
Language Barrier [Old version]

Apr 17th, 2012
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  8. >You're waiting for the bus in front of your apartment.
  9. >You have to resort to public transit for a while since one of your friends borrowed your car for a couple of days.
  10. >You don't mind though, it allows you to sleep a little more while in the bus.
  11. >Enjoying the fresh spring air with your eyes closed, you didn't notice the bus that was stopping next to you.
  12. >As the bus open its door, you snap out of it and quickly grab your violin case.
  13. >You quickly enter the bus and go sit in the back.
  14. >You put on your headphones, look through your music collection and pick a nice, calm song.
  15. >You close your eyes and you fall asleep.
  18. >Something is tickling your hand, feels like grass.
  19. >You open your eyes.
  20. >It is grass.
  21. >You quickly stand up.
  22. What the fuck?
  23. >You must be dreaming.
  24. >Yeah, that must be it, a dream.
  25. >But it feels so real. Your senses aren’t numbed down like when you usually dream.
  26. >The air is fresh, the ambient sounds are clear and the grass feels, well, like grass.
  27. >Everything is so... colorful. And two dimensional.
  28. >Wait... does that mean that you look... oh no.
  29. >You run to a nearby puddle of water and look at your reflection.
  30. >You look strange as hell, your skin is now one solid color and a line of a slightly darker color draws the contour of your body.
  31. >You sit down and slap yourself a couple of time in order to wake you up.
  32. >Nope, feels real to you.
  33. Well, sitting here alone certainly won’t do any good.
  34. >Talking to yourself as always helped you calm your nerves.
  35. >You stand up.
  38. >Looking around, you see that your violin case is lying on the ground a few feets away from where you woke up.
  39. >You open it and let out a sigh of relief when you see that your violin is still there with your bow and rosin cake.
  40. >You look through the pockets on your case to find out that everything you kept in them has disappeared.
  41. >Well, not everything. You found your solar powered charger.
  42. >
  43. >So, unless some of your stuff is hidden in your ass, you only have :
  44. >The clothes you are wearing.
  45. >Your violin.
  46. >Your mp3 player & headphones, which fell around your neck when you stood up in panic.
  47. >Your solar powered charger.
  49. >Exactly what someone needs when they want to survive in the wild.
  50. >Good thing you ate before leaving your apartment.
  51. >You start to walk up a large hill to look for somewhere to shelter.
  52. >As soon as you reach the top of the hill you notice a small town further down the opposite side of the hill.
  53. >Surprised at how easy it was to find it, you start walking towards civilisation.
  56. >As you get closer to the town you notice something strange.
  57. >There are no people in the town. Only pastel colored horses.
  58. >You mutter to yourself.
  59. What the hell is going on?
  60. >Suddenly, a light brown horse notice you.
  61. >Its eyes grow wide and it yells something you can’t understand.
  62. >Every equine in the town just turns towards you for a moment.
  63. >There is a short silence followed by utter chaos as every creature seems to run into houses and close the doors shut.
  64. >Confusion overwhelms you. You just stand there watching the town fleeing from you.
  65. Welp, I’m off to a good start.
  70. >You walk towards the closest home you see and knock at the door.
  71. Excuse me, I only want to have some information.
  72. Hello?
  73. >You try out another door, same result.
  74. I guess there’s no point in trying other houses...
  75. >You go sit on a bench (which, surprisingly enough, look like it was made for human use) nearby and wait a couple of minutes, hoping that one of the resident would come out.
  76. >You’re getting bored after 15 minutes and decide to let your violin get some fresh air.
  77. >You start quietly playing parts of a song you are currently learning.
  78. >After a small moment, you notice that some doors and windows are ajar and that large eyes are watching you play.
  79. They like music, huh?
  80. Well, I’ll give them music!
  81. >You start to pick up the pace and play a little louder.
  82. >
  83. >Soon enough, a door slowly opens and a gray pony with blue question marks on its flank comes out of its house cautiously walking towards you.
  84. >Then another.
  85. >And another.
  86. >5 minutes have passed since the first spectator came out to watch you play.
  87. >Since then you have been focusing only on your music and didn’t notice the crowd growing around you.
  88. >You finish with a little improvised jam and instinctively bow when you’re done.
  89. >The sound of hooves hitting the ground snaps you out of your musical trance.
  90. >You straighten up quickly, startled by the sudden stomping.
  91. Oh.
  92. >About 2 dozens of small horses are happily stomping their hooves on the ground around you.
  93. >You figure this is their way of giving you an ovation.
  94. >You blush a little.
  97. >You sit back down, surprised, but happy that your music act worked so well.
  98. >The crowd of applauding equine is consisted of strange creatures, some of them have wings and a couple of them have horns.
  99. >The stomping slows down rapidly and some of the pastel horses start talking to you.
  100. >It would be great if you could understand what they were saying.
  101. >You try to make them comprehend that you can’t understand a single word coming out of their mouth. Muzzle. Whatever.
  102. >You raise your voice a little, trying not to scare them at the same time.
  103. I can’t understand any of you!
  104. >Awkward silence, the ponies start to look at each others in confusion.
  105. >One hand on your forehead, the other rubbing your chin, you try to think of a solution.
  106. Oh yeah!
  107. >You start to pretend to write with a pen in your open palm.
  108. >The miniature horses are getting even more confused, until one of them quickly dash to a building with a large wooden sign on its side.
  109. >There is a quill and a sofa on the sign.
  110. >The tan pony comes out of the houses in 10 seconds flat with a quill and a scroll.
  111. >Oh boy, just what you needed. A fucking quill. Do they not have pens or something?
  114. >You stand up, grab the quill and scroll and start to draw.
  115. >First, you draw a house, a pillow and then pretend to sleep, using your two hands as a pillow.
  116. >You turn the scroll around and draw a pony looking head with its mouth open and symbols coming out. You also draw a human ear and question marks between the ear the the pony head.
  117. >The small equines move in a circle and start what seems to be arguing.
  118. >You sit back down, not sure what to do.
  119. >After a while, the ponies looks like they came to an agreement and two of them start walking towards you.
  120. >The one on your right gesture you to follow him with one of his foreleg.
  121. >You stand up, roll up the scroll and start walking.
  122. >You soon arrive in front of a large tree that looks like it has been transformed in a house.
