

Apr 22nd, 2017
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  1. | BASICS |
  4. — Name: Cho Changgyun (조창견)
  5. — Alternate Names: Jackson Cho
  6. — Nicknames:
  7. ◦ Mister Boss Man — this comes from the fact that he is, well, the boss
  8. ◦ Choo Choo — the cuter member gave him this name, he hates it with a dying passion
  9. ◦ Jack Jack — a name his little sister gave him, taken from the name of the baby in The Incredibles
  10. ◦ Daddy — I mean... have you seen him?
  12. — Date of Birth: December 20, 1990
  13. — Age: 26
  15. — Height : 185cm (6'1)
  16. — Weight : 83kg (182 lbs)
  18. — Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
  19. — Hometown: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  21. — Ethnicity: Korean
  22. — Nationality: Korean-American
  24. — Gender: Male
  25. — Gender Identity: Male
  27. — Sexuality: Bisexual
  29. — Slot: Leviathan
  30. — Back-Up Slot: In the city
  32. — Face Claim: Simon Dominic (my daddy)
  33. — Back-Up Face Claim: Gray or Ravi of VIXX
  37. | ABOUT |
  40. — Background : min. 8 sentences - keep in mind that most of the slots have a dark past and none of the mafia members were truly trainees, paragraph form
  41. ◦ Changgyun was born in South Korea to a dysfunctional family. His parents loved each other very much, but the only issue was that they despised their child. Changgyun grew up being verbally and physically abused by his parents. He was hit for speaking when he wasn't spoken to, hit if he didn't comply to their demands fast enough, and if he did something even remotely "bad" he would receive the lashing of a lifetime. Even as an innocent toddler he was denied food, and nutrients often times, and would simply be fenced in the corner of the house. His childhood was spent neglected and abused, and forgotten by his parents. Even when he received a little sister from his bastard parents, he was left to care for her at age 9, acting like her father and showing her the utmost love and compassion. His sister was the only thing he was really granted as a child, and considering that his childhood wasn't the best, he matured real fast when his sister came into the picture, wanting to protect her no matter what.
  42. ◦ When Changgyun was 11 and his little sister Chanmi was 2, the family shipped their son and daughter off to Chicago to live with his Aunt and Uncle. No longer did they want the children anymore, and at that point even the money they received from the government wasn't worth those children, so the mother and father put them on the cheapest plane money could buy and shipped them off to Chicago, Illinois.
  43. ◦ Moving to Chicago was quite the change for Changgyun. He knew no English, was in a foreign place, and was moving in with strangers who were his "family." To say the least he was scared, but he would never let anyone know that he was, his pride was much more valued than his feelings. When first settling in with his new "family" he resent them, despite their open arms and kindness toward him and his sister. He often treated them like trash, disobeying them, and sending a plethora of choice words their way. However they never scolded him, because they knew that he was going through a tough time and he was only lashing out, which he was. It continued like that for 2 more years afterwards, he would yell and them and call them horrible things only to cry in his room at night, while he held his baby sister's sleeping body close. It wasn't until his little sister, age 4 now, scolded him and told him to stop being mean to Aunt and Uncle. He ultimately agreed after his 4 year old sister said "Auntie and Uncle are the nicest ever and you are always mean to them! It makes me sad Jack Jack!"
