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Jun 22nd, 2018
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  1. [21:46] <ins3> To see how few members your fagbot has.
  2. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> Looool
  3. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> Why does it matter?
  4. [21:47] <ins3> Did you like my notice?
  5. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> Which one>
  6. [21:47] <ins3> Surprising how easy it was to convince everyone that Kbot has a virus.
  7. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> Actually
  8. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> The hour you did that our users online DOUBLED
  9. 01[21:47] <ToshiXZ> And we had hundreds of members register
  10. 01[21:48] <ToshiXZ> Your whole forum was laughing at you
  11. 01[21:48] <ToshiXZ> Was an obvious fake
  12. [21:48] <ins3> Only lurkers left.
  13. [21:48] <ins3> It doesn't hurt me, either way.
  14. 01[21:48] <ToshiXZ> So why'd you do it in the first place?
  15. 01[21:48] <ToshiXZ> Jealous?
  16. [21:49] <ins3> No.
  17. [21:49] <ins3> For the laughs.
  18. 01[21:49] <ToshiXZ> Yeah
  19. 01[21:49] <ToshiXZ> I guess destroying a 150k user forum is quite fun :p
  20. [21:49] <ins3> I haven't destroyed it, and who cares?
  21. [21:49] <ins3> I have other offers.
  22. 01[21:49] <ToshiXZ> Destryoed it, not yet
  23. 01[21:49] <ToshiXZ> Just trashed it
  24. 01[21:50] <ToshiXZ> Turned good into shit
  25. 01[21:50] <ToshiXZ> Ruined the community
  26. 01[21:50] <ToshiXZ> Made all the non leachers go elsewhere
  27. [21:50] <ins3> It has served its purpose.
  28. 01[21:50] <ToshiXZ> Which proves once and for all, all that matters to you is money
  29. 01[21:50] <ToshiXZ> You'd kill a friend if they payed you enough
  30. [21:51] <ins3> How much?
  31. 01[21:51] <ToshiXZ> However much suited you
  32. [21:51] <ins3> It isn't right, logically, to not take the money.
  33. 01[21:52] <ToshiXZ> If it's for something that's morally wrong it is
  34. [21:52] <ins3> How?
  35. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> It's un-ethical
  36. [21:53] <ins3> Money will always outlast morals.
  37. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> Maybe
  38. [21:53] <ins3> Maybe when you hit puberty, you'll drop those morals.
  39. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> But friends aren't for no reason
  40. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> Even if you JUST wanted money
  41. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> Friends can help provide money
  42. 01[21:53] <ToshiXZ> Which shows how pathetic you really are
  43. [21:54] <ins3> These 'friends' are helping provide money.
  44. [21:54] <ins3> I don't see it as pathetic.
  45. 01[21:54] <ToshiXZ> It also shows how shallow you've become
  46. [21:54] <ins3> Don't you need money to hire those male strippers?
  47. 01[21:54] <ToshiXZ> Most likely, but I don't hire them, so I wouldn't know
  48. [21:55] <ins3> They work for you?
  49. 01[21:55] <ToshiXZ> Presuming you made them mod on rsbot so they would strip for you for free?
  50. [21:55] <ins3> How else would you be paying them?
  51. [21:55] <ins3> Perhaps.
  52. [21:57] <ins3> Too busy jerking to little boys to respond?
  53. 01[21:57] <ToshiXZ> Not at all
  54. 01[21:57] <ToshiXZ> There was nothing to respond to
  55. 01[21:57] <ToshiXZ> You never asked a question
  56. [21:57] <ins3> Alright.
  57. [21:57] <ins3> What are you getting out of Kbot?
  58. 01[21:57] <ToshiXZ> Java knowledge
  59. [21:57] <ins3> Right.
  60. [21:57] <ins3> That load of shit.
  61. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> Not at all
  62. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> I didn't know any other java apart from just the syntax until kbot
  63. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> Now I can make a basic BCEL updater
  64. [21:58] <ins3> You're getting Java knowledge by kissing ass?
