

Nov 17th, 2013
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  1. You@All: When I was a kid I used to fear the upcoming part
  2. minty kun@All: ye
  3. o@All: I had this on the saturn
  4. Viewer 3@All: You still are a kid
  5. Viewer 3@All: Until your 17/18 you'll be a kid
  6. Viewer 3@All: I'm still a kid
  7. minty kun@All: he's like 14? not really.
  8. minty kun@All: 12 is still a child.
  9. You@All: 13 is a teenager
  10. minty kun@All: 14 is a teen
  11. Viewer 3@All: 14 isn't legally an adult
  12. minty kun@All: 13 is transition
  13. You@All: But it's not a kid anymore
  14. Viewer 3@All: Adults say teenagers are kids
  15. o@All: I'm like
  16. Viewer 3@All: I agree
  17. o@All: 0.5 adult
  18. minty kun@All: eevee... there's a stage between child and adult.
  19. You@All: It's called
  20. You@All: ADOLESCENCE
  21. minty kun@All: ye
  22. minty kun@All: being a teenager is difficult because you have emotions and theyre terrible
  23. minty kun@All: or sometimes you have dont have any emotion and thats equally as terrible
  24. You@All: Emerald FIVE
  25. Viewer 3@All: I can't tell the difference of 11 years to 12 year olds
  26. minty kun@All: because there isnt much
  27. Viewer 3@All: or 13 year odls
  28. Viewer 3@All: olds*
  29. Viewer 3@All: They never seem different
  30. minty kun@All: thats v narrow minded
  31. minty kun@All: 13 is like transititon teen
  32. Viewer 3@All: I can't tell the difference of a preteen to a teen
  33. You@All: Well
  34. You@All: For ONE thing
  35. Viewer 3@All: I just can't see much difference at all tbh
  36. minty kun@All: then that's your problem
  37. You@All: We're more developed.
  38. minty kun@All: stop being stubborn yeah?
  39. Viewer 3@All: Not always
  40. You@All: Adolescence is where the bulk of puberty occurs
  41. Viewer 3@All: Um..
  42. Viewer 3@All: I had puberty when I was like 10 e_e
  43. o@All: HWWHAT
  44. minty kun@All: please stop
  45. You@All: No, you STARTED puberty at ten
  46. You@All: Can we cut this and enjoy the Super Sonic Gameplay?
  47. Viewer 3@All: Girls have puberty like for all of their life
  48. minty kun@All: oh my gooooooooooooooooood
  49. You@All: Okay you know what
  50. You@All: I'm kicking you
  51. minty kun@All: that isnt relevant
  52. JmTsHaW@All: I have
  53. JmTsHaW@All: no idea how that conclusion was made
  54. minty kun@All: eevee is just a nuisance
  55. You@All: Amen to THAT
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