  123. >Or library, judging by the large sign with a book on it.
  124. >One of the ponies escorting you knocks on the door and a small, purple, humanoid lizard comes out of the tree-library.
  125. >His eyes grow wide in surprise when he sees you.
  126. >The ponies start to talk to him, he answers them without losing eye contact with you.
  127. >When their conversation is over the ponies that showed you the way here leave you alone with the reptile guy.
  128. >They’re probably going to go get some sleep since the sun was already starting to set when you finished your improvised concerto.
  129. >For a few seconds the small scaly guy just stares at you with a confused look, then shakes his head, turn around and motions you to enter the tree.
  130. >You have to crouch a little to pass the door.
  131. Woah, that’s a lot of books.
  135. >There are books surrounding you in bookshelves.
  136. >Books on the ground all around you in large piles.
  137. >Books on every desks and tables you can see.
  138. >Books. Books everywhere.
  139. >You notice a female looking purple pony sitting at a desk next to the biggest book pile.
  140. >She’s reading a book with a strange purple aura around it.
  141. >Her eyes look away from its book, towards you. Then back at her book.
  142. >And back at you. This time her eyes grew wide at your sight.
  143. >She quickly closes her book, which stops glowing, and walks towards the lizard. She gives you a nervous smile and lowers her head to get it closer to the lizard’s.
  144. >She mumbles something through her smile.
  145. >The small dragon responds with a puzzled look.
  146. >She speaks to you and since you didn’t learn to speak their language in the last 5 minutes, you still can’t understand what they’re saying.
  147. This is getting frustrating.
  150. >Just like the other ponies, she seems unsettled by the sound of your voice.
  151. >She asks something to the lizard boy and he answers while pointing at the scroll you are still holding.
  152. >The scroll starts to glow purplish and seems to move on its own.
  153. >It floats towards the pony and unroll itself in front of her.
  154. >She sighs, turn her head in the direction of the second floor and her horn starts to shine.
  155. >A blanket and a pillow levitate from upstairs to you.
  156. >The purple unicorn looks too tired to deal with the situation right now. She just turns around, says something to the scaly guy, who answer by repeating her words, and starts walking upstairs.
  157. >Reptile boy picks up the scroll you drew on and points the pillow then he gestures towards one of the rare bookless spot on the ground.
  158. >He yawns, turn around and follow the pony upstairs, leaving you alone in the mountain range of knowledge.
  159. >Looks like you’re sleeping on the ground of a library tonight.
  162. >You wake up to the sound of hooves walking close to you.
  163. >You sit up and look as the the purple pony sits in front of you with a pile of books.
  164. >You glance the books cover and notice they all have animals on them.
  165. >You come to the sudden realisation that they probably don’t have humans around here.
  166. >You are all alone in a world of pastel colored ponies.
  167. >You have to admit you weren’t expecting to end up like that when you woke up in your apartment yesterday morning.
  168. >She was done flipping through her books in a few minutes and seemed disappointed.
  169. >A few seconds pass before she hands you a quill and some parchment, she then pretend to chew on something while pointing at the paper in your hand.
  170. >Being unsure about drawing bacon and eggs on the parchment, you instead choose to play it safe.
  171. >You draw an apple and a loaf of bread.
  172. >She looks at your drawing, then turns her head in direction of a door.
  173. >She loudly say something and a few moments later the purple kid comes out of what you assume is the kitchen with some bread for you.
  174. >As you begin eating, she looks at you with a perplexed look, probably still trying to figure out what you are.
  175. >Just as you finished the bread, she stood up with a spark in her eyes.
  176. >She runs around the library, making books float to her before throwing them back in a pile.
  177. >She suddenly stops and lift a book over her head with a triumphant smile.
  178. >She gestures you to stand up and you obey.
  179. >The books open and the pages flip around a little. She looks at you, then back at the book and back at you. This goes on for a while.
  180. >Her horn starts to glow. The intensity of the light is growing with every second passed.
  181. >A beam of light shoots out of her horn towards you.
  182. >You instinctively try to protect yourself with your arms, but the light pass right through them and your forehead.
  183. >”Hello?”
  187. >You drop your guard and open your eyes.
  188. Huh?
  189. >”Can you hear me?”
  190. >You look around but you can’t see anyone talking, only the purple unicorn sitting on the ground, looking at you.
  191. >The voice sounds familiar.
  192. >You look at the pony.
  193. Is that you?
  194. >”Yes, I am communicating with you using a telepathy spell. You don’t need to talk out loud, just ‘think’ the words while focusing on me.”
  195. >You’re a tad stunned about this.
  196. L-Like this?
  197. >”Exactly. Now, I have some questions to ask you.”
  198. >This all seem so sudden, yesterday morning you were eating breakfast and getting ready to go to work.
  199. >Today, you are being telepathically interrogated by a purple unicorn. But no matter, like they say, ‘just go with the flow’.
  200. I’m all ears.
  201. >”What are you? I can’t find what kind of creature you are in any of my books.”
  202. I’m human.
  203. >”...Alright. What’s your name?”
  204. Uh... I guess you can call me Anon. What’s yours?
  205. >”Twilight Sparkle. Can you give me more informations about ‘humans’? What kind of creature are they?”
  206. >You feel a little nervous about this question.
  209. >You think about it for a while and finally answer.
  210. You probably won’t ever see any other human being in your life, so you don’t have to be worried about how my race lives, you should probably only be concerned about me as an individual. And I mean no harm to anyone.
  211. >Twilight seems a little worried.
  212. >”Then... why are you in Equestria?”
  213. Equestria?
  214. >”It’s the name of this land.”
  215. Oh! Uh... I honestly don’t know, I woke up lying in the grass a few minutes away from this town.
  216. >”Seriously?”
  217. Seriously.
  218. >”You’re pretty weird.”
  219. Well, from my point of view you’re even weirder. I mean, you’re all magic and sh... stuff.
  220. >Not sure about how cursing is perceived in this world, you hold tongue.
  221. >Thoughts.
  222. >Whatever.
  223. >”What do you mean? Was there no magic in your world?”
  224. None. On the other hand, we are a race that has a knack for science.
  225. >”Really?!”
  226. >A large smile appear on her face and her eyes sparkle with admiration.
  227. >”Can you show me something of your world?!”
  228. >Oh boy, here we go.
