
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 9 – The Wartortle Squad

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Important Information! This chapter is special because it will explain a lot of the going ons from the previous chapter and future chapters, so pay attention. And for all you Misty haters, I'm sorry, but I'm keeping her. If you don't like me adding Ash's female travelling partners, you can either take a hike or enjoy the rest of the ride. I respect your choices and opinions, but it does not mean I have to agree to it. This story will still be focused around the Anthro-Pokemon, but I will have some chapters and scenes with the girls, and besides, the human girls will bring some very interesting fun to the fanfic. Also, only these FOUR girls will be in the story, so don't bother asking for any others. It is merely the fact I'm a serious Poke/Advance/Pearl/Negai shipper. Sure, I could use this for Amazon Boy, but unfortunately I feel that this story is going into a dead end. I know a lot of people like it, but the writer has to be interested in writing it, and the spark for that story is currently hiding from me. Until then, enjoy this story.
  3. Besides, how many stories do you see harems that include both Pokémon and human lovers? I'm pretty sure none so far.
  5. Have a nice day.
  7. ---
  9. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  11. Ch. 9 – The Wartortle Squad
  13. After going through Cerulean City and picking up the redhead Misty, Ash and the group stop in a familiar town and rest in the Pokémon Center. Ash, Pikachu and Misty all shared one room while Brock and Holly were in the other. They were all congregated in Ash's room, just hanging out together. Misty and Holly were talking on the bed, Brock was reading a book, Pikachu was asleep, and Ash was in a meditating position.
  15. "And after that, Brock and I lost," Holly said, telling Misty of her time with Brock in Sinnoh. "I felt like I didn't deserve him so I left, I'm just happy he waited for me."
  17. "That's so romantic," Misty beamed. "Isn't it Ash? Ash?" Misty turned to see Ash, deep in meditation. "Wow, I've never seen Ash that deep in meditation. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him meditate or something similar."
  19. "He does that a lot lately," Brock replied. "Every time we take a break in the woods, or stay in a town, Ash would take some time just to meditate and clear his mind. I was surprised when he first told me. He said he actually started that habit after he left Unova."
  21. "Wow," Misty said in surprise. "I have to say, Ash has really grown up."
  23. While the others were conversing about him, Ash was deep into his meditation. Normally, he would be doing this to clear his mind, but this time was different. He was trying to look deep into his own mind to find a special link.
  25. Ash's Mind
  27. Ash opened his eyes to see himself in a large white empty void. As he looked around, he tried to find any signs of life. None to be found. Ash took a deep breath before exclaiming, "Arceus!" He waited a few seconds before continuing. "Arceus! Arceus, can you hear me? I need to talk to you!"
  29. His calls didn't go unnoticed as a bright light appeared before him and took the shape of the God Pokémon himself. "Hello Ash," Arceus stated.
  31. "Hey Arceus," Ash greeted, "glad you heard me."
  33. "Indeed," Arceus said. "I'm a little surprised though. How did you know you could contact me through your mind?"
  35. "Honestly, I didn't," Ash said sheepishly. "It was kinda just a theory I had. Since every time I've been contacted by a legendary so far I've been unconscious, I just wanted to see I could do it by meditating. I'm just as surprised as you that it worked."
  37. "Well, congratulations on success in your theory," Arceus joked, before changing to a serious tone. "However, I suppose you did not call me for a friendly chat."
  39. "No," Ash answered plainly. "Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about something important."
  41. Arceus nodded in understanding. "I suppose it has to do with the Lust Stone." Ash nodded. "Then speak your mind young one."
  43. Ash took a deep breath. "Well, last time we spoke, you told me about the effects the Lust Stone would have on my Pokémon. I was wondering, is there anything else you might have left out?"
  45. "Let me think," Arceus stated as he began to ponder. "I already told you that all you currently have under your ownership will be transformed, and Ho-oh discussed the issue of crossbreeding. One thing I believe I was mistaken on was the effects of the Lust Stone on Pure male Pokémon."
