
Sessions 35+36: Now with Less Saryx

Oct 21st, 2013
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  1. Oct 14 20:03:24 <zoofman> So a lot happened as of last session, and seems you all have shuffled your plans around between now, and then.
  2. Oct 14 20:05:14 <zoofman> A few days have passed - not many, maybe 2-3. Saryx has made plans to go try to find the sight this all began at, and during those arrangments has left you three for a bit. Rosetta has spent the last few days in boot camp and even at ths moment is being tormented by Gabriella.
  3. Oct 14 20:05:31 <Rosetta> (;_;)
  4. Oct 14 20:06:01 <zoofman> It's morning, and one can guess what Rosetta wanted for breakfast. Gabriella is trying to hold a plate of funnel cakes off the pastry bar over her head and out of Rosetta's reach.
  5. Oct 14 20:06:53 ---» Shawyun_Sariri ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  6. Oct 14 20:07:03 »» Rosetta keeps jumping up to snatch them but as she does so tries to rip off some pieces telekinetically on the side Gabby can't see and sneak them over to her mouth while Gabby's focused on her hands.
  7. Oct 14 20:07:07 <zoofman> Shawyun's not far off, watching this little scene unfold and quite confused.
  8. Oct 14 20:08:03 »» Genevieve has her breakfast with Dessoir in her lap, giving him bits of waffle at intervals.
  9. Oct 14 20:08:32 »» Chase just shakes his head when he walks in on this scene. "Haha, why you gotta be so mean to the poor girl, Gabby?" he laughs and has a seat. He just has some sausage, toast, and orange slices.
  10. Oct 14 20:08:41 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabriella: "Hey! That's cheating! Lord almighty what is with you and these things? You -do- know how many calories are in each, right?"
  11. Oct 14 20:09:59 <Rosetta> "I'd be burning off enough calories for a dozen of these a day with what you've been putting me through." Rosetta whimpers as she just snatches the whole cake with her telekinesis and takes a big chomp.
  12. Oct 14 20:10:12 <Shawyun_Sariri> Dessoir has a napkin he's tied around his neck like a bib, which is quite needed as he doesn't have the best table manners with gobbling these bits of pancake down.
  13. Oct 14 20:11:45 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabriella gives up with that and puts the plate down with a sigh before retiring to a chair, facing away from the pastries.
  14. Oct 14 20:13:22 »» Genevieve pets Dessoir on the top of the head. "So, plan for today. Everyone ready to get going after breakfast?"
  15. Oct 14 20:14:19 »» Rosetta scarfs down the cake and then goes and grabs a big plate of fruit, taking a seat next to Gabby. "...It's okay if I eat healthy things too, yeah?" Chompchomp apple.
  16. Oct 14 20:15:41 <Shawyun_Sariri> Shawyun snags a funnel cake himself, not getting the big deal about all of this. "I was going to start another mail run myself. Anything last minute you guys needed sent out?"
  17. Oct 14 20:16:27 <Chase> Chase also fixes breakfast for each of his pokemon - sausage for Haydn, shredded wheat for Elise probably? Mineral water and a block of iron for Schubert, who knows how he got that. Fruit and meal insects for Brahms and grapes for Sibelius, too. Strauss gets to share the insects with Brahms and has also been given a bunch of water.
  18. Oct 14 20:17:04 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabriella stares at the apple. "You know fruits are also super sugary, right?"
  19. Oct 14 20:17:31 <Genevieve> "If you wanted to eat healthy, you'd be having some protein. Eggs and toast."
  20. Oct 14 20:21:03 <Shawyun_Sariri> All of Chase's Pokemon are nomming away. Except for Schubert. It's more like a jerky that he's tearing at. It's pretty crazy to watch.
  21. Oct 14 20:21:10 <Chase> "Nah, I think I got everything sorted out here. Big day ahead of us."
  22. Oct 14 20:21:24 »» Rosetta sets down the apple back on her plate with a resigned look and shrinks a little. "...What can I eat that won't make you put me through boot camp?"
  23. Oct 14 20:24:55 <Chase> "Clearly you gotta change your diet to nothin' but oats and soy milk."
  24. Oct 14 20:24:58 <Shawyun_Sariri> "You just...really gotta watch your suga intake - it's a little scary how much of it you eat. So..stuff know...grains, nuts, Pokemon products like meats and eggs...speaking of which," she points at the Pokemon egg Rosetta has with her, which is shaking.
  25. Oct 14 20:25:43 <Rosetta> "Huh?" Rosetta blinks a few times then looks down. "Ooh, shiny." She clears some space on the table telekinetically and sets it down in front of her.
  26. Oct 14 20:26:37 <Chase> "Guess we get to see how much that hatcher habitat helped." he looks on, interested.
  27. Oct 14 20:28:28 <Shawyun_Sariri> The eggshell cracks as a little, brownish grey winged reptile pokes its beaky face out and stares at Rosetta.
  28. Oct 14 20:29:16 <Shawyun_Sariri> It makes a squeaky sound as it claws on out and plops into her lap, immediately going back to sleep.
  29. Oct 14 20:29:19 <Rosetta> "Heya!" Rosetta grins, momentarily forgetting the looming threat of Gabbywrath as she pops a grape into her mouth and then offers one to the baby. "Bet you're hungry just after breakin' outta there, yeah?"
  30. Oct 14 20:29:22 <Rosetta> "Oh."
  31. Oct 14 20:29:29 <Rosetta> "Tired works too."
  32. Oct 14 20:30:23 <Chase> He laughs a bit. "Not as energetic as the trainer, huh."
  33. Oct 14 20:31:16 <Rosetta> "Hasn't discovered the wonders of soda yet."
  34. Oct 14 20:31:48 <Rosetta> "Maybe Vivace isn't gonna be the best name then, huh?" Rosetta tilts her head, watching the thing sleep.
  35. Oct 14 20:32:31 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Aw, cute. Maybe you just look comfy to sit on." She reaches under the table and pinches Rosetta's waist. "Think I feel a love handle."
  36. Oct 14 20:33:03 <Rosetta> "H-hey."
  37. Oct 14 20:34:19 <Genevieve> "Can ninjas be fat? Isn't that against your ancient Johtese code?"
  38. Oct 14 20:34:48 <Rosetta> "I'm not fat!" Rosetta crosses her arms.
  39. Oct 14 20:35:09 <Genevieve> "Not yet."
  40. Oct 14 20:35:21 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Fine, fine - sorry I've been picking on you. Sorta wasted the entire time you were here trying to...change your eating habits, huh." She frowns.
  41. Oct 14 20:35:22 <Chase> "Well, if all the pizza the Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles eat is anything to go on..."
  42. Oct 14 20:35:29 <Rosetta> "Hey, my soda habit came in handy with the dittos."
  43. Oct 14 20:35:33 »» Genevieve finishes her food and stands up, carrying Dessoir by the scruff.
  44. Oct 14 20:36:19 <Rosetta> "S'alright. You're not gonna be that harsh when it comes to that technique training we've still gotta finish up, are ya?" Rosetta asks with a slightly worried expression.
  45. Oct 14 20:36:42 <Chase> "Now we just need to make enemies that are weak to booze and we'll be set."
  46. Oct 14 20:38:46 <Shawyun_Sariri> "I was trying to make that -part- of this but you stealing the cakes anyway sorta made it a moot point."
  47. Oct 14 20:39:43 <Chase> "Oh, that reminds me. I did learn a bit more about what I can do with Aura, but... not sure how much I like it. I'll catch up with you myself when we got some time."
  48. Oct 14 20:40:25 <Shawyun_Sariri> " time you get free, we'll do whatever you want, alright?" She nods to Chase.
  49. Oct 14 20:40:44 <Rosetta> "So uh, that's a yes then?" Rosetta grabs some BORING OATMEAL and slowly starts to spoon it into her mouth.
  50. Oct 14 20:41:03 <Shawyun_Sariri> Dessoir wiggles around helplessly
  51. Oct 14 20:41:56 »» Genevieve lifts him up and sets the ghost on her shoulder. "Whatever you're eating, just get to it already."
  52. Oct 14 20:42:00 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Oh I can think of way better ways to torment you than depriving you of sugar and making you sweat."
  53. Oct 14 20:42:10 <Chase> "Whoa, lewd."
  54. Oct 14 20:42:42 »» Chase is just teasing there, of course~
  55. Oct 14 20:42:53 <Chase> "And yeah, sounds good to me."
  56. Oct 14 20:43:18 <Rosetta> "Really?" Rosetta tilts her head. "I can't think of what's much worse than not having soda."
  57. Oct 14 20:44:19 <Rosetta> "Anyway uh, what's the plan? And where'd Saryx go?"
  58. Oct 14 20:45:00 <Genevieve> "He's off looking at the initial Shiva Impact site."
  59. Oct 14 20:45:10 <Genevieve> "We're going to look for Flayed in the mean time."
  60. Oct 14 20:46:09 <Rosetta> "Shiny. Guess you want me to pick up ZODIAC then for that? And I gotta find some time to write a letter back to the Writer." Rosetta gulps down another spoonful of oatmeal.
  61. Oct 14 20:46:40 <Genevieve> "Couldn't hurt."
  62. Oct 14 20:47:04 <Chase> "Yeah, we just need to meet up with Yaretzi and we're good to go on starting the hunt."
  63. Oct 14 20:47:30 <Shawyun_Sariri> Speaking of letters:
  64. Oct 14 20:47:53 <Rosetta> "You wanna just do some carnival stuff when I get back?" Rosetta gets bored of the oatmeal and pushes it away then hops up and around to face Gabby. "Silly carny games and such. You know, pop the balloon and shit, not uh 'do pull-ups to reach the funnel cake'. I don't like that game much." :<
  65. Oct 14 20:50:26 »» Chase and his pokemon finish up and get ready to move out, pending any letters
  66. Oct 14 20:50:28 <Shawyun_Sariri> Rosetta's letter said the following, "Your friends have told me of what you encountered. I am not entirely surprised by it, but was unaware of Grant's influence over her. The being known as Celia was once a friend of mine. She was a being born from the latent pscionic energies, and the dreams of a girl named Celia who was hopelessly trapped in a coma."
  67. Oct 14 20:51:35 <Shawyun_Sariri> "I never fully understood what caused her to manifest in the physical realm, but as the girl's condition worsened, so did her grip on reality. Ultimately...the girl passed away, and Celia faded from existance."
  68. Oct 14 20:51:46 <Rosetta> "Well um...That's a downer."
  69. Oct 14 20:53:04 <Shawyun_Sariri> "The fact that Grant Null's disciples are able to conjure her back is, to say the least, disturbing. I had pondered over time if there was any significance to the Unown she traveled with being named GRANT as well - it was completely coincidental, as Celia faded while he was but a teenager, but this..."
  70. Oct 14 20:55:19 <Shawyun_Sariri> "I can't say exactly what Grant's powers are, but you have witnessed first hand his ability to bend reality. His extensive use of portals, the effects of his brands, and this as well all show he has a gift for bringing thoughts to life. I can only hope Celia is the extent of his power."
  71. Oct 14 20:56:42 <Shawyun_Sariri> "If you do have questions about anything, by now, there are probably avenues for us to coorespond via letters. Good luck. - The Writer."
  72. Oct 14 20:57:24 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabby whines a bit. "Loook, I'm sorrrry. I'll make it up to you, alright?"
  73. Oct 14 20:58:00 <Rosetta> "Alright, alright, I'm not tryin' to be all whiny and stuff myself. Just, everything hurts and I'm tired and shit." ;_; "...Can I finish my apple?"
  74. Oct 14 20:59:05 <Chase> "You two are pretty adorable. Wonder if this is what it's like for people watching Ammy and me..."
  75. Oct 14 20:59:12 »» Chase is ready to head out!
  76. Oct 14 21:00:30 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabby picks it up and takes a bit of it first before pressing it against your mouth. "I suppose I should just accept you'll be stockpiling on ice cream the second you're in Shiverwing or something anyway, huh?"
  77. Oct 14 21:01:35 <Rosetta> "...I think I'm more of a sorbet person now."
  78. Oct 14 21:01:40 <Genevieve> "No, you two are way more disgusting to watch for any length of time." Gen gives Shawyun a kiss on the cheek and picks up her bag. "Let's get going."
  79. Oct 14 21:03:48 <Shawyun_Sariri> Shawyun's been a bit betwixt by LESBIANS so this sorta snaps him out of it. "I dunno I think it's pretty close. And yeah I should get movin'. Damn Mr. Jenks keeps whining about some package he's expecting like I'm the delivery man."
  80. Oct 14 21:04:24 <Shawyun_Sariri> Gabby seems a bit horrified. "That's not innuendo is it."
  81. Oct 14 21:05:11 <Rosetta> "Well, if gelato is dudes, then I figure sorbet know, nevermind."
  82. Oct 14 21:05:54 <Chase> "...yeah time to go."
  83. Oct 14 21:06:29 »» Rosetta cracks open a lum berry soda and leans in to give Gabby a quick kiss. "Cheers, and see ya when we're back."
  84. Oct 14 21:06:39 »» Genevieve nods. "Yeah, let's."
  85. Oct 14 21:06:50 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Oh god I'm having flash backs of when she tried that on me too aaaaaaa."
  86. Oct 14 21:07:10 <Rosetta> "What."
  87. Oct 14 21:07:16 »» Chase MOVING ON
  88. Oct 14 21:07:37 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Let's. Just. Forget about it."
  89. Oct 14 21:08:02 <Rosetta> "Well, alrighty."
  90. Oct 14 21:08:14 <Shawyun_Sariri> "...I think I need a funnel cake."
  91. Oct 14 21:09:49 <Shawyun_Sariri> She gives you a hug. "I'll see you soon. And don't try to eat the Vanillites out there."
  92. Oct 14 21:12:31 <Shawyun_Sariri> And with that I think you guys actually start getting on to the train station and your ship? :P
  93. Oct 14 21:13:07 <Chase> Yup.
  94. Oct 14 21:13:21 <Genevieve> Yes, please :3
  95. Oct 14 21:14:14 <Shawyun_Sariri> You guys make it back to Veilbeak no issue, and waiting on your boat is a familiar blind girl with an equally familiar three eyed bird thing on her shoulder.
  96. Oct 14 21:14:30 <Shawyun_Sariri> She looks in your direction as you guys get close, and the bird flutters off.
  97. Oct 14 21:15:21 <Chase> "Hey, Yaretzi. Told you it'd be soon. You ready to do this?"
  98. Oct 14 21:15:52 <Rosetta> Rosetta brings ZODIAC, Scherzo, Anima, Nocturne, Maestoso, and Dolore along.
  99. Oct 14 21:16:09 <Shawyun_Sariri> She nods. "Yes."
  100. Oct 14 21:16:34 <Shawyun_Sariri> And then points. "That way." It's generally the same direction every time, and if you follow her finger, you clearly see she's pointing toward The Misty Mountains.
  101. Oct 14 21:17:11 »» Rosetta sends out Zodiac. "You got a sense for the direction of the Flayed One too? Just curious."
  102. Oct 14 21:17:24 <Shawyun_Sariri> These Mountains are friggen huge - visible from almost anywhere in the region and residing in the center of Light Isle. The safest route, as you would understand it, is going from Shiverwing, but you can approach them from literally any city on the isle.
  103. Oct 14 21:18:03 <Chase> "That way, huh..."
  104. Oct 14 21:18:19 <Chase> What's the quicker route?
  105. Oct 14 21:19:30 <Shawyun_Sariri> Zodiac can indeed, and gives off a similar pattern to what you saw before - with hidden power arrows sticking out like a compass in the direction yaretzi is pointing. There are others, but that one seems to be the, by choice, one standing out.
  106. Oct 14 21:19:47 <Rosetta> "Shiny."
  107. Oct 14 21:20:42 <Shawyun_Sariri> 'Quick' is relative, as it's a mountain range, but the most accessible route into the heart of it lies between Shiverwing and Darkfeather, closer to the former.
  108. Oct 14 21:21:22 »» Chase sets course for Light Isle. "Which way we approaching the peaks from?"
  109. Oct 14 21:21:46 <Rosetta> "Think we could save some time flying in? I've got Scherzo and Maestoso with me."
  110. Oct 14 21:22:21 <Genevieve> "Sure, depending on the weather."
  111. Oct 14 21:23:00 <Rosetta> "What's it look like out there?" Rosetta starts tapping at a weather app on her phone while also squinting over the horizon to see if there are obvious signs of inclement weather.
  112. Oct 14 21:23:19 <Chase> "I think Brahms could give me a list if need be, but we'd better not if there are any storms brewing."
  113. Oct 14 21:23:36 <Shawyun_Sariri> "Flying...risky."
  114. Oct 14 21:23:40 »» Shawyun_Sariri is now known as Yaretzi
  115. Oct 14 21:24:12 <Chase> "And apart from the weather there's also the fact we'd stick out pretty hard."
  116. Oct 14 21:24:21 <Yaretzi> The mountains themself are rather windy and snow storms are common within them, Rosetta. It's got a lot of supernatural storms going on at all times of the year.
  117. Oct 14 21:24:35 <Yaretzi> "Birds small, dragons big."
  118. Oct 14 21:24:39 <Rosetta> "Alright, guess not then."
  119. Oct 14 21:25:26 <Yaretzi> Flying TO the mountains wouldn't be bad, as it's just a mild, humid day. But flying into them might not be.
  120. Oct 14 21:26:07 <Chase> "Let's not take too many chances - we'll dock at Shiverwing and head up that way."
  121. Oct 14 21:26:13 <Rosetta> "We can at least find a good landing spot outside, yeah?"
  122. Oct 14 21:27:00 »» Chase heads towards Shivering!
  123. Oct 14 21:27:03 <Chase> *wing
  124. Oct 14 21:27:25 <Genevieve> "We can try. Not saving a great deal of time that way."
  125. Oct 14 21:27:59 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi leans against the ship most the trip - it's hard to tell if she's just listening or trying to see stuff out there.
  126. Oct 14 21:28:49 <Yaretzi> Given Shiverwing's on the tail end of the isle, it takes a good bit of time for you to get down there - least till 4 in the afternoon.
  127. Oct 14 21:29:56 »» Rosetta is surprisingly inactive during this span of the trip, resting up from boot camp and playing with and feeding Vivace if she wakes up.
  128. Oct 14 21:30:32 <Yaretzi> As you approach it you notice the coast line start to slowly fade from lush forests to snowy taiga, and the number of conifers starts to grow. Far as Pokemon go you start seeing less Tentacools, Goldens and Basculin and more Seels and Piplups. There's a single Spheal bobbing around all :3
  129. Oct 14 21:30:40 »» Genevieve holes up in the lab, no doubt doing some MAD SCIENCE with the sedated Ditto in a tank.
  130. Oct 14 21:31:00 <Yaretzi> When Vivace -does- wake up she's rather active and bouncing around a lot, trying to fly. She was just tired after waking up
  131. Oct 14 21:32:23 <Yaretzi> As you guys reach dock - it's a rather small one, mostly fishing vessels and personal boats, get a good look of the place.
  132. Oct 14 21:33:00 <Yaretzi> It's not -as- dinky as Saryx makes it out to be. It's certainly no Venomtalon or Goldcloud, but is noticably smaller than most the other cities. Comparing it to Bravescar, without farmland or a huge amusement park, wouldn't be far off.
  133. Oct 14 21:33:46 <Yaretzi> It's just a rather cozy, small city with a lot of wooden and grey stone houses. Seems to be a lot of craftstores as well in the area.
  134. Oct 14 21:34:04 <Chase> "Not bad."
  135. Oct 14 21:34:16 <Yaretzi> One interesting note is there's a lot of Delibirds just, walking around.
  136. Oct 14 21:34:20 <Yaretzi> No one really seems to mind them.
  137. Oct 14 21:34:41 <Rosetta> "Do you think anyone will mind if I just...take one with me?"
  138. Oct 14 21:35:00 <Genevieve> "You could ask the bird first."
  139. Oct 14 21:35:14 <Rosetta> "Yeah, but I mean, they could be owned by the town or something, yeah?"
  140. Oct 14 21:35:30 <Yaretzi> Genevieve and Chase got enough intuition to figure this is like Wingulls on a beach or Pidoves in a city.
  141. Oct 14 21:35:47 <Chase> "It's probably more like urban wilds."
  142. Oct 14 21:35:56 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi just picks one up, it squaks in surprise, and shoves it at Rosetta.
  143. Oct 14 21:36:07 <Genevieve> "I'm pretty sure they're just city birds."
  144. Oct 14 21:36:11 »» Chase laughs a bit.
  145. Oct 14 21:36:26 <Rosetta> "Oh hey." Rosetta takes ahold of it, caught off guard herself, and fishes around in her pocket for a pokeball.
  146. Oct 14 21:36:52 <Chase> "Not exactly subtle. Wonder how much Kent has been down here considering how much he liked his own flock..."
  147. Oct 14 21:37:31 <Chase> "Man, I'd love to stick around and see what sights this place has but we're on the clock. We're likely spending the night out there. Let's make sure we got enough food and clothes and then hit the trail."
  148. Oct 14 21:38:30 »» Chase hurriedly shuffles off the boat after grabbing what he can.
  149. Oct 14 21:38:41 <Yaretzi> Oh, winter clothing stores? They got you covered. Specially heavy duty stuff. While this place lacks an amusement park, there -is- fenced off land for a ski resort, which is quite popular.
  150. Oct 14 21:38:54 <Yaretzi> So inbetween a bunch of snowboards and skies, there's a lot of outdoor equiptment
  151. Oct 14 21:40:16 »» Genevieve gets herself some proper winter survival clothes. Considering half her Pokemon are already dead and one is effectively a hologram, she doesn't need too much else, though she gets Newton a pair of sleeveless sweaters.