  231. Uh, sure I guess I could show you my mp3 player.
  232. >You reach into your pocket and take out your “scientifically advanced gadget”.
  233. >”Whatsanmp3-Isitdangerous-ShouldIstepback?”
  234. Woah! Calm down. It plays music.
  235. >”Oh!”
  236. Or at least it would if I didn’t accidentally let it run all night, the batteries are dead.
  237. >”What?”
  238. It has no energy left to work.
  239. >”Oh... How does it regain energy?”
  240. Well, usually I plug it in my computer to charge it back, but I don’t have it in your world so I guess I’m out of luck.
  241. If only I had my solar char......
  242. >You facepalm.
  243. Actually, I can charge it. I just need some connect it to another device I have. Can you direct me to some safe place that is in direct sunlight?
  244. >”Sure! There’s a balcony on the second floor, follow me!”
  245. >You take your solar charger from your violin case and follow the unicorn.
  248. >You plug your mp3 player to your charger on the balcony and start walking back inside.
  249. >”Wait, that’s it?”
  250. Um, yeah.
  251. >”How does it works?”
  252. It transforms the energy from the sun into electricity, which recharge the battery inside the player.
  253. >”How does that works?”
  254. I’m really not sure. I think it has something to do with turning the heat from the sun into electricity.
  255. >She looks pretty disappointed.
  256. I’m sorry I can’t give you more details, but can we get back to the questioning? I have some questions of my own to ask you when we’re done with yours.
  257. >”Yeah... Alright. I think I was going to ask about human nutrition.”
  258. >Shit. Should have kept explaining the solar panel.
  259. I’m omnivorous. I sustain myself with a bit of everything.
  260. >“...even meat?”
  261. >Damnit.
  262. Yes, even meat. Though I can survive without eating it.
  263. Besides, don’t you have carnivorous animals living in this world?
  264. >Twilight seems relieved to hear that you can go on without meat.
  268. >”Okay, enough question from me. Your turn.”
  269. >You have a lot of questions to ask, you start thinking about which one you should ask her first.
  270. Where am I?
  271. What are those pictures on all of the ponies flanks?
  272. Can you teach me your language?
  273. Can I get a job in this town?
  274. Where can I live until I get my own place?
  275. What shou-
  276. >”Slow down! I can’t answer all of those at the same time!”
  277. >You didn’t realise you were thinking “out loud”.
  278. Oh, sorry. Let’s try that again. Where am I?
  279. >”You are in Ponyville.”
  280. What are those pictures on all of the ponies flanks?
  281. >”They are called cutie marks, they represent the special talent every pony has. Mine represents magic.”
  282. Can you teach me your language? I’m guessing this telepathic spell of yours is not going to work with everyone here, am I right?
  283. >She sighs.
  284. >”You’re right, I’ll try to free some time in my schedule to give you some lessons.”
  285. That’s really nice of you, I appreciate it.
  286. I assume that everything has its price in this world too, so do you think I could get a job somewhere or something? I’m going to need money if I want to eat and get a place on my own.
  287. >”Hmmm... That’s a tricky question. You can’t speak with anypony other than me, so you can’t do any customer service. You are also very... different from us. It’s going to be hard to get the trust of employers.
  288. I don’t know what to says, maybe you could go check Sweet Apple Acres to see if they need more hooves to haul apples around, my good friend Applejack lives over there. I guess you could also do some deliveries if you had a good map.”
  289. Thank you.
  290. Where do you think I could sleep until I get enough money to get myself my own place?
  291. >”Well, I guess you could sleep here if you don’t mind the usual mess. Don’t worry about the price, as long as you help Spike with the chores a little, you can stay here.
  292. Spike?
  293. >”You saw him, he’s the baby dragon living here with me.”
  294. I don’t see how I could refuse such a generous offer. I gladly accept!
  295. Last question. What should I do now?
  296. >”If there’s one thing I have learned in Ponyville, it’s that you can never have too much friends. So I’m going to present you to all my friends. I have a lot of stuff to do today, but I’m going to make sure they know to be here in an hour.”
  297. >You wonder what kind of friends she has.
  300. >Twilight told you that she had to do some important stuff and that you was free to go do whatever you wanted to, as long as you came back in the library in an hour.
  301. >You decide to go explore Ponyville a little, without getting too far away from the large tree.
  302. >Everything is so lively during the day.
  303. >You spot what seems to be the market, but decide not to get too close of it. You’re going to try to stay away from really crowded place until the population of the town is more comfortable with having you walking around.
  304. >Some ponies look at you like you were some kind of freak. Can’t blame them, you ARE a freak in this world.
  305. >Some seems really impressed by your height.
  306. >The rest of them simply ignore you.
  307. >This town has its share of really strange buildings.
  308. >Two of them in particular, a gingerbread house and a pink and purple... carousel?
  309. >You considered stopping at those places out of curiosity, but since you are limited in time you decide to continue walking around town instead.
  310. >Anyway, you think it’s about time to get back to the library, you can’t see a clock anywhere but you’d rather not be late.
  311. >You open the door.
  312. >Something rush into your legs, throwing you on the floor.
  313. >It looks like a dinosaur.
  316. >Spike is on the ground in front of you, looking a little stunned.
  317. >You stand back up and help the dragon to get back on its feet.
  318. >He says something to you in an apologetic tone.
  319. >As you enter the tree with Spike, you hear the voice of Twilight in your head.
  320. >”Sorry about that, you were late and I was afraid you were lost somewhere in the town. So I sent Spike to look for you.”
  321. >You look at the clock behind her.
  322. >You’re two minutes late.
  323. >Fucking really?
  324. Sorry about that, the architecture in this town is so interesting.
  325. >Just as you finish your sentence, you notice that 5 other ponies are in the room.
  326. Your friends I suppose?
  327. >”Yes. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”
  328. >She said that last sentence out loud, pointing the pony corresponding to the name she was saying.
  329. >You try to repeat after her.
  330. Appelyack, Ranbowed Dosh, Rarty, Pankie Pie, Floutterfly.
  331. >Learning to speak this language isn’t going to be easy, the pronunciation is unlike anything you heard.
  332. >The blue and pink ponies are giggling at your attempt to say their names, the orange one smiled a bit, the white one cringed a little and the yellow pony hid her face behind her pink hair.
  333. >You turn towards Twilight.
