
Jul 14th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. on load:
  2. set {SkillNumber} to 11
  3. set {AbilityNumber} to 6
  5. on join:
  6. set {abi.unlock.%player%::1} to true
  8. command /sethelmet:
  9. permission: admin
  10. trigger:
  11. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  12. if loop-number = 1:
  13. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l新兵" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l移動速度が上昇する" and "&5「戦場で生き残るため、仕事を即座に覚える必要があった」" and "&5名のない兵士"
  14. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "新兵"
  15. else if loop-number = 2:
  16. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l鉄壁" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l体力が上昇する" and "&5「俺は神頼みで強くなったんじゃない、努力したんだ」" and "&5ジブラルタル"
  17. dye {hel%loop-number%} red
  18. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "鉄壁"
  19. else if loop-number = 3:
  20. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l忍者" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l落下ダメージを無効化する" and "&b&lさらに低確率で銃弾を弾き返す" and "&b&l(発動時、甲高い金属音が鳴る)" and "&5「目立たず仕事をやり遂げるのが一流の忍者ってもんだ」" and "&5横山光輝"
  21. dye {hel%loop-number%} black
  22. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "忍者"
  23. else if loop-number = 4:
  24. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l職業軍人" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l被弾時、移動速度がかなり上昇" and "&5「猛者はスコープを使わないって?私は大砲よ」" and "&5バンガロール"
  25. dye {hel%loop-number%} brown
  26. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "職業軍人"
  27. else if loop-number = 5:
  28. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l衛生兵" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l回復速度が上昇する" and "&5「死ぬほど痛いだろうが、死にはせん。さあ行くぞ!」" and "&5ウィリアム・ビル"
  29. dye {hel%loop-number%} green
  30. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "衛生兵"
  31. else if loop-number = 6:
  32. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l狩人" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l被弾した際、相手を発光させる" and "&5「恐れなき狩人など、獣と何が変わろうものかね…」" and "&5アイリーン"
  33. dye {hel%loop-number%} blue
  34. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "狩人"
  35. else if loop-number = 7:
  36. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l豆腐" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l&b&lキル時の入手ペルが10増える" and "&b&c代償として、体力が低下する" and "&5「俺100g当たりのたんぱく質は、卵一個と同じなんだぜ」" and "&5豆腐"
  37. dye {hel%loop-number%} red
  38. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "豆腐"
  39. else if loop-number = 8:
  40. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l範馬勇次郎" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l素手で簡単にキルできるようになる、" and "&c代わりに銃が一切使えなくなる(素手以外は強化されません)" and "&5「強くなりたくば喰らえ!!」" and "&5範馬勇次郎"
  41. dye {hel%loop-number%} yellow
  42. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "範馬勇次郎"
  43. else if loop-number = 9:
  44. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l賞金首狩り" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&lランダムなプレイヤーを発光させる" and "&b&l発光したプレイヤーを倒すと、入手ペルが10増える" and "&5「正義から逃れることはできない!」" and "&5Lex"
  45. dye {hel%loop-number%} white
  46. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "賞金首狩り"
  47. else if loop-number = 10:
  48. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&l高速兵" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l移動速度がかなり上昇する" and "&c薬の影響で体力が低下する" and "&5「限界は挑むものじゃない。超えるものだ!」" and "&5オクタン"
  49. dye {hel%loop-number%} purple
  50. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "高速兵"
  51. else if loop-number = 11:
  52. set {hel%loop-number%} to leather helmet named "&b&lギャンブラー" with lore "&e&l特殊スキル:&b&l被弾時、確率でダメージを無効化する" and "&b&l入手ペルが増えることもあるが&c減る場合もある" and "&5「バレなければイカサマではない」" and "&5ダニエル・J・ダービー"
  53. dye {hel%loop-number%} orange
  54. set {SkillName%loop-number%} to "ギャンブラー"
  56. command /setability:
  57. permission:admin
  58. trigger:
  59. loop {AbilityNumber} time:
  60. if loop-number = 1:
  61. set {abi.%loop-number%} to white wool named "&a&lデッド・バード" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&lスキル発動時、向いている方向に飛ぶ。" and "&b&l短時間無敵を得る" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  62. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "デッド・ハード"
  63. else if loop-number = 2:
  64. set {abi.%loop-number%} to black wool named "&a&lスモークグレネード" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&l足元にスモークグレネードを投げ" and "&b&l周辺を煙で満たさせる" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  65. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "スモークグレネード"
  66. else if loop-number = 3:
  67. set {abi.%loop-number%} to red wool named "&a&lドームシールド" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&l足元にドームシールドを展開する。" and "&b&l内側、外側の銃弾を防ぐことができる" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  68. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "ドームシールド"
  69. else if loop-number = 4:
  70. set {abi.%loop-number%} to light blue wool named "&a&l虚空" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&l少しの貯め時間のあと、透明とスピード" and "&b&l無敵を得て前線から離脱することができる" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  71. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "虚空"
  72. else if loop-number = 5:
  73. set {abi.%loop-number%} to lime wool named "&a&l興奮剤" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&l移動速度を一時的に上昇させる" and "&c&lしかし発動時にHPを消費する" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  74. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "興奮剤"
  75. else if loop-number = 6:
  76. set {abi.%loop-number%} to orange wool named "&a&lヘルスドローン" with lore "&e&l特殊能力:&b&l範囲内にいるプレイヤーを" and "&b&l一秒ごとに回復するドローンを展開する" and "&d&lクールタイム:"
  77. set {abilityname.%loop-number%} to "ヘルスドローン"
  78. #キルアシスト
  79. every 1 second:
  80. loop {time::*}:
  81. remove 1 from {time::%loop-index%}
  82. if {time::%loop-index%} is 0:
  83. delete {time::%loop-value%}
  84. set {_a} to loop-index
  85. replace all "|" with "::" in {_a}
  86. delete {%{_a}%}
  88. #範馬
  89. on damage:
  90. if {skill%attacker%} = 8:
  91. if attacker's tool is air:
  92. increase damage by 600%
  93. else:
  94. cancel event
  96. on cs prepare shoot:
  97. if {skill%event-player%} is 8:
  98. cancel event
  99. if {kokuu.%event-player%} is true:
  100. cancel event
  102. #ギャンブラー
  103. on cs damage:
  104. {skill%event-entity%} is 11
  105. set {_a} to a random integer between 1 and 8
  106. if {_a} is 1:
  107. cancel event
  108. play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.8 and pitch 2 to the event-entity
  110. on death of player:
  111. {skill%attacker%} is 11
  112. set {_a} to a random integer between -5 and 10
  113. if {_a} is 0:
  114. else if {_a} >= 1:
  115. send "&d[ギャンブル]&e追加で%{_a}%ペルゲット!" to attacker
  116. add {_a} to {money::%attacker%}
  117. else:
  118. send "&d[ギャンブル]&e%{_a}%ペル減ってしまった...!" to attacker
  119. remove {_a} from {money::%attacker%}
  121. #賞金首
  122. on death of player:
  123. if {skill%attacker%} is 9:
  124. loop {bounty.%attacker%::*}:
  125. loop-value is victim:
  126. add 10 to {money::%attacker%}
  127. send "&a[賞金首システム]&e賞金首を撃破!追加で10ペルだ!" to attacker
  128. make victim unglow for attacker
  129. delete {bounty.%attacker%::%loop-index%}
  130. set {_a} to 0
  131. loop all players:
  132. add 1 to {_a}
  133. if {_a} is 1:
  134. send "&a[賞金首システム]&eプレイヤーが他に存在しません!他にプレイヤーがいる時に再度このスキルを選択してください!"
