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Commander X Press Release - American Gestapo

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May 16th, 2019
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  1. Commander X Press Release - American Gestapo: The True History & Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation
  3. Thursday - May 16, 2019 9:00 PM ET
  5. On July 4, 2019 at Noon ET I will release to the public my third book entitled "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation". This will NOT be the third book in the X Chronicles Trilogy, which is still slated for release in November of this year. This will be a departure, an in-depth investigation into the most dangerous and criminal national police force in the world - the FBI.
  7. "This book is meant to be nothing less than a well documented
  8. and scathing critique of one of the most powerful and evil
  9. national police forces in world history." ~~ Commander X
  12. On July 4th at Noon I will release the First Edition - Hardbound version of "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation" via an announcement on Twitter. It will be available from our publisher directly at that time, or on Amazon and Barnes & Noble soon after. Local bookstores will be able to order copies via their normal procedures, and readers can request this. The book itself will be gold embossed waxed-cloth covered hardbound with a full color high-gloss paper dustjacket. It will be industry standard 6" by 9". Final page count is not available at this time. Retail cost will be approx. $20.00 to $25.00 USD depending on final page count.
  14. On July 15th at Noon ET I will release the First Edition - Paperback version of "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation". It will be available from our publisher directly at that time, or on Amazon and Barnes & Noble soon after. Local bookstores will be able to order copies via their normal procedures, and readers can request this. The book itself will be softbound with a full color high-gloss cover. It will be industry standard 6" by 9". Final page count is not available at this time. Retail cost will be approx. $12.00 to $15.00 USD depending on final page count.
  16. On July 30th at Noon ET I will release the eBook version of "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation". It will be in industry standard format, and available directly through my publisher, on Barnes & Noble and other outlets. The eBook will retail at $2.00. And that will complete the release cycle. There is a countdown timer to release day on the website for "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation" see URL below.
  18. There will be free press copies distributed prior to publication. Select media outlets and individual journalists may request a complimentary PDF of "American Gestapo: The True History And Purpose Of The Federal Bureau Of Investigation" for review purposes directly from the author (me) under special pre-publication license.
  21. Twitter: @CommanderXanon
  23. Main Website:
  25. Book Website:
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