  334. It was really bad, wasn’t it?
  335. >”It wasn’t so bad for a first try.” she says with a half-smile.
  336. >”But you still have a lot to learn.”
  340. >A month has passed since Twilight Sparkle presented you to her friends.
  341. >That day, you couldn’t understand most of the conversation, being only able to understand what Twilight was saying.
  342. >She talked about your desire to find some work in Ponyville.
  343. >Applejack said that you could help at the farm by doing the odd jobs they needed done.
  344. >Pinkie Pie and Rarity told Twilight that you could probably do some deliveries for Sugarcube Corner and Carousel Boutique.
  345. >So that’s what your life has been since then. Wake up, do some chores and learn a bit of the local language (you call it Equestrian), go check with Pinkie Pie and Rarity to see if they need something delivered that day, pass by the farm for lunch and work if they need you.
  346. >The only hour or two of free time you have is spent in the market place playing violin with ponies stopping every once in a while to drop a bit or two in your violin case.
  347. >It has been a pretty exhausting month to say the least, but the money you’re making is worth it.
  348. >You’ve been eating the cheapest stuff you could find to save your cash, your goal being to build a house somewhere close to Ponyville. You have amassed about 80% of what you need to make it happen.
  349. >Turns out the only thing you really need to buy is the materials required to build it, you don’t have to pay for the land you are building on and the Apple family already accepted to lend you some tools when the time will come.
  352. >You’ve been working hard in the orchard all day, hauling apple baskets from under freshly bucked trees to the apple cellar.
  353. >As you and Applejack are picking up your last baskets for the day, you hear a loud crash coming from the cellar.
  354. >You drop your burden and rush towards the cellar with your employer to make sure no one is hurt.
  355. >On your way there, you accidentally rip part of your right sleeve on a tree branch.
  356. >Once arrived at the origin of the crash, you see one of the hauling ponies on the bottom of the stairs with apples all around him.
  357. >After making sure he was alright, Applejack points to your right sleeve and says something to you.
  358. >”*Some words* go *still can’t understand those* Rarity, *that thick accent is making your learning worthless* your shirt.”
  359. >Twilight taught you enough Equestrian that you can usually figure out the general idea behind simple sentences.
  360. >You nod, shake her hand. Hoof.
  361. >You’re never going to get used to it.
  362. Thank you, for work.
  363. >You still sound like someone is jamming a horse down your throat while you speak, but hey, you’re never gonna learn if you don’t practice a little, right?
  364. >You sigh on your way to the Carousel Boutique. Between the word minigun that is Pinkie’s mouth, the slight mumbles coming out of Fluttershy, Applejack’s accent and the overly fancy talk of Rarity, the white unicorn is by far the hardest pony to understand.
  365. >Arrived at destination, you knock on the door.
  368. >”Oh! Hello Ano-WHAT *2fast2understand*?!”
  369. Tree happen, can you fix shirt please?
  370. >You fucking hate how you speak like a mentally challenged five years old.
  371. >She turns around and gesture you to follow her inside. She then points a sewing machine.
  372. >As you pass by her on your way to the machine, her eyes grow wide in shock.
  373. What? Oh...
  374. >You just realised you smell like old hockey equipment. Rarity pinch her nose.
  375. >”You *words* shower *fancy words*.” Having her nose pinched didn’t make her any easier to understand.
  376. Uhhh...
  377. >You drop your shirt on her worktable, still unsure about this shower proposition. She opens a door with her magic.
  378. >Well, you DO smell like a rotting corpse. Alright, shower time it is.
  379. >You enter the bathroom as a towel with a fading blue aura is folding itself near the shower.
  380. >You quickly inspect the bottle at your disposition.
  381. >So many bottles.
  382. >You stop your choice on the bottle with a pony that has a shiny mane.
  383. >You wash your hair quickly and thoroughly.
  384. >Grabbing the bar of soap, you rub it in your hands a bit and start cleaning yourself.
  385. >This shower was exactly what you needed after all that work at the farm.
  386. >It’s almost as if you were were washing away the physical stress you gained in the day along with the sweat and dirt.
  387. >You turn off the water, dry off and put your pants back on.
  388. >You exit the bathroom to find a mess in the workshop. Rarity inspecting every inches of your shirt, fabric flying everywhere.
  389. What the hell is going on here?
  390. >At the sound of your voice Rarity turns around and rush to your side, measuring tape floating above her head.
  391. >You get the feeling you won’t be leaving this place in the next 5 minutes.
  394. >For thirty minutes now, several parts of your body have been magically moving around to let a white unicorn measure them and look at how they moved.
  395. >You stopped trying to stop it about 25 minutes ago and just used the best defensive method you could think of at that time. Stop moving and let her do what she wants, it’ll be easier that way.
  396. >From the second you left the bathroom, Rarity has been running back and forth between you and her desk while mumbling some inaudible nonsense. From time to time, you understand one of the words leaving her mouth, like ‘shirt’, ‘movement’ and one digit numbers.
  397. >Eventually she’s done with the measurements and gestures you to come closer.
  398. >She shows you patches of fabric of different colors and when she asks you something, the only word you understand in the question is ‘like’.
  399. >You pick up the samples and make two piles, the first one is the colors you don’t like and the other is everything else.
  400. >You point to the pile composed mostly of colors like bright pink and pastel blue and make an ‘X’ with your arms shaking your head in a negative way. You then point at the other pile and shrug.
  401. >You are perfectly aware on what she is doing and you don’t intend to get those clothes for free. You take out your bits and put a reasonable amount of them on her desk to pay for the reparation and the highly probable new set of clothes she is working on.
  402. >When she sees the bits, she push them back to you.
  403. >”I can’t accept payment *Fancy Words 2 : The Revenge*, fun *wordswordswords* new things!”
  404. No, I will feel bad if free.
  405. >”I insist.”
  406. >Shut up and take my money.
  407. No, I insist!
  408. >”Anon, please.”
  409. Ugh, fine.
  410. >You pick up your bits and Rarity gives you a bright smile for a second before she throws you your shirt and start working on her new creation.
  411. >As you leave the boutique, you silently put the bits on a table while the unicorn is not looking.
  414. >You brutally wake up the next morning, the culprit of your awakening is a book to your head.
  415. >Spike is on the pile of books next to your makeshift bed, shelving the very pile he is standing on.
