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text 15.77 KB | Software | 0 0
  1. C:\Users\Adrian\Projects\.vim>Copy CON input.c
  2. int x;
  3. ^Z
  4. 1 file(s) copied.
  6. C:\Users\Adrian\Projects\.vim>Type input.c
  7. int x;
  9. C:\Users\Adrian\Projects\.vim>ctags --version
  10. Universal Ctags 6.1.0(v6.1.0), Copyright (C) 2015-2023 Universal Ctags Team
  11. Universal Ctags is derived from Exuberant Ctags.
  12. Exuberant Ctags 5.8, Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Darren Hiebert
  13. Compiled: Dec 29 2023, 08:24:13
  14. URL:
  15. Output version: 0.0
  16. Optional compiled features: +win32, +wildcards, +regex, +gnulib_regex, +internal-sort, +unix-path-separator, +iconv, +option-directory, +xpath, +json, +interactive, +yaml, +case-insensitive-filenames, +packcc, +optscript, +pcre2
  18. C:\Users\Adrian\Projects\.vim>ctags --verbose --options=NONE --extras="{pseudo}" -f - input.c
  19. ctags.exe: Notice: No options will be read from files or environment
  20. Installing parsers: UniversalCtags, Unknown, CTagsSelfTest, Abaqus, Abc, Ada, Ant, Asciidoc, Asm, Asp, Autoconf, AutoIt, Automake, Awk, Basic, Bats, BETA, BibLaTeX, BibTeX, Clojure, CMake, C, C++, CPreProcessor, CSS, C#, Ctags, Cobol, CobolFree, CobolVariable, CUDA, D, Diff, DTD, DTS, DosBatch, Eiffel, Elixir, EmacsLisp, Erlang, Falcon, Flex, Forth, Fortran, FrontMatter, FunctionParameters, Fypp, Gdbinit, GDScript, GemSpec, Go, GPerf, Haskell, Haxe, HTML, Iniconf, Inko, IPythonCell, ITcl, Java, JavaProperties, JavaScript, JSON, Julia, Kconfig, LdScript, LEX, Lisp, LiterateHaskell, Lua, M4, Man, Make, Markdown, MatLab, Meson, MesonOptions, Moose, Myrddin, NSIS, ObjectiveC, OCaml, Org, Passwd, Pascal, Perl, Perl6, PHP, PkgConfig, Pod, PowerShell, Protobuf, PuppetManifest, Python, PythonLoggingConfig, QemuHX, QtMoc, Quarto, RMarkdown, R, Rake, Raku, R6Class, RSpec, REXX, Robot, RpmMacros, RpmSpec, ReStructuredText, Ruby, Rust, S4Class, Scheme, SCSS, Sh, SLang, SML, SQL, SystemdUnit, SystemTap, Tcl, TclOO, Terraform, TerraformVariables, Tex, TeXBeamer, TTCN, Txt2tags, TypeScript, V, Vera, Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, Vim, WindRes, YACC, YumRepo, Zephir, Zsh, DBusIntrospect, Glade, Maven2, PlistXML, RelaxNG, SVG, XRC, XML, XSLT, Yaml, AnsiblePlaybook, I18nRubyGem, OpenAPI, YamlFrontMatter, Varlink, Kotlin, Thrift, Elm, RDoc
  21. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = Ant
  22. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = Asm, lower = LdScript
  23. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = M4, lower = Autoconf
  24. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Make, lower = Automake
  25. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Sh, lower = Bats
  26. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = BibTeX, lower = BibLaTeX
  27. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = C, lower = LdScript
  28. link dependencies: type = KIND_OWNER, upper = C, lower = C++
  29. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = C++, lower = LdScript
  30. link dependencies: type = KIND_OWNER, upper = C, lower = CUDA
  31. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Perl, lower = FunctionParameters
  32. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Ruby, lower = GemSpec
  33. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Python, lower = IPythonCell
  34. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Tcl, lower = ITcl
  35. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Perl, lower = Moose
  36. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Iniconf, lower = PythonLoggingConfig
