

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 A Clan of <del>Ninja</del> Shinobi in service to your family.: (Adyen)
  2. [X] 1 A Clan of Ninja Shinobi in service to your family. (Requires Good Standing, Counts as 2. Value reduced to 1/3rd if 'Kingdom' is taken, but may be taken up to 3 times to gain up to maximum Value.): (backgroundnoise)
  3. [X] 1 A Grand Temple to/of the Far Eastern religion built within its lands. (Remnants: (kinglugia)
  4. [X] 1 A fair number of Monster tribes and clans under their employ. (Cannot be taken by: (Redon)
  5. [X] 1 A fair number of Monster tribes and clans under their employ. (Cannot be taken by 'Kingdom'): (backgroundnoise)
  6. [X] 1 A fairly good amount of Distance between it and any known nations affiliated with the Church. (At least 2 nations between them.): (backgroundnoise)
  7. [X] 1 A few Alchemical Knights associates having joined your family in their endeavour.: (Redon)
  8. [X] 2 A few Alchemist Friends working under your family’s employ. Or well, more akin to: (kinglugia, Redon)
  9. [X] 1 A few Alchemist Friends working under your family’s employ. Or well, more akin to part of the family. It’s a slightly awkward situation. (If taken with Witch Acquaintances, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Witch Acquaintances is not taken.): (backgroundnoise)
  10. [X] 1 A few Monster Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family’s wing during their travels. (9? Possibly cheaper if Monster Tribes was picked as a trait?): (Master Basher)
  11. [X] 1 A few Witch Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family’s wing. (If taken: (kinglugia)
  12. [X] 1 A few Witch Acquaintances having taken refuge under your family’s wing. (If taken with Alchemist Friends, each counts as 1.5; Can be taken 2 times if Alchemist Friends is not taken.): (backgroundnoise)
  13. [X] 1 A group of Diviners under your family’s sponsorship and employ. Though normally: (kinglugia)
  14. [X] 1 A raising, Fledgling ‘Empire’ with many whose positions have yet to be firmly: (Redon)
  15. [X] 2 A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State.: (kinglugia, Redon)
  16. [X] 1 A solid, well established School System modeled after that of an Academic State. (Cannot be taken by 'Kingdom'): (backgroundnoise)
  17. [X] 1 Alchemist Friends (1.5): (Master Basher)
  18. [X] 2 Alchemist Friends                      1.5     4.5: (Warslick, Wing101)
  19. [X] 2 Alchemist Knights                      2        6.5: (Warslick, Wing101)
  20. [X] 1 Allied Nations that it can count on should war come to pass. And also less worries: (kinglugia)
  21. [X] 1 An Improved Educational System derived, if not directly from a Academic State. (Requires School System): (backgroundnoise)
  22. [X] 2 Connection Abroad: WK            1        3: (Warslick, Wing101)
  23. [X] 1 Connections Aboard outside of the nation. On one hand, your family is well known: (kinglugia)
  24. [X] 1 Connections Aboard: Neighbouring Nation 1 (Due to the actions from your parents end in the past, they're at least on friendly terms. Question being, would that same amnesty extend to the nation you where born under?) = 6: (Master Basher)
  25. [X] 1 Connections Aboard: Witch Knights 1: (Master Basher)
  26. [X] 1 Distance: (Master Basher)
  27. [X] 3 Fledgling: (Warslick, Master Basher, Wing101)
  28. [X] 1 Good Standing 1: (Master Basher)
  29. [X] 2 Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the ‘Major’ Samurai: (Adyen, Redon)
  30. [X] 1 Good Standing within the nation, about equivalent to one of the ‘Major’ Samurai Clans, with a subordinate ‘Minor’ Samurai Clan serving your family- as per norm of the standing, though closer to the ‘bare minimum’. In a ways, your family has drifted somewhat away from being true Knights, and a bit towards Samurai. (Counts as 2 only if ’Kingdom’ is taken.): (backgroundnoise)
  31. [X] 2 Good Standing                          1        1: (Warslick, Wing101)
  32. [X] 2 High Standing within the nation, one could say equivalent to one of the ‘Fudai’: (Adyen, Redon)
  33. [X] 2 Kasagawa: (backgroundnoise, Redon)
  34. [X] 1 Kuzunoha: (Master Basher)
  35. [X] 2 Large Holdings within the nation, greater than what one would suppose a foreigners: (Adyen, Redon)
  36. [X] 2 Large Holding                            1        2: (Warslick, Wing101)
  37. [X] 2 Large Population: (Warslick, Wing101)
  38. [X] 1 McLeod: (Master Basher)
  39. [X] 1 Monster Tribes: (Master Basher)
  40. [X] 1 No Distorted Range within or near its boarders.: (kinglugia)
  41. [X] 1 Rion (or some Japanese word for 'Braveheart', granted in honour of a Shogun.): (Master Basher)
  42. [X] 2 School System: (Warslick, Wing101)
  43. [X] 1 Shinobi 2 = 8: (Master Basher)
  44. [X] 1 The Remnants of an age old ‘empire’, held together by the loyalties of the Clans in its: (kinglugia)
  45. [X] 1 The Remnants of an age old ‘empire’, held together by the loyalties of the Clans in its service and those loyal to Clans subordinate to them. However, despite its age it still holds enough power and capability to deter younger nations from preying upon it. But that will not last forever… for better or for worse? Is the unity but a fleeting illusion? (+3 to nation choices): (backgroundnoise)
  46. [X] 1 Witch Acquaintances (1.5) = 4: (Master Basher)
  47. [X] 2 Witch Acquaintances                 1.5     8: (Warslick, Wing101)
  48. [X] 2 Witch Knights                            1        9: (Warslick, Wing101)
  49. [X] 2 Yamagi: (Warslick, Wing101)
  50. [X] 1 Yukihiro: (kinglugia)
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