  416. >”Oh. Sorry Anon, didn’t mean to wake you up.”
  417. It fine, no worry. Did I wake late today?
  418. >”No, Twilight wake me early to do chores.”
  419. >Spike has made a habit of mimicking your speech pattern when he talks with you, it makes communication easier.
  420. >You wonder why your teacher didn't wake you up earlier to help Spike. Heh, whatever, more sleep for you.
  421. >Just as you open your mouth to ask if he needs any help, Twilight’s voice is heard.
  422. >”Anon?”
  423. >You turn around and see the unicorn enter the library.
  424. Yes?
  425. >”I need you to deliver this book to Zecora in the Everfree forest.”
  426. Right now? Shouldn’t I be helping Spike with the books?
  427. >”It’s quite important.”
  428. Alright.
  429. >You turn around to face the young dragon.
  430. Sorry, I help after return.
  431. >You grab the book and make your way to the Everfree forest.
  432. >You really like walking around the forest, you don’t really know why, but you feel calm and refreshed as soon as you enter its boundaries.
  433. >Remember yesterday when you said Rarity was the hardest to understand? You forgot about Zecora.
  434. >You get to her house in a few minutes and knock on the door, preparing yourself for the endless flow of rhyming words you don’t even understand.
  437. >The door opens. It begins.
  438. >”Hello Anon! What a pleasant surprise.
  439. >You show her the book that Twilight gave you.
  440. >”*Something about the book* with my eyes?*
  441. >She takes the book in her mouth and turn around.
  442. >”*Seriously? Have you ever tried to understand someone speaking a different language than you with a book in their mouth?*
  443. >She drops the book on a table.
  444. >”*No idea what she’s saying* come inside?”
  445. No thank you. Chores home.
  446. >”*Guess what?* goodbye.”
  447. >”Come *something about repetition and condition* pass by!”
  448. >Glad to be done with this, you wave her goodbye and start to make your way back to your temporary home.
  449. >You don’t dislike Zecora, she’s a really nice person. Zebra. But she drives you crazy when you try to understand what she says.
  450. >You open the door of the library only to have a face full of confetti, two ears full of loud noise and a head full of aches.
  451. >”SURPRISE!”
  455. I- uh... what?
  456. >Pinkie Pie hops closer to you.
  457. >”It’s your birthday, silly!”
  458. No, it not.
  459. Wait... is it?
  460. >You hear Twilight’s voice in your mind.
  461. >”Well, we never got to compare your world’s calendar with our’s, so Pinkie thought she’d just make today your new birthday.
  462. That’s nuts.
  463. >”It’s Pinkie Pie.”
  464. Point taken. No point in arguing then.
  465. >You end the telepathic conversation and you stand up.
  466. Alright, let start party!
  469. >Pinkie Pie really thought of everything, there’s music, cakes, games, punch and streamers.
  470. >A lot of streamers.
  471. >Everyone’s having fun, you get to learn more about your seven new friends and vice-versa.
  472. >Eventually, your musical prowess becomes the center of the conversation.
  473. >”Hey Anon, *something about music* play for us? I never heard you play.”
  474. >Oh right, out of the 6 ponies, Applejack is the only one that has never heard you play violin.
  475. >She doesn’t really have free time at this time of the year.
  476. Alright, I play one just for you.
  477. >You go grab your fiddle and climb on the table in the middle of the library.
  478. >Pinkie Pie stops the music, you warm up a little.
  479. >Every eyes in the room are riveted on you.
  480. >You mutter to yourself.
  481. Here we go.
  483. >The party guests are cheering as you finish the song with a little dance.
  484. >You sit down on the edge of the table and Applejack approaches you.
  485. >”Wow Anon! *Sounds like lots of praise for your music.*”
  486. Thank you Applejack. Hope you enjoy it!
  487. >She nods with a bright smile.
  488. >Pinkie Pie jumps on the table next to you and start mimicking the silly jig you were doing a few seconds earlier.
  489. >”How about we cut that delicious cake over there? It took me all day to bake it!”
  492. >The party ended a couple of hours later, you played lots of games and the ponies surprised you by giving you presents.
  493. >Twilight gave you a book, with the promise to teach you how to read Equestrian.
  494. >Applejack offered her help to build your house, when the time will come.
  495. >Rarity gave you a new outfit. It’s a red shirt with a large, black G-clef in the center, there is a staff wrapping around the shirt. There are black gems on the staff representing notes. The pants are somewhere between brown and light-brown cargo-style pants, there’s violin silhouettes on the flanks. The clothes are of incredible craftsmanship, especially for someone who never made clothes in this shape.
  496. >One side of the pants is heavier than the other, you investigate by searching the pockets. You find the bits you left at Rarity’s boutique yesterday.
  497. >Clever girl.
  498. >Pinkie Pie gave you a small oven, telling you it was ‘the perfect size to bake cupcakes!’
  499. >Rainbow Dash couldn’t think of anything to give you, can’t blame her, you barely know each other. She told you that she would serve as your personal mean of transport the next time you’d need to get somewhere fast.
  500. >Fluttershy said she was sorry, but that you had to wait until you had your house before she could give you your present.
  503. >Before leaving, the ponies help Twilight, Spike and you to clean the library.
  504. >You thank them again for the presents and wave them goodbye as they leave towards their respective domicile.
  505. >”Crazy party, huh?”
  506. Yes, Pinkie sure earned her cutie mark!
  507. >”Now, how about we start the reading lesson?”
  508. >You’re a little tired after a full day of partying, but you guess a little lesson wouldn’t hurt.
  509. Sure!
  510. >The lesson goes on for about five minutes, when Spike barge into the room with a scroll in his hands.
  511. >”Twilight! A scroll from Celestia!”
  512. >Spike trips halfway to Twilight and fall while holding the scroll up high.
  513. >Twilight grabs the scroll with her magic and starts reading.
  514. >”She wants to meet you!”
  515. >You were helping Spike to get up.
  516. What?!
  517. >”You heard right, she wants to know if we could leave for Canterlot tomorrow.”
  518. So, the sun god ruling over this land wants to meet me?
  519. >”Yes!”
  520. Huh.
  524. >”Wake up! We have to get ready for Canterlot!”
  525. >You sit up and grunt.
  526. >”Come on now. Remember, you promised you’d do a delivery for Rarity before leaving.”