  152. Oct 14 21:40:51 »» Chase definitely checks in and gets some warm threads and anything that might not be covered by their camping set, not spending enough time to make it really notable but he probably does come out wearing a nice fur cloak over his ice-resistant armor. That stuff is probably pretty comfy out here.
  153. Oct 14 21:41:02 »» Rosetta suddenly realizes the folly of bringing along Maestoso and goes to swap him out for her octopus at the pokecenter.
  154. Oct 14 21:42:00 <Chase> Ice? Fuck ice. Chase's team eats ice for breakfast.
  155. Oct 14 21:42:02 <Rosetta> She bundles up in a nice double-breasted winter coat, something that's still relatively tight-fitting compared to the other options.
  156. Oct 14 21:42:25 <Yaretzi> Sleeveless sweaters for a Weezing takes a while to find, but they had similar for the less popular evolution of Snorunt, so it just took a bit of hunting around.
  157. Oct 14 21:42:37 »» Chase does check if Yaretzi needs anything herself.
  158. Oct 14 21:43:21 »» Genevieve gets Newton dressed for the cold before they leave town, which requires a lot of awkwardly holding him in place and stuffing each face through a shirt.
  159. Oct 14 21:43:23 <Yaretzi> As for the delibird, Rosetta, it is easy enough and willing enough to just be balled. Beats wandering around for scraps!
  160. Oct 14 21:43:39 »» Rosetta :D
  161. Oct 14 21:44:23 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi came in a rather thick, wooly winter jacket, and has a bag with her. It looks a bit like last minute hand-me-downs but she's adaquetly dressed.
  162. Oct 14 21:44:37 <Chase> Okay, good.
  163. Oct 14 21:44:39 <Yaretzi> She's also got a spear with her, but doesn't seem like she has any Poemon.
  164. Oct 14 21:44:42 <Yaretzi> Pokemon*
  165. Oct 14 21:45:40 »» Chase does get some cloaks or something for his pokemon too, but nothing that needs a lot of time spent on. Just making sure they're comfortable.
  166. Oct 14 21:45:46 »» Chase moves out then!
  167. Oct 14 21:45:54 <Yaretzi> Newton looks about as silly in sweaters as you'd imagine, but he's quite happy about it :>
  168. Oct 14 21:46:29 »» Genevieve gives the Weezing a kiss on his foreheads and balls him again. She lets out Nabroleon, asuming the Froslad will have the most ease in the cold.
  169. Oct 14 21:46:34 »» Rosetta buys a silly octopus sweater or something. Or cuts holes in a piece of clothing to make one. Everything else she brought along shouldn't give a fuck.
  170. Oct 14 21:48:00 <Yaretzi> Nabroleon is quite torn by his situation. He's been bested and knows it and will obey, but he also can't seem to quite shake his buttish attitude. So, he follows along with a mopey attitude at the moment.
  171. Oct 14 21:49:11 <Yaretzi> Once you guys get heading to the gate out, the guard checks your credentials - Yaretzi -does- have the Artillery Badge at least, it seems. "Are you four heading to the mountains for the Trial?" he asks.
  172. Oct 14 21:49:57 <Genevieve> What Edu should I roll for that
  173. Oct 14 21:51:55 <Chase> Yeah, are we aware of that?
  174. Oct 14 21:51:58 <Yaretzi> None, he's referring to the badge challenge.
  175. Oct 14 21:52:16 <Chase> "Naw, we have other business."
  176. Oct 14 21:52:23 <Genevieve> "Not today, no."
  177. Oct 14 21:52:52 <Rosetta> "Someday soon, maybe. We don't got our whole team rounded up here."
  178. Oct 14 21:55:10 <Yaretzi> "Oh! Well, if you do end up heading in that direction, there's another group out there that's been taking a while. The Trialmaster hasn't raised any alarm over it, but if you see anyone let them know to call in or something yeah?"
  179. Oct 14 21:55:40 <Chase> "We'll keep our eyes peeled." he nods.
  180. Oct 14 21:56:05 <Rosetta> "Will do."
  181. Oct 14 21:56:33 <Genevieve> "Sure."
  182. Oct 14 21:57:11 <Yaretzi> You guys head on out into the snowy forests...
  183. Oct 14 21:57:54 <Yaretzi> It's calm and nearing dusk. In the far distance you can see the light of a signal fire at the base of the mountain. It's quiet, tranquil even.
  184. Oct 14 21:57:56 <Yaretzi>
  185. Oct 14 21:59:24 <Yaretzi> Occassionally you see a Snorunt dart around in the brush, and Swinubs can be seen burrowing around here and there, scavenging for bugs under the snow.
  186. Oct 14 21:59:44 <Chase> "Hope it's nothin' serious..."
  187. Oct 14 22:00:05 <Yaretzi> Some Vanilittes dart through the trees overhead, laughing as they go.
  188. Oct 14 22:00:16 <Genevieve> "If Flayed is actually here, I bet it's related to him."
  189. Oct 14 22:01:03 »» Chase presses on towards the mountain. "I kind of doubt it. Groups probably head out here all the time on that trial, whatever it is. And I wouldn't doubt from time to time they run into trouble."
  190. Oct 14 22:01:09 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi is leading the way, and ZODIAC tags along to confirm her path.
  191. Oct 14 22:01:24 <Yaretzi> She's heading straight for that signal fire, you notice.
  192. Oct 14 22:01:45 »» Chase follows!
  193. Oct 14 22:02:27 <Rosetta> "If it's something the group didn't account for, then I could see them getting into some trouble combined with the gym challenge, yeah?
  194. Oct 14 22:02:30 <Rosetta> "
  195. Oct 14 22:02:55 <Yaretzi> It's about an hour hike until you guys get close to it. You see it a large, elaborate archway in a mountain range leading into a snowy field at the base of the mountains.
  196. Oct 14 22:03:26 <Yaretzi> The archway looks carved into the face of the mountains - a Zekrom on one side, a Reshiram on the other, and a Kyruem residing between the two.
  197. Oct 14 22:03:44 <Yaretzi> There's a small stone stucture carved into the side of the mountain, where the signal fire is. A temple of sorts.
  198. Oct 14 22:03:54 »» Chase pauses to snap a photo of the archway with his phone.
  199. Oct 14 22:04:19 <Genevieve> "This is kind of...not a subtle place to hide at all."
  200. Oct 14 22:04:39 <Rosetta> "Yeah."
  201. Oct 14 22:04:49 <Chase> "Sometimes, plain sight is pretty stealthy."
  202. Oct 14 22:05:06 <Chase> "And we still don't know -exactly- where, so let's hurry."
  203. Oct 14 22:05:55 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi scans around from the base of the archway - her glance falls on the temple for a brief bit before she focuses on the field before you.
  204. Oct 14 22:06:35 <Yaretzi> It's pretty wide open, small forested bits here and there, a frozen lake in the distance...but it's also -huge-. You can't see a clear end to it, especially considering it curves around the mountains itself.
  205. Oct 14 22:07:09 »» Genevieve steps up to the temple and examines it a bit.
  206. Oct 14 22:08:23 <Rosetta> "Is there some way you can try to call him to us? Would he even answer?"
  207. Oct 14 22:08:36 <Yaretzi> It's actually in use! It's rather plain inside - a small entryway and a heavy door on the far side to an interior, but there's an old, bearded black man snoozing in a stone chair.
  208. Oct 14 22:09:30 »» Chase looks around. "Are we here, then? He's somewhere in this area?" He glances at the field too.
  209. Oct 14 22:09:33 <Chase> "Hmm..."
  210. Oct 14 22:10:37 <Yaretzi> Rosetta, reguarding ZODIAC - getting near to this he's got a lot of those arrows pointing off him - Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom, Rayquaza, Palkia...The Flayed One.
  211. Oct 14 22:10:49 <Yaretzi> There's also, you thin, a temple out here to one of The Outer Gods.
  212. Oct 14 22:11:09 <Rosetta> "Crowded place here. Guess it'd be safe though with so many legends around. Hopefully."
  213. Oct 14 22:11:25 »» Chase glances at the old man. Probably the trialmaster, he figures. No need to bother the dude.
  214. Oct 14 22:11:55 <Yaretzi> (Oops, Diagla, not Palkia, got them mixed up <:3c)
  215. Oct 14 22:13:22 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi...well, seems confused. "That...way?" She points in the direction that matches what ZODIAC is showing, but seems uncertain. "So many..."
  216. Oct 14 22:13:51 <Genevieve> "Yeah, it's quite the legendary hotspot."
  217. Oct 14 22:14:27 <Chase> "Wonder if we should talk with any of them while we're here..."
  218. Oct 14 22:14:42 <Chase> "Well, we should probably worry about you know who first. Let's try and find him."
  219. Oct 14 22:15:17 <Yaretzi> She starts off into the snowy field, using her spear as a walking stick to help guide her path.
  220. Oct 14 22:15:30 <Rosetta> "Yeah, we should probably reconvene with Saryx before talking to all the dragons anyway."
  221. Oct 14 22:16:27 <Genevieve> "Lead on, then." She zips up her coat a little more.
  222. Oct 14 22:16:33 »» Chase hurries along behind Yaretzi, trying not to lose sight of her.
  223. Oct 14 22:16:40 <Yaretzi> Roll me Peception, guys.
  224. Oct 14 22:16:55 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  225. Oct 14 22:16:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 10 [2d6=5,2]
  226. Oct 14 22:17:07 <Chase> 2d6+1 Like this nigga ever gonna see anything. I'm gonna spend 3 AP on it anyway though
  227. Oct 14 22:17:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Like this nigga ever gonna see anything. I'm gonna spend 3 AP on it anyway though: 3 [2d6=1,1]
  228. Oct 14 22:17:16 <Yaretzi> It's not snowing hard out here, but the sun has set. Yaretzi, of course, hadn't really thought on sight.
  229. Oct 14 22:17:31 <Rosetta> 3d6+1
  230. Oct 14 22:17:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 3d6+1: 12 [3d6=5,2,4]
  231. Oct 14 22:18:10 <Yaretzi> Tracking ZODIAC's movement is a bit easier, he's only got white glowy eyes.
  232. Oct 14 22:18:17 »» Chase throws his aura vision up anyway.
  233. Oct 14 22:18:46 <Yaretzi> outside of that, you see some Pokemon out here as well! One rather early on, a Snover with a broom heading toward the shrine. It waves at you as it passes.
  234. Oct 14 22:19:00 <Yaretzi> There's some more Snovers early on, they seem fairly common in the wooded areas out here.
  235. Oct 14 22:19:15 »» Chase gives a friendly wave in return, and that's probably the most specific thing he notices with that kind of roll.
  236. Oct 14 22:19:15 <Yaretzi> Gen and Rosetta, roll me 2d100
  237. Oct 14 22:19:21 <Rosetta> 2d100
  238. Oct 14 22:19:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 2d100: 103 [2d100=55,48]
  239. Oct 14 22:19:24 <Genevieve> 2d100
  240. Oct 14 22:19:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d100: 17 [2d100=8,9]
  241. Oct 14 22:19:51 <Genevieve> "I need to invest in some night goggles or something." She takes off her stunnas as the sun gets low.
  242. Oct 14 22:20:19 <Yaretzi> Rosetta sees a bunch of Swablu fluttering around easily enough.
  243. Oct 14 22:21:02 »» Rosetta tries to wave down one of them as she follows along. Not gonna spend time and hold everyone up, but if she can get one over to her in passing, then great.
  244. Oct 14 22:21:26 <Yaretzi> She also sees a Jynx at the frozen pond. You think it might be bathing.
  245. Oct 14 22:23:50 <Yaretzi> Gen sees a Lapras resting with most its body under the water, just the head on some ice as a pilow of sorts. There's also a Mawile hiding in the snow, watching you four walk by and trying to conceal itself.
  246. Oct 14 22:24:09 <Yaretzi> Roll me Charm, Rosetta
  247. Oct 14 22:24:24 <Rosetta> 2d6-1 lol
  248. Oct 14 22:24:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, lol: 7 [2d6=2,6]
  249. Oct 14 22:24:43 <Yaretzi> Not terribly bad! You catch one's attention enough for it to flutter down closer to you all.
  250. Oct 14 22:25:04 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi doesn't really seem to care for any of these guys and keeps walking on.
  251. Oct 14 22:25:40 <Rosetta> "Heya." Rosetta lifts up her arm, the one with the falconer's glove, and tries to coax it to land.
  252. Oct 14 22:25:59 »» Chase of course doesn't care either and is pushing on, trying to keep up with the aura lady.
  253. Oct 14 22:27:12 <Yaretzi> You don't think it's gonna land without some incentive
  254. Oct 14 22:28:34 »» Rosetta cracks open a soda. No, really, she's got nothing else here.
  255. Oct 14 22:29:23 <Yaretzi> It gets a bit closer, curious.
  256. Oct 14 22:30:05 »» Genevieve puts a bit of bait down for the Mawile.
  257. Oct 14 22:30:07 <Rosetta> "It's sweet." Rosetta keeps walking and following along as she tries to coax the bird closer.
  258. Oct 14 22:30:43 <Rosetta> "And I bet you probably would like to travel to some warmer places, yeah?" She unravels her scarf and drapes it over her glove too.
  259. Oct 14 22:30:43 »» Chase glances behind him at the girls catching pokemon and just shakes his head, hurrying onwards. They'll catch up, but someone needs to keep sight of Yaretzi.
  260. Oct 14 22:30:53 <Yaretzi> As you guys continue on past all this, it' can see how this place could be dangerous just by the elements and its nature. The path doesn't visibly change much, lots of open spaces, and the wind above you doesn't look super welcoming of high altitude flight.
  261. Oct 14 22:31:01 »» Rosetta is still walking along. Silly chase. :V
  262. Oct 14 22:32:03 <Yaretzi> The cottonbird flutters down at the promises of sweet things and warmth to test how true this is. It lands on your glove and prods at the scarf a bit before perching and trying to peck at the drink.
  263. Oct 14 22:32:25 »» Rosetta swishes the can so there's a bit of soda on the outside rim.
  264. Oct 14 22:33:07 <Yaretzi> It laps some up, looks surprised and tweets.
  265. Oct 14 22:33:49 <Yaretzi> When you guys pass by another colony of Snover at a more forested spot, Yaretzi and ZODIAC pause and look around.
  266. Oct 14 22:33:52 <Rosetta> "See?"
  267. Oct 14 22:35:44 <Yaretzi> The Mawile looks at the bait and slowly starts to creep up on it. It looked like it was going to follow you guys for a bit anyway, so this is just even more incentive to do so.
  268. Oct 14 22:36:39 »» Genevieve leads the Mawile behind the group for a bit, then. "How's the search going?"
  269. Oct 14 22:37:37 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi and ZODIAC seem to be staring at each other for a while before she answers. "We need go...down?"
  270. Oct 14 22:37:58 <Rosetta> "Underground? That's a pretty clever hiding place, actually."
  271. Oct 14 22:38:10 <Genevieve> "Underground, then. I didn't bring the drill, but I'm sure we can figure something out."
  272. Oct 14 22:38:32 <Yaretzi> "Like cave, or hole...but where?" she's sorta helpless with this sorta situation.
  273. Oct 14 22:38:41 »» Chase thinks about it.
  274. Oct 14 22:39:10 <Chase> "...wait, I think I got it."
  275. Oct 14 22:39:14 »» Chase lets out Brahms.
  276. Oct 14 22:39:17 <Yaretzi> The Swablu is rather happy to sit perched on your arm for now, Rosetta, providing you let it drink more and use the scarf. The Mawile thinks you guys can't see it, at least.
  277. Oct 14 22:39:38 <Chase> "Hey, Brahms, buddy? You think you can use echolocation to find any caves or holes nearby?"
  278. Oct 14 22:39:51 <Chase> "Is that how that works?"
  279. Oct 14 22:41:58 <Yaretzi> Brahms nods and turns around a few times to scan the surroundings. Frosslad thinks this whole thing is STUPID and crosses his arms in boredom.
  280. Oct 14 22:42:28 <Yaretzi> After Brahms screeches a few times in a couple of directions, he turns toward the forested area near you and nods.
  281. Oct 14 22:42:32 <Genevieve> "Don't pout, bro, that's some pussy shit."
  282. Oct 14 22:42:43 <Chase> "He's got something."
  283. Oct 14 22:42:56 <Chase> "Good job, man! Let's check it out."
  284. Oct 14 22:43:07 <Rosetta> "Shiny. Which way?"
  285. Oct 14 22:43:12 <Chase> "Forest."
  286. Oct 14 22:44:09 »» Chase jogs that way!
  287. Oct 14 22:44:43 <Yaretzi> That seems to peeve the Frosslad, but he knows a bit better than retaliating with snowballs or ice after two butt wuppings.
  288. Oct 14 22:45:05 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi and ZODIAC follow into the woods as well.
  289. Oct 14 22:45:31 »» Rosetta follows along, warping where the snow is deep and inconvenient.
  290. Oct 14 22:45:38 »» Genevieve follows the others and checks to see if the Mawile is still in tow.
  291. Oct 14 22:46:10 <Yaretzi> These wooded areas aren't very large - and yes, the Mawile is sneaking along after you. It's not very long until between all the trees, you find a stone structure tucked away.
  292. Oct 14 22:46:36 <Yaretzi> It's covered in snow, but has an old, stone staircase down into the side of a mountain.
  293. Oct 14 22:46:58 »» Rosetta carefully wraps up the swablu in her scarf and lets it sip more soda. "You wanna hop in a pokeball or something?"
  294. Oct 14 22:47:19 <Yaretzi> That said, it's also nearing around 10 PM by this point.
  295. Oct 14 22:47:40 <Chase> "Hello. We got a staircase. This one of the old temples?"
  296. Oct 14 22:47:40 <Rosetta> "Should we be thinkin' bout setting up a camp area before we go further?"
  297. Oct 14 22:47:44 <Yaretzi> The Swablu gives a happy chirp :>
  298. Oct 14 22:47:50 »» Rosetta balls it!
  299. Oct 14 22:48:10 <Genevieve> "It -is- getting late. We might want to do the dive in the morning."
  300. Oct 14 22:48:24 <Chase> "I guess we could so we have something nice and warm to come back to, but I'm not sure if we should go to sleep just yet."
  301. Oct 14 22:48:28 <Chase> "Hmm..."
  302. Oct 14 22:49:18 <Genevieve> "Alright, set up camp so we don't have to do it when we get back, probably almost dead."
  303. Oct 14 22:50:31 <Chase> "It's getting late, I'm just wondering if we should with how close we are..." he tries to gauge what Yaretzi wants to do as he fishes out the camping set's ball.
  304. Oct 14 22:51:19 »» Genevieve turns to the Mawile and expands a Pokeball. "You want to come with us?"
  305. Oct 14 22:51:40 <Chase> "Then again, I guess with us at the entrance it'll be hard for things to get in or out."
  306. Oct 14 22:51:46 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi seems pretty okay with either option.
  307. Oct 14 22:51:58 <Rosetta> "Let's set up camp and at least have a look down there."
  308. Oct 14 22:52:09 <Rosetta> "We'll wanna know if something's gonna pop up during the night while we're sleeping anyway."
  309. Oct 14 22:52:38 <Rosetta> "If it's lookin' too gnarly down there, we can just head back up."
  310. Oct 14 22:52:38 <Chase> "Good point. Pokemon made nests in the last temple, we should probably make sure the point past the stairs is clear."
  311. Oct 14 22:52:55 »» Chase opens the equipment ball and begins setting up the tent.
  312. Oct 14 22:53:02 <Yaretzi> The Mawile seems a bit surprised you saw it, and ducks behind a bush. It seems sorta wary of getting near the stares, more than you.
  313. Oct 14 22:53:43 <Genevieve> "Hmm...if you don't want to go in the temple, I won't make you. You can hang out here with us, if you want."
  314. Oct 14 22:55:24 <Yaretzi> It doesn't take long for you guys to set up camp - probably like 15 minutes max. The Mawile sits and watches from its bush while you work. And good news is there's plenty of wood around if you -did- make a fire.
  315. Oct 14 22:57:58 <Yaretzi> If you poke your head down the stairs...looks like there's a bit of an open chamber down there. And something glowy.
  316. Oct 14 22:58:37 »» Rosetta pulls down her darkvision goggles before she starts down the stairs.
  317. Oct 14 22:58:58 <Genevieve> "Oh good, glowing things in an underground temple."
  318. Oct 14 22:59:14 <Rosetta> "Never a dull moment."
  319. Oct 14 22:59:32 »» Chase tries to get a better look, but keeps his distance and watches out for pokemon
  320. Oct 14 22:59:42 <Yaretzi> Downstairs you see an open chamber, not unlike the entranceway to the temple of Xipe Totec. Here, you have a statue of a Dragonite in the center, and two serpents on either side of it.
  321. Oct 14 23:01:04 <Genevieve> "Nameless, huh?"
  322. Oct 14 23:01:20 <Genevieve> "I guess it wouldn't be the first time he's holed up in someone else's temple."
  323. Oct 14 23:01:45 <Chase> "Interesting... you know, I haven't really heard much about this one."
  324. Oct 14 23:01:48 <Yaretzi> There's pictures along the wall, but they don't really seem to tell much of a story far as you can tell - if anything the pictograms suggest this little temple was built by original settlers of Shiverwing, nords who escaped slavery and fled to their vinland. What's glowing is a bunch of purple-blueish crystals in this place, jutting from the walls.
