

Jul 2nd, 2015
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  1. /jp/ is a hellhole filled with the most misanthropic reject cunts society ever miscarried out. they are the most miserable trash imaginable and make /v/'s user base look like the fucking Red Cross by comparison. the population at large of 4chan, a site that for 8 years has prided itself on being the most offensive, destructive, and unwelcoming community online, has singled them out as being intolerably hostile. I want you to think about that for a minute. /jp/ is the island where the leper colony sends people it doesn't want. If everyone who ever posted on /jp/ died in a fucking terrorist attack tomorrow it would be a global holiday for centuries. Fuck the board, fuck everyone who posts there and fuck you too to an amount directly proportional to how knowledgeable you are about that place. Get out.
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