  44. ◦ Age 13 was when he found the gangs. The start of his emo teenage years began when he was simply walking down the sidewalk on the wrong part of town and was eyed by a couple of older boys. The followed closely behind him, and it wasn't until they reached the border between the bad side and the good side that they yanked him into an alleyway and roughed him up a bit. The offered him stuff, mostly bad things, and told him he could get it if he only joined them. They spoke of working up the ladder until you stood on the top, and Changgyun who was a big notorious for causing a bit of a public disturbance around his neighborhood and school, fell into their trap like it was nothing. That was only the beginning of his life as a member of the mafia. He continued to work with his gang in things like the black market and other very dangerous things at a very young age. He found a thrill in doing these bad things, even more so when he knew his Uncle, whom he eventually learned to love along with the rest of his family, was a police officer. Changgyun was nothing but innocent, even as a young teen boy, for he took his first life at only age 13, when the mafia boss told him the only way to show his alliance was to kill an enemy of a rival gang they had captured. And he did. His reasons for being in the gang were not only to cause trouble, but to provide for his sister. As a member of the mafia he also received money for working things for them, and so he saves up money to provide for his sister and get her into college and just give her an all around better life than he had. That, and he just loved the taste of power he got when he held a gun in his hand, or beat the shit out of some guy. He stayed with his mafia for 5 years, until he was 18. The mafia boss wanted Changgyun to take over a big South Korean mafia because he knew that Changgyun was very loyal to him, and ties to a large, foreign would most certainly benefit the mafia boss, so he sent Changgyun back to Korea to do so (which left Changgyun with a tearful goodbye with his family who thought he was going to college there).
  45. ◦ In Korea it didn't take long for him to get the title as boss. He easily weaseled himself in there, making the mafia boss believe he wanted to take over his precious gang. The Korean boss, impressed, made Changgyun his right hand man, and not but a few months after that, Changgyun killed him, making it look like an accident, leaving Changgyun to be the Mafia Boss of one of South Korea's biggest mafias.
  47. — Personality :
  48. ◦ Changgyun could best be summed up in a few words, a grade a dick. Think Jace Herondale from The Mortal Instruments and you pretty much have Changgyun. He is talented and extremely powerful and he knows that, in fact he flaunts it openly, often leading people to think him an egotistical, arrogant person (which he very much is). In his mind, and in the mind of his associates, his word is law. This leads him to often being a stick in the mud when someone challenges his word, since be likes to believe he is the wisest and therefore, the smartest. And this doesn't go to say he isn't smart, in fact he is smart (and cunning) as fuck. He is quick to turn others words against them, often making people look like fools in front of him. He also loves to resort to sarcasm whenever needed (and whenever not needed). Being a person who likes getting the last word, his sarcasm plays into that, leading to. a very disastrous mix. His sarcasm comes with snarky attitude, biting words, and a shit ton of snorts. And the best part is that he can get away with it, because everybody is too scared to challenge him, even the other "i could fucking kill you if i wanted" members.
  49. ◦ There is no doubt that Jackson is one of the most charming people you will meet (when he wants to be). Despite his shitty, asshole personality he could most definitely charm the shit out of anyone he meets. How do you think he got to the top? He has been charming and kissing ass to get where he is now, and his charms have become a type of weapon for him. What makes it better is that he is completely and utterly attractive, making it hard for anyone to say no to his handsome features, his daring smart, and his thick, honey-like sweet talk.
  50. ◦ Despite his mostly negative traits, he is someone who cares deeply for those around him. He has a parent instinct that came from protecting his sister at a young age, and it has reflected onto his close associates. However with them he isn't so quick to flaunt it like he is with his dear little sister. He is very much a tsundere when it comes to his fellow mafia members. He would protect them no matter the cost because they are a part of his family. He holds them dear to his heart and shows his kindness is small ways that often go unnoticed, mostly for the fact that if they realized that he showed emotions that strayed from his usual ones, they would tease the shit out of him, and honestly he doesn't want to deal with that embarrassment.
  52. — Family:
  53. ◦ Cho Jaehyun / father / 48 / unknown / -1000
  54. ◦ Park Boram / mother / 47 / unknown / -1000
  55. ◦ Park Daejeon / uncle / 49 / police officer / 4
  56. ◦ Kwon Taeyeon / aunt / 49 / school teacher / 4
  57. ◦ Cho Chanmi, Justine Cho / little sister / 17 / student / 100000
  58. ◦ Park Daehwan / cousin (male) / 16 / student / 4
  59. ◦ Park Daejong / cousin (male) / 16 / student / 4
  62. ◦ Pho — it's his favorite food, he could eat it all the time if given the opportunity
  63. ◦ Guns — he likes all weapons, but a simple handgun just feels so good resting in his hand
  64. ◦ Reading — just because he is a mafia boss doesn't mean he doesn't value education. He is often found reading. He reads Comics, Mangas, Fiction (he loves fantasy or humor), and Non-Fiction (historical or crime stories)
  65. ◦ Face Masks — its his guilty pleasure and how he keeps his face looking so good
  66. ◦ Sex — yikes... well I mean can you blame the guy? He let all his pride go straight to his dick, and with him being such a strong and powerful person, many needy people flock towards him, and he doesn't mind one bit.
