
Anomalous Activity

Mar 21st, 2015
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  1. 9 13-21-19-20 19-16-5-1-11 9-14 3-15-4-5 15-18 18-9-19-11 2-5-9-14-7 4-9-19-3-15-22-5-18-5-4
  3. Beyond the Threshold. Across the Borders. Crossing the Event Horizon. Similar phrases, that represent the same idea. Taking down the boundaries separating one world from the next, whatever that entails. It is a very metaphysical concept, not limited to basic things like life and death. That's the point, an existence without limits besides your own creativity. Yes, creativity is a powerful force, as it is what begets ideas. And ideas are the most powerful things I've come to know in my long life. You can do some pretty incredible stuff with just one, which is something I've learned while watching Them. They're such fragile creatures, but once they've got an idea into their heads, they pursue it with an admirable fervor. It is this quality in Them that drew me here, to this place, Earth.
  5. 25-15-21 13-9-7-8-20 19-1-25 20-8-1-20 20-8-9-19 9-19 14-15-20 18-5-1-12
  7. I have had to be exceptionally careful while I've been here. There are other forces at work, forces I must be wary of. A drawn out confrontation would do nothing but hamper me and possibly set me back years. No, there are rules in place. The Powers That Be want things nice and orderly, setting up the boundaries in order to keep them so. To someone like me who goes beyond though, I imagine I would not be well liked. Therefore, I can't just manifest right then and there. That would just be ridiculous, though possibly humourous in the short term. No, instead I must be subtle. So I bet you're asking me: How I am to proceed? What tools would I use to get a foothold on that rock? The answer should be immediately obvious. Just consider what I said earlier: You start with an idea.
  9. 20-8-1-20 9 1-13 10-21-19-20 20-18-1-16-16-5-4 9-14 8-9-19 8-5-1-4
  11. What I had to consider first, was securing a vessel. Just making one would rustle too many feathers, due to being an unnaturally made object foreign to the creators of this place. So I figure, why not just use Them? With their capacities for pursuing an idea, I could get what I wanted easily. All it would take was time, something I had in vast abundance. And so I plant the seed. It was a simple idea, "To make something great". I placed the idea into the mind of what would become, a man of science. I couldn't be specific of course, otherwise the man might have rejected the notion. For some reason They like to dream vaguely. Maybe they're attracted to the potential in such things. I know not. They also are more susceptible to suggestion in their younger years. I guess it takes time for their minds to develop. After extensive testing on what kinds of seeds could be planted and when, I can at least safely say that's how it works here. In any case, the seed was planted and all I needed to do, was wait.
  13. 2-21-20 9 23-9-12-12 14-15-20 2-5 19-20-15-16-16-5-4
  15. To be honest, I was surprised at how the idea flourished. The man had advanced exceptionally in his robotics field, and I would soon have a vessel. Unfortunately I ran into an issue. It appears that I had pushed the man a bit too hard, so there was a bad bit of business where my efforts were almost in vain. That was my fault, as there was a chance that a machine would have been wearing my vessel, and I needed to ensure that that wouldn't happen. Thankfully, the man took the time to make sure his work could be continued if for some reason he was unable to do so. Good ol' Albert. Anyways, through some more subtle manipulations, I was able to secure the vessel. Admittedly it wasn't particularly something I'd have come up with myself, but I found that it grew on me as time wore on. But still, that's how I found myself at Fred Bear's Family Diner.
  17. 9-14 20-8-5 18-5-1-12 23-15-18-12-4 9 1-13 10-21-19-20 1-14 9-4-5-1
  19. With my foothold secure, the next thing I needed to do was to cast out a network for me to traverse. This was necessary as it's hard to pinpoint a moving target, and I wanted my vessel to have the most mobility that it could. Now that I had this vessel, I could tie together any two points that featured its image, allowing me to cross great swathes of space (well relative to Them at least) with it in an instant. I always found it humourous, the little sound it made. A small popping noise. In any case, my goal was to spread my image as far as possible. This would be why I would stay at Fred Bear's. Through them, I pushed forward a giant advertising and marketing campaign. A bit too much of one some might say, as they then didn't have much money left for the actual diner. So it remained one of those one big room sort of restaurants. In any case, once again all I had to do was wait to get what I wanted.
  21. 23-8-9-3-8 13-5-1-14-19 9 8-1-22-5 12-9-13-9-20-12-5-19-19 16-15-20-5-14-20-9-1-12 6-15-18 7-18-15-23-20-8
  23. Securing the network was the final thing I had wanted in place. It was at this point that I could begin making more in depth experiments. With a proper vessel, I could influence to much higher degrees without being suspected as anything more than a simple ghost. The powers that be would chalk it up to one of Them being unable to move on (as so many of Them are wont to do) and would leave things be. I guess their creators have a no interference policy when it comes to matters regarding Them. As long as I didn't do anything that changed their outlook of me from one of Them to something more, I could do as I pleased basically. And I abused the hell out of that. I began experimenting, and They were the perfect guinea pigs. I loved to cause certain scenarios to play out, just to see what would happen. It was a never ending source of entertainment. One such scenario, was a test on the psyche. I had wanted to see if it were possible that one of Them could be broken in just one day. Turns out it could be done. Just as I had found with Alberto, I found that when one of Them breaks mentally, they usually focus inward. They go to a deep dark place in the recesses of their minds. Eventually, they gaze into my domain. And when one of Them does, I'd gaze right back.