  135. loop all players:
  136. loop-player is not attacker
  137. {fieldmenu.%loop-player%} is true
  138. set {_bounty::%loop-player%} to loop-player
  139. set {_boun} to a random element out of {_bounty::*}
  140. set {bounty.%attacker%::%{_boun}%} to {_boun}
  141. delete {bounty::%attacker%}
  142. set {bounty::%attacker%} to {_boun}
  143. else:
  144. loop all players:
  145. if {bounty.%loop-player%::%victim%} is set:
  146. delete {bounty.%loop-player%::%victim%}
  147. loop all players:
  148. loop-player-2 is not loop-player-1
  149. {fieldmenu.%loop-player-2%} is true
  150. set {_bounty::%loop-player-2%} to loop-player-2
  151. set {_boun} to a random element out of {_bounty::*}
  152. set {bounty.%loop-player-1%::%{_boun}%} to {_boun}
  153. make {_boun} glow for loop-player-1
  154. delete {bounty::%loop-player%}
  155. set {bounty::%loop-player%} to {_boun}
  156. #狩人
  157. on damage:
  158. if {skill%victim%} = 6:
  159. make attacker glow for victim
  160. wait 4 seconds
  161. make attacker unglow for victim
  163. #キルアシスト
  164. on damage:
  165. attacker is a player
  166. victim is a player
  167. set {assist.%victim%::%attacker%} to attacker
  168. set {time::assist.%victim%|%attacker%} to 6
  170. #忍者
  171. on damage:
  172. {skill%victim%} is 3
  173. damage was caused by fall
  174. cancel event
  176. on cs damage:
  177. {skill%event-entity%} is 3
  178. set {_a} to a random integer between 1 and 12
  179. {_a} is 1
  180. set {_d} to cs damage
  181. cancel event
  182. if {_a} > event-player's health:
  183. set event-player's health to 2
  184. damage event-player by 1.5 hearts
  185. else:
  186. damage event-player by {_a} hearts
  187. play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 2 at event-entity
  189. #落下死防止
  190. on damage:
  191. if victim's health <= damage:
  192. {skill%victim%} is not 3
  193. damage was caused by fall
  194. cancel event
  195. set victim's health to 2
  196. damage victim by 1.5 hearts
  198. #大砲
  199. on damage of player:
  200. {skill%victim%} = 4
  201. set {gunzin.%victim%} to 5
  202. set {gunzin::%victim%} to victim
  203. set the victim's walk speed to 0.31
  205. every 5 tick:
  206. loop {gunzin::*}:
  207. remove 1 from {gunzin.%loop-index%}
  208. if {gunzin.%loop-index%} is 0:
  209. set the loop-value's walk speed to 0.2
  210. delete {gunzin::%loop-index%}
  211. delete {gunzin.%loop-index%}
  214. #-------------------------------
  215. on death of villager:
  216. wait 1 second
  217. set {_loc} to event-entity's location
  218. spawn villager at {_loc}
  220. on spawn of villager:
  221. set the max health of the event-entity to 20
  222. heal event-entity
  224. on offhand switch:
  225. cancel event
  227. on drop:
  228. cancel event
  230. on cs damage:
  231. set {attacker.%event-entity%} to event-player
  232. set {attacker.we.%event-player%} to event-string
  234. on death of player:
  235. force victim to respawn
  236. delete {fieldmenu.%player%}
  237. if {skill%victim%} is 8:
  238. set the max health of the victim to 17
  239. if attacker is a player:
  240. loop all players:
  241. show 50 "FLAME" particle at player's location for loop-player
  243. play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the attacker
  244. set {_p} to event-projectile's weapon name
  245. set {_w} to weapon display name of "%{_p}%"
  246. loop {setting.killlog::*}:
  247. if {skill%attacker%} is 8:
  248. attacker's tool is air:
  249. send "&b<%attacker%(HP:&d%attacker's health%)[%{SkillName%{Skill%attacker%}%}%]>&7-&7[&a拳&7]→&c<%victim%[%{SkillName%{Skill%victim%}%}%]>" to loop-value
  250. else:
  251. send "&b<%attacker%(HP:&d%attacker's health%)[%{SkillName%{Skill%attacker%}%}%]>&7-&7[&e%{_w}%&7]→&c<%victim%[%{SkillName%{Skill%victim%}%}%]>" to loop-value
  252. set the death message to ""
  253. if {guild.membername.%attacker%} is set:
  254. add 1 to {guild.playerkill.%attacker%}
  255. add 1 to {guild.kill::%{guild.membername.%attacker%}%}
  256. loop {guild.%{guild.membername.%attacker%}%.member::*}:
  257. if loop-value is online:
  258. loop-value is not attacker
  259. add {guild.getmoney.%{guild.membername.%attacker%}%} to {money::%loop-value%}
  260. send "&d[GuildMemberKill]&e1ペル入手した!" to loop-value
  261. heal attacker
  262. add 10 * {KillBoost} to {money::%attacker%}
  263. loop {assist.%victim%::*}:
  264. if loop-value is not attacker:
  265. send "&e[キルアシスト!]&d5ペル&cゲット!" to loop-value
  266. add 5 to {money::%loop-value%}
  267. play sound "block.note.bell" with volume 0.8 and pitch 1 to the loop-value
  268. delete {assist.%victim%::%loop-value%}
  269. else:
  270. delete {assist.%victim%::%loop-value%}
  271. if {skill%attacker%} is 7:
  272. add 10 to {money::%attacker%}
  273. add 1 to {kill::%attacker%}
  274. add 1 to {exp::%attacker%}
  275. add 1 to {strike::%attacker%}
  276. set {strike::%victim%} to 0
  277. add 1 to {death::%victim%}
  278. set {strike::%victim's uuid%} to 0
  279. if {strike::%attacker%} is 5:
  280. broadcast "&b[Field]&e&l%attacker%が連続5キル!30ペルとサマーチケットを与えます!"