  325. Oct 14 23:01:56 <Yaretzi> There's two shades of them, one darker and one rather light.
  326. Oct 14 23:02:41 <Genevieve> 6d6+3 elementally aligned stones maybe~?
  327. Oct 14 23:02:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, elementally aligned stones maybe~?: 23 [6d6=5,5,1,5,1,3]
  328. Oct 14 23:03:11 <Rosetta> Are there any signs that someone's passed through lately? Gaps in dust or other things?
  329. Oct 14 23:03:18 <Yaretzi> Those do indeed look like they could be bits of stones for Flying and Dragon, Genevieve.
  330. Oct 14 23:03:40 <Yaretzi> Well, roll me Survival and Perception, guys
  331. Oct 14 23:03:46 <Genevieve> "Too bad Saryx isn't here." She tries to break off a crystal of each type.
  332. Oct 14 23:03:51 <Rosetta> 2d6+5 survival; 3d6+1 perception
  333. Oct 14 23:03:51 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, survival: 15 [2d6=6,4]; perception: 11 [3d6=4,1,5]
  334. Oct 14 23:04:00 <Genevieve> 1d6+1;2d6+3
  335. Oct 14 23:04:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 1d6+1: 5 [1d6=4]; 2d6+3: 11 [2d6=4,4]
  336. Oct 14 23:04:54 <Chase> 2d6+1; 2d6-2
  337. Oct 14 23:04:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6+1: 8 [2d6=1,6]; 2d6-2: 9 [2d6=6,5]
  338. Oct 14 23:06:06 <Yaretzi> There's a door here, yes, and it's got the same puzzle as the one in the last temple. However, you also see a bunch of small cracks in the corners - small enough for a Pokemon to crawl through, and the lack of snow down here does suggest there's been some hustle and bustle.
  339. Oct 14 23:06:44 <Rosetta> "Alright, somethin's been through here lately at least."
  340. Oct 14 23:06:52 <Yaretzi> And on closer look, Rosetta, you notice some patterns in the ground that look like something was dragged - large amounts of dust cleared. Which...ends at where these two serpent looking things are. And that's when on closer inspection you notice thoes are not statues, but carcasses.
  341. Oct 14 23:07:28 <Rosetta> "Oh geez, guess the Flayed One killed these." Rosetta is in the middle of poking at one when she makes the realization and hops up.
  342. Oct 14 23:07:41 <Yaretzi> A garchomp and a Haxorus, to be precise.
  343. Oct 14 23:07:42 »» Genevieve smacks the rocks with a sword. "He does love killing things."
  344. Oct 14 23:07:52 <Yaretzi> Looks like something's been carving bits of them up and hauling them back.
  345. Oct 14 23:07:52 <Chase> "Solitude and bloodshed, was it?"
  346. Oct 14 23:08:26 <Chase> "Let's leave his kills alone. This area seems safe enough as long as Flayed himself doesn't ambush us for some reason."
  347. Oct 14 23:08:45 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi doesn't really find this that odd. "Just hunting. Food."
  348. Oct 14 23:08:56 <Chase> He nods.
  349. Oct 14 23:09:13 <Rosetta> "Alright, so we gonna wait til morning to go in any deeper?"
  350. Oct 14 23:09:46 <Genevieve> "We may as well."
  351. Oct 14 23:10:00 <Chase> "Yeah, might as well. Last time we pulled an all nighter it was pretty awful. And I don't think a few hours is going to make a difference here."
  352. Oct 14 23:10:17 <Chase> "We rest, gather our strength, and go deeper."
  353. Oct 14 23:10:52 »» Chase starts to head back out.
  354. Oct 14 23:11:23 »» Rosetta shoves her hands in her pockets and hops in place, taking a last look around, before following Chase out.
  355. Oct 14 23:11:58 »» Genevieve finishes gathering up some crystals and heads out of the cave.
  356. Oct 14 23:12:50 <Yaretzi> The Mawile's moved closer to the camp, poking one of the tents in curiosity.
  357. Oct 14 23:13:22 »» Chase doesn't really mind the mawile, always nice to have friendly company.
  358. Oct 14 23:14:22 »» Chase help makes dinner for the night, and he'll stay up for first watch.
  359. Oct 14 23:14:25 »» Genevieve recalls Nabroleon since he's not being strictly useful and lets out Dessoir. She holds out one of the dragon stones like a treat. "You eat stuff like this?"
  360. Oct 14 23:15:08 »» Rosetta lets out Glissani to keep watch with her Keen Eye as well.
  361. Oct 14 23:16:11 »» Chase has Elise and Schubert stick with him for the watch.
  362. Oct 14 23:16:40 <Yaretzi> Dessoir's eyes sparkle and he :O's, holding a hand to his chin. He nods in a rather meek manner, considering how he normally is.
  363. Oct 14 23:18:09 »» Genevieve sits with him. "What, not sure?" She holds out a flying stone for comparison. "I'm not quite a Baskin Fletchling's here, but two flavors at least."
  364. Oct 14 23:19:44 <Yaretzi> It's more like he's unsure if you're going to let him have one - being it's a rather significant gift for him.
  365. Oct 14 23:20:36 <Yaretzi> Schubert starts dragging twigs and such over to make a campfire and Elise and Glissani try to get this Mawile to be a bit more friendly. Yaretzi seems interested in what Gen and Dessoir are up to.
  366. Oct 14 23:20:57 <Yaretzi> As for what stone he prefers, Gen, he seems equally mesmerised by both of them - like he can't believe this is happening.
  367. Oct 14 23:21:35 <Genevieve> "I would have grabbed a more appropriate type stone if I'd thought to, but go ahead." She hands him the dragon crystal.
  368. Oct 14 23:22:44 »» Chase helps Schubert set up the fire since they apparently forgot to set it up earlier. :3c He's sure to compliment the dino for helping out.
  369. Oct 14 23:22:47 <Yaretzi> He holds it in his hand for a bit, then sits down and starts to nibble on it very, very slowly. He's gonna savor this while he can.
  370. Oct 14 23:23:27 »» Genevieve scratches the ghost's noggin while he snacks.
  371. Oct 14 23:23:44 »» Rosetta doesn't need a fire. She just huddles all her pokemon around Anima for warmth.
  372. Oct 14 23:25:52 »» Chase checks out Dessoir and Gen once they've got the fire going.
  373. Oct 14 23:25:59 <Genevieve> For the night, Gen snuggles up with Wheeler and Dessoir. At least one of the ghosts is warm.
  374. Oct 14 23:26:11 <Yaretzi> Nothing happens immediately to him after he eventually finishes it, Genevieve, other than he thwumps over and goes to sleep - however, as you guys settle down and get stuated, do you have anything like a watch in mind?
  375. Oct 14 23:26:49 »» Chase will keep first watch
  376. Oct 14 23:28:30 <Yaretzi> Well, go ahead and roll perception Chase, Wheeler. The Mawile was also awake!
  377. Oct 14 23:28:35 »» Rosetta has ZODIAC who presumably doesn't need sleep either to help with the watch. And he has like 12 eyes.
  378. Oct 14 23:28:52 <Yaretzi> 2d6+4 mwwileception
  379. Oct 14 23:28:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, mwwileception: 11 [2d6=4,3]
  380. Oct 14 23:29:02 <Genevieve> 4d6 better than Gen
  381. Oct 14 23:29:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, better than Gen: 18 [4d6=5,6,3,4]
  382. Oct 14 23:29:08 <Chase> 2d6
  383. Oct 14 23:29:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6: 7 [2d6=3,4]
  384. Oct 14 23:29:35 <Rosetta> 5d6 can I roll Zodiac? :O
  385. Oct 14 23:29:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, can I roll Zodiac? :O: 19 [5d6=5,3,1,5,5]
  386. Oct 14 23:29:44 <Yaretzi> Sure.
  387. Oct 14 23:29:45 <Yaretzi> Funny enough
  388. Oct 14 23:29:57 <Yaretzi> All 3 of these Pokemon, at around 12 PM, react to something that Chase doesn't see.
  389. Oct 14 23:30:38 <Yaretzi> ZODIAC focuses on the woods, as does Wheeler, and the Mawile eep's and hops into one of the tents.
  390. Oct 14 23:31:24 <Chase> "Hm?" Chase looks up, switching his aura vision on when he doesn't seem anything in the immediate and trusting in the perceptive mans. He gets ready to stir Rosetta and Gen awake if it looks like trouble.
  391. Oct 14 23:33:29 <Yaretzi> You see a massive pair of red, lunar cresent shaped eyes. Fangs the size of an adult human, a long, coiling body that looks fifty feet long, and a tail that ends in a blade the size of a car. All of this coated in a regal, purple aura.
  392. Oct 14 23:33:53 <Yaretzi> The Seviper hungers. You look tasty.
  393. Oct 14 23:34:19 <Chase> <Wake up.> he calls to Rosetta, Gen and Yaretzi as loud as he can with his mind.
  394. Oct 14 23:34:45 »» Genevieve rolls awake, stretching. "Mmmm, what?"
  395. Oct 14 23:34:46 »» Chase would probably be shitting himself if he didn't take care of that just a few minutes ago!
  396. Oct 14 23:35:06 »» Rosetta hops up at the aura voice. "whoawhat?"
  397. Oct 14 23:35:22 <Chase> "Holy fuck..."
  398. Oct 14 23:36:28 <Chase> "Big snake. GIGANTIC, FUCKING SNAKE."
  399. Oct 14 23:36:56 »» Genevieve yawns. "Alright. Get ready, Wheeler."
  400. Oct 14 23:37:00 <Yaretzi> Yaretzi stirs, stares, and almost pisses herself. "Aaaaaaaah."
  401. Oct 14 23:37:08 »» Chase is scrambling to get up and reaches for a pokeball.
  402. Oct 14 23:37:16 <Rosetta> "The fuck is that?"
  403. Oct 14 23:37:52 <Yaretzi> The Seviper edges closer to the fire as you begin to stir. It's tounge slides out, the size of a normal Seviper, and tastes the air.
  404. Oct 14 23:38:09 <Yaretzi> You can clearly see it in the camp fire now. Speeds <;3c
  405. Oct 14 23:38:14 <Chase> "Bitch how're you so calm??" He says at Gen and re-releases Schubert!
  406. Oct 14 23:38:15 <Rosetta> "Our phones aren't going off."
  407. Oct 14 23:38:23 <Rosetta> "What the fuck is it if it's not a FOV?"
  408. Oct 14 23:39:07 <Genevieve> Gen 19, Wheeler 3
  409. Oct 14 23:39:09 »» Rosetta waves over at Glissani. Rosetta 36, Glissani 15.
  410. Oct 14 23:39:13 <Chase> Chase speed 10, Schubert 4
  411. Oct 14 23:39:35 <Yaretzi> (Your phones do start to go off, but I figured it was sorta clear it was a big bad mother hubber :P)
  412. Oct 14 23:40:38 <Genevieve> "Just a big snake. It doesn't even have machine guns."
  413. Oct 14 23:40:40 »» #easternislesrhapsody :You're not channel operator
  414. Oct 14 23:41:35 <Chase> "This thing's even bigger than that Galvantula..."
  415. Oct 14 23:42:48 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Seviper > Gen > Glissani > Seviper > Chase > Yaretzi > Schubert > Wheeler > Seviper | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  416. Oct 14 23:42:53 <@Yaretzi> Rosetta's up!
  417. Oct 14 23:43:21 <@Yaretzi> You and your Pokemon quickly shake the sleep away as this thing approaches you.
  418. Oct 14 23:43:47 <Rosetta> "I'm with Chase. This shit is kinda nuts." Rosetta zips along in a zig-zag pattern toward the snake but keeps a distance. Double Team!
  419. Oct 14 23:45:17 <@Yaretzi> The snake rattles its tail against a tree - making a loud sound. It then begins to Coil around the perimeter of your camp.
  420. Oct 14 23:45:23 <@Yaretzi> Roll me Pokemon Edu, everyone
  421. Oct 14 23:45:25 <@Yaretzi> It's Gen's turn
  422. Oct 14 23:45:31 <Rosetta> 2d6+1
  423. Oct 14 23:45:32 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 2d6+1: 8 [2d6=2,5]
  424. Oct 14 23:45:34 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  425. Oct 14 23:45:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 13 [2d6=5,5]
  426. Oct 14 23:45:52 <Chase> 3d6+2 spending 4 AP
  427. Oct 14 23:45:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, spending 4 AP: 14 [3d6=6,5,1]
  428. Oct 14 23:46:32 »» Genevieve draws Shadow Blade, feeling her senses sharpen a bit. "Wheeler, give us some cover." Now's Your Chance -> Interference! -2 Acc this round
  429. Oct 14 23:46:55 <@Yaretzi> Gen and Chase notice this Seviper is discolored. It's much bluer in hue than they normally are, and its fangs seem a bit frigid. If you had to guess, this thing's part Draconic. Also, you are pretty sure it just signaled to something with that rattling.
  430. Oct 14 23:47:17 <@Yaretzi> Wheeler distracts the shit out of this Seviper with shiney lights!
  431. Oct 14 23:47:21 <Genevieve> "There's probably more of them, be careful."
  432. Oct 14 23:47:33 <@Yaretzi> Glissani!
  433. Oct 14 23:48:01 <Rosetta> Glissani swoops down at the snake and rams it with her head!
  434. Oct 14 23:48:04 <Rosetta> 1d20 iron head
  435. Oct 14 23:48:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, iron head: 2 [1d20=2]
  436. Oct 14 23:48:13 <Chase> "Think this thing might be part dragon..."
  437. Oct 14 23:48:14 <Rosetta> 1d20 reroll
  438. Oct 14 23:48:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, reroll: 12 [1d20=12]
  439. Oct 14 23:48:18 <Chase> "Would explain the size, anyway."
  440. Oct 14 23:48:34 <Rosetta> 3d12+10+16 steel
  441. Oct 14 23:48:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, steel: 39 [3d12=3,2,8]
  442. Oct 14 23:49:42 <@Yaretzi> Glissani goes at it head first, bashing into the snake!
  443. Oct 14 23:50:58 <@Yaretzi> It recoils, and swipes its tail at Glissani in retaliation! Dragon Tail!
  444. Oct 14 23:51:09 <@Yaretzi> 1d20-1 it used Coil, so had +1 ACC
  445. Oct 14 23:51:10 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, it used Coil, so had +1 ACC: 8 [1d20=9]
  446. Oct 14 23:51:17 <@Yaretzi> AC 3 hit with that?
  447. Oct 14 23:51:25 <Rosetta> Yes, just hits.
  448. Oct 14 23:51:40 <@Yaretzi> 3d6+50 dragon damage
  449. Oct 14 23:51:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, dragon damage: 62 [3d6=4,4,4]
  450. Oct 14 23:51:48 <@Yaretzi> Glissani is pushed back by the blow!
  451. Oct 14 23:51:51 <@Yaretzi> Chase!
  452. Oct 14 23:52:03 <Rosetta> It doesn't seem to her hurt particularly much under her steel armor!
  453. Oct 14 23:52:30 »» Chase focuses and unleashes a Dark Ghost Pulse!
  454. Oct 14 23:52:35 <Chase> 1d20 Ghost Pulse
  455. Oct 14 23:52:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Ghost Pulse: 11 [1d20=11]
  456. Oct 14 23:53:08 <Chase> 3d6+8+32
  457. Oct 14 23:53:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d6+8+32: 53 [3d6=6,1,6]
  458. Oct 14 23:53:28 <Chase> A ripple of purple energy blares out of his guitar, focused like soundwaves!
  459. Oct 14 23:54:00 <@Yaretzi> The monster hisses in discomfort from the attack! Yaretzi tries the same - only hers is an actual Dark Pulse!
  460. Oct 14 23:54:03 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  461. Oct 14 23:54:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  462. Oct 14 23:54:26 <@Yaretzi> 3d6+20
  463. Oct 14 23:54:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 3d6+20: 31 [3d6=3,6,2]
  464. Oct 14 23:54:50 <@Yaretzi> Schubert!
  465. Oct 14 23:55:31 <Chase> The dinosaur goes for an Iron Head of his own against the massive serpent!
  466. Oct 14 23:55:32 <Chase> 1d20 Iron Head
  467. Oct 14 23:55:33 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Iron Head: 6 [1d20=6]
  468. Oct 14 23:55:55 <Chase> AC 2?
  469. Oct 14 23:56:01 <@Yaretzi> Hits, barely!
  470. Oct 14 23:56:17 <Chase> 3d12+10+22
  471. Oct 14 23:56:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d12+10+22: 52 [3d12=1,9,10]
  472. Oct 14 23:56:19 <Chase> WHAM
  473. Oct 14 23:56:28 <@Yaretzi> Wheeler!
  474. Oct 14 23:56:44 <@Yaretzi> Schubert rams right into this giant snake, bapping it quite well!
  475. Oct 14 23:57:05 <Genevieve> Gen points the sword at the giant snake and Wheeler fires a concentrated beam of light. Confuse Ray!
  476. Oct 14 23:57:47 <@Yaretzi> The Snake is confused!
  477. Oct 14 23:57:52 <@Yaretzi> 1d20 confusion
  478. Oct 14 23:57:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, confusion: 16 [1d20=16]
  479. Oct 14 23:58:24 <@Yaretzi> It snaps out of it, winding its tail back for a sweeping attack!
  480. Oct 14 23:58:40 <@Yaretzi> 1d20-1 Aqua Tail
  481. Oct 14 23:58:40 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, Aqua Tail: 8 [1d20=9]
  482. Oct 14 23:58:46 <@Yaretzi> That's against all of you.
  483. Oct 14 23:58:54 <@Yaretzi> 3d8+50 water damage
  484. Oct 14 23:58:54 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, water damage: 65 [3d8=3,8,4]
  485. Oct 14 23:58:57 <Chase> Yup.
  486. Oct 14 23:59:06 <Rosetta> (does it stil hit Glissani who was knocked back by Dragon Tail?)
  487. Oct 14 23:59:30 <@Yaretzi> (Glissani is not hit, as she was knocked back, yes)
  488. Oct 14 23:59:33 »» Rosetta ducks under the tail sweeping attack!
  489. Oct 14 23:59:46 <@Yaretzi> (AC 4 on aqua tail, btw)
  490. Oct 15 00:00:08 <Genevieve> Wheeler avoids the sweep, but Gen gets knocked around.
  491. Oct 15 00:00:11 <@Yaretzi> A second serpent slithers to the camp...
  492. Oct 15 00:00:31 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Seviper > Gen > Serperior > Glissani > Seviper > Chase > Yaretzi > Serperior > Schubert > Serperior > Wheeler > Seviper | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  493. Oct 15 00:00:50 <@Yaretzi> This one is equally large - even a bit bigger, maybe. a Giant, discolored Serperior.
  494. Oct 15 00:01:21 »» Rosetta dashes up to the Seviper and gives it a quick two strikes with her kusarigama, using the cover of her illusion to ensure more precise hits.
  495. Oct 15 00:01:28 »» Chase is slammed quite hard in the face! He staggers backwards, 84/126, exactly a third of his health. Schubert also stumbles, hit for quite a bit more, taking an injury.
  496. Oct 15 00:01:38 <Genevieve> "I think we found whatever happened to those guys!"
  497. Oct 15 00:01:38 <Rosetta> 2#1d20+2 double hit
  498. Oct 15 00:01:39 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, double hit: 11 [1d20=9], 21 [1d20=19]
  499. Oct 15 00:01:57 <Rosetta> 3d6+10+30 normal damage and flinches
  500. Oct 15 00:01:57 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, normal damage and flinches: 52 [3d6=3,4,5]
  501. Oct 15 00:02:10 <Chase> "Holy..."
  502. Oct 15 00:02:26 <@Yaretzi> The Seviper looks injured! You make a nasty lash on its snout.
  503. Oct 15 00:02:45 <Chase> "This doesn't look good... If this happens to turn south, flee into the temple!"
  504. Oct 15 00:03:03 <@Yaretzi> It swipes its tail at Rosetta - Poison Tail.
  505. Oct 15 00:03:05 <@Yaretzi> 1d20+1
  506. Oct 15 00:03:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20+1: 11 [1d20=10]
  507. Oct 15 00:03:12 <Rosetta> (but muh flinch)
  508. Oct 15 00:03:24 <@Yaretzi> (Oh right, sorry!)
  509. Oct 15 00:03:26 <@Yaretzi> (nm that roll)
  510. Oct 15 00:03:32 <@Yaretzi> Gen's up then!
  511. Oct 15 00:04:14 <Genevieve> "Rose, hit it while it's staggered!" She directs with the blade and looks around the camp for the Mawile, waving for him. "Stick close!" Now's Your Chance!
  512. Oct 15 00:04:56 <@Yaretzi> The Mawile is actually hiding behind Dessoir, whose still rubbing his eyes awake.
  513. Oct 15 00:05:56 »» Rosetta takes another swipe at the seviper!
  514. Oct 15 00:06:01 <Rosetta> 1d20 hidden power elec
  515. Oct 15 00:06:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hidden power elec: 15 [1d20=15]
  516. Oct 15 00:06:13 <Rosetta> 3d8+10+30
  517. Oct 15 00:06:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 3d8+10+30: 55 [3d8=7,5,3]
  518. Oct 15 00:07:04 <@Yaretzi> It doesn't hurt very much, but it does some damage.
  519. Oct 15 00:08:49 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior slithers closer, and kicks up a Leaf Tornado at Chase, Yaretzi, Schubert, and Wheeler.
  520. Oct 15 00:08:51 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  521. Oct 15 00:08:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 14 [1d20=14]
  522. Oct 15 00:09:14 <@Yaretzi> 3d8+40 grass damage
  523. Oct 15 00:09:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, grass damage: 53 [3d8=3,3,7]
  524. Oct 15 00:09:26 <@Yaretzi> Luckily, Yaretzi seems rather tanky.
  525. Oct 15 00:09:39 <@Yaretzi> Glissani is up.
  526. Oct 15 00:09:40 <Chase> "Fuck."
  527. Oct 15 00:09:41 <Rosetta> Glissani spreads Sneaky Stones around the camp to try to dissuade anything else from entering the combat!