  65. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> I don't kiss ass
  66. [21:58] <ins3> How did you get Mod?
  67. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> My friends kissed ass more or less for me
  68. 01[21:58] <ToshiXZ> PwnZ made kosaki make me mod
  69. [21:59] <ins3> That would explain it.
  70. [21:59] <ins3> You can't get anywhere without licking ass.
  71. 01[21:59] <ToshiXZ> Yes you can
  72. [21:59] <ins3> I did.
  73. [21:59] <ins3> You can't.
  74. [21:59] <ins3> Where are you, compared to me?
  75. [22:00] <ins3> I'm the leader of a great community.
  76. 01[22:00] <ToshiXZ> GREAT!?
  77. 01[22:00] <ToshiXZ> LOOOOL
  78. 01[22:00] <ToshiXZ> Big
  79. 01[22:00] <ToshiXZ> Not great
  80. [22:00] <ins3> I make more money that you can imagine.
  81. 01[22:00] <ToshiXZ> You make more money then I make myself
  82. [22:00] <ins3> I'll continue to make money until rsbot crumbles, and I'll still be making money while I'm pissing on its ashes.
  83. 01[22:01] <ToshiXZ> As I'm sure you will
  84. [22:01] <ins3> You'll get be a Mod of a small community.
  85. [22:01] <ins3> Until they realize you're only eleven years old.
  86. 01[22:01] <ToshiXZ> Rofl
  87. 01[22:02] <ToshiXZ> Even IF I was 11 years old, I would have already proven to be capable of a position of an age much greater
  88. [22:02] <ins3> How is that?
  89. 01[22:02] <ToshiXZ> Proving myself adequote for the positon
  90. 01[22:02] <ToshiXZ> *position
  91. [22:02] <ins3> adequate*
  92. 01[22:02] <ToshiXZ> By demonstrating good decision making
  93. 01[22:02] <ToshiXZ> That too
  94. [22:03] <ins3> What good decisions?
  95. [22:03] <ins3> When have you made any?
  96. [22:03] <ins3> I must have missed it.
  97. 01[22:03] <ToshiXZ> Obviously
  98. 01[22:03] <ToshiXZ> You're too busy raping 14 year olds
  99. [22:03] <ins3> I thought you were eleven?
  100. 01[22:03] <ToshiXZ> You also though I wad 16, then 15, then 14, then 13, then 11
  101. 01[22:03] <ToshiXZ> I think you missed twelve
  102. 01[22:04] <ToshiXZ> So you skipped a year
  103. [22:04] <ins3> I guess the truth finally came out.
  104. 01[22:04] <ToshiXZ> At the moment you should be assuming that I'm 12
  105. [22:04] <ins3> We had an eleven year old bitch as mod.
  106. [22:04] <ins3> Does Kosaki know you're eleven?
  107. 01[22:04] <ToshiXZ> Hey, well, you're like 27, so who cares?
  108. 01[22:04] <ToshiXZ> Obviously he must
  109. [22:04] <ins3> Not even old enough to legally be using the Forums.
  110. 01[22:05] <ToshiXZ> If you're great mind can figure that out by just watching what I type
  111. [22:05] <ins3> I'm 18.
  112. 01[22:05] <ToshiXZ> Pfft
  113. [22:05] <ins3> ?
  114. 01[22:05] <ToshiXZ> There isn't a need to lie
  115. [22:05] <ins3> It's not a lie.
  116. 01[22:05] <ToshiXZ> No worries
  117. 01[22:05] <ToshiXZ> It can be our secret ok?
  118. [22:06] <ins3> You're eleven, and I'm eighteen.
  119. 01[22:06] <ToshiXZ> Nah, I know you're 27 :p
  120. [22:06] <ins3> Why would you think that?