  281. give 1 paper named "&b[Summer]&eチケット" with lore "&32021年夏イベント用チケット!" and "&3ロビーで専用武器などと交換することができる" to attacker
  282. add 30 to {money::%attacker%}
  283. else if {strike::%attacker%} is 10:
  284. broadcast "[Field]&e&l%attacker%が連続10キル!100ペルとサマーチケットを与えます!"
  285. give 1 paper named "&b[Summer]&eチケット" with lore "&32021年夏イベント用チケット!" and "&3ロビーで専用武器などと交換することができる" to attacker
  286. add 100 to {money::%attacker%}
  287. else if {strike::%attacker%} is 15:
  288. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%attacker%が連続15キル!誰かこの化け物を止めてくれ!"
  289. broadcast "&5[システム]&c&l%attacker%が賞金首に指定されました・・・倒した者には100ペルが与えられます"
  290. set {kensyou%attacker%} to true
  291. if {kensyou%victim%} is true:
  292. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%attacker%が賞金首を仕留めたぞ!よくやった!%victim%もい~いファイトだったぜ!お互いに100ペルとサマチケプレゼントだ!"
  293. add 100 to {money::%attacker%}
  294. add 100 to {money::%victim%}
  295. give 1 paper named "&b[Summer]&eチケット" with lore "&32021年夏イベント用チケット!" and "&3ロビーで専用武器などと交換することができる" to attacker
  296. give 1 paper named "&b[Summer]&eチケット" with lore "&32021年夏イベント用チケット!" and "&3ロビーで専用武器などと交換することができる" to victim
  297. set {kensyou%victim%} to false
  298. if {exp::%attacker%} >= {nextexp::%attacker%}:
  299. add 1 to {level::%attacker%}
  300. broadcast "&b[Field]&e&l%attacker%のレベルが&b%{level::%attacker%}%&eになりました!"
  301. add 1 to {nextexp::%attacker%}
  302. add 1 to {exppoint::%attacker%}
  303. set {exp::%attacker%} to 0
  304. loop all players:
  305. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  306. wait 15 ticks
  307. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_TWINKLE" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to the loop-players
  308. else if attacker is a tnt:
  309. {attacker.%victim%} is victim
  310. remove 10 from {money::%victim%}
  311. loop {setting.killlog::*}:
  312. send "[&e%victim%&7]&eー自爆→&c<%attacker%>" to loop-value
  313. send "&d[自爆ペナルティ]&e10ペル没収されました・・・" to victim
  314. set the death message to ""
  315. else:
  316. loop {setting.killlog::*}:
  317. send "[&e%attacker%&7]→&c<%victim%>" to loop-value
  318. set the death message to ""
  321. command /setskspawn:
  322. permission:admin
  323. trigger:
  324. set {spawn} to event-entity's location
  326. command /setskshop:
  327. permission:admin
  328. trigger:
  329. set {shop} to event-entity's location
  331. command /setskbuild:
  332. permission:admin
  333. trigger:
  334. set {Build} to event-entity's location
  336. command /setskcasino:
  337. permission:admin
  338. trigger:
  339. set {casino} to event-entity's location
  341. on walking on yellow wool:
  342. block under the event-block is bedrock
  343. teleport player to {shop}
  345. on walking on black wool:
  346. set player's gamemode to adventure
  347. block under the event-block is bedrock
  348. teleport player to {spawn}
  350. on walking on blue wool:
  351. set player's gamemode to survival
  352. block under the event-block is bedrock
  353. teleport player to {Build}
  355. on walking on green wool:
  356. block under the event-block is bedrock
  357. teleport player to {casino}
  360. command /setskfirstspawn:
  361. permission:admin
  362. trigger:
  363. set {firstspawn} to event-entity's location
  365. command /setskjailspawn:
  366. permission:admin
  367. trigger:
  368. set {jailspawn} to event-entity's location
  370. command /jail <player>:
  371. permission:admin
  372. trigger:
  373. if arg is online:
  374. teleport arg to {jailspawn}
  375. set {jail.%arg%} to true
  376. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%arg%が投獄されたぜ・・・皆も彼みたいにならないよう気を付けような!"
  377. else:
  378. send "対象はオンラインではありません"
  380. command /unjail <player>:
  381. permission:admin
  382. trigger:
  383. if arg is online:
  384. delete {jail.%arg%}
  385. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%arg%が釈放されたぜ!もう戻ってくんなよ!"
  386. teleport arg to {spawn}
  387. else:
  388. send "対象はオンラインではありません"
  390. command /mutesk <player>:
  391. permission:admin
  392. trigger:
  393. if arg is online:
  394. set {mute.%arg%} to true
  395. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%arg%がミュートされたぜ!言動に気をつけろよ!"
  396. else:
  397. send "対象はオンラインではありません"
  399. command /unmutesk <player>:
  400. permission:admin
  401. trigger:
  402. if arg is online:
  403. delete {mute.%arg%}
  404. broadcast "&b[ゲームマスター]&e&l%arg%がミュート解除されたぜ!皆も気をつけろよな!!"