  47. Ash raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"
  49. "Well, before I told you that if you should have one of your Pokémon that only come male, they will transform into their female counterparts. I recently discovered that is false. Apparently, the Pokémon will merely do as the others, they will be transformed into full females, despite their natural species is supposed to be male."
  51. "So, for example," Ash began, "Say I still had at least one of my Tauros, instead of transforming into Miltanks, they would just be female Tauros?"
  53. "Precisely," Arceus replied. Ash nodded in understanding. "Other than that, I believe I have informed you on all the effects the Lust Stone should have on your Pokémon."
  55. "Okay," Ash replied. He then felt another question reach his mind. "What about humans?"
  57. "I do not understand," Arceus stated blankly.
  59. "A few days ago," Ash began, "I reunited with one of my female travelling partners. I was deeply in love with her for a long time, and when we met, she said she loved me to. Later that night we spent it together, and we've been together ever since. The reason I ask is because, after we both kissed, she claimed to get full memories of my experiences from when I touched the Lust Stone to when we kissed. I want to know if that is true and if there are any other effects that the Lust Stone causes on my human female lovers?"
  61. "Ah," Arceus said in understanding. "I understand what you ask. You are correct, the Lust Stone does have effects on your human lovers, but the effects only activate through physical contact."
  63. "I don't understand," Ash replied.
  65. "For example," Arceus began, "after you had your first kiss with your friend, she gained full memories of your experiences since touching the Lust Stone. You see Ash, when you make lip contact with any other human being you have deep feelings for, they will gain your memories of when you touched the Lust Stone, all the way till the Kiss. Also, it causes the ones you kiss to become more open minded. They think things through before confronting you about it."
  67. "That explains a lot," Ash replied. "I mean, I thought Misty would kill me if I told her about the Lust Stone. When she told me she knew, she was really calm about."
  69. "You must thank her for that," Arceus replied. "Her love for you was already strong, the Lust Stone just gave her the courage to present it and speak to calmly. Also, when you kiss, the girl receives some of the abilities you have. More specifically, the ability to understand Pokémon and see your Pokémon's true form. However, her mind isn't the only thing that is affected."
  71. "What do you mean?" Ash asked.
  73. "Well," Arceus began, but stopped. "This may be a little embarrassing for you."
  75. "I've been put in a dress 3 times in my life," Ash countered. "That's not counting the time when my mom put me in one when I was 2."
  77. Arceus chuckled, "Very Well. Anyways, I told you of the mental and emotional effects of the Lust Stone, now for the physical. To be blunt Ash, when you ejaculate inside a female human, their bodies will change. Ho-oh has already made it so you can choose if they should become pregnant, but that is not what I am saying. When you ejaculate, your semen is absorbed into the woman's body and causes certain growth hormones to activate."
  79. Ash stared blankly, "So basically what you're saying, if I cum in them, their breasts grow larger?"
  81. "Exactly," Arceus replied, "It only works the first time you ejaculate inside them, but it causes their bosoms to double in size." Ash nodded, now understanding how Misty went from a C-cup and doubled into an F-cup on their firs night together. "… Among other things."
  83. Ash cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"
  85. "You'll find out," Arceus replied. If he could smile, he would have a wide grin.
  87. Ash shook his head. "Is that all?" Arceus nodded. "Well, thanks Arceus, for everything."
  89. "You're welcome Ash," Arceus said as he began to fade. "Good luck to you!"
  91. "Thanks!" Ash said as the image of Arceus disappeared. The next thing Ash saw was a blinding light, bringing him back to the world of reality.
  93. Ash's Pokémon Center Room
  95. Ash opened his eyes to see his friends all looking at him. Even Pikachu was staring at him. "What?" he asked.
  97. "Sorry Ash," Misty said sheepishly. "You been meditating for a long time, we thought you fell asleep."
  99. Ash cocked an eyebrow. "What time is it?" Ash asked.
  101. "6 o'clock." Brock replied. "We were wondering how to snap you out of your meditation, but I guess we don't have to."
  103. "Alright then," Ash said as he got off the bed and stretched. "What are we waiting for? Let's get something to eat!"
