

Nov 9th, 2019
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  1. on mine:
  2. if player is in world "PrisonSpawn":
  3. set {_sektor} to "%region at event-block%"
  4. if "%{_sektor}%" does not contain "domek" or "obs":
  5. if "%{_sektor}%" contains "sek":
  6. if "%{_sektor}%" contains "sek_8":
  7. if player does not have permission "":
  8. play "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 0.6
  9. send player title "&4○ &cHej! Uwaga! &4○" with subtitle "&7Nie posiadasz odpowiedniej rangi &6Premium!" for 1 second
  10. cancel event
  11. stop
  12. else if "%{_sektor}%" contains "sek_7":
  13. if player does not have permission "" or "":
  14. play "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 0.6
  15. send player title "&4○ &cHej! Uwaga! &4○" with subtitle "&7Nie posiadasz odpowiedniej rangi &6Premium!" for 1 second
  16. cancel event
  17. stop
  18. else if "%{_sektor}%" contains "sek_6":
  19. if player does not have permission "skript.iron" or "" or "":
  20. play "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 0.6
  21. send player title "&4○ &cHej! Uwaga! &4○" with subtitle "&7Nie posiadasz odpowiedniej rangi &6Premium!" for 1 second
  22. cancel event
  23. stop
  24. else if "%{_sektor}%" contains "sek_5":
  25. if player does not have permission "skript.coal" or "skript.iron" or "" or "":
  26. play "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 0.6
  27. send player title "&4○ &cHej! Uwaga! &4○" with subtitle "&7Nie posiadasz odpowiedniej rangi premium!" for 1 second
  28. cancel event
  29. stop
  34. else:
  35. replace all " in world PrisonSpawn" with "" in {_sektor}
  36. replace all "and" with "" in {_sektor}
  37. replace all "spawn" with "" in {_sektor}
  38. replace all "kopalnia" with "" in {_sektor}
  39. replace all "sek_" with "" in {_sektor}
  40. replace all " " with "" in {_sektor}
  41. replace all "_" with "" in {_sektor}
  42. if "%{levelPermisja.%player%}%" does not contain "%{_sektor}%":
  43. set {_tak} to true
  44. if {levelPermisja.%player%} is not "WOLNY" or "UCIEKINIER":
  45. if {_tak} is true:
  46. play "ENTITY_ITEM_BREAK" specifically to player with pitch 2 and volume 0.6
  47. send player title "&4○ &cHej! Uwaga! &4○" with subtitle "&7Nie odblokowałeś tego sektora!" for 1 second
  48. cancel event
  49. stop
  50. if {event.drop.SEC} is set:
  51. drop 1 of event-block at event-location
  52. if {WALENTYNKA.drop.SEC} is set:
  53. chance of 0.018%:
  54. give 1 38:4 of unbreaking 10 named "&4❤ &c&lWalentynka &4❤" with lore "&7Event &cWalentynkowy &7&n2019&7r. ||&7Więcej informacji pod /walentynki" to the player
  55. send player title "&4❤ &c&lWydropiono walentynke &4❤" with subtitle "&7Wiecej info /walentynki!" for 1 second
  56. add 1 to {iloscwalentynek}
  57. add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropiono Walentynke!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Dropwalentynek.txt"
  58. # if {LOD.drop.SEC} is set:
  59. # drop 1 of event-block at event-location
  60. # chance of 0.02%:
  61. # give 1 174 of unbreaking 10 named "&9&l⁕ Sopel ⁕" with lore "&7&lEvent Świąteczny 2018||&cWymiana od 24.12.2018r" to the player
  62. # send player title "&9&l⁕ &aWydropiono Sopel! &9&l⁕" with subtitle "&7Wymiana od 24 grudnia!" for 1 second
  63. # add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropiono Sopel!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Dropsopli.txt"
  64. # if {GWIAZDOPACZKA.drop} is set:
  65. # chance of 0.018%:
  66. # execute console command "/case givecase %player% ⭐ gwiazdopaczka ⭐"
  67. # send player title "&9&l⁕ &aWydropiono &e⭐ &6&lGwiazdoPaczke &e⭐&a! &9&l⁕" with subtitle "&7Kliknij PPM aby otworzyc!" for 1 second
  68. # add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropiono Paczke!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Droppaczek.txt"
  69. # chance of 0.01%:
  70. # give 1 91 of unbreaking 10 named "&4&lDynia Halloween" to the player
  71. # add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropilem dynie!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Dropdyn.txt"
  72. # chance of 0.1%:
  73. # give 1 86 of infinity 10 named "&6&lDyniopaczka" with lore "||&7Kliknij PPM aby otworzyc" to player
  74. # send player title "&9&l⁕ &aWydropiono Dyniopaczke! &9&l⁕" for 1 second
  75. # add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropilem dyniopaczke!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Dropdyniopaczek.txt"
  76. # chance of 0.25%:
  77. # give 1 361 of infinity 10 named "&e&lO&6&ld&e&ll&6&la&e&lm&6&le&e&lk &6&lD&e&ly&6&ln&e&li" to player
  78. # if player has 361:
  79. # send player title "&9&l⁕ &aWydropiono Odlamek! &9&l⁕" with subtitle "&7Wymiana od 31 października!" for 1 second
  80. # add "%now% - %player%: ""Wydropilem odlamek!"" " to yaml list "Drop" from file "plugins/Skript/scripts/Dropodlamkow.txt"
  82. # FORTUNKA
  83. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 1 or fortune 2 or fortune 3 or fortune 4 or fortune 5:
  84. chance of 20%:
  85. give 1 of event-block to the player
  86. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 6 or fortune 7 or fortune 8 or fortune 9 or fortune 10:
  87. chance of 30%:
  88. give 1 of event-block to the player