  405. else:
  406. send "対象はオンラインではありません"
  408. on damage:
  409. play sound "ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER" with volume 2 and pitch 1.1 to the attacker
  411. on chat:
  412. if {mute.%player%} is true:
  413. send "&4&l貴方は一時的にミュートされています!もし意義がある場合はこちらでお願いします→"
  414. cancel event
  415. else:
  416. loop all players:
  417. play sound "BLOCK_STONE_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  419. command /firstset:
  420. permission:admin
  421. trigger:
  422. set {kill::%player%} to 0
  423. set {money::%player%} to 0
  424. set {exp::%player%} to 0
  425. set {nextexp::%player%} to 20
  426. set {exppoint::%player%} to 5
  427. set {level::%player%} to 1
  428. set {strike::%player%} to 0
  429. set {kensyou%player%} to false
  430. set {skill%player%} to 0
  431. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  432. set {skillunlock::%player%::%loop-number%} to false
  433. set {skillunlock::%player%::1} to true
  434. set {death::%player%} to 0
  435. set {BuildShopPage.%player%} to 1
  436. delete {firstjoin.%player%}
  438. on join:
  439. set player's gamemode to adventure
  440. add "{Attributes:[{Name:""generic.knockbackResistance"",Base:1d}]}" to nbt of player
  441. if {kabu::%player%} is not set:
  442. set {kabu::%player%} to 0
  443. if {guild.playerkill.%player%} is not set:
  444. set {guild.playerkill.%player%} to 0
  445. {firstjoin.%player%} is not set:
  446. set the max health of the player to 20
  447. teleport player to {firstspawn}
  448. set {kill::%player%} to 0
  449. set {money::%player%} to 0
  450. set {exp::%player%} to 0
  451. set {nextexp::%player%} to 20
  452. set {exppoint::%player%} to 5
  453. set {level::%player%} to 1
  454. set {strike::%player%} to 0
  455. set {kensyou%player%} to false
  456. set {skill%player%} to 0
  457. set {skillunlock::%player%::1} to true
  458. set {abi.unlock.%player%::1} to true
  459. set {death::%player%} to 0
  460. set {BuildShopPage.%player%} to 1
  461. set the join message to "&d[FirstJoin]&e%player%"
  462. set {firstjoin.%player%} to true
  463. set {SkillName0} to "なし"
  464. set {setting.killlog::%player%} to player
  465. loop {firstitems::*}:
  466. give {firstitems::%loop-index%} to player
  467. loop all players:
  468. wait 3 tick
  469. play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  470. else:
  471. set the join message to "&b[Join]&e%player%"
  472. loop all players:
  473. wait 3 tick
  474. play sound "entity.wolf.ambient" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  475. {jail.%player%} is not set
  476. teleport player to {spawn}
  478. command /setfirstitems:
  479. permission:admin
  480. trigger:
  481. if {firstitems.num} is not set:
  482. set {firstitems.num} to 0
  483. send "アイテム番号を生成したのでもう一度入力してください" to player
  484. else:
  485. set {firstitems::%{firstitems.num}%} to player's tool
  486. add 1 to {firstitems.num}
  489. command /deletefirstitems:
  490. permission:admin
  491. trigger:
  492. loop {firstitems::*}:
  493. delete {firstitems::%loop-index%}
  494. delete {firstitems.num}
  496. on quit:
  497. set the quit message to "&c[Quit]&e%player%"
  498. loop all players:
  499. play sound "entity.villager.hurt" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  501. every 300 seconds:
  502. broadcast "&a[BadGunServer]&eサーバーDiscordはこちら→"
  504. on rightclick:
  505. if block is sign:
  506. if line 1 is "&d&l100ペル引き出す":
  507. if {money::%player%} >= 100:
  508. give 1 gold nugget named "&d&l100ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「俺にとっては銃弾より" and "&5価値のあるものさ」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" to player
  509. remove 100 from {money::%player%}
  510. else:
  511. send "&cどうやらペルが足りないようだ・・・" to player
  513. else if line 1 is "&e&l1000ペル引き出す":
  514. if {money::%player%} >= 1000:
  515. give 1 gold ingot named "&d&l1000ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「こいつのためなら、俺は" and "&5命を懸けてもいい」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" to player
  516. remove 1000 from {money::%player%}
  517. else:
  518. send "&cどうやらペルが足りないようだ・・・" to player
  520. else if line 1 is "&b&l10000ペル引き出す":
  521. if {money::%player%} >= 10000:
  522. give 1 gold block named "&d&l10000ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「俺がくたばったら" and "&5こいつと俺を一緒に埋めてくれ」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" to player
  523. remove 10000 from {money::%player%}
  524. else:
  525. send "&cどうやらペルが足りないようだ・・・" to player
  528. on rightclick:
  529. name of held item is "&d&l10000ペル"
  530. player is sneaking
  531. wait a tick
  532. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP" with volume 100 and pitch 7 at player for player
  533. remove gold block named "&d&l10000ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「俺がくたばったら" and "&5こいつと俺を一緒に埋めてくれ」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" from player's inventory
  534. add 10000 to {money::%player%}
  536. on rightclick:
  537. name of held item is "&d&l1000ペル"
  538. player is sneaking
  539. wait a tick
  540. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP" with volume 100 and pitch 7 at player for player
  541. remove gold ingot named "&d&l1000ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「こいつのためなら、俺は" and "&5命を懸けてもいい」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" from player's inventory
  542. add 1000 to {money::%player%}
  544. on rightclick:
  545. name of held item is "&d&l100ペル"
  546. player is sneaking
  547. wait a tick
  548. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP" with volume 100 and pitch 7 at player for player
  549. remove gold nugget named "&d&l100ペル" with lore "&e&lシフト右クリックで電子化できる" and "&5「俺にとっては銃弾より" and "&5価値のあるものさ」" and "&5ジョン・グレー" from player's inventory
  550. add 100 to {money::%player%}
  553. on sign change:
  554. if line 1 is "100ペル":
  555. set line 1 to "&d&l100ペル引き出す"
  556. else if line 1 is "1000ペル":
  557. set line 1 to "&e&l1000ペル引き出す"
  558. else if line 1 is "10000ペル":
  559. set line 1 to "&b&l10000ペル引き出す"
  561. command /setmoney <int>:
  562. permission:admin
  563. trigger:
  564. set {money::%player%} to arg
  567. on walking on red glass:
  568. block under the event-block is beacon
  569. set {pointloc} to location of event-block
  570. if {pointplayer::%player%} is not set:
  571. loop {pointplayer::*}:
  572. delete {pointplayer::%loop-index%}
  573. set {pointplayer::%player%} to 0
  574. else if {pointplayer::%player%} >= 1:
  575. send "&5[System]&e連続で拠点を制圧することはできません!"
  576. stop
  577. else:
  578. add 1 to {pointplayer::%player%}
  579. broadcast "&c[Field]&d%player%&eが拠点を制圧しました!"
  580. give 1 paper named "&b[Summer]&eチケット" with lore "&32021年夏イベント用チケット!" and "&3ロビーで専用武器などと交換することができる" to player
  581. add 100 to {money::%player%}
  582. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to player
  583. set block to glass
  584. set {point} to 40
  586. command /testpoint:
  587. permission:admin
  588. trigger:
  589. set {point} to 45
  591. command /testpointdelete:
  592. permission:admin
  593. trigger:
  594. loop {pointplayer::*}:
  595. clear {pointplayer::%loop-index%}
  596. every 2 second:
  597. loop all players:
  598. {skill%loop-player%} = 5
  599. heal loop-player by 0.5 hearts
  601. every seconds:
  602. if {point} <= 45:
  603. remove 1 from {point}
  604. if {point} == 0:
  605. set block at {pointloc} to red glass
  606. broadcast "&c[Field]&e拠点が復活しました!!"