  527. Ok, ok.
  528. >You get up and get dressed.
  529. >Spike throws you a muffin.
  530. Thanks, see later guys!
  531. >You grab your messenger bag (it’s actually an old saddlebag that you modified) and jog to the Carousel Boutique.
  532. >You knock at the door and enter the Boutique.
  533. >”Oh hello Anon! You came for the delivery?”
  534. Hello Rarity, yes delivery.
  535. >She levitates a box towards in your direction, you stuff it in your bag.
  536. Before I leave, a quick question. I go to Canterlot to meet Celestia today, what should expect?
  537. >Her eyes widen.
  538. >”You’re going to Canterlot? To meet the princess? TODAY?”
  539. Yes, it is un-... uh... unex...
  542. >”Unexpected?”
  543. Yes! Unexpected! Anyway, about Canterlot?
  544. >”Oh! It’s simply *damn these fancy words, damn them all.*”
  545. >Well, it sounded really ‘fabulous’.
  546. Alright, thanks. See you when I come back.
  547. >She throws you your payment for the job.
  548. >”Have fun in Canterlot!”
  550. >Looking at your map of Ponyville, you see that Sweet Apple Acres is only a short detour to your destination.
  551. >You’re going drop by to tell the Apple family you won’t be able to work for a few days.
  552. >You approach the farm and Applejack, who was hauling baskets to the cellar, beckons you to get closer.
  553. >You wave back at her and go pick up a basket, might as well help a little while you’re there.
  554. >”I thought you didn’t work today?”
  555. I do not, I come warn you I will not able work for some days.
  558. >”Oh? How come?”
  559. I go Canterlot to meet sun princess.
  560. >”You’re going to meet Celestia?”
  561. Yes, how is her?
  562. >”She’s *her accent is so thick you could spread it on toasts*.”
  563. >You think you heard ‘nice pony’ and a word that has ‘mother’ in it.
  564. I see, thanks Applejack.
  565. >You put your basket down in the cellar.
  566. I must go, I have delivery. Say goodbye to Big Macintosh for me!
  567. >”Will do, say hi to the princess for me!”
  568. Will do.
  569. >You finish your delivery and head back to your temporary home.
  572. You are packing your stuff while Twilight runs around the library with a checklist.
  573. >”Snack for the route? Check.”
  574. >”Spike? Check.”
  575. >”Anon? Check.”
  576. >”Checking everything on the checklist? Check.”
  577. >Goddamn, she’s crazy about her checklists. You’re pretty sure you even saw her make a checklist for Spike on how to make a checklist. Completely bonkers.
  578. Did you remember to pack some sanity?
  579. >She lifts her head in surprise and start re-reading her checklist.
  580. Twilight? I was just kidding.
  581. >”Oh! Right! Haha... Good one.
  582. >Spike is helping you gather your stuff, giggling like a retard.
  583. >Twilight looks at you with a smile.
  584. >”We only have to put everything in the balloon and we can leave for Canterlot!”
  585. Alright!
  586. >Wait, balloon?
  589. >Yep, you’re going to travel to Canterlot in a hot air balloon.
  590. >Everything is packed in the basket and everyone is on board.
  591. >Twilight untie the rope keeping the balloon on the ground and off weHOLYSHITFLYINGISAWESOME!
  592. >The aircraft rose surprisingly fast considering the weight of its load.
  593. >On your way to your destination, Twilight points you to several landmarks.
  594. >”...and up there! That’s Cloudsdale!”
  595. Impressive!
  596. >You two were too absorbed talking about the interesting architecture of the cloud city to notice you were getting really close to Canterlot. Twilight is the first one to realise you are surrounded by tall tower-like buildings.
  597. >”Anon! We’re here!”
  598. Really?!
  599. >You eagerly lean over the edge of the basket to get a better look at Canterlot.
  600. >Maybe a little too eagerly, seeing as you just fell from the basket.
  601. shitshitSHIT
  602. >One last thought pass your mind before hitting the ground.
  603. >Oh god, please let this world’s physics be as cartoony as it looks.
  604. >KA-CRAK
  605. >Fuck.
  609. >You’re not unconscious.
  610. >Why aren’t you unconscious?
  611. >God you wish you were unconscious right now!
  612. >Losing consciousness has great perk.
  614. >You slow your breathing down and do the only thing you can think of. Talk to yourself.
  615. Okay, calm down Anon, everything will be fine.
  616. >You look at your legs.
  617. >Fuck.
  618. Fuck.
  619. >You’re pretty sure legs are not supposed to bend that way. Human legs anyway.
  622. >Time to assess the situation.
  623. >You just fell from a hot air balloon. You’re in some kind of... garden?
  624. >Help is surely on its way, so you might as well check yourself to see how hurt you actually are.
  625. >You pull yourself to a nearby tree and lean your back against it.
  626. >You start to examine your body, looking for something else that could have been damaged by your close friend, gravity.
  627. >Other than your right leg, everything looks fine. And by fine you mean not broken beyond recognition.
  628. >Time to get a closer look at your leg. You pull the leg of your pants up.
  629. >Your leg is making a weird bend at the knee and your shin is swollen as fuck.
  630. >You brace yourself and put your hand on the grapefruit that passes for your shin to see if it’s broken.
  631. >The sudden spark of pain confirms that, yes, it’s probably broken.
  632. >The wave of agony was in fact strong enough to send you straight into the loving embrace of Morpheus.
  635. >You wake up to a sudden feeling of ‘falling’ that overwhelms your body.
  636. >You open your eyes and a small scream of distress leaves your mouth.
  637. >Your vision is tinted green and your body seems to be floating.
  638. >You quickly understand that someone is lifting you using magic.
  639. >”Anon! You’re awake! I was so worried. Thank Celestia you’re fine!”
  640. >You turn your head a little and see Twilight Sparkle, tears in her eyes.
  641. Fine? I hope to never get ‘injured’ by your standard.
  642. >”Anon! You fell from the balloon!”
  643. Yeah. I noticed.
  644. >”I meant that you survived a 12 meters fall! You are lucky you only broke your leg and not your neck!
  645. >Your sight is becoming blurry and you start to hear an acute buzzing.
  646. I guess you’re right, but right now I think I’m going to take a forced nap.
  647. >You lose consciousness again.
