

May 26th, 2015
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  1. module EA_Model
  3. open world_structure[World]
  4. open ontological_properties[World]
  5. open util/relation
  6. open util/ternary
  7. open util/boolean
  9. abstract sig Object {}
  10. abstract sig cItem extends Object {}
  11. sig kSoftwareTool extends cItem {}
  12. abstract sig cArtifact extends cItem {}
  13. sig kSourceCode extends cArtifact {}
  14. sig kDocument extends cArtifact {}
  15. sig kDiagram extends cArtifact {}
  16. sig kChange extends Object {}
  17. sig kPerson extends Object {}
  18. sig kProject extends Object{}
  19. sig coBranch extends Object{}
  20. sig coRepository extends Object{}
  23. abstract sig Property {}
  24. sig modeVersion extends Property{}
  25. sig modeConfiguration extends modeVersion{}
  26. sig modeAtomicVersion extends modeVersion{}
  27. sig relatorChangeRequest extends Property{}
  28. sig relatorVerification extends Property{}
  29. sig relatorCheckIn extends Property{}
  30. sig relatorCheckOut extends Property{}
  31. sig relatorConfigurationSelection extends Property{}
  32. sig relatorModification extends Property{}
  33. sig relatorRequestEvaluation extends Property{}
  34. sig relatorMarkup extends Property{}
  35. sig DataType {}
  37. sig String_ {}
  39. abstract sig World {
  40. exists: some Object+Property,
  41. Artifact: set exists:>cArtifact,
  42. AtomicCI: set exists:>cItem,
  43. AtomicVersion: set exists:>modeAtomicVersion,
  44. Baseline: set exists:>modeConfiguration,
  45. Branch: set exists:>coBranch,
  46. Change: set exists:>kChange,
  47. ChangeRequest: set exists:>relatorChangeRequest,
  48. CheckedOutVersion: set exists:>modeVersion,
  49. CheckIn: set exists:>relatorCheckIn,
  50. CheckOut: set exists:>relatorCheckOut,
  51. CompositeCI: set exists:>cItem,
  52. Configuration: set exists:>modeConfiguration,
  53. ConfigurationItem: set exists:>cItem,
  54. ConfigurationManager: set exists:>Object,
  55. ConfigurationSelection: set exists:>relatorConfigurationSelection,
  56. Developer: set exists:>kPerson,
  57. Diagram: set exists:>kDiagram,
  58. Document: set exists:>kDocument,
  59. EvaluatedRequest: set exists:>relatorChangeRequest,
  60. Evaluator: set exists:>kPerson,
  61. ImplementedChange: set exists:>kChange,
  62. Item: set exists:>cItem,
  63. Markup: set exists:>relatorMarkup,
  64. Modification: set exists:>relatorModification,
  65. ModifiedVersion: set exists:>modeVersion,
  66. OnGoingChange: set exists:>kChange,
  67. Person: set exists:>kPerson,
  68. Project: set exists:>kProject,
  69. RegisteredModification: set exists:>relatorModification,
  70. Repository: set exists:>coRepository,
  71. Requester: set exists:>kPerson,
  72. RequestEvaluation: set exists:>relatorRequestEvaluation,
  73. Revision: set exists:>modeVersion,
  74. SoftwareTool: set exists:>kSoftwareTool,
  75. SourceCode: set exists:>kSourceCode,
  76. Variant: set exists:>modeVersion,
  77. Verification: set exists:>relatorVerification,
  78. VerifiedChange: set exists:>kChange,
  79. Verifyer: set exists:>kPerson,
  80. Version: set exists:>modeVersion,
  81. VersionSubmittedForChange: set exists:>modeVersion,
  82. Association: set Project one -> some Repository,
  83. Characterization1: set Configuration some -> one CompositeCI,
  84. Characterization2: set Version some -> one ConfigurationItem,
  85. Characterization: set AtomicVersion some -> one AtomicCI,
  86. ComponentOf1: set Configuration lone -> some Version,
  87. ComponentOf: set CompositeCI lone -> some ConfigurationItem,
  88. Mediation10: set CheckOut one -> some CheckedOutVersion,
  89. Mediation11: set ConfigurationSelection one -> some ConfigurationItem,