  105. "Alright," Brock said, getting on his feet. "I know a good restaurant around here we can go to."
  107. "Sounds good to me," Ash said, getting his jacket on. With that, the group left for food. In only half an hour, they reached the restaurant, got seated and ordered food. As they waited, they talked about future developments.
  109. "So, tomorrow, we should go just reach halfway to Vermillion, and just take the rest of the day off." Ash stated.
  111. "Sounds good to me," Brock replied. "By the way Ash, any reason you wanted to come to this town?"
  113. Ash shook his head. "Nope." He lied. There was a reason he wanted to arrive at this specific town, but the others did not know.
  115. "Really?" Pikachu asked with a sly smile. She had a hunch on why Ash wanted to come to this town.
  117. "Yes really," Ash replied. "Come on, can't we just go to a town without some ulterior motive?"
  119. "Ash," Misty began, "You just gave yourself away."
  121. Ash sighed. "I guess you're right," he said, defeated. "There's an old friend of mine here I wanted to see. But I was hoping to see them tomorrow."
  123. "See, was that so hard?" Misty joked. Out of nowhere, their waiter appeared.
  125. "Your food will be ready shortly," the waiter said. Out of complete spontaneity, the cook ran out of the kitchen where smoke was coming out. "What is going on?"
  127. "FIRE!" The cook exclaimed. The entire room gasped in shock. "Everyone get out!"
  129. "Come on!" Ash yelled, as he and everyone else in the restaurant ran out of the building. The group stood outside and looked at the structure was burning brightly.
  131. "That fire is getting way too big, way too fast!" Holly said in shock.
  133. "We need to stop it!" Ash exclaimed. "Totodile, Buizel! Come out!" Ash summoned his 2 water types. Buizel turned out to have the same physical structure as Pikachu, except had C-cups, and Totodile was had a similar for to Tepig, including the b-cup chest, both having different hair styles.
  135. "Hi Ash!" Totodile said in her usual happy tone.
  137. "No time for dancing Totodile," Ash exclaimed. "Both of you use Water gun to stop the fire!"
  139. "Right!" the two water types exclaimed, shooting their separate streams of water at the fire. They were joined by a number of Misty's water Pokémon, Holly's Pelipper, Brock's Ludicolo, and other trainer's with water types. Even with all this, it wasn't enough. The fire was much too large for the group to handle.
  141. "It's not enough," Ash said. He was ready to call out his other water types when…
  143. "Here we come!" called a familiar, but different voice. Ash turned to see a group of five Pokémon running towards them. Four of the Pokémon resembled regular Wartortles in black jackets, but the fifth was different. The fifth was an anthropomorphic Wartortle girl standing at 5 ft., long legs and arms, a set of D-cups, blue hair, and black sunglasses. Ash stared in awe at the feminine turtle girl that he knew was his.
  145. "It's the Wartortle Squad!" a random by stander exclaimed. Ash didn't hear, he was still in shock that his Squirtle had evolved into a Wartortle.
  147. "Alright boys," Ash's Wartortle exclaimed. "Use your Water Guns!"
  149. "Yes Sir!" the other Wartortles exclaimed, completely unaware of their leader's transformation. They all sent their respective water streams, quickly helping to douse the fire.
  151. "My turn," Wartortle said with a sly grin. She jumped high into the air, high above the fire. "Hydro Pump!" She summoned a massive swirling vortex of water from her mouth. The combined water power had all but doused the fire. "Nice work boys!"
  153. "Yes Sir!"
  155. "Wartortle?" a voice caught Wartortle's ear. Wartortle turned and came face to face with her trainer.
  157. "Ash!" the turtle Pokémon exclaimed as she went and hugged her trainer. "I can't believe you're here!"
  159. "I'm glad to see you too!" Ash exclaimed as he hugged his turtle.
  161. Later that night
  163. After the reuniting between Ash and his Wartortle, the group, plus the addition of Wartortle went to another restaurant to eat. Wartortle was surprised to see Misty and Brock again, but happy. Along the way, Pikachu and Ash explained all of the events of the Lust Stone with Wartortle. Later that night, Misty and Holly decide to have a nighttime shopping spree, letting the boys rest in their rooms. While Brock slept, Ash was wide awake.
