

Mar 11th, 2014
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  1. [23:06:30] <jaxisaphysicist>
  2. [23:06:38] <oculus> Thete, better to let less experienced users run windows, n00bs with *nix is a recipe for disaster
  3. [23:06:40] <Rebunny102> Thete my brick cant handle that
  4. [23:06:42] <UrbanLegend> Auv, Peter Capaldi is cuter
  5. [23:06:45] <Auv> Incoming rant
  6. [23:06:45] <UrbanLegend> :p
  7. [23:06:50] <Auv> UrbanLegend, Errr no.
  8. [23:06:50] <UrbanLegend> oh fuck
  9. [23:06:53] <UrbanLegend> I'm lagging like crazy
  10. [23:06:57] <jaxisaphysicist> so that people can buy votes making healthcare "more affordable" for the 20% of the country that...already gets all theri shit for free
  11. [23:06:57] <oculus> Thete, kinda like mac-users, that :P
  12. [23:07:15] <LarryTheScaryRex> I just found my social security card, ive been looking for it for years. I also found my phone a couple days ago and hadnt seen it since the first week of the year
  13. [23:07:29] <oculus> jaxisaphysicist, they get what for free?
  14. [23:07:34] <Rebunny102> this CAKE
  15. [23:07:37] <Rebunny102> oh my god
  16. [23:07:42] <Rebunny102> im like twitching
  17. [23:07:44] <Thete> Yes, we get it
  18. [23:07:46] <jaxisaphysicist> all their shit
  19. [23:07:46] <Thete> You're vibrating
  20. [23:07:47] <Thete> hehe
  21. [23:07:49] <Auv> Rebunny102, What cake? :-)
  22. [23:07:49] <LarryTheScaryRex> oculus, you know, luxuries like food and housing assistance
  23. [23:07:51] <jaxisaphysicist> in case yo missed it the first time
  24. [23:08:01] <Rebunny102> Auv my leftover icecram cake from my b-day
  25. [23:08:01] OldCoder [~OldCoder@unaffiliated/oldcoder] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
  26. [23:08:02] <Thete> cake is a euphemism
  27. [23:08:12] <jaxisaphysicist> yeah that shit that people deserve to sit around on their ass waiting for others to pay for
  28. [23:08:21] <UrbanLegend> All jews hate losing money. har har
  29. [23:08:24] <Auv> Thete, Please stop sexually harassing the teenagers. It's kinda weird. >.>
  30. [23:08:25] <jaxisaphysicist> if that's not a luxury i don't know what it
  31. [23:08:36] <Thete> I didn't say it
  32. [23:08:58] <oculus> LarryTheScaryRex, moochers. our parent didn't get 49USD worth of subsidies a week, did they?
  33. [23:09:00] <Rebunny102> iiiii may have eaten too much cake
  34. [23:09:01] <Thete> And teenagers should not be on freenode, this is a dangerous place for them
  35. [23:09:13] <Thete> shame on their parents
  36. [23:09:25] <oculus> UrbanLegend, easy there
  37. [23:09:30] Rebunny102 eats her cake
  38. [23:09:36] <Auv> Rebunny102, I wish I had ice cream cake. D:
  39. [23:09:38] <Yepoleb> Thete: yo, you have a problem with me?
  40. [23:09:38] <UrbanLegend> oculus, jaxisaphysicist is a very evil person who deserves to be mocked
  41. [23:09:41] <jaxisaphysicist> lmao @ $49/week
  42. [23:09:41] <UrbanLegend> As he just proved
  43. [23:09:44] Rebunny102 goes into hummingbird mode
  44. [23:10:01] <jaxisaphysicist> you aren't completely ignorant of how the welfare state works in this country or anything
  45. [23:10:07] <agaChris> brick is a euphemism too
  46. [23:10:12] <Thete> Yepoleb: Are you a parent that lets their kids on freenode?
  47. [23:10:13] <jaxisaphysicist> i mean just look at the population of this room
  48. [23:10:17] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, what percent of people receiving 'all their shit for free' would you say dont deserve assistance. What should be the standard for when healthcare bankrupts a person or becomes unaffordable.
  49. [23:10:41] <oculus> UrbanLegend, preferably by other means than j-bombs?
