> $2or $1/plot
  351. denied remove <name>
  352. was_not_denied: $2That player was not denied on this plot
  353. you_got_denied: $4You are denied from the plot you were previously on, and got teleported
  354. to spawn
  355. kick:
  356. you_got_kicked: $4You got kicked!
  357. rain:
  358. need_on_off: '$2You need to specify a value. Possible values: $1on$2, $1off'
  359. setting_updated: $4You successfully updated the setting
  360. flag:
  361. flag_key: '$2Key: %s'
  362. flag_type: '$2Type: %s'
  363. flag_desc: '$2Desc: %s'
  364. not_valid_flag: $2That is not a valid flag
  365. not_valid_flag_suggested: '$2That is not a valid flag. Did you mean: $1%s'
  366. not_valid_value: $2Flag values must be alphanumerical
  367. flag_not_in_plot: $2The plot does not have that flag
  368. flag_not_removed: $2The flag could not be removed
  369. flag_not_added: $2The flag could not be added
  370. flag_removed: $4Successfully removed flag
  371. flag_added: $4Successfully added flag
  372. trusted:
  373. trusted_added: $4You successfully trusted a user to the plot
  374. trusted_removed: $4You successfully removed a trusted user from the plot
  375. was_not_added: $2That player was not trusted on this plot
  376. plot_removed_user: $1Plot %s of which you were added to has been deleted due to
  377. owner inactivity
  378. member:
  379. removed_players: $2Removed %s players from this plot.
  380. already_owner: '$2That user is already the plot owner: %s0'
  381. already_added: '$2That user is already added to that category: %s0'
  382. member_added: $4That user can now build while the plot owner is online
  383. member_removed: $1You successfully removed a user from the plot
  384. member_was_not_added: $2That player was not added as a user on this plot
  385. plot_max_members: $2You are not allowed to add any more players to this plot
  386. owner:
  387. set_owner: $4You successfully set the plot owner
  388. now_owner: $4You are now owner of plot %s
  389. signs:
  390. owner_sign_line_1: '$1ID: $1%id%'
  391. owner_sign_line_2: '$1Owner:'
  392. owner_sign_line_3: $2%plr%
  393. owner_sign_line_4: $3Claimed
  394. help:
  395. help_header: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m---------
  396. help_page_header: '$1Category: $2%category%$2,$1 Page: $2%current%$3/$2%max%$2'
  397. help_footer: $3&m---------&r $1Plot² Help $3&m---------
  398. help_info_item: $1/plot help %category% $3- $2%category_desc%
  399. help_item: $1%usage% [%alias%]&- $3- $2%desc%&-
  400. direction: '$1Current direction: %dir%'
  401. grants:
  402. granted_plots: '$1Result: $2%s $1grants left'
  403. granted_plot: $1You granted %s0 plot to $2%s1
  404. granted_plot_failed: '$1Grant failed: $2%s'
  405. '-':
  406. custom_string: '-'
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