  90. Mediation12: set Markup some -> some ConfigurationManager,
  91. Mediation13: set ConfigurationSelection some -> one ConfigurationManager,
  92. Mediation14: set Modification set -> one Developer,
  93. Mediation15: set RequestEvaluation one -> one EvaluatedRequest,
  94. Mediation16: set RequestEvaluation some -> one Evaluator,
  95. Mediation17: set Modification one -> one ModifiedVersion,
  96. Mediation18: set Verification one -> some VerifiedChange,
  97. Mediation19: set Verification some -> some Verifyer,
  98. Mediation1: set ChangeRequest some -> some Change,
  99. Mediation2: set ChangeRequest some -> one Requester,
  100. Mediation3: set ChangeRequest some -> some VersionSubmittedForChange,
  101. Mediation4: set CheckIn one -> some RegisteredModification,
  102. Mediation5: set CheckIn one -> one ImplementedChange,
  103. Mediation6: set CheckIn set -> one Developer,
  104. Mediation7: set CheckIn one -> some Version,
  105. Mediation8: set CheckOut one -> one OnGoingChange,
  106. Mediation9: set CheckOut set -> one Developer,
  107. Mediation: set Markup one -> one Baseline,
  108. MemberOf: set Branch one -> some Version,
  109. SubCollectionOf: set Repository one -> some Branch
  110. }{
  111. Artifact = Diagram+Document+SourceCode
  112. Item = SoftwareTool+AtomicCI+Diagram+Artifact+Document+CompositeCI+ConfigurationItem+SourceCode
  113. ConfigurationItem = AtomicCI+CompositeCI
  114. all x: CompositeCI | # (x.ComponentOf) >= 2
  115. all x: Configuration | # (x.ComponentOf1) >= 2
  116. disj[Repository,Document,Change,Person,Diagram,SourceCode,SoftwareTool,Project,Branch]
  117. exists:>Object in Repository+Artifact+Document+ModifiedVersion+Change+Person+Diagram+Item+SourceCode+Developer+Baseline+EvaluatedRequest+CompositeCI+RegisteredModification+AtomicCI+CheckedOutVersion+SoftwareTool+ConfigurationManager+Project+Requester+VerifiedChange+VersionSubmittedForChange+OnGoingChange+Verifyer+Branch+Evaluator+ConfigurationItem+ImplementedChange
  118. exists:>Property in Version+Configuration+Modification+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+Variant+CheckIn+Markup+ChangeRequest+RequestEvaluation+CheckOut+Revision+AtomicVersion
  119. disj[Item,Project+Repository+Person+Branch+Change]
  120. disj[Project,Repository+Item+Person+Branch+Change]
  121. disj[Branch,Project+Repository+Item+Person+Change]
  122. disj[Change,Project+Repository+Item+Person+Branch]
  123. disj[Person,Project+Repository+Item+Branch+Change]
  124. disj[Repository,Project+Item+Person+Branch+Change]
  125. disj[ConfigurationSelection,Modification+Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+CheckOut]
  126. disj[CheckOut,Modification+Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection]
  127. disj[CheckIn,Modification+Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  128. disj[RequestEvaluation,Modification+Version+Markup+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  129. disj[Verification,Modification+Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  130. disj[Markup,Modification+Version+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  131. disj[Version,Modification+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  132. disj[ChangeRequest,Modification+Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  133. disj[Modification,Version+Markup+RequestEvaluation+CheckIn+ChangeRequest+Verification+ConfigurationSelection+CheckOut]
  134. }
  136. fact additionalFacts {
  137. continuous_existence[exists]
  138. elements_existence[Object+Property,exists]
  139. }
  141. fact weakSupplementationConstraint {
  142. all w: World | all x: w.Repository | # (x.(w.SubCollectionOf)) >= 2