  121. 01[22:06] <ToshiXZ> Don't worry, I won't tell too many people
  122. 01[22:06] <ToshiXZ> You just sound like a fag who would be 27
  123. [22:06] <ins3> You still haven't given evidence.
  124. [22:06] <ins3> Right.
  125. 01[22:06] <ToshiXZ> Of?
  126. [22:07] <ins3> You sound like you're about thirteen, but we still know you're eleven.
  127. [22:07] <ins3> Doesn't make a difference.
  128. 01[22:07] <ToshiXZ> Well, hey, you can say what you want
  129. 01[22:07] <ToshiXZ> I'm not even at rsbot anymore
  130. [22:07] <ins3> You got banned?
  131. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> Nah
  132. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> Well, I did
  133. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> But that got solved
  134. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> No longer banned
  135. [22:08] <ins3> Who unbanned?
  136. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> Probably the same person who banned me
  137. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> Or removed my VIP
  138. [22:08] <ins3> It wasn't the same one who banned you.
  139. 01[22:08] <ToshiXZ> Oh well, how would you know?
  140. [22:09] <ins3> I own this site.
  141. [22:09] <ins3> Completely.
  142. 01[22:09] <ToshiXZ> Oh of course ^_^
  143. [22:09] <ins3> I know everything that happens.
  144. 01[22:09] <ToshiXZ> Then why don't you know who unbanned me?
  145. [22:09] <ins3> Because I haven't been on recently.
  146. 01[22:09] <ToshiXZ> Well, I was unbanned only a few minutes after being banned
  147. [22:09] <ins3> Actually, I haven't been on my account in days.
  148. [22:09] <ins3> I've been on through other people.
  149. 01[22:09] <ToshiXZ> Like null?
  150. [22:10] <ins3> What does it matter to you?
  151. 01[22:10] <ToshiXZ> Nothing at all
  152. [22:10] <ins3> How do you feel about me being welcomed to Kbot?
  153. 01[22:10] <ToshiXZ> Tickled, what a great joke
  154. [22:11] <ins3> Whats to joke?
  155. [22:11] <ins3> I'm already there, whether you realize or not.
  156. 01[22:11] <ToshiXZ> The part about you being welcome at kbot
  157. [22:11] <ins3> I have access to all parts of the internet.
  158. 01[22:11] <ToshiXZ> Oh ok :p
  159. 01[22:11] <ToshiXZ> So you say
  160. [22:12] <ins3> So I say?
  161. [22:12] <ins3> You don't remember those DDoS attacks?
  162. [22:12] <ins3> Who do you think helped with the DDoS firewall?
  163. 01[22:12] <ToshiXZ> One was from iD, but that was the only one I remembered
  164. [22:13] <ins3> It's only beginning.
  165. 01[22:13] <ToshiXZ> Of course
  166. [22:13] <ins3> Kosaki isn't as good as he thinks he is.
  167. 01[22:13] <ToshiXZ> Perhaps
  168. 01[22:13] <ToshiXZ> You aren't as great as you think you are
  169. [22:13] <ins3> How so?
  170. 01[22:13] <ToshiXZ> You're probably the dumbest leader to ever come to rsbot
  171. [22:13] <ins3> Proof?
  172. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> Proof?
  173. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> LOL
  174. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> How about all the admins leaving
  175. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> Apart from Qauters
  176. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> And all the ex mods leaving, apart from fusion
  177. [22:14] <ins3> We don't need them.
  178. [22:14] <ins3> Most of them were underage, like you.
  179. 01[22:14] <ToshiXZ> Oh no, because they don't pay you of course
  180. [22:15] <ins3> Eleven year olds can't get jobs.
  181. [22:18] <ins3> Good luck with your small community.
  182. [22:18] <ins3> Make sure to get lots of members, so that I'll have something to work with when I take over.
  183. [22:19] <ins3> Cya, Faggot.
  184. 01[22:20] <ToshiXZ> Sure thing
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