  609. on rightclick on entity:
  610. if display name of event-entity is "スキルショップ":
  611. cancel event
  612. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lスキルショップ" to player
  613. loop 10 times:
  614. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to iron bars named ""
  615. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lスキルショップ" with lore "&a&lレベルアップなどで入手できる経験値を消費して" and "&a&lスキルを購入することができる。" and "&a&l使用するスキルの選択は、メニューから行ってね" and "&c&lなおスキルの購入には5経験値pointが必要です" and "&5「経験は、何よりの宝になる」 ロック・ロバート"
  616. set {_num} to 9
  617. set {_num1} to 1
  618. loop {SkillNumber} time:
  619. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to {hel%{_num1}%}
  620. add 1 to {_num} and {_num1}
  621. loop {SkillNumber} times:
  622. if {skillunlock::%player%::%loop-number%} is true:
  623. set slot loop-number - 1 + 9 of player's current inventory to red wool named "&d&l開放済み"
  625. on inventory click:
  626. name of clicked inventory is "&a&lスキルショップ"
  627. cancel event
  628. set {_num} to 1
  629. loop {SkillNumber} time:
  630. if event-item is {hel%{_num}%}:
  631. SkillShop(player, {_num})
  632. add 1 to {_num}
  634. function SkillShop(p :player, n :number):
  635. if {exppoint::%{_p}%} >= 5:
  636. send "&5[システム]&c&l%{SkillName%{_n}%}%を開放しました!" to {_p}
  637. remove 5 from {exppoint::%{_p}%}
  638. set {skillunlock::%{_p}%::%{_n}%} to true
  639. close {_p}'s inventory
  640. wait 10 ticks
  641. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  642. wait 20 ticks
  643. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_TWINKLE" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  644. else:
  645. send "経験値が足りないようだ・・・" to {_p}
  646. play sound "BLOCK_LAVA_POP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  647. close {_p}'s inventory
  649. on rightclick on entity:
  650. if display name of event-entity is "アビリティショップ":
  651. cancel event
  652. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lアビリティショップ" to player
  653. loop 10 times:
  654. set slot loop-number - 2 of player's current inventory to iron bars named ""
  655. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&lアビリティショップ" with lore "&a&l1000ペルを消費して" and "&a&lアビリティを購入することができる。" and "&a&l使用するアビリティの選択は、メニューから行ってね" and "&5「自分たちの力を、強さを信じましょう」 マララ・ユスフザイ"
  656. set {_num} to 9
  657. set {_num1} to 1
  658. loop {AbilityNumber} time:
  659. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to {abi.%{_num1}%}
  660. add 1 to {_num} and {_num1}
  661. loop {AbilityNumber} times:
  662. if {abi.unlock.%player%::%loop-number%} is true:
  663. set slot loop-number - 1 + 9 of player's current inventory to tnt named "&d&l開放済み"
  665. on inventory click:
  666. name of clicked inventory is "&a&lアビリティショップ"
  667. cancel event
  668. set {_num} to 1
  669. loop {SkillNumber} time:
  670. if event-item is {abi.%{_num}%}:
  671. AbilityShop(player, {_num})
  672. add 1 to {_num}
  674. function AbilityShop(p :player, n :number):
  675. if {money::%{_p}%} >= 500:
  676. send "&5[システム]&c&l%{abilityname.%{_n}%}%を開放しました!" to {_p}
  677. remove 500 from {money::%{_p}%}
  678. set {abi.unlock.%{_p}%::%{_n}%} to true
  679. close {_p}'s inventory
  680. wait 10 ticks
  681. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  682. wait 20 ticks
  683. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_TWINKLE" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  684. else:
  685. send "ペルが足りないようだ・・・" to {_p}
  686. play sound "BLOCK_LAVA_POP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to {_p}
  687. close {_p}'s inventory
  689. command /setexp <int>:
  690. permission:admin
  691. trigger:
  692. set {exppoint::%player%} to arg
  695. every 5 second:
  696. loop all players:
  697. if {guild.membername.%loop-player%} is set:
  698. set {_guild} to "&f[&e%{{guild.membername.%loop-player%}%}%&f]"
  699. else:
  700. set {_guild} to ""
  701. set the loop-player's tablist name to "%{_guild}%&b%loop-player%&c[LV:%{level::%loop-player%}%]"
  702. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  703. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e-Your Status-"
  704. set score "&aLevel:%{level::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
  705. set score "&bEXP:%{exp::%loop-player%}%/%{nextexp::%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
  706. set score "&d所持経験値:%{exppoint::%loop-player%}%point" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
  707. set score "&5保有株数:&e%{kabu::%loop-player%}%株" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  708. set score "&a現在の株価:&b%{kabuka}%ペル" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  709. set score "&b所持金:&c%{money::%loop-player%}%ペル" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  710. set score "&d連続キル:&b%{strike::%loop-player%}%KILL" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  711. if {kabu} >= 0:
  712. set score "&e前回の株価の変動:+%{kabu}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  713. else:
  714. set score "&e前回の株価の変動:%{kabu}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  717. command /buildshop <number>:
  718. permission: admin
  719. trigger:
  720. set {testchest%player%} to true
  721. set {BuildShopNumber} to arg
  722. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%arg%" to player
  723. set {_num} to 0
  724. loop {BuildShop.%arg%::*}:
  725. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  726. add 1 to {_num}
  727. on inventory close:
  728. if {testchest%player%} is true:
  729. set {_num} to 0
  730. loop 54 times:
  731. set {BuildShop.%{BuildShopNumber}%::%{_num}%} to slot {_num} of event-inventory
  732. add 1 to {_num}
  733. clear {testchest%player%}
  735. on rightclick on entity:
  736. if display name of event-entity is "&d建材ショップ":
  737. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:1" to player
  738. set {_num} to 0
  739. set {BuildShopPage.%player%} to 1
  740. loop {BuildShop.1::*}:
  741. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  742. add 1 to {_num}
  743. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  745. on rightclick on entity:
  746. if display name of event-entity is "&dその他ショップ":
  747. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&lその他ショップ Page:1" to player
  748. set {_num} to 0
  749. set {OtherShopPage.%player%} to 1
  750. loop {BuildShop.1::*}:
  751. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  752. add 1 to {_num}
  753. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  756. command /testbuildvari:
  757. trigger:
  758. send "%{BuildShop.1::0}%" to player
  760. command /openbuildshop <number>:
  761. permission:admin
  762. trigger:
  763. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%arg%" to player
  764. set {_num} to 0
  765. loop {BuildShop.%arg%::*}:
  766. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  767. add 1 to {_num}
  770. on inventory click:
  771. name of clicked inventory contains "&a&l建材ショップ"
  772. {testchest%player%} is not set
  773. cancel event
  774. wait a tick
  775. if event-item is arrow named "次のページへ":
  776. close player's inventory
  777. add 1 to {BuildShopPage.%player%}
  778. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%" to player
  779. set {_num} to 0
  780. loop {BuildShop.%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%::*}:
  781. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  782. add 1 to {_num}