  143. }
  145. fact relatorConstraint {
  146. all w: World | all x: w.RequestEvaluation | # (x.(w.Mediation16)+x.(w.Mediation15)) >= 2
  147. }
  149. fact relatorConstraint {
  150. all w: World | all x: w.CheckOut | # (x.(w.Mediation8)+x.(w.Mediation10)+x.(w.Mediation9)) >= 2
  151. }
  153. fact relatorConstraint {
  154. all w: World | all x: w.Modification | # (x.(w.Mediation14)+x.(w.Mediation17)) >= 2
  155. }
  157. fact relatorConstraint {
  158. all w: World | all x: w.Markup | # (x.(w.Mediation12)+x.(w.Mediation)) >= 2
  159. }
  161. fact relatorConstraint {
  162. all w: World | all x: w.CheckIn | # (x.(w.Mediation4)+x.(w.Mediation5)+x.(w.Mediation6)+x.(w.Mediation7)) >= 2
  163. }
  165. fact relatorConstraint {
  166. all w: World | all x: w.ChangeRequest | # (x.(w.Mediation3)+x.(w.Mediation2)+x.(w.Mediation1)) >= 2
  167. }
  169. fact weakSupplementationConstraint {
  170. all w: World | all x: w.Branch | # (x.(w.MemberOf)) >= 2
  171. }
  173. fact relatorConstraint {
  174. all w: World | all x: w.Verification | # (x.(w.Mediation18)+x.(w.Mediation19)) >= 2
  175. }
  177. fact relatorConstraint {
  178. all w: World | all x: w.ConfigurationSelection | # (x.(w.Mediation13)+x.(w.Mediation11)) >= 2
  179. }
  181. fact acyclicMeronymic {
  182. all w: World | acyclic[w.ComponentOf1,w.Configuration]
  183. }
  185. fact acyclicMeronymic {
  186. all w: World | acyclic[w.ComponentOf,w.CompositeCI]
  187. }
  189. fact acyclicMeronymic {
  190. all w: World | acyclic[w.SubCollectionOf,w.Repository]
  191. }
  193. fact acyclicMeronymic {
  194. all w: World | acyclic[w.MemberOf,w.Branch]
  195. }
  197. fact acyclicCharacterization {
  198. all w: World | acyclic[w.Characterization2,w.Version]
  199. }
  201. fact acyclicCharacterization {
  202. all w: World | acyclic[w.Characterization1,w.Configuration]
  203. }
  205. fact acyclicCharacterization {
  206. all w: World | acyclic[w.Characterization,w.AtomicVersion]
  207. }
  209. fact rigidity {
  210. rigidity[Repository,Object,exists]
  211. }
  213. fact rigidity {
  214. rigidity[Version,Property,exists]
  215. }
  217. fact rigidity {
  218. rigidity[Configuration,Property,exists]
  219. }
  221. fact rigidity {
  222. rigidity[RequestEvaluation,Property,exists]
  223. }
  225. fact rigidity {
  226. rigidity[CheckIn,Property,exists]
  227. }
  229. fact rigidity {
  230. rigidity[Artifact,Object,exists]
  231. }
  233. fact rigidity {
  234. rigidity[Person,Object,exists]
  235. }
  237. fact rigidity {
  238. rigidity[ChangeRequest,Property,exists]
  239. }
  241. fact rigidity {
  242. rigidity[Document,Object,exists]
  243. }
  245. fact rigidity {
  246. rigidity[Branch,Object,exists]
  247. }
  249. fact rigidity {
  250. rigidity[CheckOut,Property,exists]
  251. }
  253. fact rigidity {
  254. rigidity[Revision,Property,exists]
  255. }
  257. fact rigidity {
  258. rigidity[Project,Object,exists]
  259. }
  261. fact rigidity {
  262. rigidity[SoftwareTool,Object,exists]
  263. }
  265. fact rigidity {
  266. rigidity[Variant,Property,exists]
  267. }
  269. fact rigidity {
  270. rigidity[Modification,Property,exists]
  271. }
  273. fact rigidity {
  274. rigidity[Diagram,Object,exists]
  275. }
  277. fact rigidity {
  278. rigidity[Markup,Property,exists]
  279. }
  281. fact rigidity {
  282. rigidity[Item,Object,exists]
  283. }
  285. fact rigidity {
  286. rigidity[Verification,Property,exists]
  287. }
  289. fact rigidity {
  290. rigidity[ConfigurationSelection,Property,exists]
  291. }
  293. fact rigidity {
  294. rigidity[AtomicVersion,Property,exists]
  295. }
  297. fact rigidity {
  298. rigidity[Change,Object,exists]
  299. }
  301. fact rigidity {