  67. ◦ Pornhub — he is a grown man with needs, let him live
  68. ◦ Music — he likes hip hop and r&b but he is also one for relaxing type music whether it be classical, zen, or study 'chill' type of music
  69. ◦ Candles — he likes "good smelly things"
  70. ◦ Designer Clothes — he an expen$ive boy
  71. ◦ Essential Oils — again he likes "good smelling things" and they really help calm him down when he is angry or stressed
  72. ◦ when people play with his hair — he loves the feeling of it
  73. ◦ Alcohol — tbh he is a borderline alcoholic at this point
  74. ◦ spicy food
  75. ◦ His cat — okay there is one (okay two things bc his sister) thing he loves more than sex and pornhub and that is his cat, Tiger. He loves that cat so much, and he will probably kill 17 men if anyone tried to hurt his cat.
  77. Dislikes :
  78. ◦ waiting — he is a very impatient person so waiting makes him very antsy
  79. ◦ being deemed 'cute' — he is a fucking mafia boss, how the fuck is he cute
  80. ◦ people who don't cover their mouth or nose when they cough or sneeze
  81. ◦ when people use him — kinda hypocritical since his job involves using people. he also doesn't mind when people use him for sex because ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) who the fuck cares about that
  82. ◦ cucumbers — he thinks they taste gross
  83. ◦ being touched/clung to — he feels it's an invasion of his personal space. he only is okay with it when either 1. he initiates it or 2. he is getting in on.
  84. ◦ being talked back to
  85. ◦ liars
  86. ◦ fast food — claims it tastes gross
  87. ◦ when people come into his room — he feels that it's his private space and is an invasion of his privacy
  88. ◦ being constantly pestered
  89. ◦ the sound of paper being crumpled — he doesn't know why but the sound irks him
  91. Habits : min. 5, max. 12 - bullet form
  92. ◦ clicking his tongue when he is irritated
  93. ◦ licking his lips
  94. ◦ tapping his fingers against random surfaces
  95. ◦ He bing eats when he is stressed
  96. ◦ popping his lips when he is bored
  99. Hobbies : min. 2 - bullet form
  100. ◦ Reading
  101. ◦ Listening to music
  102. ◦ Killing people (lmao YIKES)
  103. ◦ Writing raps
  106. Talents : max. 10 - bullet form
  107. ◦ Eating super spicy food
  108. ◦ Writing Lyrics for any type is situation
  109. ◦ Having practically precise aim when it comes to shooting guns
  110. ◦ Speaking in multiple languages
  112. Trivia : min. 15 - include random facts, i don't care if it's their fav sex position or what languages they speak, just make it interesting - bullet form
  113. ◦ His religion is Buddhism (kinda funny considering how fucked up his life is). He often goes to temples to pray.
  114. ◦ He speaks Korean and English fluently.
  115. ◦ He knows some Italian because his old boss was Italian.
  116. ◦ Since he is basically a sex addict some of his favorite positions are: Reverse Cowgirl, The Lover, The Lean Doggy (basically fucking someone over a counter)
  117. ◦ His kinks & fetishes are: BDSM, Body Worship, Hair Pulling, Collars, Daddy Kink, Rough Sex, Biting, Aftercare, Thigh Riding, Toys, and Anal.
  118. ◦ He is a lowkey sadist when it comes to sex.
  119. ◦ He has a fear of heights.