  783. set slot 45 of player's current inventory to arrow named "前のページへ"
  784. {BuildShopPage.%player%} <= 50
  785. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  786. else if event-item is arrow named "前のページへ":
  787. close player's inventory
  788. remove 1 from {BuildShopPage.%player%}
  789. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%" to player
  790. set {_num} to 0
  791. loop {BuildShop.%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%::*}:
  792. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  793. add 1 to {_num}
  794. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  795. {BuildShopPage.%player%} >= 2
  796. set slot 45 of player's current inventory to arrow named "前のページへ"
  797. else if {money::%player%} >= 100:
  798. remove 100 from {money::%player%}
  799. give event-item to player
  800. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP" with volume 2 and pitch 1.0 to player
  801. else if event-item is air:
  803. else:
  804. send "ペルが足りないようだ・・・" to player
  805. play sound "BLOCK_LAVA_POP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to player
  806. close player's inventory
  808. on inventory click:
  809. name of clicked inventory contains "&a&lその他ショップ"
  810. {testchest%player%} is not set
  811. cancel event
  812. wait a tick
  813. if event-item is arrow named "次のページへ":
  814. close player's inventory
  815. add 1 to {BuildShopPage.%player%}
  816. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%" to player
  817. set {_num} to 0
  818. loop {BuildShop.%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%::*}:
  819. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  820. add 1 to {_num}
  821. set slot 45 of player's current inventory to arrow named "前のページへ"
  822. {BuildShopPage.%player%} <= 50
  823. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  824. else if event-item is arrow named "前のページへ":
  825. close player's inventory
  826. remove 1 from {BuildShopPage.%player%}
  827. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&a&l建材ショップ Page:%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%" to player
  828. set {_num} to 0
  829. loop {BuildShop.%{BuildShopPage.%player%}%::*}:
  830. set slot {_num} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  831. add 1 to {_num}
  832. set slot 53 of player's current inventory to arrow named "次のページへ"
  833. {BuildShopPage.%player%} >= 2
  834. set slot 45 of player's current inventory to arrow named "前のページへ"
  835. else if {money::%player%} >= 30:
  836. remove 30 from {money::%player%}
  837. give event-item to player
  838. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_HARP" with volume 2 and pitch 1.0 to player
  839. else if event-item is air:
  841. else:
  842. send "ペルが足りないようだ・・・" to player
  843. play sound "BLOCK_LAVA_POP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to player
  844. close player's inventory
  847. command /setgatya <String> <number>:
  848. permission: admin
  849. trigger:
  850. set {Gatya::%arg-1%} to player's tool
  851. set {GatyaChance::%arg-1%} to arg-2
  852. give name tag named "&e%arg-1%のガチャチケット" with lore "&d当選確率: 1/%arg-2%" and "&a右クリックでガチャを引くことができる" to player
  853. loop {Gatya::*}:
  854. send loop-index to player
  856. on rightclick with name tag:
  857. loop {Gatya::*}:
  858. if player have name tag named "&e%loop-index%のガチャチケット" with lore "&d当選確率: 1/%{GatyaChance::%loop-index%}%" and "&a右クリックでガチャを引くことができる":
  859. wait 2 ticks
  860. remove name tag named "&e%loop-index%のガチャチケット" with lore "&d当選確率: 1/%{GatyaChance::%loop-index%}%" and "&a右クリックでガチャを引くことができる" from the player
  861. set {_gatya} to a random integer between 1 and {GatyaChance::%loop-index%}
  862. if {_gatya} = 1:
  863. broadcast "&e&l%player%さんが、%loop-index%を当てました!"
  864. give {Gatya::%loop-index%} to player
  865. loop all players:
  866. loop 5 times:
  867. play sound "ENTITY_FIREWORK_LAUNCH" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  868. wait 10 ticks
  869. else:
  870. play sound "BLOCK_LAVA_POP" with volume 1 and pitch 1.0 to player
  872. command /patinko:
  873. permission:admin
  874. trigger:
  875. give iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" to player
  877. on rightclick:
  878. if block is sign:
  879. if line 1 is "&d&l10ペルパチンコ":
  880. if line 2 is "当たり:30玉":
  881. player have iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える"
  882. wait 1 tick
  883. remove iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" from player
  884. set {_10pati} to a random integer between 1 and 30
  885. if {_10pati} = 1:
  886. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 0.5 and pitch 2 to the players
  887. give 30 iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" to player
  888. else:
  889. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BELL" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 to the players
  891. if line 2 is "当たり:10玉":
  892. player have iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える"
  893. wait 1 tick
  894. remove iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" from player
  895. set {_10pati} to a random integer between 1 and 10
  896. if {_10pati} = 1:
  897. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 0.5 and pitch 2 to the players
  898. give 10 iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" to player
  899. else:
  900. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BELL" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 to the players
  902. else if line 2 is "当たり:5玉":
  903. player have iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える"
  904. wait 1 tick
  905. remove iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" from player
  906. set {_10pati} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  907. if {_10pati} = 1:
  908. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 0.5 and pitch 2 to the players
  909. give 5 iron nugget named "&b&l10ペルパチンコ玉" with lore "&a10ペルと同じ価値を持つ玉" and "&a10ペルパチンコ台で使える" to player
  910. else:
  911. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BELL" with volume 0.5 and pitch 1 to the players
  915. on sign change:
  916. if line 1 is "10ペルパチンコ5":
  917. set line 1 to "&d&l10ペルパチンコ"
  918. set line 2 to "当たり:5玉"
  919. set line 3 to "&a確率:高"
  920. if line 1 is "10ペルパチンコ10":
  921. set line 1 to "&d&l10ペルパチンコ"
  922. set line 2 to "当たり:10玉"
  923. set line 3 to "&a確率:中"
  924. if line 1 is "10ペルパチンコ30":
  925. set line 1 to "&d&l10ペルパチンコ"
  926. set line 2 to "当たり:30玉"
  927. set line 3 to "&a確率:低"
  929. command /hanma:
  930. permission: admin
  931. trigger:
  932. loop all players:
  933. {skill%loop-player%} is 8:
  934. set {skill%loop-player%} to 1
  937. command /menuitem:
  938. permission:admin
  939. trigger:
  940. give 1 clock named "&c&lメニュー" with lore "&e便利な機能を利用したり、設定を変更できる" to player
  942. command /fieldspawn:
  943. permission: admin
  944. trigger:
  945. if {FieldNumber} is not set:
  946. set {FieldNumber} to 0
  947. send "フィールドナンバーが設定されていなかったのでもう一度コマンド入力してください" to player
  948. else:
  949. set {FieldSpawn::%{FieldNumber}%} to location of player
  950. add 1 to {FieldNumber}
  952. command /firstsetspawn:
  953. permission:admin
  954. trigger:
  955. set {FieldNumber} to 0
  957. command /deletefield <number>:
  958. permission:admin
  959. trigger:
  960. if arg is not set:
  961. loop {FieldSpawn::*}:
  962. delete {FieldSpawn::%loop-index%}
  963. set {FieldNumber} to 0