  302. rigidity[SourceCode,Object,exists]
  303. }
  305. fact generalization {
  306. Variant in Version
  307. }
  309. fact generalization {
  310. Developer in Person
  311. }
  313. fact generalization {
  314. ConfigurationManager in Person
  315. }
  317. fact generalization {
  318. VerifiedChange in ImplementedChange
  319. }
  321. fact generalization {
  322. Document in Artifact
  323. }
  325. fact generalization {
  326. ConfigurationItem in Item
  327. }
  329. fact generalization {
  330. Verifyer in ConfigurationManager
  331. }
  333. fact generalization {
  334. Evaluator in Person
  335. }
  337. fact generalization {
  338. AtomicVersion in Version
  339. }
  341. fact generalization {
  342. OnGoingChange in Change
  343. }
  345. fact generalization {
  346. Configuration in Version
  347. }
  349. fact generalization {
  350. Diagram in Artifact
  351. }
  353. fact generalization {
  354. Artifact in Item
  355. }
  357. fact generalization {
  358. SoftwareTool in Item
  359. }
  361. fact generalization {
  362. Revision in Version
  363. }
  365. fact generalization {
  366. Baseline in Configuration
  367. }
  369. fact generalization {
  370. AtomicCI in ConfigurationItem
  371. }
  373. fact generalization {
  374. Verifyer in Person
  375. }
  377. fact generalization {
  378. VersionSubmittedForChange in Version
  379. }
  381. fact generalization {
  382. EvaluatedRequest in ChangeRequest
  383. }
  385. fact generalization {
  386. SourceCode in Artifact
  387. }
  389. fact generalization {
  390. CompositeCI in ConfigurationItem
  391. }
  393. fact generalization {
  394. Evaluator in ConfigurationManager
  395. }
  397. fact generalization {
  398. Requester in Person
  399. }
  401. fact generalization {
  402. ModifiedVersion in Version
  403. }
  405. fact generalization {
  406. CheckedOutVersion in Version
  407. }
  409. fact generalization {
  410. RegisteredModification in Modification
  411. }
  413. fact generalization {
  414. ImplementedChange in Change
  415. }
  417. fun visible : World -> univ {
  418. exists
  419. }
  421. fact associationProperties {
  422. immutable_target[RequestEvaluation,Mediation15]
  423. immutable_target[Verification,Mediation19]
  424. immutable_target[Markup,Mediation12]
  425. immutable_target[CheckIn,Mediation7]
  426. }
  428. pred story [Mary:one Object+Property,Fred:one Object+Property,Thomas:one Object+Property,John:one Object+Property,Diagram1:one Object+Property,Document1:one Object+Property,SourceCode1:one Object+Property,ConfigSelection:one Object+Property,World0:one World]{
  429. Mary in World0.exists
  430. Mary in World0.Developer
  431. Fred in World0.exists
  432. Fred in World0.Developer
  433. Thomas in World0.exists
  434. Thomas in World0.Developer
  435. John in World0.exists
  436. John in World0.Developer
  437. Diagram1 in World.Diagram
  438. Diagram1 in World0.exists
  439. Document1 in World.Document
  440. Document1 in World0.exists
  441. SourceCode1 in World.SourceCode
  442. SourceCode1 in World0.exists
  443. ConfigSelection in World.ConfigurationSelection
  444. ConfigSelection in World0.exists
  445. disj[Mary,Fred,Thomas,John]
  446. World.Person in Mary+Fred+Thomas+John
  447. }
  449. //Associação existe nesse mundo
  450. /*pred direct_rel_in_w[x1,x2:Object+Property, w:World]{
  451. some f:World$.subfields |
  452. x1 in w.(f.value)[x2]
  453. or
  454. x2 in w.(f.value)[x1]
  455. }*/
  457. pred direct_rel_in_w[x1,x2:Object+Property, w:World]{
  458. some (x1->x2 + x2->x1)
  459. & ( w.Association +
  460. w.Characterization1 +
  461. w.Characterization2 +
  462. w.Characterization+
  463. w.Mediation10 +