  528. Oct 15 00:10:13 »» Chase is pounded for another 30 damage, 54/126 starting to see injuries here.
  529. Oct 15 00:11:02 <@Yaretzi> The Seviper slashes at Glissani with its tail with a Night Slash!
  530. Oct 15 00:11:03 <@Yaretzi> 1d20+1
  531. Oct 15 00:11:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20+1: 10 [1d20=9]
  532. Oct 15 00:11:21 <Rosetta> hits!
  533. Oct 15 00:11:21 <Chase> Schubert is barely up
  534. Oct 15 00:11:50 <@Yaretzi> 2d6+50 dark damage
  535. Oct 15 00:11:51 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, dark damage: 60 [2d6=5,5]
  536. Oct 15 00:12:12 <@Yaretzi> Chase is up!
  537. Oct 15 00:12:38 <Rosetta> Glissani's still up but not looking terribly great anymore. 41/94
  538. Oct 15 00:13:05 »» Chase blasts the Seviper with Hyper Voice!
  539. Oct 15 00:13:09 <Chase> 1d20 WAAAAAIL
  540. Oct 15 00:13:10 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, WAAAAAIL: 10 [1d20=10]
  541. Oct 15 00:13:24 <Chase> 3d8+10+32
  542. Oct 15 00:13:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d8+10+32: 46 [3d8=1,2,1]
  543. Oct 15 00:14:02 »» Chase is breathing hard, clearly injured, but lets out an ear piercing cry as he plays a power chord on his guitar!
  544. Oct 15 00:15:05 <@Yaretzi> Yaretzi follows up with a Water Pulse!
  545. Oct 15 00:15:07 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  546. Oct 15 00:15:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  547. Oct 15 00:15:29 <@Yaretzi> 2d6+20
  548. Oct 15 00:15:29 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 2d6+20: 30 [2d6=6,4]
  549. Oct 15 00:15:58 <@Yaretzi> Between the two attacks, the Seviper takes another injury as it cuts its tounge on one of its fangs while hissing in discomfort!
  550. Oct 15 00:17:36 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior reels back and readies a pulse attack of its own - focused on Rosetta.
  551. Oct 15 00:17:46 <@Yaretzi> 1d20 Dragon Pulse
  552. Oct 15 00:17:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, Dragon Pulse: 15 [1d20=15]
  553. Oct 15 00:18:03 <@Yaretzi> 4d10+40 dragon damage
  554. Oct 15 00:18:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, dragon damage: 70 [4d10=9,8,3,10]
  555. Oct 15 00:18:12 <Rosetta> 1d20 teleport
  556. Oct 15 00:18:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, teleport: 14 [1d20=14]
  557. Oct 15 00:18:20 »» Rosetta warps out of the way!
  558. Oct 15 00:18:24 <@Yaretzi> Schubert!
  559. Oct 15 00:18:28 <Chase> So... these things are pretty huge, right? How close are they together?
  560. Oct 15 00:18:53 <Chase> Could they both be hit with, say, a burst 1 between their coils?
  561. Oct 15 00:19:36 <@Yaretzi> Yes, you could
  562. Oct 15 00:19:51 <Chase> Schubert lets out a terrifying roar of pain and rage and rushes between the two creatures!
  563. Oct 15 00:20:29 <Chase> Stopping between them, his tough metal hide is cracked and splintering from being pounded so hard! And with some strain, he forcibly sheds some of that armor, ripping into both of the creatures!
  564. Oct 15 00:20:33 <Chase> 1d20 Metal Burst
  565. Oct 15 00:20:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Metal Burst: 14 [1d20=14]
  566. Oct 15 00:20:53 <Chase> Both of them take 96 damage, no defenses apply.
  567. Oct 15 00:22:39 <@Yaretzi> The Seviper recoils in pain, now having several large gashes - it looks almost unconcious.
  568. Oct 15 00:22:54 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior is certainly hurt as well, but not nearly as critically as the Seviper, of course.
  569. Oct 15 00:22:58 <Chase> "Whoa... way to go!"
  570. Oct 15 00:23:03 <Genevieve> "Nice shot!"
  571. Oct 15 00:23:46 <Rosetta> "Shiny. Now someone finish it off, yeah?"
  572. Oct 15 00:23:49 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior has a rather nasty reply to this, however.
  573. Oct 15 00:24:24 <@Yaretzi> Schubert's looks quite happy - even as it starts to thrash around and yell, causing the trees themselves to lash out at you in a Frenzy!
  574. Oct 15 00:24:59 <@Yaretzi> 1d20 Frenzy Plant on Yaretzi, Wheeler, Rosetta, Glissani, Chase
  575. Oct 15 00:25:00 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, Frenzy Plant on Yaretzi, Wheeler, Rosetta, Glissani, Chase: 20 [1d20=20]
  576. Oct 15 00:25:08 »» Chase Detects, fuck this shit.
  577. Oct 15 00:25:44 <@Yaretzi> 12d12+80 grass dmg
  578. Oct 15 00:25:45 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, grass dmg: 163 [12d12=10,7,4,9,10,11,1,5,1,9,10,6]
  579. Oct 15 00:26:02 »» Rosetta Protects, fuck this shit too.
  580. Oct 15 00:26:14 <@Yaretzi> Yaretzi also protects.
  581. Oct 15 00:26:38 <Genevieve> Wheeler smokes as the plants crash into him. Forest, please. He puts on his angry eye face.
  582. Oct 15 00:26:47 <Rosetta> Hilariously, Glissani is just up. dat double resist
  583. Oct 15 00:27:11 <Genevieve> He bends shadows around the Seviper. Shadow Punch~
  584. Oct 15 00:27:14 <Genevieve> 1d20 Crit Check
  585. Oct 15 00:27:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Crit Check: 1 [1d20=1]
  586. Oct 15 00:27:27 <Genevieve> 3d6+10+18 Love you too, DM
  587. Oct 15 00:27:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Love you too, DM: 37 [3d6=6,2,1]
  588. Oct 15 00:27:28 <Rosetta> (oh yeah, multitasking for the protect)
  589. Oct 15 00:27:52 <Rosetta> (5/8 AP and my remaining rerolls cost 2 and 3 here, so make 'em count guys)
  590. Oct 15 00:28:04 <@Yaretzi> That's still, hilariously, enough for Wheeler to slam this giant serpent in the face with enough force to cause it to fall over, knocking down several trees with it.
  591. Oct 15 00:28:10 <@Yaretzi> You're not quite sure if it's dead, but it's unconcious.
  592. Oct 15 00:28:22 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Gen > Serperior > Glissani > Chase > Yaretzi > Serperior > Schubert > Serperior > Wheeler | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  593. Oct 15 00:28:40 »» Rosetta can't even multitask for another turn right now!
  594. Oct 15 00:28:45 <@Yaretzi> Gen's up!
  595. Oct 15 00:29:12 <Genevieve> "Good work, keep fighting!" She loads a Super Potion into the medigun and fires it at Chase.
  596. Oct 15 00:29:20 <Genevieve> 5d6+3 Bonus Healing with 1 AP
  597. Oct 15 00:29:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Bonus Healing with 1 AP: 18 [5d6=1,2,2,5,5]
  598. Oct 15 00:29:28 <Chase> "Thanks, Gen!"
  599. Oct 15 00:29:48 <@Yaretzi> The snake is exhausted for a turn, Glissani!
  600. Oct 15 00:30:05 <Rosetta> Glissani takes a last ditch effort to drill toward the snake!
  601. Oct 15 00:30:08 <Rosetta> 1d20 drill peck
  602. Oct 15 00:30:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, drill peck: 1 [1d20=1]
  603. Oct 15 00:30:11 »» Chase looks a hell of a lot better.
  604. Oct 15 00:30:13 <Rosetta> 1d20 no fuck you
  605. Oct 15 00:30:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, no fuck you: 4 [1d20=4]
  606. Oct 15 00:30:36 <@Yaretzi> Still not enough
  607. Oct 15 00:30:41 <@Yaretzi> Chase!
  608. Oct 15 00:30:46 <@Yaretzi> ...protected
  609. Oct 15 00:30:47 <Rosetta> 1d20 last reroll pls
  610. Oct 15 00:30:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, last reroll pls: 1 [1d20=1]
  611. Oct 15 00:30:48 <@Yaretzi> as did Yaretzi
  612. Oct 15 00:30:51 <Rosetta> (jesus fuck)
  613. Oct 15 00:31:00 »» Chase used his Detect, so all he can do is send out another pokemon, not having enough time to recall Schubert unfortunately.
  614. Oct 15 00:31:38 <Chase> I'd like to send out Elise, speed 26.
  615. Oct 15 00:32:37 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior kicks up another Leaf Tornado at Glissani, Schubert and Wheeler! Oh the woahs of grass vs steel and fire.
  616. Oct 15 00:32:38 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  617. Oct 15 00:32:39 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  618. Oct 15 00:32:39 <Chase> "Great work, Schubert! Elise, help us out here!"
  619. Oct 15 00:32:45 <@Yaretzi> Or maybe she doesn't. Schubert!
  620. Oct 15 00:33:17 <Chase> Schubert gives the Serprior a farewell "fuck you Iron Head"
  621. Oct 15 00:33:20 <Chase> 1d20 BAM
  622. Oct 15 00:33:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, BAM: 4 [1d20=4]
  623. Oct 15 00:33:36 <Chase> Or maybe he's a bit too tired. Oh well, he did something awesome!
  624. Oct 15 00:35:01 <@Yaretzi> This Serperior's not -that- hurt compared to what you did to its mate <;3c
  625. Oct 15 00:35:23 <@Yaretzi> It bats at Schubert with a Dragon Pulse.
  626. Oct 15 00:35:24 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  627. Oct 15 00:35:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  628. Oct 15 00:35:32 <@Yaretzi> Or maybe Schubert shrugs it off.
  629. Oct 15 00:35:34 <@Yaretzi> Wheeler!
  630. Oct 15 00:35:35 <Chase> Schubert's luck is changing!
  631. Oct 15 00:35:53 <Genevieve> Wheeler slides over to the snake and gives it a DRAGON UPPERCUT!
  632. Oct 15 00:35:57 <Genevieve> 1d20 Fire Punch
  633. Oct 15 00:35:57 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Fire Punch: 9 [1d20=9]
  634. Oct 15 00:36:03 <Chase> Could you add Elise to the init please?
  635. Oct 15 00:36:05 <Genevieve> 3d12+10+18
  636. Oct 15 00:36:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 3d12+10+18: 45 [3d12=2,9,6]
  637. Oct 15 00:36:41 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Elise > Gen > Serperior > Glissani > Chase > Yaretzi > Serperior > Schubert > Serperior > Wheeler | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  638. Oct 15 00:36:55 <@Yaretzi> This Serperior resists Fire more than you think it would - Sun Blanket!
  639. Oct 15 00:37:24 <@Yaretzi> Rosetta's up!
  640. Oct 15 00:37:25 »» Rosetta recovers her bearings and leaps in the air in a flip, bringing down her blade on the serperior in a vertical slash.
  641. Oct 15 00:37:30 <Rosetta> 1d20 crit check aerial ace
  642. Oct 15 00:37:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, crit check aerial ace: 11 [1d20=11]
  643. Oct 15 00:37:41 <Rosetta> 2d6+8+30 flying dmg
  644. Oct 15 00:37:41 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, flying dmg: 48 [2d6=4,6]
  645. Oct 15 00:38:07 <@Yaretzi> Now that it does not resist. Rosetta makes a nasty gash on its backside.
  646. Oct 15 00:38:20 <@Yaretzi> Elise!
  647. Oct 15 00:38:22 <Chase> "Alright, 'lise! Bring this thing down with a Low Kick!" Chase calls out. The rabbit springs into action and looks to throw off its balance!
  648. Oct 15 00:38:26 <Chase> 1d20 Low Kick!
  649. Oct 15 00:38:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Low Kick!: 9 [1d20=9]
  650. Oct 15 00:38:41 <Chase> Weight class?
  651. Oct 15 00:38:52 <@Yaretzi> The max.
  652. Oct 15 00:39:28 <@Yaretzi> 7
  653. Oct 15 00:39:35 <Rosetta> (isn't it 6?)
  654. Oct 15 00:39:52 <@Yaretzi> (Wait - yes it is 6)
  655. Oct 15 00:40:01 <Chase> (Things CAN have more than 6 under special circumstances, like the heavy metal ability)
  656. Oct 15 00:40:01 <@Yaretzi> (I misread the note on 7 wrong <:3c)
  657. Oct 15 00:40:04 <Chase> (But okay)
  658. Oct 15 00:40:11 <Chase> 4d10+15+24
  659. Oct 15 00:40:11 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 4d10+15+24: 66 [4d10=7,4,8,8]
  660. Oct 15 00:40:45 <@Yaretzi> Elise slams into this serpent with enough force to knock it into a tree. it hisses in pain as it gets back up...Gen!
  661. Oct 15 00:41:07 <Genevieve> "Time for a little poaching~" She opens a Pokeball and throws it at the Serperior.
  662. Oct 15 00:41:12 <Genevieve> 1d20
  663. Oct 15 00:41:13 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 1d20: 10 [1d20=10]
  664. Oct 15 00:41:25 <Genevieve> 1d100-31
  665. Oct 15 00:41:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 1d100-31: -11 [1d100=20]
  666. Oct 15 00:42:01 <@Yaretzi> It isn't quite that injured, Gen. It crushes the ball undertail.
  667. Oct 15 00:42:24 <Rosetta> "Uh, maybe we should just think 'bout putting this one down, yeah?"
  668. Oct 15 00:42:30 <@Yaretzi> If you had to say it's about half its a little under half its endurance left.
  669. Oct 15 00:42:56 <Genevieve> "That'll work too." She looks disappointed.
  670. Oct 15 00:43:04 <@Yaretzi> It breaths a purple Dragonsbreath onto Elise
  671. Oct 15 00:43:04 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  672. Oct 15 00:43:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  673. Oct 15 00:43:26 <@Yaretzi> 3d6+40 dragon dmg and paralyzed
  674. Oct 15 00:43:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, dragon dmg and paralyzed: 55 [3d6=4,5,6]
  675. Oct 15 00:43:34 <@Yaretzi> Glissani!
  676. Oct 15 00:43:58 <Rosetta> Glissani goes for a ramming attack!
  677. Oct 15 00:43:58 <Chase> This rabbit is too Limber to be paralyzed!
  678. Oct 15 00:44:01 <Rosetta> 1d20 iron head
  679. Oct 15 00:44:02 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, iron head: 2 [1d20=2]
  680. Oct 15 00:44:06 <Rosetta> Not her day.
  681. Oct 15 00:44:41 <@Yaretzi> Chase!
  682. Oct 15 00:45:02 »» Chase returns Schubert before he's knocked unconscious, and lets rip another Ghost Pulse!
  683. Oct 15 00:45:03 <Chase> 1d20
  684. Oct 15 00:45:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 1d20: 12 [1d20=12]
  685. Oct 15 00:45:18 <Chase> 3d6+8+32
  686. Oct 15 00:45:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d6+8+32: 51 [3d6=3,3,5]
  687. Oct 15 00:45:30 <@Yaretzi> Yaretzi follows up for a Dark Pulse as well!
  688. Oct 15 00:45:30 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  689. Oct 15 00:45:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  690. Oct 15 00:45:48 <@Yaretzi> Hers misses though! This snake's pretty quick when it needs to be. Chase's does a good bit of hurt, though.
  691. Oct 15 00:46:11 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Elise > Gen > Serperior > Glissani > Chase > Yaretzi > Serperior > Serperior > Wheeler | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  692. Oct 15 00:46:37 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior tries to Leaf Torando Glissani and Elise
  693. Oct 15 00:46:38 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  694. Oct 15 00:46:39 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  695. Oct 15 00:47:22 <@Yaretzi> 3d8+40 grass dmg and -1 to their accuracy checks!
  696. Oct 15 00:47:23 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, grass dmg and -1 to their accuracy checks!: 58 [3d8=4,7,7]
  697. Oct 15 00:47:31 <Rosetta> Glissani is down!
  698. Oct 15 00:47:35 <@Yaretzi> It then turns to Wheeler and throws a Dragon Pulse his way!
  699. Oct 15 00:47:36 <@Yaretzi> 1d20
  700. Oct 15 00:47:37 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, 1d20: 13 [1d20=13]
  701. Oct 15 00:47:43 <Rosetta> (at -1 hp too. D:)
  702. Oct 15 00:47:50 <Chase> Elise is hurt but she's not gonna give up!
  703. Oct 15 00:47:57 <@Yaretzi> 4d10+40 this is one mad serpent!
  704. Oct 15 00:47:57 <DiceMaid-9001> Yaretzi, this is one mad serpent!: 61 [4d10=7,3,2,9]
  705. Oct 15 00:48:14 <@Yaretzi> It thrashes around with leaves and aura attacks of its own as you assault it!
  706. Oct 15 00:49:21 <Genevieve> Wheeler collapses with all that.
  707. Oct 15 00:49:37 »» Rosetta sends out Nocturne to replace Glissani. Speed 20.
  708. Oct 15 00:49:37 <Genevieve> Can I command Dess since he's out?
  709. Oct 15 00:49:46 <@Yaretzi> Yup!
  710. Oct 15 00:50:09 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Elise > Nocturne > Gen > Serperior > Chase > Yaretzi > Serperior > Serperior > Dessoir | HERE BE DRAGONS.
  711. Oct 15 00:50:18 <Genevieve> Dessoir hops up and appears with a judo chop!
  712. Oct 15 00:50:21 <Genevieve> 1d20 Faint Attack
  713. Oct 15 00:50:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Faint Attack: 6 [1d20=6]
  714. Oct 15 00:50:27 <Genevieve> 3d6+10+21
  715. Oct 15 00:50:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 3d6+10+21: 39 [3d6=4,2,2]
  716. Oct 15 00:51:17 <@Yaretzi> Dessoir snaps to attention as this all occurs, dons his tiki mask and leaps at the serpent! He starts to glow!
  717. Oct 15 00:51:33 <Chase> "...wait, what?"
  718. Oct 15 00:52:25 <@Yaretzi> What emerges is a Sableye with crown of purple gemstone and wood, with the red gem that was once in his chest at its center, and a fluttery shadow cape! Dessoir evolves to Sableking!
  719. Oct 15 00:52:40 <Rosetta> "Eh?"
  720. Oct 15 00:52:45 <Chase> "...did your Sableye just... evolve?"
  721. Oct 15 00:52:53 <Genevieve> "Bondye, that's awesome! Kick his ass!"
  722. Oct 15 00:53:02 <@Yaretzi> He slashes the Serperior with Draconic force...? Not expected, but it hurts like hell!
  723. Oct 15 00:54:47 <@Yaretzi> The Serperior's almost down for the count as well after that royal butt wupping!
  724. Oct 15 00:54:48 <@Yaretzi> Rosetta!
  725. Oct 15 00:55:20 »» Rosetta goes in for two strikes on the weakened snake!
  726. Oct 15 00:55:25 <Rosetta> 2#1d20+2 double hit
  727. Oct 15 00:55:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, double hit: 20 [1d20=18], 4 [1d20=2]
  728. Oct 15 00:55:45 <Rosetta> 1d8+5+30 guessing just the first hits
  729. Oct 15 00:55:46 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, guessing just the first hits: 41 [1d8=6]
  730. Oct 15 00:56:16 <@Yaretzi> Nooot quite enough, but it did flinch it!
  731. Oct 15 00:56:20 <@Yaretzi> Elise!
  732. Oct 15 00:56:39 <Chase> "Elise! Do what Rose did!"
  733. Oct 15 00:56:42 <Chase> Copycat!
  734. Oct 15 00:56:46 <Rosetta> (one off from flinch actually)
  735. Oct 15 00:56:59 <Chase> The rabbit leaps at the Serperior!
  736. Oct 15 00:57:03 <Chase> 2#1d20 Double Hit!
  737. Oct 15 00:57:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Double Hit!: 7 [1d20=7], 14 [1d20=14]
  738. Oct 15 00:57:16 <@Yaretzi> One of them hits!
  739. Oct 15 00:57:19 <@Yaretzi> (Oh durr)
  740. Oct 15 00:57:59 <Chase> 2d6+8+24
  741. Oct 15 00:57:59 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6+8+24: 37 [2d6=1,4]
  742. Oct 15 00:58:46 <@Yaretzi> The bunny and Rosettta both strike with enough force to lay the serpent low! It too collapses, clearing out a good bit of the trees around you!
  743. Oct 15 00:58:54 <@Yaretzi> ...And then things quiet down!
  744. Oct 15 00:59:06 <Rosetta> Nocturne probably looks disappointed he didn't get to have a feast. :>
  745. Oct 15 00:59:45 <Chase> "Whew... great job, 'lise."
  746. Oct 15 01:00:01 »» Chase squats down and then drops to his ass, looking between the unconscious serpents.
  747. Oct 15 01:00:03 <Chase> "Seriously?"
  748. Oct 15 01:00:06 <Chase> "Seriously."
  749. Oct 15 01:00:14 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: +700 Exp! No more than 250 to any one Pokemon! +3 Trainer Exp
  750. Oct 15 01:00:19 »» Yaretzi has changed the topic to: +700 Exp! No more than 250 to any one Pokemon! +3 Trainer Exp
  751. Oct 15 01:00:48 <@Yaretzi> Yaretzi also flops down with a sigh. Elise seems quite happy, all things considered.
  752. Oct 15 01:00:59 <@Yaretzi> The Mawile is quite amazed with Dessoir, staring all wide eyed :O
  753. Oct 15 01:01:06 <@Yaretzi> Dessoir commands him to kneel! So it does.
  754. Oct 15 01:01:31 <Rosetta> "Did all that happen cause you fed him a gem? I mean, I guess it was some special dragon god gem..."
  755. Oct 15 01:01:31 <Genevieve> Before stopping to celebrate with Dessoir, Gen goes over to the two serpents and give them a stab with Shadow Blade. "Not worth letting them ambush someone else."