  651. >White room? Check.
  652. >Multiple beds around you? Check.
  653. >Cast on your right leg? Check.
  654. >Yep, you’re in a hospital.
  655. >You look around and notice you are alone in the room, no doctor, no nurse, no patient.
  656. >Your stomach is grumbling.
  657. >You see a cupcake on a table nearby, with a note propped against it.
  658. >’Get well soon! ~Pinkie Pie’
  659. >Wait, how long have you been out cold?
  660. >No matter, you have a cupcake to snack on.
  661. >You try to reach for it, but it’s slightly out of reach.
  662. >Twilight enters the room and start giggling when she sees you flailing your arm like a madman towards the sweet.
  663. Could you lend me a hand here? Hoof. Magic?
  664. >She makes the cupcake floats to your hand.
  667. Thanks! So, how much time has passed since our last discussion?
  668. >She looks at the clock above your bed.
  669. >”About 4 hours, give or take.”
  670. >You look at your snack in surprise.
  671. Then how did Pinkie-
  672. >”It’s better not to question anything related to Pinkie Pie.”
  673. Fair enough.
  674. >Her smile slowly turns to a frown.
  675. >”How do you feel? You know, it was horrible seeing you spiraling down to the ground, not able do anything to help you. I-”
  676. >You see tears starting to form in her eyes.
  677. I’m fine Twilight, just like you said earlier.
  678. >Just as you finish munching on your cupcake, a unicorn wearing white lab coat enters the room.
  679. >”Oh! The patient has awoken.”
  680. You are doctor?
  681. >”Yes, I was the one that treated you.”
  682. Thank you.
  683. How long you think before I walk?
  684. >”Hard to tell, I am *medical mumbo jumbo*.”
  685. >You look at him with a confused look. And turn your gaze to Twilight.
  686. >”He’s saying he doesn’t know human biology enough to be sure.”
  687. >That’s reassuring.
  688. How did you know how heal leg?
  689. >”Easy, *here we go again*.”
  690. >You throw him a ‘fucking really?’ look and turn your head towards Twilight again.
  691. >She sighs with a smile.
  692. >”He looked at your other leg as a point of reference.”
  693. Make sense.
  694. >”How is your leg?”
  695. Alright, no much pain. Thanks again for good work.
  696. >He nods, give a quick check to your leg and leave the room.
  697. >You look at Twilight.
  698. What now?
  702. >”Well, I actually just came back from talking with the princess and she agreed to postpone the appointment a few days to let you heal up a bit.”
  703. I only have a few days to heal a broken leg?
  704. >Anon, you know that magic is used in a lot of sciences in Equestria. Well, medecine is one of them.
  705. Really?
  706. Why do I have this cast then? Shouldn’t I be good to go?
  707. >”Magic was used to move your bones back (in/into) place, but it didn’t fully heal them.”
  708. I see. It still is really impressive.
  709. Well, since I have lot’s of free time now, how about we get started with my ‘birthday’ gift from you.
  710. >”Great idea! I’ll go get the book!”
  711. Al-
  712. >Before you can even finish your word, Twilight disappear with a purple flash.
  713. -right...
  714. >You hate it when she does that, you’re never sure of when she’s go-
  715. >Twilight reappear in another bright flash, the book floating next to her.
  716. >”Got it!”
  717. >Twilight also have a scroll with her. She opens it. The end of the scroll rolls out of the room.
  718. >Oh shit.
  719. >”We’re going to start with the alphabet and then move on to numbers!”
  720. >It’s another checklist.
  721. >”After the numbers, you’re going to learn common syllables!”
  722. >”Aren’t you excited?!”
  723. Uh… Sure.
  724. One day, I may even be able to write my own checklist.
  727. >You spent the rest of the day trying to associate what you knew about speaking Equestrian to what Twilight was teaching you.
  728. >You can tell she is getting pretty tired, her eyes sometimes closing on their own.
  729. We probably should stop for today, I can tell you’re barely able to keep yourself awake.
  730. >”But we were about to start to learn complete words!”
  731. Look Twilight, you’re tired and I’m tired, I simply cannot learn more today.
  732. >She sighs.
  733. >”You’re right. I better get back to my quarters.”
  734. >The purple unicorn gets up and gives you a slightly worried look as she leaves the room.
  735. >”Goodnight Anon.”
  736. Goodnight Twi.
  738. >You were not actually tired; you just really needed a break from all the learning. You feel like your head is going to explode from all the new symbols you saw today.
  739. >You look around to find something to do.
  740. >Looks like some of your possessions have been brought to your nightstand; a set of clean clothes, your violin and your mp3 player.
  741. >The rest of the room is mostly empty, with the exception of a couple of beds, two tables and a glass door leading to a balcony.
  742. >Your eyes stop at the balcony, the setting sun giving an orange tint to the white stone structure.
  743. >Having some fresh air would really be invigorating right now. It’s a shame that you’re stuck in this bed though.
  744. ...
  745. To hell with caution.
  746. >Moving your leg down the bed makes you cringe a little.
  747. >You reach for your violin case and use it as a makeshift crutch to help you get outside.
  750. >As soon as you step outside, you are greeted by a light breeze. It turns out that the hospital room you are staying in for your recovery is on one of the highest floor of a tower-like building.
  751. >The majesty of the town is astonishing, especially during this particular time of the day.
  752. >The most impressive building is certainly what you assume is Canterlot’s castle.
  753. >It dwarfs every other structure you can see with its surreal architecture.
  754. >You spend many minutes watching the glorious edifice, until you see a shadow leave the castle from one of the many balcony.
  755. >It flies straight up for about 50 feet and starts to glow with a dark blue aura.
  756. >Time seems to speed up as the sun is quickly leaving the sky and the moon rise at an accelerated rate.
  757. >With the sun out of the way, the stars begin to show themselves.
  758. >You awestruck by the breathtaking sight.
  759. >Structures once glowing with the warm colors of the sun are now only shadowy silhouettes in the distance.
  760. >Facing such a serene and inspiring view, you do the only conceivable you can think of.
  761. >You free your violin from its wooden prison along with your bow.
  764. >After a minute or two, the glowing flying thing you saw earlier starts to fade.
  765. >And gets bigger.
  766. >And bigger.
  767. >You notice that it’s actually a pegasus, getting closer.
  768. >Wait... Wings AND horn?