  464. w.Mediation11 +
  465. w.Mediation12 +
  466. w.Mediation13 +
  467. w.Mediation14 +
  468. w.Mediation15 +
  469. w.Mediation16 +
  470. w.Mediation17 +
  471. w.Mediation18 +
  472. w.Mediation19 +
  473. w.Mediation1 +
  474. w.Mediation2 +
  475. w.Mediation3 +
  476. w.Mediation4 +
  477. w.Mediation5 +
  478. w.Mediation6 +
  479. w.Mediation7 +
  480. w.Mediation8 +
  481. w.Mediation9 +
  482. w.Mediation +
  483. w.MemberOf +
  484. w.SubCollectionOf )
  485. }
  488. pred story2 [John:one Object+Property,Mary:one Object+Property,Fred:one Object+Property,Thomas:one Object+Property,Selection1:one Object+Property,SourceCode1:one Object+Property,Doc1:one Object+Property,Diag1:one Object+Property,World0:one World,,]{
  490. John in World0.exists
  491. John in World0.Developer
  492. Mary in World0.exists
  493. Mary in World0.Developer
  494. Fred in World0.exists
  495. Fred in World0.Developer
  496. Thomas in World0.exists
  497. Thomas in World0.Developer
  498. Selection1 in World.ConfigurationSelection
  499. Selection1 in World0.exists
  500. direct_rel_in_w[(Selection1),(Diag1),World0]
  501. direct_rel_in_w[(Selection1),(Doc1),World0]
  502. direct_rel_in_w[(Selection1),(SourceCode1),World0]
  503. SourceCode1 in World.SourceCode
  504. SourceCode1 in World0.exists
  505. Doc1 in World.Document
  506. Doc1 in World0.exists
  507. Diag1 in World.Diagram
  508. Diag1 in World0.exists
  511. }
  513. pred story3 [World0:one World,
  514. World1:one World,
  515. World2:one World,
  516. World3:one World,
  517. Thomas:one Object+Property,
  518. Mary:one Object+Property,
  519. Fred:one Object+Property,
  520. John:one Object+Property,
  521. BakeryProcessDiagram:one Object+Property,
  522. DiagramVersion:one Object+Property,
  523. SourceDocumentation:one Object+Property,
  524. BakerySourcecode:one Object+Property,
  525. selection:one Object+Property,
  526. markup01:one Object+Property,
  527. Configuration01:one Object+Property,
  528. FredsChangeRequest:one Object+Property,
  529. diagCheckOut:one Object+Property,]{
  530. disj[Thomas,Mary,Fred,John]
  531. Thomas in World.Person
  532. Thomas in World0.exists
  533. Thomas in World1.exists
  534. Thomas in World2.exists
  535. Thomas in World3.exists
  536. Thomas in World0.Developer
  537. Thomas in World1.Developer
  538. Thomas in World2.Developer
  539. Thomas in World3.Developer
  540. Mary in World.Person
  541. Mary in World0.exists
  542. Mary in World1.exists
  543. Mary in World2.exists
  544. Mary in World3.exists
  545. Mary in World0.Developer
  546. Mary in World1.Developer
  547. Mary in World2.Developer
  548. Mary in World3.Developer
  549. Fred in World.Person
  550. Fred in World0.exists
  551. Fred in World1.exists
  552. Fred in World2.exists
  553. Fred in World3.exists
  554. Fred in World0.Developer
  555. Fred in World1.Developer
  556. Fred in World2.Developer
  557. Fred in World3.Developer
  558. Fred in World2.Requester
  559. Fred in World3.Requester
  560. not Fred in World0.Requester
  561. not Fred in World1.Requester
  562. John in World.Person
  563. John in World0.exists
  564. John in World1.exists
  565. John in World2.exists
  566. John in World3.exists
  567. John in World0.Developer
  568. John in World1.Developer
  569. John in World2.Developer
  570. John in World3.Developer
  571. BakeryProcessDiagram in World.Diagram
  572. BakeryProcessDiagram in World.Artifact
  573. BakeryProcessDiagram in World0.exists
  574. BakeryProcessDiagram in World1.exists
  575. BakeryProcessDiagram in World2.exists
  576. BakeryProcessDiagram in World3.exists
  577. DiagramVersion in World.Version
  578. DiagramVersion in World0.exists