  756. Oct 15 01:02:45 <Chase> "Yeah, it'd be irresponsible to let predators like that go, truth be told. ...where's Saryx when you need to make sure the bodies don't go to waste, though?" he glances at Yaretzi briefly, contemplating asking her but that shit can wait.
  757. Oct 15 01:02:49 <Genevieve> "Maybe. They have a lot of energy in them, Yvonne gave me the idea."
  758. Oct 15 01:03:12 <Chase> "Shit, though... those were some strong FoVs... This place ain't playin'."
  759. Oct 15 01:03:21 <@Yaretzi> The dragons slowly stop breathing - it's actually a fairly humane act - as these things are quite injured to a point they'd slowly die without medical treatment anyway.
  760. Oct 15 01:03:34 <Chase> "And... your Sableye evolved. I didn't know they could, actually."
  761. Oct 15 01:03:55 <@Yaretzi> Though something curious does happen as you say that, Chase.
  762. Oct 15 01:03:58 »» Rosetta pours some soda down Glissani's throat. She'll wake up in time and not be -too- injured.
  763. Oct 15 01:04:32 <@Yaretzi> A couple of Sneasels dart past you, from the cave below, and look around. They inspect the two bodies, cut away at the flesh some, and dart back inside with a few chunks.
  764. Oct 15 01:04:58 <Genevieve> "If Flayed actually picked this place to hide, he did a good job."
  765. Oct 15 01:04:59 <Chase> "...huh. Flayed One's got minions?"
  766. Oct 15 01:06:03 <Chase> "Wonder what that was about. An offering, maybe?"
  767. Oct 15 01:06:31 <Chase> "Or just... scavenging I guess."
  768. Oct 15 01:06:48 <@Yaretzi> Yaretzi is a bit surprised this all happens as well. It's a rather quick event. "Heard something from the dragon girl once, about Sneasels."
  769. Oct 15 01:06:56 »» Chase looks over at her.
  770. Oct 15 01:07:25 <Rosetta> "We can figure this out in the morning, yeah? I'm gonna stay up til Glissani wakes back up and have her set down some spikes and other traps around the camp so we don't get any more unwelcome visitors."
  771. Oct 15 01:07:48 <@Yaretzi> "Natural hunter of dragons. People first raise to fight dragons."
  772. Oct 15 01:07:58 <Chase> "Really? I didn't know that..."
  773. Oct 15 01:08:09 <@Yaretzi> "Way of the wilds," She shrugs, exhausted.
  774. Oct 15 01:08:25 <Chase> He nods. "Wonder if that's why Flayed's out here..."
  775. Oct 15 01:08:44 <Chase> "Guess we'll find out tomorrow. I just don't have it in me to head down there right now."
  776. Oct 15 01:09:07 <@Yaretzi> The Mawile continues to genuflect as Dessoir hams it up, but other than that, yeah your Pokemon are pretty tired. Elise starts trying to fix up a tent that got bashed a bit, at least.
  777. Oct 15 01:09:32 <Chase> "...still though, shit. That was intense... Oh, Elise, lemme help with that." he gets up and starts assisting her.
  778. Oct 15 01:10:31 »» Chase is clearly exhausted, but ultimately relieved they survived an encounter like this intact. He'll snap a photo of the gigantic dragon corpses sometime, otherwise no one will believe this shit.
  779. Oct 15 01:11:10 »» Genevieve scratches Dessoir's head. "Pretty sweet, Dess, you did a great job."
  780. Oct 15 01:11:43 <Rosetta> "Gen, think you can help me tend to Glissani's wounds? They aren't too bad, but we don't know what we're gonna see down there."
  781. Oct 15 01:12:45 »» Chase will also spend time when he can to tell Elise and Schubert how proud of them he is. :3 Of course, when they're not dead tired. Maybe he'll get some reubens when they get back to town. Shit, why hasn't he done that after every major battle?
  782. Oct 15 01:13:21 <Genevieve> "Just let me bandage her up and get her some rest." She takes a roll of cloth bandage from her bag. Doubled healing rate on top of the bandage~
  783. Oct 15 01:13:47 <@Yaretzi> Dessoir beams as he gets his head scratch. Once he gets put back down he does sorta collapse back asleep though, evolution's exhausting.
  784. Oct 15 01:15:06 <@Yaretzi> All and all, the night from then on passes peacefully. The spikes do work, sorta hilariously, as that Jynx ends up stepping on one when trying to steal Rosetta's scarf. The Mawile chased it off. Seems the little guy grew fond of sticking around you guys.
  785. Oct 15 01:15:26 <@Yaretzi> As for how things went from here, well, the next morning will start next week~
  786. Oct 15 01:15:32 <@Yaretzi> </session>
  788. Oct 21 20:12:55 <~zoofman> Roll for cookies.
  789. Oct 21 20:13:49 <~zoofman> Last we left off, you guys were sleeping at your campsite above the entrance to a temple of sorts - with several dragonic carcasses all around you.
  790. Oct 21 20:14:03 »» Domovoi is now known as Genevieve
  791. Oct 21 20:14:49 <~zoofman> If not for the fact it's cold as a Jynx's nipples out here, it'd probably smell terrible. But that is luckily not the case. You awake about as cold as you fell asleep. Yaretzi is already awake, prodding a crackling campfire with a frozen stick.
  792. Oct 21 20:15:35 »» Genevieve gets up and harvests some of the dragon parts for later, taking a few scales and teeth.
  793. Oct 21 20:15:43 ---» Shawyun_Sariri ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  794. Oct 21 20:16:07 »» zoofman gives channel operator status to Shawyun_Sariri
  795. Oct 21 20:16:56 <@Shawyun_Sariri> There's four carcasses out here - as a reminder. The two giant serpents (A Seviper and a Serperior), and that of a Haxorus and a Garchomp.
  796. Oct 21 20:17:13 <@Shawyun_Sariri> So it's a bit of a buffet of possible bits to take home!
  797. Oct 21 20:17:15 »» Shawyun_Sariri is now known as zoofarrator
  798. Oct 21 20:18:04 »» Rosetta groggily stretches and yawns as she wakes up, letting out Anima to warm herself. After a couple minutes, she takes Glissani and goes around the camp perimeter to check on the spike traps and set more if necessary.
  799. Oct 21 20:18:20 »» Chase rubs his neck as he wakes up. "Shit..." He's so stiff that it takes him a minute to loosen up as he watches Yaretzi and tries to get himself awake.
  800. Oct 21 20:19:23 <@zoofarrator> Well during the night the spike traps DID catch a mischevious Jynx, but far as you can tell the rest were undisturbed.
  801. Oct 21 20:20:12 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi looks around as you guys go about waking up, she seems to be more waiting for you guys to get ready than anything.
  802. Oct 21 20:20:28 »» Genevieve doesn't even know which parts have any alchemical value, so she gets the same two things from all four. And maybe a Seviper venom gland if she can dig it out.
  803. Oct 21 20:21:27 »» Chase gets ready proper and prepares to head down
  804. Oct 21 20:21:40 »» Rosetta returns from her survey of the perimeter chugging down a soda, conveniently refrigerated by the weather. She tosses the empty glass bottle aside and rubs her hands together, breathing into them to warm herself.
  805. Oct 21 20:21:45 <Rosetta> "You guys ready to go?"
  806. Oct 21 20:22:53 »» Genevieve takes off her gloves and rolls up her dissection kit. "I think so, yeah."
  807. Oct 21 20:22:54 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi plants the stick in the fire and gets up with a stretch. She nods.
  808. Oct 21 20:23:04 <Chase> "Yeah." he mumbles as he slaps his cheek a little. "Unless you you a hot pot of coffee somewhere."
  809. Oct 21 20:23:13 »» Chase rolls his shoulders. "Let's go."
  810. Oct 21 20:23:15 <Rosetta> "Nope, just soda."
  811. Oct 21 20:23:33 <Chase> "That stuff's prolly half frozen. I'll pass, thanks."
  812. Oct 21 20:25:25 <@zoofarrator> Downstairs is the stone walled entrance to this temple, which consists of a statue of a Dragonite, the Haxorus and the Garchomp carcasses, and lots of those light and dark purple crystals.
  813. Oct 21 20:25:31 <@zoofarrator> There's a door further in on the far side.
  814. Oct 21 20:25:44 »» Chase pushes on!
  815. Oct 21 20:25:44 <@zoofarrator> And Rosetta is like a Beartic in a coca cola commercial with that drink.
  816. Oct 21 20:27:01 «--- Rosetta ( has Quit (Ping timeout)
  817. Oct 21 20:28:14 »» Genevieve goes over to the door to look it over. The same puzzle as last time, right?
  818. Oct 21 20:29:09 <@zoofarrator> As you guys push the temple doorway open, you find a dark path leading below the mountains. It's honestly hard to see much as the light of the crystals cannot be seen down here. Though, roll Perception.
  819. Oct 21 20:29:18 <@zoofarrator> Right, it was the same puzzle, so fairly trivial to open
  820. Oct 21 20:29:20 ---» castfromhp ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  821. Oct 21 20:29:21 <Chase> 2d6-2
  822. Oct 21 20:29:22 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6-2: 6 [2d6=2,6]
  823. Oct 21 20:29:30 <castfromhp> !dm9001 lastlines #15
  824. Oct 21 20:29:34 »» castfromhp is now known as Rosetta
  825. Oct 21 20:31:14 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  826. Oct 21 20:31:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 11 [2d6=3,5]
  827. Oct 21 20:31:27 <Rosetta> 3d6+1 I'm going to guess this is perception?
  828. Oct 21 20:31:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, I'm going to guess this is perception?: 13 [3d6=5,1,6]
  829. Oct 21 20:32:04 <@zoofarrator> Genevieve and Rosetta can hear running water.
  830. Oct 21 20:32:33 «--- Rosetta ( has Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  831. Oct 21 20:32:46 ---» Rosetta ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  832. Oct 21 20:33:27 <Rosetta> !dm9001 lastlines #5
  833. Oct 21 20:34:02 <Rosetta> "Water?" Rosetta tilts her head and looks toward the direction of the sound.
  834. Oct 21 20:34:04 <Chase> "Can't see shit." he looks around warily as they navigate the path.
  835. Oct 21 20:35:07 <Genevieve> "We should really invest in a flashlight."
  836. Oct 21 20:35:58 »» Rosetta has her goggles. :D
  837. Oct 21 20:36:20 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi doesn't really seem to get what the issue is and starts walking into the dark path as well, but doesn't go far from you three.
  838. Oct 21 20:37:12 »» Chase is heading down too
  839. Oct 21 20:37:46 »» Genevieve follows after, fiddling with the crystals she took to see if they can create some kind of light.
  840. Oct 21 20:37:56 <Chase> "Maybe grab one of the cry- oh you have some."
  841. Oct 21 20:38:06 <@zoofarrator> The crystals do indeed work as a torch of sorts.
  842. Oct 21 20:39:04 <@zoofarrator> The area immediately around you glows with a light blueish-purple light. This path is much craggier, and unpolished, than the entrance you came from for a while.
  843. Oct 21 20:40:25 <@zoofarrator> You eventually come to an underground lake and river, with a caved stone bridge crossing over it. The ceiling is high here, with stalagmites and stalacites covering the corners and cieling of the room.
  844. Oct 21 20:41:03 <@zoofarrator> On the four pillars supporting this bridge on either side, a Dragonair is carved, coiling around the stonework.
  845. Oct 21 20:41:11 <@zoofarrator> On the far side is also two pathways, one leading down, and one leading up.
  846. Oct 21 20:42:09 <Genevieve> "This is pretty impressive. Up or down?"
  847. Oct 21 20:42:21 »» Chase glances at the pathways. "There's two ways to go, huh? I'm guessing down, Yaretzi?"
  848. Oct 21 20:43:13 <Chase> "Yeah, they really liked their dragonairs I guess." he says looking at the pillars.
  849. Oct 21 20:44:08 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi looks at the two paths and thinks for a bit. "Up. But things live down there."
  850. Oct 21 20:44:18 <Rosetta> "What sorta things?"
  851. Oct 21 20:44:56 <@zoofarrator> "Pokemon. Not Sneasels. They no go there."
  852. Oct 21 20:45:23 »» Chase turns on good old aura vision himself. "Probably best to avoid them, then, 'nless we get a good reason."
  853. Oct 21 20:45:39 <@zoofarrator> "They don't go...most places?" She gestures around the room, and seems a bit confused of it herself.
  854. Oct 21 20:46:24 <@zoofarrator> Chase, Roll Focus
  855. Oct 21 20:46:28 <Genevieve> "We can investigate after we find Flayed."
  856. Oct 21 20:46:37 <Chase> 5d6+6
  857. Oct 21 20:46:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 5d6+6: 25 [5d6=4,3,5,4,3]
  858. Oct 21 20:47:32 »» Rosetta lets ZODIAC out again in case there's other stuff of interest he'd point towards around here.
  859. Oct 21 20:47:53 <@zoofarrator> You sorta get a sense of what she means. Downstairs you get a strong sense of...primative motives. Eat, hunt, sleep, mate, expand. Very strong ones. Along the corners of this big open room, though, you get a lingering sense of 'don't get caught, sneak around.'
  860. Oct 21 20:48:06 <@zoofarrator> Both of these feelings can be felt from upstairs.
  861. Oct 21 20:49:09 <@zoofarrator> It's clear that something rather powerful is around here to cause this, cause things don't typically linger like this.
  862. Oct 21 20:49:21 <Chase> "Yeah, there's some huge kind of nest down there - probably more like what we fought last night. We definitely don't want to get caught with our pants down." he says, quietly.
  863. Oct 21 20:49:26 <@zoofarrator> ZODIAC floats around and looks, but doesn't seem to notice anything in the immediate.
  864. Oct 21 20:50:16 <Chase> "There's like, some powerful, lingering emotions around here, too."
  865. Oct 21 20:50:34 »» Chase quietly goes to head up.
  866. Oct 21 20:51:02 »» Genevieve shrugs and heads upstairs.
  867. Oct 21 20:51:46 <@zoofarrator> The pathway up is a long, coiling circular staircase up and up and up. It's what feels like two dozen flights before you reach a new floor.
  868. Oct 21 20:52:07 »» Rosetta adjusts her goggles and then goes to follow Chase, ushering ZODIAC along.
  869. Oct 21 20:52:21 »» Chase wonders if they started climbing the inside of a mountain or something.
  870. Oct 21 20:53:34 <@zoofarrator> This open floor appears to have once been where people lived. A common's room, a hearth and cauldron and other primitive cooking tools, toppled tables and chairs and what may have been sleeping chambers at one time...
  871. Oct 21 20:53:42 <@zoofarrator> Oh and a lot of skeletons. Pokemon and human alike.
  872. Oct 21 20:54:04 <@zoofarrator> There's also a balcony of sorts. Something peeking outside here, you can see light from it and hear the wind.
  873. Oct 21 20:54:25 <Chase> "There was a nasty fight here." he realizes.
  874. Oct 21 20:54:30 <Chase> "Wonder how long ago..."
  875. Oct 21 20:55:01 »» Rosetta hops over towards the balcony to take a look.
  876. Oct 21 20:55:07 »» Chase glances at the balcony and goes over, too.
  877. Oct 21 20:55:17 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi doesn't seem rather phased by anything here, but does head over to inspect the sound as well.
  878. Oct 21 20:55:49 »» Genevieve crouches down to look at one of the skeletons and try to figure out how old it is.
  879. Oct 21 20:56:00 <Genevieve> 5d6+3 Medicine
  880. Oct 21 20:56:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Medicine: 20 [5d6=4,2,5,4,2]
  881. Oct 21 20:56:41 <@zoofarrator> You find a small nook leading to a tiny rocky opening, less a balcony and more like someone poked a whole in the side of the stone from the waste to the top of their head.
  882. Oct 21 20:57:45 <@zoofarrator> They look about 700 years old, Genevieve. And given how they are strewn down all over the place, some still clutching spears and axes and such, it does indeed appear there was a struggle here.
  883. Oct 21 20:58:11 <Genevieve> "Well at least he isn't killing people here recently."
  884. Oct 21 20:58:12 <@zoofarrator> That said you don't see any sign of deteriorating flesh, though there's darkened stained parts of the floor.
  885. Oct 21 20:58:32 <@zoofarrator> As for the window, you can see down into the valley below - you're indeed somewhere within the mountain.
  886. Oct 21 20:58:57 <Chase> "Not a bad view..."
  887. Oct 21 20:59:42 <Rosetta> "Not what we're lookin' for though. Man, what happened that no one even came by later to clean this place up though?"
  888. Oct 21 20:59:53 <Chase> "A hidden temple in the mountains with tons of nasty things around? Who'd bother?"
  889. Oct 21 21:00:37 »» Chase gestures to the skeletons. "I imagine there weren't many dudes left after... whatever happened here."
  890. Oct 21 21:01:31 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi kicks something on accident, and kneels down to inspect what it was. "Huh?"
  891. Oct 21 21:01:50 <Genevieve> "Seven hundred years ago so..." she shrugs a little.
  892. Oct 21 21:01:52 <Rosetta> "Yeah, but a pretty important temple way back when. Then again, I guess they wouldn't be abandoned if there were anyone around to care. Anyway, ZODIAC, you got a mark on the Flayed One?"
  893. Oct 21 21:02:04 <Chase> "Anyway, the same reason this place is still abandoned is also the same reason it's a good place to hole up. People are leaving it alone."
  894. Oct 21 21:02:14 »» Chase has a look over at Yaretzi. "You find something?"
  895. Oct 21 21:03:38 <@zoofarrator> Normally she wouldn't be bothering to check something, but this thing has her attention for some reason. It's a brown, boney shell of sorts with two black dots on one end of it.
  896. Oct 21 21:03:51 <@zoofarrator> It's got an axe stuck through it, which is what she actually tripped on.
  897. Oct 21 21:04:35 <Chase> "Weird, what's that?"
  898. Oct 21 21:04:35 »» Genevieve walks over to Yartezi to look at whatever she's looking at.
  899. Oct 21 21:05:35 <Rosetta> "Found somethin'?" Rosetta hops to face everyone gathered around Yaretzi.
  900. Oct 21 21:06:14 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi picks it up to try to show you, which ends up showing all of you the under side of the shell - four spikey legs and a bunch of other bits that look slightly more terrifying than
  901. Oct 21 21:06:36 <Chase> 3d6-2
  902. Oct 21 21:06:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d6-2: 8 [3d6=4,5,1]
  903. Oct 21 21:06:52 <@zoofarrator> Well isn't that the creepiest god damn thing you've seen all day, Chase.
  904. Oct 21 21:06:59 <@zoofarrator> You're not sure what it is other than it's a Pokemon
  905. Oct 21 21:07:28 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  906. Oct 21 21:07:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 14 [2d6=5,6]
  907. Oct 21 21:07:45 <Chase> "What the hell?" he stares. "Some kinda pokemon? Not sure what it is but damn..."
  908. Oct 21 21:07:49 <@zoofarrator> Genevieve figures out its a Kabuto, yes.
  909. Oct 21 21:08:17 <Genevieve> "It's a Kabuto, which are, you know. Extinct in most parts of the world."
  910. Oct 21 21:08:32 <Chase> It's dead, right?
  911. Oct 21 21:08:36 <Chase> (OOC question)
  912. Oct 21 21:08:58 <@zoofarrator> Yes.
  913. Oct 21 21:09:02 <Chase> "...How the hell did it get here, then? If all of this was 700 years ago..."
  914. Oct 21 21:09:04 <@zoofarrator> It's been dead 700 years, in fact!
  915. Oct 21 21:09:15 <Rosetta> "Pretty sure they didn't have fossil reanimators back then."
  916. Oct 21 21:09:28 <Chase> "How long ago did they go extinct, exactly?"
  917. Oct 21 21:09:36 »» Rosetta reaches back and pats her babby aerodactyl on the head.
  918. Oct 21 21:10:14 <@zoofarrator> The babby aerodactyl is gleefully ignorant of its origins <:3c
  919. Oct 21 21:10:23 <Genevieve> "There's a lot of possibilities. People thought Relicanth was extinct, too, until they got fished up from deep ocean."
  920. Oct 21 21:10:32 <@zoofarrator> It makes a cooing sound as you pet it
  921. Oct 21 21:10:34 <Genevieve> "I'm going to go with 'probably magic' for this."
  922. Oct 21 21:10:38 <Chase> "Weird..."
  923. Oct 21 21:10:53 <Chase> "Interesting find, at least."
  924. Oct 21 21:11:24 »» Chase browses the area for more things that might seem odd
  925. Oct 21 21:11:24 »» Genevieve offers to take the Kabuto from Yaretzi. "We may as well bring it back with us."
  926. Oct 21 21:11:51 <Rosetta> "You wanna get an egg of it?"
  927. Oct 21 21:11:58 <@zoofarrator> She hands you over the Kabuto on a stick.
  928. Oct 21 21:12:33 »» Genevieve sets it on the ground to pry the axe out of it. "There's a lot of analysis I can do on the ship I can't do here, too."
  929. Oct 21 21:13:05 <@zoofarrator> Come to think of it though, as you look around, there's a LOT of dead Kabutos around here, some clamped to skulls.
  930. Oct 21 21:13:37 <Rosetta> "Oh that's just creepy." Rosetta points out one of them. "That's not how I'd wanna go."
  931. Oct 21 21:14:26 <Genevieve> "Maybe the stairs down lead to a Land of the Lost, huh? Fossil Pokemon living underground in preserved prehistoric environments."
  932. Oct 21 21:14:56 <@zoofarrator> There's another set of stairs leading up, which Yaretzi is lingering around at.
  933. Oct 21 21:15:26 <Chase> "Aw geez, it's like Alien."
  934. Oct 21 21:15:28 »» Chase shivers.
  935. Oct 21 21:15:42 »» Chase heads up.
  936. Oct 21 21:15:46 <Rosetta> "That'd be sorta neat if you were right. You ever wonder though if the fossils we get reanimated are different from how the pokemon originally were?"
