

Jan 22nd, 2015
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  1. [X] 7 Go back to Rei's place with an exercise outfit.: (Bailey Matutine, Reklaw, Thinky Think, Moving Target, pepperjack, macdjord, doomlord9)
  2. [X] 9 Go back to Rei's place, this time you decide that you're going to be taking her out to a nice movie, something both raunchy and romantic.: (seeing_octarine, EternitynChaos, CptTagon, Lupercal, gammoregan, Derek58, steamrick, Xicree, Dreadis)
  3. --[X] 2 Make sure to show off how strong you are. Maybe pin her a couple times while wrestling.: (Bailey Matutine, macdjord)
  4. --[X] 5 Make sure to show off how strong you are. Maybe pin her a couple times while wrestling.: (Reklaw, Thinky Think, Moving Target, pepperjack, doomlord9)
  5. ---[X] 7 Point out how sweaty you both are and say that you should shower together.: (Bailey Matutine, Reklaw, Thinky Think, Moving Target, pepperjack, macdjord, doomlord9)
  6. -[X] 9 Sidle up to her and stroke that fluffy tail until she'll agree to practically anything. Corner her and pounce!: (seeing_octarine, EternitynChaos, CptTagon, Lupercal, gammoregan, Derek58, steamrick, Xicree, Dreadis)
  7. -[X] 7 Spar with her to try and help her unlock any latent combat memories.: (Bailey Matutine, Reklaw, Thinky Think, Moving Target, pepperjack, macdjord, doomlord9)
  8. --[X] 9 Spend the movie time doing the same.: (seeing_octarine, EternitynChaos, CptTagon, Lupercal, gammoregan, Derek58, steamrick, Xicree, Dreadis)
  9. [X] 2 Time to remind Makoto of her past life, you guess, this new youma business might be dangerous: (Earth-Destroyer, Grosstoad)
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