  579. DiagramVersion in World1.exists
  580. DiagramVersion in World2.exists
  581. DiagramVersion in World3.exists
  582. DiagramVersion in World2.VersionSubmittedForChange
  583. DiagramVersion in World3.VersionSubmittedForChange
  584. not DiagramVersion in World1.VersionSubmittedForChange
  585. not DiagramVersion in World0.VersionSubmittedForChange
  586. SourceDocumentation in World.Artifact
  587. SourceDocumentation in World.Document
  588. SourceDocumentation in World0.exists
  589. SourceDocumentation in World1.exists
  590. SourceDocumentation in World2.exists
  591. SourceDocumentation in World3.exists
  592. BakerySourcecode in World.Artifact
  593. BakerySourcecode in World.SourceCode
  594. BakerySourcecode in World0.exists
  595. BakerySourcecode in World1.exists
  596. BakerySourcecode in World2.exists
  597. BakerySourcecode in World3.exists
  598. selection in World.ConfigurationSelection
  599. selection in World1.exists
  600. selection in World2.exists
  601. selection in World3.exists
  602. selection not in World0.exists
  603. markup01 in World.Markup
  604. markup01 in World1.exists
  605. markup01 in World2.exists
  606. markup01 in World3.exists
  607. markup01 not in World0.exists
  608. Configuration01 in World1.exists
  609. Configuration01 in World0.exists
  610. Configuration01 in World2.exists
  611. Configuration01 in World3.exists
  612. Configuration01 in World1.Baseline
  613. Configuration01 in World2.Baseline
  614. Configuration01 in World3.Baseline
  615. not Configuration01 in World0.Baseline
  616. FredsChangeRequest in World.ChangeRequest
  617. FredsChangeRequest in World2.exists
  618. FredsChangeRequest in World3.exists
  619. FredsChangeRequest not in World0.exists
  620. FredsChangeRequest not in World1.exists
  621. diagCheckOut in World.CheckOut
  622. diagCheckOut in World3.exists
  623. diagCheckOut not in World2.exists
  624. diagCheckOut not in World1.exists
  625. diagCheckOut not in World0.exists
  626. direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(Fred),World2]
  627. direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(Fred),World3]
  628. not direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(Fred),World0]
  629. not direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(Fred),World1]
  630. direct_rel_in_w[(DiagramVersion),(diagCheckOut),World3]
  631. not direct_rel_in_w[(DiagramVersion),(diagCheckOut),World0]
  632. not direct_rel_in_w[(DiagramVersion),(diagCheckOut),World1]
  633. not direct_rel_in_w[(DiagramVersion),(diagCheckOut),World2]
  634. direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(DiagramVersion),World2]
  635. direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(DiagramVersion),World3]
  636. not direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(DiagramVersion),World1]
  637. not direct_rel_in_w[(FredsChangeRequest),(DiagramVersion),World0]
  638. direct_rel_in_w[(selection),(Thomas),World1]
  639. direct_rel_in_w[(selection),(Thomas),World2]
  640. direct_rel_in_w[(selection),(Thomas),World3]
  641. not direct_rel_in_w[(Thomas),(selection),World0]
  642. direct_rel_in_w[(BakerySourcecode),(selection),World1]
  643. direct_rel_in_w[(BakerySourcecode),(selection),World2]
  644. direct_rel_in_w[(BakerySourcecode),(selection),World3]
  645. not direct_rel_in_w[(BakerySourcecode),(selection),World0]
  646. direct_rel_in_w[(markup01),(Configuration01),World1]
  647. direct_rel_in_w[(markup01),(Configuration01),World2]
  648. direct_rel_in_w[(markup01),(Configuration01),World3]
  649. not direct_rel_in_w[(markup01),(Configuration01),World0]
  650. }
  652. run story3 for 14 but 4 World
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