  37. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = C++, lower = QtMoc
  38. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Markdown, lower = Quarto
  39. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Markdown, lower = RMarkdown
  40. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Ruby, lower = Rake
  41. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = R, lower = R6Class
  42. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Ruby, lower = RSpec
  43. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = RpmSpec, lower = Autoconf
  44. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = R, lower = S4Class
  45. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Iniconf, lower = SystemdUnit
  46. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Tcl, lower = TclOO
  47. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = TerraformVariables, lower = Terraform
  48. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Tex, lower = TeXBeamer
  49. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = V, lower = C
  50. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = V, lower = JavaScript
  51. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Iniconf, lower = YumRepo
  52. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = DBusIntrospect
  53. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = Glade
  54. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = Maven2
  55. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = PlistXML
  56. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = RelaxNG
  57. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = SVG
  58. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = XRC
  59. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = XML, lower = XSLT
  60. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Yaml, lower = AnsiblePlaybook
  61. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Yaml, lower = I18nRubyGem
  62. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Yaml, lower = OpenAPI
  63. link dependencies: type = SUBPARSER, upper = Yaml, lower = YamlFrontMatter
  64. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = YamlFrontMatter, lower = FrontMatter
  65. link dependencies: type = FOREIGNER, upper = Thrift, lower = C++
  66. Setting option defaults
  67. Setting default header extensions: h, H, hh, hpp, hxx, h++, inc, def
  68. Installing default language mappings:
  69. UniversalCtags:
  70. Unknown:
  71. CTagsSelfTest:
  72. Abaqus: .inp
  73. Abc: (*.abc) .abc
  74. Ada: .adb .ads .Ada .ada
  75. Ant: (build.xml) .build.xml .ant .xml
  76. Asciidoc: (*.asc) (*.adoc) (*.asciidoc) .asc .adoc .asciidoc
  77. Asm: (*.A51) (*.29[kK]) (*.[68][68][kKsSxX]) (*.[xX][68][68]) .asm .ASM .s .S
  78. Asp: .asp .asa
  79. Autoconf: ( .ac
  80. AutoIt: .au3 .AU3 .aU3 .Au3
  81. Automake: ( ( .am
  82. Awk: .awk .gawk .mawk
  83. Basic: .bas .bi .bm .bb .pb
  84. Bats: .bats
  85. BETA: .bet
  86. BibLaTeX:
  87. BibTeX: .bib
  88. Clojure: .clj .cljs .cljc
  89. CMake: (CMakeLists.txt) .cmake
  90. C: .c
  91. C++: .c++ .cc .cp .cpp .cxx .h .h++ .hh .hp .hpp .hxx .inl
  92. CPreProcessor:
  93. CSS: .css
  94. C#: .cs
  95. Ctags: .ctags
  96. Cobol: .cbl .cob .CBL .COB
  97. CobolFree:
  98. CobolVariable:
  99. CUDA: .cu .cuh
  100. D: .d .di
  101. Diff: .diff .patch
  102. DTD: .dtd .mod
  103. DTS: .dts .dtsi
  104. DosBatch: .bat .cmd
  105. Eiffel: .e
  106. Elixir: .ex .exs
  107. EmacsLisp: .el
  108. Erlang: .erl .ERL .hrl .HRL
  109. Falcon: .fal .ftd
  110. Flex: .as .mxml
  111. Forth: .fth .forth .fs .4th .f
