
pbta paris cs game

Mar 9th, 2021
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  1. We have Hazel Johnson, Lantern-aligned journalist, current Chosen One, past Professional
  2. Aisling, Winter-aligned dead girl, Monstrous
  3. Alice, Moth-aligned lost soul, current Pararomantic, past Flake
  4. Clovis Favreau, Knock-aligned dad, Wronged
  5. Honorine Favreau, ??? prodigal daughter, Hex
  6. Also it's all happening in Paris
  7. And two of us are being held captive by Le Bureau de Suppression and they did kill one of us (she got better)
  8. And we did send Captain Welland to Nowhere and sic Sulochana on another alukite while the catacombs collapsed on top of them
  9. We engaged in a magicians duel in the Mansus and rolled him off the edge of the abyss
  10. Honorine showed up when we rescued her from Ezeem the Second Thirstly in the Red Church by smuggling in the Horned Axe
  11. Neville and Enid and Laidlaw are cautious friends of ours.
  12. Hazel's been chosen by The Door in the Eye and it's extremely uncomfortable
  13. Also we basically scooby doo villained our way into buying a conveniently located house
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