  937. Oct 21 21:16:03 <Rosetta> "Anyway..." Rosetta goes to meet Yaretzi and go up.
  938. Oct 21 21:16:40 »» Genevieve wraps up the Kabuto and stows it. "What, like, if they have the same personality? Or the same DNA? There's probably some level of reconstruction needed for most samples."
  939. Oct 21 21:18:21 <Rosetta> "Well, that's what I mean. If scientists have to fill in the gaps a bit, they could be changing parts of the Pokemon, yeah?"
  940. Oct 21 21:18:23 <@zoofarrator> You start climbing for a good while more until you reach a surprisingly well illuminated floor. Also rather cold, and noisy, as there's -lots- of those window like openings and wind blowing in, along with snow.
  941. Oct 21 21:18:30 <@zoofarrator> You guys, roll me Perception and Survival.
  942. Oct 21 21:18:43 <Rosetta> 3d6+1 percep; 2d6+5 survival
  943. Oct 21 21:18:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, percep: 11 [3d6=5,2,3]; survival: 10 [2d6=1,4]
  944. Oct 21 21:19:03 <Chase> 2d6-2; 2d6+3 gonna spend two AP here
  945. Oct 21 21:19:04 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6-2: 6 [2d6=6,2]; gonna spend two AP here: 13 [2d6=5,5]
  946. Oct 21 21:19:18 <Genevieve> 2d6+3;1d6+1
  947. Oct 21 21:19:18 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 10 [2d6=3,4]; 1d6+1: 6 [1d6=5]
  948. Oct 21 21:23:31 <@zoofarrator> Rosetta and Genevieve notice that the walls of this level have some more sensible pictograms on them than the one in the entry way did. They seem to suggest this was a place where people were free to study and do as they pleased. Which includes some rather suggestive pictures as well. THe curvature of the walls suggests that this first room is an outer wheel that circles around, and there's several doors leading i
  949. Oct 21 21:23:31 <@zoofarrator> nward.
  950. Oct 21 21:24:07 <@zoofarrator> It's Chase who instead notices the snow, while fresh, has also been disturbed with tracks. Some leading from cracks in the corners and bits of the wall, others just sporadically.
  951. Oct 21 21:25:39 <Rosetta> "Which of these doors should we start with?" Rosetta runs her hand along the wall, tracing some of the pictograms. "...whoa, lewd."
  952. Oct 21 21:26:01 <Chase> "Tracks." he says. "Pokemon have been slipping through weak points in the walls and going about - probably Sneasels?"
  953. Oct 21 21:26:17 <Chase> "But it's definitely been recent. Think we're about in the right area."
  954. Oct 21 21:26:28 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi auto failed both of these. She's blind as a zubat.
  955. Oct 21 21:26:29 <Rosetta> "If someone's hunting and bringing food for the Flayed One in here, that'd make sense, yeah."
  956. Oct 21 21:26:32 »» Genevieve taps her chin. "A temple for study, huh? Wonder why they got sacked, then."
  957. Oct 21 21:27:24 »» Chase looks for any doors with tracks going to them
  958. Oct 21 21:27:42 <Chase> "Looks like it was more than just study." he says, looking over Rose's shoulder.
  959. Oct 21 21:28:03 <@zoofarrator> The tracks that come from cracks and holes don't lead to doors, but other cracks. There -are- tracks that lead through doorways, however. Those ones are a bit more varied.
  960. Oct 21 21:28:06 <Chase> "These murals are... damn, how does she even bend that way."
  961. Oct 21 21:28:21 <@zoofarrator> Small needle-like legs, larger foot prints, something that might sliver...
  962. Oct 21 21:28:32 <@zoofarrator> slither, even.
  963. Oct 21 21:28:43 <Genevieve> "It's just...tantric. Not exactly unique as far as ancient mystic traditions go."
  964. Oct 21 21:29:16 <Chase> "Anyway, Nameless was all about freedom, right? So this was basically just... a place where people could do whatever they wanted without worrying about persecution or consequence, I guess?"
  965. Oct 21 21:29:28 <Genevieve> "Maybe."
  966. Oct 21 21:29:39 <Chase> "...and I think we have pokemon up here besides sneasels."
  967. Oct 21 21:29:48 »» Chase looks for human tracks.
  968. Oct 21 21:29:50 <Rosetta> "We do? What kinds?"
  969. Oct 21 21:30:27 <Chase> "Scoliopede? Seviper? I'm not really sure."
  970. Oct 21 21:30:34 <Chase> "There's a lot of them."
  971. Oct 21 21:30:46 <@zoofarrator> No human tracks up here.
  972. Oct 21 21:31:20 <Genevieve> 2d6+3 Pokemon Edu
  973. Oct 21 21:31:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Pokemon Edu: 10 [2d6=3,4]
  974. Oct 21 21:32:10 <@zoofarrator> Considering you're holding onto one, it's not hard to guess some of the tracks might belong to Kabuto. And based on the patterns of the others...
  975. Oct 21 21:32:56 <Genevieve> "Ooh. I was kind of joking about the preserved prehistoric thing, but...there might still be fossil Pokemon walking around up here."
  976. Oct 21 21:33:01 »» Chase is guessing they couldn't fit through the break themselves, so may as well check the doors.
  977. Oct 21 21:33:14 <Chase> " that, huh." he looks at t he dead kabuto.
  978. Oct 21 21:34:29 »» Chase pushes on into the room the tracks lead into, actually a bit more careful and just peeking.
  979. Oct 21 21:34:31 <@zoofarrator> Oh these breaks are pretty darn small Chase
  980. Oct 21 21:34:47 <@zoofarrator> maybe some of your Pokemon could - maybe not Chase's but some of the others.
  981. Oct 21 21:35:41 <@zoofarrator> You open the door, and find the snow has muffled the sound of it a good bit. Inside...
  982. Oct 21 21:35:54 »» Rosetta lets out Nocturne. "Hey, you wanna take a peek through one of those?" Rosetta points out a break.
  983. Oct 21 21:36:12 <@zoofarrator> It's an interior, circular hallway, with more doors leading further in. Every now and then there's a smaller room along the way as well. But you also hear shuffling from further down the pathway.
  984. Oct 21 21:36:31 <@zoofarrator> Light seems to leak through from cracks, though it's not completely illuminated here.
  985. Oct 21 21:36:59 <@zoofarrator> Nocturne gives an affirmative nod and tries to take the pathway through one of them.
  986. Oct 21 21:38:50 <@zoofarrator> ...he returns a few seconds later, chased out by a rather peeved Sneasel.
  987. Oct 21 21:39:00 »» Chase turns to the others. "Definitely something further this way." he whispers.
  988. Oct 21 21:39:05 »» Chase glances at the Sneasel.
  989. Oct 21 21:39:12 <Rosetta> "Whoa, whoa, hey." Rosetta scoops up Nocturne.
  990. Oct 21 21:39:16 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi catches it by the extra skin on its neck and yoinks it up.
  991. Oct 21 21:39:34 »» Chase shuts the door again and looks looks over.
  992. Oct 21 21:39:37 <@zoofarrator> It flails and hisses and claws at the air until it notices you're humans, and slumps.
  993. Oct 21 21:40:16 <Genevieve> "That's different. Chase?"
  994. Oct 21 21:40:54 »» Chase walks over. "Huh, nice catch."
  995. Oct 21 21:42:18 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi's just holding it by the neck and staring at it. It's rather calm considering its situation.
  996. Oct 21 21:42:42 <Genevieve> "Were one of you going to talk to it or should we just stare at it."
  997. Oct 21 21:43:02 »» Chase shrugs. "I was waiting to see if Yaretzi was. Fair enough."
  998. Oct 21 21:43:49 »» Chase looks at the Sneasel. <We're looking for the Flayed One, we need to talk to him.> he communicates through aura, figuring it's probably easier to do it that way.
  999. Oct 21 21:45:23 <@zoofarrator> Between Yaretzi telling it -something- and you, it speaks up at you, Chase. <The Chief is further in. Trying to open the gate.>
  1000. Oct 21 21:46:38 <Chase> "Flayed is... trying to open a gate?" he looks at the others. "Probably either to the outer gods' realm or something I figure." <Which way?>
  1001. Oct 21 21:47:00 <Rosetta> "A gate? Yeah, your guess is as good as mine."
  1002. Oct 21 21:47:54 <@zoofarrator> <Inside. You're too big though. Going to run into rock monsters.>
  1003. Oct 21 21:48:03 <Chase> "Rock monsters...?"
  1004. Oct 21 21:48:16 <Genevieve> "I guess if he can't hop across by himself, he would need a portal like at the last shrine."
  1005. Oct 21 21:48:18 <Rosetta> "Huh? Fossil pokemon maybe?"
  1006. Oct 21 21:48:19 <Genevieve> "The fossils."
  1007. Oct 21 21:48:21 <@zoofarrator> <They kill us easily if we are caught.> :E
  1008. Oct 21 21:48:34 »» Chase shakes his head. <We'll take care of them. We're not weak against them.>
  1009. Oct 21 21:49:12 <Chase> <Thanks.>
  1010. Oct 21 21:49:23 <@zoofarrator> <If you say so.> Yaretzi lowers the Sneasel down, and it darts back through the cracks.
  1011. Oct 21 21:49:44 <Chase> "They're definitely afraid of whatever they are - ancient pokemon or not."
  1012. Oct 21 21:49:57 <Chase> "And it's apparent that they're in our way."
  1013. Oct 21 21:50:05 <Chase> "You guys ready to bust some skulls?"
  1014. Oct 21 21:50:46 <Rosetta> "Guess so, not really a great place for Nocturne to be then." Rosetta baps him with his pokeball.
  1015. Oct 21 21:50:47 <Genevieve> "Sure. Might as well help Flayed out a bit now."
  1016. Oct 21 21:50:49 »» Chase heads towards those doors again and goes to push them open and head down that passageway.
  1017. Oct 21 21:52:22 <@zoofarrator> You can hear things moving down the hallway, roll me stealth if you're going the sneaky approach to this.
  1018. Oct 21 21:52:32 <Chase> 1d6+1 not bloody likely
  1019. Oct 21 21:52:32 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, not bloody likely: 6 [1d6=5]
  1020. Oct 21 21:52:46 <Genevieve> 2d6+1 ok
  1021. Oct 21 21:52:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, ok: 7 [2d6=1,5]
  1022. Oct 21 21:52:48 <Rosetta> "I'll see if I can get in a better position." Rosetta slinks off.
  1023. Oct 21 21:52:54 <Rosetta> 5d6+5+2+4
  1024. Oct 21 21:52:55 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 5d6+5+2+4: 30 [5d6=5,4,2,2,6]
  1025. Oct 21 21:54:06 <@zoofarrator> They don't notice Rosetta if she point guards.
  1026. Oct 21 21:56:40 <@zoofarrator> She sneaks ahead and sees the hallway continues to coil and coil, and there's...what seems like swarms of these little fossil Pokemon around. Kabutos and Anoriths are marching around, as well as Omanytes. There are Lileeps growing on the cieling, but they seem to be the food around here, with the swarms trying to climb up at them.
  1027. Oct 21 21:57:03 <@zoofarrator> You also notice a Kabutops marching around further down the hall.
  1028. Oct 21 21:58:15 »» Chase failstealths along, but mostly hangs back, waiting on rosetta
  1029. Oct 21 21:59:06 »» Rosetta makes note of the Kabutops and tries to signal the others if she can do so without blowing her cover.
  1030. Oct 21 21:59:22 <@zoofarrator> You can, yes.
  1031. Oct 21 21:59:25 <Rosetta> Probably by making little mantis motions with her hands and arms.
  1032. Oct 21 21:59:49 <@zoofarrator> Oh if only I could make you roll something for charades.
  1033. Oct 21 22:00:23 »» Rosetta mantises! And then continues on further in, turning back occasionally to make sure the others aren't getting impaled.
  1034. Oct 21 22:00:47 »» Genevieve follows Rose's directions to sneak along.
  1035. Oct 21 22:00:48 <Chase> <How many?> he auras over to her, trying to be private about it, though she can't really answer in kind.
  1036. Oct 21 22:01:21 »» Chase does the same, not really sure if they can avoid all these things
  1037. Oct 21 22:01:52 <Rosetta> <Lots of little guys but just the one big Kabutops.>
  1038. Oct 21 22:02:26 <@zoofarrator> Well, these things are literally in your path, so you can't really avoid them, no.
  1039. Oct 21 22:03:46 <Chase> <Alright, on three, let's ambush our way through.>
  1040. Oct 21 22:04:34 »» Chase gets ready to sprint in. <Ready? One... two...>
  1041. Oct 21 22:05:19 »» Rosetta scoots to a better position while Chase counts down, being all sneaky sneak. Somewhere where she can move around a bit better and have a good vantage point to hit them with her chain.
  1042. Oct 21 22:05:33 <Chase> He grabs Strauss's pokeball and gets ready. <Three!> He charges forward!
  1043. Oct 21 22:05:39 <@zoofarrator> You guys can see the swarm of Kabutos and Omanytes and Anoriths as you round the corner, as well as the Kabutops - but go ahead and take some actions. as you let loose on them.
  1044. Oct 21 22:06:20 <Chase> Chase speed 10, Strauss speed 25
  1045. Oct 21 22:06:29 »» Genevieve releases Dessoir. "Let's go!"
  1046. Oct 21 22:06:36 <Rosetta> Rosetta's at 36 and ZODIAC's at 10
  1047. Oct 21 22:06:37 <Genevieve> Gen 19, Dess 6
  1048. Oct 21 22:06:54 <Chase> The Palpitoad leaps out of his pokeball and Chase calls out, "Use Muddy Water on a group of them1"
  1049. Oct 21 22:06:54 <Chase> *!
  1050. Oct 21 22:07:23 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Strauss > Ano Swarm > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Omanyte and Kabuto Swarms
  1051. Oct 21 22:07:38 <Chase> Strauss lets out a flood of water and jets forward towards some pokemon!
  1052. Oct 21 22:07:47 <Chase> 1d20 AC 5 Muddy Water
  1053. Oct 21 22:07:48 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, AC 5 Muddy Water: 17 [1d20=17]
  1054. Oct 21 22:08:14 <Rosetta> (is this a preemptive round for us then?)
  1055. Oct 21 22:08:45 <@zoofarrator> Yup, it is
  1056. Oct 21 22:08:46 <Chase> 4d10+15+22 This is preferably on the Anoriths but either is fine
  1057. Oct 21 22:08:47 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, This is preferably on the Anoriths but either is fine: 57 [4d10=4,5,7,4]
  1058. Oct 21 22:08:59 <Chase> And they get a +2 accuracy check penalty as the muddy water blinds them!
  1059. Oct 21 22:09:29 <@zoofarrator> The Anorith swarm is caught by surprise and smashed back! Some don't get up, but others do! Rosetta got skipped though <:3c
  1060. Oct 21 22:10:02 »» Rosetta takes careful aim with her chain and sweeps it over as many of the omanytes and kabuto as she can!
  1061. Oct 21 22:10:05 <Rosetta> 1d20 hidden power elec
  1062. Oct 21 22:10:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hidden power elec: 15 [1d20=15]
  1063. Oct 21 22:10:16 <Rosetta> 3d8+10+30
  1064. Oct 21 22:10:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 3d8+10+30: 51 [3d8=6,4,1]
  1065. Oct 21 22:10:45 <@zoofarrator> They are also heavily injured by this! A few drop on the spot. Gen!
  1066. Oct 21 22:10:59 <Genevieve> "Mix it up, Dess!" Now's Your Chance -> Shadow Claw!
  1067. Oct 21 22:11:06 <Genevieve> 1d20 AC2 it's a Pass yo
  1068. Oct 21 22:11:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, AC2 it's a Pass yo: 14 [1d20=14]
  1069. Oct 21 22:11:14 <Genevieve> 3d8+10+22 Ghost Phys
  1070. Oct 21 22:11:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Ghost Phys: 43 [3d8=3,4,4]
  1071. Oct 21 22:12:09 <Genevieve> Over the swarm Rose targeted.
  1072. Oct 21 22:12:20 <@zoofarrator> Dess swoops through and finishes off the Omanytes and Kabutos! Which really only leaves the Anoriths at the moment. The Kabutops is still turning around toward you.
  1073. Oct 21 22:12:23 »» Chase blasts through some of the Anoriths with Strauss with a Ghost Pulse, playing away on his instrument!
  1074. Oct 21 22:12:23 <@zoofarrator> Chase!
  1075. Oct 21 22:12:38 <Chase> 1d20 Ghost Pulse 2
  1076. Oct 21 22:12:38 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Ghost Pulse 2: 15 [1d20=15]
  1077. Oct 21 22:12:55 <Chase> 3d6+8+32
  1078. Oct 21 22:12:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 3d6+8+32: 50 [3d6=1,4,5]
  1079. Oct 21 22:13:30 <@zoofarrator> That takes out all of the swarms! You made quick work of those masses, but the Kabutops is still there. ZODIAC!
  1080. Oct 21 22:13:40 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Strauss > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Kabutops
  1081. Oct 21 22:13:57 <Rosetta> ZODIAC casts fist! A flurry of hidden power fists fly out from his dozen eyes at the rock mantis.
  1082. Oct 21 22:13:59 <Rosetta> 1d20 hp fightan
  1083. Oct 21 22:14:00 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hp fightan: 1 [1d20=1]
  1084. Oct 21 22:14:07 <Rosetta> 1d20 no fuck you I warper now
  1085. Oct 21 22:14:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, no fuck you I warper now: 4 [1d20=4]
  1086. Oct 21 22:14:15 <Rosetta> (:<)
  1087. Oct 21 22:14:24 <Rosetta> (targeting sp. def if it matters)
  1088. Oct 21 22:14:51 <@zoofarrator> Misses! The Kabutops dodges that blow.
  1089. Oct 21 22:14:54 <@zoofarrator> Dessoir!
  1090. Oct 21 22:15:16 <Genevieve> Dessoir pivots after his first pass and winks at the Kabutops before sliding past it.
  1091. Oct 21 22:15:19 <Genevieve> 1d20 Shadow Claw
  1092. Oct 21 22:15:19 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Shadow Claw: 6 [1d20=6]
  1093. Oct 21 22:15:25 <@zoofarrator> Hits!
  1094. Oct 21 22:15:30 <Genevieve> 3d8+10+22
  1095. Oct 21 22:15:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 3d8+10+22: 44 [3d8=6,3,3]
  1096. Oct 21 22:16:28 <@zoofarrator> The Kabutops recoils a bit and screetches, which causes some more Pokemon to start to scurry in your direction from deeper in.
  1097. Oct 21 22:17:02 <Chase> "You gonna catch any of these?"
  1098. Oct 21 22:17:17 <Genevieve> "I hadn't planned on it. I'm sort of low on Pokeballs today."
  1099. Oct 21 22:17:28 <@zoofarrator> Two Cranidos and two Shieldons start to stomp forward at the sound of combat, and a Carracosta starts to slide over the snow as well. An Archeops caws and starts to flutter in.
  1100. Oct 21 22:17:33 <Rosetta> "If it looks easier than beating them down, yes."
  1101. Oct 21 22:17:48 <Chase> "Aw shit."
  1102. Oct 21 22:17:55 <Rosetta> "...Okay, that one I'm gonna aim for, yeah." Rosetta points at the Archeops of course.
  1103. Oct 21 22:18:22 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Archeops > Strauss > Gen > Chase > Cranidosx2 > ZODIAC > Dess > Kabutops, Shieldonx2, Carracosta
  1104. Oct 21 22:18:41 <@zoofarrator> Rosetta's up!
  1105. Oct 21 22:18:55 »» Rosetta takes aim and tries to lasso the Archeops with her electrified chain!
  1106. Oct 21 22:18:56 <Rosetta> 1d20 hidden power elec
  1107. Oct 21 22:18:57 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hidden power elec: 19 [1d20=19]
  1108. Oct 21 22:19:03 <Rosetta> 3d8+10+30 and flinches
  1109. Oct 21 22:19:03 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, and flinches: 54 [3d8=3,7,4]
  1110. Oct 21 22:19:37 <@zoofarrator> The bird is shocked quite a bit and is dazed by the blow - falling into the snow. It's not KO'd or dead, just...well, flinched.
  1111. Oct 21 22:19:39 <@zoofarrator> Strauss!
  1112. Oct 21 22:20:04 <Chase> "I don't like the look of those dinos, toss a bubblebeam that way!"
  1113. Oct 21 22:20:24 <Chase> 1d20 AC 2 Bubblebeam!
  1114. Oct 21 22:20:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, AC 2 Bubblebeam!: 5 [1d20=5]
  1115. Oct 21 22:20:45 <Chase> Of course that was meant for a cranidos, I should describe these things better :X
  1116. Oct 21 22:20:54 <Chase> Strauss lets out a torrent of bubbles at one of the cranidoses!
  1117. Oct 21 22:21:13 <@zoofarrator> That hits the Cranidos, actually
  1118. Oct 21 22:21:41 <Chase> 3d6+10+22 then!
  1119. Oct 21 22:21:42 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, then!: 40 [3d6=2,2,4]
  1120. Oct 21 22:22:13 <@zoofarrator> It's -almost- KO'd, quite roughed up by the high pressure bubble assault!
  1121. Oct 21 22:22:16 <@zoofarrator> Genevieve!
  1122. Oct 21 22:22:32 <Genevieve> "Dess, change targets and knock out the Cranidos!"
  1123. Oct 21 22:22:39 ---» castfromhp ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  1124. Oct 21 22:22:48 <Genevieve> The ghost slashes that direction, attempting to hit both.