  112. Fortran: .f .for .ftn .f77 .f90 .f95 .f03 .f08 .f15
  113. FrontMatter:
  114. FunctionParameters:
  115. Fypp: .fy
  116. Gdbinit: (.gdbinit) .gdb
  117. GDScript: .gd
  118. GemSpec: .gemspec
  119. Go: .go
  120. GPerf: .perf .gperf
  121. Haskell: .hs
  122. Haxe: .hx
  123. HTML: .htm .html
  124. Iniconf: .ini .conf
  125. Inko: .inko
  126. IPythonCell:
  127. ITcl: .itcl
  128. Java: .java
  129. JavaProperties: .properties
  130. JavaScript: .js .jsx .mjs
  131. JSON: .json
  132. Julia: .jl
  133. Kconfig: (Kconfig*)
  134. LdScript: (*.lds.S) (ld.script) .lds .scr .ld .ldi
  135. LEX: .lex .l
  136. Lisp: .cl .clisp .l .lisp .lsp
  137. LiterateHaskell: .lhs
  138. Lua: .lua
  139. M4: .m4 .spt
  140. Man: .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .3pm .3stap .7stap
  141. Make: ([Mm]akefile) (GNUmakefile) .mak .mk
  142. Markdown: .md .markdown
  143. MatLab: .m
  144. Meson: (
  145. MesonOptions: (meson_options.txt)
  146. Moose:
  147. Myrddin: .myr
  148. NSIS: .nsi .nsh
  149. ObjectiveC: .mm .m .h
  150. OCaml: .ml .mli .aug
  151. Org: .org
  152. Passwd: (passwd)
  153. Pascal: .p .pas
  154. Perl: .pl .pm .ph .plx .perl
  155. Perl6: .p6 .pm6 .pm .pl6 .t6
  156. PHP: .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .php7 .phtml
  157. PkgConfig: .pc
  158. Pod: .pod
  159. PowerShell: .ps1 .psm1
  160. Protobuf: .proto
  161. PuppetManifest: .pp
  162. Python: .py .pyx .pxd .pxi .scons .wsgi
  163. PythonLoggingConfig:
  164. QemuHX: .hx
  165. QtMoc:
  166. Quarto: .qmd
  167. RMarkdown: .rmd
  168. R: .r .R .s .q
  169. Rake: (Rakefile) .rake
  170. Raku: .raku .rakumod .rakutest .rakudoc
  171. R6Class:
  172. RSpec:
  173. REXX: .cmd .rexx .rx
  174. Robot: .robot
  175. RpmMacros:
  176. RpmSpec: .spec
  177. ReStructuredText: .rest .reST .rst
  178. Ruby: .rb .ruby
  179. Rust: .rs
  180. S4Class:
  181. Scheme: .SCM .SM .sch .scheme .scm .sm .rkt
  182. SCSS: .scss
  183. Sh: .sh .SH .bsh .bash .ksh .ash
  184. SLang: .sl
  185. SML: .sml .sig
  186. SQL: .sql
  187. SystemdUnit: .service .socket .device .mount .automount .swap .target .path .timer .snapshot .slice
  188. SystemTap: .stp .stpm
  189. Tcl: .tcl .tk .wish .exp
  190. TclOO:
  191. Terraform: .tf
  192. TerraformVariables: .tfvars
  193. Tex: .tex
  194. TeXBeamer:
  195. TTCN: .ttcn .ttcn3
  196. Txt2tags: (*.t2t) .t2t
  197. TypeScript: .ts
  198. V: .v
  199. Vera: .vr .vri .vrh
  200. Verilog: .v
  201. SystemVerilog: .sv .svh .svi
  202. VHDL: .vhdl .vhd
  203. Vim: (vimrc) ([._]vimrc) (gvimrc) ([._]gvimrc) .vim .vba
  204. WindRes: .rc
  205. YACC: .y
  206. YumRepo: .repo
  207. Zephir: .zep
  208. Zsh: .zsh
  209. DBusIntrospect: .xml
  210. Glade: .glade
  211. Maven2: (pom.xml) .pom .xml
  212. PlistXML: .plist
  213. RelaxNG: .rng
  214. SVG: .svg
  215. XRC: .xrc
  216. XML: .xml
  217. XSLT: .xsl .xslt
  218. Yaml: .yml .yaml
  219. AnsiblePlaybook:
  220. I18nRubyGem:
  221. OpenAPI: (openapi.yaml)
  222. YamlFrontMatter:
  223. Varlink: .varlink
  224. Kotlin: .kt .kts
  225. Thrift: .thrift
  226. Elm: .elm
  227. RDoc: .rdoc
  228. Installing default language aliases:
  229. UniversalCtags:
  230. Unknown:
  231. CTagsSelfTest:
  232. Abaqus:
  233. Abc:
  234. Ada:
  235. Ant:
  236. Asciidoc:
  237. Asm:
  238. Asp:
  239. Autoconf:
  240. AutoIt:
  241. Automake:
  242. Awk: gawk mawk
  243. Basic:
  244. Bats:
  245. BETA:
  246. BibLaTeX:
  247. BibTeX:
  248. Clojure:
  249. CMake:
  250. C:
  251. C++:
  252. CPreProcessor:
  253. CSS:
  254. C#: csharp
  255. Ctags:
  256. Cobol:
  257. CobolFree:
  258. CobolVariable:
  259. CUDA:
  260. D:
  261. Diff:
  262. DTD:
  263. DTS:
  264. DosBatch:
  265. Eiffel:
  266. Elixir:
  267. EmacsLisp: emacs-lisp
  268. Erlang:
  269. Falcon:
  270. Flex:
  271. Forth:
  272. Fortran:
  273. FrontMatter:
  274. FunctionParameters:
  275. Fypp:
  276. Gdbinit:
  277. GDScript:
  278. GemSpec:
  279. Go:
  280. GPerf:
  281. Haskell:
  282. Haxe:
  283. HTML:
  284. Iniconf:
  285. Inko:
  286. IPythonCell:
  287. ITcl:
  288. Java:
  289. JavaProperties:
  290. JavaScript: js node nodejs seed gjs v8
  291. JSON:
  292. Julia:
  293. Kconfig:
  294. LdScript: ld-script
  295. LEX:
  296. Lisp: clisp
  297. LiterateHaskell:
  298. Lua:
  299. M4:
  300. Man:
  301. Make: makefile
  302. Markdown:
  303. MatLab:
  304. Meson:
  305. MesonOptions:
  306. Moose:
  307. Myrddin:
  308. NSIS:
  309. ObjectiveC: objc objective-c
  310. OCaml: tuareg caml
  311. Org:
  312. Passwd:
  313. Pascal:
  314. Perl: cperl
  315. Perl6:
  316. PHP:
  317. PkgConfig:
  318. Pod:
  319. PowerShell:
  320. Protobuf:
  321. PuppetManifest:
  322. Python: python[23]* scons
  323. PythonLoggingConfig:
  324. QemuHX:
  325. QtMoc:
  326. Quarto:
  327. RMarkdown:
  328. R:
  329. Rake:
  330. Raku:
  331. R6Class:
  332. RSpec:
  333. REXX:
  334. Robot:
  335. RpmMacros:
  336. RpmSpec: rpm-spec
  337. ReStructuredText: rst
  338. Ruby:
  339. Rust:
  340. S4Class:
  341. Scheme: gosh guile racket
  342. SCSS:
  343. Sh: sh bash ksh ash dash shell-script
  344. SLang:
  345. SML:
  346. SQL: pgsql
  347. SystemdUnit:
  348. SystemTap: stap
  349. Tcl: expect tclsh
  350. TclOO:
  351. Terraform:
  352. TerraformVariables:
  353. Tex:
  354. TeXBeamer:
  355. TTCN:
  356. Txt2tags:
  357. TypeScript:
  358. V:
  359. Vera:
  360. Verilog:
  361. SystemVerilog:
  362. VHDL:
  363. Vim:
  364. WindRes:
  365. YACC:
  366. YumRepo:
  367. Zephir:
  368. Zsh: zsh
  369. DBusIntrospect:
  370. Glade:
  371. Maven2:
  372. PlistXML:
  373. RelaxNG:
  374. SVG:
  375. XRC:
  376. XML:
  377. XSLT:
  378. Yaml:
  379. AnsiblePlaybook:
  380. I18nRubyGem:
  381. OpenAPI:
  382. YamlFrontMatter:
  383. Varlink:
  384. Kotlin:
  385. Thrift:
  386. Elm:
  387. RDoc:
  388. Installing default exclude patterns:
  389. adding (null) pattern: {arch}
  390. adding (null) pattern: .arch-ids
  391. adding (null) pattern: .arch-inventory
  392. adding (null) pattern: autom4te.cache
  393. adding (null) pattern: BitKeeper
  394. adding (null) pattern: .bzr
  395. adding (null) pattern: .bzrignore
  396. adding (null) pattern: CVS
  397. adding (null) pattern: .cvsignore
  398. adding (null) pattern: _darcs
  399. adding (null) pattern: .deps
  400. adding (null) pattern: .dvi
  401. adding (null) pattern: .DS_Store
  402. adding (null) pattern: EIFGEN
  403. adding (null) pattern: .git
  404. adding (null) pattern: .gitignore
  405. adding (null) pattern: .gitattributes
  406. adding (null) pattern: .hg
  407. adding (null) pattern: .hgignore
  408. adding (null) pattern: PENDING
  409. adding (null) pattern: RCS
  410. adding (null) pattern: RESYNC
  411. adding (null) pattern: SCCS
  412. adding (null) pattern: .svn
  413. adding (null) pattern: *~
  414. adding (null) pattern: .*.swp
  415. adding (null) pattern: *.o
  416. adding (null) pattern: *.a
  417. adding (null) pattern: *.so
  418. adding (null) pattern: *.obj
  419. adding (null) pattern: *.lib
  420. adding (null) pattern: *.dll
  421. adding (null) pattern: *.exe
  422. adding (null) pattern: *.gcno
  423. adding (null) pattern: *.gcda
  424. adding (null) pattern: *.class
  425. adding (null) pattern: *.pyc