  165. Ash was silently reading a book while 4 of his Pokémon talked about. He was only in his boxers, just being ready in case the girls would try something funny. Not that he'd mind. Ash turned for a minute and looked at his girls. Pikachu was talking to Wartortle, Bulbasaur, and the fourth member of their little group, Charizard. Ash marveled at Charizard's transformation. She was now a towering 6' 7", had spikes of orange hair, long, sturdy legs, and a busting G-cup with an ass to match.
  167. The 4 poke-girls all talked about past events in their lives. Ash smiled before returning to his book. He was interested in having another session with his girls, but guessed they were not in the mood. Boy was he wrong.
  169. "Hey Ash," Pikachu called. Ash turned to the group of Poke-girls. "What ya doin'?"
  171. "Reading," Ash replied. "Just because I like to battle it doesn't mean I'm completely un-cultured."
  173. "True," Pikachu teased with a giggle. She then walked up next to him and sat. "What are you reading?"
  175. "A Luxray's Roar," Ash replied. "A story of a young Shinx cub that was forced out of its pride but returns to take its rightful role as king."(Sound familiar?)
  177. "That's cool!" Wartortle beamed. She was quite the cheerful turtle.
  179. "I see you're taking the change well," Ash said with a smile as the turtle sat on the other side of him.
  181. "Yep!" the blue Pokémon replied. She then turned to an evil smile. "In fact…" She pressed her hand on Ash's chest. "I was thinking we could play a little game."
  183. 'Uh oh,' Ash thought. "What kind of game?"
  185. "Oh, nothing special," Wartortle said, pressing her breasts against Ash's right arm. "Right Pika?"
  187. "Right," Pikachu said seductively. She pressed her own chest against Ash's left arm. The raven haired trainer blushed brightly as the two Poke-girls began to rub their chests against his arms. "And, it's a game all four of us can play. Does that sound good to you Bulba?"
  189. "Sure," Bulbasaur said as she climb on the bed and sat in between Ash's legs, looming right over the erection beginning to form in his pants. "I'd love to play. How about you Chari?"
  191. Ash suddenly felt Charizard's breasts against the back of his head and her arms wrap around his neck. He blushed brightly. "Of course," Charizard replied, licking her lips. "Besides, the five of us always worked well together. Remember how we reconnected before our battle at the Battle Pyramid Ash?"
  193. "Y-Yeah," Ash replied.
  195. "Well, how about we connect again?" Charizard said lustfully. Before Ash had a chance to reply, both Wartortle and Pikachu pressed their lips against his, forming a three way mess of kisses and tongue. Ash could feel his erection reach full strength as it painfully pushed against his boxers. He suddenly felt his boxers being pulled down and taken off his legs. Ash could barely see Bulbasaur looming over his throbbing erection.
  197. "Wow," Bulbasaur said in sight of the throbbing appendage. "Pikachu wasn't kidding. This thing is HUGE!" Feeling confident, she wrapped her right hand around Ash's cock and began to lightly pump it.
  199. "AH!" Ash moaned loudly. Wartortle and Pikachu ceased hissing Ash on the lips and began make a trail of kisses down his neck, to his chest, and began to lick his nipples. Feeling he should return the favor, Ash's hands snaked beneath his Pokémon right to their sexes and began to rub his fingers against them. Wartortle and Pikachu moaned as they felt Ash rub their pussies.
  201. "Now that their occupied," Charizard said, gripping her large breasts, "Let's have some fun." She lifted her breasts above Ash's head and dropped them onto his face.
  203. "Oh…" Ash moaned as he felts Charizard's ample breasts over his eyes. He then felt Charizard fondle and rub them on his face.
  205. "Yipes!" Bulbasaur said in surprise. The minute Charizard covered her breasts on Ash's face, his throbbing member hardened even further. "Nice job Chari. Your jugs just made Ash even harder! Time for some more fun." Bulbasaur quickly went on her stomach and slowly licked Ash's junk.