  964. send "すべてのフィールド座標を削除しました" to player
  965. else if {FieldSpawn} is set:
  966. delete {FieldSpawn::%arg%}
  967. send "%arg%番の座標を削除しました" to player
  968. else:
  969. send "その番号は存在しません" to player
  971. command /fieldlist:
  972. permission: admin
  973. trigger:
  974. loop {FieldSpawn::*}:
  975. send "%loop-index% : %{FieldSpawn::%loop-index%}%" to player
  977. command /fieldtp:
  978. permission:admin
  979. trigger:
  980. set {_tpcheck} to true
  981. while ({_tpcheck}):
  982. set {_tpnum%player%} to a random integer between 0 and size of {FieldSpawn::*} - 1
  983. spawn an armor stand at location of {FieldSpawn::%{_tpnum%player%}%}
  984. set {_entity%player%} to last spawned armor stand
  985. add "{Marker:true,Invisible:true,NoGravity:true}" to entity-nbt of {_entity%player%}
  986. loop all players:
  987. if distance between the last spawned entity and loop-player is smaller than 15:
  988. send "エリア内に敵がいます" to player
  989. kill {_entity%player%}
  990. wait 8 ticks
  991. else:
  992. send "エリア内に敵がいないので出撃します" to player
  993. set {_tpcheck} to false
  994. kill {_entity%player%}
  995. teleport player to {FieldSpawn::%{_tpnum%player%}%}
  997. on walking on red wool:
  998. block under the event-block is bedrock
  999. {tptime%player%} is not set
  1000. set {tptime%player%} to true
  1001. set {_tpcheck} to true
  1002. while ({_tpcheck}):
  1003. set {_onlineplayer.num} to number of all players
  1004. set {_onlineplayer} to 0
  1005. set {_tpnum%player%} to a random integer between 0 and size of {FieldSpawn::*} - 1
  1006. spawn an armor stand at location of {FieldSpawn::%{_tpnum%player%}%}
  1007. set {_entity%player%} to last spawned armor stand
  1008. add "{Marker:true,Invisible:true,NoGravity:true}" to entity-nbt of {_entity%player%}
  1009. loop all players:
  1010. if distance between the last spawned entity and loop-player is smaller than 20:
  1011. wait a tick
  1012. else:
  1013. add 1 to {_onlineplayer}
  1014. kill {_entity%player%}
  1015. {_onlineplayer} == {_onlineplayer.num}
  1016. set {_tpcheck} to false
  1017. delete {tptime%player%}
  1018. teleport player to {FieldSpawn::%{_tpnum%player%}%}
  1019. set {fieldmenu.%player%} to true
  1021. command /setgun <String> <Number>:
  1022. permission: admin
  1023. trigger:
  1024. if {GunNum::%arg-1%} is not set:
  1025. set {GunNum::%arg-1%} to 0
  1026. set {Gun::%arg-1%::%{GunNum::%arg-1%}%} to player's tool
  1027. set {GunType::%arg-1%} to arg-1
  1028. send "{Gun::%arg-1%::%{GunNum::%arg-1%}%}" to player
  1029. set {GunPrice::%arg-1%::%{GunNum::%arg-1%}%} to arg-2
  1030. add 1 to {GunNum::%arg-1%}
  1032. command /deletegun <String>:
  1033. permission: admin
  1034. trigger:
  1035. loop {Gun::%arg-1%::*}:
  1036. delete {Gun::%arg-1%::%loop-index%}
  1037. delete {GunNum::%arg-1%}
  1038. delete {GunPrice::%arg-1%::%loop-index%}
  1041. on rightclick on entity:
  1042. loop {GunType::*}:
  1043. if display name of event-entity is "%loop-value-1%ショップ":
  1044. cancel event
  1045. open chest inventory with 6 row named "&c&l%loop-value-1%ショップ" to player
  1046. set {_gui%player%} to 0
  1047. loop 9 times:
  1048. set slot loop-number - 1 of player's current inventory to iron bars named " "
  1049. set slot loop-number - 1 + 27 of player's current inventory to iron bars named " "
  1050. loop {Gun::%loop-value-1%::*}:
  1051. set slot {_gui%player%} + 9 of player's current inventory to {Gun::%loop-value-1%::%loop-index-2%}
  1052. set slot {_gui%player%} + 18 of player's current inventory to gold nugget named "&b&l値段" with lore "&c&l%{GunPrice::%loop-value-1%::%loop-index-2%}%ペル"
  1053. add 1 to {_gui%player%}
  1054. set slot 4 of player's current inventory to magma cream named "&e&l銃ショップ" with lore "&a&lペルを消費して銃を購入することができる" and "&a&l価格は銃の下の金塊に表示されます"
  1056. on inventory click:
  1057. name of clicked inventory contains "ショップ"
  1058. loop {GunType::*}:
  1059. if name of clicked inventory is "&c&l%loop-value-1%ショップ":
  1060. cancel event
  1061. loop {Gun::%loop-value-1%::*}:
  1062. if event-item is {Gun::%loop-value-1%::%loop-index-2%}:
  1063. GunShop(player, loop-value-1, loop-index-2)
  1064. close player's inventory
  1066. function GunShop(p: player,s: string,n: string):
  1067. if {money::%{_p}%} >= {GunPrice::%{_s}%::%{_n}%}:
  1068. give {Gun::%{_s}%::%{_n}%} to {_p}
  1069. play sound "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at {_p} for {_p}
  1070. send "&a&l銃を購入しました!" to {_p}
  1071. remove {GunPrice::%{_s}%::%{_n}%} from {money::%{_p}%}
  1072. else:
  1073. send "&a&lどうやらペルが足りないようだ・・・" to {_p}
  1075. command /listgun <String>:
  1076. permission: admin
  1077. trigger:
  1078. send "-%arg-1%-"
  1079. loop {Gun::%arg-1%::*}:
  1080. send "%loop-index% : %{Gun::%arg-1%::%loop-index%}%"
  1082. every 10 seconds:
  1083. delete holo object "killrank"
  1084. set {_high} to 0
  1085. set {_count} to 7
  1086. loop {kill::*}:
  1087. set {_killrank::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  1088. loop {_count} times:
  1089. loop {_killrank::*}:
  1090. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  1091. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  1092. set {_highplayer} to loop-index
  1093. if {_ranktext} is not set:
  1094. set {_ranktext} to "&dキルランキング;&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%Kill;"
  1095. else:
  1096. set {_ranktext} to "%{_ranktext}%&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%Kill;"
  1097. set {_high} to 0
  1098. delete {_killrank::%{_highplayer}%}
  1099. create holo object "ItemStack:Diamond Sword;%{_ranktext}%" with id "killrank" at {KillrankHolo}
  1101. delete holo object "moneyrank"
  1102. set {_count} to 7
  1103. loop {money::*}:
  1104. set {_moneyrank::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  1105. loop {_count} times:
  1106. loop {_moneyrank::*}:
  1107. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  1108. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  1109. set {_highplayer} to loop-index
  1110. if {_rankmoneytext} is not set:
  1111. set {_rankmoneytext} to "&d所持金ランキング;&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%ペル;"
  1112. else:
  1113. set {_rankmoneytext} to "%{_rankmoneytext}%&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%ペル;"
  1114. set {_high} to 0
  1115. delete {_moneyrank::%{_highplayer}%}
  1116. create holo object "ItemStack:Gold Block;%{_rankmoneytext}%" with id "moneyrank" at {MoneyrankHolo}
  1118. delete holo object "guildkill"
  1119. set {_count} to 7
  1120. loop {guild.kill::*}:
  1121. set {_guild.kill::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  1122. loop {_count} times:
  1123. loop {_guild.kill::*}:
  1124. loop-value-2 > {_high}
  1125. set {_high} to loop-value-2
  1126. set {_highplayer} to {}
  1127. if {_guildkilltext} is not set:
  1128. set {_guildkilltext} to "&dギルドの総キル数ランキング;&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%キル;"
  1129. else:
  1130. set {_guildkilltext} to "%{_guildkilltext}%&a%loop-number%位.&b%{_highplayer}%: &c%{_high}%キル;"
  1131. set {_high} to 0
  1132. delete {_guild.kill::%{_highplayer}%}
  1133. create holo object "ItemStack:gold sword;%{_guildkilltext}%" with id "guildkill" at {GuildKillHolo}
  1135. command /sethololoc <string>:
  1136. permission: admin
  1137. trigger:
  1138. if arg is "Kill":
  1139. set {KillrankHolo} to player's location
  1140. send "キルランキングの座標をセットしました!"