  120. ◦ Because of his fear of heights he absolutely despises rollercoasters with his soul.
  121. ◦ When he was younger his parents would often lock him in the closet as punishment.
  122. ◦ He is has an undiagnosed bipolar disorder often leading to him flipping his attitude within the blink of an eye.
  123. ◦ He loves being called Daddy (he got a major ass Daddy kink let me tell you) which is ironic since he has major daddy issues.
  124. ◦ His favorite color is green.
  125. ◦ He has multiple tattoos.
  126. ◦ He has a Siamese cat he named Tiger (he took the name from Korean folklore where Tigers were believed to drive off bad spirits and bring good luck to people around them).
  127. ◦ His cat is somewhat of a little bitch. This means that Tiger, whom is very loyal to Changgyun. Will hiss and claw at anyone who it senses is annoying or bothering Changgyun (cats are really good at sensing emotion). Usually cats are very lazy but Tiger loves Changgyun as much as Changgyun loves Tiger so that cat will probably kill 17 men for Changgyun, as would he for Tiger.
  128. ◦ He has 2 special tattoos for his sister. One of her birthday and her name on his upper arm, right above his elbow, and a portrait of an old picture of him and his sister on the side of his rib cage.
  129. ◦ His favorite artists are Childish Gambino, Drake, Chance The Rapper, Jay Park, Zico, Beyonce, Rihanna, and oddly enough, Coldplay.
  130. ◦ His celebrity crush is Rihanna, he admits that she is hot as hell.
  131. ◦ He likes American sitcoms and comedy's like Friends, That 70's show, and South Park.
  132. ◦ He is slightly allergic to peanuts.
  133. ◦ He is a big advocate for the LGBT.
  134. ◦ He is also pretty smart, and admits his favorite subject in school was Chemistry. He used to always get in trouble at school, but even the times when he was trying to cause problems, he was paying attention to lessons and was actually intrigued by the information.
  135. ◦ He has lost count of how many people he has killed.
  136. ◦ He has a necklace his sister gave him that he wears everyday (it's a gold buddha pendant held by a black bead necklace).
  139. | IDOL STUFF |
  142. Stage Name: Jacks (작스)
  144. Group Position: Leader, Main Rapper
  146. Social Media : include usernames and what social media app/site
  147. ◦ Instagram: JacksCho
  148. ◦ Twitter: JacksCho_
  149. ◦ Snapchat: CC.Jackson90
  152. Fan Service:
  153. ◦ Biting or licking his lips
  154. ◦ lifting up his shirt/showing off his abs
  155. ◦ calling fans things like "baby girl/boy" and "kitten"
  157. Trainee Period: 5 months
  159. Stage Persona:
  160. ◦ He is hot as fuck on stage. He is daddy as fuck and there is no denying it. He knows how to look good for the camera and the fans, constantly sending hot looks, biting and licking his lips, letting dangerous smirks paint his face, and flaunting everything he has. Match this with his deep, chocolate-like voice and he can have anyone hot and bothered in a matter of seconds.
  163. | MAFIA STUFF |
  166. — Mafia Position: Boss
  167. — How long have they been with the mafia?:
  168. ◦ for almost 14 years
  170. — Mafia Persona: what are they like when doing business
  171. ◦ When he is doing business he is nothing but serious. He takes nobody's shit and doesn't take kindly to jokes, especially when it is a very serious situation. His very intimidating, and even killer type of persona takes over, giving him the impression of a dangerous and powerful man. He is blunt, assertive, and dominant. He includes none of his sarcastic, or snarky comments. Instead he reverts to a monotone, yet strong voice that threatens and sends feelings of fear into anyone that tries to cross him.
  173. — Why did they join the mafia?:
  174. ◦ He joined the mafia not only to cause some trouble, but he wanted to provide for his little sister. Despite knowing it wasn't the best way to do it, it was the only way he felt like he could provide for her at the age he joined.
  176. — Preferred Weapon:
  177. ◦ A simple handgun, however knives come in handy when he is really torturing a guy.