  50. [23:10:48] <jaxisaphysicist> a bunch of unemployed mid-20-somethings who don't go to school or anything and whine all day about how they deserve "basic income" for being so goddamn special
  51. [23:10:58] <Yepoleb> Thete: My parents don't even know what freenode is
  52. [23:11:02] <Rebunny102> people should just work. i have people in my classes who are going to be stuck at community college because they refuse to work.
  53. [23:11:03] <UrbanLegend> I never say anything about deserving basic income
  54. [23:11:13] <Thete> Yeah, who want's basic income?
  55. [23:11:13] <agaChris> wow, huge assumption on your part, jaxisaphysicist
  56. [23:11:16] <Thete> I wanna be rollin in stacks
  57. [23:11:25] <Rebunny102> Thete the other day i had to tell my TEACHER mother how to copy and paste
  58. [23:11:36] <Auv> Because there are no people who actually, legitimately require financial aid.
  60. [23:11:58] <Thete> jaxisaphysicist: Umm, how else is someone sposed to pay $200,000 hospital bills?
  61. [23:12:04] <zeezey> wat
  62. [23:12:11] <UrbanLegend> all income is income, whatever the source is
  63. [23:12:12] <LarryTheScaryRex> Idk, everyone has advised me to file for bankruptcy, and all I have on my credit report is medical debt
  64. [23:12:15] <UrbanLegend> " " is unnecessary
  65. [23:12:19] <jaxisaphysicist> i am *very* sorry for you people who think you deserve to live your lives 24/7 on #wrongplanet that the universe has certain laws and doesn't magically pop out resources for free
  66. [23:12:22] <UrbanLegend> even if martians give it to you
  67. [23:12:25] <agaChris> jaxisnotaneconomist
  68. [23:12:32] UrbanLegend [~IceChat77@unaffiliated/urbanlegend] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
  69. [23:12:34] <LarryTheScaryRex> Medical debt accrued because I didnt have access to health insurance
  70. [23:12:39] <Thete> jaxisaphysicist: Speak for yourself bud, you're here a lot
  71. [23:12:46] <Thete> jaxisaphysicist: And have no $$$
  72. [23:12:49] <Thete> According to you
  73. [23:12:49] <jaxisaphysicist> LarryTheScaryRex you are 1) a lunatic hypochondriac
  74. [23:12:54] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, how?
  75. [23:12:56] UrbanLegend [] has joined #wrongplanet
  76. [23:13:05] <agaChris> jaxisnotadoctor
  77. [23:13:08] <UrbanLegend> Is jaxisaphysicist argueing there is something wrong with redistribution of wealth?
  78. [23:13:10] <Thete> Such a great physicist you are, can't earn $$
  79. [23:13:10] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, have you seen my medical records?
  80. [23:13:12] <jaxisaphysicist> 2) probably a liar about not getting insurance because of obesity
  81. [23:13:28] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, definitely not a liar, but Im not going to put in the effort to prove anything to you
  82. [23:13:29] <LarryTheScaryRex> 3?
  83. [23:13:30] <zeezey> your a liar
  84. [23:13:31] <jaxisaphysicist> and 3) you'are over 30\, don't have a job, and live off of others for whose generosity you have NO gratitude
  85. [23:13:37] <Thete> Oh wait I forgot, you guys don't work
  86. [23:13:56] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, what does that have to do with anything? and why do you say I dont have any gratitude? I certainly do
  87. [23:14:01] <oculus> jaxisaphysicist, you were right, SNAP is 133USD a month
  88. [23:14:11] <Rebunny102> I'd like to make the point that "poor" people in the US are still higher income than other countries
  89. [23:14:33] <UrbanLegend> what other countries
  90. [23:14:33] <agaChris> which countries?