  1141. else if arg is "Money":
  1142. set {MoneyrankHolo} to player's location
  1143. send "所持金ランキングの座標をセットしました!"
  1144. else if arg is "GuildKill":
  1145. set {GuildKillHolo} to player's location
  1146. send "ギルドのキル数ランキングの座標をセットしました"
  1147. else:
  1148. send "KillかMoneyを入力してください!"
  1150. on inventory click:
  1151. clicked inventory is inventory of player
  1152. clicked slot is 39
  1153. cancel event
  1155. on craft:
  1156. cancel event
  1158. command /exppointfix:
  1159. permission:admin
  1160. trigger:
  1161. loop {level::*}:
  1162. add {level::%loop-index%} - 1 to {exppoint::%loop-index%}
  1164. command /lookexp:
  1165. permission:admin
  1166. trigger:
  1167. loop {exppoint::*}:
  1168. send "%loop-index%:%{exppoint::%loop-index%}%" to player
  1170. command /syuuseiexp <int> <string>:
  1171. permission: admin
  1172. trigger:
  1173. add arg-1 to {exppoint::%arg-2%}
  1175. command /killboost <string> <num>:
  1176. permission: admin
  1177. trigger:
  1178. set {KillBoost} to arg-2
  1179. set {KillBoost.time} to 300
  1180. broadcast "&b[KillBoost]&d%arg-1%さん&eが&bキルブースト&eを発動させました!5分間キルによる入手ペルが&c%arg-2%倍&eになります!"
  1181. create bossbar titled "&a&l現在キルブースト&d&l%{KillBoost}%倍&b&l発動中!" and id "killboost" for all players with progress {KillBoost.time}/3 with colors green
  1182. loop all players:
  1183. play sound "item.totem.use" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to the loop-players
  1185. command /bossbarhoge:
  1186. trigger:
  1187. add player to bossbar "bar"
  1189. every second:
  1190. if {KillBoost.time} <= 300:
  1191. remove 1 from {KillBoost.time}
  1192. create bossbar titled "&a&l現在キルブースト&d&l%{KillBoost}%倍&b&l発動中!" and id "killboost" for all players with progress {KillBoost.time}/3 with colors green
  1193. if {KillBoost.time} == 0:
  1194. set {KillBoost} to 1
  1195. broadcast "&d[KillBoost]&eキルブーストが終了しました..."
  1196. remove bossbar "killboost"
  1197. set {KillBoost.time} to 500
  1199. on load:
  1200. set {KillBoost} to 1
  1201. set {KillBoost.time} to 500
  1202. remove bossbar "killboost"
  1204. on inventory click:
  1205. {fieldswitch} is false
  1206. {fieldmenu.%player%} is set
  1207. cancel event
  1209. command /fieldswitch <boolean>:
  1210. permission: admin
  1211. trigger:
  1212. set {fieldswitch} to arg
  1214. command /money [<player>]:
  1215. trigger:
  1216. if arg is not set:
  1217. send "&c%player%さん&eの所持金:&d%{money::%arg%}%ペル"
  1218. else:
  1219. send "&c%arg%さん&eの所持金:&d%{money::%arg%}%ペル"
  1221. on right click with brick:
  1222. name of held item contains "&dカロリーメイト"
  1223. set {_p} to player's food level
  1224. add 3.5 to {_p}
  1225. set player's food level to {_p}
  1226. set saturation of player to 6
  1227. remove brick from player's tool
  1228. play sound "ENTITY_GENERIC_EAT" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 at player
  1230. command /foodget:
  1231. permission:admin
  1232. trigger:
  1233. give brick named "&dカロリーメイト" with lore "&e右クリックで手軽に食べれます" and "&cカビを取り入れた完全栄養食です" and "&c(体質によっては体がカビますのでご注意ください)" to player
  1235. command /dataswitch <string> <string>:
  1236. permission: admin
  1237. trigger:
  1238. if {kill::%arg-1%} is set:
  1239. if {kill::%arg-2%} is set:
  1240. set {kill::%arg-2%} to {kill::%arg-1%} + {kill::%arg-2%}
  1241. set {money::%arg-2%} to {money::%arg-1%} + {money::%arg-2%}
  1242. set {exp::%arg-2%} to {exp::%arg-1%}
  1243. set {nextexp::%arg-2%} to {nextexp::%arg-1%}
  1244. set {exppoint::%arg-2%} to {exppoint::%arg-1%}
  1245. set {level::%arg-2%} to {level::%arg-1%}
  1246. set {kill::%arg-2%} to {kill::%arg-1%} + {kill::%arg-2%}
  1247. set {death::%arg-2%} to {death::%arg-1%} + {death::%arg-2%}
  1248. loop {skillunlock::%arg-1%::*}:
  1249. set {skillunlock::%arg-2%::%loop-index%} to loop-value
  1250. else:
  1251. send "二番目のプレイヤーが存在しません" to player
  1252. stop
  1253. else:
  1254. send "一番目のプレイヤーが存在しません" to player
  1255. stop
  1257. on quit:
  1258. {setting.killlog::%player%} is set
  1259. delete {setting.killlog::%player%}
  1260. set {killlog.quit.%player%} to true
  1262. on join:
  1263. {killlog.quit.%player%} is true
  1264. delete {killlog.quit.%player%}
  1265. set {setting.killlog::%player%} to player
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