  207. "AH!" Ash moaned as he felt Bulbasaur's tongue move around his ripe member. He then heard moans from Pikachu and Wartortle and felt them orgasm on his fingers. He felt them lay against his arms and rubbed their chests against them. Combine the rubbing of three sets of breasts and Bulbasaur's blow-job, Ash was just about ready to burst. "…ah… I-I'm gonna c-cum…
  209. "Then cum Ash," Pikachu said seductively into his ear. She then proceeded to lick inside it. That pushed Ash over the deep end.
  211. "AH!" he moaned as he released his essence into Bulbasaur's mouth. She gagged at first, but was able to swallow most of his seed.
  213. "How's it taste, Bulba?" Wartortle asked the green Pokémon.
  215. "Delicious." Bulbasaur said as she licked her lips. She noticed pre-cum still leaking from Ash's cock, and used her vine to wrap around the stem of it.
  217. "IPE" Ash exclaimed he was denied a second ejaculation. Charizard raised her breasts off of Ash's face so he can see. "Bulbasaur… that hurts…"
  219. "Sorry Ash," Bulbasaur replied, "but you can't cum again just yet. Wari and Chari haven't tasted your cum yet." On cue, Charizard and Wartortle stood beside the green Pokémon, ready for their turn. They nodded to Bulbasaur, who released her vines from Ash's thriving member. She jumped out of the way and Wartortle and Charizard leaned down so their faces were next to his cock.
  221. Without any hesitation, the two Poke-girls began to lick Ash's throbbing member. Charizard's long tongue did more than Wartortle's, but she allowed her the ability to do more. "AH!" Ash kept moaning as he felt the two tongues lick his cock. He opened his eyes, only to be staring at Bulbasaur's wet pussy standing above him, she leaned herself close enough so Ash's tongue could reach her.
  223. "Ah!" Bulbasaur moaned as Ash's tongue rubbed against her sex. She grasped her breasts as this happened. Pikachu was watching, but not quietly. She was moaning as she played with herself and watched her friends have sex with Ash.
  225. "AH!" Ash and Bulbasaur screamed as they each released their orgasms. Ash's seed sprayed onto Wartortle's and Charizard's face while Bulbasaur sprayed onto Ash.
  227. "Phew," Bulbasaur said in relief. Before she can move, she was lifted and pushed down onto the bed with great force. She looked to see Ash looming over here. He was breathing heavily ad his hair covered his eyes. "Ash?" Her answer was a shine in his eye and a sudden tidal wave of pleasure. "AAAAAH!" she screamed as Ash rammed into her pussy without a second thought. It was painful at first, but quickly turned into an avalanche of pleasure.
  229. "Wow, look at Ash go," Wartortle said as she and Pikachu played with Charizard as they watched Ash plow Bulbasaur.
  231. "YES! YES! FUCK ME ASH! FUCK ME HARD AND FAST!" Bulbasaur screamed as Ash continued to thrust into her. Ash had completely lost any thought he had of control, now he was just on primal surges. As he thrust, he could feel himself ready to burst. With one final thrust, he released.
  233. "AH!" Ash moaned.
  235. "YEEEESSSS!" Bulbasaur screamed as Ash released inside her. As soon as he was done, Ash pulled out of the green poke-girl. She laid on the bed, completely in a daze and stuck in sex-face.
  237. "I guess I was a bit too rough," Ash said, realizing how he had gone on Bulbasaur. Before he has a chance to check on Bulbasaur, he's pounced on by a blue blur.
  239. "No time to waste Ash!" Wartortle exclaimed. "I need you inside me and I need it now!"
  241. Ash looked to see Wartortle's dripping pussy, hungering for his cock. With a smirk and a twinkle in his eyes, he grasped Wartortle's ripe blue ass and pushed her down onto his shaft.
  243. "AH!" Wartortle screamed as she felt Ash's cock enter her with great force. Ash didn't give her warning as he pulled out thrust back in.
  245. 'Glad she's enjoying this,' Ash thought. He rose to a sitting position while continuing to thrust into Wartortle. As he did so, he watched her D-cup breasts jiggle in front of him. Suddenly his animalistic surge returned as he latched his lips onto Wartortle's left breast while his hand played with her right.