  89. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 11 or fortune 12 or fortune 13 or fortune 14 or fortune 15:
  90. chance of 40%:
  91. give 1 of event-block to the player
  92. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 16 or fortune 17 or fortune 18 or fortune 19 or fortune 20:
  93. chance of 45%:
  94. give 1 of event-block to the player
  95. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 21 or fortune 22 or fortune 23 or fortune 24 or fortune 25:
  96. chance of 35%:
  97. give 2 of event-block to the player
  98. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 26 or fortune 27 or fortune 28 or fortune 29 or fortune 30 or fortune 31 or fortune 32 or fortune 33 or fortune 34 or fortune 35:
  99. chance of 50%:
  100. give 2 of event-block to the player
  101. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 36 or fortune 37 or fortune 38 or fortune 39 or fortune 40 or fortune 41 or fortune 42 or fortune 43 or fortune 44 or fortune 45 or fortune 46 or fortune 47 or fortune 48 or fortune 49 or fortune 50:
  102. chance of 55%:
  103. give 2 of event-block to the player
  104. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 51 or fortune 52 or fortune 53:
  105. chance of 60%:
  106. give 2 of event-block to the player
  107. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 54 or fortune 55:
  108. chance of 60%:
  109. give 3 of event-block to the player
  110. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 56 or fortune 57:
  111. chance of 65%:
  112. give 3 of event-block to the player
  113. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 58 or fortune 59:
  114. chance of 67%:
  115. give 3 of event-block to the player
  116. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 60 or fortune 61:
  117. chance of 69%:
  118. give 3 of event-block to the player
  119. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 62 or fortune 63:
  120. chance of 50%:
  121. give 4 of event-block to the player
  122. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 64 or fortune 65:
  123. chance of 52%:
  124. give 4 of event-block to the player
  125. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 66 or fortune 67:
  126. chance of 54%:
  127. give 4 of event-block to the player
  128. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 68 or fortune 69:
  129. chance of 56%:
  130. give 4 of event-block to the player
  131. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 70 or fortune 71:
  132. chance of 58%:
  133. give 4 of event-block to the player
  134. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 72 or fortune 73:
  135. chance of 60%:
  136. give 4 of event-block to the player
  137. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 74 or fortune 75:
  138. chance of 62%:
  139. give 4 of event-block to the player
  140. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 76 or fortune 77:
  141. chance of 64%:
  142. give 4 of event-block to the player
  143. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 78 or fortune 79:
  144. chance of 66%:
  145. give 4 of event-block to the player
  146. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 80 or fortune 81:
  147. chance of 68%:
  148. give 4 of event-block to the player
  149. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 82 or fortune 84:
  150. chance of 50%:
  151. give 5 of event-block to the player
  152. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 85 or fortune 86:
  153. chance of 52%:
  154. give 5 of event-block to the player
  155. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 87 or fortune 88:
  156. chance of 54%:
  157. give 5 of event-block to the player
  158. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 89 or fortune 90:
  159. chance of 56%:
  160. give 5 of event-block to the player
  161. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 91 or fortune 92:
  162. chance of 58%:
  163. give 5 of event-block to the player
  164. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 93 or fortune 94:
  165. chance of 60%:
  166. give 5 of event-block to the player
  167. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 95 or fortune 96:
  168. chance of 62%:
  169. give 5 of event-block to the player
  170. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 97 or fortune 98:
  171. chance of 64%:
  172. give 5 of event-block to the player
  173. if tool of the player is enchanted with fortune 99 or fortune 100:
  174. chance of 66%:
  175. give 5 of event-block to the player
  181. # KLUCZE
  182. loop {klucze::*}:
  183. loop {klucze.blocks.%loop-value%::*}:
  184. if "%id of event-block%:%data value of event-block%" is "%loop-value-2%":
  185. chance of {klucze.chance.%loop-value-1%}%:
  186. set {_command} to {klucze.command.%loop-value-1%}
  187. replace all "_PLAYER_" with "%player%" in {_command}
  188. execute console command "%{_command}%"
  190. on right click:
  191. if player's tool is pumpkin named "&6&lDyniopaczka" with lore "||&7Kliknij PPM aby otworzyc":
  192. remove 1 of pumpkin named "&6&lDyniopaczka" with lore "||&7Kliknij PPM aby otworzyc" from player's inventory
  193. execute console command "case open %player% Dyniopaczka"
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