
Streaming setup

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. So a lot of people ask me about my streaming setup and it's kind hard to explain so I decided to type this up. Hopefully this will explain how I go about streaming.
  3. First off, I use 2 computers to stream. One is a laptop and one is a desktop.
  5. Computer 1 (bad laptop)
  6. - Good audio codec (I use it to cancel out background noise and static)
  7. - Good keyboard (all keys are perfect and don't require any hard presses to work)
  8. - Good signal to my internet (I maintain 4 out of 5 bars on this laptop)
  10. Computer 2 (good desktop)
  11. - Bad audio codec (literally nothing but static)
  12. - Bad keyboard (uses a Windows 98 keyboard, USB ones don't respond)
  13. - Has to be plugged in to connect (Not wireless adapter in the computer, just an Ethernet adapter)
  15. Technically I use 3 computers to stream. One of them is another moderate laptop that runs my bot (Mhfsonia) and is used for internet sharing with my desktop through Ethernet due to it lacking a wireless adapter.
  17. I use my laptop to speak. My mic is plugged into my laptop and it is where my commentary comes from
  18. I use the desktop to stream my Dazzle
  19. I use OBS and direct video capture for my Dazzle, I do not use Amarec
  20. I use Virtual Audio Cable to get my Dazzle's audio on OBS
  21. Virtual Audio Cable is set as the mic in OBS so my game audio comes through with a second of delay
  22. If my stream drops at any point, I lose game audio due to my Dazzle's capture pin being reset from "audio line in" which is needed for VAC to work as the driver
  23. I use Mumble and a server I made to send my commentary to my desktop, commentary comes through with a few miliseconds of delay
  25. Now you understand how I stream. If there are any in depth questions, feel free to ask.
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