  247. "AH! ASH THAT FEELS SO GOOD! MY BREAST FEEL SO GREAT! I'M GONNA!" Wartortle screamed as a new sensation in her breast shot out.
  249. Ash's eyes widened when he felt liquid spurt out of Wartortle's nipple. He looked to his hand and saw the same was happening to her right nipple as a strange blue liquid poured on his fingers. 'Is, is Wartortle lactating? She can't be pregnant, this is the first… Wait a minute! I bet this is what Arceus meant by 'among other things'. Can't say I complain.' Ash thought as he suckled on Wartortle's breast milk. 'Wow, Wartortle's milk tastes cool and nice, like water.'
  251. "YES!" Wartortle screamed. Her lactation only caused Ash to thrust even harder and faster. "HARDER! FASTER!" Her mind exploded into a whirlpool as Ash pounded her. "ASH! CUM IN ME! I WANT IT SO BAD!"
  253. With one last hard thrust, Ash complied.
  255. "AAAAAH!" Wartortle screamed as Ash's seed shot through her. This caused her breast milk to shoot like geysers, making Ash used both hands to get as much in his mouth as he could. After what seemed like an eternity, both releases ceased. "…ah…"
  257. Wartortle lumped onto Ash's body. He held her close, knowing that the event had completely exhausted her. Being as careful as he could be, he lifted her off his cock and set her next to a sleeping Bulbasaur. "Okay, who's next?" Ash asked confidently.
  259. Ash turned to see both and Charizard and Pikachu were in their own daze. Charizard's tongue hung out of her mouth While Pikachu was on her lap, suckling on her left breast. Ash was surprised to see a reddish liquid pouring down Charizard's breasts and yellow liquid pouring out of Pikachu's. 'Wow, I guess the color of a poke-girl's breast milk depends on their primary type. Blue for water, red for fire, and yellow for electric.' He then looked at the unconscious Bulbasaur. 'And if I had to guess, green for grass.'
  261. Ash's thoughts were cut off when he heard a lust-filled roar. He looked to see both of his Pokémon orgasm. This only turned him on again. He watched as Pikachu rested her head on Charizard's chest as they recuperated and slowly bade his way behind her. Once he was right behind Pikachu, he spoke. "Boo."
  263. "Ash!" Pikachu exclaimed in surprise. "Please Ash I need you. Take me now!"
  265. "No!" Charizard exclaimed. "You've had Ash the most times out of anyone! I want Ash inside me now!"
  267. "I have a better idea," Ash stated. He told the two Poke-girls to get on the edge of the bed, Charizard on bottom and Pikachu on top. They did as told, and looked back to Ash, wondering what he was planning. Ash smirked and positioned himself right in front of the two pussies. "Get ready, I'm coming in!"
  269. Before the girls can ask what Ash meant – "AH!" the two moan loudly as Ash's cock took place in between the two pussies. The sensation was new, but exciting for the two poke-girls. Ash didn't waste any time pulling out and thrusting back in. after he felt he was at a rapid enough pace, he proceeded to push the envelope even further.
  271. "AH!" Charizard moaned as Ash rapidly entered her before entering Pikachu and back into her. Ash proceeded this alternating between thrusting into both of his Pokémon. He could felt great amounts of strength and power fucking both Pokémon at once, making him thrust even harder and faster, right up to his limits.
  273. "YES ASH! YES!" Charizard moaned loudly.
  275. "ASH! FUCK US ASH! KEEP ON FUCKING BOTH OF US!" Pikachu added. They were both crying out in pleasure as Ash pounded the both of them. They both felt like they were going to burst. Ash was just the same.
  277. "HERE – I – CUUUUUM!" Ash screamed as he came in between both of the Poke-girls. Somehow, his seed did reach inside them.
  279. "YEEEEEES!" The two screamed loudly. Once Ash was done, the two fell asleep.
  281. "Phew," Ash said in relief. He looked at the clock. "Wow, still had an hour before Misty gets back. I better clean up."