  25. 19-15 9 1-13 3-15-13-9-14-7
  27. This man, the man I broke, he was a simple man of simple tastes. I don't know what they were though, I'm just assuming since as one of Them, he'd be simple. Anyways, as a result of the brief connection we had made, he changed. His thoughts grew very destructive. I guess it's rude of me just to refer to him without name. What was his name anyways? I don't think I paid that much attention to who he was, just what he did, and only occasionally at that. I would usually grow bored of experiments after their completion, and he was no exception. I only remembered Aldrich's name because he was a milestone. Instead, I paid much more attention to someone else, another one of Them at the diner. This time, the one who intrigued me was a young girl. This girl's name, was Lynette. She was a very determined girl. Despite the hand that life had dealt her (and it was one I actually had nothing to do with), she persevered. She never gave up, and made the most of her situation. This was a girl who'd never break, a shining example of what one of Them could be like. And then the Broken Man killed her. Oh, the Broken Man. That's a good name. I'll just call him that from now on. Moving on. His actions had tossed a bit of a wrench into my setup. But at the same time, it provided me with an avenue for another experiment. Lynette could have moved on, but the Broken Man had an effect on her I hadn't expected. Now she was broken too. She couldn't move on, oh no, she wanted to stay. She wanted to stop the Broken Man from hurting anyone else. This intrigued me greatly, so I led her to a vessel she could use to do with as she pleased.
  29. 10-21-19-20 25-15-21 23-1-9-20
  31. Lynette learned things surprisingly quickly. It is always amazing to me what one of Them are capable of, even after one has gone beyond the threshold. And she was a natural. Her mind's ability to adapt was truly exceptional, and all-in-all it was a fantastic experiment. One thing that hadn't changed however, was her luck. When the time came, she was too late to stop the Broken Man from ruining the lives of five more of Them. Just like with Lynette originally, I probably could have stopped the Broken Man. It was certainly within my power at least. However, since he acted during the day, any actions on my part ran the risk of blowing my cover as a ghost. Mainly because I hadn't been using it long enough where it would be reasonable to think I were a powerful enough ghost to act during the day. And so I deemed it not worth the risk just like before. It also didn't help that the cheeky bastard used my vessel at the time to carry out his misdeeds. Possessing him would have left a mark, which would have made it clear that I wasn't just some ghost. So I didn't act. The five were simple kids, just like Lynette, though they lacked her will. She took charge quickly enough though, doing as I once did for her, giving vessels, allowing for them to cross the threshold as well. Well, most of them. One of the five was to use my vessel, but I wasn't having any of that. I allowed the child use of my vessel's image, but nothing more. It would have to be enough.
  33. 1-6-20-5-18 1-12-12
  35. With some tutoring from Lynette, the five learned how to harness their new forms fairly well. I say that, but it's more that they can manipulate their vessels to some degree. Due to their vessels not being empty at the time (being occupied by machinery) they're forced to act within the constrains of how the occupant's are. But at least it was enough for her to attempt to get what she wanted. However, they could not hunt down the Broken Man, as they did not have access to my network, so they couldn't leave the establishment their vessels were tied to. Nor was it possible for me to give them such, as at the end of the day, they were still one of Them. It was beyond the likes of Them (even ones beyond the threshold) for the time being. Still too inexperienced. At the same time, the five's (I guess I mean four's) vessels themselves couldn't leave the establishment either. On top of that, there were even some places within the building that their vessels couldn't go. Lynette eventually hid herself away, due to growing restless from not finding the Broken Man. Unfortunately, this caused the other five of Them to deteriorate. They even started attacking others at night, as they began to perceive anyone that was in the same job as the Broken Man had been, as the Broken Man himself.
  37. 9-20'19 13-5
  39. If this went on for too much longer, it would draw too much attention. Seven more powerful than usual ghosts in one place? The powers that be would definitely investigate something like that. I would have to step in, and try to placate them. The first thing I'll have to do is to separate them from their vessels. Which means I'll need to hope they've had a lasting effect on the machines, giving them sort of sentience I can reach out to. I don't have a lot of time, so I'll have to start with a large shock. I think I'll have to be the one to kill their next target instead of letting them do so. I figure if I do it in a big way, that will be the shock I'll need. After that, I guess I'll go from there. An interesting role I'll have to play, but I'll do it all the same. Let the next experiment, begin.
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