  91. [23:14:43] <UrbanLegend> Rebunny102, you are almost as dumb as jax, but not entirely
  92. [23:14:43] <jaxisaphysicist> you clearly don't have any gratitude
  93. [23:14:45] <oculus> Rebunny102, russia
  94. [23:15:00] <Rebunny102> >.> im saying th basic standard of living
  95. [23:15:04] <oculus> Rebunny102, russia <--- for UrbanLegend
  96. [23:15:04] <jaxisaphysicist> all you do is sit in here 24/7 with no interest in being a productive member of society jumping fly about how you deserrve shit i work for for free
  97. [23:15:09] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, well you might prefer to believe that, but its not true
  98. [23:15:13] <jaxisaphysicist> because you're jsut that goddamn special
  99. [23:15:20] <agaChris> hey, let's whine about whining
  100. [23:15:23] UrbanLegend [] has quit IRC: Changing host
  101. [23:15:23] UrbanLegend [~IceChat77@unaffiliated/urbanlegend] has joined #wrongplanet
  102. [23:15:34] Anon139 [520f6513@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
  103. [23:15:35] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, i never said anything about deserving anything and I certainly do have an interest in working
  104. [23:15:45] <UrbanLegend> Sigh
  105. [23:15:52] <jaxisaphysicist> you are OVER 30 and STILL 100% DEPENDWNT on people you do NOTHING but talk shit about
  106. [23:15:55] <jaxisaphysicist> right sure you do
  107. [23:15:56] <Auv>
  108. [23:16:03] <jaxisaphysicist> which is why you stay in here literally every hour of every day
  109. [23:16:05] <Auv> jaxisaphysicist, Please stop the bitching.
  110. [23:16:08] <UrbanLegend> How can someone as "intelligent" as jaxisaphysicist be such a social darwinist conservative anti-redistribution of wealth/equality asshole
  111. [23:16:18] <Thete> jaxisaphysicist: Yes, all the goys should be slaves to their masters, gotta make them shekels
  112. [23:16:20] <UrbanLegend> I believe everyone should have the exact same income
  113. [23:16:24] <UrbanLegend> Regardless of ability
  114. [23:16:28] <oculus> jaxisaphysicist, who was LarryTheScaryRex dissing?
  115. [23:16:58] <UrbanLegend> And those that disagree are sent off to a different country where libertarian lawlessness rules
  116. [23:17:06] <UrbanLegend> Now tell me, which off the two nations will go under first
  117. [23:17:18] <LarryTheScaryRex> UrbanLegend, IDK but this seems to be his pattern. He has some serious psych issues, as evidenced by how he randomly attacks people in here in this same way everything.
  118. [23:17:20] <Rebunny102> i hope to God yu are being sarcastic
  119. [23:17:21] <jaxisaphysicist> the "people he's dependent on" -- you seriously couldn't ifugre that out from context ?
  120. [23:17:25] <LarryTheScaryRex> everything/every time
  121. [23:17:32] <jaxisaphysicist> yeah "randomly"
  122. [23:17:33] <Rebunny102> *you
  123. [23:17:41] <oculus> jaxisaphysicist, I haven't seen him dissing on them though?
  124. [23:17:42] <jaxisaphysicist> like yo "randomly" jump fly about how you deserve shit i work for for free
  125. [23:17:44] <Auv> @wpops jaxisaphysicist everything-shaming LarryTheScaryRex.
  126. [23:17:45] <trebot> The operators have been informed of the help request. To ask a specific question to all operators, send a private message to Bot0.
  127. [23:17:56] <jaxisaphysicist> you have been in here for TWO DAYS
  128. [23:17:59] <UrbanLegend> everythng-shaming?
  129. [23:18:03] <Thete> jaxisaphysicist: You don't work jax
  130. [23:18:11] <jaxisaphysicist> lmao
  131. [23:18:18] <Thete> You have no money remember?
  132. [23:18:19] <LarryTheScaryRex> jaxisaphysicist, yes, randomly, I asked a question about your opinions regarding welfare and healthcare and you just go into a personal attack rant which has nothing to do with what was being discussed. This is what you do *every* time.
  133. [23:18:23] <UrbanLegend> He does work
  134. [23:18:23] <jaxisaphysicist> no i just grade papers and do reserarch out of the good of my heart
  135. [23:18:26] <ccallahan> !b jaxisaphysicist 4w I'm getting real tired of you.
  136. [23:18:27] BotX [~limnoria@unaffiliated/ccallahan/bot/botx] has set mode +b *!*@unaffiliated/jaxisacutie
  137. [23:18:28] jaxisaphysicist [~jaxisaphy@unaffiliated/jaxisacutie] has been kicked from #wrongplanet by BotX [~limnoria@unaffiliated/ccallahan/bot/botx]: You have been removed from the chat. If you believe this is in error, please email and we will get back to you ASAP.
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