  283. The next day
  285. After his session, Ash cleaned his Poke-girls and himself before sending them back to his Poke-ranch and going to sleep. The following day Ash and the group congregated around the Pokémon Center where his Wartortle said her goodbyes to the squad since she had agreed to come with Ash again. The group walked along the road that would lead them to Vermillion City, and Ash's third gym badge.
  287. "I'm so happy for you Ash," Misty stated as she and Pikachu walked alongside him. "I'm glad you got Wartortle back."
  289. "Me too, Mist," Ash replied. His mind drifted to the night before. 'That was my first 5-some. And I get a feeling things are just going to get better from here on.'
  291. "And besides," Misty licked her lips, "I bought some fun new stuff we can use for our little, play dates."
  293. 'Okay, I'm a little scared, but at the same time turned on,' Ash thought. Ash then discreetly took a quick glance at Misty's bust. 'Hmm, I'll have to check whether or not Misty can do what the others did as well.'
  295. "H-el-p…" a strained voice cut Ash's thoughts. He stopped, causing the others to look at him.
  297. "What's wrong Ash?" Pikachu asked. Brick repeated the question since he didn't understand Pikachu.
  299. "I hear someone," Ash replied, listening in.
  301. "h-h-el-p-p…" the voice called. Ash turned to his right and ran. He didn't stop to hear the others' cries for him to stop or ask why he was running. They soon followed, but Ash was far further into the forest.
  303. Ash ran around the forest floor, listening onto the weak voice. He kept running until he stopped once he arrived at a shocking sight.
  305. Just a few feet from him was a large injured Pokémon. It resembled a large blue dog with a violet mane. Ash knew this Pokémon well. 'Suicune.' he thought. He looked at the legendary Pokémon. It was very badly injured, and barely awake. He took a few steps forward, wanting to help the injured legendary.
  307. The weak Pokémon cracked it's eyes and noticed Ash. "Y-you…" it moaned in pain.
  309. Ash shushed the Pokémon as he moved closer. The Suicune did nothing to him as he slowly got to it, considering it was too weak to do anything. Ash managed to get right next to it. He looked the Pokémon over in shock. "What did this to you, Suicune?"
  311. Suicune was too weak to reply. Ash knew he had to do something. He had a few potions in his bag, but he was unsure whether or not Suicune would react to him touching it. There wasn't a Pokémon center close enough and none of his Pokémon could carry it considering it's condition. Ash then thought of one last option, but was extremely unsure about it.
  313. 'Arceus,' Ash said mentally. 'If you can hear me, I need your help.' Ash waited a few second, hoping for a reply. He didn't get one. Ash sighed before turning back to the weak Pokémon. Realizing he had no other choice, he turned to his Poke-tector.
  315. He activated the Capture feature and said, "Ball Code: Heal." The capture then changed into a pinkish color and Ash turned to the weak Pokémon. "Okay Suicune, I'm going to help you, but you might feel strange after." He got no reply, so Ash simply pressed the ball against the Pokémon followed by a bright light.
  318. ---
  319. Author notes
  322. Next Time – Suicune and Sandshrew
  323. Ash struggle to tell his friends about the injured legendary Pokémon he had discovered and contemplates on what to do. Things get even more interesting when he finds an injured Sandshrew as well. Can his adventures get any more hectic? And what will be the fate of the legendary Pokémon Suicune? And what are these special purchases Misty has made? Find out next time on Ash's Anthro Adventures.
  325. Now For the Pokémon Page:
  327. Wartortle: Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, Aqua Tail, Zen Headbutt, Blizzard, Aqua Jet
  329. Charizard: Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Steel Wing, Seismic Toss, Dragonbreath, Shadow Claw, Solarbeam
  331. Totodile: Water Gun, Aqua Tail, Superpower, Crunch, Ice Punch, Aqua Jet, Dragon Claw
  333. Buizel: Water Gun, Razor Wind, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Rock Smash, Tail Slap, Whirlpool
  335. I hope you guys liked this chapter. Till next time. Please Review and avoid flaming.
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