

Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. on first join:
  2. command "/tagsetother %player% [&a剣士&f]&e"
  3. command "/class profess 剣士"
  5. command /test:
  6. trigger:
  7. message "test"
  9. On rightclick on a entity:
  10. If name of entity is "&aJens":
  11. If {jens.mission.%player%} is not set:
  12. open chest with 1 rows named "&aJENS" to player
  13. format slot 0 of player with stone named "&7Sten - &6Sælg" with lore "&5Pris: &b1&aDKK" to run [ execute player command "/uaishdgsaygdasdftasd"]
  14. Format slot 1 of player with stone named "&7Sten - &6Køb" with lore "&5Pris: &b10&aDKK" to run [ execute player command "/dfhjbdsfbsdfhdsifsiduf"]
  15. stop
  16. Else:
  17. send player title "&aMISSION" with subtitle "&6Du har klaret missionen!" for 3 seconds
  18. add 1000 to player's balance
  19. give 1 of ( item ) to player's inventory
  20. set {jens.mission.%player%} to 2
  21. stop
  24. Command /uaishdgsaygdasdftasd:
  25. Trigger:
  26. If player has 1 of stone in inventory:
  27. remove 1 of stone from player's inventory
  28. add 1 to player's balance
  29. message "&aJens &f>> &6Du solgte 1x sten for &b1&aDKK!"
  30. Else:
  31. message "&aJens &f>> &cDu har ikke nok sten på dig!"
  32. stop
  34. Command /dfhjbdsfbsdfhdsifsiduf:
  35. Trigger:
  36. If player's balance is between 10 and 999999999999999:
  37. give 1 of stone to player's inventory
  38. remove 10 from player's balance
  39. message "&aJens &f>> &6Du købte 1x sten for &b106aDKK!"
  40. Else:
  41. message "&aJens &f>> &cDu har ikke nok penge!"
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