  426. adding (null) pattern: *.pyo
  427. Reading initial options from command line
  428. Entering configuration stage: loading command line
  429. Option: --extras={pseudo}
  430. Option: -f -
  431. Reading command line arguments
  432. Get file language for input.c
  433. pattern: input.c
  434. #candidates: 1
  435. 0: C (extension: "c")
  436. #candidates after sorting and filtering: 1
  437. 0: C (extension: "c")
  438. OPENING input.c as C language file [new]
  439. Initialize parser: C
  440. Initialize parser: LdScript
  441. Initialize parser: CPreProcessor
  442. symtbl[:=] *root*<-x/0000015f79ed5ec0 (line: 1)
  443. sorting tag file
  444. !_TAG_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION pseudo /Include pseudo tags/
  445. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION epoch /the last modified time of the input file (only for F\/file kind tag)/
  446. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION file /File-restricted scoping/
  447. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION input /input file/
  448. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION name /tag name/
  449. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION pattern /pattern/
  450. !_TAG_FIELD_DESCRIPTION typeref /Type and name of a variable or typedef/
  451. !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
  452. !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
  453. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C d,macro /macro definitions/
  454. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C e,enumerator /enumerators (values inside an enumeration)/
  455. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C f,function /function definitions/
  456. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C g,enum /enumeration names/
  457. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C h,header /included header files/
  458. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C m,member /struct, and union members/
  459. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C s,struct /structure names/
  460. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C t,typedef /typedefs/
  461. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C u,union /union names/
  462. !_TAG_KIND_DESCRIPTION!C v,variable /variable definitions/
  463. !_TAG_OUTPUT_EXCMD mixed /number, pattern, mixed, or combineV2/
  464. !_TAG_OUTPUT_FILESEP slash /slash or backslash/
  465. !_TAG_OUTPUT_MODE u-ctags /u-ctags or e-ctags/
  466. !_TAG_OUTPUT_VERSION 0.0 /current.age/
  467. !_TAG_PARSER_VERSION!C 1.1 /current.age/
  468. !_TAG_PATTERN_LENGTH_LIMIT 96 /0 for no limit/
  469. !_TAG_PROC_CWD C:/Users/Adrian/Projects/.vim/ //
  470. !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team //
  471. !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/
  472. !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/
  473. !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 6.1.0 /v6.1.0/
  474. !_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!C!function foreigndecl /declared in foreign languages/
  475. !_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!C!header local /local header/
  476. !_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!C!header system /system header/
  477. !_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!C!macro undef /undefined/
  478. !_TAG_ROLE_DESCRIPTION!C!struct foreigndecl /declared in foreign languages/
  479. x input.c /^int x;$/;" v typeref:typename:int
  481. C:\Users\Adrian\Projects\.vim>
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