  1125. Oct 21 22:22:49 <Genevieve> 1d20 Shadow Claw
  1126. Oct 21 22:22:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Shadow Claw: 8 [1d20=8]
  1127. Oct 21 22:22:58 <@zoofarrator> Hits both it does!
  1128. Oct 21 22:23:00 <Genevieve> 3d8+10+22
  1129. Oct 21 22:23:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 3d8+10+22: 44 [3d8=6,1,5]
  1130. Oct 21 22:23:18 <@zoofarrator> One is KO'd, the other is not -that- hurt, but it's a good hit. Chase!
  1131. Oct 21 22:23:19 «--- Rosetta ( has Quit (Ping timeout)
  1132. Oct 21 22:23:25 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Archeops > Strauss > Gen > Chase > Cranidos > ZODIAC > Dess > Kabutops, Shieldonx2, Carracosta
  1133. Oct 21 22:23:28 ---» castfromhp_ ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  1134. Oct 21 22:23:34 «--- castfromhp ( has Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  1135. Oct 21 22:23:39 <castfromhp_> !dm9001 lastlines #10
  1136. Oct 21 22:23:44 »» castfromhp_ is now known as Rosetta
  1137. Oct 21 22:25:33 »» Chase does a follow up on the one still conscious with his weaker Ghost Pulse!
  1138. Oct 21 22:25:34 <Chase> 1d20
  1139. Oct 21 22:25:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 1d20: 20 [1d20=20]
  1140. Oct 21 22:25:55 <Chase> 4d6+16+32 well okay. Confused too
  1141. Oct 21 22:25:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, well okay. Confused too: 62 [4d6=1,3,6,4]
  1142. Oct 21 22:26:21 <@zoofarrator> You bash it's cranium quite well, it falls over unconcious!
  1143. Oct 21 22:26:27 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Archeops > Strauss > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Kabutops, Shieldonx2, Carracosta
  1144. Oct 21 22:26:34 <@zoofarrator> ZODIAC!
  1145. Oct 21 22:26:51 <Rosetta> How weakened does the Archeops look after Rosetta's hit?
  1146. Oct 21 22:27:24 <@zoofarrator> It's almost knocked out.
  1147. Oct 21 22:27:49 <Rosetta> ZODIAC aims for the Kabutops then, sending winding serpents out of its eyes.
  1148. Oct 21 22:27:51 <Rosetta> 1d20 hp dragon
  1149. Oct 21 22:27:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hp dragon: 19 [1d20=19]
  1150. Oct 21 22:28:01 <Rosetta> 3d8+10+21 special dragon~
  1151. Oct 21 22:28:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, special dragon~: 44 [3d8=3,8,2]
  1152. Oct 21 22:29:00 <@zoofarrator> ZODIAC fires off a purplish hidden power, and the Kabutops is blasted with the attack. It is still standing, but you guys have bapped it a good bit.
  1153. Oct 21 22:29:04 <@zoofarrator> Dessoir!
  1154. Oct 21 22:29:56 <Genevieve> Dessoir just twists backwards as he lands and stretches back towards the Kabutops to pass back at it, laughing.
  1155. Oct 21 22:30:05 <Genevieve> 1d20 Cuhrayzee Claw
  1156. Oct 21 22:30:06 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Cuhrayzee Claw: 11 [1d20=11]
  1157. Oct 21 22:30:15 <Genevieve> 3d8+10+22
  1158. Oct 21 22:30:15 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 3d8+10+22: 39 [3d8=4,2,1]
  1159. Oct 21 22:30:55 <@zoofarrator> The Kabutops is not looking good at all. It's down to its last leg.
  1160. Oct 21 22:31:26 <@zoofarrator> It moves forward to Aqua Tail Dessoir, ZODIAC, and Chase
  1161. Oct 21 22:31:27 <@zoofarrator> 1d20
  1162. Oct 21 22:31:28 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  1163. Oct 21 22:31:50 <@zoofarrator> His attacks don't quite strike true. The Shieldons go for Take Downs on Rosetta and Gen
  1164. Oct 21 22:31:54 <@zoofarrator> 2#1d20 rosetta, gen
  1165. Oct 21 22:31:54 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, rosetta, gen: 18 [1d20=18], 6 [1d20=6]
  1166. Oct 21 22:32:29 <@zoofarrator> 3d8+20 to Rosetta
  1167. Oct 21 22:32:30 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, to Rosetta: 31 [3d8=2,5,4]
  1168. Oct 21 22:32:55 <@zoofarrator> The Carracosta tries to bite Dessoir with a rather nasty CRUNCH
  1169. Oct 21 22:32:59 <@zoofarrator> 1d20
  1170. Oct 21 22:33:00 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, 1d20: 8 [1d20=8]
  1171. Oct 21 22:33:21 <@zoofarrator> 3d6+30
  1172. Oct 21 22:33:21 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, 3d6+30: 40 [3d6=4,5,1]
  1173. Oct 21 22:33:23 <Rosetta> "Oof!" She's knocked down but seems to be pretty alright otherwise.
  1174. Oct 21 22:33:25 <@zoofarrator> back to Roetta!
  1175. Oct 21 22:33:57 »» Rosetta gets back up on her feet with her shift action! Then tosses a pokeball at the Archeops.
  1176. Oct 21 22:33:59 <Rosetta> 1d20
  1177. Oct 21 22:34:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  1178. Oct 21 22:34:08 <Rosetta> 1d20 reroll pls ;_;
  1179. Oct 21 22:34:09 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, reroll pls: 3 [1d20=3]
  1180. Oct 21 22:34:35 <Rosetta> 1d20 multitask then for another throw
  1181. Oct 21 22:34:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, multitask then for another throw: 14 [1d20=14]
  1182. Oct 21 22:34:51 <Rosetta> 1d100-26
  1183. Oct 21 22:34:52 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 1d100-26: 52 [1d100=78]
  1184. Oct 21 22:34:52 <@zoofarrator> roll d100!
  1185. Oct 21 22:35:16 <Rosetta> (I have exactly enough AP for a reroll if I need to :X)
  1186. Oct 21 22:35:37 <@zoofarrator> Actually given this thing is at 2 HP, that's enough.
  1187. Oct 21 22:35:46 <@zoofarrator> It gets sucked up and captured!
  1188. Oct 21 22:35:49 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Strauss > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Kabutops, Shieldonx2, Carracosta
  1189. Oct 21 22:37:34 <Chase> Oh right
  1190. Oct 21 22:37:39 <Chase> It's Strauss's turn. :3c Whoops.
  1191. Oct 21 22:38:17 <Chase> "Hydro Pump on one of the tougher looking ones!"
  1192. Oct 21 22:38:27 <Chase> 1d20 AC 4 Hydro Pump on a Shieldon!
  1193. Oct 21 22:38:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, AC 4 Hydro Pump on a Shieldon!: 14 [1d20=14]
  1194. Oct 21 22:38:35 <Chase> 5d10+20+22
  1195. Oct 21 22:38:36 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 5d10+20+22: 72 [5d10=8,6,10,5,1]
  1196. Oct 21 22:38:50 <Chase> Strauss swells up and lets out a humongous burst of water!
  1197. Oct 21 22:39:14 <@zoofarrator> The Shieldon is battered but not out for good, as it is a bit of a...rock wall.
  1198. Oct 21 22:39:19 <@zoofarrator> Genevieve!
  1199. Oct 21 22:39:31 »» Genevieve keeps directing Dessoir to go full ham on this Kabutops.
  1200. Oct 21 22:39:34 <Genevieve> 1d20 Shadow Claw
  1201. Oct 21 22:39:34 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Shadow Claw: 3 [1d20=3]
  1202. Oct 21 22:39:43 <Genevieve> And finally he gets too excited and misses.
  1203. Oct 21 22:40:03 <@zoofarrator> Chase!
  1204. Oct 21 22:40:30 <Chase> Let's try and put down that Kabutops! Let's try... a vacuum wave.
  1205. Oct 21 22:40:54 »» Chase unsheathes his machete for the first time in forever and lets out a quick slash before sheathing it again. A ripple through the air follows!
  1206. Oct 21 22:40:57 <Chase> 1d20 Vacuum Wave
  1207. Oct 21 22:40:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, Vacuum Wave: 7 [1d20=7]
  1208. Oct 21 22:41:13 <Chase> 1d8+5+32 if that hits.
  1209. Oct 21 22:41:14 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, if that hits.: 44 [1d8=7]
  1210. Oct 21 22:41:37 <@zoofarrator> After the continued battering, the Kabutops falls!
  1211. Oct 21 22:41:43 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Strauss > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Shieldonx2, Carracosta
  1212. Oct 21 22:41:46 <@zoofarrator> ZODIAC!
  1213. Oct 21 22:42:23 <Rosetta> ZODIAC turns his attention to the Shieldons and casts fist, sending a hidden power flurry of blows their way.
  1214. Oct 21 22:42:25 <Rosetta> 1d20 hp fightan
  1215. Oct 21 22:42:26 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, hp fightan: 7 [1d20=7]
  1216. Oct 21 22:42:35 <Rosetta> 3d8+10+21 dear fuck please have hit D:
  1217. Oct 21 22:42:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, dear fuck please have hit D:: 45 [3d8=4,6,4]
  1218. Oct 21 22:43:10 <@zoofarrator> One of them falls!
  1219. Oct 21 22:43:13 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Rosetta > Strauss > Gen > Chase > ZODIAC > Dess > Shieldon, Carracosta
  1220. Oct 21 22:43:15 <@zoofarrator> Dessoir!
  1221. Oct 21 22:43:19 <Genevieve> 1d20 Shadow Claw the other one!
  1222. Oct 21 22:43:20 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Shadow Claw the other one!: 19 [1d20=19]
  1223. Oct 21 22:44:20 <Genevieve> 6d8+10+22
  1224. Oct 21 22:44:21 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 6d8+10+22: 56 [6d8=6,3,6,5,1,3]
  1225. Oct 21 22:45:27 <@zoofarrator> Much like the last one to get hit, it's almot unconcious, but not quite there.
  1226. Oct 21 22:45:48 <@zoofarrator> It Body Slams ZODIAC!
  1227. Oct 21 22:45:48 <@zoofarrator> 1d20
  1228. Oct 21 22:45:48 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, 1d20: 16 [1d20=16]
  1229. Oct 21 22:46:12 <@zoofarrator> 3d12+20 and he's paralyzed!
  1230. Oct 21 22:46:13 <DiceMaid-9001> zoofarrator, and he's paralyzed!: 43 [3d12=11,8,4]
  1231. Oct 21 22:46:36 <@zoofarrator> the Carracosta ... considers how this is going and tries to waddle away.
  1232. Oct 21 22:46:40 <@zoofarrator> Rosetta!
  1233. Oct 21 22:46:40 <Rosetta> ZODIAC is TANKY, and that doesn't seem to faze him too much, but paralysis is a bitch.
  1234. Oct 21 22:47:28 »» Rosetta tosses a pokeball over at the Shieldon to finish this, seeing as she can't hit it really hard.
  1235. Oct 21 22:47:30 <Rosetta> 1d20
  1236. Oct 21 22:47:31 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 1d20: 17 [1d20=17]
  1237. Oct 21 22:47:35 <Rosetta> 1d100-26
  1238. Oct 21 22:47:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 1d100-26: 72 [1d100=98]
  1239. Oct 21 22:48:13 <@zoofarrator> The Pokeball breaks! Not quite enough.
  1240. Oct 21 22:48:26 <@zoofarrator> Strauss!
  1241. Oct 21 22:48:40 <Chase> "Finish it with Bubblebeam, man."
  1242. Oct 21 22:48:49 <Chase> 1d20 on the Shieldon!
  1243. Oct 21 22:48:50 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, on the Shieldon!: 20 [1d20=20]
  1245. Oct 21 22:49:27 <Chase> 6d6+20+22
  1246. Oct 21 22:49:28 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 6d6+20+22: 57 [6d6=2,2,1,5,2,3]
  1247. Oct 21 22:49:30 <@zoofarrator> WELL HE DID AS YOU ASKED.
  1248. Oct 21 22:49:43 <@zoofarrator> And that Shieldon is not extinct again.
  1249. Oct 21 22:49:49 <@zoofarrator> It falls over, off ZODIAC, dead.
  1250. Oct 21 22:49:55 <@zoofarrator> ...And then things go quite.
  1251. Oct 21 22:50:11 »» zoofarrator has changed the topic to: Good going, you monsters. +400 EXP.
  1252. Oct 21 22:50:40 <Chase> "...I thought that'd be a lot more horrific considering what happened downstairs."
  1253. Oct 21 22:50:48 »» Genevieve takes Dessoir by the hands and dances with him a little. "You're so fucking cool, Dessoir, goddamn!"
  1254. Oct 21 22:50:54 <Chase> "...we left some of them alive, right?"
  1255. Oct 21 22:50:59 »» Rosetta walks over to pick up the ball with the Archen in it and the first ball that missed. "Shiny. Hey ZODIAC, you alright?"
  1256. Oct 21 22:51:30 <@zoofarrator> Dessoir does a little kingly jig with Genevieve!
  1257. Oct 21 22:51:55 »» Chase pats Strauss. "Good going, man. Maybe we all overdid it a bit though."
  1258. Oct 21 22:52:40 <@zoofarrator> ...Yaretzi was sorta watching the whole thing from a distance, but now walks over and picks up the waddling turtle, sticking it under one arm as you guys wrap things up.
  1259. Oct 21 22:52:55 <Genevieve> "Place seems to have a bit of a problem with them, I don't think we wiped them off the planet again." She hefts Dessoir up and carries him. "Let's find Flayed."
  1260. Oct 21 22:53:00 <@zoofarrator> ZODIAC looks fine, just a bit sluggish.
  1261. Oct 21 22:53:12 <Rosetta> "Gen, can you help me and patch up ZODIAC a bit here?"
  1262. Oct 21 22:53:13 <@zoofarrator> Strauss's eyebrows wraggle, as if he'll consider it.
  1263. Oct 21 22:53:24 »» Genevieve tosses Rose a Paralyze Heal.
  1264. Oct 21 22:53:31 <Rosetta> "Shiny. Thanks."
  1265. Oct 21 22:53:40 »» Chase wasn't really commenting on Strauss in specific.
  1266. Oct 21 22:53:49 »» Chase returns the frog and looks around a bit.
  1267. Oct 21 22:54:17 <Rosetta> "Lead on then." Rosetta says to Yaretzi and ZODIAC as she applies the paralyze heal and lets the latter go up ahead again.
  1268. Oct 21 22:54:44 <Chase> "Still... kind of dickish for us to just come in and blast them like this I guess..."
  1269. Oct 21 22:54:51 <Chase> "Oh well."
  1270. Oct 21 22:55:10 <Chase> "Charging them kinda was my idea, can't really regret it now."
  1271. Oct 21 22:55:21 »» Chase moves on.
  1272. Oct 21 22:55:23 <Rosetta> "They're...kinda feral, aren't they? Not any different from wandering through anywhere else with violent wild Pokemon."
  1273. Oct 21 22:55:27 <@zoofarrator> Well, considering the turtle Yaretzi is holding is trying to snap at her, it's not hard to uess what they would have done to you!
  1274. Oct 21 22:55:37 <Rosetta> "You do what you gotta do."
  1275. Oct 21 22:55:42 <Chase> "Yeah."
  1276. Oct 21 22:55:52 <@zoofarrator> he baps it with a close distance Dark Pulse! It gets dizzy enough to give up and she continues on.
  1277. Oct 21 22:56:01 <Genevieve> "What are you doing with that, exactly?" She gestures at the turtle.
  1278. Oct 21 22:56:15 <Chase> "Yeah, you keeping it?"
  1279. Oct 21 22:56:59 »» Chase is pretty curious since she hasn't seemed to want pokemon of her own before.
  1280. Oct 21 22:57:04 <@zoofarrator> She thinks on that. "Not exactly."
  1281. Oct 21 22:58:01 <Chase> "Arright then." Probably turtle soup or something later, then. He walks on.
  1282. Oct 21 22:58:15 <@zoofarrator> You guys continue walking along, finding a lot of evidence that these things were just...well, living up here, preying off each other, trying to lure winged Pokemon in through the openings in the wall...
  1283. Oct 21 22:59:01 <@zoofarrator> Eventually you reach a courtyard in the mountain shrine, where a large number of Weavile and Sneasels are sitting around, watching you.
  1284. Oct 21 22:59:36 <Genevieve> "Yo."
  1285. Oct 21 23:00:08 »» Chase nods at the weaviles, looking around for one in particular, or this gate thing that was mentioned.
  1286. Oct 21 23:00:28 »» Chase walks on, not really bothered by them - if they were going to be a problem they'd have known so by now.
  1287. Oct 21 23:00:29 <@zoofarrator> This courtyard has several stone statues of various Dragon Type Pokemon, and a door with a runic pattern to it facing the mountainside.
  1288. Oct 21 23:00:36 <Rosetta> "Heya." Rosetta waves, then returns her hands to her pockets.
  1289. Oct 21 23:00:47 <Rosetta> "Guess that door'd be it?"
  1290. Oct 21 23:01:01 <Genevieve> 6d6+3 Probably
  1291. Oct 21 23:01:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Probably: 25 [6d6=2,4,3,2,6,5]
  1292. Oct 21 23:01:24 <@zoofarrator> There's a sizable pile of dragon meat beside it, and a Weavile in...well, it's best to describe it as a cloak and headdress of scales and hides, with jewelry made of ivory fangs and teeth, banging on it in anger.
  1293. Oct 21 23:02:14 <Chase> "Yeah... there he is."
  1294. Oct 21 23:02:39 <Rosetta> "Shiny. Can ya ask what's behind the door or what he's looking for here and all that?"
  1295. Oct 21 23:02:47 <Genevieve> "I feel like it'd be easier to open a portal that had at least one of your types."
  1296. Oct 21 23:02:50 <Chase> <Flayed One.> he calls out, trying to get the Weavile's attention.
  1297. Oct 21 23:03:53 <@zoofarrator> <WAKE! UP! LET! ME! IN! I SLAY YOUR CHILDREN, CONQUER YOUR TEMPLE, AND STILL YOU DO NOT STIR?!> He stops the pounding and looks over his shoulder at you, an angry gaze and barred teeth...
  1298. Oct 21 23:04:23 <Chase> Whoa. He mad.
  1299. Oct 21 23:04:24 <@zoofarrator> ...and then he sees Yaretzi, and looks quite shocked.
  1300. Oct 21 23:04:54 »» Genevieve fishes holds up the ruby. "If you want to say anything to your little brother, this looks like a good chance, D.C."
  1301. Oct 21 23:06:26 »» Chase looks over at Yaretzi. "Well, here we are... I'll just... step back a moment. You've got a lot to say to him, right?"
  1302. Oct 21 23:06:48 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi steps forward, puts the turtle down in front of The Flayed One, and says something in Wildling. It's basic enough that you guys could probably understand it just by how it sounds compared to how you talk. "I'm sorry. I over reacted. Can we still be friends?"
  1303. Oct 21 23:07:11 <Rosetta> "So uh, what's going on with the door?" Rosetta whispers and nudges Chase.
  1304. Oct 21 23:07:41 »» Chase whispers over, "He's... trying to wake the Nameless or something?"
  1305. Oct 21 23:07:51 <Genevieve> "I'll check it out." She walks around Flayed and Yaretzi to go read the runes on the door.
  1306. Oct 21 23:07:57 <Genevieve> 6d6+3 Occult
  1307. Oct 21 23:07:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, Occult: 24 [6d6=6,3,4,1,1,6]
  1308. Oct 21 23:08:18 <Rosetta> "Huh, interesting."
  1309. Oct 21 23:08:45 <@zoofarrator> This is very much like the door you guys saw last time, in that Rosetta and ZODIAC could probably open it. The writing here, however, does read something in a runic script.
  1310. Oct 21 23:09:30 »» Chase watches Yaretzi and Flayed, trying to gauge Flayed's reaction here.
  1311. Oct 21 23:11:19 <@zoofarrator> "Born from stories of brave warriors and terrifying foes, first was The Nameless. In her form, Bondye saw nobility, and together they birthed the dragons. Here, they rule."
  1312. Oct 21 23:12:05 <@zoofarrator> Also etched is the image of three small triangles around a large one, and lines between them.
  1313. Oct 21 23:12:10 <Genevieve> "The first, huh? Rose, if this door still works, you should be able to can opener it."
  1314. Oct 21 23:12:27 <Chase> "Let's get all this settled before we try to go in."
  1315. Oct 21 23:13:00 <@zoofarrator> The Flayed One's reactionw as...rather chiling, honestly. He calmly walked forward, inspected the turtle, bit its head off and tossed its remains to the others of his species, that dived it in a hungry blitz.
  1316. Oct 21 23:13:17 <@zoofarrator> ...And then he hugged Yaretzi around the legs and bloobloo'd ;-;.
  1317. Oct 21 23:13:23 »» Chase winces, but figured the turtle was an offering of some sort as soon as she set it down.
  1318. Oct 21 23:13:26 <Rosetta> "Huh, really? Alright, just lemme know when." Rosetta tugs at her jacket, pulling the collar down enough to expose her tattoo.
  1319. Oct 21 23:14:02 <Rosetta> "That's...not really what I expected." Head tilt.
  1320. Oct 21 23:14:18 <Chase> "They go way back." he says to Rose.
  1321. Oct 21 23:14:24 <Chase> "I talked to her about it in Thundercry."
  1322. Oct 21 23:14:36 <@zoofarrator> The door has a glimmering reaction to your tattoo, and it starts to slide open.
  1323. Oct 21 23:14:39 <Genevieve> "It's what -I- expected."
  1324. Oct 21 23:14:43 <Rosetta> "Ah."
  1325. Oct 21 23:14:47 <Chase> "Old friends, basicall- oh, it's opening by itself."
  1326. Oct 21 23:15:00 <Rosetta> "Well, oh shiny, I didn't even do anything yet."
  1327. Oct 21 23:15:05 <@zoofarrator> Though - also - you notice something else happen as this occurs.
  1328. Oct 21 23:15:08 <Chase> "...just glad they're okay with each other now."
  1329. Oct 21 23:16:01 <@zoofarrator> You see, this courtyard had a lot of open walls overlooking the mountains around you, and this particular one is large enough to be at the peaks of many of them, even at half its own height.