  772. >Twilight told you about the two alicorns reigning over Equestria. After all, you were supposed to meet at least one of them today, so she thought a quick introduction was necessary.
  773. >According to what you learned, the pony flying towards you must be Princess Luna.
  774. >You’re getting pretty nervous. Why is she coming in your direction? Did you break some kind of law you didn’t know about? Was there a curfew in Canterlot?
  775. >The mare about 20 feet away from the balcony, her face bearing an hesitant look.
  776. >You return it with a nervous smile.
  777. >Awkwardness level : Critical
  778. >After a few seconds, the alicorn moves closer and land on the balcony.
  779. >You bow as low as you can with a broken leg.
  781. >”Greetings. Wouldn’t you be, by any chance, Twilight Sparkle’s new student?”
  782. Yes princess, my name is Anonymous.
  783. >”There is no need for such *four syllables word*. You can call us Luna.”
  784. Very good, prin- Luna. You can call me Anon.
  785. What bring you here this evening?
  786. >”We heard music while raising the night, we came to find the source of this melody.”
  787. >We? Us?
  788. >”It was you, was it not?”
  789. Yes, was it...
  790. >God dammit, you can’t remember the word.
  791. ...not right?
  792. >Close enough.
  793. >Luna answers with a warm smile.
  794. >”Do not worry about that, it was great. We were simply surprised, this part of Canterlot is usually so quiet at this hour.”
  795. >”It was quite nice to have something break the habitual silence.”
  796. >You return her smile.
  797. Thank you.
  798. >”Would you mind if we stayed a while and listened?”
  799. Of course not.
  801. >
  802. >You spend the next half-hour or so playing violin, while Luna rearranges some stars in the night sky.
  803. >”Do you often play at night?”
  804. >You ponder for a few seconds, structuring a sentence in your head to make sure you don’t blabber out non-sense.
  805. Not as often as I like to. My work back in Ponyville is tiring and I don’t have much energy when I go home.
  806. I’m happy when I can though, the Equestria night is really beautiful. The shining stars in dark sky are like notes on music paper, really...
  807. ...Inspirational.
  808. >That last few words felt somewhat off, but you think you did a good job overall.
  809. >”I see.”
  810. >”I must go attend to my duty, thank you for the company. Enjoy the night!”
  811. You too princess.
  812. >Was that blush you saw on her face before she left?
  813. >No... Must be your imagination.
  814. >You play one last song under the veil of the night and head back inside to get some rest.
  817. >You are re-reading parts of your ‘Teaching your foal how to read Vol.1’ in preparation for your next lesson with Twilight.
  818. >The alphabet was particularly hard to remember, it was entirely different than the one you were used to.
  819. >The punctuation was surprisingly the same for both languages though, same with most of the sentences structure.
  820. >Your concentration is broken when a nurse opens the door with a food tray.
  821. >Good thing too, you didn’t eat much after the cupcake of yesterday.
  822. >”Good morning! How is your leg going?”
  823. It is fine, it not hurt since yesterday afternoon.
  824. >The white pony examine your leg.
  825. >”Yep, it looks like it’s going better than *some words, one of them being doctor*. We may be able to remove the cast soon.”
  826. Great!
  827. >”I have to go check on other patients, but I’ll tell the doctor you’re doing better. Enjoy your meal!”
  828. >You thank her and wave her goodbye as she leaves the room.
  829. >Starving, you pick up the tray and put it on your lap and take off the lid.
  830. >Oh god no.
  831. >They gave you grass.
  832. >Grass and some green gelatinous stuff that looks like it was already digested.
  833. >Well, at least you’re not hungry anymore. And you didn’t even have to eat it.
  835. >When Twilight enters the room, you are poking the green blob with a pen.
  836. >”Enjoying your food?”
  837. This is food? I thought it was alien placenta.
  838. >She chuckles.
  839. >“Don’t worry, I’ll go grab something for you later. Ready for more reading?”
  840. >You put the food away and grab your book.
  841. Always.
  843. >Twilight teaches you simple words for about an hour before you hear someone knocking at the door.
  844. >”I wonder who that could be.”
  845. >You shrug and Twilight opens the door.
  846. >You are surprised by the two familiar faces that enter the room: Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
  847. >”Hi Anon!”
  848. >”How are you doing dear?”
  849. Hey girls! What are you doing in Canterlot?
  850. >Pinkie Pie bounce to the side of your bed and pokes you on the forehead.
  851. >”We came to see you, you silly-filly!”
  852. >”Unfortunately, we were the only two able to free ourselves.” Rarity explains while getting closer.
  853. But, how did you know about injury?
  854. >”Well DUH! I had a *She sounds like one of those old Micromachine commercials.*
  855. >While speaking, Pinkie’s tail whipped around, her eyes blinked four times and she jumped around like a jackhammer.
  856. >What. The. Fuck.
  857. >You give a puzzled look to Twilight.
  858. >She answers by pointing the pink pony and shrugging.
  859. >Right. It’s Pinkie Pie.
  860. >”... and that’s how I knew you fell from the hot air balloon.”
  861. >You slowly nod, still confused like a chameleon in a bag of Skittles.
  862. I see.
  864. >The ponies and you are chatting about this and that , until the discussion interrupted by your grumbling stomach.
  865. Sorry, I did not have breakfast yet.
  866. You want to go out and grab some food?
  867. >”Anon!” Twilight interjects. “You can’t get out of bed, you’re still too injured.”
  868. I am fine Twilight, you hear the doctor. I just need object to lean on.
  869. >You sit on the side of your bed and lean your violin case like you did last night.
  870. >”Darling, you really should listen to Twilight.”
  871. Nonsense.
  872. >You lift yourself on your good foot and start to awkwardly walk around the room.
  873. See? I doing great! Let’s go, I’m starving.
  874. >Your friends are giving you worried looks.
  875. >”Well alright... If you say so.”
  876. >You leave the room, followed closely by the three ponies.
  877. >Walking through the halls, your group is trying to decide where you would go to get lunch.
  878. >Turning a corner, your improvised crutch slips and you trip face first to the ground.
  879. >Your arms fortunately wrap around something during your fall. Feels like fur. You probably grabbed a pony by the neck.
  880. >You hear a few gasps coming from behind you and realise something.
  881. >Ponies aren’t that tall.
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