  180. | LOVE LIFE |
  181. This is optional but, if you don't fill it out, you're leaving the fate of your characters love life in my hands. Also, if you don't fill it out, at least tell me which slot/slots you think would be a potential love interest. You must also tell me a bit on why you think those two would be together and make a good pair.
  184. Love Interest : pick from the slots
  185. Back-Up Love Interest : ^^
  187. Why should your character and love interest end up together? :
  189. How do they act around their love interest? : min. 6 sentences - paragraph form
  191. How does their love interest act around them? : min. 6 sentences - paragraph form
  193. How would you like their relationship to go? : tell me your version of their love story - paragraph form
  195. Type of Relationship : beginning and end - dating? friends with benefits? is it cute? sexual? lemme know.
  197. Couple Trivia : min. 8 - tell me cute couple things they do together - bullet form
  199. Suggested Couple Scenes : min. 3 - scenes you wanna see with them and their love interest - paragraph form
  202. | EXTRA STUFF |
  205. Suggested Scenes:
  206. ◦ This is for Changgyun and his love interest. One night he comes home late and he has someone with him (guy or girl it don't matter) and he obviously is going to have sex with them which angers the fuck out of his love interest (and hurts him) because even though he knows that Changgyun has sex constantly, he can't stand the thought of Changgyun doing something intimate with someone else (even though they aren't together).
  207. ◦ (Okay so this is a play off of the last one). Maybe him and his love interest get in an argument and his love interest gets pissed off and yells out about how he can't stand the thought of Changgyun being intimate with someone else and Changgyun starts laughing and tells him "me? being intimate with the people i bring home? you're mistaken, they are nothing but a good fuck. i harbor no emotions for the people i bring home therefore i am not intimate with them. to be intimate would be for me to care about them, to love them, but i don't okay?"
  208. ◦ Somehow one of the members convinces Changgyun to buy them dinner and he agrees so the whole group (minus Changgyun) pick BBQ and buy the most expensive stuff off of the menu and the bill is so fucking expensive and Changgyun is so fucking livid (the rest of the group felt it necessary to get out of there as fast as they could).
  209. ◦ One of the members being really emotional and at the time Changgyun is the only one around so he kinda just awkwardly watched as the boy cries. He stands there for probably about 10 minutes just watching this kid cry before going over to him and giving him one of the tightest hugs he could muster up. (what a good leader aw)
  210. ◦ The group realizes that Changgyun's undiagnosed biopolar disorder is becoming increasingly worse and they practically beg the male to go to the doctor. They are surprised when Changgyun agrees without any question or argument and he goes to the doctor. It is found that he has Bipolar I Disorder. Thankfully it wasn't too extreme, but it was becoming increasingly worse by what the doctor could tell. He was prescribed medication to help him with his disorder, which ultimately helped him (but it didn't cure him bc that's not how this works).
  212. Album Name Suggestions:
  213. ◦ Free Fall
  214. ◦ One Shot
  216. Song Suggestions:
  217. ◦ One Shot by B.A.P (this is so ironic lmao)
  218. ◦ Baby Baby by Winner
  219. ◦ Really Really by Winner
  220. ◦ Sentimental by Winner
  221. ◦ FXXK IT by Big Bang
  222. ◦ Beautiful by Monsta X
  223. ◦ Kingdom by B.A.P
  224. ◦ Chaquita by B.A.P
  226. Fan Base Name:
  227. ◦ Kings
  229. Fan Base Colors: Dark Purple & Gold
  231. Anything Else?: nah
  233. Note to Satan (me): I BASICALLY
  234. MADE HIM SOFT AOCKSKSKSK but then again he has like a high ass sex drive if you couldn't tell. Also i left the love interest part blank because 1. i'm lazy, and 2. i don't know which love interests are taken. ALSO ALSO IM SORRY FOR ANY ERRORS BUT IM TOO LAZY TO READ FOR ERRORS LOL.
  236. Password: Yakuza
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