  1330. Oct 21 23:16:38 <@zoofarrator> Transluscent, purple walkways start to stretch in three different directions from where you're standing, each to a different mountain.
  1331. Oct 21 23:16:53 <Genevieve> "Oh, wow."
  1332. Oct 21 23:16:53 <@zoofarrator> Down the path in the door you just opened, is a dark walled room with a familiar blue glow.
  1333. Oct 21 23:17:38 <@zoofarrator> During all of this, The Flayed One collects itself as Yaretzi patpats him, and he looks over all of you, especially Chase and that armor.
  1334. Oct 21 23:17:44 <Rosetta> "Whoa, that's rad. What do you think's at the end of each of those paths?"
  1335. Oct 21 23:18:10 »» Chase nods to the Flayed One. "Hey, it's been a while."
  1336. Oct 21 23:18:31 »» Chase looks at Rose, then at the walkways. "I'm... not really sure."
  1337. Oct 21 23:18:33 <Genevieve> "Probably other shrines of some kind."
  1338. Oct 21 23:18:56 <Genevieve> "Isn't this where a lot of draconic legends hang out?"
  1339. Oct 21 23:19:25 <Chase> "We can worry about that later, anyway, I think."
  1340. Oct 21 23:20:24 <@zoofarrator> <Temples of Mojo, Juju, The Center of Balance. The Courts of the Dragon Lords, and...> he gazes down the path that just opened.
  1341. Oct 21 23:20:26 »» Rosetta nods.
  1342. Oct 21 23:20:45 <@zoofarrator> <...You again.> He looks back to Chase. <How did you do this? Who are you?>
  1343. Oct 21 23:22:32 <Chase> "I'm Chase Violet. An explorer. I represent the One N'Only, another of the Forgotten Gods. And uh, this?" he looks down at his threads. "Alchemy. I asked Saryx to mix that aquamarine you gave me with some armor and metal. I get the feeling it mighta been better used for a weapon, but this armor's been a lifesaver."
  1344. Oct 21 23:24:38 <Chase> "We kinda met each other by accident the first time... not this time, though."
  1345. Oct 21 23:27:24 <Chase> "We've sought you out to catch you up on what's been happening - if you don't know already, and to warn you about those actively trying to kill any of the Forgotten Gods - to try and push their own deity into the mix and create some kind of new world. The danger is serious."
  1346. Oct 21 23:28:03 <@zoofarrator> <Purple one.> He nods, understanding, as for the prison, <Interlopers. Wished me to stop. That awaking the others would bring hunters. No time for hiding. Awoke two, third won't stir.>
  1347. Oct 21 23:28:42 <Chase> "Which interlopers?"
  1348. Oct 21 23:28:46 »» Genevieve squints at him. "You're...waking up dead gods, not portals."
  1349. Oct 21 23:29:16 <@zoofarrator> <Purple one said would find new born, so I act too.>
  1350. Oct 21 23:29:24 <Chase> "So you've been helping out this whole time, huh?" he's rather impressed.
  1351. Oct 21 23:29:45 <@zoofarrator> <Green Psychics from metal spinny thing.>
  1352. Oct 21 23:30:52 <Genevieve> "The Elgyem."
  1353. Oct 21 23:30:58 <Rosetta> "Shit, I knew I should've brought Minuetta along."
  1354. Oct 21 23:31:02 <@zoofarrator> He seems a bit perplexed what opened the door as well, mind you.
  1355. Oct 21 23:31:23 <Chase> "These doors were sealed by unown magic or something - Rosetta's got that covered."
  1356. Oct 21 23:31:40 <Chase> "But yeah... the hunters they spoke of. We've already met with and dealt with some of them."
  1357. Oct 21 23:31:40 »» Rosetta nods and pulls down her jacket collar again to show her tattoo.
  1358. Oct 21 23:32:11 <Chase> "There's someone from another world, called the Banisher, seeking to expand his empire and take down the other deities."
  1359. Oct 21 23:32:39 <Chase> "I guess that Beehayem locked you up because it thought it was protecting the world from being targeted..."
  1360. Oct 21 23:32:47 <Chase> "But you're right, we can't just hide forever."
  1361. Oct 21 23:33:40 <@zoofarrator> <I know threat. Many threat. Interloper spoke of Banisher, other threats. Weavile have many predator, even Dragon. Spill blood easier for me than purple one's tricks. But even here, not safe.>
  1362. Oct 21 23:33:54 <Chase> "There are two groups actively looking to mess with the order of things - we're gonna need all the help we can get to stop them."
  1363. Oct 21 23:33:59 <Rosetta> "I have one of the Elgyem from the spacecraft that you saw. I think we're in a position where we can cooperate though, if you'd be willing to consider that and meet her?"
  1364. Oct 21 23:34:15 <Chase> "We should see what's going on with the Nameless, at least..."
  1365. Oct 21 23:34:21 <@zoofarrator> It sniffs Rosetta. <Smell like letter lady. No like her dog.>
  1366. Oct 21 23:34:33 <Rosetta> "What."
  1367. Oct 21 23:34:36 »» Genevieve laughs.
  1368. Oct 21 23:34:50 <Genevieve> "He doesn't like the Writer's Lucario."
  1369. Oct 21 23:35:11 »» Chase grins.
  1370. Oct 21 23:35:27 <Rosetta> "I didn't know being a rune master had a...smell." Rosetta scratches her head.
  1371. Oct 21 23:35:42 <@zoofarrator> <Her children refused me.> He gestures to the three mountains around you.
  1372. Oct 21 23:35:52 <Chase> "Why, because you were a Weavile?"
  1373. Oct 21 23:35:57 <Chase> "A dragon hunter?"
  1374. Oct 21 23:36:35 <Chase> "Who exactly were they - who have you killed? This might be a problem..."
  1375. Oct 21 23:36:40 <@zoofarrator> Yaretzi speaks up. "He also brought all them with him."
  1376. Oct 21 23:36:58 <@zoofarrator> She points at all the other Weaviles and Sneasels.
  1377. Oct 21 23:37:07 <Chase> "Yeah, a small army..."
  1378. Oct 21 23:37:38 <@zoofarrator> The Flayed One. <Dragon hunt dragon, is natural. Only strong survive. They fear Weavile. We strong too. Fear Lord of Bloodshed.>
  1379. Oct 21 23:37:49 <Genevieve> "For someone in charge of Solitude, you bring quite the posse."
  1380. Oct 21 23:38:23 <@zoofarrator> <One pack. But hunt alone.>
  1381. Oct 21 23:40:10 <@zoofarrator> He honestly doesn't seem that...Godly, you suppose, compared to the others you met. And even slumps some, tired. <You follow others? Purple one, and...Red one? What they need me for?>
  1382. Oct 21 23:40:40 <Genevieve> "They -need- to keep you from getting killed."
  1383. Oct 21 23:41:31 <Chase> "And we kind of need to unite the gods..."
  1384. Oct 21 23:42:02 <Chase> "Maybe it'd be better to let them speak to you directly?"
  1385. Oct 21 23:42:45 <Chase> "But yeah, main thing was making sure you were up to date on the dangers of the Banisher, usurpers, and the Sons of Grant."
  1386. Oct 21 23:43:09 <Rosetta> "And I guess working out what the plan is from here."
  1387. Oct 21 23:43:12 <@zoofarrator> He looks down the blackened hallway, to the source of blue light. He seems to know what it is, and tugs at Yaretzi as he moves toward it. <We will. You speak with Dragon Lords then yes?>
  1388. Oct 21 23:43:36 <Chase> "Go to the other temples and talk to them while you try and get Nameless up?"
  1389. Oct 21 23:43:40 <Chase> "Works for me, I guess."
  1390. Oct 21 23:44:42 <Genevieve> "Sure. Hopefully none of them are dead yet."
  1391. Oct 21 23:45:38 <Rosetta> "With Valdis being close to them, I figure we'd have heard by now if they were, yeah?"
  1392. Oct 21 23:45:53 <Chase> "Either way, let's go."
  1393. Oct 21 23:47:08 <Genevieve> "Pick a mountain then."
  1394. Oct 21 23:47:46 <@zoofarrator> Before they leave, Flayed points in each of the directions. <Mojo. Juju. Annoying one.>
  1395. Oct 21 23:49:23 »» Genevieve turns towards Mojo. "Might as well go in order."
  1396. Oct 21 23:49:45 <Rosetta> "Alrighty." Rosetta hops in place to face the same direction.
  1397. Oct 21 23:51:05 <@zoofarrator> You guys look down the path as Yaretzi gets dragged off with a wave goodbye at you guys, and the swarm of Sneasels and Weaviles follow their lord.
  1398. Oct 21 23:51:47 »» Chase gives his goodbyes to Yaretzi as well and heads towards the first one Flayed pointed at, looking at the translucent purple path and testing it with his foot.
  1399. Oct 21 23:51:47 <@zoofarrator> The path before you is a...well, rather magical looking structure, a purple walkway complete with railing on the side.
  1400. Oct 21 23:52:05 <@zoofarrator> It was translucent at first, but has since solidified.
  1401. Oct 21 23:52:06 »» Rosetta waves back at Yaretzi.
  1402. Oct 21 23:53:06 <Chase> "This is pretty sweet."
  1403. Oct 21 23:53:11 »» Chase starts walking across.
  1404. Oct 21 23:53:28 <@zoofarrator> Roll Perception for me as you guys walk across~
  1405. Oct 21 23:54:02 <Chase> "Man, why don't we get to studying these kinds of arts again? We could really use magic bridges and shit - wonder what else has been lost to the ages."
  1406. Oct 21 23:54:04 <Chase> 2d6-2
  1407. Oct 21 23:54:05 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6-2: 7 [2d6=3,6]
  1408. Oct 21 23:54:08 »» Rosetta sticks her hands in her pockets as she starts across as well - being sure to locate Glissani and Maestoso's balls for emergency use out here in case there are high winds and someone gets knocked off or something.
  1409. Oct 21 23:54:15 <Rosetta> 3d6+1
  1410. Oct 21 23:54:16 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 3d6+1: 9 [3d6=2,4,2]
  1411. Oct 21 23:56:00 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  1412. Oct 21 23:56:01 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 10 [2d6=3,4]
  1413. Oct 21 23:57:44 <@zoofarrator> About halfway across, a black and gold, serpent-like dragon swoops down from the snowy clouds and flies overhead, watching you. Thunder crackles in its path.
  1414. Oct 21 23:58:09 <@zoofarrator> It then vanishes back into the clouds.
  1415. Oct 21 23:58:18 «--- Rosetta ( has Quit (Ping timeout)
  1416. Oct 21 23:58:49 »» Chase stops a moment, watching it curiously. "Whoa."
  1417. Oct 21 23:59:19 »» Chase continues on afterward after just a second of gawking.
  1418. Oct 21 23:59:25 ---» castfromhp ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  1419. Oct 22 00:00:13 <castfromhp> !dm9001 lastlines #15
  1420. Oct 22 00:00:17 »» castfromhp is now known as Rosetta
  1421. Oct 22 00:03:20 <@zoofarrator> At the end of this path, you reach another courtyard. This one with large, blazing torches on either side of an empty entranceway.
  1422. Oct 22 00:03:51 <@zoofarrator> Before you stands a bearded man in blue and silver armor, with several spikes along its shoulders and helm. he has a large sword held before him, facing down.
  1423. Oct 22 00:04:04 »» Chase looks around, before noticing the man.
  1424. Oct 22 00:04:27 <Genevieve> "Hello."
  1425. Oct 22 00:04:31 »» Genevieve waves to the man.
  1426. Oct 22 00:04:48 <Rosetta> "Heya." Rosetta takes her hands out of her pockets and waves too.
  1427. Oct 22 00:04:53 »» Chase doesn't know what sort of respect he's supposed to show to this dude or who he even is, so he settles for bowing his head.
  1428. Oct 22 00:06:02 <@zoofarrator> "It has been many a century since this path was invoked." His eyes dance between the three of you.
  1429. Oct 22 00:06:59 <@zoofarrator> "You do not bear the marks of the foreigners who have come, with their false marks of favor. The gift to commit such an act. Who are you?"
  1430. Oct 22 00:08:45 <Genevieve> "We're the Zodiac Braves and we're sort of agents of a higher authority." She holds up the ruby. "We'd like to speak with whoever resides here, please."
  1431. Oct 22 00:09:26 »» Rosetta nods. "And as far as personal introductions go, I'm Rosetta Whitacre. From the last family of the rune master tradition on these isles I 'spose."
  1432. Oct 22 00:09:46 <Chase> "Chase Violet, Zodiac Braves."
  1433. Oct 22 00:09:58 <Genevieve> "Doctor Genevieve Webb."
  1434. Oct 22 00:12:10 <@zoofarrator> There's a bit of an awkward silence before the man laxes. "Your words speak true. Two of you touched by the siblings of The Mother Dragon, the third carrying the gift of the lost tribe."
  1435. Oct 22 00:14:20 <Genevieve> "Well?"
  1436. Oct 22 00:14:22 <Rosetta> "Who came before us, and what happened to them?"
  1437. Oct 22 00:14:36 »» Chase nods. "The One N'Only in particular in my case... You said the Sons of Grant came?"
  1438. Oct 22 00:14:38 <@zoofarrator> "Ayizan, as well as Loko, have, for now, relocated to the Temple of Order. Given the fate of the late Yemaja and the enemy at our gates, we risked little in our own self preservation."
  1439. Oct 22 00:14:53 »» Chase nods. "Yeah, that's understandable."
  1440. Oct 22 00:15:28 <@zoofarrator> "If you mean the the last of The Mother Dragon's human followers...they dug too deep, their desire and thirst for knowledge too strong, and they woke things beneath their temple thought lost from this world."
  1441. Oct 22 00:15:49 <Chase> "Ooh, I guess we misunderstood you."
  1442. Oct 22 00:15:59 <@zoofarrator> He's answering Rosetta.
  1443. Oct 22 00:16:32 <Rosetta> "No, I mean the foreigners who came by with the false marks. What happened to them and who were they?"
  1444. Oct 22 00:16:36 <Rosetta> "Was that recent?"
  1445. Oct 22 00:17:01 <@zoofarrator> He frowns. "Come with me. I suppose you should see for yourself."
  1446. Oct 22 00:17:14 <Chase> "...oh boy. This isn't good news, is it. Alright."
  1447. Oct 22 00:17:16 <Rosetta> "Alrighty."
  1448. Oct 22 00:17:17 »» Chase follows.
  1449. Oct 22 00:17:19 <@zoofarrator> He turns and walks toward another purple walkway - one leading to an adjacent mountain.
  1450. Oct 22 00:18:20 <@zoofarrator> At about one third the way down this one, he points down below.
  1451. Oct 22 00:19:43 <@zoofarrator> In the mountain valley below, tucked away within the side of a steep cliff, is a number of metal doors, walls, guardtowers, artillery...lots of pathways carved into the mountain itself.
  1452. Oct 22 00:19:54 <Chase> "Oh shiit."
  1453. Oct 22 00:20:07 <@zoofarrator> Roll Perception for a bit of a closer look, maybe
  1454. Oct 22 00:20:12 <Chase> 2d6-2
  1455. Oct 22 00:20:12 <DiceMaid-9001> Chase, 2d6-2: 2 [2d6=2,2]
  1456. Oct 22 00:20:22 <Rosetta> "Shiny." Rosetta leans slightly over the side to look.
  1457. Oct 22 00:20:24 <Rosetta> 3d6+1
  1458. Oct 22 00:20:25 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 3d6+1: 12 [3d6=3,6,2]
  1459. Oct 22 00:20:26 <Genevieve> 2d6+3
  1460. Oct 22 00:20:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Genevieve, 2d6+3: 10 [2d6=3,4]
  1461. Oct 22 00:21:00 <@zoofarrator> Rosetta! You see that there's a lot of Unown floating around the perimeter of this place, acting as both guards and possible protection from heavy artillery.
  1462. Oct 22 00:21:40 <Rosetta> "Oh geez, that's a lotta Unown." Rosetta points it out.
  1463. Oct 22 00:21:41 <@zoofarrator> Genevieve! You notice three little blips below you, in a forested area, that look like people hiding out and watching this themselves.
  1464. Oct 22 00:22:07 <Genevieve> "Looks like we got here just in time." She leans over the railing to point at the hiding trio. "And so did someone else."
  1465. Oct 22 00:22:15 »» Chase looks down.
  1466. Oct 22 00:22:19 <@zoofarrator> They are way too far down for them to hear you over the wind, or vice versa, but you can at least see them!
  1467. Oct 22 00:22:22 <Chase> " that the group that went missing?"
  1468. Oct 22 00:22:37 <Genevieve> "Oh man, maybe they didn't get eaten after all."
  1469. Oct 22 00:22:41 <@zoofarrator> Probably the best hint you can get to any of them is one of them is wearing a hat a lot like Briana's, you think.
  1470. Oct 22 00:22:47 <Genevieve> "We should probably evacuate them."
  1471. Oct 22 00:23:25 <Chase> "But shit, this is bad. The Sons have carved out a fortress into the mountains here, huh? What have they done, exactly?"
  1472. Oct 22 00:23:32 <@zoofarrator> Heimdall speaks up. "The fools are in the middle of the trial you humans enjoy so much out here. They became a bit...distracted by this 'discovery' of theirs."
  1473. Oct 22 00:24:08 <@zoofarrator> "They arrive via their outworldly means of transportation, they train, they leave. They have little interest in us."
  1474. Oct 22 00:24:19 <Rosetta> "This looks like it's gonna be a lot tougher to hit than the factory."
  1475. Oct 22 00:24:31 <Chase> "Training grounds? I see..."
  1476. Oct 22 00:24:35 <Rosetta> "Ohh, I see. They had a portal in the factory leading to here then."
  1477. Oct 22 00:24:50 <Genevieve> "It's nestled in between a bunch of legendary dragons and we have a swarm of murder Sneasel on the other side of a portal."
  1478. Oct 22 00:24:56 <Rosetta> "I saw a buncha recruits get ferried thorugh one to a snowy place, but I couldn't really check out where it was."
  1479. Oct 22 00:24:56 <Genevieve> "This looks -easier- than the factory."
  1480. Oct 22 00:25:55 <Chase> "That said yeah, this is a really odd place for that... I guess there's plenty to test themselves against but this seems a bit exposed."
  1481. Oct 22 00:26:26 <Chase> "At least they haven't been causing trouble for you."
  1482. Oct 22 00:28:07 <@zoofarrator> "I too believe they conceal their motives here. It is a peculair choice of location for an encampment. If anything, it is out of the way for you mortals."
  1483. Oct 22 00:28:13 <@zoofarrator> He continues to walk along, toward this other mountain.
  1484. Oct 22 00:28:27 »» Chase follows along.
  1485. Oct 22 00:29:25 <@zoofarrator> "Between this and the Reverse Realm being taken by the Usurper in these lands, we have been very cautious. To act against one would expose our flanks to the other."
  1486. Oct 22 00:30:41 <Chase> "Their sides don't care for each other too much either."
  1487. Oct 22 00:31:57 <Rosetta> "It's not exactly easy to play one against the other though."
  1488. Oct 22 00:32:28 <@zoofarrator> He pauses at the courtyard of this mountain - it's a bit larger than the last one was, and has an archway similar to the one you saw coming into the mountains, with the Tao Trio.
  1489. Oct 22 00:32:39 <Chase> "We've been doing what we can to learn more about our enemies here, and a lot of things have come to light recently, but I still feel like we know pretty little about everything... we can talk all about it soon enough I suppose. As for those guys down there... I don't think we want to blow their cover, exactly..."
  1490. Oct 22 00:34:54 <@zoofarrator> "May I ask the nature of your questions, before we proceed?" the man says as you reach the center of the courtyard. Standing at the entrance to this archway is a familiar face - a woman in heavy armor with a bow acros her back.
  1491. Oct 22 00:34:57 <@zoofarrator> across*
  1492. Oct 22 00:44:17 <Chase> "It's mostly about the Forgotten Gods... there's a problem with the newborn we're trying to sort out... as well as her specific situation, I guess... and the Nameless One - or the Mother Dragon? is still asleep - we're trying to rally as much support as we can at the moment. And there was the Flayed One and his visits earlier... we don't really know much about what happened there,
  1493. Oct 22 00:44:17 <Chase> but you refused his help? Something to do with his little army or his demeanor or something?"
  1494. Oct 22 00:44:23 <Chase> "Just things like that."
  1495. Oct 22 00:44:34 <Chase> *refused to give him help
  1496. Oct 22 00:44:58 <@zoofarrator> The man frowns. "Oh. That one. The truth of the matter is...well..."
  1497. Oct 22 00:45:01 <Chase> "...Valdis?" he says surprised.
  1498. Oct 22 00:46:01 <@zoofarrator> She waves as a booming voice comes from the interior of the temple. "VALLLLLLLDIIIIIIS, HAS THE PIZZA ARRIVED YET?"
  1499. Oct 22 00:46:17 <Rosetta> "What."
  1500. Oct 22 00:46:20 <@zoofarrator> Valdis: "...No, Lord - "
  1501. Oct 22 00:46:55 <@zoofarrator> There's a *Poof* as Saryx and the others seem to pop out of a cloud of smoke, and fall on top of Valdis!
  1502. Oct 22 00:47:15 <@zoofarrator> </sillyness>
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